Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /****************************************************************
00002  *
00003  * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012
00004  *
00005  * School of Engineering, Cardiff University, UK
00006  *
00007  * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00008  *
00009  * Project name: srs EU FP7 (www.srs-project.eu)
00010  * ROS stack name: srs
00011  * ROS package name: srs_knowledge
00012  * Description: 
00013  *                                                              
00014  * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00015  *
00016  * @author Ze Ji, email: jiz1@cf.ac.uk
00017  *
00018  * Date of creation: Oct 2011:
00019  * ToDo: 
00020  *
00021  * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00022  *
00023  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
00024  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
00025  *
00026  *       * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
00027  *         notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
00028  *       * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
00029  *         notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
00030  *         documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
00031  *       * Neither the name of the school of Engineering, Cardiff University nor 
00032  *         the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products 
00033  *         derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
00034  *
00035  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00036  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License LGPL as 
00037  * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the 
00038  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
00039  * 
00040  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00041  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00043  * GNU Lesser General Public License LGPL for more details.
00044  * 
00045  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
00046  * License LGPL along with this program. 
00047  * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
00048  *
00049  ****************************************************************/
00051 package org.srs.srs_knowledge.knowledge_engine;
00053 import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.*;
00054 import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.*;
00055 import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.FileManager;
00056 import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass;
00057 import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.SomeValuesFromRestriction;
00058 import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Restriction;
00059 import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query;
00060 import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory;
00061 import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSetFormatter;
00062 import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory;
00063 import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet;
00064 import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecution;
00065 import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolution;
00066 import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual;
00067 import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntProperty;
00068 import java.io.*;
00069 import java.util.ArrayList; 
00070 import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
00071 import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
00072 import java.util.HashSet;
00073 import java.util.Iterator;
00074 import java.util.Collections;
00075 import java.util.Comparator;
00076 import ros.*;
00077 import ros.communication.*;
00078 import ros.pkg.srs_knowledge.srv.QuerySparQL;
00079 import ros.pkg.srs_knowledge.msg.*;
00080 //import ros.pkg.srs_knowledge.msg.SRSSpatialInfo;
00081 import ros.pkg.srs_msgs.msg.SRSSpatialInfo;
00082 import com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.Lock;
00083 import ros.pkg.srs_knowledge.srv.PlanNextAction;
00084 import ros.pkg.srs_knowledge.srv.TaskRequest;
00085 import ros.pkg.srs_knowledge.srv.GetObjectsOnMap;
00086 import ros.pkg.srs_knowledge.srv.GetWorkspaceOnMap;
00087 import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement;
00088 import org.srs.srs_knowledge.task.*;
00089 import ros.pkg.geometry_msgs.msg.Pose2D;
00090 import ros.pkg.geometry_msgs.msg.Pose;
00091 import ros.pkg.srs_knowledge.srv.GetObjectsOnMap;
00092 import ros.pkg.srs_knowledge.srv.GetWorkspaceOnMap;
00094 import java.util.Properties;
00096 import java.io.IOException;
00097 import java.io.*;
00098 import java.util.StringTokenizer;
00099 import java.util.ArrayList;
00100 import java.util.HashMap;
00101 import java.util.Iterator;
00102 import java.util.Map;
00103 import java.util.Set;
00105 import org.srs.srs_knowledge.utils.*;
00111 public class OntoQueryUtil 
00112 {
00113     public static ArrayList<Individual> getWorkspaceOfObject(String objectClassName, String objectNameSpace, String globalNameSpace, OntologyDB onto) { 
00114         // TODO: 
00115         ArrayList<String> workspaceList = getWorkspaceNamesOfObject(objectClassName, objectNameSpace, globalNameSpace);
00116         ArrayList<Individual> workspaceIndList = new ArrayList<Individual>();
00117         for(String s : workspaceList) {
00118             workspaceIndList.add(onto.getModel().getIndividual(objectNameSpace + s));
00119         }
00120         return workspaceIndList;
00121     }
00123     public static ArrayList<String> getWorkspaceNamesOfObject(String objectClassName) {
00124         return OntoQueryUtil.getWorkspaceNamesOfObject(objectClassName, OntoQueryUtil.ObjectNameSpace, OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace);
00125     }
00130     public static ArrayList<String> getWorkspaceNamesOfObject(String objectClassName, String objectNameSpace, String globalNameSpace) { 
00131         ArrayList<String> workspaceList = new ArrayList<String>();
00133         String className = globalNameSpace + objectClassName; 
00135         // first, retrieve instance(s) of objectClassName
00136         Iterator<Individual> instancesOfObject = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getInstancesOfClass(className);
00138         // second, retrieve instance(s) of workspace for this particular objectClassName
00139         com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement stm;
00141         for( ; instancesOfObject.hasNext(); ) {
00142             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(globalNameSpace, "spatiallyRelated", instancesOfObject.next());
00143             if (stm != null) {
00144                 workspaceList.add(stm.getObject().asResource().getLocalName());
00145             }
00146         }
00147         // list possible workspace(s), e.g. tables
00148         ArrayList<String> otherWorkspaces = getFurnituresLinkedToObject(objectClassName);
