Class DataProcessorInterface

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class DataProcessorInterface

An interface for data processors using a lidar-specific API to create structured information like pointclouds, images, or directly publishing packets or IMU data.

Subclassed by OS1::IMUProcessor, OS1::ImageProcessor, OS1::PointcloudProcessor, OS1::ScanProcessor

Public Functions

inline DataProcessorInterface()

Constructor of the data processor interface.

virtual ~DataProcessorInterface() = default

Destructor of the data processor interface.

virtual bool process(uint8_t *data, uint64_t override_ts = 0) = 0

Process a packet with the lidar-specific APIs.

  • data – packet input

  • override_ts – Timestamp in nanos to use to override the ts in the packet data. To use the packet data, pass as 0.

virtual void onActivate() = 0

Activating processor from lifecycle state transitions.

virtual void onDeactivate() = 0

Deactivating processor from lifecycle state transitions.