00029 #include "octree_poisson.h"
00030 #include "mat.h"
00032 #if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32
00033 #if !defined __MINGW32__
00034 #include <intrin.h>
00035 #include <hash_map>
00036 #endif
00037 #endif
00040 #define ITERATION_POWER 1.0/3
00042 #define SPLAT_ORDER 2
00044 #ifndef _MSC_VER
00045 namespace std
00046 {
00047 using namespace __gnu_cxx;
00048 }
00049 #endif
00051 namespace pcl
00052 {
00053 namespace poisson
00054 {
00056 const Real MATRIX_ENTRY_EPSILON = Real(0);
00057 const Real EPSILON=Real(1e-6);
00058 const Real ROUND_EPS=Real(1e-5);
00060 #if defined _WIN32 && !defined __MINGW32__
00061 using stdext::hash_map;
00062 #else
00063 using std::hash_map;
00064 #endif
00067 void atomicOr(volatile int& dest, int value)
00068 {
00069 #if defined _WIN32 && !defined __MINGW32__
00070 #if defined (_M_IX86)
00071 _InterlockedOr( (long volatile*)&dest, value );
00072 #else
00073 InterlockedOr( (long volatile*)&dest , value );
00074 #endif
00075 #else // !_WIN32 || __MINGW32__
00076 #pragma omp atomic
00077 dest |= value;
00078 #endif // _WIN32 && !__MINGW32__
00079 }
00085 SortedTreeNodes::SortedTreeNodes(void)
00086 {
00087 nodeCount=NULL;
00088 treeNodes=NULL;
00089 maxDepth=0;
00090 }
00091 SortedTreeNodes::~SortedTreeNodes(void){
00092 if( nodeCount ) delete[] nodeCount;
00093 if( treeNodes ) delete[] treeNodes;
00094 nodeCount = NULL;
00095 treeNodes = NULL;
00096 }
00098 void SortedTreeNodes::set( TreeOctNode& root )
00099 {
00100 if( nodeCount ) delete[] nodeCount;
00101 if( treeNodes ) delete[] treeNodes;
00102 maxDepth = root.maxDepth()+1;
00103 nodeCount = new int[ maxDepth+1 ];
00104 treeNodes = new TreeOctNode*[ root.nodes() ];
00106 nodeCount[0] = 0 , nodeCount[1] = 1;
00107 treeNodes[0] = &root;
00108 for( int d=1 ; d<maxDepth ; d++ )
00109 {
00110 nodeCount[d+1] = nodeCount[d];
00111 for( int i=nodeCount[d-1] ; i<nodeCount[d] ; i++ )
00112 {
00113 TreeOctNode* temp = treeNodes[i];
00114 if( temp->children ) for( int c=0 ; c<8 ; c++ ) treeNodes[ nodeCount[d+1]++ ] = temp->children + c;
00115 }
00116 }
00117 for( int i=0 ; i<nodeCount[maxDepth] ; i++ ) treeNodes[i]->nodeData.nodeIndex = i;
00118 }
00119 SortedTreeNodes::CornerIndices& SortedTreeNodes::CornerTableData::operator[] ( const TreeOctNode* node ) { return cTable[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex + offsets[node->d] ]; }
00120 const SortedTreeNodes::CornerIndices& SortedTreeNodes::CornerTableData::operator[] ( const TreeOctNode* node ) const { return cTable[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex + offsets[node->d] ]; }
00121 SortedTreeNodes::CornerIndices& SortedTreeNodes::CornerTableData::cornerIndices( const TreeOctNode* node ) { return cTable[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex + offsets[node->d] ]; }
00122 const SortedTreeNodes::CornerIndices& SortedTreeNodes::CornerTableData::cornerIndices( const TreeOctNode* node ) const { return cTable[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex + offsets[node->d] ]; }
00123 void SortedTreeNodes::setCornerTable( CornerTableData& cData , const TreeOctNode* rootNode , int maxDepth , int threads ) const
00124 {
00125 if( threads<=0 ) threads = 1;
00127 std::vector< std::pair< int , int > > spans( this->maxDepth , std::pair< int , int >( -1 , -1 ) );
00128 int minDepth , off[3];
00129 rootNode->depthAndOffset( minDepth , off );
00130 cData.offsets.resize( this->maxDepth , -1 );
00131 int nodeCount = 0;
00132 {
00133 int start=rootNode->nodeData.nodeIndex , end=start;
00134 for( int d=minDepth ; d<=maxDepth ; d++ )
00135 {
00136 spans[d] = std::pair< int , int >( start , end+1 );
00137 cData.offsets[d] = nodeCount - spans[d].first;
00138 nodeCount += spans[d].second - spans[d].first;
00139 if( d<maxDepth )
00140 {
00141 while( start< end && !treeNodes[start]->children ) start++;
00142 while( end> start && !treeNodes[end ]->children ) end--;
00143 if( start==end && !treeNodes[start]->children ) break;
00144 start = treeNodes[start]->children[0].nodeData.nodeIndex;
00145 end = treeNodes[end ]->children[7].nodeData.nodeIndex;
00146 }
00147 }
00148 }
00149 cData.cTable.resize( nodeCount );
00150 std::vector< int > count( threads );
00151 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
00152 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
00153 {
00154 TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3 neighborKey;
00155 neighborKey.set( maxDepth );
00156 int offset = nodeCount * t * Cube::CORNERS;
00157 count[t] = 0;
00158 for( int d=minDepth ; d<=maxDepth ; d++ )
00159 {
00160 int start = spans[d].first , end = spans[d].second , width = end-start;
00161 for( int i=start + (width*t)/threads ; i<start + (width*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
00162 {
00163 TreeOctNode* node = treeNodes[i];
00164 if( d<maxDepth && node->children ) continue;
00165 const TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.getNeighbors( node , minDepth );
00166 for( int c=0 ; c<Cube::CORNERS ; c++ )
00167 {
00168 bool cornerOwner = true;
00169 int x , y , z;
00170 int ac = Cube::AntipodalCornerIndex( c );
00171 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( c , x , y , z );
00172 for( int cc=0 ; cc<Cube::CORNERS ; cc++ )
00173 {
00174 int xx , yy , zz;
00175 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( cc , xx , yy , zz );
00176 xx += x , yy += y , zz += z;
00177 if( neighbors.neighbors[xx][yy][zz] )
00178 if( cc<ac || ( d<maxDepth && neighbors.neighbors[xx][yy][zz]->children ) )
00179 {
00180 int _d , _off[3];
00181 neighbors.neighbors[xx][yy][zz]->depthAndOffset( _d , _off );
00182 _off[0] >>= (d-minDepth) , _off[1] >>= (d-minDepth) , _off[2] >>= (d-minDepth);
00183 if( _off[0]==off[0] && _off[1]==off[1] && _off[2]==off[2] )
00184 {
00185 cornerOwner = false;
00186 break;
00187 }
00188 else fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] How did we leave the subtree?\n" );
00189 }
00190 }
00191 if( cornerOwner )
00192 {
00193 const TreeOctNode* n = node;
00194 int d = n->depth();
00195 do
00196 {
00197 const TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.neighbors[d];
00199 for( int cc=0 ; cc<Cube::CORNERS ; cc++ )
00200 {
00201 int xx , yy , zz;
00202 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( cc , xx , yy , zz );
00203 xx += x , yy += y , zz += z;
00204 if( neighborKey.neighbors[d].neighbors[xx][yy][zz] )
00205 cData[ neighbors.neighbors[xx][yy][zz] ][ Cube::AntipodalCornerIndex(cc) ] = count[t] + offset;
00206 }
00208 if( d==minDepth || n!=(n->parent->children+c) ) break;
00209 n = n->parent;
00210 d--;
00211 }
00212 while( 1 );
00213 count[t]++;
00214 }
00215 }
00216 }
00217 }
00218 }
00219 cData.cCount = 0;
00220 std::vector< int > offsets( threads+1 );
00221 offsets[0] = 0;
00222 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) cData.cCount += count[t] , offsets[t+1] = offsets[t] + count[t];
00223 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
00224 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
00225 for( int d=minDepth ; d<=maxDepth ; d++ )
00226 {
00227 int start = spans[d].first , end = spans[d].second , width = end - start;
00228 for( int i=start + (width*t)/threads ; i<start+(width*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
00229 for( int c=0 ; c<Cube::CORNERS ; c++ )
00230 {
00231 int& idx = cData[ treeNodes[i] ][c];
00232 if( idx<0 )
00233 {
00234 fprintf( stderr , "[ERROR] Found unindexed corner nodes[%d][%d] = %d (%d,%d)\n" , treeNodes[i]->nodeData.nodeIndex , c , idx , minDepth , maxDepth );
00235 int _d , _off[3];
00236 treeNodes[i]->depthAndOffset( _d , _off );
00237 printf( "(%d [%d %d %d) <-> (%d [%d %d %d])\n" , minDepth , off[0] , off[1] , off[2] , _d , _off[0] , _off[1] , _off[2] );
00238 printf( "[%d %d]\n" , spans[d].first , spans[d].second );
00239 exit( 0 );
00240 }
00241 else
00242 {
00243 int div = idx / ( nodeCount*Cube::CORNERS );
00244 int rem = idx % ( nodeCount*Cube::CORNERS );
00245 idx = rem + offsets[div];
00246 }
00247 }
00248 }
00249 }
00250 int SortedTreeNodes::getMaxCornerCount( const TreeOctNode* rootNode , int depth , int maxDepth , int threads ) const
00251 {
00252 if( threads<=0 ) threads = 1;
00253 int res = 1<<depth;
00254 std::vector< std::vector< int > > cornerCount( threads );
00255 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) cornerCount[t].resize( res*res*res , 0 );
00257 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
00258 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
00259 {
00260 std::vector< int >& _cornerCount = cornerCount[t];
00261 TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3 neighborKey;
00262 neighborKey.set( maxDepth );
00263 int start = nodeCount[depth] , end = nodeCount[maxDepth+1] , range = end-start;
00264 for( int i=(range*t)/threads ; i<(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
00265 {
00266 TreeOctNode* node = treeNodes[start+i];
00267 int d , off[3];
00268 node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
00269 if( d<maxDepth && node->children ) continue;
00271 const TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.getNeighbors( node , depth );
00272 for( int c=0 ; c<Cube::CORNERS ; c++ )
00273 {
00274 bool cornerOwner = true;
00275 int x , y , z;
00276 int ac = Cube::AntipodalCornerIndex( c );
00277 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( c , x , y , z );
00278 for( int cc=0 ; cc<Cube::CORNERS ; cc++ )
00279 {
00280 int xx , yy , zz;
00281 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( cc , xx , yy , zz );
00282 xx += x , yy += y , zz += z;
00283 if( neighbors.neighbors[xx][yy][zz] )
00284 if( cc<ac || ( d<maxDepth && neighbors.neighbors[xx][yy][zz]->children ) )
00285 {
00286 cornerOwner = false;
00287 break;
00288 }
00289 }
00290 if( cornerOwner ) _cornerCount[ ( ( off[0]>>(d-depth) ) * res * res) + ( ( off[1]>>(d-depth) ) * res) + ( off[2]>>(d-depth) ) ]++;
00291 }
00292 }
00293 }
00294 int maxCount = 0;
00295 for( int i=0 ; i<res*res*res ; i++ )
00296 {
00297 int c = 0;
00298 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) c += cornerCount[t][i];
00299 maxCount = std::max< int >( maxCount , c );
00300 }
00301 return maxCount;
00302 }
00303 SortedTreeNodes::EdgeIndices& SortedTreeNodes::EdgeTableData::operator[] ( const TreeOctNode* node ) { return eTable[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex + offsets[node->d] ]; }
00304 const SortedTreeNodes::EdgeIndices& SortedTreeNodes::EdgeTableData::operator[] ( const TreeOctNode* node ) const { return eTable[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex + offsets[node->d] ]; }
00305 SortedTreeNodes::EdgeIndices& SortedTreeNodes::EdgeTableData::edgeIndices( const TreeOctNode* node ) { return eTable[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex + offsets[node->d] ]; }
00306 const SortedTreeNodes::EdgeIndices& SortedTreeNodes::EdgeTableData::edgeIndices( const TreeOctNode* node ) const { return eTable[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex + offsets[node->d] ]; }
00307 void SortedTreeNodes::setEdgeTable( EdgeTableData& eData , const TreeOctNode* rootNode , int maxDepth , int threads )
00308 {
00309 if( threads<=0 ) threads = 1;
00310 std::vector< std::pair< int , int > > spans( this->maxDepth , std::pair< int , int >( -1 , -1 ) );
00312 int minDepth , off[3];
00313 rootNode->depthAndOffset( minDepth , off );
00314 eData.offsets.resize( this->maxDepth , -1 );
00315 int nodeCount = 0;
00316 {
00317 int start=rootNode->nodeData.nodeIndex , end=start;
00318 for( int d=minDepth ; d<=maxDepth ; d++ )
00319 {
00320 spans[d] = std::pair< int , int >( start , end+1 );
00321 eData.offsets[d] = nodeCount - spans[d].first;
00322 nodeCount += spans[d].second - spans[d].first;
00323 if( d<maxDepth )
00324 {
00325 while( start< end && !treeNodes[start]->children ) start++;
00326 while( end> start && !treeNodes[end ]->children ) end--;
00327 if( start==end && !treeNodes[start]->children ) break;
00328 start = treeNodes[start]->children[0].nodeData.nodeIndex;
00329 end = treeNodes[end ]->children[7].nodeData.nodeIndex;
00330 }
00331 }
00332 }
00333 eData.eTable.resize( nodeCount );
00334 std::vector< int > count( threads );
00335 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
00336 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
00337 {
00338 TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3 neighborKey;
00339 neighborKey.set( maxDepth );
00340 int offset = nodeCount * t * Cube::EDGES;
00341 count[t] = 0;
00342 for( int d=minDepth ; d<=maxDepth ; d++ )
00343 {
00344 int start = spans[d].first , end = spans[d].second , width = end-start;
00345 for( int i=start + (width*t)/threads ; i<start + (width*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
00346 {
00347 TreeOctNode* node = treeNodes[i];
00348 const TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.getNeighbors( node , minDepth );
00350 for( int e=0 ; e<Cube::EDGES ; e++ )
00351 {
00352 bool edgeOwner = true;
00353 int o , i , j;
00354 Cube::FactorEdgeIndex( e , o , i , j );
00355 int ac = Square::AntipodalCornerIndex( Square::CornerIndex( i , j ) );
00356 for( int cc=0 ; cc<Square::CORNERS ; cc++ )
00357 {
00358 int ii , jj , x , y , z;
00359 Square::FactorCornerIndex( cc , ii , jj );
00360 ii += i , jj += j;
00361 switch( o )
00362 {
00363 case 0: y = ii , z = jj , x = 1 ; break;
00364 case 1: x = ii , z = jj , y = 1 ; break;
00365 case 2: x = ii , y = jj , z = 1 ; break;
00366 }
00367 if( neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z] && cc<ac ) { edgeOwner = false ; break; }
00368 }
00369 if( edgeOwner )
00370 {
00372 for( int cc=0 ; cc<Square::CORNERS ; cc++ )
00373 {
00374 int ii , jj , aii , ajj , x , y , z;
00375 Square::FactorCornerIndex( cc , ii , jj );
00376 Square::FactorCornerIndex( Square::AntipodalCornerIndex( cc ) , aii , ajj );
00377 ii += i , jj += j;
00378 switch( o )
00379 {
00380 case 0: y = ii , z = jj , x = 1 ; break;
00381 case 1: x = ii , z = jj , y = 1 ; break;
00382 case 2: x = ii , y = jj , z = 1 ; break;
00383 }
00384 if( neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z] )
00385 eData[ neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z] ][ Cube::EdgeIndex( o , aii , ajj ) ] = count[t]+offset;
00386 }
00387 count[t]++;
00388 }
00389 }
00390 }
00391 }
00392 }
00393 eData.eCount = 0;
00394 std::vector< int > offsets( threads+1 );
00395 offsets[0] = 0;
00396 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) eData.eCount += count[t] , offsets[t+1] = offsets[t] + count[t];
00397 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
00398 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
00399 for( int d=minDepth ; d<=maxDepth ; d++ )
00400 {
00401 int start = spans[d].first , end = spans[d].second , width = end - start;
00402 for( int i=start + (width*t)/threads ; i<start+(width*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
00403 for( int e=0 ; e<Cube::EDGES ; e++ )
00404 {
00405 int& idx = eData[ treeNodes[i] ][e];
00406 if( idx<0 ) fprintf( stderr , "[ERROR] Found unindexed edge %d (%d,%d)\n" , idx , minDepth , maxDepth ) , exit( 0 );
00407 else
00408 {
00409 int div = idx / ( nodeCount*Cube::EDGES );
00410 int rem = idx % ( nodeCount*Cube::EDGES );
00411 idx = rem + offsets[div];
00412 }
00413 }
00414 }
00415 }
00416 int SortedTreeNodes::getMaxEdgeCount( const TreeOctNode* rootNode , int depth , int threads ) const
00417 {
00418 if( threads<=0 ) threads = 1;
00419 int res = 1<<depth;
00420 std::vector< std::vector< int > > edgeCount( threads );
00421 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) edgeCount[t].resize( res*res*res , 0 );
00423 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
00424 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
00425 {
00426 std::vector< int >& _edgeCount = edgeCount[t];
00427 TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3 neighborKey;
00428 neighborKey.set( maxDepth-1 );
00429 int start = nodeCount[depth] , end = nodeCount[maxDepth] , range = end-start;
00430 for( int i=(range*t)/threads ; i<(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
00431 {
00432 TreeOctNode* node = treeNodes[start+i];
00433 const TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.getNeighbors( node , depth );
00434 int d , off[3];
00435 node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
00437 for( int e=0 ; e<Cube::EDGES ; e++ )
00438 {
00439 bool edgeOwner = true;
00440 int o , i , j;
00441 Cube::FactorEdgeIndex( e , o , i , j );
00442 int ac = Square::AntipodalCornerIndex( Square::CornerIndex( i , j ) );
00443 for( int cc=0 ; cc<Square::CORNERS ; cc++ )
00444 {
00445 int ii , jj , x , y , z;
00446 Square::FactorCornerIndex( cc , ii , jj );
00447 ii += i , jj += j;
00448 switch( o )
00449 {
00450 case 0: y = ii , z = jj , x = 1 ; break;
00451 case 1: x = ii , z = jj , y = 1 ; break;
00452 case 2: x = ii , y = jj , z = 1 ; break;
00453 }
00454 if( neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z] && cc<ac ) { edgeOwner = false ; break; }
00455 }
00456 if( edgeOwner ) _edgeCount[ ( ( off[0]>>(d-depth) ) * res * res) + ( ( off[1]>>(d-depth) ) * res) + ( off[2]>>(d-depth) ) ]++;
00457 }
00458 }
00459 }
00460 int maxCount = 0;
00461 for( int i=0 ; i<res*res*res ; i++ )
00462 {
00463 int c = 0;
00464 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) c += edgeCount[t][i];
00465 maxCount = std::max< int >( maxCount , c );
00466 }
00467 return maxCount;
00468 }
00475 int TreeNodeData::UseIndex=1;
00476 TreeNodeData::TreeNodeData( void )
00477 {
00478 if( UseIndex )
00479 {
00480 nodeIndex = -1;
00481 centerWeightContribution=0;
00482 }
00483 else mcIndex=0;
00484 normalIndex = -1;
00485 constraint = solution = 0;
00486 pointIndex = -1;
00487 }
00488 TreeNodeData::~TreeNodeData( void ) { }
00494 template<int Degree>
00495 double Octree<Degree>::maxMemoryUsage=0;
00499 template<int Degree>
00500 double Octree<Degree>::MemoryUsage(void){
00501 double mem = 0;
00502 if(mem>maxMemoryUsage){maxMemoryUsage=mem;}
00503 return mem;
00504 }
00506 template<int Degree>
00507 Octree<Degree>::Octree(void)
00508 {
00509 threads = 1;
00510 radius = 0;
00511 width = 0;
00512 postNormalSmooth = 0;
00513 _constrainValues = false;
00514 }
00516 template<int Degree>
00517 int Octree<Degree>::NonLinearSplatOrientedPoint( TreeOctNode* node , const Point3D<Real>& position , const Point3D<Real>& normal )
00518 {
00519 double x , dxdy , dxdydz , dx[DIMENSION][SPLAT_ORDER+1];
00520 int off[3];
00521 TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.setNeighbors( node );
00522 double width;
00523 Point3D<Real> center;
00524 Real w;
00525 node->centerAndWidth( center , w );
00526 width=w;
00527 for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ )
00528 {
00529 #if SPLAT_ORDER==2
00530 off[i] = 0;
00531 x = ( center[i] - position[i] - width ) / width;
00532 dx[i][0] = 1.125+1.500*x+0.500*x*x;
00533 x = ( center[i] - position[i] ) / width;
00534 dx[i][1] = 0.750 - x*x;
00536 dx[i][2] = 1. - dx[i][1] - dx[i][0];
00537 #elif SPLAT_ORDER==1
00538 x = ( position[i] - center[i] ) / width;
00539 if( x<0 )
00540 {
00541 off[i] = 0;
00542 dx[i][0] = -x;
00543 }
00544 else
00545 {
00546 off[i] = 1;
00547 dx[i][0] = 1. - x;
00548 }
00549 dx[i][1] = 1. - dx[i][0];
00550 #elif SPLAT_ORDER==0
00551 off[i] = 1;
00552 dx[i][0] = 1.;
00553 #else
00554 # error Splat order not supported
00555 #endif // SPLAT_ORDER
00556 }
00557 for( int i=off[0] ; i<=off[0]+SPLAT_ORDER ; i++ ) for( int j=off[1] ; j<=off[1]+SPLAT_ORDER ; j++ )
