Go to the documentation of this file.
00060 //##################
00061 //#### includes ####
00063 #include <cob_people_detection/detection_tracker_node.h>
00064 #include <munkres/munkres.h>
00066 // standard includes
00067 //--
00069 // ROS includes
00070 #include <ros/ros.h>
00071 #include <ros/package.h>
00073 // ROS message includes
00074 #include <sensor_msgs/Image.h>
00075 #include <cob_perception_msgs/DetectionArray.h>
00077 // services
00078 //#include <cob_people_detection/DetectPeople.h>
00080 // topics
00081 #include <message_filters/subscriber.h>
00082 #include <message_filters/synchronizer.h>
00083 #include <message_filters/sync_policies/approximate_time.h>
00084 #include <image_transport/image_transport.h>
00085 #include <image_transport/subscriber_filter.h>
00087 // opencv
00088 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
00089 #include <cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h>
00090 #include <sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h>
00092 // boost
00093 #include <boost/bind.hpp>
00094 #include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
00096 // external includes
00097 #include "cob_vision_utils/GlobalDefines.h"
00099 // Timer
00100 #include "cob_people_detection/timer.h"
00102 #include <sstream>
00103 #include <string>
00104 #include <vector>
00106 using namespace ipa_PeopleDetector;
00108 DetectionTrackerNode::DetectionTrackerNode(ros::NodeHandle nh) :
00109         node_handle_(nh)
00110 {
00111         it_ = 0;
00112         sync_input_2_ = 0;
00114         // parameters
00115         std::cout << "\n---------------------------\nPeople Detection Parameters:\n---------------------------\n";
00116         node_handle_.param("debug", debug_, false);
00117         std::cout << "debug = " << debug_ << "\n";
00118         node_handle_.param("rosbag_mode", rosbag_mode_, false);
00119         std::cout << "use rosbag mode:  " << rosbag_mode_ << "\n";
00120         node_handle_.param("use_people_segmentation", use_people_segmentation_, true);
00121         std::cout << "use_people_segmentation = " << use_people_segmentation_ << "\n";
00122         node_handle_.param("face_redetection_time", face_redetection_time_, 2.0);
00123         std::cout << "face_redetection_time = " << face_redetection_time_ << "\n";
00124         double publish_currently_not_visible_detections_timespan = face_redetection_time_;
00125         node_handle_.param("publish_currently_not_visible_detections_timespan", publish_currently_not_visible_detections_timespan, face_redetection_time_);
00126         std::cout << "publish_currently_not_visible_detections_timespan = " << publish_currently_not_visible_detections_timespan << "\n";
00127         publish_currently_not_visible_detections_timespan_ = ros::Duration(publish_currently_not_visible_detections_timespan);
00128         node_handle_.param("min_segmented_people_ratio_face", min_segmented_people_ratio_face_, 0.7);
00129         std::cout << "min_segmented_people_ratio_face = " << min_segmented_people_ratio_face_ << "\n";
00130         node_handle_.param("min_segmented_people_ratio_head", min_segmented_people_ratio_head_, 0.2);
00131         std::cout << "min_segmented_people_ratio_head = " << min_segmented_people_ratio_head_ << "\n";
00132         node_handle_.param("tracking_range_m", tracking_range_m_, 0.3);
00133         std::cout << "tracking_range_m = " << tracking_range_m_ << "\n";
00134         node_handle_.param("face_identification_score_decay_rate", face_identification_score_decay_rate_, 0.9);
00135         std::cout << "face_identification_score_decay_rate = " << face_identification_score_decay_rate_ << "\n";
00136         node_handle_.param("min_face_identification_score_to_publish", min_face_identification_score_to_publish_, 0.9);
00137         std::cout << "min_face_identification_score_to_publish = " << min_face_identification_score_to_publish_ << "\n";
00138         node_handle_.param("fall_back_to_unknown_identification", fall_back_to_unknown_identification_, true);
00139         std::cout << "fall_back_to_unknown_identification = " << fall_back_to_unknown_identification_ << "\n";
00140         node_handle_.param("display_timing", display_timing_, false);
00141         std::cout << "display_timing = " << display_timing_ << "\n";
00143         // subscribers
00144         it_ = new image_transport::ImageTransport(node_handle_);