00150         Iterator<Individual> otherInstances;
00152         for(int i = 0; i < otherWorkspaces.size(); i++) {
00153             otherInstances = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getInstancesOfClass(globalNameSpace + otherWorkspaces.get(i));
00154             workspaceList = OntoQueryUtil.addUniqueInstances(workspaceList, otherInstances);
00155             //otherWSInd = OntoQueryUtil.addUniqueInstances(otherWSInd, otherInstances);
00156         }
00158         /*
00159         // To sort by distance... TODO: robot current location is unknown... to implement in future
00160         Collections.sort(otherWSInd, new Comparator<String>() {
00161         public int compare(String ind1, String ind2) {
00163         // TODO;;;
00164         Pose p1 = OntoQueryUtil.getPoseOfObject(ind1);
00165         Pose p2 = OntoQueryUtil.getPoseOfObject(ind2);
00166         return 0;
00167         }
00168         }
00169         );
00170         workspaceList.addAll(otherWSInd);
00171         */
00173         return workspaceList;
00174     }
00176     public static Pose getPoseOfObject(String objectURI) {
00178         Pose p = new Pose();
00180         com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement stm;
00181         try{
00182             Individual temp = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getIndividual(objectURI);
00183             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "xCoord", temp);
00184             p.position.x = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00185             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "yCoord", temp);
00186             p.position.y = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00187             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "zCoord", temp);
00188             p.position.z = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00190             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "qu", temp);
00191             p.orientation.w = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00192             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "qx", temp);
00193             p.orientation.x = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00194             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "qy", temp);
00195             p.orientation.y = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00196             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "qz", temp);
00197             p.orientation.z = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00198         }
00199         catch(NonExistenceEntryException e) {
00200             return null;
00201         }
00202         catch(Exception e) {
00203             //System.out.println("CAUGHT exception: " + e.getMessage()+ ".. added invalid values");
00205             p.position.x = -1000;
00206             p.position.y = -1000;
00207             p.position.z = -1000;
00209             p.orientation.w = -1000;
00210             p.orientation.x = -1000;
00211             p.orientation.y = -1000;
00212             p.orientation.z = -1000;
00213         }
00215         return p;
00216     }
00218     public static ArrayList<String> addUniqueInstances(ArrayList<String> original, Iterator<Individual> newList) {
00219         while(newList.hasNext()) {
00220             Individual tempIndividual = newList.next();
00221             String temp = tempIndividual.getLocalName();
00222             if (!original.contains(temp)) {
00223                 original.add(temp);
00224             }
00225         }
00227         return original; 
00228     }
00230     public static ArrayList<String> tempGetFurnituresLinkedToObject(String objectClassName) {
00231         // TODO: Only temporarily provided for object related furnitures or workspaces . should be obtained from ontology instead
00233         // temporarily create the data
00234         Map<String, ArrayList<String>> mpWorkspaces = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
00235         ArrayList<String> mb = new ArrayList<String>();
00236         mb.add("Table-PieceOfFurniture");
00237         mb.add("Dishwasher");
00238         mpWorkspaces.put("Milkbox", mb);
00239         mpWorkspaces.put("Salt", mb);
00240         mpWorkspaces.put("Bottle", mb);
00241         mpWorkspaces.put("Pringles", mb);
00242         mpWorkspaces.put("Medicine", mb);
00244         ArrayList<String> mbook = new ArrayList<String>();
00245         mbook.add("Table-PieceOfFurniture");
00246         mbook.add("Dishwasher");
00247         mbook.add("BookShelf");
00248         mpWorkspaces.put("Book", mbook);
00249         mpWorkspaces.put("BookCopy", mbook);
00251         return mpWorkspaces.get(objectClassName);
00252     }   
00254     private static HashSet<String> getSuperAndSubClassesOf(String classURI, String rootClassURI, boolean includeSelf) {
00255         HashSet<String> ret = new HashSet<String>();
00256         String nsDef = 
00257             "PREFIX srs: <http://www.srs-project.eu/ontologies/srs.owl#>\n"
00258             + " PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>\n"
00259             + " PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>\n";
00260         String queryString = " SELECT ?sup  WHERE {\n" 
00261             + "<" + classURI + "> rdfs:subClassOf ?sup . \n"
00262             + " ?sup rdfs:subClassOf <" + rootClassURI + "> .}\n";
00263         ArrayList<QuerySolution> qr = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.executeQueryRaw(nsDef + queryString);
00264         for(int i = 0; i < qr.size(); i++) {
00265             String tmp = qr.get(i).getResource("sup").getURI();
00266             ret.add(tmp);
00267         }
00268         if(includeSelf) {
00269             ret.add(classURI);
00270         }
00272         return ret;
00273     }
00275     private static ArrayList<String> getSRSObjectCategory(String classURI) {
00276         ArrayList<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>();
00277         String catURI = OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace + "SRSCatogory";
00278         String nsDef = 
00279             "PREFIX srs: <http://www.srs-project.eu/ontologies/srs.owl#>\n"
00280             + " PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>\n"
00281             + " PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>\n";
00282         String queryString = " SELECT ?cat  WHERE {\n" 
00283             + "<" + classURI + "> rdfs:subClassOf ?cat . \n"
00284             + " ?cat rdfs:subClassOf <" + catURI + "> .}\n";
00286         ArrayList<QuerySolution> qr = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.executeQueryRaw(nsDef + queryString);
00287         for(int i = 0; i < qr.size(); i++) {
00288             String tmp = qr.get(i).getResource("cat").getURI();
00289             ret.add(tmp);
00290         }
00292         return ret;
00293     }
00296     //return local names
00297     public static ArrayList<String> getFurnituresLinkedToObject(String objectClassName) {