00558 {
00559 dxdy = dx[0][i] * dx[1][j];
00560 for( int k=off[2] ; k<=off[2]+SPLAT_ORDER ; k++ )
00561 if( neighbors.neighbors[i][j][k] )
00562 {
00563 dxdydz = dxdy * dx[2][k];
00564 TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors.neighbors[i][j][k];
00565 int idx =_node->nodeData.normalIndex;
00566 if( idx<0 )
00567 {
00568 Point3D<Real> n;
00569 n[0] = n[1] = n[2] = 0;
00570 _node->nodeData.nodeIndex = 0;
00571 idx = _node->nodeData.normalIndex = int(normals->size());
00572 normals->push_back(n);
00573 }
00574 (*normals)[idx] += normal * Real( dxdydz );
00575 }
00576 }
00577 return 0;
00578 }
00579 template<int Degree>
00580 Real Octree<Degree>::NonLinearSplatOrientedPoint( const Point3D<Real>& position , const Point3D<Real>& normal , int splatDepth , Real samplesPerNode ,
00581 int minDepth , int maxDepth )
00582 {
00583 double dx;
00584 Point3D<Real> n;
00585 TreeOctNode* temp;
00586 int cnt=0;
00587 double width;
00588 Point3D< Real > myCenter;
00589 Real myWidth;
00590 myCenter[0] = myCenter[1] = myCenter[2] = Real(0.5);
00591 myWidth = Real(1.0);
00593 temp = &tree;
00594 while( temp->depth()<splatDepth )
00595 {
00596 if( !temp->children )
00597 {
00598 fprintf( stderr , "Octree<Degree>::NonLinearSplatOrientedPoint error\n" );
00599 return -1;
00600 }
00601 int cIndex=TreeOctNode::CornerIndex(myCenter,position);
00602 temp=&temp->children[cIndex];
00603 myWidth/=2;
00604 if(cIndex&1) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
00605 else myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
00606 if(cIndex&2) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
00607 else myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
00608 if(cIndex&4) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
00609 else myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;
00610 }
00611 Real alpha,newDepth;
00612 NonLinearGetSampleDepthAndWeight( temp , position , samplesPerNode , newDepth , alpha );
00614 if( newDepth<minDepth ) newDepth=Real(minDepth);
00615 if( newDepth>maxDepth ) newDepth=Real(maxDepth);
00616 int topDepth=int(ceil(newDepth));
00618 dx = 1.0-(topDepth-newDepth);
00619 if( topDepth<=minDepth )
00620 {
00621 topDepth=minDepth;
00622 dx=1;
00623 }
00624 else if( topDepth>maxDepth )
00625 {
00626 topDepth=maxDepth;
00627 dx=1;
00628 }
00629 while( temp->depth()>topDepth ) temp=temp->parent;
00630 while( temp->depth()<topDepth )
00631 {
00632 if(!temp->children) temp->initChildren();
00633 int cIndex=TreeOctNode::CornerIndex(myCenter,position);
00634 temp=&temp->children[cIndex];
00635 myWidth/=2;
00636 if(cIndex&1) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
00637 else myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
00638 if(cIndex&2) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
00639 else myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
00640 if(cIndex&4) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
00641 else myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;
00642 }
00643 width = 1.0 / ( 1<<temp->depth() );
00644 n = normal * alpha / Real( pow( width , 3 ) ) * Real( dx );
00645 NonLinearSplatOrientedPoint( temp , position , n );
00646 if( fabs(1.0-dx) > EPSILON )
00647 {
00648 dx = Real(1.0-dx);
00649 temp = temp->parent;
00650 width = 1.0 / ( 1<<temp->depth() );
00652 n = normal * alpha / Real( pow( width , 3 ) ) * Real( dx );
00653 NonLinearSplatOrientedPoint( temp , position , n );
00654 }
00655 return alpha;
00656 }
00657 template<int Degree>
00658 void Octree<Degree>::NonLinearGetSampleDepthAndWeight(TreeOctNode* node,const Point3D<Real>& position,Real samplesPerNode,Real& depth,Real& weight){
00659 TreeOctNode* temp=node;
00660 weight = Real(1.0)/NonLinearGetSampleWeight(temp,position);
00661 if( weight>=samplesPerNode ) depth=Real( temp->depth() + log( weight / samplesPerNode ) / log(double(1<<(DIMENSION-1))) );
00662 else
00663 {
00664 Real oldAlpha,newAlpha;
00665 oldAlpha=newAlpha=weight;
00666 while( newAlpha<samplesPerNode && temp->parent )
00667 {
00668 temp=temp->parent;
00669 oldAlpha=newAlpha;
00670 newAlpha=Real(1.0)/NonLinearGetSampleWeight(temp,position);
00671 }
00672 depth = Real( temp->depth() + log( newAlpha / samplesPerNode ) / log( newAlpha / oldAlpha ) );
00673 }
00674 weight=Real(pow(double(1<<(DIMENSION-1)),-double(depth)));
00675 }
00677 template<int Degree>
00678 Real Octree<Degree>::NonLinearGetSampleWeight( TreeOctNode* node , const Point3D<Real>& position )
00679 {
00680 Real weight=0;
00681 double x,dxdy,dx[DIMENSION][3];
00682 TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors=neighborKey.setNeighbors( node );
00683 double width;
00684 Point3D<Real> center;
00685 Real w;
00686 node->centerAndWidth(center,w);
00687 width=w;
00689 for( int i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ )
00690 {
00691 x = ( center[i] - position[i] - width ) / width;
00692 dx[i][0] = 1.125 + 1.500*x + 0.500*x*x;
00693 x = ( center[i] - position[i] ) / width;
00694 dx[i][1] = 0.750 - x*x;
00696 dx[i][2] = 1.0 - dx[i][1] - dx[i][0];
00697 }
00699 for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ )
00700 {
00701 dxdy = dx[0][i] * dx[1][j];
00702 for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ ) if( neighbors.neighbors[i][j][k] )
00703 weight += Real( dxdy * dx[2][k] * neighbors.neighbors[i][j][k]->nodeData.centerWeightContribution );
00704 }
00705 return Real( 1.0 / weight );
00706 }
00708 template<int Degree>
00709 int Octree<Degree>::NonLinearUpdateWeightContribution( TreeOctNode* node , const Point3D<Real>& position , Real weight )
00710 {
00711 TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.setNeighbors( node );
00712 double x,dxdy,dx[DIMENSION][3];
00713 double width;
00714 Point3D<Real> center;
00715 Real w;
00716 node->centerAndWidth( center , w );
00717 width=w;
00718 const double SAMPLE_SCALE = 1. / ( 0.125 * 0.125 + 0.75 * 0.75 + 0.125 * 0.125 );
00720 for( int i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ )
00721 {
00722 x = ( center[i] - position[i] - width ) / width;
00723 dx[i][0] = 1.125 + 1.500*x + 0.500*x*x;
00724 x = ( center[i] - position[i] ) / width;
00725 dx[i][1] = 0.750 - x*x;
00726 dx[i][2] = 1. - dx[i][1] - dx[i][0];
00729 dx[i][0] *= SAMPLE_SCALE;
00730 }
00732 for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ )
00733 {
00734 dxdy = dx[0][i] * dx[1][j] * weight;
00735 for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ ) if( neighbors.neighbors[i][j][k] )
00736 neighbors.neighbors[i][j][k]->nodeData.centerWeightContribution += Real( dxdy * dx[2][k] );
00737 }
00738 return 0;
00739 }
00741 template< int Degree > template<typename PointNT> int
00742 Octree<Degree>::setTree( boost::shared_ptr<const pcl::PointCloud<PointNT> > input_, int maxDepth , int minDepth ,
00743 int kernelDepth , Real samplesPerNode , Real scaleFactor , Point3D<Real>& center , Real& scale ,
00744 int useConfidence , Real constraintWeight , bool adaptiveWeights )
00745 {
00746 _minDepth = std::min< int >( std::max< int >( 0 , minDepth ) , maxDepth );
00747 _constrainValues = (constraintWeight>0);
00748 double pointWeightSum = 0;
00749 Point3D<Real> min , max , position , normal , myCenter;
00750 Real myWidth;
00751 int i , cnt=0;
00752 TreeOctNode* temp;
00753 int splatDepth=0;
00755 TreeNodeData::UseIndex = 1;
00756 neighborKey.set( maxDepth );
00757 splatDepth = kernelDepth;
00758 if( splatDepth<0 ) splatDepth = 0;
00761 tree.setFullDepth( _minDepth );
00763 while (cnt != input_->size ())
00764 {
00765 Point3D< Real > p;
00766 p[0] = input_->points[cnt].x;
00767 p[1] = input_->points[cnt].y;
00768 p[2] = input_->points[cnt].z;
00770 for (i = 0; i < DIMENSION; i++)
00771 {
00772 if( !cnt || p[i]<min[i] ) min[i] = p[i];
00773 if( !cnt || p[i]>max[i] ) max[i] = p[i];
00774 }
00775 cnt++;
00776 }
00778 scale = std::max< Real >( max[0]-min[0] , std::max< Real >( max[1]-min[1] , max[2]-min[2] ) );
00779 center = ( max+min ) /2;
00781 scale *= scaleFactor;
00782 for( i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) center[i] -= scale/2;
00783 if( splatDepth>0 )
00784 {
00785 cnt = 0;
00786 while (cnt != input_->size ())
00787 {
00788 position[0] = input_->points[cnt].x;
00789 position[1] = input_->points[cnt].y;
00790 position[2] = input_->points[cnt].z;
00791 normal[0] = input_->points[cnt].normal_x;
00792 normal[1] = input_->points[cnt].normal_y;
00793 normal[2] = input_->points[cnt].normal_z;
00795 for( i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) position[i] = ( position[i]-center[i] ) / scale;
00796 myCenter[0] = myCenter[1] = myCenter[2] = Real(0.5);
00797 myWidth = Real(1.0);
00798 for( i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) if( position[i]<myCenter[i]-myWidth/2 || position[i]>myCenter[i]+myWidth/2 ) break;
00799 if( i!=DIMENSION ) continue;
00800 Real weight=Real( 1. );
00801 if( useConfidence ) weight = Real( Length(normal) );
00802 temp = &tree;
00803 int d=0;
00804 while( d<splatDepth )
00805 {
00806 NonLinearUpdateWeightContribution( temp , position , weight );
00807 if( !temp->children ) temp->initChildren();
00808 int cIndex=TreeOctNode::CornerIndex(myCenter,position);
00809 temp=&temp->children[cIndex];
00810 myWidth/=2;
00811 if(cIndex&1) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
00812 else myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
00813 if(cIndex&2) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
00814 else myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
00815 if(cIndex&4) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
00816 else myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;
00817 d++;
00818 }
00819 NonLinearUpdateWeightContribution( temp , position , weight );
00820 cnt++;
00821 }
00822 }
00824 normals = new std::vector< Point3D<Real> >();
00825 cnt=0;
00826 while (cnt != input_->size ())
00827 {
00828 position[0] = input_->points[cnt].x;
00829 position[1] = input_->points[cnt].y;
00830 position[2] = input_->points[cnt].z;
00831 normal[0] = input_->points[cnt].normal_x;
00832 normal[1] = input_->points[cnt].normal_y;
00833 normal[2] = input_->points[cnt].normal_z;
00834 cnt ++;
00835 for( i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) position[i] = ( position[i]-center[i] ) / scale;
00836 myCenter[0] = myCenter[1] = myCenter[2] = Real(0.5);
00837 myWidth = Real(1.0);
00838 for( i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) if(position[i]<myCenter[i]-myWidth/2 || position[i]>myCenter[i]+myWidth/2) break;
00839 if( i!=DIMENSION ) continue;
00840 Real l = Real( Length( normal ) );
00841 if( l!=l || l<=EPSILON ) continue;
00842 if( !useConfidence ) normal /= l;
00844 l = Real(1.);
00845 Real pointWeight = Real(1.f);
00846 if( samplesPerNode>0 && splatDepth )
00847 {
00848 pointWeight = NonLinearSplatOrientedPoint( position , normal , splatDepth , samplesPerNode , _minDepth , maxDepth );
00849 }
00850 else
00851 {
00852 Real alpha=1;
00853 temp = &tree;
00854 int d=0;
00855 if( splatDepth )
00856 {
00857 while( d<splatDepth )
00858 {
00859 int cIndex=TreeOctNode::CornerIndex(myCenter,position);
00860 temp=&temp->children[cIndex];
00861 myWidth/=2;
00862 if(cIndex&1) myCenter[0]+=myWidth/2;
00863 else myCenter[0]-=myWidth/2;
00864 if(cIndex&2) myCenter[1]+=myWidth/2;
00865 else myCenter[1]-=myWidth/2;
00866 if(cIndex&4) myCenter[2]+=myWidth/2;
00867 else myCenter[2]-=myWidth/2;
00868 d++;
00869 }
00870 alpha = NonLinearGetSampleWeight( temp , position );
00871 }
00872 for( i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) normal[i]*=alpha;
00873 while( d<maxDepth )
00874 {
00875 if(!temp->children){temp->initChildren();}
00876 int cIndex=TreeOctNode::CornerIndex(myCenter,position);
00877 temp=&temp->children[cIndex];
00878 myWidth/=2;
00879 if(cIndex&1) myCenter[0]+=myWidth/2;
00880 else myCenter[0]-=myWidth/2;
00881 if(cIndex&2) myCenter[1]+=myWidth/2;
00882 else myCenter[1]-=myWidth/2;
00883 if(cIndex&4) myCenter[2]+=myWidth/2;
00884 else myCenter[2]-=myWidth/2;
00885 d++;
00886 }
00887 NonLinearSplatOrientedPoint( temp , position , normal );
00888 pointWeight = alpha;
00889 }
00890 pointWeight = 1;
00891 pointWeightSum += pointWeight;
00892 if( _constrainValues )
00893 {
00894 int d = 0;
00895 TreeOctNode* temp = &tree;
00896 myCenter[0] = myCenter[1] = myCenter[2] = Real(0.5);
00897 myWidth = Real(1.0);
00898 while( 1 )
00899 {
00900 int idx = temp->nodeData.pointIndex;
00901 if( idx==-1 )
00902 {
00903 Point3D< Real > p;
00904 p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = 0;
00905 idx = int( _points.size() );
00906 _points.push_back( PointData( position*pointWeight , pointWeight ) );
00907 temp->nodeData.pointIndex = idx;
00908 }
00909 else
00910 {
00911 _points[idx].weight += pointWeight;
00912 _points[idx].position += position * pointWeight;
00913 }
00915 int cIndex = TreeOctNode::CornerIndex( myCenter , position );
00916 if( !temp->children ) break;
00917 temp = &temp->children[cIndex];
00918 myWidth /= 2;
00919 if( cIndex&1 ) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
00920 else myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
00921 if( cIndex&2 ) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
00922 else myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
00923 if( cIndex&4 ) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
00924 else myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;
00925 d++;
00926 }
00927 }
00928 }
00931 if( _constrainValues )
00932 for( TreeOctNode* n=tree.nextNode() ; n ; n=tree.nextNode(n) )
00933 if( n->nodeData.pointIndex!=-1 )
00934 {
00935 int idx = n->nodeData.pointIndex;
00936 _points[idx].position /= _points[idx].weight;
00937 if( adaptiveWeights ) _points[idx].weight *= (1<<n->d);
00938 else _points[idx].weight *= (1<<maxDepth);
00939 _points[idx].weight *= Real( constraintWeight / pointWeightSum );
00940 }
00942 for( TreeOctNode* node=tree.nextNode() ; node ; node=tree.nextNode( node ) )
00943 {
00944 int d , off[3] , res;
00945 node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
00946 res = 1<<d;
00947 if( node->nodeData.normalIndex<0 ) continue;
00948 Point3D< Real >& normal = (*normals)[node->nodeData.normalIndex];
00949 for( int d=0 ; d<3 ; d++ ) if( off[d]==0 || off[d]==res-1 ) normal[d] = 0;
00950 }
00951 #endif // FORCE_NEUMANN_FIELD
00952 _sNodes.set( tree );
00955 return cnt;
00956 }
00959 template<int Degree>
00960 void Octree<Degree>::setBSplineData( int maxDepth , Real normalSmooth , bool reflectBoundary )
00961 {
00962 radius = 0.5 + 0.5 * Degree;
00963 width=int(double(radius+0.5-EPSILON)*2);
00964 if( normalSmooth>0 ) postNormalSmooth = normalSmooth;
00965 fData.set( maxDepth , true , reflectBoundary );
00966 }
00968 template<int Degree>
00969 void Octree<Degree>::finalize( void )
00970 {
00971 int maxDepth = tree.maxDepth( );
00972 TreeOctNode::NeighborKey5 nKey;
00973 nKey.set( maxDepth );
00974 for( int d=maxDepth ; d>0 ; d-- )
00975 for( TreeOctNode* node=tree.nextNode() ; node ; node=tree.nextNode( node ) )
00976 if( node->d==d )
00977 {
00978 int xStart=0 , xEnd=5 , yStart=0 , yEnd=5 , zStart=0 , zEnd=5;
00979 int c = int( node - node->parent->children );
00980 int x , y , z;
00981 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( c , x , y , z );
00982 if( x ) xStart = 1;
00983 else xEnd = 4;
00984 if( y ) yStart = 1;
00985 else yEnd = 4;
00986 if( z ) zStart = 1;
00987 else zEnd = 4;
00988 nKey.setNeighbors( node->parent , xStart , xEnd , yStart , yEnd , zStart , zEnd );
00989 }
00990 _sNodes.set( tree );
00991 MemoryUsage();
00992 }
00993 template< int Degree >
00994 Real Octree< Degree >::GetValue( const PointInfo points[3][3][3] , const bool hasPoints[3][3] , const int d[3] ) const
00995 {
00996 double v = 0.;
00997 const int min[] = { std::max<int>( 0 , d[0]+0 ) , std::max<int>( 0 , d[1]+0 ) , std::max<int>( 0 , d[2]+0 ) };
00998 const int max[] = { std::min<int>( 2 , d[0]+2 ) , std::min<int>( 2 , d[1]+2 ) , std::min<int>( 2 , d[2]+2 ) };
00999 for( int i=min[0] ; i<=max[0] ; i++ ) for( int j=min[1] ; j<=max[1] ; j++ )
01000 {
01001 if( !hasPoints[i][j] ) continue;
01002 const PointInfo* pInfo = points[i][j];
01003 int ii = -d[0]+i;
01004 int jj = -d[1]+j;
01005 for( int k=min[2] ; k<=max[2] ; k++ )
01006 if( pInfo[k].weightedValue )
01007 v += pInfo[k].splineValues[0][ii] * pInfo[k].splineValues[1][jj] * pInfo[k].splineValues[2][-d[2]+k];
01008 }
01009 return Real( v );
01010 }
01011 template<int Degree>
01012 Real Octree<Degree>::GetLaplacian( const int idx[DIMENSION] ) const
01013 {
01014 return Real( fData.vvDotTable[idx[0]] * fData.vvDotTable[idx[1]] * fData.vvDotTable[idx[2]] * (fData.ddDotTable[idx[0]]+fData.ddDotTable[idx[1]]+fData.ddDotTable[idx[2]] ) );
01015 }
01016 template< int Degree >
01017 Real Octree< Degree >::GetLaplacian( const TreeOctNode* node1 , const TreeOctNode* node2 ) const
01018 {
01019 int symIndex[] =
01020 {
01021 BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( node1->off[0] , node2->off[0] ) ,
01022 BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( node1->off[1] , node2->off[1] ) ,
01023 BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( node1->off[2] , node2->off[2] )
01024 };
01025 return GetLaplacian( symIndex );
01026 }
01027 template< int Degree >
01028 Real Octree< Degree >::GetDivergence( const TreeOctNode* node1 , const TreeOctNode* node2 , const Point3D< Real >& normal1 ) const
01029 {
01030 int symIndex[] =
01031 {
01032 BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( node1->off[0] , node2->off[0] ) ,
01033 BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( node1->off[1] , node2->off[1] ) ,
01034 BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( node1->off[2] , node2->off[2] ) ,
01035 };
01036 int aSymIndex[] =
01037 {
01040 fData.Index( node2->off[0] , node1->off[0] ) ,
01041 fData.Index( node2->off[1] , node1->off[1] ) ,
01042 fData.Index( node2->off[2] , node1->off[2] )
01045 fData.Index( node1->off[0] , node2->off[0] ) ,
01046 fData.Index( node1->off[1] , node2->off[1] ) ,
01047 fData.Index( node1->off[2] , node2->off[2] )
01049 };
01050 double dot = fData.vvDotTable[symIndex[0]] * fData.vvDotTable[symIndex[1]] * fData.vvDotTable[symIndex[2]];
01052 return Real( dot * ( fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[0]]*normal1[0] + fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[1]]*normal1[1] + fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[2]]*normal1[2] ) );
01054 return -Real( dot * ( fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[0]]*normal1[0] + fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[1]]*normal1[1] + fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[2]]*normal1[2] ) );
01056 }
01057 template< int Degree >
01058 Real Octree< Degree >::GetDivergenceMinusLaplacian( const TreeOctNode* node1 , const TreeOctNode* node2 , Real value1 , const Point3D<Real>& normal1 ) const
01059 {
01060 int symIndex[] =
01061 {
01062 BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( node1->off[0] , node2->off[0] ) ,
01063 BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( node1->off[1] , node2->off[1] ) ,
01064 BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( node1->off[2] , node2->off[2] )
01065 };
01066 int aSymIndex[] =
01067 {
01070 fData.Index( node2->off[0] , node1->off[0] ) ,
01071 fData.Index( node2->off[1] , node1->off[1] ) ,
01072 fData.Index( node2->off[2] , node1->off[2] )
01075 fData.Index( node1->off[0] , node2->off[0] ) ,
