Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | Protected Attributes
roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

boolean deleteActionRecipe (String uid)
boolean deleteEnvironment (String uid)
boolean deleteEnvironmentBinaryFile (String uid, String filename)
boolean deleteObject (String uid)
boolean deleteObjectBinaryFile (String uid, String filename)
String queryActionRecipeDB (String seRQLquery)
String queryEnvironmentDB (String seRQLquery)
String queryObjectDB (String seRQLquery)
 REConnectionMySQL ()
ArrayList< byte[]> request2dMap (String envUid, OWLOntology srdl, String baseScannerLink, String simpleMapNameWithoutExt)
String requestActionRecipe (String id)
String requestEnvironment (String id)
String requestEnvironment (String uid, ArrayList< String > outFilenames, ArrayList< String > outFileURLs)
File requestEnvironmentBinaryFile (String objectUID, String filename, String targetPath)
byte[] requestEnvironmentBinaryFile (String objectUID, String filename)
String requestObject (String uid, ArrayList< String > outFilenames, ArrayList< String > outFileURLs)
File requestObjectBinaryFile (String objectUID, String filename, String targetPath)
byte[] requestObjectBinaryFile (String objectUID, String filename)
ArrayList< byte[]> requestProjected2dMap (String envUid, double minZ, double maxZ, String simpleMapNameWithoutExt)
String requestRobot (String uid)
String[] searchActionRecipes (String searchID, ArrayList< String > outUIDs)
String[] searchEnvironments (String searchID, ArrayList< String > outUIDs, ArrayList< ArrayList< String >> outFilenames, ArrayList< ArrayList< String >> outFileURLs)
String[] searchObjects (String searchID, ArrayList< String > outUIDs, ArrayList< ArrayList< String >> outFilenames, ArrayList< ArrayList< String >> outFileURLs)
boolean submitActionRecipe (OWLOntology actionRecipe, String id, String tags, String description)
boolean submitActionRecipe (String actionRecipe, String cls, String id, String description)
boolean submitEnvironment (OWLOntology map, String id, String tags, String description)
boolean submitEnvironment (OWLOntology env, String cls, String id, String description, ArrayList< File > binaryFiles)
boolean submitEnvironment (OWLOntology env, String cls, String id, String description, ArrayList< byte[]> binaryData, ArrayList< String > filenames)
boolean submitEnvironment (String env, String cls, String id, String description)
boolean submitEnvironment (String env, String cls, String id, String description, ArrayList< File > binaryFiles)
boolean submitEnvironment (String env, String cls, String id, String description, ArrayList< byte[]> binaryData, ArrayList< String > filenames)
boolean submitEnvironmentBinaryFile (String uid, File file)
boolean submitEnvironmentBinaryFile (String uid, byte[] data, String filename)
boolean submitObject (OWLOntology objectOwl, String cls, String id, String description)
boolean submitObject (OWLOntology objectOwl, String cls, String id, String description, ArrayList< File > binaryFiles)
boolean submitObject (OWLOntology objectOwl, String cls, String id, String description, ArrayList< byte[]> binaryData, ArrayList< String > filenames)
boolean submitObject (String objectOwl, String cls, String id, String description)
boolean submitObject (String objectOwl, String cls, String id, String description, ArrayList< File > binaryFiles)
boolean submitObject (String objectOwl, String cls, String id, String description, ArrayList< byte[]> binaryData, ArrayList< String > filenames)
boolean submitObjectBinaryFile (String uid, File file)
boolean submitObjectBinaryFile (String uid, byte[] data, String filename)
boolean updateActionRecipe (String uid, OWLOntology actionRecipe, String description)
boolean updateActionRecipe (String uid, String actionRecipe, String description)
boolean updateEnvironment (String uid, OWLOntology env, String description)
boolean updateEnvironment (String uid, String env, String description)
boolean updateEnvironmentBinaryFile (String uid, File file)
boolean updateEnvironmentBinaryFile (String uid, byte[] data, String filename)
boolean updateObject (String uid, OWLOntology objectOwl, String description)
boolean updateObject (String uid, String objectOwl, String description)
boolean updateObjectBinaryFile (String uid, File file)
boolean updateObjectBinaryFile (String uid, byte[] data, String filename)

Static Public Member Functions

static String cleanOWLString (String owlData)
static void main (String[] args)

Static Public Attributes

static final String roboEarthMysqlDB = "roboearth"
static final String roboEarthMysqlHost = ""
static final String roboEarthMysqlPassword = "RoboEarth2010"
static final String roboEarthMysqlUser = "roboearth"

Protected Attributes

Connection conn = null

Detailed Description

The REConnection class provides means to interact with the RoboEarth web interface. It contains methods to submit and retrieve all supported kinds of information relevant to the RoboEarth project.

