Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
alvar Namespace Reference

Main ALVAR namespace. More...


namespace  plugins

Dynamically loaded plugins namespace.


class  AlvarException
 ALVAR exception class. More...
struct  AlvarLoader
class  Bitset
 Bitset is a basic class for handling bit sequences More...
class  BitsetExt
 An extended Bitset ( BitsetExt ) for handling e.g. Hamming encoding/decoding. More...
class  Camera
 Simple Camera class for calculating distortions, orientation or projections with pre-calibrated camera. More...
class  CameraEC
 Version of Camera using external container. More...
class  CameraMoves
class  Capture
 Capture interface that plugins must implement. More...
class  CaptureDevice
 CaptureDevice holder for camera information. More...
class  CaptureFactory
 CaptureFactory for creating Capture classes. More...
class  CaptureFactoryPrivate
class  CapturePlugin
 CapturePlugin interface that plugins must implement. More...
class  Container3d
 Generic container to store any information in 3D (features, photos, ...) More...
class  Container3dLimitDist
 Functor class for Container3d Limit() to limit the search space with distance. More...
class  Container3dSortDist
 Functor class for Container3d Sort() to sort the search base using distance to specified origin. More...
class  Container3dSortSize
 Functor class for Container3d Sort() to sort the search base using content size. More...
class  DirectoryIterator
 DirectoryIterator for iterating over files and directories. More...
class  DirectoryIteratorPrivate
class  DirectoryIteratorPrivateData
class  DoEraseTest
 This is default functor for testing which items in the container should be erased. More...
class  DoHandleTest
 This is a default functor for testing which items in the container should be handled by each method. More...
class  ExternalContainer
 Basic structure to be usable with EC methods. More...
class  FernClassifierWrapper
 FernClassifier subclass that implements binary reading and writting. More...
class  FernImageDetector
 Image detector based on a Fern classifier. More...
class  FernPoseEstimator
 Pose estimation class for FernImageDetector. More...
class  FileFormatUtils
 Utility functions for file reading / writing. More...
class  Filter
 Filter is pure virtual class describing the basic virtual interface for all filters More...
class  FilterArray
 Class for handling an array of filtered values. More...
class  FilterAverage
 FilterAverage provides an average filter More...
class  FilterDoubleExponentialSmoothing
 FilterDoubleExponentialSmoothing provides an weighted running average filter More...
class  FilterMedian
 FilterMedian provides an median filter More...
class  FilterRunningAverage
 FilterRunningAverage provides an weighted running average filter More...
class  Histogram
 Class for N-dimensional Histograms. More...
class  HistogramSubpixel
 N-dimensional Histograms calculating also the subpixel average for max bin. More...
struct  Homography
 Simple Homography class for finding and projecting points between two planes. More...
struct  Index
 Class for N-dimensional index to be used e.g. with STL maps. More...
class  IndexRansac
 Implementation of a general RANdom SAmple Consensus algorithm with implicit parameters. More...
class  IntegralGradient
 IntegralGradient is used for calculating rectangular image gradients rapidly More...
class  IntegralImage
 IntegralImage is used for calculating rectangular image sums and averages rapidly More...
class  IntIndex
 Class for calculating "evenly spaced" integer indices for data sequence. More...
class  Kalman
 Kalman implementation. More...
class  KalmanCore
 Core implementation for Kalman. More...
class  KalmanEkf
 Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) implementation. More...
class  KalmanSensor
 Kalman sensor implementation. More...
class  KalmanSensorCore
 Core implementation for Kalman sensor. More...
class  KalmanSensorEkf
 Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) sensor implementation. More...
class  KalmanVisualize
 Class for visualizing Kalman filter. More...
class  Labeling
 Base class for labeling connected components from binary image. More...
class  LabelingCvSeq
 Labeling class that uses OpenCV routines to find connected components. More...
struct  Line