00145         people_segmentation_image_sub_.subscribe(*it_, "people_segmentation_image", 1);
00146         face_position_subscriber_.subscribe(node_handle_, "face_position_array_in", 1);
00148         // input synchronization
00149         sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr nullPtr;
00150         if (use_people_segmentation_ == true)
00151         {
00152                 sync_input_2_ = new message_filters::Synchronizer<message_filters::sync_policies::ApproximateTime<cob_perception_msgs::DetectionArray, sensor_msgs::Image> >(2);
00153                 sync_input_2_->connectInput(face_position_subscriber_, people_segmentation_image_sub_);
00154                 sync_input_2_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&DetectionTrackerNode::inputCallback, this, _1, _2));
00155         }
00156         else
00157         {
00158                 face_position_subscriber_.registerCallback(boost::bind(&DetectionTrackerNode::inputCallback, this, _1, nullPtr));
00159         }
00161         // publishers
00162         face_position_publisher_ = node_handle_.advertise<cob_perception_msgs::DetectionArray>("face_position_array", 1);
00164         std::cout << "DetectionTrackerNode initialized." << std::endl;
00165 }
00167 DetectionTrackerNode::~DetectionTrackerNode()
00168 {
00169         if (it_ != 0)
00170                 delete it_;
00171         if (sync_input_2_ != 0)
00172                 delete sync_input_2_;
00173 }
00176 unsigned long DetectionTrackerNode::convertColorImageMessageToMat(const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr& image_msg, cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr& image_ptr, cv::Mat& image)
00177 {
00178         try
00179         {
00180                 image_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvShare(image_msg, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8);
00181         } catch (cv_bridge::Exception& e)
00182         {
00183                 ROS_ERROR("PeopleDetection: cv_bridge exception: %s", e.what());
00184                 return ipa_Utils::RET_FAILED;
00185         }
00186         image = image_ptr->image;
00188         return ipa_Utils::RET_OK;
00189 }
00197 unsigned long DetectionTrackerNode::copyDetection(const cob_perception_msgs::Detection& src, cob_perception_msgs::Detection& dest, bool update,
00198                 unsigned int updateIndex)
00199 {
00200         // 2D image coordinates
00201         dest.mask.roi.x = src.mask.roi.x;
00202         dest.mask.roi.y = src.mask.roi.y;
00203         dest.mask.roi.width = src.mask.roi.width;
00204         dest.mask.roi.height = src.mask.roi.height;
00206         // 3D world coordinates
00207         //      const geometry_msgs::Point* pointIn = &(src.pose.pose.position);
00208         //      geometry_msgs::Point* pointOut = &(dest.pose.pose.position);
00209         //      pointOut->x = pointIn->x; pointOut->y = pointIn->y; pointOut->z = pointIn->z;
00210         dest.pose.pose = src.pose.pose;
00212         // person ID
00213         if (update == true)
00214         {
00215                 // update label history
00216                 // if (src.label!="No face")
00217                 // {
00218                 if (face_identification_votes_[updateIndex].find(src.label) == face_identification_votes_[updateIndex].end())
00219                         face_identification_votes_[updateIndex][src.label] = 1.0;
00220                 else
00221                         face_identification_votes_[updateIndex][src.label] += 1.0;
00222                 // }
00224                 // apply voting decay with time and find most voted label
00225                 double max_score = 0;
00226                 dest.label = src.label;
00227                 for (std::map<std::string, double>::iterator face_identification_votes_it = face_identification_votes_[updateIndex].begin(); face_identification_votes_it
00228                                 != face_identification_votes_[updateIndex].end(); face_identification_votes_it++)
00229                 {
00230                         // todo: make the decay time-dependend - otherwise faster computing = faster decay. THIS IS ACTUALLY WRONG as true detections occur with same rate as decay -> so computing power only affects response time to a changed situation
00231                         face_identification_votes_it->second *= face_identification_score_decay_rate_;