01076 fData.Index( node1->off[1] , node2->off[1] ) ,
01077 fData.Index( node1->off[2] , node2->off[2] )
01079 };
01080 double dot = fData.vvDotTable[symIndex[0]] * fData.vvDotTable[symIndex[1]] * fData.vvDotTable[symIndex[2]];
01081 return Real( dot *
01082 (
01084 - ( fData.ddDotTable[ symIndex[0]] + fData.ddDotTable[ symIndex[1]] + fData.ddDotTable[ symIndex[2]] ) * value1
01085 + ( fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[0]]*normal1[0] + fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[1]]*normal1[1] + fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[2]]*normal1[2] )
01086 #else
01087 - ( fData.ddDotTable[ symIndex[0]] + fData.ddDotTable[ symIndex[1]] + fData.ddDotTable[ symIndex[2]] ) * value1
01088 - ( fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[0]]*normal1[0] + fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[1]]*normal1[1] + fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[2]]*normal1[2] )
01089 #endif
01090 )
01091 );
01092 }
01093 template< int Degree >
01094 void Octree< Degree >::SetMatrixRowBounds( const TreeOctNode* node , int rDepth , const int rOff[3] , int& xStart , int& xEnd , int& yStart , int& yEnd , int& zStart , int& zEnd ) const
01095 {
01096 xStart = 0 , yStart = 0 , zStart = 0 , xEnd = 5 , yEnd = 5 , zEnd = 5;
01097 int depth , off[3];
01098 node->depthAndOffset( depth , off );
01099 int width = 1 << ( depth-rDepth );
01100 off[0] -= rOff[0] << ( depth-rDepth ) , off[1] -= rOff[1] << ( depth-rDepth ) , off[2] -= rOff[2] << ( depth-rDepth );
01101 if( off[0]<0 ) xStart = -off[0];
01102 if( off[1]<0 ) yStart = -off[1];
01103 if( off[2]<0 ) zStart = -off[2];
01104 if( off[0]>=width ) xEnd = 4 - ( off[0]-width );
01105 if( off[1]>=width ) yEnd = 4 - ( off[1]-width );
01106 if( off[2]>=width ) zEnd = 4 - ( off[2]-width );
01107 }
01108 template< int Degree >
01109 int Octree< Degree >::GetMatrixRowSize( const OctNode< TreeNodeData , Real >::Neighbors5& neighbors5 ) const { return GetMatrixRowSize( neighbors5 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 5 ); }
01110 template< int Degree >
01111 int Octree< Degree >::GetMatrixRowSize( const OctNode< TreeNodeData , Real >::Neighbors5& neighbors5 , int xStart , int xEnd , int yStart , int yEnd , int zStart , int zEnd ) const
01112 {
01113 int count = 0;
01114 for( int x=xStart ; x<=2 ; x++ )
01115 for( int y=yStart ; y<yEnd ; y++ )
01116 if( x==2 && y>2 ) continue;
01117 else for( int z=zStart ; z<zEnd ; z++ )
01118 if( x==2 && y==2 && z>2 ) continue;
01119 else if( neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z] && neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z]->nodeData.nodeIndex>=0 )
01120 count++;
01121 return count;
01122 }
01123 template< int Degree >
01124 int Octree< Degree >::SetMatrixRow( const OctNode< TreeNodeData , Real >::Neighbors5& neighbors5 , MatrixEntry< float >* row , int offset , const double stencil[5][5][5] ) const
01125 {
01126 return SetMatrixRow( neighbors5 , row , offset , stencil , 0 , 5 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 5 );
01127 }
01128 template< int Degree >
01129 int Octree< Degree >::SetMatrixRow( const OctNode< TreeNodeData , Real >::Neighbors5& neighbors5 , MatrixEntry< float >* row , int offset , const double stencil[5][5][5] , int xStart , int xEnd , int yStart , int yEnd , int zStart , int zEnd ) const
01130 {
01131 bool hasPoints[3][3];
01132 Real diagonal = 0;
01133 PointInfo samples[3][3][3];
01135 int count = 0;
01136 const TreeOctNode* node = neighbors5.neighbors[2][2][2];
01137 int index[] = { int( node->off[0] ) , int( node->off[1] ), int( node->off[2] ) };
01139 if( _constrainValues )
01140 {
01141 int d , idx[3];
01142 node->depthAndOffset( d , idx );
01143 idx[0] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , idx[0] );
01144 idx[1] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , idx[1] );
01145 idx[2] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , idx[2] );
01146 for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ )
01147 {
01148 hasPoints[j][k] = false;
01149 for( int l=0 ; l<3 ; l++ )
01150 {
01151 const TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors5.neighbors[j+1][k+1][l+1];
01152 if( _node && _node->nodeData.pointIndex!=-1 )
01153 {
01154 const PointData& pData = _points[ _node->nodeData.pointIndex ];
01155 PointInfo& pointInfo = samples[j][k][l];
01156 Real weight = pData.weight;
01157 Point3D< Real > p = pData.position;
01158 for( int s=0 ; s<3 ; s++ )
01159 {
01160 pointInfo.splineValues[0][s] = float( fData.baseBSplines[ idx[0]+j-s][s]( p[0] ) );
01161 pointInfo.splineValues[1][s] = float( fData.baseBSplines[ idx[1]+k-s][s]( p[1] ) );
01162 pointInfo.splineValues[2][s] = float( fData.baseBSplines[ idx[2]+l-s][s]( p[2] ) );
01163 }
01164 float value = pointInfo.splineValues[0][j] * pointInfo.splineValues[1][k] * pointInfo.splineValues[2][l];
01165 diagonal += value * value * weight;
01166 pointInfo.weightedValue = value * weight;
01167 for( int s=0 ; s<3 ; s++ ) pointInfo.splineValues[0][s] *= pointInfo.weightedValue;
01168 hasPoints[j][k] = true;
01169 }
01170 else samples[j][k][l].weightedValue = 0;
01171 }
01172 }
01173 }
01175 bool isInterior;
01176 int d , off[3];
01177 neighbors5.neighbors[2][2][2]->depthAndOffset( d , off );
01178 int mn = 2 , mx = (1<<d)-2;
01179 isInterior = ( off[0]>=mn && off[0]<mx && off[1]>=mn && off[1]<mx && off[2]>=mn && off[2]<mx );
01180 for( int x=xStart ; x<=2 ; x++ )
01181 for( int y=yStart ; y<yEnd ; y++ )
01182 if( x==2 && y>2 ) continue;
01183 else for( int z=zStart ; z<zEnd ; z++ )
01184 if( x==2 && y==2 && z>2 ) continue;
01185 else if( neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z] && neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z]->nodeData.nodeIndex>=0 )
01186 {
01187 const TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z];
01188 int _index[] = { int( _node->off[0] ) , int( _node->off[1] ), int( _node->off[2] ) };
01189 Real temp;
01190 if( isInterior ) temp = Real( stencil[x][y][z] );
01191 else temp = GetLaplacian( node , _node );
01192 if( _constrainValues )
01193 {
01194 int _d[] = { _index[0]-index[0] , _index[1]-index[1] , _index[2]-index[2] };
01195 if( x==2 && y==2 && z==2 ) temp += diagonal;
01196 else temp += GetValue( samples , hasPoints , _d );
01197 }
01198 if( x==2 && y==2 && z==2 ) temp /= 2;
01199 if( fabs(temp)>MATRIX_ENTRY_EPSILON )
01200 {
01201 row[count].N = _node->nodeData.nodeIndex-offset;
01202 row[count].Value = temp;
01203 count++;
01204 }
01205 }
01206 return count;
01207 }
01208 template< int Degree >
01209 void Octree< Degree >::SetDivergenceStencil( int depth , Point3D< double > *stencil , bool scatter ) const
01210 {
01211 int offset[] = { 2 , 2 , 2 };
01212 short d , off[3];
01213 TreeOctNode::Index( depth , offset , d , off );
01214 int index1[3] , index2[3];
01215 if( scatter ) index2[0] = int( off[0] ) , index2[1] = int( off[1] ) , index2[2] = int( off[2] );
01216 else index1[0] = int( off[0] ) , index1[1] = int( off[1] ) , index1[2] = int( off[2] );
01217 for( int x=0 ; x<5 ; x++ ) for( int y=0 ; y<5 ; y++ ) for( int z=0 ; z<5 ; z++ )
01218 {
01219 int _offset[] = { x , y , z };
01220 TreeOctNode::Index( depth , _offset , d , off );
01221 if( scatter ) index1[0] = int( off[0] ) , index1[1] = int( off[1] ) , index1[2] = int( off[2] );
01222 else index2[0] = int( off[0] ) , index2[1] = int( off[1] ) , index2[2] = int( off[2] );
01223 int symIndex[] =
01224 {
01225 BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( index1[0] , index2[0] ) ,
01226 BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( index1[1] , index2[1] ) ,
01227 BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( index1[2] , index2[2] ) ,
01228 };
01229 int aSymIndex[] =
01230 {
01233 fData.Index( index1[0] , index2[0] ) ,
01234 fData.Index( index1[1] , index2[1] ) ,
01235 fData.Index( index1[2] , index2[2] )
01238 fData.Index( index2[0] , index1[0] ) ,
01239 fData.Index( index2[1] , index1[1] ) ,
01240 fData.Index( index2[2] , index1[2] )
01242 };
01244 double dot = fData.vvDotTable[symIndex[0]] * fData.vvDotTable[symIndex[1]] * fData.vvDotTable[symIndex[2]];
01246 Point3D<double> temp;
01247 temp[0] = fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[0]] * dot;
01248 temp[1] = fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[1]] * dot;
01249 temp[2] = fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[2]] * dot;
01250 stencil[25*x + 5*y + z] = temp;
01255 Point3D<double> temp;
01256 temp[0] = -fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[0]] * dot;
01257 temp[1] = -fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[1]] * dot;
01258 temp[2] = -fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[2]] * dot;
01259 stencil[25*x + 5*y + z] = temp;
01264 }
01265 }
01266 template< int Degree >
01267 void Octree< Degree >::SetLaplacianStencil( int depth , double stencil[5][5][5] ) const
01268 {
01269 int offset[] = { 2 , 2 , 2 };
01270 short d , off[3];
01271 TreeOctNode::Index( depth , offset , d , off );
01272 int index[] = { int( off[0] ) , int( off[1] ) , int( off[2] ) };
01273 for( int x=0 ; x<5 ; x++ ) for( int y=0 ; y<5 ; y++ ) for( int z=0 ; z<5 ; z++ )
01274 {
01275 int _offset[] = { x , y , z };
01276 short _d , _off[3];
01277 TreeOctNode::Index( depth , _offset , _d , _off );
01278 int _index[] = { int( _off[0] ) , int( _off[1] ) , int( _off[2] ) };
01279 int symIndex[3];
01280 symIndex[0] = BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( index[0] , _index[0] );
01281 symIndex[1] = BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( index[1] , _index[1] );
01282 symIndex[2] = BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( index[2] , _index[2] );
01283 stencil[x][y][z] = GetLaplacian( symIndex );
01284 }
01285 }
01286 template< int Degree >
01287 void Octree< Degree >::SetLaplacianStencils( int depth , Stencil< double , 5 > stencils[2][2][2] ) const
01288 {
01289 if( depth<=1 ) return;
01290 for( int i=0 ; i<2 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<2 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<2 ; k++ )
01291 {
01292 short d , off[3];
01293 int offset[] = { 4+i , 4+j , 4+k };
01294 TreeOctNode::Index( depth , offset , d , off );
01295 int index[] = { int( off[0] ) , int( off[1] ) , int( off[2] ) };
01296 for( int x=0 ; x<5 ; x++ ) for( int y=0 ; y<5 ; y++ ) for( int z=0 ; z<5 ; z++ )
01297 {
01298 int _offset[] = { x , y , z };
01299 short _d , _off[3];
01300 TreeOctNode::Index( depth-1 , _offset , _d , _off );
01301 int _index[] = { int( _off[0] ) , int( _off[1] ) , int( _off[2] ) };
01302 int symIndex[3];
01303 symIndex[0] = BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( index[0] , _index[0] );
01304 symIndex[1] = BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( index[1] , _index[1] );
01305 symIndex[2] = BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( index[2] , _index[2] );
01306 stencils[i][j][k].values[x][y][z] = GetLaplacian( symIndex );
01307 }
01308 }
01309 }
01310 template< int Degree >
01311 void Octree< Degree >::SetDivergenceStencils( int depth , Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > stencils[2][2][2] , bool scatter ) const
01312 {
01313 if( depth<=1 ) return;
01314 int index1[3] , index2[3];
01315 for( int i=0 ; i<2 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<2 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<2 ; k++ )
01316 {
01317 short d , off[3];
01318 int offset[] = { 4+i , 4+j , 4+k };
01319 TreeOctNode::Index( depth , offset , d , off );
01320 if( scatter ) index2[0] = int( off[0] ) , index2[1] = int( off[1] ) , index2[2] = int( off[2] );
01321 else index1[0] = int( off[0] ) , index1[1] = int( off[1] ) , index1[2] = int( off[2] );
01322 for( int x=0 ; x<5 ; x++ ) for( int y=0 ; y<5 ; y++ ) for( int z=0 ; z<5 ; z++ )
01323 {
01324 int _offset[] = { x , y , z };
01325 TreeOctNode::Index( depth-1 , _offset , d , off );
01326 if( scatter ) index1[0] = int( off[0] ) , index1[1] = int( off[1] ) , index1[2] = int( off[2] );
01327 else index2[0] = int( off[0] ) , index2[1] = int( off[1] ) , index2[2] = int( off[2] );
01329 int symIndex[] =
01330 {
01331 BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( index1[0] , index2[0] ) ,
01332 BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( index1[1] , index2[1] ) ,
01333 BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( index1[2] , index2[2] ) ,
01334 };
01335 int aSymIndex[] =
01336 {
01339 fData.Index( index1[0] , index2[0] ) ,
01340 fData.Index( index1[1] , index2[1] ) ,
01341 fData.Index( index1[2] , index2[2] )
01344 fData.Index( index2[0] , index1[0] ) ,
01345 fData.Index( index2[1] , index1[1] ) ,
01346 fData.Index( index2[2] , index1[2] )
01348 };
01349 double dot = fData.vvDotTable[symIndex[0]] * fData.vvDotTable[symIndex[1]] * fData.vvDotTable[symIndex[2]];
01351 stencils[i][j][k].values[x][y][z][0] = fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[0]] * dot;
01352 stencils[i][j][k].values[x][y][z][1] = fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[1]] * dot;
01353 stencils[i][j][k].values[x][y][z][2] = fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[2]] * dot;
01355 stencils[i][j][k].values[x][y][z][0] = -fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[0]] * dot;
01356 stencils[i][j][k].values[x][y][z][1] = -fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[1]] * dot;
01357 stencils[i][j][k].values[x][y][z][2] = -fData.dvDotTable[aSymIndex[2]] * dot;
01359 }
01360 }
01361 }
01362 template< int Degree >
01363 void Octree< Degree >::SetEvaluationStencils( int depth , Stencil< double , 3 > stencil1[8] , Stencil< double , 3 > stencil2[8][8] ) const
01364 {
01365 if( depth>2 )
01366 {
01367 int idx[3];
01368 int off[] = { 2 , 2 , 2 };
01369 for( int c=0 ; c<8 ; c++ )
01370 {
01371 VertexData::CornerIndex( depth , off , c , fData.depth , idx );
01372 idx[0] *= fData.functionCount , idx[1] *= fData.functionCount , idx[2] *= fData.functionCount;
01373 for( int x=0 ; x<3 ; x++ ) for( int y=0 ; y<3 ; y++ ) for( int z=0 ; z<3 ; z++ )
01374 {
01375 short _d , _off[3];
01376 int _offset[] = { x+1 , y+1 , z+1 };
01377 TreeOctNode::Index( depth , _offset , _d , _off );
01378 stencil1[c].values[x][y][z] = fData.valueTables[ idx[0]+int(_off[0]) ] * fData.valueTables[ idx[1]+int(_off[1]) ] * fData.valueTables[ idx[2]+int(_off[2]) ];
01379 }
01380 }
01381 }
01382 if( depth>3 )
01383 for( int _c=0 ; _c<8 ; _c++ )
01384 {
01385 int idx[3];
01386 int _cx , _cy , _cz;
01387 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( _c , _cx , _cy , _cz );
01388 int off[] = { 4+_cx , 4+_cy , 4+_cz };
01389 for( int c=0 ; c<8 ; c++ )
01390 {
01391 VertexData::CornerIndex( depth , off , c , fData.depth , idx );
01392 idx[0] *= fData.functionCount , idx[1] *= fData.functionCount , idx[2] *= fData.functionCount;
01393 for( int x=0 ; x<3 ; x++ ) for( int y=0 ; y<3 ; y++ ) for( int z=0 ; z<3 ; z++ )
01394 {
01395 short _d , _off[3];
01396 int _offset[] = { x+1 , y+1 , z+1 };
01397 TreeOctNode::Index( depth-1 , _offset , _d , _off );
01398 stencil2[_c][c].values[x][y][z] = fData.valueTables[ idx[0]+int(_off[0]) ] * fData.valueTables[ idx[1]+int(_off[1]) ] * fData.valueTables[ idx[2]+int(_off[2]) ];
01399 }
01400 }
01401 }
01402 }
01403 template< int Degree >
01404 void Octree< Degree >::UpdateCoarserSupportBounds( const TreeOctNode* node , int& startX , int& endX , int& startY , int& endY , int& startZ , int& endZ )
01405 {
01406 if( node->parent )
01407 {
01408 int x , y , z , c = int( node - node->parent->children );
01409 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( c , x , y , z );
01410 if( x==0 ) endX = 4;
01411 else startX = 1;
01412 if( y==0 ) endY = 4;
01413 else startY = 1;
01414 if( z==0 ) endZ = 4;
01415 else startZ = 1;
01416 }
01417 }
01419 template< int Degree >
01420 void Octree< Degree >::UpdateConstraintsFromCoarser( const OctNode< TreeNodeData , Real >::NeighborKey5& neighborKey5 , TreeOctNode* node , Real* metSolution , const Stencil< double , 5 >& lapStencil ) const
01421 {
01422 bool isInterior;
01423 {
01424 int d , off[3];
01425 node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
01426 int mn = 4 , mx = (1<<d)-4;
01427 isInterior = ( off[0]>=mn && off[0]<mx && off[1]>=mn && off[1]<mx && off[2]>=mn && off[2]<mx );
01428 }
01429 Real constraint = Real( 0 );
01430 int depth = node->depth();
01431 if( depth<=_minDepth ) return;
01432 int i = node->nodeData.nodeIndex;
01434 int startX = 0 , endX = 5 , startY = 0 , endY = 5 , startZ = 0 , endZ = 5;
01435 UpdateCoarserSupportBounds( node , startX , endX , startY , endY , startZ , endZ );
01437 const TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& neighbors5 = neighborKey5.neighbors[depth-1];
01438 for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
01439 if( neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z] && neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z]->nodeData.nodeIndex>=0 )
01440 {
01441 const TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z];
01442 Real _solution = metSolution[ _node->nodeData.nodeIndex ];
01443 {
01444 if( isInterior ) node->nodeData.constraint -= Real( lapStencil.values[x][y][z] * _solution );
01445 else node->nodeData.constraint -= GetLaplacian( _node , node ) * _solution;
01446 }
01447 }
01448 if( _constrainValues )
01449 {
01450 int d , idx[3];
01451 node->depthAndOffset( d, idx );
01452 idx[0] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , idx[0] );
01453 idx[1] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , idx[1] );
01454 idx[2] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , idx[2] );
01455 const TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& neighbors5 = neighborKey5.neighbors[depth];
01456 for( int x=1 ; x<4 ; x++ ) for( int y=1 ; y<4 ; y++ ) for( int z=1 ; z<4 ; z++ )
01457 if( neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z] && neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z]->nodeData.pointIndex!=-1 )
01458 {
01459 const PointData& pData = _points[ neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z]->nodeData.pointIndex ];
01460 Real pointValue = pData.value;
01461 Point3D< Real > p = pData.position;
01462 node->nodeData.constraint -=
01463 Real(
01464 fData.baseBSplines[idx[0]][x-1]( p[0] ) *
01465 fData.baseBSplines[idx[1]][y-1]( p[1] ) *
01466 fData.baseBSplines[idx[2]][z-1]( p[2] ) *
01467 pointValue
01468 );
01469 }
01470 }
01471 }
01472 struct UpSampleData
01473 {
01474 int start;
01475 double v[2];
01476 UpSampleData( void ) { start = 0 , v[0] = v[1] = 0.; }
01477 UpSampleData( int s , double v1 , double v2 ) { start = s , v[0] = v1 , v[1] = v2; }
01478 };
01479 template< int Degree >
01480 void Octree< Degree >::UpSampleCoarserSolution( int depth , const SortedTreeNodes& sNodes , Vector< Real >& Solution ) const
01481 {
01482 int start = sNodes.nodeCount[depth] , end = sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] , range = end-start;
01483 Solution.Resize( range );
01484 if( !depth ) return;
01485 else if( depth==1 ) for( int i=start ; i<end ; i++ ) Solution[i-start] += sNodes.treeNodes[0]->nodeData.solution;
01486 else
01487 {
01489 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
01490 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
01491 {
01492 TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey;
01493 neighborKey.set( depth );
01494 for( int i=start+(range*t)/threads ; i<start+(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