 Struct representing a line. The line is parametrized by its center and direction vector. More...
class  Lock
 Lock for simplifying mutex handling. More...
class  Marker
 Basic 2D Marker functionality. More...
class  MarkerArtoolkit
 MarkerArtoolkit for using matrix markers similar with the ones used in ARToolkit. More...
class  MarkerData
 MarkerData contains matrix of Hamming encoded data. More...
class  MarkerDetector
 MarkerDetector for detecting markers of type M More...
class  MarkerDetectorEC
 Version of MarkerDetector using external container. More...
class  MarkerDetectorImpl
 Templateless version of MarkerDetector. Please use MarkerDetector instead. More...
class  MarkerIterator
 Iterator type for traversing templated Marker vector without the template. More...
class  MarkerIteratorImpl
 Iterator implementation for traversing templated Marker vector without the template. More...
class  MultiMarker
 Base class for using MultiMarker. More...
class  MultiMarkerBundle
 Multi marker that uses bundle adjustment to refine the 3D positions of the markers (point cloud). More...
class  MultiMarkerEC
 Version of MultiMarker using external container. More...
class  MultiMarkerFiltered
 Multi marker that is constructed by first calculating the marker poses directly relative to base marker and then filtering the results using e.g. median filter. More...
class  MultiMarkerInitializer
 Initializes multi marker by estimating their relative positions from one or more images. More...
class  Mutex
 Mutex for synchronizing multiple threads. More...
class  MutexPrivate
class  MutexPrivateData
class  Optimization
 Non-linear optimization routines. There are three methods implemented that include Gauss-Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt and Tukey m-estimator. More...
class  Plugin
 Plugin for loading dynamic libraries. More...
class  PluginPrivate
class  PluginPrivateData
struct  Point
 Simple Point class meant to be inherited from OpenCV point-classes. For example: Point<CvPoint2D64f> p. More...
class  Pose
 Pose representation derived from the Rotation class More...
struct  ProjectParams
struct  ProjPoints
 Simple structure for collecting 2D and 3D points e.g. for camera calibration. More...
class  Ransac
 Implementation of a general RANdom SAmple Consensus algorithm. More...
class  RansacImpl
 Internal implementation of RANSAC. Please use Ransac or IndexRansac. More...
class  Rotation
 Rotation structure and transformations between different parameterizations. More...
class  Serialization
 Class for serializing class content to/from file or std::iostream. More...
struct  SerializationFormatterXml
class  SimpleSfM
 Simple structure from motion implementation using CameraEC , MarkerDetectorEC and TrackerFeaturesEC. More...
struct  StartThreadParameters
class  Threads
 Threads vector for handling multiple threads. More...
class  ThreadsPrivate
class  ThreadsPrivateData
class  Timer
 Timer for measuring execution time. More...
class  TimerPrivate
class  TimerPrivateData
class  Tracker
 Pure virtual base class for tracking optical flow. More...
class  TrackerFeatures
 TrackerFeatures tracks features using OpenCV's cvGoodFeaturesToTrack and cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK More...
class  TrackerFeaturesEC
 Version of TrackerFeatures using external container. More...
class  TrackerOrientation
 Track orientation based only on features in the image plane. More...
class  TrackerPsa
 TrackerPsa implements a very simple PSA tracker More...
class  TrackerPsaRot
 TrackerPsaRot implements a slightly extended version of a TrackerPsa which can also detect sideways rotation More...
class  TrackerStat
 TrackerStat deduces the optical flow based on tracked features using Seppo Valli's statistical tracking. More...
class  TrackerStatRot
 TrackerStatRot implements a slightly extended version of TrackerStat which can also detect sideways rotation. More...
class  TrifocalTensor
 Trifocal tensor works for three images like a fundamental matrix works for two images. More...
class  Uncopyable
 Uncopyable for preventing object copies. More...
class  UnscentedKalman
 Implementation of unscented kalman filter (UKF) for filtering non-linear processes. More...
class  UnscentedObservation
 Observation model for an unscented kalman filter. More...
class  UnscentedProcess
 Process model for an unscented kalman filter. More...


