Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractControllerExecution Class Reference

The AbstractControllerExecution class loads and binds the controller plugin. It contains a thread running the plugin in a cycle to move the robot. An internal state is saved and will be pulled by server, to monitor controller execution. Due to a state change it wakes up all threads connected to the condition variable. More...

#include <abstract_controller_execution.h>

Inheritance diagram for mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractControllerExecution:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  ControllerState {
 Internal states. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< AbstractControllerExecution

Public Member Functions

 AbstractControllerExecution (const std::string name, const mbf_abstract_core::AbstractController::Ptr &controller_ptr, const ros::Publisher &vel_pub, const ros::Publisher &goal_pub, const TFPtr &tf_listener_ptr, const MoveBaseFlexConfig &config, boost::function< void()> setup_fn, boost::function< void()> cleanup_fn)
virtual bool cancel ()
 Cancel the planner execution. This calls the cancel method of the planner plugin. This could be useful if the computation takes too much time.
ros::Time getLastPluginCallTime ()
 Returns the time of the last plugin call.
ControllerState getState ()
 Return the current state of the controller execution. Thread communication safe.
geometry_msgs::TwistStamped getVelocityCmd ()
 Returns the last velocity command calculated by the plugin. Set by setVelocityCmd method. Note that it doesn't need to be a valid command sent to the robot, as we report also failed calls to the plugin on controller action feedback.
bool isMoving ()
 Returns whether the robot should normally move or not. True if the controller seems to work properly.
bool isPatienceExceeded ()
 Checks whether the patience duration time has been exceeded, ot not.
void reconfigure (const MoveBaseFlexConfig &config)
 Is called by the server thread to reconfigure the controller execution, if a user uses dynamic reconfigure to reconfigure the current state.
bool setControllerFrequency (double frequency)
 Sets the controller frequency.
void setNewPlan (const std::vector< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > &plan)
 Sets a new plan to the controller execution.
virtual bool start ()
 Starts the controller, a valid plan should be given in advance.
virtual ~AbstractControllerExecution ()

Static Public Attributes

static const double DEFAULT_CONTROLLER_FREQUENCY = 100.0

Protected Member Functions

virtual uint32_t computeVelocityCmd (const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &pose, const geometry_msgs::TwistStamped &velocity, geometry_msgs::TwistStamped &vel_cmd, std::string &message)
 Request plugin for a new velocity command, given the current position, orientation, and velocity of the robot. We use this virtual method to give concrete implementations as move_base the chance to override it and do additional stuff, for example locking the costmap.
virtual void run ()
 The main run method, a thread will execute this method. It contains the main controller execution loop.
void setVelocityCmd (const geometry_msgs::TwistStamped &vel_cmd_stamped)
 Sets the velocity command, to make it available for another thread.

Protected Attributes

mbf_abstract_core::AbstractController::Ptr controller_
 the local planer to calculate the velocity command
ros::Time last_call_time_
 The current cycle start time of the last cycle run. Will by updated each cycle.
int max_retries_
 The maximum number of retries.
ros::Duration patience_
 The time / duration of patience, before changing the state.
std::string plugin_name_
 the name of the loaded plugin
ros::Time start_time_
 The time the controller has been started.
const TFPtrtf_listener_ptr
 shared pointer to the shared tf listener

Private Member Functions

bool computeRobotPose ()
 Computes the robot pose;.
< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > 
getNewPlan ()
 Gets the new available plan. This method is thread safe.
bool hasNewPlan ()
 Returns true if a new plan is available, false otherwise! A new plan is set by another thread!
void publishZeroVelocity ()
bool reachedGoalCheck ()
 Checks whether the goal has been reached in the range of tolerance or not.
void setState (ControllerState state)
 Sets the controller state. This method makes the communication of the state thread safe.