00298         ArrayList<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>();
00299         OntClass objClass = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.getOntClass(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace  + objectClassName );
00300         /*
00301           for(Iterator<OntProperty> pros = objClass.listDeclaredProperties(true); pros.hasNext(); ) {
00302           System.out.println(pros.next().getLocalName());
00303           }
00304         */
00305         HashSet<String> supClasses = OntoQueryUtil.getSuperAndSubClassesOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace + objectClassName, OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace + "GraspableObject", true);
00306         Iterator<String> itSup = supClasses.iterator();
00307         while(itSup.hasNext()) {
00308             objClass = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.getOntClass(itSup.next());
00309             for (Iterator<OntClass> supers = objClass.listSuperClasses(false); supers.hasNext(); ) {
00310                 OntClass sup = supers.next();
00311                 if (sup.isRestriction()) {
00312                     if (sup.asRestriction().isSomeValuesFromRestriction()) {
00313                         //displayRestriction( "some", sup.getOnProperty(), sup.asSomeValuesFromRestriction().getSomeValuesFrom() );
00314                         //}
00315                         //displayRestriction( sup.asRestriction() );
00316                         OntProperty pro = sup.asRestriction().asSomeValuesFromRestriction().getOnProperty();
00317                         //System.out.println(" Found Pro --- " + pro.asResource().toString());
00319                         if(pro.getURI().equals(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace + "storedAtPlace")) {
00320                             Resource objRes = sup.asRestriction().asSomeValuesFromRestriction().getSomeValuesFrom();
00321                             ret.add(objRes.getLocalName());
00322                             //System.out.println();
00323                         }
00324                     }
00325                     // displayType( supers.next() );
00326                 }
00327             }
00328         }
00330         return ret;
00331     }
00333     public static Pose2D parsePose2D(String targetContent) {
00334         Pose2D pos = new Pose2D();
00336         double x = 1;
00337         double y = 1;
00338         double theta = 0;
00340         if (targetContent.charAt(0) == '['
00341             && targetContent.charAt(targetContent.length() - 1) == ']') {
00342             StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(targetContent, " [],");
00343             if (st.countTokens() == 3) {
00344                 try {
00345                     x = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken());
00346                     y = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken());
00347                     theta = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken());
00348                     System.out.println(x + "  " + y + " " + theta);
00349                 } catch (Exception e) {
00350                     System.out.println(e.getMessage());
00351                     return null;
00352                 }
00353             }
00354         } else {
00355             // Ontology queries
00356             /*
00357             String prefix = "PREFIX srs: <http://www.srs-project.eu/ontologies/srs.owl#>\n"
00358                 + "PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>\n"
00359                 + "PREFIX ipa-kitchen-map: <http://www.srs-project.eu/ontologies/ipa-kitchen-map.owl#>\n";
00360             String queryString = "SELECT ?x ?y ?theta WHERE { "
00361                 + "ipa-kitchen-map:" + targetContent
00362                 + " srs:xCoordinate ?x . " + "ipa-kitchen-map:"
00363                 + targetContent + " srs:yCoordinate ?y . "
00364                 + "ipa-kitchen-map:" + targetContent
00365                 + " srs:orientationTheta ?theta .}";
00366             */
00367             String prefix = "PREFIX srs: <http://www.srs-project.eu/ontologies/srs.owl#>\n"
00368                 + "PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>\n"
00369                 + "PREFIX map: <" + OntoQueryUtil.ObjectNameSpace + ">\n";
00371             String queryString = "SELECT ?x ?y ?theta WHERE { "
00372                 + "map:" + targetContent
00373                 + " srs:xCoordinate ?x . " 
00374                 + "map:" + targetContent + " srs:yCoordinate ?y . "
00375                 + "map:" + targetContent + " srs:orientationTheta ?theta .}";
00376             //System.out.println(prefix + queryString + "\n");
00378             if (KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB == null) {
00379                 System.out.println("Ontology Database is NULL");
00380                 return null;
00381             }
00383             try {
00384                 ArrayList<QuerySolution> rset = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.executeQueryRaw(prefix
00385                                                                                        + queryString);
00386                 if (rset.size() == 0) {
00387                     System.out.println("ERROR: No move target found from database");
00388                     return null;
00389                 } else if (rset.size() == 1) {
00390                     System.out
00391                         .println("INFO: OK info retrieved from DB... ");
00392                     QuerySolution qs = rset.get(0);
00393                     x = qs.getLiteral("x").getFloat();
00394                     y = qs.getLiteral("y").getFloat();
00395                     theta = qs.getLiteral("theta").getFloat();
00396                     System.out.println("x is " + x + ". y is  " + y
00397                                        + ". theta is " + theta);
00398                 } else {
00399                     System.out.println("WARNING: Multiple options... ");
00400                     QuerySolution qs = rset.get(0);
00401                     x = qs.getLiteral("x").getFloat();
00402                     y = qs.getLiteral("y").getFloat();
00403                     theta = qs.getLiteral("theta").getFloat();
00404                     System.out.println("x is " + x + ". y is  " + y
00405                                        + ". theta is " + theta);
00406                 }
00407             } catch (Exception e) {
00408                 System.out.println("Exception -->  " + e.getMessage());
00409                 return null;
00410             }
00411         }
00413         pos.x = x; 
00414         pos.y = y;
00415         pos.theta = theta;
00416         return pos;
00417     }
00419     public static ArrayList<Individual> getWorkspaceByName(String objectClassName, String objectNameSpace, String globalNameSpace) { 
00420         // TODO: 
00421         String className = globalNameSpace + objectClassName; 