typedef ALVAR_EXPORT Point
< CvPoint2D64f
 The default double point type.
typedef ALVAR_EXPORT Point
< CvPoint > 
 The default integer point type.




template<class T >
absdiff (T c1, T c2)
void alvarInfo ()
double ALVAR_EXPORT angle (CvPoint *A, CvPoint *B, CvPoint *C, CvPoint *D, int isDirectionDependent)
 Computes the angle between lines AB and CD.
void ALVAR_EXPORT BuildHideTexture (IplImage *image, IplImage *hide_texture, Camera *cam, double gl_modelview[16], PointDouble topleft, PointDouble botright)
 This function is used to construct a texture image which is needed to hide a marker from the original video frame. See SampleMarkerHide.cpp for example implementation.
void CreateShadowPoint (CvPoint3D32f &p3d_sh, CvPoint3D32f p3d, CameraEC *cam, Pose *camera_pose, float parallax_length, float triangulate_angle)
int ALVAR_EXPORT cross (CvPoint *A, CvPoint *B, CvPoint *C)
 Computes the cross product AB x AC.
template<class C >
double ALVAR_EXPORT Deg2Rad (const C &v)
 Converts an angle from degrees to radians.
double det (double *r0, double *r1, double *r2, double *r3)
template<class C >
int ALVAR_EXPORT diff (const std::vector< C > &v, std::vector< C > &ret)
 Calculates the difference between the consecutive vector elements.
double ALVAR_EXPORT distance (CvPoint *A, CvPoint *B)
 Compute the distance from A to B.
int ALVAR_EXPORT dot (CvPoint *A, CvPoint *B, CvPoint *C)
 Computes dot product AB.BC.
template<class PointType >
void DrawBB (IplImage *image, const std::vector< PointType > &points, CvScalar color, std::string label="")
 Draws the bounding box of a connected component (Blob).
void ALVAR_EXPORT DrawCircles (IplImage *image, const CvSeq *contour, int radius, CvScalar color=CV_RGB(255, 0, 0))
 Draws circles to the contour points that are obtained by Labeling class.
void ALVAR_EXPORT DrawCVEllipse (IplImage *image, CvBox2D &ellipse, CvScalar color, bool fill=false, double par=0)
 Draws OpenCV ellipse.
void ALVAR_EXPORT DrawLine (IplImage *image, const Line line, CvScalar color=CV_RGB(0, 255, 0))
 Draws a line.
template<class PointType >
void DrawLines (IplImage *image, const std::vector< PointType > &points, CvScalar color, bool loop=true)
 Draws lines between consecutive points stored in vector (polyline).
void ALVAR_EXPORT DrawLines (IplImage *image, const CvSeq *contour, CvScalar color=CV_RGB(255, 0, 0))
 Draws lines between consecutive contour points.
void DrawPoints (IplImage *image, const vector< CvPoint > &points, CvScalar color)
void ALVAR_EXPORT DrawPoints (IplImage *image, const std::vector< CvPoint > &points, CvScalar color)
 Draws a set of points.
void ALVAR_EXPORT DrawPoints (IplImage *image, const CvSeq *contour, CvScalar color=CV_RGB(255, 0, 0))
 Draws points of the contour that is obtained by Labeling class.
template<class PointType >
void DrawPoints (IplImage *image, const std::vector< PointType > &points, CvScalar color, int radius=1)
 Draws circles to the array of points.
void ALVAR_EXPORT DrawTexture (IplImage *image, IplImage *texture, Camera *cam, double gl_modelview[16], PointDouble topleft, PointDouble botright)
 Draws the texture generated by BuildHideTexture to given video frame. For better performance, use OpenGL instead. See SampleMarkerHide.cpp for example implementation.
template<typename T , typename F >