01495 {
01496 int d , off[3];
01497 UpSampleData usData[3];
01498 sNodes.treeNodes[i]->depthAndOffset( d , off );
01499 for( int d=0 ; d<3 ; d++ )
01500 {
01501 if ( off[d] ==0 ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 1 , 1.00 , 0.00 );
01502 else if( off[d]+1==(1<<depth) ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.00 , 1.00 );
01503 else if( off[d]%2 ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 1 , 0.75 , 0.25 );
01504 else usData[d] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.25 , 0.75 );
01505 }
01506 neighborKey.getNeighbors( sNodes.treeNodes[i] );
01507 for( int ii=0 ; ii<2 ; ii++ )
01508 {
01509 int _ii = ii + usData[0].start;
01510 double dx = usData[0].v[ii];
01511 for( int jj=0 ; jj<2 ; jj++ )
01512 {
01513 int _jj = jj + usData[1].start;
01514 double dxy = dx * usData[1].v[jj];
01515 for( int kk=0 ; kk<2 ; kk++ )
01516 {
01517 int _kk = kk + usData[2].start;
01518 double dxyz = dxy * usData[2].v[kk];
01519 Solution[i-start] += Real( neighborKey.neighbors[depth-1].neighbors[_ii][_jj][_kk]->nodeData.solution * dxyz );
01520 }
01521 }
01522 }
01523 }
01524 }
01525 }
01527 start = sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] , end = sNodes.nodeCount[depth] , range = end-start;
01528 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
01529 for( int i=start ; i<end ; i++ ) sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.solution = Real( 0. );
01530 }
01531 template< int Degree >
01532 void Octree< Degree >::DownSampleFinerConstraints( int depth , SortedTreeNodes& sNodes ) const
01533 {
01534 if( !depth ) return;
01535 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
01536 for( int i=sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] ; i<sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ; i++ )
01537 sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint = Real( 0 );
01539 if( depth==1 )
01540 {
01541 sNodes.treeNodes[0]->nodeData.constraint = Real( 0 );
01542 for( int i=sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ; i<sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] ; i++ ) sNodes.treeNodes[0]->nodeData.constraint += sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint;
01543 return;
01544 }
01545 std::vector< Vector< double > > constraints( threads );
01546 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) constraints[t].Resize( sNodes.nodeCount[depth] - sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] ) , constraints[t].SetZero();
01547 int start = sNodes.nodeCount[depth] , end = sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] , range = end-start;
01548 int lStart = sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] , lEnd = sNodes.nodeCount[depth];
01550 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
01551 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
01552 {
01553 TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey;
01554 neighborKey.set( depth );
01555 for( int i=start+(range*t)/threads ; i<start+(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
01556 {
01557 int d , off[3];
01558 UpSampleData usData[3];
01559 sNodes.treeNodes[i]->depthAndOffset( d , off );
01560 for( int d=0 ; d<3 ; d++ )
01561 {
01562 if ( off[d] ==0 ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 1 , 1.00 , 0.00 );
01563 else if( off[d]+1==(1<<depth) ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.00 , 1.00 );
01564 else if( off[d]%2 ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 1 , 0.75 , 0.25 );
01565 else usData[d] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.25 , 0.75 );
01566 }
01567 neighborKey.getNeighbors( sNodes.treeNodes[i] );
01568 TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.neighbors[depth-1];
01569 for( int ii=0 ; ii<2 ; ii++ )
01570 {
01571 int _ii = ii + usData[0].start;
01572 double dx = usData[0].v[ii];
01573 for( int jj=0 ; jj<2 ; jj++ )
01574 {
01575 int _jj = jj + usData[1].start;
01576 double dxy = dx * usData[1].v[jj];
01577 for( int kk=0 ; kk<2 ; kk++ )
01578 {
01579 int _kk = kk + usData[2].start;
01580 double dxyz = dxy * usData[2].v[kk];
01581 constraints[t][neighbors.neighbors[_ii][_jj][_kk]->nodeData.nodeIndex-lStart] += sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint * dxyz;
01582 }
01583 }
01584 }
01585 }
01586 }
01587 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
01588 for( int i=lStart ; i<lEnd ; i++ )
01589 {
01590 Real cSum = Real(0.);
01591 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) cSum += constraints[t][i-lStart];
01592 sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint += cSum;
01593 }
01594 }
01595 template< int Degree >
01596 template< class C >
01597 void Octree< Degree >::DownSample( int depth , const SortedTreeNodes& sNodes , C* constraints ) const
01598 {
01599 if( depth==0 ) return;
01600 if( depth==1 )
01601 {
01602 for( int i=sNodes.nodeCount[1] ; i<sNodes.nodeCount[2] ; i++ ) constraints[0] += constraints[i];
01603 return;
01604 }
01605 std::vector< Vector< C > > _constraints( threads );
01606 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) _constraints[t].Resize( sNodes.nodeCount[depth] - sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] );
01607 int start = sNodes.nodeCount[depth] , end = sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] , range = end-start , lStart = sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] , lEnd = sNodes.nodeCount[depth];
01609 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
01610 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
01611 {
01612 TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey;
01613 neighborKey.set( depth );
01614 for( int i=start+(range*t)/threads ; i<start+(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
01615 {
01616 int d , off[3];
01617 UpSampleData usData[3];
01618 sNodes.treeNodes[i]->depthAndOffset( d , off );
01619 for( int d=0 ; d<3 ; d++ )
01620 {
01621 if ( off[d] ==0 ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 1 , 1.00 , 0.00 );
01622 else if( off[d]+1==(1<<depth) ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.00 , 1.00 );
01623 else if( off[d]%2 ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 1 , 0.75 , 0.25 );
01624 else usData[d] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.25 , 0.75 );
01625 }
01626 TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.getNeighbors( sNodes.treeNodes[i]->parent );
01627 C c = constraints[i];
01628 for( int ii=0 ; ii<2 ; ii++ )
01629 {
01630 int _ii = ii + usData[0].start;
01631 C cx = C( c*usData[0].v[ii] );
01632 for( int jj=0 ; jj<2 ; jj++ )
01633 {
01634 int _jj = jj + usData[1].start;
01635 C cxy = C( cx*usData[1].v[jj] );
01636 for( int kk=0 ; kk<2 ; kk++ )
01637 {
01638 int _kk = kk + usData[2].start;
01639 if( neighbors.neighbors[_ii][_jj][_kk] )
01640 _constraints[t][neighbors.neighbors[_ii][_jj][_kk]->nodeData.nodeIndex-lStart] += C( cxy*usData[2].v[kk] );
01641 }
01642 }
01643 }
01644 }
01645 }
01646 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
01647 for( int i=lStart ; i<lEnd ; i++ )
01648 {
01649 C cSum = C(0);
01650 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) cSum += _constraints[t][i-lStart];
01651 constraints[i] += cSum;
01652 }
01653 }
01654 template< int Degree >
01655 template< class C >
01656 void Octree< Degree >::UpSample( int depth , const SortedTreeNodes& sNodes , C* coefficients ) const
01657 {
01658 if ( depth==0 ) return;
01659 else if( depth==1 )
01660 {
01661 for( int i=sNodes.nodeCount[1] ; i<sNodes.nodeCount[2] ; i++ ) coefficients[i] += coefficients[0];
01662 return;
01663 }
01665 int start = sNodes.nodeCount[depth] , end = sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] , range = end-start;
01667 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
01668 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
01669 {
01670 TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey;
01671 neighborKey.set( depth-1 );
01672 for( int i=start+(range*t)/threads ; i<start+(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
01673 {
01674 TreeOctNode* node = sNodes.treeNodes[i];
01675 int d , off[3];
01676 UpSampleData usData[3];
01677 node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
01678 for( int d=0 ; d<3 ; d++ )
01679 {
01680 if ( off[d] ==0 ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 1 , 1.00 , 0.00 );
01681 else if( off[d]+1==(1<<depth) ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.00 , 1.00 );
01682 else if( off[d]%2 ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 1 , 0.75 , 0.25 );
01683 else usData[d] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.25 , 0.75 );
01684 }
01685 TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.getNeighbors( node->parent );
01686 for( int ii=0 ; ii<2 ; ii++ )
01687 {
01688 int _ii = ii + usData[0].start;
01689 double dx = usData[0].v[ii];
01690 for( int jj=0 ; jj<2 ; jj++ )
01691 {
01692 int _jj = jj + usData[1].start;
01693 double dxy = dx * usData[1].v[jj];
01694 for( int kk=0 ; kk<2 ; kk++ )
01695 {
01696 int _kk = kk + usData[2].start;
01697 if( neighbors.neighbors[_ii][_jj][_kk] )
01698 {
01699 double dxyz = dxy * usData[2].v[kk];
01700 int _i = neighbors.neighbors[_ii][_jj][_kk]->nodeData.nodeIndex;
01701 coefficients[i] += coefficients[_i] * Real( dxyz );
01702 }
01703 }
01704 }
01705 }
01706 }
01707 }
01708 }
01709 template< int Degree >
01710 void Octree< Degree >::SetCoarserPointValues( int depth , const SortedTreeNodes& sNodes , Real* metSolution )
01711 {
01712 int start = sNodes.nodeCount[depth] , end = sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] , range = end-start;
01714 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
01715 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
01716 {
01717 TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey;
01718 neighborKey.set( depth );
01719 for( int i=start+(range*t)/threads ; i<start+(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
01720 {
01721 int pIdx = sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.pointIndex;
01722 if( pIdx!=-1 )
01723 {
01724 neighborKey.getNeighbors( sNodes.treeNodes[i] );
01725 _points[ pIdx ].value = WeightedCoarserFunctionValue( neighborKey , sNodes.treeNodes[i] , metSolution );
01726 }
01727 }
01728 }
01729 }
01730 template< int Degree >
01731 Real Octree< Degree >::WeightedCoarserFunctionValue( const OctNode< TreeNodeData , Real >::NeighborKey3& neighborKey , const TreeOctNode* pointNode , Real* metSolution ) const
01732 {
01733 int depth = pointNode->depth();
01734 if( !depth || pointNode->nodeData.pointIndex==-1 ) return Real(0.);
01735 double pointValue = 0;
01737 Real weight = _points[ pointNode->nodeData.pointIndex ].weight;
01738 Point3D< Real > p = _points[ pointNode->nodeData.pointIndex ].position;
01741 {
01742 int d , _idx[3];
01743 const TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.neighbors[depth-1];
01744 neighbors.neighbors[1][1][1]->depthAndOffset( d , _idx );
01745 _idx[0] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , _idx[0]-1 );
01746 _idx[1] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , _idx[1]-1 );
01747 _idx[2] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , _idx[2]-1 );
01748 for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ ) for( int l=0 ; l<3 ; l++ )
01749 if( neighbors.neighbors[j][k][l] && neighbors.neighbors[j][k][l]->nodeData.nodeIndex>=0 )
01750 {
01752 const TreeOctNode* basisNode = neighbors.neighbors[j][k][l];
01753 int idx[] = { _idx[0]+j , _idx[1]+k , _idx[2]+l };
01754 pointValue +=
01755 fData.baseBSplines[ idx[0] ][2-j]( p[0] ) *
01756 fData.baseBSplines[ idx[1] ][2-k]( p[1] ) *
01757 fData.baseBSplines[ idx[2] ][2-l]( p[2] ) *
01758 metSolution[basisNode->nodeData.nodeIndex];
01759 }
01760 }
01761 return Real( pointValue * weight );
01762 }
01763 template<int Degree>
01764 int Octree<Degree>::GetFixedDepthLaplacian( SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real >& matrix , int depth , const SortedTreeNodes& sNodes , Real* metSolution )
01765 {
01766 int start = sNodes.nodeCount[depth] , end = sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] , range = end-start;
01767 double stencil[5][5][5];
01768 SetLaplacianStencil( depth , stencil );
01769 Stencil< double , 5 > stencils[2][2][2];
01770 SetLaplacianStencils( depth , stencils );
01771 matrix.Resize( range );
01772 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
01773 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
01774 {
01775 TreeOctNode::NeighborKey5 neighborKey5;
01776 neighborKey5.set( depth );
01777 for( int i=(range*t)/threads ; i<(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
01778 {
01779 TreeOctNode* node = sNodes.treeNodes[i+start];
01780 neighborKey5.getNeighbors( node );
01783 int count = GetMatrixRowSize( neighborKey5.neighbors[depth] );
01786 #pragma omp critical (matrix_set_row_size)
01787 {
01788 matrix.SetRowSize( i , count );
01789 }
01792 matrix.rowSizes[i] = SetMatrixRow( neighborKey5.neighbors[depth] , matrix[i] , start , stencil );
01795 int x , y , z , c;
01796 if( node->parent )
01797 {
01798 c = int( node - node->parent->children );
01799 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( c , x , y , z );
01800 }
01801 else x = y = z = 0;
01802 UpdateConstraintsFromCoarser( neighborKey5 , node , metSolution , stencils[x][y][z] );
01803 }
01804 }
01805 return 1;
01806 }
01807 template<int Degree>
01808 int Octree<Degree>::GetRestrictedFixedDepthLaplacian( SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real >& matrix,int depth,const int* entries,int entryCount,
01809 const TreeOctNode* rNode , Real radius ,
01810 const SortedTreeNodes& sNodes , Real* metSolution )
01811 {
01812 for( int i=0 ; i<entryCount ; i++ ) sNodes.treeNodes[ entries[i] ]->nodeData.nodeIndex = i;
01813 double stencil[5][5][5];
01814 int rDepth , rOff[3];
01815 rNode->depthAndOffset( rDepth , rOff );
01816 matrix.Resize( entryCount );
01817 SetLaplacianStencil( depth , stencil );
01818 Stencil< double , 5 > stencils[2][2][2];
01819 SetLaplacianStencils( depth , stencils );
01820 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
01821 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
01822 {
01823 TreeOctNode::NeighborKey5 neighborKey5;
01824 neighborKey5.set( depth );
01825 for( int i=(entryCount*t)/threads ; i<(entryCount*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
01826 {
01827 TreeOctNode* node = sNodes.treeNodes[ entries[i] ];
01828 int d , off[3];
01829 node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
01830 off[0] >>= (depth-rDepth) , off[1] >>= (depth-rDepth) , off[2] >>= (depth-rDepth);
01831 bool isInterior = ( off[0]==rOff[0] && off[1]==rOff[1] && off[2]==rOff[2] );
01833 neighborKey5.getNeighbors( node );
01835 int xStart=0 , xEnd=5 , yStart=0 , yEnd=5 , zStart=0 , zEnd=5;
01836 if( !isInterior ) SetMatrixRowBounds( neighborKey5.neighbors[depth].neighbors[2][2][2] , rDepth , rOff , xStart , xEnd , yStart , yEnd , zStart , zEnd );
01839 int count = GetMatrixRowSize( neighborKey5.neighbors[depth] , xStart , xEnd , yStart , yEnd , zStart , zEnd );
01842 #pragma omp critical (matrix_set_row_size)
01843 {
01844 matrix.SetRowSize( i , count );
01845 }
01848 matrix.rowSizes[i] = SetMatrixRow( neighborKey5.neighbors[depth] , matrix[i] , 0 , stencil , xStart , xEnd , yStart , yEnd , zStart , zEnd );
01850 int x , y , z , c;
01851 if( node->parent )
01852 {
01853 c = int( node - node->parent->children );
01854 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( c , x , y , z );
01855 }
01856 else x = y = z = 0;
01857 UpdateConstraintsFromCoarser( neighborKey5 , node , metSolution , stencils[x][y][z] );
01858 }
01859 }
01860 for( int i=0 ; i<entryCount ; i++ ) sNodes.treeNodes[entries[i]]->nodeData.nodeIndex = entries[i];
01861 return 1;
01862 }
01864 template<int Degree>
01865 int Octree<Degree>::LaplacianMatrixIteration( int subdivideDepth , bool showResidual , int minIters , double accuracy )
01866 {
01867 int i,iter=0;
01868 double t = 0;
01869 fData.setDotTables( fData.DD_DOT_FLAG | fData.DV_DOT_FLAG );
01871 SparseMatrix< float >::SetAllocator( MEMORY_ALLOCATOR_BLOCK_SIZE );
01872 _sNodes.treeNodes[0]->nodeData.solution = 0;
01874 std::vector< Real > metSolution( _sNodes.nodeCount[ _sNodes.maxDepth ] , 0 );
01876 for( i=1 ; i<_sNodes.maxDepth ; i++ )
01877 {
01878 if( subdivideDepth>0 ) iter += SolveFixedDepthMatrix( i , _sNodes , &metSolution[0] , subdivideDepth , showResidual , minIters , accuracy );
01879 else iter += SolveFixedDepthMatrix( i , _sNodes , &metSolution[0] , showResidual , minIters , accuracy );
01880 }
01881 SparseMatrix< float >::internalAllocator.reset();
01882 fData.clearDotTables( fData.VV_DOT_FLAG | fData.DV_DOT_FLAG | fData.DD_DOT_FLAG );
01884 return iter;
01885 }
01887 template<int Degree>
01888 int Octree<Degree>::SolveFixedDepthMatrix( int depth , const SortedTreeNodes& sNodes , Real* metSolution , bool showResidual , int minIters , double accuracy )
01889 {
01890 int iter = 0;
01891 Vector< Real > X , B;
01892 SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real > M;
01893 double systemTime=0. , solveTime=0. , updateTime=0. , evaluateTime = 0.;
01895 X.Resize( sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1]-sNodes.nodeCount[depth] );
01896 if( depth<=_minDepth ) UpSampleCoarserSolution( depth , sNodes , X );
01897 else
01898 {
01900 UpSample( depth-1 , sNodes , metSolution );
01902 if( depth )
01903 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
01904 for( int i=_sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ; i++ ) metSolution[i] += _sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.solution;
01905 }
01906 if( _constrainValues )
01907 {
01908 SetCoarserPointValues( depth , sNodes , metSolution );
01909 }
01911 SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real >::internalAllocator.rollBack();
01912 {
01913 int maxECount = ( (2*Degree+1)*(2*Degree+1)*(2*Degree+1) + 1 ) / 2;
01914 maxECount = ( ( maxECount + 15 ) / 16 ) * 16;
01915 M.Resize( sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1]-sNodes.nodeCount[depth] );
01916 for( int i=0 ; i<M.rows ; i++ ) M.SetRowSize( i , maxECount );
01917 }
01919 {
01921 SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real >::internalAllocator.rollBack();
01922 GetFixedDepthLaplacian( M , depth , sNodes , metSolution );
01924 B.Resize( sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1]-sNodes.nodeCount[depth] );
01925 for( int i=sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ; i<sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] ; i++ ) B[i-sNodes.nodeCount[depth]] = sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint;
01926 }
01929 iter += SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real >::Solve( M , B , std::max< int >( int( pow( M.rows , ITERATION_POWER ) ) , minIters ) , X , Real(accuracy) , 0 , threads , (depth<=_minDepth) && !_constrainValues );
01931 if( showResidual )
01932 {
01933 double mNorm = 0;
01934 for( int i=0 ; i<M.rows ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<M.rowSizes[i] ; j++ ) mNorm += M[i][j].Value * M[i][j].Value;
01935 double bNorm = B.Norm( 2 ) , rNorm = ( B - M * X ).Norm( 2 );
01936 printf( "\tResidual: (%d %g) %g -> %g (%f) [%d]\n" , M.Entries() , sqrt(mNorm) , bNorm , rNorm , rNorm/bNorm , iter );
01937 }
01940 for( int i=sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ; i<sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] ; i++ ) sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.solution = Real( X[i-sNodes.nodeCount[depth]] );