00232                         std::string label = face_identification_votes_it->first;
00233                         if (face_identification_votes_it->second > max_score && (fall_back_to_unknown_identification_ == true || (label != "Unknown" && fall_back_to_unknown_identification_
00234                                         == false)) && label != "UnknownHead" /*&& label!="No face"*/)
00235                         {
00236                                 max_score = face_identification_votes_it->second;
00237                                 dest.label = label;
00238                         }
00239                 }
00241                 // if the score for the assigned label is higher than the score for UnknownHead increase the score for UnknownHead to the label's score (allows smooth transition if only the head detection is available after recognition)
00242                 if (face_identification_votes_[updateIndex][dest.label] > face_identification_votes_[updateIndex]["UnknownHead"])
00243                         face_identification_votes_[updateIndex]["UnknownHead"] = face_identification_votes_[updateIndex][dest.label];
00244                 if (fall_back_to_unknown_identification_ == false)
00245                 {
00246                         if (face_identification_votes_[updateIndex]["Unknown"] > face_identification_votes_[updateIndex]["UnknownHead"])
00247                                 face_identification_votes_[updateIndex]["UnknownHead"] = face_identification_votes_[updateIndex]["Unknown"];
00248                 }
00249         }
00250         else
00251                 dest.label = src.label;
00253         if (dest.label == "UnknownHead")
00254                 dest.label = "Unknown";
00256         // time stamp, detector (color or range)
00257         // if (update==true)
00258         // {
00259         // if (src.detector=="color") dest.detector = "color";
00260         // }
00261         // else dest.detector = src.detector;
00262         dest.detector = src.detector;
00264         dest.header = src.header;
00266         return ipa_Utils::RET_OK;
00267 }
00269 inline double abs(double x)
00270 {
00271         return ((x < 0) ? -x : x);
00272 }
00277 double DetectionTrackerNode::computeFacePositionDistanceTrackingRange(const cob_perception_msgs::Detection& previous_detection,
00278                 const cob_perception_msgs::Detection& current_detection)
00279 {
00280         const geometry_msgs::Point* point_1 = &(previous_detection.pose.pose.position);
00281         const geometry_msgs::Point* point_2 = &(current_detection.pose.pose.position);
00283         double dx = abs(point_1->x - point_2->x);
00284         double dy = abs(point_1->y - point_2->y);
00285         double dz = abs(point_1->z - point_2->z);
00287         // return a huge distance if the current face position is too far away from the recent
00288         if (dx > tracking_range_m_ || dy > tracking_range_m_ || dz > tracking_range_m_)
00289         {
00290                 // new face position is too distant to recent position
00291                 return DBL_MAX;
00292         }
00294         // return Euclidian distance if both faces are sufficiently close
00295         double dist = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
00296         return dist;
00297 }
00299 double DetectionTrackerNode::computeFacePositionDistance(const cob_perception_msgs::Detection& previous_detection,
00300                 const cob_perception_msgs::Detection& current_detection)
00301 {
00302         const geometry_msgs::Point* point_1 = &(previous_detection.pose.pose.position);
00303         const geometry_msgs::Point* point_2 = &(current_detection.pose.pose.position);
00305         double dx = point_1->x - point_2->x;
00306         double dy = point_1->y - point_2->y;
00307         double dz = point_1->z - point_2->z;
00309         return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
00310 }
00314 unsigned long DetectionTrackerNode::removeMultipleInstancesOfLabel()
00315 {
00316         // check this for each recognized face
00317         for (int i = 0; i < (int)face_position_accumulator_.size(); i++)
00318         {
00319                 // label of this detection
00320                 std::string label = face_position_accumulator_[i].label;
00322                 // check whether this label has multiple occurrences if it is a real name