int EraseItemsEC (std::map< int, T > &container, F do_erase_test)
 Erasing items from container using DoEraseTest type functor.
void ALVAR_EXPORT errorAtLine (int status, int error, const char *filename, unsigned int line, const char *format,...)
 Error reporting function inspired by error_at_line() on Linux.
void Est (CvMat *state, CvMat *estimation, void *param)
int exp_filt2 (vector< double > &v, vector< double > &ret, bool clamp)
int ALVAR_EXPORT exp_filt2 (std::vector< double > &v, std::vector< double > &ret, bool clamp)
int find_zero_crossings (const vector< double > &v, vector< int > &corners, int offs)
int ALVAR_EXPORT find_zero_crossings (const std::vector< double > &v, std::vector< int > &corners, int offs=20)
 Finds zero crossings of given vector elements (sequence).
void FitCVEllipse (const vector< PointDouble > &points, CvBox2D &ellipse_box)
void ALVAR_EXPORT FitCVEllipse (const std::vector< PointDouble > &points, CvBox2D &ellipse_box)
 Uses OpenCV routine to fit ellipse to a vector of points.
void FitLineGray (CvMat *line_data, float params[4], IplImage *gray)
void FitLines (vector< Line > &lines)
int FitLines (vector< Line > &lines, const vector< int > &corners, const vector< PointInt > &edge, IplImage *grey)
int ALVAR_EXPORT FitLines (std::vector< Line > &lines, const std::vector< int > &corners, const std::vector< PointInt > &edge, IplImage *grey=0)
 Fit lines to vector of points.
void GetOrigo (Pose *pose, CvMat *O)
void GetPointOnLine (const Pose *pose, Camera *camera, const CvPoint2D32f *u, CvMat *P)
double * getRow (double *m, int row)
PointDouble ALVAR_EXPORT Intersection (const Line &l1, const Line &l2)
 Calculates an intersection point of two lines.
double ALVAR_EXPORT Limit (double val, double min_val, double max_val)
 Limits a number to between two values.
double ALVAR_EXPORT linePointDist (CvPoint *A, CvPoint *B, CvPoint *C, bool isSegment)
 Computes the distance from point C to line (segment) AB.
int MarkerIdToContainerId (int marker_id, int corner_id, int first_id=0, int last_id=65535)
 Calculate the index used in external container map for specified marker_id.
bool MidPointAlgorithm (CvMat *o1, CvMat *o2, CvMat *p1, CvMat *p2, CvPoint3D32f &X, double limit)
Rotation operator+ (const Rotation &r1, const Rotation &r2)
void ALVAR_EXPORT out_matrix (const CvMat *m, const char *name)
 Output OpenCV matrix for debug purposes.
template<class PointType >
double PointSquaredDistance (PointType p1, PointType p2)
 Returns the squared distance of two points.
float PointVectorFromCamera (CvPoint3D32f p3d, CvPoint3D32f &p3d_vec, Pose *camera_pose)
double ALVAR_EXPORT polyLinePointDist (CvPoint *PointList, int nPnts, CvPoint *C, int *index, int isClosedPolygon)
 Calculates minimum distance from Point C to Polygon whose points are in list PointList.
static void Project (CvMat *state, CvMat *projection, void *x)
static void ProjectRot (CvMat *state, CvMat *projection, void *x)
template<class C >
double ALVAR_EXPORT Rad2Deg (const C &v)
 Converts an angle from radians to degrees.
int round (double x)
template<class C >
int ALVAR_EXPORT Sign (const C &v)
 Returns the sign of a number.
void ALVAR_EXPORT sleep (unsigned long milliseconds)
 Sleep for a specified amount of milliseconds.
static DWORD WINAPI startThread (void *parameters)
void STRCPY (char *to, size_t size, const char *src)