01942 return iter;
01943 }
01944 template<int Degree>
01945 int Octree<Degree>::SolveFixedDepthMatrix( int depth , const SortedTreeNodes& sNodes , Real* metSolution , int startingDepth , bool showResidual , int minIters , double accuracy )
01946 {
01947 if( startingDepth>=depth ) return SolveFixedDepthMatrix( depth , sNodes , metSolution , showResidual , minIters , accuracy );
01949 int i , j , d , tIter=0;
01950 SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real > _M;
01951 Vector< Real > B , _B , _X;
01952 AdjacencySetFunction asf;
01953 AdjacencyCountFunction acf;
01954 double systemTime = 0 , solveTime = 0 , memUsage = 0 , evaluateTime = 0 , gTime = 0, sTime = 0;
01955 Real myRadius , myRadius2;
01957 if( depth>_minDepth )
01958 {
01960 UpSample( depth-1 , sNodes , metSolution );
01962 if( depth )
01963 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
01964 for( int i=_sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ; i++ ) metSolution[i] += _sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.solution;
01965 }
01967 if( _constrainValues )
01968 {
01969 SetCoarserPointValues( depth , sNodes , metSolution );
01970 }
01971 B.Resize( sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] - sNodes.nodeCount[depth] );
01974 for( i=sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ; i<sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] ; i++ )
01975 {
01976 B[ i-sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ] = sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint;
01977 sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint = 0;
01978 }
01980 myRadius = 2*radius-Real(0.5);
01981 myRadius = int(myRadius-ROUND_EPS)+ROUND_EPS;
01982 myRadius2 = Real(radius+ROUND_EPS-0.5);
01983 d = depth-startingDepth;
01984 std::vector< int > subDimension( sNodes.nodeCount[d+1]-sNodes.nodeCount[d] );
01985 int maxDimension = 0;
01986 for( i=sNodes.nodeCount[d] ; i<sNodes.nodeCount[d+1] ; i++ )
01987 {
01989 acf.adjacencyCount = 0;
01990 for( TreeOctNode* temp=sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextNode() ; temp ; )
01991 {
01992 if( temp->depth()==depth ) acf.adjacencyCount++ , temp = sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextBranch( temp );
01993 else temp = sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextNode ( temp );
01994 }
01995 for( j=sNodes.nodeCount[d] ; j<sNodes.nodeCount[d+1] ; j++ )
01996 {
01997 if( i==j ) continue;
01998 TreeOctNode::ProcessFixedDepthNodeAdjacentNodes( fData.depth , sNodes.treeNodes[i] , 1 , sNodes.treeNodes[j] , 2*width-1 , depth , &acf );
01999 }
02000 subDimension[i-sNodes.nodeCount[d]] = acf.adjacencyCount;
02001 maxDimension = std::max< int >( maxDimension , subDimension[i-sNodes.nodeCount[d]] );
02002 }
02003 asf.adjacencies = new int[maxDimension];
02004 MapReduceVector< Real > mrVector;
02005 mrVector.resize( threads , maxDimension );
02007 for( i=sNodes.nodeCount[d] ; i<sNodes.nodeCount[d+1] ; i++ )
02008 {
02009 int iter = 0;
02011 acf.adjacencyCount = subDimension[i-sNodes.nodeCount[d]];
02012 if( !acf.adjacencyCount ) continue;
02015 asf.adjacencyCount = 0;
02016 for( TreeOctNode* temp=sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextNode() ; temp ; )
02017 {
02018 if( temp->depth()==depth ) asf.adjacencies[ asf.adjacencyCount++ ] = temp->nodeData.nodeIndex , temp = sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextBranch( temp );
02019 else temp = sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextNode ( temp );
02020 }
02021 for( j=sNodes.nodeCount[d] ; j<sNodes.nodeCount[d+1] ; j++ )
02022 {
02023 if( i==j ) continue;
02024 TreeOctNode::ProcessFixedDepthNodeAdjacentNodes( fData.depth , sNodes.treeNodes[i] , 1 , sNodes.treeNodes[j] , 2*width-1 , depth , &asf );
02025 }
02028 _B.Resize( asf.adjacencyCount );
02029 for( j=0 ; j<asf.adjacencyCount ; j++ ) _B[j] = B[ asf.adjacencies[j]-sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ];
02031 _X.Resize( asf.adjacencyCount );
02032 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads ) schedule( static )
02033 for( j=0 ; j<asf.adjacencyCount ; j++ )
02034 {
02035 _X[j] = sNodes.treeNodes[ asf.adjacencies[j] ]->nodeData.solution;
02036 }
02038 SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real >::internalAllocator.rollBack();
02039 GetRestrictedFixedDepthLaplacian( _M , depth , asf.adjacencies , asf.adjacencyCount , sNodes.treeNodes[i] , myRadius , sNodes , metSolution );
02040 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads ) schedule( static )
02041 for( j=0 ; j<asf.adjacencyCount ; j++ )
02042 {
02043 _B[j] += sNodes.treeNodes[asf.adjacencies[j]]->nodeData.constraint;
02044 sNodes.treeNodes[ asf.adjacencies[j] ]->nodeData.constraint = 0;
02045 }
02049 iter += SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real >::Solve( _M , _B , std::max< int >( int( pow( _M.rows , ITERATION_POWER ) ) , minIters ) , _X , mrVector , Real(accuracy) , 0 );
02051 if( showResidual )
02052 {
02053 double mNorm = 0;
02054 for( int i=0 ; i<_M.rows ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<_M.rowSizes[i] ; j++ ) mNorm += _M[i][j].Value * _M[i][j].Value;
02055 double bNorm = _B.Norm( 2 ) , rNorm = ( _B - _M * _X ).Norm( 2 );
02056 printf( "\t\tResidual: (%d %g) %g -> %g (%f) [%d]\n" , _M.Entries() , sqrt(mNorm) , bNorm , rNorm , rNorm/bNorm , iter );
02057 }
02060 for( j=0 ; j<asf.adjacencyCount ; j++ )
02061 {
02062 TreeOctNode* temp=sNodes.treeNodes[ asf.adjacencies[j] ];
02063 while( temp->depth()>sNodes.treeNodes[i]->depth() ) temp=temp->parent;
02064 if( temp->nodeData.nodeIndex>=sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.nodeIndex ) sNodes.treeNodes[ asf.adjacencies[j] ]->nodeData.solution = Real( _X[j] );
02065 }
02066 systemTime += gTime;
02067 solveTime += sTime;
02068 memUsage = std::max< double >( MemoryUsage() , memUsage );
02069 tIter += iter;
02070 }
02071 delete[] asf.adjacencies;
02072 return tIter;
02073 }
02074 template<int Degree>
02075 int Octree<Degree>::HasNormals(TreeOctNode* node,Real epsilon)
02076 {
02077 int hasNormals=0;
02078 if( node->nodeData.normalIndex>=0 && ( (*normals)[node->nodeData.normalIndex][0]!=0 || (*normals)[node->nodeData.normalIndex][1]!=0 || (*normals)[node->nodeData.normalIndex][2]!=0 ) ) hasNormals=1;
02079 if( node->children ) for(int i=0;i<Cube::CORNERS && !hasNormals;i++) hasNormals |= HasNormals(&node->children[i],epsilon);
02081 return hasNormals;
02082 }
02083 template<int Degree>
02084 void Octree<Degree>::ClipTree( void )
02085 {
02086 int maxDepth = tree.maxDepth();
02087 for( TreeOctNode* temp=tree.nextNode() ; temp ; temp=tree.nextNode(temp) )
02088 if( temp->children && temp->d>=_minDepth )
02089 {
02090 int hasNormals=0;
02091 for( int i=0 ; i<Cube::CORNERS && !hasNormals ; i++ ) hasNormals = HasNormals( &temp->children[i] , EPSILON/(1<<maxDepth) );
02092 if( !hasNormals ) temp->children=NULL;
02093 }
02094 MemoryUsage();
02095 }
02096 template<int Degree>
02097 void Octree<Degree>::SetLaplacianConstraints( void )
02098 {
02104 fData.setDotTables( fData.VV_DOT_FLAG | fData.DV_DOT_FLAG );
02106 int maxDepth = _sNodes.maxDepth-1;
02107 Point3D< Real > zeroPoint;
02108 zeroPoint[0] = zeroPoint[1] = zeroPoint[2] = 0;
02109 std::vector< Real > constraints( _sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth] , Real(0) );
02110 std::vector< Point3D< Real > > coefficients( _sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth] , zeroPoint );
02113 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
02114 for( int i=0 ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth+1] ; i++ ) _sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint = Real( 0. );
02117 std::vector< std::vector< Real > > _constraints( threads );
02118 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) _constraints[t].resize( _sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth] , 0 );
02120 for( int d=maxDepth ; d>=0 ; d-- )
02121 {
02122 Point3D< double > stencil[5][5][5];
02123 SetDivergenceStencil( d , &stencil[0][0][0] , false );
02124 Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > stencils[2][2][2];
02125 SetDivergenceStencils( d , stencils , true );
02126 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
02127 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
02128 {
02129 TreeOctNode::NeighborKey5 neighborKey5;
02130 neighborKey5.set( fData.depth );
02131 int start = _sNodes.nodeCount[d] , end = _sNodes.nodeCount[d+1] , range = end-start;
02132 for( int i=start+(range*t)/threads ; i<start+(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
02133 {
02134 TreeOctNode* node = _sNodes.treeNodes[i];
02135 int startX=0 , endX=5 , startY=0 , endY=5 , startZ=0 , endZ=5;
02136 int depth = node->depth();
02137 neighborKey5.getNeighbors( node );
02139 bool isInterior , isInterior2;
02140 {
02141 int d , off[3];
02142 node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
02143 int mn = 2 , mx = (1<<d)-2;
02144 isInterior = ( off[0]>=mn && off[0]<mx && off[1]>=mn && off[1]<mx && off[2]>=mn && off[2]<mx );
02145 mn += 2 , mx -= 2;
02146 isInterior2 = ( off[0]>=mn && off[0]<mx && off[1]>=mn && off[1]<mx && off[2]>=mn && off[2]<mx );
02147 }
02148 int cx , cy , cz;
02149 if( d )
02150 {
02151 int c = int( node - node->parent->children );
02152 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( c , cx , cy , cz );
02153 }
02154 else cx = cy = cz = 0;
02155 Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 >& _stencil = stencils[cx][cy][cz];
02158 {
02159 const TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& neighbors5 = neighborKey5.neighbors[depth];
02161 if( isInterior )
02162 for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
02163 {
02164 const TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z];
02165 if( _node && _node->nodeData.normalIndex>=0 )
02166 {
02167 const Point3D< Real >& _normal = (*normals)[_node->nodeData.normalIndex];
02168 node->nodeData.constraint += Real( stencil[x][y][z][0] * _normal[0] + stencil[x][y][z][1] * _normal[1] + stencil[x][y][z][2] * _normal[2] );
02169 }
02170 }
02171 else
02172 for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
02173 {
02174 const TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z];
02175 if( _node && _node->nodeData.normalIndex>=0 )
02176 {
02177 const Point3D< Real >& _normal = (*normals)[_node->nodeData.normalIndex];
02178 node->nodeData.constraint += GetDivergence( _node , node , _normal );
02179 }
02180 }
02181 UpdateCoarserSupportBounds( neighbors5.neighbors[2][2][2] , startX , endX , startY , endY , startZ , endZ );
02182 }
02183 if( node->nodeData.nodeIndex<0 || node->nodeData.normalIndex<0 ) continue;
02184 const Point3D< Real >& normal = (*normals)[node->nodeData.normalIndex];
02185 if( normal[0]==0 && normal[1]==0 && normal[2]==0 ) continue;
02186 if( depth<maxDepth ) coefficients[i] += normal;
02188 if( depth )
02189 {
02190 const TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& neighbors5 = neighborKey5.neighbors[depth-1];
02192 for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
02193 if( neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z] )
02194 {
02195 TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z];
02196 if( isInterior2 )
02197 {
02198 Point3D< double >& div = _stencil.values[x][y][z];
02199 _constraints[t][ _node->nodeData.nodeIndex ] += Real( div[0] * normal[0] + div[1] * normal[1] + div[2] * normal[2] );
02200 }
02201 else _constraints[t][ _node->nodeData.nodeIndex ] += GetDivergence( node , _node , normal );
02202 }
02203 }
02204 }
02205 }
02206 }
02207 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads ) schedule( static )
02208 for( int i=0 ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth] ; i++ )
02209 {
02210 Real cSum = Real(0.);
02211 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) cSum += _constraints[t][i];
02212 constraints[i] = cSum;
02213 }
02215 for( int d=maxDepth-1 ; d>=0 ; d-- ) DownSample( d , _sNodes , &constraints[0] );
02218 for( int d=0 ; d<maxDepth ; d++ ) UpSample( d , _sNodes , &coefficients[0] );
02221 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
02222 for( int i=0 ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth] ; i++ ) _sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint += constraints[i];
02225 for( int d=0 ; d<=maxDepth ; d++ )
02226 {
02227 int start = _sNodes.nodeCount[d] , end = _sNodes.nodeCount[d+1] , range = end - start;
02228 Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > stencils[2][2][2];
02229 SetDivergenceStencils( d , stencils , false );
02230 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
02231 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
02232 {
02233 TreeOctNode::NeighborKey5 neighborKey5;
02234 neighborKey5.set( maxDepth );
02235 for( int i=start+(range*t)/threads ; i<start+(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
02236 {
02237 TreeOctNode* node = _sNodes.treeNodes[i];
02238 int depth = node->depth();
02239 if( !depth ) continue;
02240 int startX=0 , endX=5 , startY=0 , endY=5 , startZ=0 , endZ=5;
02241 UpdateCoarserSupportBounds( node , startX , endX , startY , endY , startZ , endZ );
02242 const TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& neighbors5 = neighborKey5.getNeighbors( node->parent );
02244 bool isInterior;
02245 {
02246 int d , off[3];
02247 node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
02248 int mn = 4 , mx = (1<<d)-4;
02249 isInterior = ( off[0]>=mn && off[0]<mx && off[1]>=mn && off[1]<mx && off[2]>=mn && off[2]<mx );
02250 }
02251 int cx , cy , cz;
02252 if( d )
02253 {
02254 int c = int( node - node->parent->children );
02255 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( c , cx , cy , cz );
02256 }
02257 else cx = cy = cz = 0;
02258 Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 >& _stencil = stencils[cx][cy][cz];
02260 Real constraint = Real(0);
02261 for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
02262 if( neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z] )
02263 {
02264 TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z];
02265 int _i = _node->nodeData.nodeIndex;
02266 if( isInterior )
02267 {
02268 Point3D< double >& div = _stencil.values[x][y][z];
02269 Point3D< Real >& normal = coefficients[_i];
02270 constraint += Real( div[0] * normal[0] + div[1] * normal[1] + div[2] * normal[2] );
02271 }
02272 else constraint += GetDivergence( _node , node , coefficients[_i] );
02273 }
02274 node->nodeData.constraint += constraint;
02275 }
02276 }
02277 }
02279 fData.clearDotTables( fData.DV_DOT_FLAG );
02282 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
02283 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
02284 for( int i=(_sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth+1]*t)/threads ; i<(_sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth+1]*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
02285 {
02286 TreeOctNode* temp = _sNodes.treeNodes[i];
02287 if( temp->nodeData.nodeIndex<0 || temp->nodeData.normalIndex<0 ) temp->nodeData.centerWeightContribution = 0;
02288 else temp->nodeData.centerWeightContribution = Real( Length((*normals)[temp->nodeData.normalIndex]) );
02289 }
02290 MemoryUsage();
02291 delete normals;
02292 normals = NULL;
02293 }
02294 template<int Degree>
02295 void Octree<Degree>::AdjacencyCountFunction::Function(const TreeOctNode* node1,const TreeOctNode* node2){adjacencyCount++;}
02296 template<int Degree>
02297 void Octree<Degree>::AdjacencySetFunction::Function(const TreeOctNode* node1,const TreeOctNode* node2){adjacencies[adjacencyCount++]=node1->nodeData.nodeIndex;}
02298 template<int Degree>
02299 void Octree<Degree>::RefineFunction::Function( TreeOctNode* node1 , const TreeOctNode* node2 )
02300 {
02301 if( !node1->children && node1->depth()<depth ) node1->initChildren();
02302 }
02303 template< int Degree >
02304 void Octree< Degree >::FaceEdgesFunction::Function( const TreeOctNode* node1 , const TreeOctNode* node2 )
02305 {
02306 if( !node1->children && MarchingCubes::HasRoots( node1->nodeData.mcIndex ) )
02307 {
02308 RootInfo ri1 , ri2;
02309 hash_map< long long , std::pair< RootInfo , int > >::iterator iter;
02310 int isoTri[DIMENSION*MarchingCubes::MAX_TRIANGLES];
02311 int count=MarchingCubes::AddTriangleIndices( node1->nodeData.mcIndex , isoTri );
02313 for( int j=0 ; j<count ; j++ )
02314 for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ )
02315 if( fIndex==Cube::FaceAdjacentToEdges( isoTri[j*3+k] , isoTri[j*3+((k+1)%3)] ) )
02316 if( GetRootIndex( node1 , isoTri[j*3+k] , maxDepth , ri1 ) && GetRootIndex( node1 , isoTri[j*3+((k+1)%3)] , maxDepth , ri2 ) )
02317 {
02318 long long key1=ri1.key , key2=ri2.key;
02319 edges->push_back( std::pair< RootInfo , RootInfo >( ri2 , ri1 ) );
02320 iter = vertexCount->find( key1 );
02321 if( iter==vertexCount->end() )
02322 {
02323 (*vertexCount)[key1].first = ri1;
02324 (*vertexCount)[key1].second=0;
02325 }
02326 iter=vertexCount->find(key2);
02327 if( iter==vertexCount->end() )
02328 {
02329 (*vertexCount)[key2].first = ri2;
02330 (*vertexCount)[key2].second=0;
02331 }
02332 (*vertexCount)[key1].second--;
02333 (*vertexCount)[key2].second++;
02334 }
02335 else fprintf( stderr , "Bad Edge 1: %d %d\n" , ri1.key , ri2.key );
02336 }
02337 }
02339 template< int Degree >
02340 void Octree< Degree >::RefineBoundary( int subdivideDepth )
02341 {
02349 bool flags[3][3][3];
02350 int maxDepth = tree.maxDepth();
02352 int sDepth;
02353 if( subdivideDepth<=0 ) sDepth = 0;
02354 else sDepth = maxDepth-subdivideDepth;
02355 if( sDepth<=0 ) return;
02359 TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 nKey;
02360 nKey.set( maxDepth );
02361 for( TreeOctNode* leaf=tree.nextLeaf() ; leaf ; leaf=tree.nextLeaf( leaf ) )
02362 if( leaf->depth()>sDepth )
02363 {
02364 int d , off[3] , _off[3];
02365 leaf->depthAndOffset( d , off );
02366 int res = (1<<d)-1 , _res = ( 1<<(d-sDepth) )-1;
02367 _off[0] = off[0]&_res , _off[1] = off[1]&_res , _off[2] = off[2]&_res;
02368 bool boundary[3][2] =
02369 {
02370 { (off[0]!=0 && _off[0]==0) , (off[0]!=res && _off[0]==_res) } ,
02371 { (off[1]!=0 && _off[1]==0) , (off[1]!=res && _off[1]==_res) } ,
02372 { (off[2]!=0 && _off[2]==0) , (off[2]!=res && _off[2]==_res) }
02373 };
02375 if( boundary[0][0] || boundary[0][1] || boundary[1][0] || boundary[1][1] || boundary[2][0] || boundary[2][1] )
02376 {
02377 TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors = nKey.getNeighbors( leaf );
02378 for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ ) flags[i][j][k] = false;
02379 int x=0 , y=0 , z=0;
02380 if ( boundary[0][0] && !neighbors.neighbors[0][1][1] ) x = -1;
02381 else if( boundary[0][1] && !neighbors.neighbors[2][1][1] ) x = 1;
02382 if ( boundary[1][0] && !neighbors.neighbors[1][0][1] ) y = -1;
02383 else if( boundary[1][1] && !neighbors.neighbors[1][2][1] ) y = 1;
02384 if ( boundary[2][0] && !neighbors.neighbors[1][1][0] ) z = -1;
02385 else if( boundary[2][1] && !neighbors.neighbors[1][1][2] ) z = 1;
02387 if( x || y || z )
02388 {
02390 if( x && y && z ) flags[1+x][1+y][1+z] = true;
02392 if( x && y ) flags[1+x][1+y][1 ] = true;
02393 if( x && z ) flags[1+x][1 ][1+z] = true;
02394 if( y && z ) flags[1 ][1+y][1+1] = true;
02396 if( x ) flags[1+x][1 ][1 ] = true;
02397 if( y ) flags[1 ][1+y][1 ] = true;
02398 if( z ) flags[1 ][1 ][1+z] = true;