Private Attributes

double angle_tolerance_
 angle tolerance to the given goal pose
boost::chrono::microseconds calling_duration_
 the duration which corresponds with the controller frequency.
boost::mutex configuration_mutex_
 dynamic reconfigure config mutex, thread safe param reading and writing
ros::Publisher current_goal_pub_
 publisher for the current goal
double dist_tolerance_
 distance tolerance to the given goal pose
std::string global_frame_
 the global frame the robot is controlling in.
boost::mutex lct_mtx_
 mutex to handle safe thread communication for the last plugin call time
bool mbf_tolerance_check_
 whether move base flex should check for the goal tolerance or not.
bool moving_
 main controller loop variable, true if the controller is running, false otherwise
bool new_plan_
 true, if a new plan is available. See hasNewPlan()!
< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > 
 the last set plan which is currently processed by the controller
boost::mutex plan_mtx_
 mutex to handle safe thread communication for the current plan
std::string robot_frame_
 the frame of the robot, which will be used to determine its position.
geometry_msgs::PoseStamped robot_pose_
 current robot pose;
AbstractControllerExecution::ControllerState state_
 the current controller state
boost::mutex state_mtx_
 mutex to handle safe thread communication for the current value of the state
double tf_timeout_
 time before a timeout used for tf requests
boost::mutex vel_cmd_mtx_
 mutex to handle safe thread communication for the current velocity command
geometry_msgs::TwistStamped vel_cmd_stamped_
 the last calculated velocity command
ros::Publisher vel_pub_
 publisher for the current velocity command

Detailed Description

The AbstractControllerExecution class loads and binds the controller plugin. It contains a thread running the plugin in a cycle to move the robot. An internal state is saved and will be pulled by server, to monitor controller execution. Due to a state change it wakes up all threads connected to the condition variable.

Definition at line 76 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 82 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Internal states.


Controller has been initialized successfully.


Controller has been started.


Executing the plugin.


The controller has been started without a plan.


Exceeded the maximum number of retries without a valid command.


Exceeded the patience time without a valid command.


Received an empty plan.


Received an invalid plan that the controller plugin rejected.


Received no velocity command by the plugin, in the current cycle.


Got a valid velocity command from the plugin.


The robot arrived the goal.


The controller has been canceled.


The controller has been stopped!


An internal error occurred.

Definition at line 127 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractControllerExecution::AbstractControllerExecution ( const std::string  name,
const mbf_abstract_core::AbstractController::Ptr controller_ptr,
const ros::Publisher vel_pub,
const ros::Publisher goal_pub,
const TFPtr tf_listener_ptr,
const MoveBaseFlexConfig &  config,
boost::function< void()>  setup_fn,
boost::function< void()>  cleanup_fn 


conditionThread sleep condition variable, to wake up connected threads
controller_plugin_typeThe plugin type associated with the plugin to load
tf_listener_ptrShared pointer to a common tf listener

Definition at line 49 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.


Definition at line 78 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Cancel the planner execution. This calls the cancel method of the planner plugin. This could be useful if the computation takes too much time.

true, if the planner plugin tries / tried to cancel the planning step.

Implements mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractExecutionBase.

Definition at line 235 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

Computes the robot pose;.

true if the robot pose has been computed successfully, false otherwise.

Definition at line 162 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

uint32_t mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractControllerExecution::computeVelocityCmd ( const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &  pose,
const geometry_msgs::TwistStamped &  velocity,
geometry_msgs::TwistStamped &  vel_cmd,
std::string &  message 
) [protected, virtual]

Request plugin for a new velocity command, given the current position, orientation, and velocity of the robot. We use this virtual method to give concrete implementations as move_base the chance to override it and do additional stuff, for example locking the costmap.

posethe current pose of the robot.
velocitythe current velocity of the robot.
cmd_velWill be filled with the velocity command to be passed to the robot base.
messageOptional more detailed outcome as a string.
Result code as described on ExePath action result and plugin's header.

Definition at line 180 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

Returns the time of the last plugin call.

Time of the last plugin call

Definition at line 208 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

std::vector< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractControllerExecution::getNewPlan ( ) [private]

Gets the new available plan. This method is thread safe.

The plan

Definition at line 154 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

Return the current state of the controller execution. Thread communication safe.

current state, enum value of ControllerState

Definition at line 127 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

Returns the last velocity command calculated by the plugin. Set by setVelocityCmd method. Note that it doesn't need to be a valid command sent to the robot, as we report also failed calls to the plugin on controller action feedback.

