AreaOccupancyEstimator | A strategy that estimates a grid cell's occupancy based on how a laser beam passes through the cell |
AvgTinyCell | The grid cell's model updates probabilities as an average value |
BaseTinyCell | The grid cell's model presented in the original tinySLAM paper |
Beam | |
CellOccupancyEstimator | |
ConstOccupancyEstimator | ConstEstimator is responsible for the occupancy estimation strategy that returns probability of being occupied for a cell depending only on the cell status predicted by a sensor |
DiscreteLine2D | Defines a line segment on a plane |
DiscretePoint2D | Defines a point with integer coordinates on a plane |
GridCell | The base class for GridMap's cell that defines a model of occupancy tracking |
GridCellFactory | The base class for factories that encapsulate creation of a specific cell (The Factory method pattern is applied) |
GridCellStrategy | A container for strategies specific to a grid cell model |
GridMap | An occupancy grid implementation |
GridMapParams | |
GridScanMatcher | Class that matches scans. Performes a scan adjustment by altering a robot pose in order to maximize the correspondence between a scan and a grid map; the rule of correspondence computation is defined in ScanCostEstimator subclasses |
GridScanMatcherObserver | Interface of scan matcher observer |
AreaOccupancyEstimator::Intersection | |
LaserScanGridWorld | Tracks a robots perception of an environment. The environment is represented by a GridMap; A laser scan with transformation is expected as a sensor data |
LaserScanObserver | Class responsibilities: observes laser scans and odometry; converts ROS structures to internal representation |
MapParams | |
MonteCarloScanMatcher | Scan Matcher based on the Monte Carlo method. The focus of the scan matcher is to compare a scan and a built map; in this class the method of scan comparison is performed by comparing corresponding scan costs |
Occupancy | |
PoseScanMatcherObserver | Derived class from GridScanMatcherObserver to publish the robot pose |
AreaOccupancyEstimator::Ray | |
Rectangle | Defines an axis-aligned rectangle |
RobotState | Defines a robot position in cartesian coordinates and an angle of rotation |
RvizGridViewer | The class publishes information about robot's map and location in ROS-compatible format so it can be shown by rviz |
ScanCostEstimator | Interface of Estimator of Scan Cost. Cost - is a number that complies to a scan; the lower cost the better scan |
ScanPoint | Contains a point in polar coordinates and a state whether it is occupied |
TinyAvgCellFactory | A strategy creates cells with the average probability calculation rule (AvgTinyCell) |
TinyBaseCellFactory | A strategy creates cells of the base tiny model (BaseTinyCell) |
TinyScanCostEstimator | An implementation of the scan cost function described in the original tinySLAM paper |
TinyScanMatcher | The scan matcher based on the Monte Carlo simulation |
TinySlamFascade | The TinySLAM access point. SLAM users are supposed to work with it |
TinyWorld | The class implements the tinySLAM-specific map update logic |
TinyWorldParams | A container for the following tinySLAM parameters: TODO: params description |
TopicObserver< MType > | The base class which subclasses convert laser scan and odometry data ROS structures to internal data structure |
TopicWithTransform< MsgType > | This class synchronizes the transform and odometry |
TransformedLaserScan | Framework internal representation of a laser scan |
World< ObservationType, MapType > |