Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <ros/console.h>
00002 #include <blort/Tracker/ModelLoader.h>
00003 #include <stdexcept>
00005 using namespace Tracking;
00006 using namespace TomGine;
00007 using namespace std;
00009 // *** PRIVATE ***
00011 // Tests if property of file is available in list (data structure)
00012 bool ModelLoader::propertyIsInList(PlyProperty* prop, PlyProperty* list, int n, int* index){
00014     for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
00015         if(equal_strings(prop->name, list[i].name)){
00016             *index = i;
00017             return true;
00018         }
00019     }
00020     return false;
00021 }
00023 // *** PUBLIC ***
00025 ModelLoader::ModelLoader(){
00026 }
00028 ModelLoader::~ModelLoader(){
00030 }
00032 // read ply file
00033 bool ModelLoader::LoadPly(TomGine::tgModel &model, const char* filename){
00034     PlyFile* plyfile;
00035     int i,j;
00036     int nelems;
00037     char **elist;
00038     int file_type;
00039     float version;
00040     char *elem_name;
00041     //PlyElement *elem_ptr;
00042     PlyProperty **plist;
00043     //PlyProperty* prop_ptr;
00044     int num_elems;
00045     int nprops;
00046     int index;
00047     char** obj_info;
00048     int num_obj_info;
00050     int num_vertices = 0;
00051     int num_faces = 0;
00052 //    int num_edges;
00053     PlyVertex* plyvertexlist = 0;
00054     PlyFace* plyfacelist = 0;
00055     PlyEdge* plyedgelist = 0;
00056     vector<string> texFilenames;
00057     string strFilename(filename);
00060     // **********************************************
00061     // Read data from ply file
00063     // open file
00064     plyfile = ply_open_for_reading((char*)filename, &nelems, &elist, &file_type, &version);
00065     if(plyfile==0){
00066         char errmsg[128];
00067         sprintf(errmsg, "[ModelLoader::LoadPly] Error loading ply file %s\n", filename);
00068         throw std::runtime_error(errmsg);
00069     }
00070     //  sprintf(model.m_modelname, "%s", filename);
00072     // Load texture files from obj_info (=texture-filename)
00073     obj_info = ply_get_obj_info(plyfile, &num_obj_info);
00074     if(num_obj_info < 1){
00075         //printf("[ModelLoader::read] Warning no texture found in model %s\n", filename);
00076     }else if(num_obj_info >= 1){
00077         for(i=0; i<num_obj_info; i++){
00078             texFilenames.push_back("");
00079             texFilenames[i].append(filename, 0, strFilename.find_last_of("/")+1);
00080             texFilenames[i].append(obj_info[i]);
00081             //                  printf("[ModelLoader::read] obj_info: %s\n", texFilenames[i].c_str());
00082         }
00083     }
00085     // list of property information for a vertex
00086     PlyProperty vert_props[] = {
00087         {(char*)"x", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,x), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00088         {(char*)"y", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,y), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00089         {(char*)"z", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,z), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00090         {(char*)"nx", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,nx), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00091         {(char*)"ny", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,ny), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00092         {(char*)"nz", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,nz), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00093         {(char*)"s", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,s), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00094         {(char*)"t", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,t), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00095         {(char*)"red", PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, offsetof(PlyVertex,r), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00096         {(char*)"green", PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, offsetof(PlyVertex,g), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00097         {(char*)"blue", PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, offsetof(PlyVertex,b), 0, 0, 0, 0}
00098     };
00100     // list of property information for a face
00101     PlyProperty face_props[] = { /* list of property information for a vertex */
00102         {(char*)"vertex_indices", PLY_USHORT, PLY_UINT, offsetof(PlyFace,v),
00103          1, PLY_USHORT, PLY_UINT, offsetof(PlyFace,nverts)},
00104 };
00106     // list of property information for an edge
00107     PlyProperty edge_props[] = {
