Public Attributes
UserPosition Struct Reference

Contains all the information about a position.
Values could represent an absolute position, a velocity or a delay of time. It depends of the called function.
WARNING: If you send this structure, always define all variables, there is no initial values. Otherwise, there will be random information sent to the arm.
If you don't need a variable, set it to 0 (It's the case in many situations).
Suggestion: use the function memset(&yourStructure, 0, sizeof(yourStructure)) from the std lib and set the memory.
WARNING: Be sure that the UserPosition is well defined, otherwise the arm could try to reach undesired position More...

#include <KinovaTypes.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

AngularInfo Actuators
CartesianInfo CartesianPosition
float Delay
FingersPosition Fingers

Detailed Description

Contains all the information about a position.
Values could represent an absolute position, a velocity or a delay of time. It depends of the called function.
WARNING: If you send this structure, always define all variables, there is no initial values. Otherwise, there will be random information sent to the arm.
If you don't need a variable, set it to 0 (It's the case in many situations).
Suggestion: use the function memset(&yourStructure, 0, sizeof(yourStructure)) from the std lib and set the memory.
WARNING: Be sure that the UserPosition is well defined, otherwise the arm could try to reach undesired position

Definition at line 180 of file docs/JacoDocs/JacoAPI/KinovaTypes.h.

Member Data Documentation

Actuator values, depends of the type

Definition at line 185 of file docs/JacoDocs/JacoAPI/KinovaTypes.h.

Cartesian position values, depends of the type

Definition at line 184 of file docs/JacoDocs/JacoAPI/KinovaTypes.h.

Delay of time to execute another trajectory after this one (s).

Definition at line 183 of file docs/JacoDocs/JacoAPI/KinovaTypes.h.

Finger position value, depends of the type

Definition at line 188 of file docs/JacoDocs/JacoAPI/KinovaTypes.h.

Type of fingers positioning

Definition at line 187 of file docs/JacoDocs/JacoAPI/KinovaTypes.h.

Type of the position, can be an absolute position, a velocity or a time delay

Definition at line 182 of file docs/JacoDocs/JacoAPI/KinovaTypes.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Jeff Schmidt (Clearpath), Alex Bencz (Clearpath), Matt DeDonato (WPI)
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:23:43