Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import re
00002 from threading import Thread
00003 import rospy
00004 import rostopic
00005 import time
00006 from BAL.Handlers.keepAliveHandler import KeepAliveHandler
00007 from BAL.Header.Requests.PublishRequest import PublishRequest
00008 from BAL.Header.Response.ParamBuildResponse import GPS
00010 __author__ = 'tom1231'
00011 from rospy import Publisher
00012 from sensor_msgs.msg import NavSatFix
00013 from BAL.Interfaces.Device import Device
00015 GPS_WD_TIMEOUT = 300
00017 class RiCGPS(Device):
00018     def __init__(self, param, output):
00019         Device.__init__(self, param.getGpsName(), output)
00020         self._frameId = param.getGpsFrameId()
00021         self._pub = Publisher('%s' % self._name, NavSatFix, queue_size=param.getGpsPubHz())
00022         self._haveRightToPublish = False
00023         self._old_fix = 0
00024         self._wd = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
00025         KeepAliveHandler(self._name, NavSatFix)
00027     def publish(self, data):
00028         now = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
00029         msg = NavSatFix()
00030         msg.header.frame_id = self._frameId
00031         msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
00032         msg.latitude = data.getLat()
00033         msg.longitude = data.getLng()
00034         msg.altitude = data.getMeters()
00035         cur_fix =  data.getFix()
00036         #print cur_fix
00037         if  (cur_fix != self._old_fix):
00038             msg.status.status = 0
00039             self._old_fix = cur_fix
00040             self._wd = now
00041         elif (now - self._wd) < GPS_WD_TIMEOUT:
00042             msg.status.status = 0
00043         else:
00044             msg.status.status = -1
00045         msg.position_covariance_type = 1
00046         msg.position_covariance[0] = data.getHDOP() * data.getHDOP()
00047         msg.position_covariance[4] = data.getHDOP() * data.getHDOP()
00048         msg.position_covariance[8] = 4 * data.getHDOP() * data.getHDOP()
00049         msg.status.service = 1
00050         self._pub.publish(msg)
00052     def getType(self): return GPS
00054     def checkForSubscribers(self):
00055         try:
00056             subCheck = re.search('Subscribers:.*', rostopic.get_info_text(self._pub.name)).group(0).split(': ')[1]
00058             if not self._haveRightToPublish and subCheck == '':
00059                 self._output.write(PublishRequest(GPS, 0, True).dataTosend())
00060                 self._haveRightToPublish = True
00062             elif self._haveRightToPublish and subCheck == 'None':
00063                 self._output.write(PublishRequest(GPS, 0, False).dataTosend())
00064                 self._haveRightToPublish = False
00065         except: pass

Author(s): RoboTiCan
autogenerated on Fri Oct 27 2017 03:02:31