02399 nKey.setNeighbors( leaf , flags );
02400 }
02401 }
02402 }
02403 _sNodes.set( tree );
02404 MemoryUsage();
02405 }
02406 template<int Degree>
02407 void Octree<Degree>::GetMCIsoTriangles( Real isoValue , int subdivideDepth , CoredMeshData* mesh , int fullDepthIso , int nonLinearFit , bool addBarycenter , bool polygonMesh )
02408 {
02409 fData.setValueTables( fData.VALUE_FLAG | fData.D_VALUE_FLAG , 0 , postNormalSmooth );
02412 RefineBoundary( subdivideDepth );
02414 RootData rootData , coarseRootData;
02415 std::vector< Point3D< float > >* interiorPoints;
02416 int maxDepth = tree.maxDepth();
02418 int sDepth = subdivideDepth<=0 ? 0 : std::max< int >( 0 , maxDepth-subdivideDepth );
02420 std::vector< Real > metSolution( _sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth] , 0 );
02421 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
02422 for( int i=_sNodes.nodeCount[_minDepth] ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth] ; i++ ) metSolution[i] = _sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.solution;
02423 for( int d=0 ; d<maxDepth ; d++ ) UpSample( d , _sNodes , &metSolution[0] );
02426 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
02427 for( int i=0 ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth+1] ; i++ ) _sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.mcIndex = 0;
02429 rootData.boundaryValues = new hash_map< long long , std::pair< Real , Point3D< Real > > >();
02430 int offSet = 0;
02432 int maxCCount = _sNodes.getMaxCornerCount( &tree , sDepth , maxDepth , threads );
02433 int maxECount = _sNodes.getMaxEdgeCount ( &tree , sDepth , threads );
02434 rootData.cornerValues = new Real [ maxCCount ];
02435 rootData.cornerNormals = new Point3D< Real >[ maxCCount ];
02436 rootData.interiorRoots = new int [ maxECount ];
02437 rootData.cornerValuesSet = new char[ maxCCount ];
02438 rootData.cornerNormalsSet = new char[ maxCCount ];
02439 rootData.edgesSet = new char[ maxECount ];
02440 _sNodes.setCornerTable( coarseRootData , &tree , sDepth , threads );
02441 coarseRootData.cornerValues = new Real[ coarseRootData.cCount ];
02442 coarseRootData.cornerNormals = new Point3D< Real >[ coarseRootData.cCount ];
02443 coarseRootData.cornerValuesSet = new char[ coarseRootData.cCount ];
02444 coarseRootData.cornerNormalsSet = new char[ coarseRootData.cCount ];
02445 memset( coarseRootData.cornerValuesSet , 0 , sizeof( char ) * coarseRootData.cCount );
02446 memset( coarseRootData.cornerNormalsSet , 0 , sizeof( char ) * coarseRootData.cCount );
02447 MemoryUsage();
02449 std::vector< TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3 > nKeys( threads );
02450 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) nKeys[t].set( maxDepth );
02451 TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3 nKey;
02452 std::vector< TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey5 > nKeys5( threads );
02453 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) nKeys5[t].set( maxDepth );
02454 TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey5 nKey5;
02455 nKey5.set( maxDepth );
02456 nKey.set( maxDepth );
02458 for( int i=_sNodes.nodeCount[sDepth] ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[sDepth+1] ; i++ )
02459 {
02460 if( !_sNodes.treeNodes[i]->children ) continue;
02462 _sNodes.setCornerTable( rootData , _sNodes.treeNodes[i] , threads );
02463 _sNodes.setEdgeTable ( rootData , _sNodes.treeNodes[i] , threads );
02464 memset( rootData.cornerValuesSet , 0 , sizeof( char ) * rootData.cCount );
02465 memset( rootData.cornerNormalsSet , 0 , sizeof( char ) * rootData.cCount );
02466 memset( rootData.edgesSet , 0 , sizeof( char ) * rootData.eCount );
02467 interiorPoints = new std::vector< Point3D< float > >();
02468 for( int d=maxDepth ; d>sDepth ; d-- )
02469 {
02470 int leafNodeCount = 0;
02471 std::vector< TreeOctNode* > leafNodes;
02472 for( TreeOctNode* node=_sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextLeaf() ; node ; node=_sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextLeaf( node ) ) if( node->d==d ) leafNodeCount++;
02473 leafNodes.reserve( leafNodeCount );
02474 for( TreeOctNode* node=_sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextLeaf() ; node ; node=_sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextLeaf( node ) ) if( node->d==d ) leafNodes.push_back( node );
02475 Stencil< double , 3 > stencil1[8] , stencil2[8][8];
02476 SetEvaluationStencils( d , stencil1 , stencil2 );
02479 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
02480 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) for( int i=(leafNodeCount*t)/threads ; i<(leafNodeCount*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
02481 {
02482 TreeOctNode* leaf = leafNodes[i];
02483 SetIsoCorners( isoValue , leaf , rootData , rootData.cornerValuesSet , rootData.cornerValues , nKeys[t] , &metSolution[0] , stencil1 , stencil2 );
02486 int d , off[3];
02487 leaf->depthAndOffset( d , off );
02488 int res = 1<<(d-sDepth);
02489 off[0] %= res , off[1] %=res , off[2] %= res;
02490 res--;
02491 if( !(off[0]%res) && !(off[1]%res) && !(off[2]%res) )
02492 {
02493 const TreeOctNode* temp = leaf;
02494 while( temp->d!=sDepth ) temp = temp->parent;
02495 int x = off[0]==0 ? 0 : 1 , y = off[1]==0 ? 0 : 1 , z = off[2]==0 ? 0 : 1;
02496 int c = Cube::CornerIndex( x , y , z );
02497 int idx = coarseRootData.cornerIndices( temp )[ c ];
02498 coarseRootData.cornerValues[ idx ] = rootData.cornerValues[ rootData.cornerIndices( leaf )[c] ];
02499 coarseRootData.cornerValuesSet[ idx ] = true;
02500 }
02503 if( MarchingCubes::HasRoots( leaf->nodeData.mcIndex ) )
02504 SetMCRootPositions( leaf , sDepth , isoValue , nKeys5[t] , rootData , interiorPoints , mesh , &metSolution[0] , nonLinearFit );
02505 }
02509 #if MISHA_DEBUG
02510 std::vector< Point3D< float > > barycenters;
02511 std::vector< Point3D< float > >* barycenterPtr = addBarycenter ? & barycenters : NULL;
02512 #endif // MISHA_DEBUG
02513 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
02514 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) for( int i=(leafNodeCount*t)/threads ; i<(leafNodeCount*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
02515 {
02516 TreeOctNode* leaf = leafNodes[i];
02517 if( MarchingCubes::HasRoots( leaf->nodeData.mcIndex ) )
02518 #if MISHA_DEBUG
02519 GetMCIsoTriangles( leaf , mesh , rootData , interiorPoints , offSet , sDepth , polygonMesh , barycenterPtr );
02520 #else // !MISHA_DEBUG
02521 GetMCIsoTriangles( leaf , mesh , rootData , interiorPoints , offSet , sDepth , addBarycenter , polygonMesh );
02522 #endif // MISHA_DEBUG
02523 }
02524 #if MISHA_DEBUG
02525 for( int i=0 ; i<barycenters.size() ; i++ ) interiorPoints->push_back( barycenters[i] );
02526 #endif // MISHA_DEBUG
02527 }
02528 offSet = mesh->outOfCorePointCount();
02529 #if 1
02530 delete interiorPoints;
02531 #endif
02532 }
02533 MemoryUsage();
02534 delete[] rootData.cornerValues , delete[] rootData.cornerNormals , rootData.cornerValues = NULL , rootData.cornerNormals = NULL;
02535 delete[] rootData.cornerValuesSet , delete[] rootData.cornerNormalsSet , rootData.cornerValuesSet = NULL , rootData.cornerNormalsSet = NULL;
02536 delete[] rootData.interiorRoots ; rootData.interiorRoots = NULL;
02537 delete[] rootData.edgesSet ; rootData.edgesSet = NULL;
02538 coarseRootData.interiorRoots = NULL;
02539 coarseRootData.boundaryValues = rootData.boundaryValues;
02540 for( poisson::hash_map< long long , int >::iterator iter=rootData.boundaryRoots.begin() ; iter!=rootData.boundaryRoots.end() ; iter++ )
02541 coarseRootData.boundaryRoots[iter->first] = iter->second;
02543 for( int d=sDepth ; d>=0 ; d-- )
02544 {
02545 Stencil< double , 3 > stencil1[8] , stencil2[8][8];
02546 SetEvaluationStencils( d , stencil1 , stencil2 );
02547 #if MISHA_DEBUG
02548 std::vector< Point3D< float > > barycenters;
02549 std::vector< Point3D< float > >* barycenterPtr = addBarycenter ? &barycenters : NULL;
02550 #endif // MISHA_DEBUG
02551 for( int i=_sNodes.nodeCount[d] ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[d+1] ; i++ )
02552 {
02553 TreeOctNode* leaf = _sNodes.treeNodes[i];
02554 if( leaf->children ) continue;
02557 SetIsoCorners( isoValue , leaf , coarseRootData , coarseRootData.cornerValuesSet , coarseRootData.cornerValues , nKey , &metSolution[0] , stencil1 , stencil2 );
02560 if( MarchingCubes::HasRoots( leaf->nodeData.mcIndex ) )
02561 {
02562 SetMCRootPositions( leaf , 0 , isoValue , nKey5 , coarseRootData , NULL , mesh , &metSolution[0] , nonLinearFit );
02563 #if MISHA_DEBUG
02564 GetMCIsoTriangles( leaf , mesh , coarseRootData , NULL , 0 , 0 , polygonMesh , barycenterPtr );
02565 #else // !MISHA_DEBUG
02566 GetMCIsoTriangles( leaf , mesh , coarseRootData , NULL , 0 , 0 , addBarycenter , polygonMesh );
02567 #endif // MISHA_DEBUG
02568 }
02569 }
02570 }
02571 MemoryUsage();
02573 delete[] coarseRootData.cornerValues , delete[] coarseRootData.cornerNormals;
02574 delete[] coarseRootData.cornerValuesSet , delete[] coarseRootData.cornerNormalsSet;
02575 delete rootData.boundaryValues;
02576 }
02577 template<int Degree>
02578 Real Octree<Degree>::getCenterValue( const OctNode< TreeNodeData , Real >::ConstNeighborKey3& neighborKey , const TreeOctNode* node){
02579 int idx[3];
02580 Real value=0;
02582 VertexData::CenterIndex(node,fData.depth,idx);
02583 idx[0]*=fData.functionCount;
02584 idx[1]*=fData.functionCount;
02585 idx[2]*=fData.functionCount;
02586 int minDepth = std::max< int >( 0 , std::min< int >( _minDepth , node->depth()-1 ) );
02587 for( int i=minDepth ; i<=node->depth() ; i++ )
02588 for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
02589 for(int k=0;k<3;k++)
02590 for(int l=0;l<3;l++)
02591 {
02592 const TreeOctNode* n=neighborKey.neighbors[i].neighbors[j][k][l];
02593 if( n )
02594 {
02595 Real temp=n->nodeData.solution;
02596 value+=temp*Real(
02597 fData.valueTables[idx[0]+int(n->off[0])]*
02598 fData.valueTables[idx[1]+int(n->off[1])]*
02599 fData.valueTables[idx[2]+int(n->off[2])]);
02600 }
02601 }
02602 if(node->children)
02603 {
02604 for(int i=0;i<Cube::CORNERS;i++){
02605 int ii=Cube::AntipodalCornerIndex(i);
02606 const TreeOctNode* n=&node->children[i];
02607 while(1){
02608 value+=n->nodeData.solution*Real(
02609 fData.valueTables[idx[0]+int(n->off[0])]*
02610 fData.valueTables[idx[1]+int(n->off[1])]*
02611 fData.valueTables[idx[2]+int(n->off[2])]);
02612 if( n->children ) n=&n->children[ii];
02613 else break;
02614 }
02615 }
02616 }
02617 return value;
02618 }
02619 template< int Degree >
02620 Real Octree< Degree >::getCornerValue( const OctNode< TreeNodeData , Real >::ConstNeighborKey3& neighborKey3 , const TreeOctNode* node , int corner , const Real* metSolution )
02621 {
02622 int idx[3];
02623 double value = 0;
02625 VertexData::CornerIndex( node , corner , fData.depth , idx );
02626 idx[0] *= fData.functionCount;
02627 idx[1] *= fData.functionCount;
02628 idx[2] *= fData.functionCount;
02630 int d = node->depth();
02631 int cx , cy , cz;
02632 int startX = 0 , endX = 3 , startY = 0 , endY = 3 , startZ = 0 , endZ = 3;
02633 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( corner , cx , cy , cz );
02634 {
02635 TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey3.neighbors[d];
02636 if( cx==0 ) endX = 2;
02637 else startX = 1;
02638 if( cy==0 ) endY = 2;
02639 else startY = 1;
02640 if( cz==0 ) endZ = 2;
02641 else startZ = 1;
02642 for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
02643 {
02644 const TreeOctNode* n=neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z];
02645 if( n )
02646 {
02647 double v =
02648 fData.valueTables[ idx[0]+int(n->off[0]) ]*
02649 fData.valueTables[ idx[1]+int(n->off[1]) ]*
02650 fData.valueTables[ idx[2]+int(n->off[2]) ];
02651 value += n->nodeData.solution * v;
02652 }
02653 }
02654 }
02655 if( d>0 && d>_minDepth )
02656 {
02657 int _corner = int( node - node->parent->children );
02658 int _cx , _cy , _cz;
02659 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( _corner , _cx , _cy , _cz );
02660 if( cx!=_cx ) startX = 0 , endX = 3;
02661 if( cy!=_cy ) startY = 0 , endY = 3;
02662 if( cz!=_cz ) startZ = 0 , endZ = 3;
02663 TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey3.neighbors[d-1];
02664 for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
02665 {
02666 const TreeOctNode* n=neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z];
02667 if( n )
02668 {
02669 double v =
02670 fData.valueTables[ idx[0]+int(n->off[0]) ]*
02671 fData.valueTables[ idx[1]+int(n->off[1]) ]*
02672 fData.valueTables[ idx[2]+int(n->off[2]) ];
02673 value += metSolution[ n->nodeData.nodeIndex ] * v;
02674 }
02675 }
02676 }
02677 return Real( value );
02678 }
02679 template< int Degree >
02680 Real Octree< Degree >::getCornerValue( const OctNode< TreeNodeData , Real >::ConstNeighborKey3& neighborKey3 , const TreeOctNode* node , int corner , const Real* metSolution , const double stencil1[3][3][3] , const double stencil2[3][3][3] )
02681 {
02682 double value = 0;
02683 int d = node->depth();
02684 int cx , cy , cz;
02685 int startX = 0 , endX = 3 , startY = 0 , endY = 3 , startZ = 0 , endZ = 3;
02686 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( corner , cx , cy , cz );
02687 {
02688 TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey3.neighbors[d];
02689 if( cx==0 ) endX = 2;
02690 else startX = 1;
02691 if( cy==0 ) endY = 2;
02692 else startY = 1;
02693 if( cz==0 ) endZ = 2;
02694 else startZ = 1;
02695 for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
02696 {
02697 const TreeOctNode* n=neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z];
02698 if( n ) value += n->nodeData.solution * stencil1[x][y][z];
02699 }
02700 }
02701 if( d>0 && d>_minDepth )
02702 {
02703 int _corner = int( node - node->parent->children );
02704 int _cx , _cy , _cz;
02705 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( _corner , _cx , _cy , _cz );
02706 if( cx!=_cx ) startX = 0 , endX = 3;
02707 if( cy!=_cy ) startY = 0 , endY = 3;
02708 if( cz!=_cz ) startZ = 0 , endZ = 3;
02709 TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey3.neighbors[d-1];
02710 for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
02711 {
02712 const TreeOctNode* n=neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z];
02713 if( n ) value += metSolution[ n->nodeData.nodeIndex ] * stencil2[x][y][z];
02714 }
02715 }
02716 return Real( value );
02717 }
02718 template< int Degree >
02719 Point3D< Real > Octree< Degree >::getCornerNormal( const OctNode< TreeNodeData , Real >::ConstNeighborKey5& neighborKey5 , const TreeOctNode* node , int corner , const Real* metSolution )
02720 {
02721 int idx[3];
02722 Point3D< Real > normal;
02723 normal[0] = normal[1] = normal[2] = 0.;
02725 VertexData::CornerIndex( node , corner , fData.depth , idx );
02726 idx[0] *= fData.functionCount;
02727 idx[1] *= fData.functionCount;
02728 idx[2] *= fData.functionCount;
02730 int d = node->depth();
02732 {
02733 TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors5& neighbors = neighborKey5.neighbors[d];
02734 for( int j=0 ; j<5 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<5 ; k++ ) for( int l=0 ; l<5 ; l++ )
02735 {
02736 const TreeOctNode* n=neighbors.neighbors[j][k][l];
02737 if( n )
02738 {
02739 int _idx[] = { idx[0] + n->off[0] , idx[1] + n->off[1] , idx[2] + n->off[2] };
02740 double values[] = { fData.valueTables[_idx[0]] , fData.valueTables[_idx[1]] , fData.valueTables[_idx[2]] };
02741 double dValues[] = { fData.dValueTables[_idx[0]] , fData.dValueTables[_idx[1]] , fData.dValueTables[_idx[2]] };
02742 Real solution = n->nodeData.solution;
02743 normal[0] += Real( dValues[0] * values[1] * values[2] * solution );
02744 normal[1] += Real( values[0] * dValues[1] * values[2] * solution );
02745 normal[2] += Real( values[0] * values[1] * dValues[2] * solution );
02746 }
02747 }
02748 }
02749 if( d>0 && d>_minDepth )
02750 {
02751 TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors5& neighbors = neighborKey5.neighbors[d-1];
02752 for( int j=0 ; j<5 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<5 ; k++ ) for( int l=0 ; l<5 ; l++ )
02753 {
02754 const TreeOctNode* n=neighbors.neighbors[j][k][l];
02755 if( n )
02756 {
02757 int _idx[] = { idx[0] + n->off[0] , idx[1] + n->off[1] , idx[2] + n->off[2] };
02758 double values[] = { fData.valueTables[_idx[0]] , fData.valueTables[_idx[1]] , fData.valueTables[_idx[2]] };
02759 double dValues[] = { fData.dValueTables[_idx[0]] , fData.dValueTables[_idx[1]] , fData.dValueTables[_idx[2]] };
02760 Real solution = metSolution[ n->nodeData.nodeIndex ];
02761 normal[0] += Real( dValues[0] * values[1] * values[2] * solution );
02762 normal[1] += Real( values[0] * dValues[1] * values[2] * solution );
02763 normal[2] += Real( values[0] * values[1] * dValues[2] * solution );
02764 }
02765 }
02766 }
02767 return normal;
02768 }
02769 template< int Degree >
02770 Real Octree<Degree>::GetIsoValue( void )
02771 {
02772 Real isoValue , weightSum;
02774 neighborKey2.set( fData.depth );
02775 fData.setValueTables( fData.VALUE_FLAG , 0 );
02777 isoValue = weightSum = 0;
02778 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads ) reduction( + : isoValue , weightSum )
02779 for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++)
02780 {
02781 TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3 nKey;
02782 nKey.set( _sNodes.maxDepth-1 );
02783 int nodeCount = _sNodes.nodeCount[ _sNodes.maxDepth ];
02784 for( int i=(nodeCount*t)/threads ; i<(nodeCount*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
02785 {
02786 TreeOctNode* temp = _sNodes.treeNodes[i];
02787 nKey.getNeighbors( temp );
02788 Real w = temp->nodeData.centerWeightContribution;
02789 if( w!=0 )
02790 {
02791 isoValue += getCenterValue( nKey , temp ) * w;
02792 weightSum += w;
02793 }
02794 }
02795 }
02796 return isoValue/weightSum;
02797 }
02799 template< int Degree >
02800 void Octree< Degree >::SetIsoCorners( Real isoValue , TreeOctNode* leaf , SortedTreeNodes::CornerTableData& cData , char* valuesSet , Real* values , TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3& nKey , const Real* metSolution , const Stencil< double , 3 > stencil1[8] , const Stencil< double , 3 > stencil2[8][8] )
02801 {
02802 Real cornerValues[ Cube::CORNERS ];
02803 const SortedTreeNodes::CornerIndices& cIndices = cData[ leaf ];
02805 bool isInterior;
02806 int d , off[3];
02807 leaf->depthAndOffset( d , off );
02808 int mn = 2 , mx = (1<<d)-2;
02809 isInterior = ( off[0]>=mn && off[0]<mx && off[1]>=mn && off[1]<mx && off[2]>=mn && off[2]<mx );
02810 nKey.getNeighbors( leaf );
02811 for( int c=0 ; c<Cube::CORNERS ; c++ )
02812 {
02813 int vIndex = cIndices[c];
02814 if( valuesSet[vIndex] ) cornerValues[c] = values[vIndex];
02815 else
02816 {
02817 if( isInterior ) cornerValues[c] = getCornerValue( nKey , leaf , c , metSolution , stencil1[c].values , stencil2[int(leaf - leaf->parent->children)][c].values );
02818 else cornerValues[c] = getCornerValue( nKey , leaf , c , metSolution );
02819 values[vIndex] = cornerValues[c];
02820 valuesSet[vIndex] = 1;
02821 }
02822 }
02824 leaf->nodeData.mcIndex = MarchingCubes::GetIndex( cornerValues , isoValue );
02827 if( leaf->parent )
02828 {
02829 TreeOctNode* parent = leaf->parent;
02830 int c = int( leaf - leaf->parent->children );
02831 int mcid = leaf->nodeData.mcIndex & (1<<MarchingCubes::cornerMap()[c]);
02833 if( mcid )
02834 {
02835 poisson::atomicOr(parent->nodeData.mcIndex, mcid);
