Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "transform_graph/transform.h"
00003 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
00005 namespace transform_graph {
00006 TEST(TestTransform, TestDefaultIsIdentity) {
00007   Transform t;
00008   Eigen::Matrix4d expected;
00009   // clang-format off
00010   expected << 1, 0, 0, 0,
00011               0, 1, 0, 0,
00012               0, 0, 1, 0,
00013               0, 0, 0, 1;
00014   // clang-format on
00015   EXPECT_TRUE(expected.isApprox(t.matrix(), 0.000001));
00016 }
00018 TEST(TestTransform, TestIdentity) {
00019   Transform t = Transform::Identity();
00020   Eigen::Matrix4d expected;
00021   // clang-format off
00022   expected << 1, 0, 0, 0,
00023               0, 1, 0, 0,
00024               0, 0, 1, 0,
00025               0, 0, 0, 1;
00026   // clang-format on
00027   EXPECT_TRUE(expected.isApprox(t.matrix(), 0.000001));
00028 }
00030 TEST(TestTransform, TestPosOri) {
00031   transform_graph::Position pos(10, 5, 0);
00032   Eigen::Matrix3d rot;
00033   // clang-format off
00034   rot << 0.86603, -0.5,     0,
00035          0.5,      0.86603, 0,
00036          0,        0,       1;
00037   // clang-format on
00038   transform_graph::Orientation ori(rot);
00039   Transform t(pos, ori);
00041   Eigen::Matrix4d expected;
00042   // clang-format off
00043   expected << 0.86603, -0.5,     0, 10,
00044               0.5,      0.86603, 0, 5,
00045               0,        0,       1, 0,
00046               0,        0,       0, 1;
00047   // clang-format on
00048   EXPECT_TRUE(expected.isApprox(t.matrix(), 0.00001));
00049 }
00051 TEST(TestTransform, TestTfTransform) {
00052   // clang-format off
00053   tf::Matrix3x3 rot(0.86603, -0.5,     0,
00054                     0.5,      0.86603, 0,
00055                     0,        0,       1);
00056   // clang-format on
00057   tf::Vector3 pos(10, 5, 0);
00058   tf::Transform trans(rot, pos);
00059   Transform t(trans);
00061   Eigen::Matrix4d expected;
00062   // clang-format off
00063   expected << 0.86603, -0.5,     0, 10,
00064               0.5,      0.86603, 0, 5,
00065               0,        0,       1, 0,
00066               0,        0,       0, 1;
00067   // clang-format on
00068   EXPECT_TRUE(expected.isApprox(t.matrix(), 0.000001));
00069 }
00071 TEST(TestTransform, TestGeometryMsgsPose) {
00072   geometry_msgs::Pose pose;
00073   pose.orientation.w = 0.96592702;
00074   pose.orientation.x = 0;
00075   pose.orientation.y = 0;
00076   pose.orientation.z = 0.25881873;
00077   pose.position.x = 10;
00078   pose.position.y = 5;
00079   Transform t(pose);
00081   Eigen::Matrix4d expected;
00082   // clang-format off
00083   expected << 0.86603, -0.5,     0, 10,
00084               0.5,      0.86603, 0, 5,
00085               0,        0,       1, 0,
00086               0,        0,       0, 1;
00087   // clang-format on
00088   EXPECT_TRUE(expected.isApprox(t.matrix(), 0.000001));
00089 }
00091 TEST(TestTransform, TestEigenAffine) {
00092   Eigen::Matrix4d input;
00093   // clang-format off
00094   input << 0.86603, -0.5,     0, 10,
00095            0.5,      0.86603, 0, 5,
00096            0,        0,       1, 0,
00097            0,        0,       0, 1;
00098   // clang-format on
00099   Eigen::Affine3d affine(input);
00100   Transform t(affine);
00101   Eigen::Matrix4d expected;
00102   // clang-format off
00103   expected << 0.86603, -0.5,     0, 10,
00104               0.5,      0.86603, 0, 5,
00105               0,        0,       1, 0,
00106               0,        0,       0, 1;
00107   // clang-format on
00108   EXPECT_TRUE(expected.isApprox(t.matrix(), 0.000001));
00109 }
00111 TEST(TestTransform, TestEigenMatrix) {
00112   Eigen::Matrix4d input;
00113   // clang-format off
00114   input << 0.86603, -0.5,     0, 10,
00115            0.5,      0.86603, 0, 5,
00116            0,        0,       1, 0,
00117            0,        0,       0, 1;
00118   // clang-format on
00119   Transform t(input);
00120   Eigen::Matrix4d expected;
00121   // clang-format off
00122   expected << 0.86603, -0.5,     0, 10,
00123               0.5,      0.86603, 0, 5,
00124               0,        0,       1, 0,
00125               0,        0,       0, 1;
00126   // clang-format on
00127   EXPECT_TRUE(expected.isApprox(t.matrix(), 0.000001));
00128 }
00130 TEST(TestTransform, TestInverse) {
00131   Eigen::Matrix4d input;
00132   // clang-format off
00133   input << 0.866, -0.5,  0, 4,
00134            0.5,   0.866, 0, 3,
00135            0,     0,     1, 0,
00136            0,     0,     0, 1;
00137   // clang-format on
00138   Transform t(input);
00139   Eigen::Matrix4d expected;
00140   // clang-format off
00141   expected <<  0.866, 0.5,   0, -4.964,
00142               -0.5,   0.866, 0, -0.598,
00143                0,     0,     1,  0,
00144                0,     0,     0,  1;
00145   // clang-format on
00146   EXPECT_TRUE(expected.isApprox(t.inverse().matrix(), 0.0001));
00147 }
00148 }  // namespace transform_graph
00150 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
00151   testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
00152   return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
00153 }

autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 19:23:43