00108         {(char*)"start", PLY_USHORT, PLY_USHORT, offsetof(PlyEdge,start), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00109         {(char*)"end", PLY_USHORT, PLY_USHORT, offsetof(PlyEdge,end), 0, 0, 0, 0}
00110     };
00112     for(i=0; i<nelems; i++){
00113         // get description of element
00114         elem_name = elist[i];
00115         plist = ply_get_element_description (plyfile, elem_name, &num_elems, &nprops);
00117         // *** Read Vertices ***
00118         if (equal_strings ((char*)"vertex", elem_name)) {
00119             // allocate memory for vertices
00120             num_vertices = num_elems;
00121             plyvertexlist = (PlyVertex*)malloc(sizeof(PlyVertex) * num_vertices);
00123             // setup property specification for elements
00124             for(j=0; j<nprops; j++){
00125                 if(propertyIsInList(plist[j], vert_props, 11, &index))
00126                     ply_get_property(plyfile, elem_name, &vert_props[index]);
00127             }
00129             // grab all vertex elements
00130             for(j=0; j<num_elems; j++){
00131                 ply_get_element(plyfile, &plyvertexlist[j]);
00132             }
00134         }
00136         // *** Read Faces ***
00137         if (equal_strings ((char*)"face", elem_name)) {
00138             // allocate memory for faces
00139             num_faces = num_elems;
00140             plyfacelist = (PlyFace*)malloc(sizeof(PlyFace)*num_faces);
00142             // setup property specification for elements
00143             for(j=0; j<nprops && j<1; j++){
00144                 ply_get_property(plyfile, elem_name, &face_props[j]);
00145             }
00147             // grab all face elements
00148             for(j=0; j<num_elems; j++){
00149                 ply_get_element(plyfile, &plyfacelist[j]);
00150                 //printf ("face: %d %d %d %d\n", m_facelist[j].v[0], m_facelist[j].v[1], m_facelist[j].v[2], m_facelist[j].v[3]);
00151             }
00152         }
00154         // *** Read Edges ***
00155         if (equal_strings ((char*)"edge", elem_name)) {
00156             // allocate memory for edges
00157             plyedgelist = (PlyEdge*)malloc(sizeof(PlyEdge)*num_elems);
00158             //num_edges = num_elems;
00160             // setup property specification for elements
00161             for(j=0; j<nprops && j<2; j++){
00162                 ply_get_property(plyfile, elem_name, &edge_props[j]);
00163             }
00165             // grab all edge elements
00166             for(j=0; j<num_elems; j++){
00167                 ply_get_element(plyfile, &plyedgelist[j]);
00168                 //printf("edge: %d %d\n", m_edgelist[j].start, m_edgelist[j].end);
00169             }
00170         }
00171     }
00172     ply_close(plyfile);
00175     // **********************************************
00176     // Convert ply to model
00178     // Parse through vertex list
00179     for(i=0; i<num_vertices; i++){
00180         tgVertex v;
00181         v.pos.x = plyvertexlist[i].x;
00182         v.pos.y = plyvertexlist[i].y;
00183         v.pos.z = plyvertexlist[i].z;
00184         v.normal.x = plyvertexlist[i].nx;
00185         v.normal.y = plyvertexlist[i].ny;
00186         v.normal.z = plyvertexlist[i].nz;
00187         v.texCoord.x = plyvertexlist[i].s;
00188         v.texCoord.y = plyvertexlist[i].t;
00189         model.add(v);
00190     }
00192     // Parse through face list
00193     for(i=0; i<num_faces; i++){
00194         tgFace f;
00195         for(j=0; j<plyfacelist[i].nverts; j++){
00196             f.v.push_back(plyfacelist[i].v[j]);
00197         }
00198         model.add(f);
00199     }
00201     //  for(i=0; i<num_edges; i++){
00202     //          Model::Edge e;
00203     //          e.start = plyedgelist[i].start;
00204     //          e.end = plyedgelist[i].end;
00205     //          model.m_edgelist.push_back(e);
00206     //  }
00208     model.ComputeFaceNormals();
00210     // **********************************************
00211     // Clean up
00212     if(plyvertexlist) free(plyvertexlist);
00213     if(plyfacelist) free(plyfacelist);
00214     if(plyedgelist) free(plyedgelist);
00216     return true;
00217 }
00219 bool ModelLoader::LoadPly(TrackerModel &model, const char* filename){
00220     PlyFile* plyfile;
00221     int i,j;
00222     int nelems;
00223     char **elist;
00224     int file_type;
00225     float version;
00226     char *elem_name;
00227     //PlyElement *elem_ptr;
00228     PlyProperty **plist;
00229     //PlyProperty* prop_ptr;
00230     int num_elems;
00231     int nprops;
00232     int index;
00233     char** obj_info;
00234     int num_obj_info;
00236     int num_vertices = 0;
00237     int num_faces = 0;
00238 //    int num_edges;
00239     int num_passes = 0;