00423         // first, retrieve instance(s) of objectClassName
00424         Iterator<Individual> workspaceIndList = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getInstancesOfClass(className);
00425         ArrayList<Individual> wList = new ArrayList<Individual>();
00426         for( ; workspaceIndList.hasNext(); ) {
00427             wList.add(workspaceIndList.next());
00428         }
00429         return wList;
00430     }
00432     public static boolean testUpdateObjectProperty(String proNSURI, String objectNSURI, String objectName) throws NonExistenceEntryException
00433     {
00434         try {
00435             Individual ind = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getIndividual(objectNSURI + objectName);        
00436             // set property
00437             Property pro = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getProperty(proNSURI + "xCoord");
00438             // ind.setPropertyValue(pro, ); 
00439             com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement stm = ind.getProperty(pro);
00440             // KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.removeStatement(stm);
00442             Literal x = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.createTypedLiteral(10.0f);
00443             ind.setPropertyValue(pro, x);
00445             //stm.changeLiteralObject(10.0f);
00447             //Statement stm1 = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.createStatement(ind, pro, x);
00448             //KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.add(stm1);
00449             //model.leaveCriticalSection();
00450         }
00451         catch(NonExistenceEntryException e) {
00452             throw e;
00453         }
00454         return true;
00455     }
00457     public static boolean updatePoseOfObject(Pose pos, String propertyNSURI, String objectURI) throws NonExistenceEntryException {
00458         System.out.println("Update the pose of an object or furniture in the semantic map");
00459         try {
00460             Individual ind = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getIndividual(objectURI);       
00461             // set property
00462             Property pro = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getProperty(propertyNSURI + "xCoord");
00463             //      com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement stm = ind.getProperty(pro);
00464             //Literal x = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.createTypedLiteral(10.0f);
00465             Literal x = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.createTypedLiteral(new Float(pos.position.x));
00466             ind.setPropertyValue(pro, x);
00468             pro = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getProperty(propertyNSURI + "yCoord");
00469             Literal y = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.createTypedLiteral(new Float(pos.position.y));
00470             ind.setPropertyValue(pro, y);
00472             pro = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getProperty(propertyNSURI + "zCoord");
00473             Literal z = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.createTypedLiteral(new Float(pos.position.z));
00474             ind.setPropertyValue(pro, z);
00476             pro = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getProperty(propertyNSURI + "qx");
00477             Literal qx = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.createTypedLiteral(new Float(pos.orientation.x));
00478             ind.setPropertyValue(pro, qx);
00480             pro = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getProperty(propertyNSURI + "qy");
00481             Literal qy = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.createTypedLiteral(new Float(pos.orientation.y));
00482             ind.setPropertyValue(pro, qy);
00484             pro = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getProperty(propertyNSURI + "qz");
00485             Literal qz = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.createTypedLiteral(new Float(pos.orientation.z));
00486             ind.setPropertyValue(pro, qz);
00488             pro = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getProperty(propertyNSURI + "qu");
00489             Literal qw = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.createTypedLiteral(new Float(pos.orientation.w));
00490             ind.setPropertyValue(pro, qw);
00492             // Update symbolic spatial relation
00493             OntoQueryUtil.computeOnSpatialRelation();
00494         }
00495         catch(NonExistenceEntryException e) {
00496             throw e;
00497         }
00499         return true;
00500     }
00502     public static boolean updatePoseOfObject(Pose pos, String propertyNSURI, String objectNSURI, String objectName) throws NonExistenceEntryException {
00503         return updatePoseOfObject(pos, propertyNSURI, objectNSURI + objectName);
00504     }
00506     public static boolean updateDimensionOfObject(float l, float w, float h, String propertyNSURI, String objectNSURI, String objectName) throws NonExistenceEntryException {
00507         System.out.println("Update the dimension of an object or furniture in the semantic map");
00508         try{    
00509             Individual ind = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getIndividual(objectNSURI + objectName);        
00510             // set property
00511             Property pro = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getProperty(propertyNSURI + "lengthOfObject");
00512             com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement stm = ind.getProperty(pro);
00514             Literal ll = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.createTypedLiteral(new Float(l));
00515             ind.setPropertyValue(pro, ll);
00517             pro = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getProperty(propertyNSURI + "widthOfObject");
00518             stm = ind.getProperty(pro);
00519             Literal lw = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.createTypedLiteral(new Float(w));
00520             ind.setPropertyValue(pro, lw);
00522             pro = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getProperty(propertyNSURI + "heightOfObject");
00523             stm = ind.getProperty(pro);
00524             Literal lh = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.createTypedLiteral(new Float(h));
00525             ind.setPropertyValue(pro, lh);
00526         }
00527         catch(NonExistenceEntryException e) {
00528             throw e;
00529         }
00531         return true;
00532     }
00534     public static boolean updateHHIdOfObject(int id, String propertyNSURI, String objectNSURI, String objectName) throws NonExistenceEntryException {
00535         System.out.println("Update the household object ID of an object or furniture in the semantic map");
00536         try{    