MySQL-based implementation by Moritz Tenorth

Moritz Tenorth,

Definition at line 76 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Definition at line 103 of file

Member Function Documentation

static String roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.cleanOWLString ( String  owlData) [inline, static]

Replaces HTML entities within the given string with the characters they represent, e.g. the HTML entity <xmp><</xmp> will be replaced with the symbol <

owlDatathe owl data string to be cleaned
the cleaned string

Definition at line 319 of file

Deletes an action recipe from the RoboEarth DB.

uidthe action recipe's unique identifier
true - if the recipe was successfully deleted
false - otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 373 of file

Deletes an environment from the RoboEarth DB.

uidthe environment's unique identifier
true - if the environment was successfully deleted
false - otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 382 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.deleteEnvironmentBinaryFile ( String  uid,
String  filename 
) [inline]

Deletes a binary file which is related to the specified environment description.

uidthe environment's unique identifier
filenamethe unique filename (among all files related to the specified environment)
true - if the file was successfully deleted
false - otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 391 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.deleteObject ( String  uid) [inline]

Deletes an object description from the RoboEarth DB. All linked binary files get deleted, too.

uidthe object's unique identifier
true - if the object description was successfully deleted
false - otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 400 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.deleteObjectBinaryFile ( String  uid,
String  filename 
) [inline]

Deletes a binary file which is related to the specified object description.

uidthe object's unique identifier
filenamethe unique filename (among all files related to the specified object)
true - if the file was successfully deleted
false - otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 409 of file

static void roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.main ( String[]  args) [inline, static]

Main method for testing purposes only.

Definition at line 328 of file

String roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.queryActionRecipeDB ( String  seRQLquery) [inline]

Sends the given SeRQL query to the RoboEarth DB and retrieves the result of the server-side reasoning on action recipes.

seRQLquerya SeRQL query
result as a String

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 418 of file

String roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.queryEnvironmentDB ( String  seRQLquery) [inline]

Sends the given SeRQL query to the RoboEarth DB and retrieves the result of the server-side reasoning on environments.

seRQLquerya SeRQL query
result as a String

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 427 of file

String roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.queryObjectDB ( String  seRQLquery) [inline]

Sends the given SeRQL query to the RoboEarth DB and retrieves the result of the server-side reasoning on objects.

seRQLquerya SeRQL query
result as a String

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 436 of file

ArrayList<byte[]> roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.request2dMap ( String  envUid,
OWLOntology  srdl,
String  baseScannerLink,
String  simpleMapNameWithoutExt 
) [inline]

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 694 of file

Requests an action recipe.

uidthe action recipe's unique identifier
String object containing OWL description of an action recipe

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 131 of file

Definition at line 191 of file

String roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.requestEnvironment ( String  uid,
ArrayList< String >  outFilenames,
ArrayList< String >  outFileURLs 
) [inline]

Requests a description of an environment. The names and URLs of binary files related to the given uid will be put into the given lists. Any element that might be in the lists before the method call will be removed first. Both list parameters may be null. In this case only the OWL encoded description is requested.

uidthe environment's identifier
outFilenamesthis list will be used to return the names of associated files
outFileURLsthis list will be used to return the URLs of associated files
String object containing OWL description of environmental data

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 445 of file

File roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.requestEnvironmentBinaryFile ( String  envUID,
String  filename,
String  targetPath 
) [inline]

Requests an environment related binary file.

envUIDthe environment's ID the file is related to
filenamethe unique filename (among all files related to the specified environment)
targetPaththe path where the file shall be stored
the requested file or null, if the file couldn't be found

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 455 of file

byte [] roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.requestEnvironmentBinaryFile ( String  envUID,
String  filename 
) [inline]

Requests an environment related binary file.

envUIDthe environment's ID the file is related to
filenamethe unique filename (among all files related to the specified environment)
the content of the requested file in a byte array

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 465 of file

String roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.requestObject ( String  uid,
ArrayList< String >  outFilenames,
ArrayList< String >  outFileURLs 
) [inline]