static const char * ALVAR_DATE = "2012-06-20"
 Date the library was built.
static const char * ALVAR_SYSTEM = "Linux 3.2.0-24-generic x86_64"
 System the library was built on.
static const char * ALVAR_VERSION = "2.0.0"
 Entire version string.
static const int ALVAR_VERSION_MAJOR = 2
 Major version number.
static const int ALVAR_VERSION_MINOR = 0
 Minor version number.
static const char * ALVAR_VERSION_NODOTS = "200"
 Entire version string without dots.
static const int ALVAR_VERSION_PATCH = 0
 Patch version number.
static const char * ALVAR_VERSION_REVISION = ""
 Revision version string.
static const char * ALVAR_VERSION_TAG = ""
 Tag version string.
struct alvar::AlvarLoader alvarBasicLoader
CameraMoves moving
int n_images
int n_markers
const double PI = 3.14159265

Detailed Description

Main ALVAR namespace.

Typedef Documentation

The default double point type.


Definition at line 107 of file Util.h.

The default integer point type.

Definition at line 102 of file Util.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

File format enumeration used when reading / writing configuration files.


Default file format.

Format is either OPENCV, TEXT or XML depending on load/store function used.


File format written with cvWrite.

File contents depend on the specific load/store function used.


Plain ASCII text file format.

File contents depend on the specific load/store function used.


XML file format.

XML schema depends on the specific load/store function used.

Definition at line 39 of file FileFormat.h.

Function Documentation

template<class T >
T alvar::absdiff ( c1,
) [inline]

Definition at line 310 of file ConnectedComponents.cpp.

void alvar::alvarInfo ( )

Definition at line 30 of file Alvar.cpp.

double alvar::angle ( CvPoint *  A,
CvPoint *  B,
CvPoint *  C,
CvPoint *  D,
int  isDirectionDependent 

Computes the angle between lines AB and CD.

isDirectionDependentIf isDirectionDependent = 1, angle depends on the order of the points. Otherwise returns smaller angle.
Astart point of first line
Bend point of first line
Cstart point of second line
Dend point of second line

Definition at line 72 of file Util.cpp.

void alvar::BuildHideTexture ( IplImage *  image,
IplImage *  hide_texture,
Camera *  cam,
double  gl_modelview[16],
PointDouble  topleft,
PointDouble  botright 

This function is used to construct a texture image which is needed to hide a marker from the original video frame. See SampleMarkerHide.cpp for example implementation.

imagePointer to the original video frame from where the hiding texture is calculated.
hide_texturePointer to the destination image where the resulting texture is stored.
camCamera object that is used for marker tracking.
gl_modelviewCurrent model view matrix.
topleftTop left limit of the texture area in marker coordinate frame.
botrightBottom right limit of the texture area in marker coordinate frame.

Definition at line 95 of file Draw.cpp.

void alvar::CreateShadowPoint ( CvPoint3D32f &  p3d_sh,
CvPoint3D32f  p3d,
CameraEC *  cam,
Pose camera_pose,
float  parallax_length,
float  triangulate_angle 

Definition at line 123 of file SfM.cpp.

int alvar::cross ( CvPoint *  A,
CvPoint *  B,
CvPoint *  C 

Computes the cross product AB x AC.

A,Band C points defining lines (line segments) AB and AC

Definition at line 44 of file Util.cpp.

template<class C >
double ALVAR_EXPORT alvar::Deg2Rad ( const C &  v) [inline]

Converts an angle from degrees to radians.

Definition at line 71 of file Util.h.

double alvar::det ( double *  r0,
double *  r1,
double *  r2,
double *  r3 

Definition at line 64 of file TrifocalTensor.cpp.

template<class C >
int ALVAR_EXPORT alvar::diff ( const std::vector< C > &  v,
std::vector< C > &  ret 
) [inline]

Calculates the difference between the consecutive vector elements.

vSource elements.
retThe difference vector. This is cleared and then resized.
The number of elements.

Definition at line 191 of file Util.h.

double alvar::distance ( CvPoint *  A,
CvPoint *  B 

Compute the distance from A to B.

Aand B points

Definition at line 54 of file Util.cpp.

int alvar::dot ( CvPoint *  A,
CvPoint *  B,
CvPoint *  C 

Computes dot product AB.BC.

A,Band C points defining lines (line segments) AB and BC

Definition at line 34 of file Util.cpp.

template<class PointType >
void alvar::DrawBB ( IplImage *  image,
const std::vector< PointType > &  points,
CvScalar  color,
std::string  label = "" 
) [inline]

Draws the bounding box of a connected component (Blob).

imagePointer to the destination image.
pointsVector of points that determine the bounding box.
colorUse CV_RGB(red,green,blue) to determine the color of the bounding box.
labelA label to show in the center of the bounding box.

Definition at line 49 of file Draw.h.

void alvar::DrawCircles ( IplImage *  image,
const CvSeq *  contour,
int  radius,
CvScalar  color = CV_RGB(255,0,0) 

Draws circles to the contour points that are obtained by Labeling class.

imagePointer to the destination image.
contourControur sequence.
radiusCircle radius in pixels.
colorUse CV_RGB(red,green,blue) to determine the color.