00537             Individual ind = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getIndividual(objectNSURI + objectName);        
00538             // set property
00539             Property pro = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getProperty(propertyNSURI + "houseHoldObjectID");
00540             com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement stm = ind.getProperty(pro);
00541             Literal litId = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.createTypedLiteral(new Integer(id));
00542             ind.setPropertyValue(pro, litId);
00543         }
00544         catch(NonExistenceEntryException e) {
00545             throw e;
00546         }
00547         return true;
00548     }
00550     public static boolean computeOnSpatialRelation() {
00551         // get a list of objects and workspaces
00552         GetObjectsOnMap.Response resOBJ = getObjectsOnMap(OntoQueryUtil.MapName, true);
00553         GetWorkspaceOnMap.Response resWS = getWorkspaceOnMap(OntoQueryUtil.MapName, true);
00554         // pair-wise comparison --- if condition met, then update the knowledge base
00555         //System.out.println("RESULT ------->>>>>>  SIZE OF OBJECTS: " + resOBJ.objects.size());
00556         //for (String obj : resOBJ.objects) {
00557         //    System.out.println(obj);
00558         //}
00560         //System.out.println("RESULT ------>>>>>> SIZE OF WORKSPACES:  " + resWS.objects.size());
00561         //for (String ws : resWS.objects) {
00562         //   System.out.println(ws);
00563         //}
00565         for (int i = 0; i < resOBJ.objectsInfo.size(); i++) {
00566             for (int j = 0; j < resWS.objectsInfo.size(); j++) {
00567                 if(SpatialCalculator.ifOnObject(resOBJ.objectsInfo.get(i), resWS.objectsInfo.get(j), -1)) {
00568                     //System.out.println("FOUND ONE PAIR MATCH THE ON RELATIONSHIP");
00569                     //TODO update rdf graph model
00570                     try {
00571                         Individual ind1 = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getIndividual(OntoQueryUtil.ObjectNameSpace + resOBJ.objects.get(i));
00572                         Individual ind2 = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getIndividual(OntoQueryUtil.ObjectNameSpace + resWS.objects.get(j));
00573                         //Property proExist = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getProperty(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace + "spatiallyRelated");
00574                         //ind1.removeProperty(proExist, ind2);
00575                         OntoQueryUtil.removeAllSubPropertiesOf(OntoQueryUtil.ObjectNameSpace + resOBJ.objects.get(i), OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace + "spatiallyRelated");
00577                         if (OntoQueryUtil.updateOnSpatialRelation(ind1, ind2) ) {
00578                             // System.out.println("Added Property: Object " + resOBJ.objects.get(i) + " is aboveOf Object " + resWS.objects.get(j));
00579                         }
00580                         else {
00581                             //System.out.println("CANNOT add Property: Object " + resOBJ.objects.get(i) + " is aboveOf Object " + resWS.objects.get(j));
00582                         }
00584                     }
00585                     catch (NonExistenceEntryException e) {
00586                         System.out.println("Individual not found in ontology:  ---  " + e.getMessage());
00587                     }
00589                 }
00590                 else {
00591                     //System.out.println("NO MATCH.... between : " + resOBJ.objects.get(i) + "  and  " + resWS.objects.get(j));
00593                 }
00594             }
00595         }
00597         // TODO: Better to use SPARQL CONSTRUCT + RULES ... TO REPLACE
00599         return true;
00600     }
00602     private static boolean updateOnSpatialRelation(Individual obj1, Individual obj2) {
00603         try {
00604             Property pro = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getProperty(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace + "aboveOf");
00605             //com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement stm = obj1.getProperty(pro);
00606             obj1.setPropertyValue(pro, obj2);
00607         } 
00608         catch(NonExistenceEntryException e) {
00609             System.out.println("NonExistenceEntryException --> " + e.getMessage());
00610             return false;
00611         }
00612         /*
00613         Individual ind = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getIndividual(objectNSURI + objectName);            
00614         // set property
00615         Property pro = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getProperty(propertyNSURI + "xCoord");
00616         com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement stm = ind.getProperty(pro);
00617         //Literal x = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.createTypedLiteral(10.0f);
00618         Literal x = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.createTypedLiteral(new Float(pos.position.x));
00619         ind.setPropertyValue(pro, x);
00620         */
00621         return true;
00622     }
00624     public static GetWorkspaceOnMap.Response getWorkspaceOnMap(String map, boolean ifGeometryInfo) {
00625         GetWorkspaceOnMap.Response re = new GetWorkspaceOnMap.Response();
00626         String className = GlobalNameSpace;
00627         String mapNS = ObjectNameSpace;
00629         if(map != null) {
00630             if(KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getNamespaceByPrefix(map) != null) {
00631                 mapNS = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getNamespaceByPrefix(map);
00632             }
00633         }
00635         className = className + "FurniturePiece";
00636         //System.out.println(className);
00637         try{
00638             Iterator<Individual> instances = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getInstancesOfClass(className);
00639             if(instances == null) {
00640                 return re;
00641             }
00642             com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement stm;
00644             //if(instances.hasNext()) {
00645             while (instances.hasNext()) { 
00646                 Individual temp = (Individual)instances.next();
00647                 //System.out.println( temp.getNameSpace() + "   " + temp.getLocalName());
00648                 if(temp.getNameSpace().equals(ObjectNameSpace)) {
00649                     re.objects.add(temp.getLocalName());
00650                     re.classesOfObjects.add(temp.getRDFType(true).getLocalName());
00651                     try{
00652                         stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "houseHoldObjectID", temp);
00653                         re.houseHoldId.add(Integer.toString(getIntOfStatement(stm)));
00654                     }
00655                     catch(Exception e) {