00323                 if (label != "Unknown" && label != "No face")
00324                 {
00325                         for (int j = 0; j < (int)face_position_accumulator_.size(); j++)
00326                         {
00327                                 if (j == i)
00328                                         continue; // do not check yourself
00330                                 if (face_position_accumulator_[j].label == label)
00331                                 {
00332                                         if (debug_)
00333                                                 std::cout << "face_identification_votes_[i][" << label << "] = " << face_identification_votes_[i][label] << " face_identification_votes_[j][" << label
00334                                                                 << "] = " << face_identification_votes_[j][label] << "\n";
00336                                         // correct this label to Unknown when some other instance has a higher score on this label
00337                                         if (face_identification_votes_[i][label] < face_identification_votes_[j][label])
00338                                         {
00339                                                 face_position_accumulator_[i].label = "Unknown";
00340                                                 // copy score to unknown if it is higher (this enables the display if either the unknown score or label's recognition score were high enough)
00341                                                 if (face_identification_votes_[i][label] > face_identification_votes_[i]["Unknown"])
00342                                                         face_identification_votes_[i]["Unknown"] = face_identification_votes_[i][label];
00343                                         }
00344                                 }
00345                         }
00346                 }
00347         }
00349         return ipa_Utils::RET_OK;
00350 }
00352 unsigned long DetectionTrackerNode::prepareFacePositionMessage(cob_perception_msgs::DetectionArray& face_position_msg_out, ros::Time image_recording_time, std::string frame_id)
00353 {
00354         // publish face positions
00355         std::vector < cob_perception_msgs::Detection > faces_to_publish;
00356         for (int i = 0; i < (int)face_position_accumulator_.size(); i++)
00357         {
00358                 if (debug_)
00359                         std::cout << "'UnknownHead' score: " << face_identification_votes_[i]["UnknownHead"] << " label '" << face_position_accumulator_[i].label << "' score: "
00360                                         << face_identification_votes_[i][face_position_accumulator_[i].label] << " - ";
00361                 if ((face_identification_votes_[i][face_position_accumulator_[i].label] > min_face_identification_score_to_publish_ || face_identification_votes_[i]["UnknownHead"]
00362                                 > min_face_identification_score_to_publish_) && ((image_recording_time - face_position_accumulator_[i].header.stamp)
00363                                 < publish_currently_not_visible_detections_timespan_))
00364                 {
00365                         faces_to_publish.push_back(face_position_accumulator_[i]);
00366                         if (debug_)
00367                                 std::cout << "published\n";
00368                 }
00369                 else if (debug_)
00370                         std::cout << "not published\n";
00371         }
00372         face_position_msg_out.detections = faces_to_publish;
00373         // hack: for WimiCare replace 'Unknown' by '0000'
00374         //        for (int i=0; i<(int)face_position_msg_out.detections.size(); i++)
00375         //        {
00376         //                if (face_position_msg_out.detections[i].label=="Unknown")
00377         //                        face_position_msg_out.detections[i].label = "0000";
00378         //        }
00379         face_position_msg_out.header.stamp = image_recording_time;
00380         face_position_msg_out.header.frame_id = frame_id;
00381         return ipa_Utils::RET_OK;
00382 }
00385 void DetectionTrackerNode::inputCallback(const cob_perception_msgs::DetectionArray::ConstPtr& face_position_msg_in,
00386                 const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr& people_segmentation_image_msg)
00387 {
00388         // todo? make update rates time dependent!
