
This is a ROS message definition.


# Provides meta-information about a visual pipeline.
# This message serves a similar purpose to sensor_msgs/CameraInfo, but instead
#   of being tied to hardware, it represents information about a specific
#   computer vision pipeline. This information stays constant (or relatively
#   constant) over time, and so it is wasteful to send it with each individual
#   result. By listening to these messages, subscribers will receive
#   the context in which published vision messages are to be interpreted.
# Each vision pipeline should publish its VisionInfo messages to its own topic,
#   in a manner similar to CameraInfo.

# Used for sequencing
std_msgs/Header header

# Name of the vision pipeline. This should be a value that is meaningful to an
#   outside user.
string method

# Location where the metadata database is stored. The recommended location is
#   as an XML string on the ROS parameter server, but the exact implementation
#   and information is left up to the user.
# The database should store information attached to class ids. Each
#   class id should map to an atomic, visually recognizable element. This
#   definition is intentionally vague to allow extreme flexibility. The
#   elements could be classes in a pixel segmentation algorithm, object classes
#   in a detector, different people's faces in a face detection algorithm, etc.
#   Vision pipelines report results in terms of numeric IDs, which map into
#   this  database.
# The information stored in this database is, again, left up to the user. The
#   database could be as simple as a map from ID to class name, or it could
#   include information such as object meshes or colors to use for
#   visualization.
string database_location

# Metadata database version. This counter is incremented
#   each time the pipeline begins using a new version of the database (useful
#   in the case of online training or user modifications).
#   The counter value can be monitored by listeners to ensure that the pipeline
#   and the listener are using the same metadata.
int32 database_version