Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
swri_transform_util::IdentityTransformSpecialization of swri_transform_util::TransformImpl that represents the identity transform
swri_transform_util::LocalXyWgs84UtilUtility class for converting between WGS84 lat/lon and an ortho-rectified LocalXY coordinate system
swri_transform_util::TfToUtmTransformClass to implement transformation from TF to UTM
swri_transform_util::TfToWgs84TransformSpecialization of TransformImpl for transforming from TF to WGS84
swri_transform_util::TfTransformSpecialization of swri_transform_util::TransformImpl that performs TF transformation
swri_transform_util::TransformAn abstraction of the tf::Transform class to support transforms in addition to the rigid transforms supported by tf
swri_transform_util::TransformerA base class for transformers
swri_transform_util::TransformImplBase class for Transform implementations
swri_transform_util::TransformManagerWrapper around tf::TransformListener to support non-TF transforms
swri_transform_util::UtmUtil::UtmDataThe actual UTM conversion processing takes place in this helper class, which is a singleton due to the large memory footprint of the underlying PROJ.4 projections library structures
swri_transform_util::UtmToTfTransformClass to implement transformation from UTM to TF
swri_transform_util::UtmToWgs84TransformClass to implement transformation from UTM to WGS84
swri_transform_util::UtmTransformerInstantiation of Transformer to handle transforms to/from UTM
swri_transform_util::UtmUtilUtility class for converting between latitude/longitude and UTM
swri_transform_util::Wgs84ToTfTransformSpecialization of TransformImpl for transforming from WGS84 to TF
swri_transform_util::Wgs84ToUtmTransformClass to implement transformation from WGS84 to UTM

Author(s): Marc Alban
autogenerated on Tue Oct 3 2017 03:19:48