00389         // NOT USEFUL, as true detections occur with same rate as decay -> so computing power only affects response time to a changed situation
00391         //      Timer tim;
00392         //      tim.start();
00394         // convert segmentation image to cv::Mat
00395         cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr people_segmentation_image_ptr;
00396         cv::Mat people_segmentation_image;
00397         if (use_people_segmentation_ == true)
00398                 convertColorImageMessageToMat(people_segmentation_image_msg, people_segmentation_image_ptr, people_segmentation_image);
00400         if (debug_)
00401                 std::cout << "incoming detections: " << face_position_msg_in->detections.size() << "\n";
00403         // delete old face positions in list, i.e. those that were not updated for a long time
00404         ros::Duration timeSpan(face_redetection_time_);
00405         // do not delete  when bag file is played back
00406         if (!rosbag_mode_)
00407         {
00408                 for (int i = (int)face_position_accumulator_.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
00409                 {
00410                         if ((ros::Time::now() - face_position_accumulator_[i].header.stamp) > timeSpan)
00411                         {
00412                                 face_position_accumulator_.erase(face_position_accumulator_.begin() + i);
00413                                 face_identification_votes_.erase(face_identification_votes_.begin() + i);
00414                         }
00415                 }
00416                 if (debug_)
00417                         std::cout << "Old face positions deleted.\n";
00418         }
00420         // verify face detections with people segmentation if enabled -> only accept detected faces if a person is segmented at that position
00421         std::vector<int> face_detection_indices; // index set for face_position_msg_in: contains those indices of detected faces which are supported by a person segmentation at the same location
00422         if (use_people_segmentation_ == true)
00423         {
00424                 for (int i = 0; i < (int)face_position_msg_in->detections.size(); i++)
00425                 {
00426                         const cob_perception_msgs::Detection& det_in = face_position_msg_in->detections[i];
00427                         cv::Rect face;
00428                         face.x = det_in.mask.roi.x;
00429                         face.y = det_in.mask.roi.y;
00430                         face.width = det_in.mask.roi.width;
00431                         face.height = det_in.mask.roi.height;
00432                         //std::cout << "face: " << face.x << " " << face.y << " " << face.width << " " << face.height << "\n";
00434                         int numberBlackPixels = 0;
00435                         for (int v = face.y; v < face.y + face.height; v++)
00436                         {
00437                                 uchar* data = people_segmentation_image.ptr(v);
00438                                 for (int u = face.x; u < face.x + face.width; u++)
00439                                 {
00440                                         int index = 3 * u;
00441                                         if (data[index] == 0 && data[index + 1] == 0 && data[index + 2] == 0)
00442                                                 numberBlackPixels++;
00443                                 }
00444                         }
00445                         int faceArea = face.height * face.width;
00446                         double segmentedPeopleRatio = (double)(faceArea - numberBlackPixels) / (double)faceArea;
00448                         // if (debug_) std::cout << "ratio: " << segmentedPeopleRatio << "\n";
00449                         if ((det_in.detector == "face" && segmentedPeopleRatio < min_segmented_people_ratio_face_) || (det_in.detector == "head" && segmentedPeopleRatio
00450                                         < min_segmented_people_ratio_head_))
00451                         {
00452                                 // False detection
00453                                 if (debug_)
00454                                         std::cout << "False detection\n";
00455                         }
00456                         else
00457                         {
00458                                 // Push index of this detection into the list
00459                                 face_detection_indices.push_back(i);
00460                         }
00461                 }
00462                 if (debug_)
00463                         std::cout << "Verification with people segmentation done.\n";
00464         }
00465         else
00466         {
00467                 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < face_position_msg_in->detections.size(); i++)
00468                         face_detection_indices.push_back(i);
00469         }
00471         // match current detections with previous detections
