Todo List
Member KdlTreeTr::getCenterJointsTask (const KDL::JntArray &joints_in)
hunt down this nan problem
Member KdlTreeTr::getJointPositions (const KDL::JntArray &joints_in, const std::vector< std::string > &nodeNames, const std::vector< KDL::Frame > &nodeFrames, KDL::JntArray &joints_out, const std::vector< NodePriority > &nodePriorities)

do this in the loop, but that requires adjusting the desired setpoint by the same factor limitJoints

output the maximum difference between desired pose and reconstructed pose and pass that back or add an additional "accuracy" input for each task which will cause this to throw if it is not achieved

Member KdlTreeTr::getOrderedTasksByPriority (const KDL::JntArray &joints_in)

This is not very efficient because the matrices and vectors get resized at every iteration, really, it only needs to be resized when we create the maps....

Remove items that have a priority of IGNORE

Member KdlTreeTr::getTaskReconstruction (const KDL::JntArray &joints_in, KDL::JntArray &joint_deltas)
add optimization to push null space solution toward the middle of the joint's range
Member KdlTreeTr::limitJoints (const KDL::JntArray &joints_in, KDL::JntArray &joints_out, KDL::JntArray &delta_joints)
Pull this value from class safety files (JointLimBuffer)
Member RosMsgGainCalculator::storeGainProperties ()
do this in a better way
Member RosMsgJointTrajectoryFactory::getTrajectory (const sensor_msgs::JointState &jointPositions, const sensor_msgs::JointState &jointVels, const sensor_msgs::JointState &prevJointVels, const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory &goalTraj)
this may limit wrists too much

autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:20:54