00240     PlyVertex* plyvertexlist = 0;
00241     PlyFace* plyfacelist = 0;
00242     PlyEdge* plyedgelist = 0;
00243     PlyPass* plypasslist = 0;
00244     vector<string> texFilenames;
00245     string strFilename(filename);
00247     // **********************************************
00248     // Read data from ply file
00249     // open file
00250     plyfile = ply_open_for_reading((char*)filename, &nelems, &elist, &file_type, &version);
00251     if(plyfile==0){
00252         ROS_DEBUG("[ModelLoader::LoadPly] Failed to load ply file '%s'", filename);
00253         return false;
00254     }
00256     //  sprintf(model.m_modelname, "%s", filename);
00258     // Load texture files from obj_info (=texture-filename)
00259     obj_info = ply_get_obj_info(plyfile, &num_obj_info);
00260     if(num_obj_info < 1){
00261         //printf("[ModelLoader::read] Warning no texture found in model %s\n", filename);
00262     }else if(num_obj_info >= 1){
00263         for(i=0; i<num_obj_info; i++){
00264             texFilenames.push_back("");
00265             texFilenames[i].append(filename, 0, strFilename.find_last_of("/")+1);
00266             texFilenames[i].append(obj_info[i]);
00267             //                          printf("[ModelLoader::read] obj_info: %s\n", texFilenames[i].c_str());
00268         }
00269     }
00270     // list of property information for a vertex
00271     PlyProperty vert_props[] = {
00272         {(char*)"x", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,x), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00273         {(char*)"y", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,y), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00274         {(char*)"z", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,z), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00275         {(char*)"nx", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,nx), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00276         {(char*)"ny", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,ny), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00277         {(char*)"nz", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,nz), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00278         {(char*)"s", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,s), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00279         {(char*)"t", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,t), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00280         {(char*)"red", PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, offsetof(PlyVertex,r), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00281         {(char*)"green", PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, offsetof(PlyVertex,g), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00282         {(char*)"blue", PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, offsetof(PlyVertex,b), 0, 0, 0, 0}
00283     };
00285     // list of property information for a face
00286     PlyProperty face_props[] = { /* list of property information for a vertex */
00287         {(char*)"vertex_indices", PLY_USHORT, PLY_UINT, offsetof(PlyFace,v),
00288          1, PLY_USHORT, PLY_UINT, offsetof(PlyFace,nverts)},
00289 };
00291     // list of property information for an edge
00292     PlyProperty edge_props[] = {
00293         {(char*)"start", PLY_USHORT, PLY_USHORT, offsetof(PlyEdge,start), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00294         {(char*)"end", PLY_USHORT, PLY_USHORT, offsetof(PlyEdge,end), 0, 0, 0, 0}
00295     };
00297     PlyProperty pass_props[] = {
00298         {(char*)"face_indices", PLY_USHORT, PLY_UINT, offsetof(PlyPass,f),
00299          1, PLY_USHORT, PLY_UINT, offsetof(PlyPass,nfaces)},
00300 {(char*)"m0", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,m0), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00301 {(char*)"m1", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,m1), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00302 {(char*)"m2", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,m2), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00303 {(char*)"m3", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,m3), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00304 {(char*)"m4", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,m4), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00305 {(char*)"m5", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,m5), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00306 {(char*)"m6", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,m6), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00307 {(char*)"m7", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,m7), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00308 {(char*)"m8", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,m8), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00309 {(char*)"m9", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,m9), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00310 {(char*)"m10", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,m10), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00311 {(char*)"m11", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,m11), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00312 {(char*)"m12", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,m12), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00313 {(char*)"m13", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,m13), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00314 {(char*)"m14", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,m14), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00315 {(char*)"m15", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,m15), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00316 {(char*)"x", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,x), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00317 {(char*)"y", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,y), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00318 {(char*)"w", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,w), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00319 {(char*)"h", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyPass,h), 0, 0, 0, 0},
00320 {(char*)"tex_index", PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, offsetof(PlyPass,tex), 0, 0, 0, 0}
00321     };
00323     for(i=0; i<nelems; i++){
00324         // get description of element
00325         elem_name = elist[i];
00326         plist = ply_get_element_description (plyfile, elem_name, &num_elems, &nprops);
00328         // *** Read Vertices ***
00329         if (equal_strings ((char*)"vertex", elem_name)) {
00330             // allocate memory for vertices
00331             num_vertices = num_elems;
00332             plyvertexlist = (PlyVertex*)malloc(sizeof(PlyVertex) * num_vertices);
00334             // setup property specification for elements
00335             for(j=0; j<nprops; j++){
00336                 if(propertyIsInList(plist[j], vert_props, 11, &index))
00337                     ply_get_property(plyfile, elem_name, &vert_props[index]);
00338             }
00340             // grab all vertex elements
00341             for(j=0; j<num_elems; j++){
00342                 ply_get_element(plyfile, &plyvertexlist[j]);
00343             }
00345         }
00347         // *** Read Faces ***
00348         if (equal_strings ((char*)"face", elem_name)) {
00349             // allocate memory for faces
00350             num_faces = num_elems;
00351             plyfacelist = (PlyFace*)malloc(sizeof(PlyFace)*num_faces);
00353             // setup property specification for elements
00354             for(j=0; j<nprops && j<1; j++){
00355                 ply_get_property(plyfile, elem_name, &face_props[j]);
00356             }
00358             // grab all face elements
00359             for(j=0; j<num_elems; j++){
00360                 ply_get_element(plyfile, &plyfacelist[j]);
00361                 //printf ("face: %d %d %d %d\n", m_facelist[j].v[0], m_facelist[j].v[1], m_facelist[j].v[2], m_facelist[j].v[3]);
00362             }
00363         }
00365         // *** Read Edges ***
00366         if (equal_strings ((char*)"edge", elem_name)) {
00367             // allocate memory for edges
00368             plyedgelist = (PlyEdge*)malloc(sizeof(PlyEdge)*num_elems);
00369             //num_edges = num_elems;
00371             // setup property specification for elements
00372             for(j=0; j<nprops && j<2; j++){
00373                 ply_get_property(plyfile, elem_name, &edge_props[j]);
00374             }
00376             // grab all edge elements
00377             for(j=0; j<num_elems; j++){
00378                 ply_get_element(plyfile, &plyedgelist[j]);
00379                 //printf("edge: %d %d\n", m_edgelist[j].start, m_edgelist[j].end);
00380             }
00381         }
00383         // *** Read Pass ***
00384         if (equal_strings ((char*)"pass", elem_name)) {
00385             num_passes = num_elems;
00386             plypasslist = (PlyPass*)malloc(sizeof(PlyPass)*num_passes);
00388             for(j=0; j<nprops; j++){
00389                 ply_get_property(plyfile, elem_name, &pass_props[j]);
00390             }
00392             // grab all face elements
00393             for(j=0; j<num_passes; j++){
00394                 ply_get_element(plyfile, &plypasslist[j]);