00656                         //System.out.println("CAUGHT exception: " + e.toString());
00657                         re.houseHoldId.add("NA");
00658                     }
00660                     String readableName = temp.getLocalName();
00661                     try{
00662                         com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.NodeIterator nit = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.listPropertiesOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "objectReadableName", temp);
00663                         //stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "objectReadableName", temp);                
00664                         while(nit.hasNext()) {
00665                             RDFNode n = nit.next();
00666                             Literal l = n.asLiteral();
00667                             //System.out.println(l.getLanguage() + "   " + l.getString());
00668                             if(l.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase(OntoQueryUtil.Language)) {
00669                                 readableName = l.getString();
00670                                 break;
00671                             }
00672                         }
00673                     }
00674                     catch(Exception e) {
00675                         System.out.println("CAUGHT exception: " + e.toString() + " Cannot retrieve readable name for object. Use Empty instead");
00676                         //re.readableNames.add("");
00677                     }
00678                     finally {
00679                         re.readableNames.add(readableName);
00680                     }
00682                     // encode other properties in json for json_properties
00683                     Map<String, String> pros = new HashMap<String, String>();
00685                     try{
00686                         stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "insideOf", temp);
00687                         String r = stm.getObject().asResource().getLocalName();
00688                         pros.put("insideOf", r);
00689                     }
00690                     catch(Exception e) {
00691                         System.out.println("CAUGHT exception: " + e.toString());
00692                     }
00693                     re.json_properties.add(SRSJSONParser.encodeObjectProperties(pros));
00695                     if(ifGeometryInfo == true) { 
00696                         SRSSpatialInfo spatialInfo = new SRSSpatialInfo();
00698                         try{
00699                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "xCoord", temp);
00700                             spatialInfo.pose.position.x = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00701                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "yCoord", temp);
00702                             spatialInfo.pose.position.y = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00703                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "zCoord", temp);
00704                             spatialInfo.pose.position.z = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00706                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "widthOfObject", temp);
00707                             spatialInfo.w = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00708                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "heightOfObject", temp);
00709                             spatialInfo.h = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00710                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "lengthOfObject", temp);
00711                             spatialInfo.l = getFloatOfStatement(stm);                       
00713                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "qu", temp);
00714                             spatialInfo.pose.orientation.w = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00715                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "qx", temp);
00716                             spatialInfo.pose.orientation.x = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00717                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "qy", temp);
00718                             spatialInfo.pose.orientation.y = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00719                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "qz", temp);
00720                             spatialInfo.pose.orientation.z = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00722                             }
00723                         catch(Exception e) {
00724                             //System.out.println("CAUGHT exception: " + e.getMessage()+ ".. added invalid values");
00726                             spatialInfo.pose.position.x = -1000;
00727                             spatialInfo.pose.position.y = -1000;
00728                             spatialInfo.pose.position.z = -1000;
00730                             spatialInfo.w = -1000;
00731                             spatialInfo.h = -1000;
00732                             spatialInfo.l = -1000;
00734                             spatialInfo.pose.orientation.w = -1000;
00735                             spatialInfo.pose.orientation.x = -1000;
00736                             spatialInfo.pose.orientation.y = -1000;
00737                             spatialInfo.pose.orientation.z = -1000;
00738                         }
00740                         re.objectsInfo.add(spatialInfo);
00741                     }
00742                 }
00743             }       
00744         }
00745         catch(Exception e) {
00746             System.out.println(e.getMessage());
00747         }
00749         return re;
00750     }
00752     private static String objectCategory(Individual ind, boolean asJson) {
00753         String catStr = "";
00754         StringBuffer catTemp = new StringBuffer("");
00755         com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator<Resource> it = ind.listRDFTypes(false);
00756         HashSet<String> sset = new HashSet<String>();
00757         String temp = "";
00758         while (it.hasNext()) {
00759             com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator<RDFNode> itLabels = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.model.getOntResource(it.next()).listLabels("en");
00760             while (itLabels.hasNext()) {
00761                 temp = itLabels.next().asLiteral().getString();
00762                 catTemp.append(temp);
00763                 sset.add(temp);
00764                 catTemp.append(",");
00765             }
00766         }
00767         //System.out.println("Object categories <SRS>: " + catTemp.toString());
00768         if (asJson)
00769             return SRSJSONParser.encodeObjectCategoryInfo(sset);
00770         else {
00771             catStr = catTemp.toString();
00772             return catStr;      
00773         }
