Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
Rmp440LE Class Reference

#include <Rmp440LE.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void Initialize ()
 Rmp440LE ()
 ~Rmp440LE ()

Private Member Functions

void InitializeMessages ()
bool IsDeadmanValid ()
void ProcessAudioCommand (const rmp_msgs::AudioCommand::ConstPtr &rpAudioCommand)
void ProcessDeadman (const rmp_msgs::BoolStamped::ConstPtr &rpDeadmanMsg)
void ProcessVelocityCommand (const geometry_msgs::TwistStamped::ConstPtr &rpVelocityCommand)
void UpdateBattery ()
void UpdateFaultStatus ()
void UpdateImu ()
void UpdateMotorStatus ()
void UpdateOdometry ()
void UpdateStatus ()

Private Attributes

ros::Subscriber m_AudioCommandSubscriber
ros::Publisher m_BatteryPublisher
rmp_msgs::BoolStamped m_DeadmanMsg
ros::Subscriber m_DeadmanSubscriber
ros::Publisher m_FaultStatusPublisher
sensor_msgs::Imu m_InertialMsg
ros::Publisher m_InertialPublisher
sensor_msgs::JointState m_JointStateMsg
ros::Publisher m_JointStatesPublisher
ros::Publisher m_MotorStatusPublisher
ros::NodeHandle m_NodeHandle
bool m_OdometryInitialized
nav_msgs::Odometry m_OdometryMsg
ros::Publisher m_OdometryPublisher
sensor_msgs::Imu m_PseMsg
ros::Publisher m_PsePublisher
segway::Rmp440LEInterface m_Rmp440LEInterface
ros::Subscriber m_VelocityCommandSubscriber
WheelsDisplacement m_WheelsDisplacement

Detailed Description

This class setup a ros interface to the Segway RMP 440LE.

Definition at line 98 of file Rmp440LE.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


Definition at line 70 of file Rmp440LE.cpp.


Definition at line 76 of file Rmp440LE.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Initialize the communication.

Definition at line 81 of file Rmp440LE.cpp.

void Rmp440LE::InitializeMessages ( ) [private]

Initialize ros messages

Definition at line 219 of file Rmp440LE.cpp.

bool Rmp440LE::IsDeadmanValid ( ) [private]

Check wether the deadman command is valid It has to be true and has to be "recent".

wether the deadman command is valid

Definition at line 482 of file Rmp440LE.cpp.

void Rmp440LE::ProcessAudioCommand ( const rmp_msgs::AudioCommand::ConstPtr &  rpAudioCommand) [private]

Process audio commands The different audio commands are defined in the rmp user manual (p.51) and in the rmp_msg package.

rpAudioCommandaudio command

Definition at line 307 of file Rmp440LE.cpp.

void Rmp440LE::ProcessDeadman ( const rmp_msgs::BoolStamped::ConstPtr &  rpDeadmanMsg) [private]

Process deadman messages. The deadman needs to be pressed (true) for the velocity commands to be processed.

rpDeadmanMsgdeadman message

Definition at line 302 of file Rmp440LE.cpp.

void Rmp440LE::ProcessVelocityCommand ( const geometry_msgs::TwistStamped::ConstPtr &  rpVelocityCommand) [private]

Process velocity commands. Velocity commands are defined by a linear and angular vector. Translational velocity is defined in the x field of the linear vector in [m/s] with the positive axis pointing forward. Turn rate is defined in the z field of the angular vector in [rad/s] with the positive axis pointing upward. The rmp has to be in tractor mode for the command to be effective. The command should not be outside the predefined range. Please refer to the rmp user manual for more information.

rpVelocityCommandvelocity command
std::logic_errorif the velocity command is out of range

Definition at line 263 of file Rmp440LE.cpp.

void Rmp440LE::UpdateBattery ( ) [private]

Publish battery data

Definition at line 416 of file Rmp440LE.cpp.

void Rmp440LE::UpdateFaultStatus ( ) [private]

Publish fault status An empty messages means no fault

Definition at line 473 of file Rmp440LE.cpp.

void Rmp440LE::UpdateImu ( ) [private]

Publish Pse (Pitch State Estimate) and inertial data The coordinate systems are defined in the rmp user manual (p.12).

Definition at line 330 of file Rmp440LE.cpp.

void Rmp440LE::UpdateMotorStatus ( ) [private]

Publish motor status

Definition at line 442 of file Rmp440LE.cpp.

void Rmp440LE::UpdateOdometry ( ) [private]

Publish odometry

Definition at line 360 of file Rmp440LE.cpp.

void Rmp440LE::UpdateStatus ( ) [private]

Publish rmp status related information such as imu, odometry, battery, motor and fault(s).

Definition at line 321 of file Rmp440LE.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Audio command subscriber

Definition at line 243 of file Rmp440LE.h.

Battery data publisher

Definition at line 223 of file Rmp440LE.h.

rmp_msgs::BoolStamped Rmp440LE::m_DeadmanMsg [private]

Most recent deadman message

Definition at line 268 of file Rmp440LE.h.

Deadman command subscriber

Definition at line 238 of file Rmp440LE.h.

Fault status publisher

Definition at line 228 of file Rmp440LE.h.

sensor_msgs::Imu Rmp440LE::m_InertialMsg [private]

Inertial data message

Definition at line 258 of file Rmp440LE.h.

Inertial data publisher

Definition at line 208 of file Rmp440LE.h.

sensor_msgs::JointState Rmp440LE::m_JointStateMsg [private]

Joint state message

Definition at line 253 of file Rmp440LE.h.

Joint states publisher

Definition at line 203 of file Rmp440LE.h.

Motor status publisher

Definition at line 218 of file Rmp440LE.h.

Ros interface

Definition at line 193 of file Rmp440LE.h.

Wether the odometry has been initialized

Definition at line 278 of file Rmp440LE.h.

nav_msgs::Odometry Rmp440LE::m_OdometryMsg [private]

Odometry message

Definition at line 248 of file Rmp440LE.h.

Odometry publisher

Definition at line 198 of file Rmp440LE.h.

sensor_msgs::Imu Rmp440LE::m_PseMsg [private]

Pse (Pitch State Estimate) message

Definition at line 263 of file Rmp440LE.h.

Pse (Pitch State Estimate) publisher

Definition at line 213 of file Rmp440LE.h.

Rmp 440LE interface

Definition at line 188 of file Rmp440LE.h.

Velocity command subscriber

Definition at line 233 of file Rmp440LE.h.

Last updated wheel displacement

Definition at line 273 of file Rmp440LE.h.

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