02837 while( 1 )
02838 {
02839 if( parent->parent && parent->parent->d>=_minDepth && (parent-parent->parent->children)==c )
02840 {
02841 poisson::atomicOr(parent->parent->nodeData.mcIndex, mcid);
02842 parent = parent->parent;
02843 }
02844 else break;
02845 }
02846 }
02847 }
02848 }
02851 template<int Degree>
02852 int Octree<Degree>::InteriorFaceRootCount(const TreeOctNode* node,const int &faceIndex,int maxDepth){
02853 int c1,c2,e1,e2,dir,off,cnt=0;
02854 int corners[Cube::CORNERS/2];
02855 if(node->children){
02856 Cube::FaceCorners(faceIndex,corners[0],corners[1],corners[2],corners[3]);
02857 Cube::FactorFaceIndex(faceIndex,dir,off);
02858 c1=corners[0];
02859 c2=corners[3];
02860 switch(dir){
02861 case 0:
02862 e1=Cube::EdgeIndex(1,off,1);
02863 e2=Cube::EdgeIndex(2,off,1);
02864 break;
02865 case 1:
02866 e1=Cube::EdgeIndex(0,off,1);
02867 e2=Cube::EdgeIndex(2,1,off);
02868 break;
02869 case 2:
02870 e1=Cube::EdgeIndex(0,1,off);
02871 e2=Cube::EdgeIndex(1,1,off);
02872 break;
02873 };
02874 cnt+=EdgeRootCount(&node->children[c1],e1,maxDepth)+EdgeRootCount(&node->children[c1],e2,maxDepth);
02875 switch(dir){
02876 case 0:
02877 e1=Cube::EdgeIndex(1,off,0);
02878 e2=Cube::EdgeIndex(2,off,0);
02879 break;
02880 case 1:
02881 e1=Cube::EdgeIndex(0,off,0);
02882 e2=Cube::EdgeIndex(2,0,off);
02883 break;
02884 case 2:
02885 e1=Cube::EdgeIndex(0,0,off);
02886 e2=Cube::EdgeIndex(1,0,off);
02887 break;
02888 };
02889 cnt+=EdgeRootCount(&node->children[c2],e1,maxDepth)+EdgeRootCount(&node->children[c2],e2,maxDepth);
02890 for(int i=0;i<Cube::CORNERS/2;i++){if(node->children[corners[i]].children){cnt+=InteriorFaceRootCount(&node->children[corners[i]],faceIndex,maxDepth);}}
02891 }
02892 return cnt;
02893 }
02895 template<int Degree>
02896 int Octree<Degree>::EdgeRootCount(const TreeOctNode* node,int edgeIndex,int maxDepth){
02897 int f1,f2,c1,c2;
02898 const TreeOctNode* temp;
02899 Cube::FacesAdjacentToEdge(edgeIndex,f1,f2);
02901 int eIndex;
02902 const TreeOctNode* finest=node;
02903 eIndex=edgeIndex;
02904 if(node->depth()<maxDepth){
02905 temp=node->faceNeighbor(f1);
02906 if(temp && temp->children){
02907 finest=temp;
02908 eIndex=Cube::FaceReflectEdgeIndex(edgeIndex,f1);
02909 }
02910 else{
02911 temp=node->faceNeighbor(f2);
02912 if(temp && temp->children){
02913 finest=temp;
02914 eIndex=Cube::FaceReflectEdgeIndex(edgeIndex,f2);
02915 }
02916 else{
02917 temp=node->edgeNeighbor(edgeIndex);
02918 if(temp && temp->children){
02919 finest=temp;
02920 eIndex=Cube::EdgeReflectEdgeIndex(edgeIndex);
02921 }
02922 }
02923 }
02924 }
02926 Cube::EdgeCorners(eIndex,c1,c2);
02927 if(finest->children) return EdgeRootCount(&finest->children[c1],eIndex,maxDepth)+EdgeRootCount(&finest->children[c2],eIndex,maxDepth);
02928 else return MarchingCubes::HasEdgeRoots(finest->nodeData.mcIndex,eIndex);
02929 }
02930 template<int Degree>
02931 int Octree<Degree>::IsBoundaryFace(const TreeOctNode* node,int faceIndex,int subdivideDepth){
02932 int dir,offset,d,o[3],idx;
02934 if(subdivideDepth<0){return 0;}
02935 if(node->d<=subdivideDepth){return 1;}
02936 Cube::FactorFaceIndex(faceIndex,dir,offset);
02937 node->depthAndOffset(d,o);
02939 idx=(int(o[dir])<<1) + (offset<<1);
02940 return !(idx%(2<<(int(node->d)-subdivideDepth)));
02941 }
02942 template<int Degree>
02943 int Octree<Degree>::IsBoundaryEdge(const TreeOctNode* node,int edgeIndex,int subdivideDepth){
02944 int dir,x,y;
02945 Cube::FactorEdgeIndex(edgeIndex,dir,x,y);
02946 return IsBoundaryEdge(node,dir,x,y,subdivideDepth);
02947 }
02948 template<int Degree>
02949 int Octree<Degree>::IsBoundaryEdge( const TreeOctNode* node , int dir , int x , int y , int subdivideDepth )
02950 {
02951 int d , o[3] , idx1 , idx2 , mask;
02953 if( subdivideDepth<0 ) return 0;
02954 if( node->d<=subdivideDepth ) return 1;
02955 node->depthAndOffset( d , o );
02957 switch( dir )
02958 {
02959 case 0:
02960 idx1 = o[1] + x;
02961 idx2 = o[2] + y;
02962 break;
02963 case 1:
02964 idx1 = o[0] + x;
02965 idx2 = o[2] + y;
02966 break;
02967 case 2:
02968 idx1 = o[0] + x;
02969 idx2 = o[1] + y;
02970 break;
02971 }
02972 mask = 1<<( int(node->d) - subdivideDepth );
02973 return !(idx1%(mask)) || !(idx2%(mask));
02974 }
02975 template< int Degree >
02976 void Octree< Degree >::GetRootSpan( const RootInfo& ri , Point3D< float >& start , Point3D< float >& end )
02977 {
02978 int o , i1 , i2;
02979 Real width;
02980 Point3D< Real > c;
02982 Cube::FactorEdgeIndex( ri.edgeIndex , o , i1 , i2 );
02983 ri.node->centerAndWidth( c , width );
02984 switch(o)
02985 {
02986 case 0:
02987 start[0] = c[0] - width/2;
02988 end [0] = c[0] + width/2;
02989 start[1] = end[1] = c[1] - width/2 + width*i1;
02990 start[2] = end[2] = c[2] - width/2 + width*i2;
02991 break;
02992 case 1:
02993 start[0] = end[0] = c[0] - width/2 + width*i1;
02994 start[1] = c[1] - width/2;
02995 end [1] = c[1] + width/2;
02996 start[2] = end[2] = c[2] - width/2 + width*i2;
02997 break;
02998 case 2:
02999 start[0] = end[0] = c[0] - width/2 + width*i1;
03000 start[1] = end[1] = c[1] - width/2 + width*i2;
03001 start[2] = c[2] - width/2;
03002 end [2] = c[2] + width/2;
03003 break;
03004 }
03005 }
03009 template< int Degree >
03010 int Octree< Degree >::GetRoot( const RootInfo& ri , Real isoValue , TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey5& neighborKey5 , Point3D< Real > & position , RootData& rootData , int sDepth , const Real* metSolution , int nonLinearFit )
03011 {
03012 if( !MarchingCubes::HasRoots( ri.node->nodeData.mcIndex ) ) return 0;
03013 int c1 , c2;
03014 Cube::EdgeCorners( ri.edgeIndex , c1 , c2 );
03015 if( !MarchingCubes::HasEdgeRoots( ri.node->nodeData.mcIndex , ri.edgeIndex ) ) return 0;
03017 long long key1 , key2;
03018 Point3D< Real > n[2];
03020 int i , o , i1 , i2 , rCount=0;
03021 Polynomial<2> P;
03022 std::vector< double > roots;
03023 double x0 , x1;
03024 Real center , width;
03025 Real averageRoot=0;
03026 Cube::FactorEdgeIndex( ri.edgeIndex , o , i1 , i2 );
03027 int idx1[3] , idx2[3];
03028 key1 = VertexData::CornerIndex( ri.node , c1 , fData.depth , idx1 );
03029 key2 = VertexData::CornerIndex( ri.node , c2 , fData.depth , idx2 );
03031 bool isBoundary = ( IsBoundaryEdge( ri.node , ri.edgeIndex , sDepth )!=0 );
03032 bool haveKey1 , haveKey2;
03033 std::pair< Real , Point3D< Real > > keyValue1 , keyValue2;
03034 int iter1 , iter2;
03035 {
03036 iter1 = rootData.cornerIndices( ri.node )[ c1 ];
03037 iter2 = rootData.cornerIndices( ri.node )[ c2 ];
03038 keyValue1.first = rootData.cornerValues[iter1];
03039 keyValue2.first = rootData.cornerValues[iter2];
03040 if( isBoundary )
03041 {
03042 #pragma omp critical (normal_hash_access)
03043 {
03044 haveKey1 = ( rootData.boundaryValues->find( key1 )!=rootData.boundaryValues->end() );
03045 haveKey2 = ( rootData.boundaryValues->find( key2 )!=rootData.boundaryValues->end() );
03046 if( haveKey1 ) keyValue1 = (*rootData.boundaryValues)[key1];
03047 if( haveKey2 ) keyValue2 = (*rootData.boundaryValues)[key2];
03048 }
03049 }
03050 else
03051 {
03052 haveKey1 = ( rootData.cornerNormalsSet[ iter1 ] != 0 );
03053 haveKey2 = ( rootData.cornerNormalsSet[ iter2 ] != 0 );
03054 keyValue1.first = rootData.cornerValues[iter1];
03055 keyValue2.first = rootData.cornerValues[iter2];
03056 if( haveKey1 ) keyValue1.second = rootData.cornerNormals[iter1];
03057 if( haveKey2 ) keyValue2.second = rootData.cornerNormals[iter2];
03058 }
03059 }
03060 if( !haveKey1 || !haveKey2 ) neighborKey5.getNeighbors( ri.node );
03061 if( !haveKey1 ) keyValue1.second = getCornerNormal( neighborKey5 , ri.node , c1 , metSolution );
03062 x0 = keyValue1.first;
03063 n[0] = keyValue1.second;
03065 if( !haveKey2 ) keyValue2.second = getCornerNormal( neighborKey5 , ri.node , c2 , metSolution );
03066 x1 = keyValue2.first;
03067 n[1] = keyValue2.second;
03069 if( !haveKey1 || !haveKey2 )
03070 {
03071 if( isBoundary )
03072 {
03073 #pragma omp critical (normal_hash_access)
03074 {
03075 if( !haveKey1 ) (*rootData.boundaryValues)[key1] = keyValue1;
03076 if( !haveKey2 ) (*rootData.boundaryValues)[key2] = keyValue2;
03077 }
03078 }
03079 else
03080 {
03081 if( !haveKey1 ) rootData.cornerNormals[iter1] = keyValue1.second , rootData.cornerNormalsSet[ iter1 ] = 1;
03082 if( !haveKey2 ) rootData.cornerNormals[iter2] = keyValue2.second , rootData.cornerNormalsSet[ iter2 ] = 1;
03083 }
03084 }
03086 Point3D< Real > c;
03087 ri.node->centerAndWidth(c,width);
03088 center=c[o];
03089 for( i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) n[0][i] *= width , n[1][i] *= width;
03091 switch(o)
03092 {
03093 case 0:
03094 position[1] = c[1]-width/2+width*i1;
03095 position[2] = c[2]-width/2+width*i2;
03096 break;
03097 case 1:
03098 position[0] = c[0]-width/2+width*i1;
03099 position[2] = c[2]-width/2+width*i2;
03100 break;
03101 case 2:
03102 position[0] = c[0]-width/2+width*i1;
03103 position[1] = c[1]-width/2+width*i2;
03104 break;
03105 }
03106 double dx0,dx1;
03107 dx0 = n[0][o];
03108 dx1 = n[1][o];
03111 double scl=(x1-x0)/((dx1+dx0)/2);
03112 dx0 *= scl;
03113 dx1 *= scl;
03116 P.coefficients[0] = x0;
03117 P.coefficients[1] = dx0;
03118 P.coefficients[2] = 3*(x1-x0)-dx1-2*dx0;
03120 P.getSolutions( isoValue , roots , EPSILON );
03121 for( i=0 ; i<int(roots.size()) ; i++ )
03122 if( roots[i]>=0 && roots[i]<=1 )
03123 {
03124 averageRoot += Real( roots[i] );
03125 rCount++;
03126 }
03127 if( rCount && nonLinearFit ) averageRoot /= rCount;
03128 else averageRoot = Real((x0-isoValue)/(x0-x1));
03129 if( averageRoot<0 || averageRoot>1 )
03130 {
03131 fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] Bad average root: %f\n" , averageRoot );
03132 fprintf( stderr , "\t(%f %f) , (%f %f) (%f)\n" , x0 , x1 , dx0 , dx1 , isoValue );
03133 if( averageRoot<0 ) averageRoot = 0;
03134 if( averageRoot>1 ) averageRoot = 1;
03135 }
03136 position[o] = Real(center-width/2+width*averageRoot);
03137 return 1;
03138 }
03139 template< int Degree >
03140 int Octree< Degree >::GetRootIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int edgeIndex , int maxDepth , int sDepth,RootInfo& ri )
03141 {
03142 int c1,c2,f1,f2;
03143 const TreeOctNode *temp,*finest;
03144 int finestIndex;
03146 Cube::FacesAdjacentToEdge(edgeIndex,f1,f2);
03148 finest=node;
03149 finestIndex=edgeIndex;
03150 if(node->depth()<maxDepth){
03151 if(IsBoundaryFace(node,f1,sDepth)){temp=NULL;}
03152 else{temp=node->faceNeighbor(f1);}
03153 if(temp && temp->children){
03154 finest=temp;
03155 finestIndex=Cube::FaceReflectEdgeIndex(edgeIndex,f1);
03156 }
03157 else{
03158 if(IsBoundaryFace(node,f2,sDepth)){temp=NULL;}
03159 else{temp=node->faceNeighbor(f2);}
03160 if(temp && temp->children){
03161 finest=temp;
03162 finestIndex=Cube::FaceReflectEdgeIndex(edgeIndex,f2);
03163 }
03164 else{
03165 if(IsBoundaryEdge(node,edgeIndex,sDepth)){temp=NULL;}
03166 else{temp=node->edgeNeighbor(edgeIndex);}
03167 if(temp && temp->children){
03168 finest=temp;
03169 finestIndex=Cube::EdgeReflectEdgeIndex(edgeIndex);
03170 }
03171 }
03172 }
03173 }
03175 Cube::EdgeCorners(finestIndex,c1,c2);
03176 if(finest->children){
03177 if (GetRootIndex(&finest->children[c1],finestIndex,maxDepth,sDepth,ri)) {return 1;}
03178 else if (GetRootIndex(&finest->children[c2],finestIndex,maxDepth,sDepth,ri)) {return 1;}
03179 else
03180 {
03181 fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] Couldn't find root index with either child\n" );
03182 return 0;
03183 }
03184 }
03185 else
03186 {
03187 if( !(MarchingCubes::edgeMask()[finest->nodeData.mcIndex] & (1<<finestIndex)) )
03188 {
03189 fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] Finest node does not have iso-edge\n" );
03190 return 0;
03191 }
03193 int o,i1,i2;
03194 Cube::FactorEdgeIndex(finestIndex,o,i1,i2);
03195 int d,off[3];
03196 finest->depthAndOffset(d,off);
03197 ri.node=finest;
03198 ri.edgeIndex=finestIndex;
03199 int eIndex[2],offset;
03200 offset=BinaryNode<Real>::Index( d , off[o] );
03201 switch(o)
03202 {
03203 case 0:
03204 eIndex[0]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[1],i1);
03205 eIndex[1]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[2],i2);
03206 break;
03207 case 1:
03208 eIndex[0]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[0],i1);
03209 eIndex[1]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[2],i2);
03210 break;
03211 case 2:
03212 eIndex[0]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[0],i1);
03213 eIndex[1]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[1],i2);
03214 break;
03215 }
03216 ri.key = (long long)(o) | (long long)(eIndex[0])<<5 | (long long)(eIndex[1])<<25 | (long long)(offset)<<45;
03217 return 1;
03218 }
03219 }
03220 template<int Degree>
03221 int Octree<Degree>::GetRootIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int edgeIndex , int maxDepth , RootInfo& ri )
03222 {
03223 int c1,c2,f1,f2;
03224 const TreeOctNode *temp,*finest;
03225 int finestIndex;
03229 if(!(MarchingCubes::edgeMask()[node->nodeData.mcIndex] & (1<<edgeIndex))){return 0;}
03231 Cube::FacesAdjacentToEdge(edgeIndex,f1,f2);
03233 finest = node;
03234 finestIndex = edgeIndex;
03235 if( node->depth()<maxDepth && !node->children )
03236 {
03237 temp=node->faceNeighbor( f1 );
03238 if( temp && temp->children ) finest = temp , finestIndex = Cube::FaceReflectEdgeIndex( edgeIndex , f1 );
03239 else
03240 {
03241 temp = node->faceNeighbor( f2 );
03242 if( temp && temp->children ) finest = temp , finestIndex = Cube::FaceReflectEdgeIndex( edgeIndex , f2 );
03243 else
03244 {
03245 temp = node->edgeNeighbor( edgeIndex );
03246 if( temp && temp->children ) finest = temp , finestIndex = Cube::EdgeReflectEdgeIndex( edgeIndex );
03247 }
03248 }
03249 }
03251 Cube::EdgeCorners( finestIndex , c1 , c2 );
03252 if( finest->children )
03253 {
03254 if ( GetRootIndex( finest->children + c1 , finestIndex , maxDepth , ri ) ) return 1;
03255 else if( GetRootIndex( finest->children + c2 , finestIndex , maxDepth , ri ) ) return 1;
03256 else
03257 {
03258 int d1 , off1[3] , d2 , off2[3];
03259 node->depthAndOffset( d1 , off1 );
03260 finest->depthAndOffset( d2 , off2 );
03261 fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] Couldn't find root index with either child [%d] (%d %d %d) -> [%d] (%d %d %d) (%d %d)\n" , d1 , off1[0] , off1[1] , off1[2] , d2 , off2[0] , off2[1] , off2[2] , node->children!=NULL , finest->children!=NULL );
03262 printf( "\t" );
03263 for( int i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ ) if( node->nodeData.mcIndex & (1<<i) ) printf( "1" ); else printf( "0" );
03264 printf( "\t" );
03265 for( int i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ ) if( finest->nodeData.mcIndex & (1<<i) ) printf( "1" ); else printf( "0" );
03266 printf( "\n" );
03267 return 0;
03268 }
03269 }
03270 else
03271 {
03272 int o,i1,i2;
03273 Cube::FactorEdgeIndex(finestIndex,o,i1,i2);
03274 int d,off[3];
03275 finest->depthAndOffset(d,off);
03276 ri.node=finest;
03277 ri.edgeIndex=finestIndex;
03278 int offset,eIndex[2];
03279 offset = BinaryNode< Real >::CenterIndex( d , off[o] );
03280 switch(o){
03281 case 0:
03282 eIndex[0]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[1],i1);
03283 eIndex[1]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[2],i2);
03284 break;
03285 case 1:
03286 eIndex[0]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[0],i1);
03287 eIndex[1]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[2],i2);
03288 break;
03289 case 2:
03290 eIndex[0]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[0],i1);
03291 eIndex[1]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[1],i2);
03292 break;
03293 }
03294 ri.key= (long long)(o) | (long long)(eIndex[0])<<5 | (long long)(eIndex[1])<<25 | (long long)(offset)<<45;
03295 return 1;
03296 }
03297 }
03298 template<int Degree>
03299 int Octree<Degree>::GetRootPair(const RootInfo& ri,int maxDepth,RootInfo& pair){
03300 const TreeOctNode* node=ri.node;
03301 int c1,c2,c;
03302 Cube::EdgeCorners(ri.edgeIndex,c1,c2);
03303 while(node->parent){
03304 c=int(node-node->parent->children);
03305 if(c!=c1 && c!=c2){return 0;}
03306 if(!MarchingCubes::HasEdgeRoots(node->parent->nodeData.mcIndex,ri.edgeIndex)){
03307 if(c==c1){return GetRootIndex(&node->parent->children[c2],ri.edgeIndex,maxDepth,pair);}
03308 else{return GetRootIndex(&node->parent->children[c1],ri.edgeIndex,maxDepth,pair);}
03309 }
03310 node=node->parent;
03311 }
03312 return 0;
03314 }
03315 template<int Degree>
03316 int Octree< Degree >::GetRootIndex( const RootInfo& ri , RootData& rootData , CoredPointIndex& index )
03317 {
03318 long long key = ri.key;
03319 hash_map< long long , int >::iterator rootIter;
03320 rootIter = rootData.boundaryRoots.find( key );
03321 if( rootIter!=rootData.boundaryRoots.end() )
03322 {
03323 index.inCore = 1;
03324 index.index = rootIter->second;
03325 return 1;
03326 }
03327 else if( rootData.interiorRoots )
03328 {
03329 int eIndex = rootData.edgeIndices( ri.node )[ ri.edgeIndex ];
03330 if( rootData.edgesSet[ eIndex ] )
03331 {
03332 index.inCore = 0;
03333 index.index = rootData.interiorRoots[ eIndex ];
03334 return 1;
03335 }
03336 }
03337 return 0;
03338 }
03339 template< int Degree >
03340 int Octree< Degree >::SetMCRootPositions( TreeOctNode* node , int sDepth , Real isoValue , TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey5& neighborKey5 , RootData& rootData ,
03341 std::vector< Point3D< float > >* interiorPositions , CoredMeshData* mesh , const Real* metSolution , int nonLinearFit )
03342 {
03343 Point3D< Real > position;
03344 int eIndex;
03345 RootInfo ri;
03346 int count=0;
03347 if( !MarchingCubes::HasRoots( node->nodeData.mcIndex ) ) return 0;
03348 for( int i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<2 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<2 ; k++ )
03349 {
03350 long long key;
03351 eIndex = Cube::EdgeIndex( i , j , k );
03352 if( GetRootIndex( node , eIndex , fData.depth , ri ) )
03353 {
03354 key = ri.key;
03355 if( !rootData.interiorRoots || IsBoundaryEdge( node , i , j , k , sDepth ) )
03356 {
03357 poisson::hash_map< long long , int >::iterator iter , end;
03359 #pragma omp critical (boundary_roots_hash_access)
03360 {
03361 iter = rootData.boundaryRoots.find( key );
03362 end = rootData.boundaryRoots.end();
03363 }
03364 if( iter==end )
03365 {
03367 GetRoot( ri , isoValue , neighborKey5 , position , rootData , sDepth , metSolution , nonLinearFit );
03369 #pragma omp critical (boundary_roots_hash_access)
03370 {
03371 iter = rootData.boundaryRoots.find( key );
03372 end = rootData.boundaryRoots.end();
03373 if( iter==end )
03374 {
03375 mesh->inCorePoints.push_back( position );
03376 rootData.boundaryRoots[key] = int( mesh->inCorePoints.size() ) - 1;
03377 }
03378 }
03379 if( iter==end ) count++;
03380 }
03381 }
03382 else
03383 {
03384 int nodeEdgeIndex = rootData.edgeIndices( ri.node )[ ri.edgeIndex ];
03385 if( !rootData.edgesSet[ nodeEdgeIndex ] )
03386 {
03388 GetRoot( ri , isoValue , neighborKey5 , position , rootData , sDepth , metSolution , nonLinearFit );
03390 #pragma omp critical (add_point_access)
03391 {
03392 if( !rootData.edgesSet[ nodeEdgeIndex ] )
03393 {
03394 rootData.interiorRoots[ nodeEdgeIndex ] = mesh->addOutOfCorePoint( position );
03395 interiorPositions->push_back( position );
03396 rootData.edgesSet[ nodeEdgeIndex ] = 1;
03397 count++;
03398 }
03399 }
03400 }
03401 }
03402 }
03403 }
03404 return count;
03405 }
03406 template<int Degree>