00472         std::vector<bool> current_detection_has_matching(face_detection_indices.size(), false); // index set for face_detection_indices: contains the indices of face_detection_indices and whether these faces could be matched to previously found faces
00473         // Option 1: greedy procedure
00474         if (false)
00475         {
00476                 // build distance matrix
00477                 std::map<int, std::map<int, double> > distance_matrix; // 1. index = face_position_accumulator_ index of previous detections, 2. index = index of current detections, content = spatial distance between the indexed faces
00478                 std::map<int, std::map<int, double> >::iterator distance_matrix_it;
00479                 for (unsigned int previous_det = 0; previous_det < face_position_accumulator_.size(); previous_det++)
00480                 {
00481                         std::map<int, double> distance_row;
00482                         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < face_detection_indices.size(); i++)
00483                                 distance_row[face_detection_indices[i]] = computeFacePositionDistanceTrackingRange(face_position_accumulator_[previous_det],
00484                                                 face_position_msg_in->detections[face_detection_indices[i]]);
00485                         distance_matrix[previous_det] = distance_row;
00486                 }
00487                 if (debug_)
00488                         std::cout << "Distance matrix.\n";
00490                 // find matching faces between previous and current detections
00491                 unsigned int number_matchings = (face_position_accumulator_.size() < face_detection_indices.size()) ? face_position_accumulator_.size() : face_detection_indices.size();
00492                 for (unsigned int m = 0; m < number_matchings; m++)
00493                 {
00494                         // find minimum matching distance between any two elements of the distance_matrix
00495                         double min_dist = DBL_MAX;
00496                         int previous_min_index, current_min_index;
00497                         for (distance_matrix_it = distance_matrix.begin(); distance_matrix_it != distance_matrix.end(); distance_matrix_it++)
00498                         {
00499                                 for (std::map<int, double>::iterator distance_row_it = distance_matrix_it->second.begin(); distance_row_it != distance_matrix_it->second.end(); distance_row_it++)
00500                                 {
00501                                         if (distance_row_it->second < min_dist)
00502                                         {
00503                                                 min_dist = distance_row_it->second;
00504                                                 previous_min_index = distance_matrix_it->first;
00505                                                 current_min_index = distance_row_it->first;
00506                                         }
00507                                 }
00508                         }
00510                         // todo: this is a greedy strategy that is likely to fail -> replace by global matching
00511                         // todo: consider size relation between color and depth image face frames!
00513                         // if there is no matching pair of detections interrupt the search for matchings at this point
00514                         if (min_dist == DBL_MAX)
00515                                 break;
00517                         // instantiate the matching
00518                         copyDetection(face_position_msg_in->detections[current_min_index], face_position_accumulator_[previous_min_index], true, previous_min_index);
00519                         // mark the respective entry in face_detection_indices as labeled
00520                         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < face_detection_indices.size(); i++)
00521                                 if (face_detection_indices[i] == current_min_index)
00522                                         current_detection_has_matching[i] = true;
00524                         // delete the row and column of the found matching so that both detections cannot be involved in any further matching again
00525                         distance_matrix.erase(previous_min_index);
00526                         for (distance_matrix_it = distance_matrix.begin(); distance_matrix_it != distance_matrix.end(); distance_matrix_it++)
00527                                 distance_matrix_it->second.erase(current_min_index);
00528                 }
00529         }
00530         // Option 2: global optimum with Hungarian method
00531         else
00532         {
00533                 // create the costs matrix (which consist of Eulidean distance in cm and a punishment for dissimilar labels)
00534                 std::vector < std::vector<int> > costs_matrix(face_position_accumulator_.size(), std::vector<int>(face_detection_indices.size(), 0));
00535                 if (debug_)
00536                         std::cout << "Costs matrix.\n";
00537                 for (unsigned int previous_det = 0; previous_det < face_position_accumulator_.size(); previous_det++)