00774     }
00777     public static GetObjectsOnMap.Response getObjectsOnMapOfType(String objectTypeURI, boolean ifGeometryInfo) {
00778         GetObjectsOnMap.Response re = new GetObjectsOnMap.Response();
00779         //System.out.println(objectTypeURI + " --- ");
00780         Iterator<Individual> instances = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getInstancesOfClass(objectTypeURI);
00781         if(instances == null) {
00782             return re;
00783         }
00784         com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement stm;
00785         if(instances.hasNext()) {
00786             while (instances.hasNext()) { 
00787                 Individual temp = (Individual)instances.next();
00788                 //System.out.println( temp.getNameSpace() + "   " + temp.getLocalName());
00789                 if(temp.getNameSpace().equals(ObjectNameSpace)) {
00790                     re.objects.add(temp.getLocalName());
00791                     re.classesOfObjects.add(temp.getRDFType(true).getLocalName());
00792                     //System.out.println("Object Category (SRS): " + OntoQueryUtil.objectCategory(temp));
00794                     //System.out.println("Object categories <SRS>: " + OntoQueryUtil.getSRSObjectCategory(temp.getRDFType(true).getNameSpace()));
00795                     String catStr = OntoQueryUtil.objectCategory(temp, true);
00797                     /*
00798                     if (catStr.length() <= 1) re.objectCategories.add("");
00799                     else re.objectCategories.add(catStr.substring(0, catStr.length() - 1));
00800                     */
00801                     re.jsonProperties.add(catStr);
00803                     try{
00804                         stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(GlobalNameSpace, "spatiallyRelated", temp);
00805                         //stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(GlobalNameSpace, "aboveOf", temp);
00806                         re.spatialRelation.add(stm.getPredicate().getLocalName());
00807                         re.spatialRelatedObject.add(stm.getObject().asResource().getLocalName());
00808                     }
00809                     catch(Exception e) {
00810                         //System.out.println("CAUGHT exception: " + e.toString());
00811                         re.spatialRelation.add("NA");
00812                         re.spatialRelatedObject.add("NA");
00813                     }
00814                     try{
00815                         stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "houseHoldObjectID", temp);
00816                         re.houseHoldId.add(Integer.toString(getIntOfStatement(stm)));
00817                     }
00818                     catch(Exception e) {
00819                         //System.out.println("CAUGHT exception: " + e.toString());
00820                         re.houseHoldId.add("NA");
00821                     }
00823                     String readableName = temp.getLocalName();
00824                     try{
00825                         com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.NodeIterator nit = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.listPropertiesOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "objectReadableName", temp);
00826                         //stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "objectReadableName", temp);
00827                         while(nit.hasNext()) {
00828                             RDFNode n = nit.next();
00829                             Literal l = n.asLiteral();
00830                             //System.out.println(l.getLanguage() + "   " + l.getString());
00831                             if(l.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase(OntoQueryUtil.Language)) {
00832                                 readableName = l.getString();
00833                                 break;
00834                             }
00835                         }
00836                     }
00837                     catch(Exception e) {
00838                         System.out.println("CAUGHT exception: " + e.toString() + " Cannot retrieve readable name for object. Use Empty instead");
00839                         //re.readableNames.add("");
00840                     }
00841                     finally {
00842                         re.readableNames.add(readableName);
00843                     }
00845                     if(ifGeometryInfo == true) { 
00846                         SRSSpatialInfo spatialInfo = new SRSSpatialInfo();
00847                         try{
00848                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "xCoord", temp);
00849                             spatialInfo.pose.position.x = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00850                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "yCoord", temp);
00851                             spatialInfo.pose.position.y = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00852                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "zCoord", temp);
00853                             spatialInfo.pose.position.z = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00855                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "widthOfObject", temp);
00856                             spatialInfo.w = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00857                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "heightOfObject", temp);
00858                             spatialInfo.h = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00859                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "lengthOfObject", temp);
00860                             spatialInfo.l = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00862                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "qu", temp);
00863                             spatialInfo.pose.orientation.w = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00864                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "qx", temp);
00865                             spatialInfo.pose.orientation.x = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00866                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "qy", temp);
00867                             spatialInfo.pose.orientation.y = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00868                             stm = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getPropertyOf(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, "qz", temp);
00869                             spatialInfo.pose.orientation.z = getFloatOfStatement(stm);
00870                         }
00871                         catch(Exception e) {
00872                             //System.out.println("CAUGHT exception: " + e.getMessage()+ ".. added invalid values");
00874                             spatialInfo.pose.position.x = -1000;
00875                             spatialInfo.pose.position.y = -1000;