The last valid velocity command.

Definition at line 201 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

Returns true if a new plan is available, false otherwise! A new plan is set by another thread!

true, if a new plan has been set, false otherwise.

Definition at line 147 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

Returns whether the robot should normally move or not. True if the controller seems to work properly.

true, if the robot should normally move, false otherwise

Definition at line 222 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

Checks whether the patience duration time has been exceeded, ot not.

true, if the patience has been exceeded.

Definition at line 215 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

publishes a velocity command with zero values to stop the robot.

Definition at line 409 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

Checks whether the goal has been reached in the range of tolerance or not.

true if the goal has been reached, false otherwise

Definition at line 227 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

void mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractControllerExecution::reconfigure ( const MoveBaseFlexConfig &  config)

Is called by the server thread to reconfigure the controller execution, if a user uses dynamic reconfigure to reconfigure the current state.

configMoveBaseFlexConfig object

Definition at line 94 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

The main run method, a thread will execute this method. It contains the main controller execution loop.

Implements mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractExecutionBase.

Definition at line 249 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

Sets the controller frequency.

frequencyThe controller frequency
true, if the controller frequency has been changed / set succesfully, false otherwise

Definition at line 82 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

void mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractControllerExecution::setNewPlan ( const std::vector< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > &  plan)

Sets a new plan to the controller execution.

planA vector of stamped poses.

Definition at line 133 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

Sets the controller state. This method makes the communication of the state thread safe.

stateThe current controller state.

Definition at line 119 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

void mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractControllerExecution::setVelocityCmd ( const geometry_msgs::TwistStamped &  vel_cmd_stamped) [protected]

Sets the velocity command, to make it available for another thread.

vel_cmd_stampedcurrent velocity command

Definition at line 189 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

Starts the controller, a valid plan should be given in advance.

false if the thread is already running, true if starting the controller succeeded!

Reimplemented from mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractExecutionBase.

Definition at line 107 of file abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

angle tolerance to the given goal pose

Definition at line 332 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

the duration which corresponds with the controller frequency.

Definition at line 299 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

dynamic reconfigure config mutex, thread safe param reading and writing

Definition at line 320 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

the local planer to calculate the velocity command

Definition at line 217 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

publisher for the current goal

Definition at line 311 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

Definition at line 80 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

distance tolerance to the given goal pose

Definition at line 329 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

the global frame the robot is controlling in.

Definition at line 305 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

The current cycle start time of the last cycle run. Will by updated each cycle.

Definition at line 223 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

mutex to handle safe thread communication for the last plugin call time

Definition at line 275 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

The maximum number of retries.

Definition at line 229 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

whether move base flex should check for the goal tolerance or not.

Definition at line 326 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

main controller loop variable, true if the controller is running, false otherwise

Definition at line 323 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

true, if a new plan is available. See hasNewPlan()!

Definition at line 278 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

The time / duration of patience, before changing the state.

Definition at line 232 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractControllerExecution::plan_ [private]

the last set plan which is currently processed by the controller

Definition at line 296 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

mutex to handle safe thread communication for the current plan

Definition at line 269 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

the name of the loaded plugin

Definition at line 214 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

the frame of the robot, which will be used to determine its position.

Definition at line 302 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

geometry_msgs::PoseStamped mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractControllerExecution::robot_pose_ [private]

current robot pose;

Definition at line 335 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

The time the controller has been started.

Definition at line 226 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

the current controller state

Definition at line 314 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

mutex to handle safe thread communication for the current value of the state

Definition at line 266 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

shared pointer to the shared tf listener

Definition at line 220 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

time before a timeout used for tf requests

Definition at line 317 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

mutex to handle safe thread communication for the current velocity command

Definition at line 272 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

the last calculated velocity command

Definition at line 293 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

publisher for the current velocity command

Definition at line 308 of file abstract_controller_execution.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Sebastian Pütz
autogenerated on Mon Jun 17 2019 20:11:35