00538                 {
00539                         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < face_detection_indices.size(); i++)
00540                         {
00541                                 costs_matrix[previous_det][i] = 100 * computeFacePositionDistance(face_position_accumulator_[previous_det],
00542                                                 face_position_msg_in->detections[face_detection_indices[i]]) + 100 * tracking_range_m_
00543                                                 * (face_position_msg_in->detections[face_detection_indices[i]][previous_det].label) == 0 ? 0 : 1);
00544                                 if (debug_)
00545                                         std::cout << costs_matrix[previous_det][i] << "\t";
00546                         }
00547                         if (debug_)
00548                                 std::cout << std::endl;
00549                 }
00551                 if (face_position_accumulator_.size() != 0 && face_detection_indices.size() != 0)
00552                 {
00553                         // solve assignment problem
00554                         munkres assignmentProblem;
00555                         assignmentProblem.set_diag(false);
00556                         assignmentProblem.load_weights(costs_matrix);
00557                         int num_rows = std::min(costs_matrix.size(), costs_matrix[0].size());
00558                         //int num_columns = std::max(costs_matrix.size(), costs_matrix[0].size());
00559                         ordered_pair *optimalAssignment = new ordered_pair[num_rows];
00560                         assignmentProblem.assign(optimalAssignment);
00561                         if (debug_)
00562                                 std::cout << "Assignment problem solved.\n";
00564                         // read out solutions, update face_position_accumulator
00565                         for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; i++)
00566                         {
00567                                 int current_match_index = 0, previous_match_index = 0;
00568                                 if (face_position_accumulator_.size() < face_detection_indices.size())
00569                                 {
00570                                         // results are reported with original row and column
00571                                         previous_match_index = optimalAssignment[i].row;
00572                                         current_match_index = optimalAssignment[i].col;
00573                                 }
00574                                 else
00575                                 {
00576                                         // rows and columns are switched in results
00577                                         previous_match_index = optimalAssignment[i].col;
00578                                         current_match_index = optimalAssignment[i].row;
00579                                 }
00581                                 // instantiate the matching
00582                                 copyDetection(face_position_msg_in->detections[current_match_index], face_position_accumulator_[previous_match_index], true, previous_match_index);
00583                                 // mark the respective entry in face_detection_indices as labeled
00584                                 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < face_detection_indices.size(); i++)
00585                                         if (face_detection_indices[i] == current_match_index)
00586                                                 current_detection_has_matching[i] = true;
00587                         }
00589                         delete optimalAssignment;
00590                 }
00591         }
00592         if (debug_)
00593                 std::cout << "Matches found.\n";
00595         // create new detections for the unmatched of the current detections if they originate from the color image
00596         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < face_detection_indices.size(); i++)
00597         {
00598                 if (current_detection_has_matching[i] == false)
00599                 {
00600                         const cob_perception_msgs::Detection& det_in = face_position_msg_in->detections[face_detection_indices[i]];
00601                         if (det_in.detector == "face")
00602                         {
00603                                 // save in accumulator
00604                                 if (debug_)
00605                                         std::cout << "\n***** New detection *****\n\n";
00606                                 cob_perception_msgs::Detection det_out;
00607                                 copyDetection(det_in, det_out, false);
00608                                 det_out.pose.header = face_position_msg_in->header;
00609                                 face_position_accumulator_.push_back(det_out);
00610                                 // remember label history
00611                                 std::map<std::string, double> new_identification_data;
