CAN bus introspection
* START: node.cpp
* Create a CanDriver.cpp instance
* CanDriver.cpp
* TO CHANGE: Add Sync Time support
* Create a CanUsb.cpp instance
* This creates a reference to a data stream which provides a callback whenever USB data is read from the CAN device.
* Set the CanUsb callback to CanDriver.cpp::recvDevice
* Get bitrate and error_topic information
* Each channel is fetched individually and placed in a vector. bitrate[0] is modified by the launch parameter "bitrate_1", like so:
<remap from="can_bus_1" to="can_bus_1"/>
<param name="bitrate_1" value="250000" /> <!-- 250kbit/s -->
<param name="channel_1_mask_0" value="0x80000000" />
<param name="channel_1_match_0" value="0x80000000" />
* Same for filter_masks and matches.
* Open the CAN driver (run CanUsb.cpp::open)
* Read version number and channel count
* For each channel, print the filter masks, and filter matches to the console
* For each channel, attempt to set the bitrates, then print to console
* If all channel bitrates are set successfully, set up ROS pub/subs:
* For each channel with nonzero bitrate, create a node (can_bus_#)
* Create a subscriber (can_tx) to receive messages to send to the device
* Create a publisher (can_rx) to send messages whenever the device sends data
* Create an error publisher (can_err) if argument is set
* Whenever data is received from the device, publish a can_msgs::Frame to the appropriate channel
* can_msgs is a standard message type:
Contains a unique ID, data length code (dlc), and data (up to 8 bytes)
* START: dbc_node.cpp
* Create a Node and NodeHandle
* Get dbc_file parameter; if it doesn't exist, exit.
* Create a CanExtractor.cpp object, passing the dbc_file value
* Create a subscriber to can_rx (which is published by can_node)
* When a can_msgs::Frame message is received, get the ID (OR it with 0x80000000 if it's an extended msg) and put it in a RosCanMsgStruct
* Run CanExtractor::getMessage(RosCanMsgStruct), which returns true/false
* If true, run CanExtractor::initPublishers(RosCanMsgStruct, NodeHandle)
* Run CanExtractor::pubMessage(can_msgs::Frame), which posts the data to the appropriate ROS topic
* CanExtractor.cpp
* dbc_
* A DBCIterator.cpp object
* msgs_
* A map between CAN message IDs and RosCanMsgStructs
* getMessage(RosCanMsgStruct)
* Check if the RosCanMsgStruct is already in the msgs_ map.
* If it is, set the RosCanMsgStruct reference to the stored one, and return false (the message type has already been processed).
* If it isn't, iterate over dbc_, searching for the CAN ID.
* For each matching DBCMessage::Message found, create a RosCanSigStruct based on it and append it to the RosCanMsgStruct
* Then store the RosCanMsgStruct and return it
* Either way, the result is a RosCanMsgStruct, containing a CAN ID, and message name.
* RosCanMsgStruct contains a can_msgs::Frame publisher which sends whenever a message is received, and a vector of RosCanSigStructs, each containing a publisher which sends individual fields whenever a message is received.
* initPublishers(RosCanMsgStruct, NodeHandle)
* Creates a publisher for the message as a whole (can_msgs::Frame) and attaches it to RosCanMsgStruct
* Creates publishers for each signal with registerCanSignalPublisher(RosCanSigStruct NodeHandle)
* registerCanSignalPublisher(RosCanSigStruct NodeHandle)
* Creates an std_msgs::Int/Float64/Bool publisher (signed/unsigned/size based on RosCanSigStruct)
* Attaches the publisher to the RosCanSigStruct
* pubMessage()
* Retrieve the RosCanMsgStruct from the msgs_ map based on message ID.
* If the messageID isn't in the msgs_ map, return.
* An 8-byte integer (uint64) stores all message data.
* TO CHANGE: Loop through the list of signals for a signal multiplexor enum value that is MULTIPLEXOR. Save this value and break if found, set to -1 otherwise.
* For each signal, the data is retrieved based on the start bit and length (signed or unsigned).
* TO CHANGE: For each signal, if the multiplexor is not -1, use an if conditional to check if the signal's multiplexor enum is MULTIPLEXED; if it is, check if the multiplexNum is equal to the multiplexor value from the loop above; only publish if the values match.
* DBCIterator.cpp
* messageList: Vector of DBCMessage.Message objects
* init
* TO CHANGE: Support multiple file streams
* Open the file stream
* DBCMessage::Message overrides the >> operator, and uses this to take a stream (up to the next )
* If the process fails and the stream errors out, clear it (which will cause the loop to exit)
* Else, add the message to the messageList.
* DBCIterator iterates the file's messages, DBCMessage iterates the message's signals
* DBCMessage.cpp
* If the line does not start in BO_, throw an error to get the parent iterator to clear to the next line.
* If it does, fetch the BO data:
BO_ <ID> <Messagename> <ByteLength> <Sender>
* Then, iterate over the next lines;
* While the stream is creating valid signal objects, >> create more DbcSignal.cpp objects.
* DBCSignal.cpp
* Get the next line, if (after cleanup) the line is empty or does not start with SG_, throw an error to get the parent iterator to finish parsing signals.
* If it does, fetch the signal data:
SG_ <Fieldname> <Multiplexor> : <StartBit>|<BitLength>@<Order><Signed> (<Factor>,<Offset>) [<Minimum>|<Maximum>] "<Unit>" <Receivers>
* Multiplexor may be blank (meaning value always appears in the message), in which case there will be no value between the Fieldname and the :
* If Multiplexor is not blank, it is either:
* 'M', meaning the value is the multiplexor
* 'm###', with numbers, meaning the signal only appears in the message when the multiplexor value is equal to that of the multiplexed signal
* Byteorder is either Motorola (big-endian/network) (0) or Intel (little-endian/math) (1)
* Signed is either + (unsigned value) or - (signed value)
* phys = digits * factor + offset
BO_ 126 License: 8 EPAS
SG_ EXPIRED : 10|1@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" MAB
SG_ MUX M : 0|8@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" MAB
SG_ FEAT_BASE_TRIALS_USED m0 : 32|16@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" MAB
SG_ DATE1 m129 : 24|8@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" MAB
SG_ FEAT_BASE_TRIALS_REMAINING m0 : 48|16@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" MAB
SG_ FEAT_BASE_TRIAL m0 : 17|1@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" MAB
SG_ FEAT_BASE_ENABLED m0 : 16|1@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" MAB
SG_ TRIAL : 9|1@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" MAB
SG_ READY : 8|1@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" MAB
SG_ DATE0 m129 : 16|8@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" MAB
SG_ VIN16 m133 : 48|8@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" MAB
SG_ VIN15 m133 : 40|8@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" MAB
SG_ VIN14 m133 : 32|8@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" MAB
SG_ VIN01 m131 : 24|8@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" MAB
SG_ VIN00 m131 : 16|8@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" MAB