Requests information about an object. The names and URLs of binary files related to the given uid will be put into the given lists. Any element that might be in the lists before the method call will be removed first. Both list parameters may be null. In this case only the OWL encoded description is requested.

uidthe object's unique identifier
outFilenamesthis list will be used to return the names of associated files
outFileURLsthis list will be used to return the URLs of associated files
String object containing OWL description of the object

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 474 of file

File roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.requestObjectBinaryFile ( String  objectUID,
String  filename,
String  targetPath 
) [inline]

Requests an object related binary file.

objectUIDthe object's ID the file is related to
filenamethe unique filename (among all files related to the specified object)
targetPaththe path where the file shall be stored
the requested file or null, if the file couldn't be found

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 484 of file

byte [] roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.requestObjectBinaryFile ( String  objectUID,
String  filename 
) [inline]

Requests an object related binary file.

objectUIDthe object's ID the file is related to
filenamethe unique filename (among all files related to the specified object)
the content of the requested file in a byte array

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 494 of file

ArrayList<byte[]> roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.requestProjected2dMap ( String  envUid,
double  minZ,
double  maxZ,
String  simpleMapNameWithoutExt 
) [inline]

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 704 of file

String roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.requestRobot ( String  uid) [inline]

Requests a robot description.

uidthe robot's unique identifier
String object containing SRDL description of a robot

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 729 of file

String [] roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.searchActionRecipes ( String  searchID,
ArrayList< String >  outUIDs 
) [inline]

Searches for action recipes whose uid starts with the given search string.

searchIDany prefix of an uid
an array of String objects containing OWL descriptions of the action recipes found

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 503 of file

String [] roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.searchEnvironments ( String  searchID,
ArrayList< String >  outUIDs,
ArrayList< ArrayList< String >>  outFilenames,
ArrayList< ArrayList< String >>  outFileURLs 
) [inline]

Searches for environments whose uid starts with the given search string.

searchIDany prefix of an uid
outFilenamesthis list of lists will be used to return for every uid found the names of associated files. The first dimension's index corresponds to the index of the related owl description in the array that is returned by this method.
outFileURLsthis list of lists will be used to return for every uid found the URLs of associated files. The first dimension's index corresponds to the index of the related owl description in the array that is returned by this method.
an array of String objects containing OWL descriptions of the environments found

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 513 of file

String [] roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.searchObjects ( String  searchID,
ArrayList< String >  outUIDs,
ArrayList< ArrayList< String >>  outFilenames,
ArrayList< ArrayList< String >>  outFileURLs 
) [inline]

Searches for object descriptions whose uid starts with the given search string.

searchIDany prefix of an uid
outUIDsthis list will be used to return the UIDs of all found objects
outFilenamesthis list of lists will be used to return for every uid found the names of associated files. The first dimension's index corresponds to the index of the related owl description in the array that is returned by this method.
outFileURLsthis list of lists will be used to return for every uid found the URLs of associated files. The first dimension's index corresponds to the index of the related owl description in the array that is returned by this method.
an array of String objects containing OWL descriptions of the objects found

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 525 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitActionRecipe ( OWLOntology  actionRecipe,
String  cls,
String  id,
String  description 
) [inline]

Submits an action recipe to the RoboEarth DB.

actionRecipeOWLOntology object containing the action recipe
clsthe class the action recipe belongs to
idthe action recipe's identifier
descriptiona natural language description of the recipe's functionality
true - if submission was successfully completed
false - otherwise
OWLOntology can change the OWL content, use the version with String parameter instead

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 251 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitActionRecipe ( String  actionRecipe,
String  cls,
String  id,
String  description 
) [inline]

Submits an action recipe to the RoboEarth DB.

actionRecipeString containing the action recipe
clsthe class the action recipe belongs to
idthe action recipe's identifier
descriptiona natural language description of the recipe's functionality
true - if submission was successfully completed
false - otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 741 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitEnvironment ( OWLOntology  env,
String  cls,
String  id,
String  description 
) [inline]

Submits a description of an environment to the RoboEarth DB.

envOWLOntology object containing the environment's description
clsthe class the environment belongs to
idthe environment's identifier
descriptiona natural language description of the environment
true - if submission was successfully completed
false - otherwise
OWLOntology can change the OWL content, use the version with String parameter instead

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 282 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitEnvironment ( OWLOntology  env,
String  cls,
String  id,
String  description,
ArrayList< File binaryFiles 
) [inline]

