Testing_PCDLoader Member List
This is the complete list of members for Testing_PCDLoader, including all inherited members.
_load(const std::string &fn, sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &pc2)Testing_PCDLoader [inline, private, static]
get()Testing_PCDLoader [inline, static]
getPC(const size_t ind, typename pcl::PointCloud< Point >::Ptr pc, std::string &fn) const Testing_PCDLoader [inline]
load(const std::string &fn)Testing_PCDLoader [inline]
pc2s_fn_Testing_PCDLoader [private]
Testing_PCDLoader()Testing_PCDLoader [inline, private]
writePC(const std::string &pc_fn, typename pcl::PointCloud< Point >::ConstPtr pc) const Testing_PCDLoader [inline]

Author(s): Georg Arbeiter
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 11:03:03