00876                             spatialInfo.pose.position.z = -1000;
00878                             spatialInfo.w = -1000;
00879                             spatialInfo.h = -1000;
00880                             spatialInfo.l = -1000;
00882                             spatialInfo.pose.orientation.w = -1000;
00883                             spatialInfo.pose.orientation.x = -1000;
00884                             spatialInfo.pose.orientation.y = -1000;
00885                             spatialInfo.pose.orientation.z = -1000;
00886                         }
00888                         re.objectsInfo.add(spatialInfo);
00889                     }
00890                 }
00891             }
00892         }
00893         else {
00894             System.out.println("<EMPTY>");
00895         }
00897         return re;
00898     }
00900     public static GetObjectsOnMap.Response getObjectsOnMap(String map, boolean ifGeometryInfo) {
00901         //GetObjectsOnMap.Response re = new GetObjectsOnMap.Response();
00903         String className = GlobalNameSpace;
00904         String mapNS = ObjectNameSpace;
00906         if(map != null) {
00907             if(KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getNamespaceByPrefix(map) != null) {
00908                 mapNS = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getNamespaceByPrefix(map);
00909             }
00910         }
00912         //      className = className + "FoodVessel";
00913         className = className + "GraspableObject";
00915         return OntoQueryUtil.getObjectsOnMapOfType(className, ifGeometryInfo);
00916     }
00918     public static void removeAllSubPropertiesOf(String subjectURI, String propertyURI) {
00919         try{
00920             Individual targetInd = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getIndividual(subjectURI);
00921             OntProperty proExist = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getOntProperty(propertyURI);
00923             com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator<OntProperty> subPros = (com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator<OntProperty>)proExist.listSubProperties();
00925             while(subPros.hasNext()) {
00926                 com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement stm = targetInd.getProperty(subPros.next());
00927                 if(stm != null) {
00928                     KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.removeStatement(stm);
00929                     targetInd.removeAll(proExist);
00930                 }
00931             }
00932         }
00933         catch(Exception e) {
00934             //System.out.println(e.toString() + "  " + e.getMessage());
00935             return;
00936         }
00937     }
00939     public static void testRemoveProperty() {
00940         try {
00941             String targetObj = OntoQueryUtil.ObjectNameSpace + "MilkBox0";
00942             System.out.println("TARGET OBJECT IS ::: " + targetObj);
00943             if(!targetObj.trim().equals("")) {
00944                 Pose tmpPose = new Pose();
00945                 tmpPose.position.x = -1000;
00946                 tmpPose.position.y = -1000;
00947                 tmpPose.position.z = -1000;
00948                 tmpPose.orientation.x = -1000;
00949                 tmpPose.orientation.y = -1000;
00950                 tmpPose.orientation.z = -1000;
00951                 tmpPose.orientation.w = -1000;
00953                 // update its pose
00954                 try{
00955                     OntoQueryUtil.updatePoseOfObject(tmpPose, OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace, targetObj.trim());
00956                     OntoQueryUtil.computeOnSpatialRelation();
00957                 }
00958                 catch(Exception e) {
00959                     System.out.println(e.getMessage() + "   " + e.toString());
00960                 }
00961             }
00963             Individual targetInd = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getIndividual(targetObj);
00965             OntoQueryUtil.removeAllSubPropertiesOf(targetObj, OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace + "spatiallyRelated");
00967             String gripper = OntoQueryUtil.ObjectNameSpace + "SRSCOBGripper";
00968             //System.out.println("<<<<<  " + gripper + "  >>>>>");
00970             Individual gripInd = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getIndividual(gripper);
00972             /*
00973             OntProperty proExist = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getOntProperty(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace + "spatiallyRelated");
00974             com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator<OntProperty> subPros = (com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator<OntProperty>)proExist.listSubProperties();
00976             while(subPros.hasNext()) {
00977                 com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement stm = targetInd.getProperty(subPros.next());
00978                 if(stm != null) {
00979                     KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.removeStatement(stm);
00980                     targetInd.removeAll(proExist);
00981                 }
00982             }
00983             */
00985             Property pro = KnowledgeEngine.ontoDB.getProperty(OntoQueryUtil.GlobalNameSpace + "grippedBy");
00987             targetInd.setPropertyValue(pro, gripInd);
00989         }
00990         catch (Exception e) {
00991             // System.out.println(" ==================   " + e.getMessage() + "   " + e.toString());
00992         }
00994     }
00996     public static float getFloatOfStatement(Statement stm) 
00997     {
00998         float t = -1000;
00999         try { 
01000             t = stm.getFloat();
01001         }
01002         catch(Exception e) {
01003             System.out.println(e.getMessage());
01004         }
01005         return t;
01006     }
01008     public static int getIntOfStatement(Statement stm)
01009     {
01010         int t = -1000;
01011         try { 
01012             t = stm.getInt();
01013         }
01014         catch(Exception e) {
01015             System.out.println(e.getMessage());
01016         }
01017         return t;
01018     }
01020     public static String getStringOfStatement(Statement stm)
01021     {
01022         String ret = "";
01023         try { 
01024             ret = stm.getString();
01025         }
01026         catch(Exception e) {
01027             System.out.println(" + " + e.toString() + "  " + e.getMessage());
01028         }
01029         return ret;
01030     }
01032     public static String ObjectNameSpace = "";
01033     public static String GlobalNameSpace = "";
01034     public static String MapName = "";
01035     public static String RobotName = "cob3-3";
01036     public static String Language = "en";
01037 }

Author(s): Ze Ji
autogenerated on Sun Jan 5 2014 12:03:28