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 536 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitEnvironment ( OWLOntology  env,
String  cls,
String  id,
String  description,
ArrayList< byte[]>  binaryData,
ArrayList< String >  filenames 
) [inline]

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 546 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitEnvironment ( String  env,
String  cls,
String  id,
String  description 
) [inline]

Submits a description of an environment to the RoboEarth DB.

envString containing the environment's description
clsthe class the environment belongs to
idthe environment's identifier
descriptiona natural language description of the environment
true - if submission was successfully completed
false - otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 754 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitEnvironment ( String  env,
String  cls,
String  id,
String  description,
ArrayList< File binaryFiles 
) [inline]

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 767 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitEnvironment ( String  env,
String  cls,
String  id,
String  description,
ArrayList< byte[]>  binaryData,
ArrayList< String >  filenames 
) [inline]

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 780 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitEnvironmentBinaryFile ( String  uid,
File  file 
) [inline]

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 557 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitEnvironmentBinaryFile ( String  uid,
byte[]  data,
String  filename 
) [inline]

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 566 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitObject ( OWLOntology  objectOwl,
String  cls,
String  id,
String  description 
) [inline]

Submits an object's description to the RoboEarth DB.

object_owlOWLOntology object containing the object's description
clsthe class the object belongs to
idthe object's identifier
descriptiona natural language description of the object
true - if submission was successfully completed
false - otherwise
OWLOntology can change the OWL content, use the version with String parameter instead

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 576 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitObject ( OWLOntology  objectOwl,
String  cls,
String  id,
String  description,
ArrayList< File binaryFiles 
) [inline]

Submits an object's description to the RoboEarth DB. The given binary files, related to the object description, will be stored in the RoboEarthDB as well.

objectOwlOWLOntology object containing the object's description
clsthe class the object belongs to
idthe object's identifier
descriptiona natural language description of the object
binaryFilesobject related binary files
true - if submission was successfully completed
false - otherwise
OWLOntology can change the OWL content, use the version with String parameter instead

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 586 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitObject ( OWLOntology  objectOwl,
String  cls,
String  id,
String  description,
ArrayList< byte[]>  binaryData,
ArrayList< String >  filenames 
) [inline]

Submits an object's description to the RoboEarth DB. The given binary data, related to the object description, will be stored in the RoboEarthDB as well.

objectOwlOWLOntology object containing the object's description
clsthe class the object belongs to
idthe object's identifier
descriptiona natural language description of the object
binaryDatathe content of the files in byte arrays
filenamesthe unique filenames (among all files related to the specified object)
true - if submission was successfully completed
false - otherwise
OWLOntology can change the OWL content, use the version with String parameter instead

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 596 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitObject ( String  objectOwl,
String  cls,
String  id,
String  description 
) [inline]

Submits an object's description to the RoboEarth DB.

object_owlString containing the object's description
clsthe class the object belongs to
idthe object's identifier
descriptiona natural language description of the object
true - if submission was successfully completed
false - otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 794 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitObject ( String  objectOwl,
String  cls,
String  id,
String  description,
ArrayList< File binaryFiles 
) [inline]

Submits an object's description to the RoboEarth DB. The given binary files, related to the object description, will be stored in the RoboEarthDB as well.

objectOwlString containing the object's description
clsthe class the object belongs to
idthe object's identifier
descriptiona natural language description of the object
binaryFilesobject related binary files
true - if submission was successfully completed
false - otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 807 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitObject ( String  objectOwl,
String  cls,
String  id,
String  description,
ArrayList< byte[]>  binaryData,
ArrayList< String >  filenames 
) [inline]

Submits an object's description to the RoboEarth DB. The given binary data, related to the object description, will be stored in the RoboEarthDB as well.

objectOwlString containing the object's description
clsthe class the object belongs to
idthe object's identifier
descriptiona natural language description of the object
binaryDatathe content of the files in byte arrays
filenamesthe unique filenames (among all files related to the specified object)
true - if submission was successfully completed
false - otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 820 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitObjectBinaryFile ( String  uid,
File  file 
) [inline]

Submits a binary file (related to the resource specified by the given object UID) to the RoboEarth DB. The filename must be unique among all files related to the same object uid.

uidthe unique identifier of the resource the given binary file is linked with
filefile to submit
true if binary file was submitted successfully, false otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 607 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.submitObjectBinaryFile ( String  uid,
byte[]  data,
String  filename 
) [inline]

Submits a binary file (related to the resource specified by the given object UID) to the RoboEarth DB. The filename must be unique among all files related to the same object uid.