00612                                 //new_identification_data["Unknown"] = 0.0;
00613                                 new_identification_data["UnknownHead"] = 0.0;
00614                                 new_identification_data[det_in.label] = 1.0;
00615                                 face_identification_votes_.push_back(new_identification_data);
00616                         }
00617                 }
00618         }
00619         if (debug_)
00620                 std::cout << "New detections.\n";
00622         // eliminate multiple instances of a label
00623         removeMultipleInstancesOfLabel();
00625         // publish face positions
00626         ros::Time image_recording_time = (face_position_msg_in->detections.size() > 0 ? face_position_msg_in->detections[0].header.stamp : ros::Time(0));
00627         std::string frame_id = (face_position_msg_in->detections.size() > 0 ? face_position_msg_in->detections[0].header.frame_id : "");
00628         cob_perception_msgs::DetectionArray face_position_msg_out;
00629         prepareFacePositionMessage(face_position_msg_out, image_recording_time, frame_id);
00630         face_position_msg_out.header = face_position_msg_in->header;
00631         face_position_publisher_.publish(face_position_msg_out);
00633         //  // display
00634         //  if (debug_ == true)
00635         //  {
00636         //      // convert image message to cv::Mat
00637         //      cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr colorImagePtr;
00638         //      cv::Mat colorImage;
00639         //      convertColorImageMessageToMat(color_image_msg, colorImagePtr, colorImage);
00640         //
00641         //      // display color image
00642         //      for(int i=0; i<(int)face_position_msg_out.detections.size(); i++)
00643         //      {
00644         //        cv::Rect face;
00645         //        cob_perception_msgs::Rect& faceRect = face_position_msg_out.detections[i].mask.roi;
00646         //        face.x = faceRect.x; face.width = faceRect.width;
00647         //        face.y = faceRect.y; face.height = faceRect.height;
00648         //
00649         //        if (face_position_msg_out.detections[i].detector == "range")
00650         //              cv::rectangle(colorImage, cv::Point(face.x, face.y), cv::Point(face.x + face.width, face.y + face.height), CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0);
00651         //        else
00652         //              cv::rectangle(colorImage, cv::Point(face.x, face.y), cv::Point(face.x + face.width, face.y + face.height), CV_RGB(0, 255, 0), 2, 8, 0);
00653         //
00654         //        if (face_position_msg_out.detections[i].label == "Unknown")
00655         //              // Distance to face class is too high
00656         //              cv::putText(colorImage, "Unknown", cv::Point(face.x,face.y+face.height+25), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, CV_RGB( 255, 0, 0 ), 2);
00657         //        else if (face_position_msg_out.detections[i].label == "No face")
00658         //              // Distance to face space is too high
00659         //              cv::putText(colorImage, "No face", cv::Point(face.x,face.y+face.height+25), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, CV_RGB( 255, 0, 0 ), 2);
00660         //        else
00661         //              // Face classified
00662         //              cv::putText(colorImage, face_position_msg_out.detections[i].label.c_str(), cv::Point(face.x,face.y+face.height+25), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, CV_RGB( 0, 255, 0 ), 2);
00663         //      }
00664         //      // publish image
00665         //      cv_bridge::CvImage cv_ptr;
00666         //      cv_ptr.image = colorImage;
00667         //      cv_ptr.encoding = "bgr8";
00668         //      people_detection_image_pub_.publish(cv_ptr.toImageMsg());
00669         //  }
00671         if (display_timing_ == true)
00672                 ROS_INFO("%d DetectionTracker: Time stamp of pointcloud message: %f. Delay: %f.", face_position_msg_in->header.seq, face_position_msg_in->header.stamp.toSec(), ros::Time::now().toSec()-face_position_msg_in->header.stamp.toSec());
00673         //      ROS_INFO("Detection Tracker took %f ms.", tim.getElapsedTimeInMilliSec());
00674 }
00676 //#######################
00677 //#### main programm ####
00678 int main(int argc, char** argv)
00679 {
00680         // Initialize ROS, specify name of node
00681         ros::init(argc, argv, "detection_tracker");
00683         // Create a handle for this node, initialize node
00684         ros::NodeHandle nh("~");
00686         // Create FaceRecognizerNode class instance
00687         DetectionTrackerNode detection_tracker_node(nh);
00689         // Create action nodes
00690         //DetectObjectsAction detect_action_node(object_detection_node, nh);
00691         //AcquireObjectImageAction acquire_image_node(object_detection_node, nh);
00692         //TrainObjectAction train_object_node(object_detection_node, nh);
00694         ros::spin();
00696         return 0;
00697 }

Author(s): Richard Bormann , Thomas Zwölfer
autogenerated on Mon May 6 2019 02:32:06