MarkerShape< BVH_RSS_t > Member List
This is the complete list of members for MarkerShape< BVH_RSS_t >, including all inherited members.
class_ctr_IMarkerShape [protected, static]
drawable_IMarkerShape [protected]
getCollisionObject() const MarkerShape< BVH_RSS_t > [virtual]
getId() const MarkerShape< BVH_RSS_t > [inline, virtual]
getMarker()MarkerShape< BVH_RSS_t > [inline, virtual]
getMarkerPose() const MarkerShape< BVH_RSS_t > [inline, virtual]
getOriginRelToFrame() const MarkerShape< BVH_RSS_t > [inline, virtual]
init(const std::string &root_frame, const std::string &mesh_resource, double x, double y, double z, double quat_x, double quat_y, double quat_z, double quat_w, double color_r, double color_g, double color_b, double color_a)MarkerShape< BVH_RSS_t > [private]
isDrawable()IMarkerShape [inline]
marker_IMarkerShape [protected]
MarkerShape(const std::string &root_frame, const shape_msgs::Mesh &mesh, const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &col)MarkerShape< BVH_RSS_t >
MarkerShape(const std::string &root_frame, const std::string &mesh_resource, const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &col)MarkerShape< BVH_RSS_t > [inline]
MarkerShape(const std::string &root_frame, const std::string &mesh_resource, const geometry_msgs::Point &pos, const geometry_msgs::Quaternion &quat, const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &col)MarkerShape< BVH_RSS_t > [inline]
MarkerShape(const std::string &root_frame, const std::string &mesh_resource, double x, double y, double z, double quat_x=0.0, double quat_y=0.0, double quat_z=0.0, double quat_w=1.0, double color_r=0.0, double color_g=0.0, double color_b=0.0, double color_a=1.0)MarkerShape< BVH_RSS_t >
origin_IMarkerShape [protected]
ptr_fcl_bvh_MarkerShape< BVH_RSS_t > [private]
setColor(double color_r, double color_g, double color_b, double color_a=1.0)MarkerShape< BVH_RSS_t > [inline, virtual]
setDrawable(bool can_be_drawn)IMarkerShape [inline]
updatePose(const geometry_msgs::Vector3 &pos, const geometry_msgs::Quaternion &quat)MarkerShape< BVH_RSS_t > [inline, virtual]
updatePose(const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose)MarkerShape< BVH_RSS_t > [inline, virtual]
~IMarkerShape()IMarkerShape [inline, virtual]
~MarkerShape()MarkerShape< BVH_RSS_t > [inline, virtual]

Author(s): Marco Bezzon
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:19:14