Class Circle

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class Circle : public nav2_collision_monitor::Polygon

Circle shape implementaiton. For STOP/SLOWDOWN/LIMIT model it represents zone around the robot while for APPROACH model it represents robot footprint.

Public Functions

Circle(const nav2_util::LifecycleNode::WeakPtr &node, const std::string &polygon_name, const std::shared_ptr<tf2_ros::Buffer> tf_buffer, const std::string &base_frame_id, const tf2::Duration &transform_tolerance)

Circle class constructor.

  • node – Collision Monitor node pointer

  • polygon_name – Name of circle

  • tf_buffer – Shared pointer to a TF buffer

  • base_frame_id – Robot base frame ID

  • transform_tolerance – Transform tolerance


Circle class destructor.

virtual void getPolygon(std::vector<Point> &poly) const override

Gets polygon points, approximated to the circle. To be used in visualization purposes.


poly – Output polygon points (vertices)

virtual int getPointsInside(const std::vector<Point> &points) const override

Gets number of points inside circle.


points – Input array of points to be checked


Number of points inside circle. If there are no points, returns zero value.

virtual bool isShapeSet() override

Returns true if circle radius is set. Otherwise, prints a warning and returns false.

Protected Functions

virtual bool getParameters(std::string &polygon_sub_topic, std::string &polygon_pub_topic, std::string &footprint_topic) override

Supporting routine obtaining polygon-specific ROS-parameters.

  • polygon_sub_topic – Input name of polygon subscription topic

  • polygon_pub_topic – Output name of polygon or radius publishing topic

  • footprint_topic – Output name of footprint topic. For Circle returns empty string, there is no footprint subscription in this class.


True if all parameters were obtained or false in failure case

virtual void createSubscription(std::string &polygon_sub_topic) override

Creates polygon or radius topic subscription.


polygon_sub_topic – Output name of polygon or radius subscription topic. Empty, if no polygon subscription.

void updatePolygon(double radius)

Updates polygon from radius value.


radius – New circle radius to update polygon

void radiusCallback(std_msgs::msg::Float32::ConstSharedPtr msg)

Dynamic circle radius callback.


msg – Shared pointer to the radius value message

Protected Attributes

double radius_

Radius of the circle.

double radius_squared_ = -1.0

(radius * radius) value. Stored for optimization.

rclcpp::Subscription<std_msgs::msg::Float32>::SharedPtr radius_sub_

Radius subscription.