00395                 //printf ("face: %d %d %d %d\n", m_facelist[j].v[0], m_facelist[j].v[1], m_facelist[j].v[2], m_facelist[j].v[3]);
00396             }
00397         }
00399     }
00400     ply_close(plyfile);
00402     // **********************************************
00403     // Convert ply to model
00405     // Parse through vertex list
00406     for(i=0; i<num_vertices; i++){
00407         tgVertex v;
00408         v.pos.x = plyvertexlist[i].x;
00409         v.pos.y = plyvertexlist[i].y;
00410         v.pos.z = plyvertexlist[i].z;
00411         v.normal.x = plyvertexlist[i].nx;
00412         v.normal.y = plyvertexlist[i].ny;
00413         v.normal.z = plyvertexlist[i].nz;
00414         v.texCoord.x = plyvertexlist[i].s;
00415         v.texCoord.y = plyvertexlist[i].t;
00416         model.add(v);
00417     }
00419     // Parse through face list
00420     for(i=0; i<num_faces; i++){
00421         tgFace f;
00422         for(j=0; j<plyfacelist[i].nverts; j++){
00423             f.v.push_back(plyfacelist[i].v[j]);
00424         }
00425         model.add(f);
00426     }
00428     //  for(i=0; i<num_edges; i++){
00429     //          Model::Edge e;
00430     //          e.start = plyedgelist[i].start;
00431     //          e.end = plyedgelist[i].end;
00432     //          model.m_edgelist.push_back(e);
00433     //  }
00435     for(i=0; i<num_passes; i++){
00436         TrackerModel::Pass* p = new TrackerModel::Pass;
00438         for(j=0; j<plypasslist[i].nfaces; j++){
00439             p->f.push_back(plypasslist[i].f[j]);
00440         }
00442         p->modelviewprojection.mat[0] = plypasslist[i].m0;
00443         p->modelviewprojection.mat[1] = plypasslist[i].m1;
00444         p->modelviewprojection.mat[2] = plypasslist[i].m2;
00445         p->modelviewprojection.mat[3] = plypasslist[i].m3;
00446         p->modelviewprojection.mat[4] = plypasslist[i].m4;
00447         p->modelviewprojection.mat[5] = plypasslist[i].m5;
00448         p->modelviewprojection.mat[6] = plypasslist[i].m6;
00449         p->modelviewprojection.mat[7] = plypasslist[i].m7;
00450         p->modelviewprojection.mat[8] = plypasslist[i].m8;
00451         p->modelviewprojection.mat[9] = plypasslist[i].m9;
00452         p->modelviewprojection.mat[10] = plypasslist[i].m10;
00453         p->modelviewprojection.mat[11] = plypasslist[i].m11;
00454         p->modelviewprojection.mat[12] = plypasslist[i].m12;
00455         p->modelviewprojection.mat[13] = plypasslist[i].m13;
00456         p->modelviewprojection.mat[14] = plypasslist[i].m14;
00457         p->modelviewprojection.mat[15] = plypasslist[i].m15;
00459         p->x = plypasslist[i].x;
00460         p->y = plypasslist[i].y;
00461         p->w = plypasslist[i].w;
00462         p->h = plypasslist[i].h;
00464         p->texture->load(texFilenames[i].c_str());
00466         model.m_passlist.push_back(p);
00467     }
00469     if(!model.m_passlist.empty())
00470         model.m_textured = true;
00472     model.ComputeFaceNormals();
00473     model.computeEdges();
00474     model.Update();
00476     // **********************************************
00477     // Clean up
00478     if(plyvertexlist) free(plyvertexlist);
00479     if(plyfacelist) free(plyfacelist);
00480     if(plyedgelist) free(plyedgelist);
00481     if(plypasslist) free(plypasslist);
00482     return true;
00483 }
00485 bool ModelLoader::SavePly(TomGine::tgModel &model, const char* filename){
00486     FILE* pFile;
00487     pFile = fopen(filename, "w");
00488     //fputs("[ModelLoader::SavePly(Model)] Warning not implemented, use ModelLoader::SavePly(TrackerModel)", pFile);
00489     ROS_DEBUG("[ModelLoader::SavePly(Model)] Warning not implemented, use ModelLoader::SavePly(TrackerModel)");
00491     fclose(pFile);
00492     return true;
00493 }
00495 bool ModelLoader::SavePly(TrackerModel &model, const char* name){
00496     ROS_INFO("Saving model to %s", name);
00497     FILE* pFile = 0;
00498     unsigned i,j;
00499     string filename(name);
00500     string texname;
00501     string texfilename;
00502     char number[512];
00504     filename.append(".ply");
00505     pFile = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w");
00507     if(!pFile){
00508         ROS_ERROR("[ModelLoader::SavePly] Can not create file '%s'! Path existing?", name);
00509         throw std::runtime_error("[ModelLoader::SavePly] Can not create file! Path existing?");
00510     }
00512     // ****************************************************
00513     // Header
00514     fputs("ply\n", pFile);
00515     fputs("format ascii 1.0\n", pFile);
00517     // Save filenames of textures (relative to ply file)
00518     for(i=0; i<model.m_passlist.size(); i++){
00519         texname = string("");
00520         texfilename = string("");
00521         size_t start = filename.find_last_of("/");
