Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <ros/ros.h>
00002 #include <nodelet/nodelet.h>
00003 #include <image_transport/image_transport.h>
00004 #include <image_transport/subscriber_filter.h>
00005 #include <message_filters/subscriber.h>
00006 #include <message_filters/synchronizer.h>
00007 #include <message_filters/sync_policies/exact_time.h>
00008 #include <message_filters/sync_policies/approximate_time.h>
00009 #include <image_geometry/stereo_camera_model.h>
00011 #include <stereo_msgs/DisparityImage.h>
00012 #include <sensor_msgs/PointCloud.h>
00013 #include <sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h>
00015 namespace stereo_image_proc {
00017 using namespace sensor_msgs;
00018 using namespace stereo_msgs;
00019 using namespace message_filters::sync_policies;
00021 class PointCloudNodelet : public nodelet::Nodelet
00022 {
00023   boost::shared_ptr<image_transport::ImageTransport> it_;
00025   // Subscriptions
00026   image_transport::SubscriberFilter sub_l_image_;
00027   message_filters::Subscriber<CameraInfo> sub_l_info_, sub_r_info_;
00028   message_filters::Subscriber<DisparityImage> sub_disparity_;
00029   typedef ExactTime<Image, CameraInfo, CameraInfo, DisparityImage> ExactPolicy;
00030   typedef ApproximateTime<Image, CameraInfo, CameraInfo, DisparityImage> ApproximatePolicy;
00031   typedef message_filters::Synchronizer<ExactPolicy> ExactSync;
00032   typedef message_filters::Synchronizer<ApproximatePolicy> ApproximateSync;
00033   boost::shared_ptr<ExactSync> exact_sync_;
00034   boost::shared_ptr<ApproximateSync> approximate_sync_;
00036   // Publications
00037   boost::mutex connect_mutex_;
00038   ros::Publisher pub_points_;
00040   // Processing state (note: only safe because we're single-threaded!)
00041   image_geometry::StereoCameraModel model_;
00042   cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3f> points_mat_; // scratch buffer
00044   virtual void onInit();
00046   void connectCb();
00048   void imageCb(const ImageConstPtr& l_image_msg,
00049                const CameraInfoConstPtr& l_info_msg,
00050                const CameraInfoConstPtr& r_info_msg,
00051                const DisparityImageConstPtr& disp_msg);
00052 };
00054 void PointCloudNodelet::onInit()
00055 {
00056   ros::NodeHandle &nh = getNodeHandle();
00057   ros::NodeHandle &private_nh = getPrivateNodeHandle();
00058   it_.reset(new image_transport::ImageTransport(nh));
00060   // Synchronize inputs. Topic subscriptions happen on demand in the connection
00061   // callback. Optionally do approximate synchronization.
00062   int queue_size;
00063   private_nh.param("queue_size", queue_size, 5);
00064   bool approx;
00065   private_nh.param("approximate_sync", approx, false);
00066   if (approx)
00067   {
00068     approximate_sync_.reset( new ApproximateSync(ApproximatePolicy(queue_size),
00069                                                  sub_l_image_, sub_l_info_,
00070                                                  sub_r_info_, sub_disparity_) );
00071     approximate_sync_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&PointCloudNodelet::imageCb,
00072                                                     this, _1, _2, _3, _4));
00073   }
00074   else
00075   {
00076     exact_sync_.reset( new ExactSync(ExactPolicy(queue_size),
00077                                      sub_l_image_, sub_l_info_,
00078                                      sub_r_info_, sub_disparity_) );
00079     exact_sync_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&PointCloudNodelet::imageCb,
00080                                               this, _1, _2, _3, _4));
00081   }
00083   // Monitor whether anyone is subscribed to the output
00084   ros::SubscriberStatusCallback connect_cb = boost::bind(&PointCloudNodelet::connectCb, this);
00085   // Make sure we don't enter connectCb() between advertising and assigning to pub_points_
00086   boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(connect_mutex_);
00087   pub_points_ = nh.advertise<PointCloud>("points", 1, connect_cb, connect_cb);
00088 }
00090 // Handles (un)subscribing when clients (un)subscribe
00091 void PointCloudNodelet::connectCb()
00092 {
00093   boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(connect_mutex_);
00094   if (pub_points_.getNumSubscribers() == 0)
00095   {
00096     sub_l_image_  .unsubscribe();
00097     sub_l_info_   .unsubscribe();
00098     sub_r_info_   .unsubscribe();
00099     sub_disparity_.unsubscribe();
00100   }
00101   else if (!sub_l_image_.getSubscriber())
00102   {
00103     ros::NodeHandle &nh = getNodeHandle();
00104     // Queue size 1 should be OK; the one that matters is the synchronizer queue size.
00105     image_transport::TransportHints hints("raw", ros::TransportHints(), getPrivateNodeHandle());
00106     sub_l_image_  .subscribe(*it_, "left/image_rect_color", 1, hints);
00107     sub_l_info_   .subscribe(nh,   "left/camera_info", 1);
00108     sub_r_info_   .subscribe(nh,   "right/camera_info", 1);
00109     sub_disparity_.subscribe(nh,   "disparity", 1);
00110   }
00111 }
00113 inline bool isValidPoint(const cv::Vec3f& pt)
00114 {
00115   // Check both for disparities explicitly marked as invalid (where OpenCV maps pt.z to MISSING_Z)
00116   // and zero disparities (point mapped to infinity).