uidthe unique identifier of the resource the given binary file is linked with
datathe content of the file in a byte array
filenamethe unique filename (among all files related to the specified object)
true if binary file was submitted successfully, false otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 616 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.updateActionRecipe ( String  uid,
OWLOntology  actionRecipe,
String  description 
) [inline]

Updates the action recipe specified by the parameter uid with the given OWL and natural language descriptions.

uidthe action recipe's unique identifier
actionRecipeOWLOntology object containing the action recipe
descriptiona natural language description of the recipe's functionality
true - if the recipe was successfully updated
false - otherwise
OWLOntology can change the OWL content, use the version with String parameter instead

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 626 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.updateActionRecipe ( String  uid,
String  actionRecipe,
String  description 
) [inline]

Updates the action recipe specified by the parameter uid with the given OWL and natural language descriptions.

uidthe action recipe's unique identifier
actionRecipeString containing the action recipe
descriptiona natural language description of the recipe's functionality
true - if the recipe was successfully updated
false - otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 834 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.updateEnvironment ( String  uid,
OWLOntology  env,
String  description 
) [inline]

Updates the environment specified by the parameter uid with the given OWL and natural language descriptions.

uidthe environment's unique identifier
envOWLOntology object containing the environment's description
descriptiona natural language description of the environment
true - if the environment was successfully updated
false - otherwise
OWLOntology can change the OWL content, use the version with String parameter instead

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 636 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.updateEnvironment ( String  uid,
String  env,
String  description 
) [inline]

Updates the environment specified by the parameter uid with the given OWL and natural language descriptions.

uidthe environment's unique identifier
envString containing the environment's description
descriptiona natural language description of the environment
true - if the environment was successfully updated
false - otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 847 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.updateEnvironmentBinaryFile ( String  uid,
File  file 
) [inline]

Updates (replaces) the specified environment related binary file with the given file.

uidthe environment's unique identifier
true - if the file was successfully updated
false - otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 646 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.updateEnvironmentBinaryFile ( String  uid,
byte[]  data,
String  filename 
) [inline]

Updates (replaces) the specified environment related binary file with the content of the given byte array.

uidthe environment's unique identifier
datathe content of the file in a byte array
filenamethe unique filename (among all files related to the specified environment)
true - if the file was successfully updated
false - otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 655 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.updateObject ( String  uid,
OWLOntology  objectOwl,
String  description 
) [inline]

Updates the object specified by the parameter uid with the given OWL and natural language descriptions.

uidthe object's unique identifier
objectOwlOWLOntology object containing the object's description
descriptiona natural language description of the object
true - if the object was successfully updated
false - otherwise
OWLOntology can change the OWL content, use the version with String parameter instead

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 665 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.updateObject ( String  uid,
String  objectOwl,
String  description 
) [inline]

Updates the object specified by the parameter uid with the given OWL and natural language descriptions.

uidthe object's unique identifier
objectOwlString containing the object's description
descriptiona natural language description of the object
true - if the object was successfully updated
false - otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 717 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.updateObjectBinaryFile ( String  uid,
File  file 
) [inline]

Updates (replaces) the specified object related binary file with the given file.

uidthe object's unique identifier
true - if the file was successfully updated
false - otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 675 of file

boolean roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.updateObjectBinaryFile ( String  uid,
byte[]  data,
String  filename 
) [inline]

Updates (replaces) the specified object related binary file with the content of the given byte array.

uidthe object's unique identifier
datathe content of the file in a byte array
filenamethe unique filename (among all files related to the specified object)
true - if the file was successfully updated
false - otherwise

Implements roboearth.wp5.conn.REInterface.

Definition at line 684 of file

Member Data Documentation

Connection roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.conn = null [protected]

Definition at line 100 of file

final String roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.roboEarthMysqlDB = "roboearth" [static]

Host name of the RE MySQL database

Definition at line 87 of file

final String roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.roboEarthMysqlHost = "" [static]

Host name of the RE MySQL database

Definition at line 82 of file

final String roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.roboEarthMysqlPassword = "RoboEarth2010" [static]

Host name of the RE MySQL database

Definition at line 97 of file

final String roboearth.wp5.conn.REConnectionMySQL.roboEarthMysqlUser = "roboearth" [static]

Host name of the RE MySQL database

Definition at line 92 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Alexander Perzylo
autogenerated on Sun Jan 5 2014 11:29:33