00522         if(start!=filename.npos){
00523             string modelname(name);
00524             texname.append(modelname.begin()+start+1, modelname.end());
00525             texfilename.append(modelname.begin(), modelname.begin()+start+1);
00526         }else{
00527             texname = string(name);
00528         }
00530         texname.append("-");
00531         sprintf(number, "%.5u", i);
00532         texname.append(number);
00533         texname.append(".jpg");
00534         texfilename.append(texname);
00535         fputs("obj_info ", pFile);
00536         fputs(texname.c_str(), pFile);
00537         fputs("\n", pFile);
00538         model.m_passlist[i]->texture->save(texfilename.c_str());
00539     }
00541     // Header of vertex
00542     sprintf(number, "%d", model.getVertexSize());
00543     fputs("element vertex ", pFile);
00544     fputs(number, pFile);
00545     fputs("\n", pFile);
00546     fputs("property float x\n", pFile);
00547     fputs("property float y\n", pFile);
00548     fputs("property float z\n", pFile);
00549     fputs("property float nx\n", pFile);
00550     fputs("property float ny\n", pFile);
00551     fputs("property float nz\n", pFile);
00553     // Header of face
00554     sprintf(number, "%d", model.getFaceSize());
00555     fputs("element face ", pFile);
00556     fputs(number, pFile);
00557     fputs("\n", pFile);
00558     fputs("property list uchar uint vertex_indices\n", pFile);
00561     // Header of pass
00562     if(!model.m_passlist.empty()){
00563         sprintf(number, "%d", (int)model.m_passlist.size());
00564         fputs("element pass ", pFile);
00565         fputs(number, pFile);
00566         fputs("\n", pFile);
00567         fputs("property list uchar uint face_indices\n", pFile);        // f
00568         fputs("property float m0\n", pFile);
00569         fputs("property float m1\n", pFile);
00570         fputs("property float m2\n", pFile);
00571         fputs("property float m3\n", pFile);
00572         fputs("property float m4\n", pFile);
00573         fputs("property float m5\n", pFile);
00574         fputs("property float m6\n", pFile);
00575         fputs("property float m7\n", pFile);
00576         fputs("property float m8\n", pFile);
00577         fputs("property float m9\n", pFile);
00578         fputs("property float m10\n", pFile);
00579         fputs("property float m11\n", pFile);
00580         fputs("property float m12\n", pFile);
00581         fputs("property float m13\n", pFile);
00582         fputs("property float m14\n", pFile);
00583         fputs("property float m15\n", pFile);
00584         fputs("property float x\n", pFile);
00585         fputs("property float y\n", pFile);
00586         fputs("property float w\n", pFile);
00587         fputs("property float h\n", pFile);
00588         fputs("property uchar tex_index\n", pFile);
00589     }
00591     fputs("end_header\n",pFile);
00593     // Data of vertex
00594     for(i=0; i<model.getVertexSize(); i++){
00595         tgVertex v = model.getVertex(i);
00596         sprintf(        number, "%f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
00597                         v.pos.x, v.pos.y, v.pos.z,
00598                         v.normal.x, v.normal.y, v.normal.z);
00599         fputs(number, pFile);
00600     }
00602     // Data of face
00603     for(i=0; i<model.getFaceSize(); i++){
00604         tgFace f = model.getFace(i);
00605         sprintf(number, "%d", (int)f.v.size());
00606         fputs(number, pFile);
00607         for(j=0; j<f.v.size(); j++){
00608             sprintf( number, " %d", f.v[j]);
00609             fputs(number, pFile);
00610         }
00611         fputs("\n", pFile);
00612     }
00614     // Data of pass
00615     for(i=0; i<model.m_passlist.size(); i++){
00616         TrackerModel::Pass* p = model.m_passlist[i];
00617         sprintf(number, "%d", (int)p->f.size());
00618         fputs(number, pFile);
00619         for(j=0; j<p->f.size(); j++){                   // Facelist
00620             sprintf(number, " %d", p->f[j]);
00621             fputs(number, pFile);
00622         }
00623         for(j=0; j<16; j++){
00624             sprintf(number, " %f", p->modelviewprojection.mat[j]);
00625             fputs(number, pFile);
00626         }
00627         sprintf(number, " %f %f %f %f", p->x,  p->y,  p->w,  p->h);
00628         fputs(number, pFile);
00629         sprintf(number, " %u", i);
00630         fputs(number, pFile);
00631         fputs("\n", pFile);
00632     }
00634     fclose(pFile);
00636     printf("saved: %s\n", filename.c_str());
00638     return true;
00639 }

Author(s): Michael Zillich, Thomas Mörwald, Johann Prankl, Andreas Richtsfeld, Bence Magyar (ROS version)
autogenerated on Thu Jan 2 2014 11:38:25