03407 int Octree< Degree >::SetBoundaryMCRootPositions( int sDepth , Real isoValue , RootData& rootData , CoredMeshData* mesh , int nonLinearFit )
03408 {
03409 Point3D< Real > position;
03410 int i,j,k,eIndex,hits=0;
03411 RootInfo ri;
03412 int count=0;
03413 TreeOctNode* node;
03415 node = tree.nextLeaf();
03416 while( node )
03417 {
03418 if( MarchingCubes::HasRoots( node->nodeData.mcIndex ) )
03419 {
03420 hits=0;
03421 for( i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ )
03422 for( j=0 ; j<2 ; j++ )
03423 for( k=0 ; k<2 ; k++ )
03424 if( IsBoundaryEdge( node , i , j , k , sDepth ) )
03425 {
03426 hits++;
03427 long long key;
03428 eIndex = Cube::EdgeIndex( i , j , k );
03429 if( GetRootIndex( node , eIndex , fData.depth , ri ) )
03430 {
03431 key = ri.key;
03432 if( rootData.boundaryRoots.find(key)==rootData.boundaryRoots.end() )
03433 {
03434 GetRoot( ri , isoValue , position , rootData , sDepth , nonLinearFit );
03435 mesh->inCorePoints.push_back( position );
03436 rootData.boundaryRoots[key] = int( mesh->inCorePoints.size() )-1;
03437 count++;
03438 }
03439 }
03440 }
03441 }
03442 if( hits ) node=tree.nextLeaf(node);
03443 else node=tree.nextBranch(node);
03444 }
03445 return count;
03446 }
03447 template<int Degree>
03448 void Octree< Degree >::GetMCIsoEdges( TreeOctNode* node , int sDepth , std::vector< std::pair< RootInfo , RootInfo > >& edges )
03449 {
03450 TreeOctNode* temp;
03451 int count=0 , tris=0;
03452 int isoTri[ DIMENSION * MarchingCubes::MAX_TRIANGLES ];
03453 FaceEdgesFunction fef;
03454 int ref , fIndex;
03455 hash_map< long long , std::pair< RootInfo , int > >::iterator iter;
03456 hash_map< long long , std::pair< RootInfo , int > > vertexCount;
03458 fef.edges = &edges;
03459 fef.maxDepth = fData.depth;
03460 fef.vertexCount = &vertexCount;
03461 count = MarchingCubes::AddTriangleIndices( node->nodeData.mcIndex , isoTri );
03462 for( fIndex=0 ; fIndex<Cube::NEIGHBORS ; fIndex++ )
03463 {
03464 ref = Cube::FaceReflectFaceIndex( fIndex , fIndex );
03465 fef.fIndex = ref;
03466 temp = node->faceNeighbor( fIndex );
03469 if( temp && temp->children && !IsBoundaryFace( node , fIndex , sDepth ) ) temp->processNodeFaces( temp , &fef , ref );
03471 else
03472 {
03473 RootInfo ri1 , ri2;
03474 for( int j=0 ; j<count ; j++ )
03475 for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ )
03476 if( fIndex==Cube::FaceAdjacentToEdges( isoTri[j*3+k] , isoTri[j*3+((k+1)%3)] ) )
03477 if( GetRootIndex( node , isoTri[j*3+k] , fData.depth , ri1 ) && GetRootIndex( node , isoTri[j*3+((k+1)%3)] , fData.depth , ri2 ) )
03478 {
03479 long long key1 = ri1.key , key2 = ri2.key;
03480 edges.push_back( std::pair< RootInfo , RootInfo >( ri1 , ri2 ) );
03481 iter=vertexCount.find( key1 );
03482 if( iter==vertexCount.end() )
03483 {
03484 vertexCount[key1].first = ri1;
03485 vertexCount[key1].second = 0;
03486 }
03487 iter=vertexCount.find( key2 );
03488 if( iter==vertexCount.end() )
03489 {
03490 vertexCount[key2].first = ri2;
03491 vertexCount[key2].second = 0;
03492 }
03493 vertexCount[key1].second++;
03494 vertexCount[key2].second--;
03495 }
03496 else
03497 {
03498 int r1 = MarchingCubes::HasEdgeRoots( node->nodeData.mcIndex , isoTri[j*3+k] );
03499 int r2 = MarchingCubes::HasEdgeRoots( node->nodeData.mcIndex , isoTri[j*3+((k+1)%3)] );
03500 fprintf( stderr , "Bad Edge 2: %d %d\t%d %d\n" , ri1.key , ri2.key , r1 , r2 );
03501 }
03502 }
03503 }
03504 for( int i=0 ; i<int(edges.size()) ; i++ )
03505 {
03506 iter = vertexCount.find( edges[i].first.key );
03507 if( iter==vertexCount.end() ) printf( "Could not find vertex: %lld\n" , edges[i].first );
03508 else if( vertexCount[ edges[i].first.key ].second )
03509 {
03510 RootInfo ri;
03511 GetRootPair( vertexCount[edges[i].first.key].first , fData.depth , ri );
03512 long long key = ri.key;
03513 iter = vertexCount.find( key );
03514 if( iter==vertexCount.end() )
03515 {
03516 int d , off[3];
03517 node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
03518 printf( "Vertex pair not in list 1 (%lld) %d\t[%d] (%d %d %d)\n" , key , IsBoundaryEdge( ri.node , ri.edgeIndex , sDepth ) , d , off[0] , off[1] , off[2] );
03519 }
03520 else
03521 {
03522 edges.push_back( std::pair< RootInfo , RootInfo >( ri , edges[i].first ) );
03523 vertexCount[ key ].second++;
03524 vertexCount[ edges[i].first.key ].second--;
03525 }
03526 }
03528 iter = vertexCount.find( edges[i].second.key );
03529 if( iter==vertexCount.end() ) printf( "Could not find vertex: %lld\n" , edges[i].second );
03530 else if( vertexCount[edges[i].second.key].second )
03531 {
03532 RootInfo ri;
03533 GetRootPair( vertexCount[edges[i].second.key].first , fData.depth , ri );
03534 long long key = ri.key;
03535 iter=vertexCount.find( key );
03536 if( iter==vertexCount.end() )
03537 {
03538 int d , off[3];
03539 node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
03540 printf( "Vertex pair not in list 2\t[%d] (%d %d %d)\n" , d , off[0] , off[1] , off[2] );
03541 }
03542 else
03543 {
03544 edges.push_back( std::pair< RootInfo , RootInfo >( edges[i].second , ri ) );
03545 vertexCount[key].second--;
03546 vertexCount[ edges[i].second.key ].second++;
03547 }
03548 }
03549 }
03550 }
03551 template<int Degree>
03552 #if MISHA_DEBUG
03553 int Octree< Degree >::GetMCIsoTriangles( TreeOctNode* node , CoredMeshData* mesh , RootData& rootData , std::vector< Point3D< float > >* interiorPositions , int offSet , int sDepth , bool polygonMesh , std::vector< Point3D< float > >* barycenters )
03554 #else // !MISHA_DEBUG
03555 int Octree< Degree >::GetMCIsoTriangles( TreeOctNode* node , CoredMeshData* mesh , RootData& rootData , std::vector< Point3D< float > >* interiorPositions , int offSet , int sDepth , bool addBarycenter , bool polygonMesh )
03556 #endif // MISHA_DEBUG
03557 {
03558 int tris=0;
03559 std::vector< std::pair< RootInfo , RootInfo > > edges;
03560 std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< RootInfo , RootInfo > > > edgeLoops;
03561 GetMCIsoEdges( node , sDepth , edges );
03563 GetEdgeLoops( edges , edgeLoops );
03564 for( int i=0 ; i<int(edgeLoops.size()) ; i++ )
03565 {
03566 CoredPointIndex p;
03567 std::vector<CoredPointIndex> edgeIndices;
03568 for( int j=0 ; j<int(edgeLoops[i].size()) ; j++ )
03569 {
03570 if( !GetRootIndex( edgeLoops[i][j].first , rootData , p ) ) printf( "Bad Point Index\n" );
03571 else edgeIndices.push_back( p );
03572 }
03573 #if MISHA_DEBUG
03574 tris += AddTriangles( mesh , edgeIndices , interiorPositions , offSet , polygonMesh , barycenters );
03575 #else // !MISHA_DEBUG
03576 tris += AddTriangles( mesh , edgeIndices , interiorPositions , offSet , addBarycenter , polygonMesh );
03577 #endif // MISHA_DEBUG
03578 }
03579 return tris;
03580 }
03582 template< int Degree >
03583 int Octree< Degree >::GetEdgeLoops( std::vector< std::pair< RootInfo , RootInfo > >& edges , std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< RootInfo , RootInfo > > >& loops )
03584 {
03585 int loopSize=0;
03586 long long frontIdx , backIdx;
03587 std::pair< RootInfo , RootInfo > e , temp;
03588 loops.clear();
03590 while( edges.size() )
03591 {
03592 std::vector< std::pair< RootInfo , RootInfo > > front , back;
03593 e = edges[0];
03594 loops.resize( loopSize+1 );
03595 edges[0] = edges.back();
03596 edges.pop_back();
03597 frontIdx = e.second.key;
03598 backIdx = e.first.key;
03599 for( int j=int(edges.size())-1 ; j>=0 ; j-- )
03600 {
03601 if( edges[j].first.key==frontIdx || edges[j].second.key==frontIdx )
03602 {
03603 if( edges[j].first.key==frontIdx ) temp = edges[j];
03604 else temp.first = edges[j].second , temp.second = edges[j].first;
03605 frontIdx = temp.second.key;
03606 front.push_back(temp);
03607 edges[j] = edges.back();
03608 edges.pop_back();
03609 j = int(edges.size());
03610 }
03611 else if( edges[j].first.key==backIdx || edges[j].second.key==backIdx )
03612 {
03613 if( edges[j].second.key==backIdx ) temp = edges[j];
03614 else temp.first = edges[j].second , temp.second = edges[j].first;
03615 backIdx = temp.first.key;
03616 back.push_back(temp);
03617 edges[j] = edges.back();
03618 edges.pop_back();
03619 j = int(edges.size());
03620 }
03621 }
03622 for( int j=int(back.size())-1 ; j>=0 ; j-- ) loops[loopSize].push_back( back[j] );
03623 loops[loopSize].push_back(e);
03624 for( int j=0 ; j<int(front.size()) ; j++ ) loops[loopSize].push_back( front[j] );
03625 loopSize++;
03626 }
03627 return int(loops.size());
03628 }
03629 template<int Degree>
03630 #if MISHA_DEBUG
03631 int Octree<Degree>::AddTriangles( CoredMeshData* mesh , std::vector<CoredPointIndex>& edges , std::vector<Point3D<float> >* interiorPositions , int offSet , bool polygonMesh , std::vector< Point3D< float > >* barycenters )
03632 #else // !MISHA_DEBUG
03633 int Octree<Degree>::AddTriangles( CoredMeshData* mesh , std::vector<CoredPointIndex>& edges , std::vector<Point3D<float> >* interiorPositions , int offSet , bool addBarycenter , bool polygonMesh )
03634 #endif // MISHA_DEBUG
03635 {
03636 MinimalAreaTriangulation< float > MAT;
03637 std::vector< Point3D< float > > vertices;
03638 std::vector< TriangleIndex > triangles;
03639 if( polygonMesh )
03640 {
03641 std::vector< CoredVertexIndex > vertices( edges.size() );
03642 for( int i=0 ; i<int(edges.size()) ; i++ )
03643 {
03644 vertices[i].idx = edges[i].index;
03645 vertices[i].inCore = (edges[i].inCore!=0);
03646 }
03647 #pragma omp critical (add_polygon_access)
03648 {
03649 mesh->addPolygon( vertices );
03650 }
03651 return 1;
03652 }
03653 if( edges.size()>3 )
03654 {
03655 bool isCoplanar = false;
03657 #if MISHA_DEBUG
03658 if( barycenters )
03659 #else // !MISHA_DEBUG
03660 if( addBarycenter )
03661 #endif // MISHA_DEBUG
03662 for( int i=0 ; i<int(edges.size()) ; i++ )
03663 for( int j=0 ; j<i ; j++ )
03664 if( (i+1)%edges.size()!=j && (j+1)%edges.size()!=i )
03665 {
03666 Point3D< Real > v1 , v2;
03667 if( edges[i].inCore ) v1 = mesh->inCorePoints[ edges[i].index ];
03668 else v1 = (*interiorPositions)[ edges[i].index-offSet ];
03669 if( edges[j].inCore ) v2 = mesh->inCorePoints[ edges[j].index ];
03670 else v2 = (*interiorPositions)[ edges[j].index-offSet ];
03671 for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ ) if( v1[k]==v2[k] ) isCoplanar = true;
03672 }
03673 if( isCoplanar )
03674 {
03675 Point3D< Real > c;
03676 c[0] = c[1] = c[2] = 0;
03677 for( int i=0 ; i<int(edges.size()) ; i++ )
03678 {
03679 Point3D<Real> p;
03680 if(edges[i].inCore) p = mesh->inCorePoints[edges[i].index ];
03681 else p = (*interiorPositions)[edges[i].index-offSet];
03682 c += p;
03683 }
03684 c /= Real( edges.size() );
03685 int cIdx;
03686 #pragma omp critical (add_point_access)
03687 {
03688 cIdx = mesh->addOutOfCorePoint( c );
03689 #if MISHA_DEBUG
03690 barycenters->push_back( c );
03691 #else // !MISHA_DEBUG
03692 interiorPositions->push_back( c );
03693 #endif // MISHA_DEBUG
03694 }
03695 for( int i=0 ; i<int(edges.size()) ; i++ )
03696 {
03697 std::vector< CoredVertexIndex > vertices( 3 );
03698 vertices[0].idx = edges[i ].index;
03699 vertices[1].idx = edges[(i+1)%edges.size()].index;
03700 vertices[2].idx = cIdx;
03701 vertices[0].inCore = (edges[i ].inCore!=0);
03702 vertices[1].inCore = (edges[(i+1)%edges.size()].inCore!=0);
03703 vertices[2].inCore = 0;
03704 #pragma omp critical (add_polygon_access)
03705 {
03706 mesh->addPolygon( vertices );
03707 }
03708 }
03709 return int( edges.size() );
03710 }
03711 else
03712 {
03713 vertices.resize( edges.size() );
03715 for( int i=0 ; i<int(edges.size()) ; i++ )
03716 {
03717 Point3D< Real > p;
03718 if( edges[i].inCore ) p = mesh->inCorePoints[edges[i].index ];
03719 else p = (*interiorPositions)[edges[i].index-offSet];
03720 vertices[i] = p;
03721 }
03722 MAT.GetTriangulation( vertices , triangles );
03723 for( int i=0 ; i<int(triangles.size()) ; i++ )
03724 {
03725 std::vector< CoredVertexIndex > _vertices( 3 );
03726 for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ )
03727 {
03728 _vertices[j].idx = edges[ triangles[i].idx[j] ].index;
03729 _vertices[j].inCore = (edges[ triangles[i].idx[j] ].inCore!=0);
03730 }
03731 #pragma omp critical (add_polygon_access)
03732 {
03733 mesh->addPolygon( _vertices );
03734 }
03735 }
03736 }
03737 }
03738 else if( edges.size()==3 )
03739 {
03740 std::vector< CoredVertexIndex > vertices( 3 );
03741 for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ )
03742 {
03743 vertices[i].idx = edges[i].index;
03744 vertices[i].inCore = (edges[i].inCore!=0);
03745 }
03746 #pragma omp critical (add_polygon_access)
03747 mesh->addPolygon( vertices );
03748 }
03749 return int(edges.size())-2;
03750 }
03751 template< int Degree >
03752 Real* Octree< Degree >::GetSolutionGrid( int& res , float isoValue , int depth )
03753 {
03754 if( depth<=0 || depth>tree.maxDepth() ) depth = tree.maxDepth();
03755 BSplineData< Degree , Real > fData;
03756 fData.set( depth );
03757 fData.setValueTables( fData.VALUE_FLAG );
03758 res = 1<<depth;
03759 Real* values = new float[ res * res * res ];
03760 memset( values , 0 , sizeof( float ) * res * res * res );
03762 for( TreeOctNode* n=tree.nextNode() ; n ; n=tree.nextNode( n ) )
03763 {
03764 if( n->d>depth ) continue;
03765 if( n->d<_minDepth ) continue;
03766 int d , idx[3] , start[3] , end[3];
03767 n->depthAndOffset( d , idx );
03768 for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ )
03769 {
03771 idx[i] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , idx[i] );
03773 fData.setSampleSpan( idx[i] , start[i] , end[i] );
03775 if( !(start[i]&1) ) start[i]++;
03776 if( !( end[i]&1) ) end[i]--;
03777 }
03778 Real coefficient = n->nodeData.solution;
03779 for( int x=start[0] ; x<=end[0] ; x+=2 )
03780 for( int y=start[1] ; y<=end[1] ; y+=2 )
03781 for( int z=start[2] ; z<=end[2] ; z+=2 )
03782 {
03783 int xx = (x-1)>>1 , yy = (y-1)>>1 , zz = (z-1)>>1;
03784 values[ zz*res*res + yy*res + xx ] +=
03785 coefficient *
03786 fData.valueTables[ idx[0]+x*fData.functionCount ] *
03787 fData.valueTables[ idx[1]+y*fData.functionCount ] *
03788 fData.valueTables[ idx[2]+z*fData.functionCount ];
03789 }
03790 }
03791 for( int i=0 ; i<res*res*res ; i++ ) values[i] -= isoValue;
03793 return values;
03794 }
03795 template< int Degree >
03796 Real* Octree< Degree >::GetWeightGrid( int& res , int depth )
03797 {
03798 if( depth<=0 || depth>tree.maxDepth() ) depth = tree.maxDepth();
03799 res = 1<<tree.maxDepth();
03800 Real* values = new float[ res * res * res ];
03801 memset( values , 0 , sizeof( float ) * res * res * res );
03803 for( TreeOctNode* n=tree.nextNode() ; n ; n=tree.nextNode( n ) )
03804 {
03805 if( n->d>depth ) continue;
03806 int d , idx[3] , start[3] , end[3];
03807 n->depthAndOffset( d , idx );
03808 for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ )
03809 {
03811 idx[i] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , idx[i] );
03813 fData.setSampleSpan( idx[i] , start[i] , end[i] );
03815 if( !(start[i]&1) ) start[i]++;
03816 if( !( end[i]&1) ) end[i]--;
03817 }
03818 for( int x=start[0] ; x<=end[0] ; x+=2 )
03819 for( int y=start[1] ; y<=end[1] ; y+=2 )
03820 for( int z=start[2] ; z<=end[2] ; z+=2 )
03821 {
03822 int xx = (x-1)>>1 , yy = (y-1)>>1 , zz = (z-1)>>1;
03823 values[ zz*res*res + yy*res + xx ] +=
03824 n->nodeData.centerWeightContribution *
03825 fData.valueTables[ idx[0]+x*fData.functionCount ] *
03826 fData.valueTables[ idx[1]+y*fData.functionCount ] *
03827 fData.valueTables[ idx[2]+z*fData.functionCount ];
03828 }
03829 }
03830 return values;
03831 }
03836 long long VertexData::CenterIndex(const TreeOctNode* node,int maxDepth){
03837 int idx[DIMENSION];
03838 return CenterIndex(node,maxDepth,idx);
03839 }
03840 long long VertexData::CenterIndex(const TreeOctNode* node,int maxDepth,int idx[DIMENSION]){
03841 int d,o[3];
03842 node->depthAndOffset(d,o);
03843 for(int i=0;i<DIMENSION;i++){idx[i]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d+1,o[i]<<1,1);}
03844 return (long long)(idx[0]) | (long long)(idx[1])<<15 | (long long)(idx[2])<<30;
03845 }
03846 long long VertexData::CenterIndex(int depth,const int offSet[DIMENSION],int maxDepth,int idx[DIMENSION]){
03847 for(int i=0;i<DIMENSION;i++){idx[i]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,depth+1,offSet[i]<<1,1);}
03848 return (long long)(idx[0]) | (long long)(idx[1])<<15 | (long long)(idx[2])<<30;
03849 }
03850 long long VertexData::CornerIndex(const TreeOctNode* node,int cIndex,int maxDepth){
03851 int idx[DIMENSION];
03852 return CornerIndex(node,cIndex,maxDepth,idx);
03853 }
03854 long long VertexData::CornerIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int cIndex , int maxDepth , int idx[DIMENSION] )
03855 {
03856 int x[DIMENSION];
03857 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( cIndex , x[0] , x[1] , x[2] );
03858 int d , o[3];
03859 node->depthAndOffset( d , o );
03860 for( int i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) idx[i] = BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex( maxDepth+1 , d , o[i] , x[i] );
03861 return CornerIndexKey( idx );
03862 }
03863 long long VertexData::CornerIndex( int depth , const int offSet[DIMENSION] , int cIndex , int maxDepth , int idx[DIMENSION] )
03864 {
03865 int x[DIMENSION];
03866 Cube::FactorCornerIndex( cIndex , x[0] , x[1] , x[2] );
03867 for( int i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) idx[i] = BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex( maxDepth+1 , depth , offSet[i] , x[i] );
03868 return CornerIndexKey( idx );
03869 }
03870 long long VertexData::CornerIndexKey( const int idx[DIMENSION] )
03871 {
03872 return (long long)(idx[0]) | (long long)(idx[1])<<15 | (long long)(idx[2])<<30;
03873 }
03874 long long VertexData::FaceIndex(const TreeOctNode* node,int fIndex,int maxDepth){
03875 int idx[DIMENSION];
03876 return FaceIndex(node,fIndex,maxDepth,idx);
03877 }
03878 long long VertexData::FaceIndex(const TreeOctNode* node,int fIndex,int maxDepth,int idx[DIMENSION]){
03879 int dir,offset;
03880 Cube::FactorFaceIndex(fIndex,dir,offset);
03881 int d,o[3];
03882 node->depthAndOffset(d,o);
03883 for(int i=0;i<DIMENSION;i++){idx[i]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d+1,o[i]<<1,1);}
03884 idx[dir]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,o[dir],offset);
03885 return (long long)(idx[0]) | (long long)(idx[1])<<15 | (long long)(idx[2])<<30;
03886 }
03887 long long VertexData::EdgeIndex(const TreeOctNode* node,int eIndex,int maxDepth){
03888 int idx[DIMENSION];
03889 return EdgeIndex(node,eIndex,maxDepth,idx);
03890 }
03891 long long VertexData::EdgeIndex(const TreeOctNode* node,int eIndex,int maxDepth,int idx[DIMENSION]){
03892 int o,i1,i2;
03893 int d,off[3];
03894 node->depthAndOffset(d,off);
03895 for(int i=0;i<DIMENSION;i++){idx[i]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d+1,off[i]<<1,1);}
03896 Cube::FactorEdgeIndex(eIndex,o,i1,i2);
03897 switch(o){
03898 case 0:
03899 idx[1]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[1],i1);
03900 idx[2]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[2],i2);
03901 break;
03902 case 1:
03903 idx[0]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[0],i1);
03904 idx[2]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[2],i2);
03905 break;
03906 case 2:
03907 idx[0]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[0],i1);
03908 idx[1]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d,off[1],i2);
03909 break;
03910 };
03911 return (long long)(idx[0]) | (long long)(idx[1])<<15 | (long long)(idx[2])<<30;
03912 }
03915 }
03916 }