Class CollisionMonitor

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public nav2_util::LifecycleNode

Class Documentation

class CollisionMonitor : public nav2_util::LifecycleNode

Collision Monitor ROS2 node.

Public Functions

explicit CollisionMonitor(const rclcpp::NodeOptions &options = rclcpp::NodeOptions())

Constructor for the nav2_collision_monitor::CollisionMonitor.


options – Additional options to control creation of the node.


Destructor for the nav2_collision_monitor::CollisionMonitor.

Protected Functions

nav2_util::CallbackReturn on_configure(const rclcpp_lifecycle::State &state) override

: Initializes and obtains ROS-parameters, creates main subscribers and publishers, creates polygons and data sources objects


state – Lifecycle Node’s state


Success or Failure

nav2_util::CallbackReturn on_activate(const rclcpp_lifecycle::State &state) override

: Activates LifecyclePublishers, polygons and main processor, creates bond connection


state – Lifecycle Node’s state


Success or Failure

nav2_util::CallbackReturn on_deactivate(const rclcpp_lifecycle::State &state) override

: Deactivates LifecyclePublishers, polygons and main processor, destroys bond connection


state – Lifecycle Node’s state


Success or Failure

nav2_util::CallbackReturn on_cleanup(const rclcpp_lifecycle::State &state) override

: Resets all subscribers/publishers, polygons/data sources arrays


state – Lifecycle Node’s state


Success or Failure

nav2_util::CallbackReturn on_shutdown(const rclcpp_lifecycle::State &state) override

Called in shutdown state.


state – Lifecycle Node’s state


Success or Failure

void cmdVelInCallbackStamped(geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped::SharedPtr msg)

Callback for input cmd_vel.


msg – Input cmd_vel message

void cmdVelInCallbackUnstamped(geometry_msgs::msg::Twist::SharedPtr msg)
void publishVelocity(const Action &robot_action, const std_msgs::msg::Header &header)

Publishes output cmd_vel. If robot was stopped more than stop_pub_timeout_ seconds, quit to publish 0-velocity.

  • robot_action – Robot action to publish

  • header – TwistStamped header to use

bool getParameters(std::string &cmd_vel_in_topic, std::string &cmd_vel_out_topic, std::string &state_topic)

Supporting routine obtaining all ROS-parameters.

  • cmd_vel_in_topic – Output name of cmd_vel_in topic

  • cmd_vel_out_topic – Output name of cmd_vel_out topic is required.

  • state_topic – topic name for publishing collision monitor state


True if all parameters were obtained or false in failure case

bool configurePolygons(const std::string &base_frame_id, const tf2::Duration &transform_tolerance)

Supporting routine creating and configuring all polygons.

  • base_frame_id – Robot base frame ID

  • transform_tolerance – Transform tolerance


True if all polygons were configured successfully or false in failure case

bool configureSources(const std::string &base_frame_id, const std::string &odom_frame_id, const tf2::Duration &transform_tolerance, const rclcpp::Duration &source_timeout, const bool base_shift_correction)

Supporting routine creating and configuring all data sources.

  • base_frame_id – Robot base frame ID

  • odom_frame_id – Odometry frame ID. Used as global frame to get source->base time interpolated transform.

  • transform_tolerance – Transform tolerance

  • source_timeout – Maximum time interval in which data is considered valid

  • base_shift_correction – Whether to correct source data towards to base frame movement, considering the difference between current time and latest source time


True if all sources were configured successfully or false in failure case

void process(const Velocity &cmd_vel_in, const std_msgs::msg::Header &header)

Main processing routine.

  • cmd_vel_in – Input desired robot velocity

  • header – Twist header

bool processStopSlowdownLimit(const std::shared_ptr<Polygon> polygon, const std::vector<Point> &collision_points, const Velocity &velocity, Action &robot_action) const

Processes the polygon of STOP, SLOWDOWN and LIMIT action type.

  • polygonPolygon to process

  • collision_points – Array of 2D obstacle points

  • velocity – Desired robot velocity

  • robot_action – Output processed robot action


True if returned action is caused by current polygon, otherwise false

bool processApproach(const std::shared_ptr<Polygon> polygon, const std::vector<Point> &collision_points, const Velocity &velocity, Action &robot_action) const

Processes APPROACH action type.

  • polygonPolygon to process

  • collision_points – Array of 2D obstacle points

  • velocity – Desired robot velocity

  • robot_action – Output processed robot action


True if returned action is caused by current polygon, otherwise false

void notifyActionState(const Action &robot_action, const std::shared_ptr<Polygon> action_polygon) const

Log and publish current robot action and polygon.

  • robot_action – Robot action to notify

  • action_polygon – Pointer to a polygon causing a selected action

void publishPolygons() const

Polygons publishing routine. Made for visualization.

Protected Attributes

std::shared_ptr<tf2_ros::Buffer> tf_buffer_

TF buffer.

std::shared_ptr<tf2_ros::TransformListener> tf_listener_

TF listener.

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Polygon>> polygons_

Polygons array.

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Source>> sources_

Data sources array.

std::unique_ptr<nav2_util::TwistSubscriber> cmd_vel_in_sub_

Input cmd_vel subscriber.

std::unique_ptr<nav2_util::TwistPublisher> cmd_vel_out_pub_

Output cmd_vel publisher.

rclcpp_lifecycle::LifecyclePublisher<nav2_msgs::msg::CollisionMonitorState>::SharedPtr state_pub_

CollisionMonitor state publisher.

rclcpp_lifecycle::LifecyclePublisher<visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray>::SharedPtr collision_points_marker_pub_

Collision points marker publisher.

bool process_active_

Whether main routine is active.

Action robot_action_prev_

Previous robot action.

rclcpp::Time stop_stamp_

Latest timestamp when robot has 0-velocity.

rclcpp::Duration stop_pub_timeout_

Timeout after which 0-velocity ceases to be published.