Definition at line 60 of file Draw.cpp.

void alvar::DrawCVEllipse ( IplImage *  image,
CvBox2D &  ellipse,
CvScalar  color,
bool  fill = false,
double  par = 0 

Draws OpenCV ellipse.

imagePointer to the destination image.
ellipseEllipse struct in OpenCV format.
colorUse CV_RGB(red,green,blue) to determine the color.
fillIf false, only the outline is drawn.
parThe ellipse width and height are grown by par pixels.

Definition at line 82 of file Draw.cpp.

void alvar::DrawLine ( IplImage *  image,
const Line  line,
CvScalar  color = CV_RGB(0,255,0) 

Draws a line.

imagePointer to the destination image.
lineLine struct to be drawn.
colorUse CV_RGB(red,green,blue) to determine the color.

Definition at line 38 of file Draw.cpp.

template<class PointType >
void alvar::DrawLines ( IplImage *  image,
const std::vector< PointType > &  points,
CvScalar  color,
bool  loop = true 
) [inline]

Draws lines between consecutive points stored in vector (polyline).

imagePointer to the destination image.
pointsVector of points that determine the polyline.
colorUse CV_RGB(red,green,blue) to determine the color.
loopIf true, the polyline is closed.

Definition at line 88 of file Draw.h.

void alvar::DrawLines ( IplImage *  image,
const CvSeq *  contour,
CvScalar  color = CV_RGB(255,0,0) 

Draws lines between consecutive contour points.

imagePointer to the destination image.
contourControur sequence.
colorUse CV_RGB(red,green,blue) to determine the color.

Definition at line 69 of file Draw.cpp.

void alvar::DrawPoints ( IplImage *  image,
const vector< CvPoint > &  points,
CvScalar  color 

Definition at line 32 of file Draw.cpp.

void ALVAR_EXPORT alvar::DrawPoints ( IplImage *  image,
const std::vector< CvPoint > &  points,
CvScalar  color 

Draws a set of points.

imagePointer to the destination image.
pointsArray of CvPoints to be visualzed.
colorUse CV_RGB(red,green,blue) to determine the color.
void alvar::DrawPoints ( IplImage *  image,
const CvSeq *  contour,
CvScalar  color = CV_RGB(255,0,0) 

Draws points of the contour that is obtained by Labeling class.

imagePointer to the destination image.
contourControur sequence.
colorUse CV_RGB(red,green,blue) to determine the color.

Definition at line 51 of file Draw.cpp.

template<class PointType >
void alvar::DrawPoints ( IplImage *  image,
const std::vector< PointType > &  points,
CvScalar  color,
int  radius = 1 
) [inline]

Draws circles to the array of points.

imagePointer to the destination image.
pointsVector of points to be visualized.
colorUse CV_RGB(red,green,blue) to determine the color.
radiusCircle radius in pixels.

Definition at line 134 of file Draw.h.

void alvar::DrawTexture ( IplImage *  image,
IplImage *  texture,
Camera *  cam,
double  gl_modelview[16],
PointDouble  topleft,
PointDouble  botright 

Draws the texture generated by BuildHideTexture to given video frame. For better performance, use OpenGL instead. See SampleMarkerHide.cpp for example implementation.

imagePointer to the destination image where the texture is drawn.
texurePointer to the texture image genereated by BuildHideTexture.
camCamera object that is used for marker tracking.
gl_modelviewCurrent model view matrix.
topleftTop left limit of the texture area in marker coordinate frame.
botrightBottom right limit of the texture area in marker coordinate frame.

Definition at line 213 of file Draw.cpp.

template<typename T , typename F >
int alvar::EraseItemsEC ( std::map< int, T > &  container,
) [inline]

Erasing items from container using DoEraseTest type functor.

Definition at line 238 of file EC.h.

void alvar::errorAtLine ( int  status,
int  error,
const char *  filename,
unsigned int  line,
const char *  format,

Error reporting function inspired by error_at_line() on Linux.

It flushes stdout and prints the filename, line number and printf compatible error message to stderr. If error is specified, it also prints the corresponding error message from strerror(). If status is not zero, it exits the process.