00117   return pt[2] != image_geometry::StereoCameraModel::MISSING_Z && !std::isinf(pt[2]);
00118 }
00120 void PointCloudNodelet::imageCb(const ImageConstPtr& l_image_msg,
00121                                 const CameraInfoConstPtr& l_info_msg,
00122                                 const CameraInfoConstPtr& r_info_msg,
00123                                 const DisparityImageConstPtr& disp_msg)
00124 {
00125   // Update the camera model
00126   model_.fromCameraInfo(l_info_msg, r_info_msg);
00128   // Calculate point cloud
00129   const Image& dimage = disp_msg->image;
00130   const cv::Mat_<float> dmat(dimage.height, dimage.width, (float*)&dimage.data[0], dimage.step);
00131   model_.projectDisparityImageTo3d(dmat, points_mat_, true);
00132   cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3f> mat = points_mat_;
00134   // Fill in new PointCloud message (1D dense layout - no invalid points)
00135   PointCloudPtr points_msg = boost::make_shared<PointCloud>();
00136   points_msg->header = disp_msg->header;
00138   points_msg->channels.resize(3);
00139   points_msg->channels[0].name = "rgb";
00140   points_msg->channels[0].values.resize(0);
00141   points_msg->channels[1].name = "u";
00142   points_msg->channels[1].values.resize(0);
00143   points_msg->channels[2].name = "v";
00144   points_msg->channels[2].values.resize(0);
00146   // NOTE: For historical reasons, (u,v) = (row, column), the opposite of the
00147   // usual convention. Good thing we're moving to sensor_msgs/PointCloud2.
00148   for (int32_t u = 0; u < mat.rows; ++u) {
00149     for (int32_t v = 0; v < mat.cols; ++v) {
00150       if (isValidPoint(mat(u,v))) {
00151         // x,y,z
00152         geometry_msgs::Point32 pt;
00153         pt.x = mat(u,v)[0];
00154         pt.y = mat(u,v)[1];
00155         pt.z = mat(u,v)[2];
00156         points_msg->points.push_back(pt);
00157         // u,v
00158         points_msg->channels[1].values.push_back(u);
00159         points_msg->channels[2].values.push_back(v);
00160       }
00161     }
00162   }
00164   // Fill in color
00165   namespace enc = sensor_msgs::image_encodings;
00166   const std::string& encoding = l_image_msg->encoding;
00167   points_msg->channels[0].values.reserve(points_msg->points.size());
00168   if (encoding == enc::MONO8) {
00169     const cv::Mat_<uint8_t> color(l_image_msg->height, l_image_msg->width,
00170                                   (uint8_t*)&l_image_msg->data[0],
00171                                   l_image_msg->step);
00172     for (int32_t u = 0; u < mat.rows; ++u) {
00173       for (int32_t v = 0; v < mat.cols; ++v) {
00174         if (isValidPoint(mat(u,v))) {
00175           uint8_t g = color(u,v);
00176           int32_t rgb = (g << 16) | (g << 8) | g;
00177           points_msg->channels[0].values.push_back(*(float*)(&rgb));
00178         }
00179       }
00180     }
00181   }
00182   else if (encoding == enc::RGB8) {
00183     const cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3b> color(l_image_msg->height, l_image_msg->width,
00184                                     (cv::Vec3b*)&l_image_msg->data[0],
00185                                     l_image_msg->step);
00186     for (int32_t u = 0; u < mat.rows; ++u) {
00187       for (int32_t v = 0; v < mat.cols; ++v) {
00188         if (isValidPoint(mat(u,v))) {
00189           const cv::Vec3b& rgb = color(u,v);
00190           int32_t rgb_packed = (rgb[0] << 16) | (rgb[1] << 8) | rgb[2];
00191           points_msg->channels[0].values.push_back(*(float*)(&rgb_packed));
00192         }
00193       }
00194     }
00195   }
00196   else if (encoding == enc::BGR8) {
00197     const cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3b> color(l_image_msg->height, l_image_msg->width,
00198                                     (cv::Vec3b*)&l_image_msg->data[0],
00199                                     l_image_msg->step);
00200     for (int32_t u = 0; u < mat.rows; ++u) {
00201       for (int32_t v = 0; v < mat.cols; ++v) {
00202         if (isValidPoint(mat(u,v))) {
00203           const cv::Vec3b& bgr = color(u,v);
00204           int32_t rgb_packed = (bgr[2] << 16) | (bgr[1] << 8) | bgr[0];
00205           points_msg->channels[0].values.push_back(*(float*)(&rgb_packed));
00206         }
00207       }
00208     }
00209   }
00210   else {
00211     NODELET_WARN_THROTTLE(30, "Could not fill color channel of the point cloud, "
00212                           "unsupported encoding '%s'", encoding.c_str());
00213   }
00215   pub_points_.publish(points_msg);
00216 }
00218 } // namespace stereo_image_proc
00220 // Register nodelet
00221 #include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
00222 PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS(stereo_image_proc, point_cloud,
00223                         stereo_image_proc::PointCloudNodelet, nodelet::Nodelet)

Author(s): Patrick Mihelich, Kurt Konolige, Jeremy Leibs
autogenerated on Fri Jan 3 2014 11:24:49