Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes
Pose Class Reference

Class to describe and hold a pose of the robot (x, y)-Position + Orientation in world-coordinates. More...

#include <Pose.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Pose interpolate (const Pose &referencePose, float t) const
Pose operator+ (const Transformation2D &transformation) const
Pose operator- (const Transformation2D &transformation) const
Transformation2D operator- (const Pose &pose) const
 Pose (float x, float y, float theta)
 Pose ()
void setTheta (float theta)
float theta () const
 ~Pose ()

Protected Attributes

float m_Theta

Detailed Description

Class to describe and hold a pose of the robot (x, y)-Position + Orientation in world-coordinates.

Stephan Wirth, Susanne Maur (RX), David Gossow (RX)

Definition at line 26 of file Pose.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Pose::Pose ( float  x,
float  y,
float  theta 

Constructor which initializes the members with the given values.

thetaorientation in radiants

Default constructor, initializes members to 0.

The destructor is empty.

Member Function Documentation

Pose Pose::interpolate ( const Pose referencePose,
float  t 
) const

Interpolates between two poses and returns a pose which correlates with current pose + t * (reference pose - current pose)

referencePoseThe second pose to interpolate between.
tThe factor of interpolation.
Interpolated pose
Pose Pose::operator+ ( const Transformation2D transformation) const
Pose Pose::operator- ( const Transformation2D transformation) const
Transformation2D Pose::operator- ( const Pose pose) const
void Pose::setTheta ( float  theta)
float Pose::theta ( ) const

Member Data Documentation

float Pose::m_Theta [protected]

Definition at line 71 of file Pose.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Viktor Seib
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 02:53:09