Definition at line 38 of file Platform.cpp.

void alvar::Est ( CvMat *  state,
CvMat *  estimation,
void *  param 

Definition at line 54 of file MultiMarkerBundle.cpp.

int alvar::exp_filt2 ( vector< double > &  v,
vector< double > &  ret,
bool  clamp 

Definition at line 130 of file Util.cpp.

int ALVAR_EXPORT alvar::exp_filt2 ( std::vector< double > &  v,
std::vector< double > &  ret,
bool  clamp 
int alvar::find_zero_crossings ( const vector< double > &  v,
vector< int > &  corners,
int  offs 

Definition at line 178 of file Util.cpp.

int ALVAR_EXPORT alvar::find_zero_crossings ( const std::vector< double > &  v,
std::vector< int > &  corners,
int  offs = 20 

Finds zero crossings of given vector elements (sequence).

vSequence of numbers from where the zero crossings are found.
cornersResulting index list of zero crossings.
Number of zero crossings found.
void alvar::FitCVEllipse ( const vector< PointDouble > &  points,
CvBox2D &  ellipse_box 

Definition at line 117 of file Util.cpp.

void ALVAR_EXPORT alvar::FitCVEllipse ( const std::vector< PointDouble > &  points,
CvBox2D &  ellipse_box 

Uses OpenCV routine to fit ellipse to a vector of points.

pointsVector of points on the ellipse edge.
ellipse_boxOpenCV struct for the fitted ellipse.
void alvar::FitLineGray ( CvMat *  line_data,
float  params[4],
IplImage *  gray 

Definition at line 320 of file ConnectedComponents.cpp.

void alvar::FitLines ( vector< Line > &  lines)

Definition at line 39 of file Line.cpp.

int alvar::FitLines ( vector< Line > &  lines,
const vector< int > &  corners,
const vector< PointInt > &  edge,
IplImage *  grey 

Definition at line 44 of file Line.cpp.

int ALVAR_EXPORT alvar::FitLines ( std::vector< Line > &  lines,
const std::vector< int > &  corners,
const std::vector< PointInt > &  edge,
IplImage *  grey = 0 

Fit lines to vector of points.

linesResulting set of lines.
cornersIndex list of line breaks.
edgeVector of points (pixels) where the line is fitted.
greyIn the future, we may want to fit lines directly to grayscale image instead of thresholded edge.
void alvar::GetOrigo ( Pose pose,
CvMat *  O 

Definition at line 129 of file EC.cpp.

void alvar::GetPointOnLine ( const Pose pose,
Camera *  camera,
const CvPoint2D32f *  u,
CvMat *  P 

Definition at line 134 of file EC.cpp.

double* alvar::getRow ( double *  m,
int  row 

Definition at line 60 of file TrifocalTensor.cpp.

PointDouble alvar::Intersection ( const Line &  l1,
const Line &  l2 

Calculates an intersection point of two lines.

l1First line.
l2Second line.
Intersection point.

Definition at line 98 of file Line.cpp.

double alvar::Limit ( double  val,
double  min_val,
double  max_val 

Limits a number to between two values.

valInput value.
min_valMinimum value for the result.
max_valMaximum value for the result.
Resulting value that is between min_val and max_val.

Definition at line 241 of file Util.cpp.

double alvar::linePointDist ( CvPoint *  A,
CvPoint *  B,
CvPoint *  C,
bool  isSegment 

Computes the distance from point C to line (segment) AB.

isSegmentIf isSegment is true, AB is a segment, not a line.
Aabd B points defining line (segment) AB

Definition at line 61 of file Util.cpp.

int alvar::MarkerIdToContainerId ( int  marker_id,
int  corner_id,
int  first_id = 0,
int  last_id = 65535 
) [inline]

Calculate the index used in external container map for specified marker_id.

Definition at line 648 of file EC.h.

bool alvar::MidPointAlgorithm ( CvMat *  o1,
CvMat *  o2,
CvMat *  p1,
CvMat *  p2,
CvPoint3D32f &  X,
double  limit 

Definition at line 148 of file EC.cpp.

Rotation alvar::operator+ ( const Rotation &  r1,
const Rotation &  r2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 377 of file Rotation.cpp.

void alvar::out_matrix ( const CvMat *  m,
const char *  name 

Output OpenCV matrix for debug purposes.

Definition at line 216 of file Util.cpp.

template<class PointType >
double alvar::PointSquaredDistance ( PointType  p1,
PointType  p2 

Returns the squared distance of two points.

p1First point.
p2Second point.
Squared distance.

Definition at line 115 of file Util.h.

float alvar::PointVectorFromCamera ( CvPoint3D32f  p3d,
CvPoint3D32f &  p3d_vec,
Pose camera_pose 

Definition at line 102 of file SfM.cpp.

double alvar::polyLinePointDist ( CvPoint *  PointList,
int  nPnts,
CvPoint *  C,
int *  index,
int  isClosedPolygon 

Calculates minimum distance from Point C to Polygon whose points are in list PointList.

Returns distance

indexindex of point A in pointlist, where A is the starting point of the closest polygon segment
isClosedPolygonis true if polygon is closed (segment of the first and last point is also checked)

Definition at line 89 of file Util.cpp.

static void alvar::Project ( CvMat *  state,
CvMat *  projection,
void *  x 
) [static]

Definition at line 50 of file EC.cpp.

static void alvar::ProjectRot ( CvMat *  state,
CvMat *  projection,
void *  x 
) [static]

Definition at line 35 of file EC.cpp.

template<class C >
double ALVAR_EXPORT alvar::Rad2Deg ( const C &  v) [inline]

Converts an angle from radians to degrees.

Definition at line 62 of file Util.h.

int alvar::round ( double  x) [inline]

Definition at line 305 of file ConnectedComponents.cpp.

template<class C >
int ALVAR_EXPORT alvar::Sign ( const C &  v) [inline]

Returns the sign of a number.

Definition at line 53 of file Util.h.

void alvar::sleep ( unsigned long  milliseconds)

Sleep for a specified amount of milliseconds.

Definition at line 61 of file Platform.cpp.

static DWORD WINAPI alvar::startThread ( void *  parameters) [static]

Definition at line 37 of file Threads_win.cpp.

void alvar::STRCPY ( char *  to,
size_t  size,
const char *  src 
) [inline]

Definition at line 297 of file Util.h.

Variable Documentation

const char* alvar::ALVAR_DATE = "2012-06-20" [static]

Date the library was built.

Definition at line 218 of file Alvar.h.

const char* alvar::ALVAR_SYSTEM = "Linux 3.2.0-24-generic x86_64" [static]

System the library was built on.

Definition at line 223 of file Alvar.h.

const char* alvar::ALVAR_VERSION = "2.0.0" [static]

Entire version string.

Definition at line 208 of file Alvar.h.

const int alvar::ALVAR_VERSION_MAJOR = 2 [static]

Major version number.

Definition at line 179 of file Alvar.h.

const int alvar::ALVAR_VERSION_MINOR = 0 [static]

Minor version number.

Definition at line 184 of file Alvar.h.

const char* alvar::ALVAR_VERSION_NODOTS = "200" [static]

Entire version string without dots.

Definition at line 213 of file Alvar.h.

const int alvar::ALVAR_VERSION_PATCH = 0 [static]

Patch version number.

Definition at line 189 of file Alvar.h.

const char* alvar::ALVAR_VERSION_REVISION = "" [static]

Revision version string.

The revision contains an identifier from the source control system.

Definition at line 203 of file Alvar.h.

const char* alvar::ALVAR_VERSION_TAG = "" [static]

Tag version string.

The tag contains alpha, beta and release candidate versions.

Definition at line 196 of file Alvar.h.

Definition at line 52 of file MultiMarkerBundle.cpp.

Definition at line 64 of file SfM.cpp.

Definition at line 50 of file MultiMarkerBundle.cpp.

Definition at line 51 of file MultiMarkerBundle.cpp.

const double alvar::PI = 3.14159265

Definition at line 47 of file Util.h.

Author(s): Scott Niekum
autogenerated on Sat Dec 28 2013 16:46:16