
This is a ROS message definition.


# MAV_CMD command codes.
# Actual meaning and params you may find in MAVLink documentation

# [[[cog:
# import mavros_cog
# mavros_cog.idl_decl_enum_mav_cmd()
# ]]]

uint16 ARM_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST = 3001            # Request authorization to arm the vehicle to a external entity, the arm authorizer is responsible to request all data that is needs from the vehicle before authorize or deny the request. If approved the progress of command_ack message should be set with period of time that this authorization is valid in seconds or in case it was denied it should be set with one of the reasons in ARM_AUTH_DENIED_REASON.

uint16 CAMERA_TRACK_POINT = 2004                   # If the camera supports point visual tracking (CAMERA_CAP_FLAGS_HAS_TRACKING_POINT is set), this command allows to initiate the tracking.
uint16 CAMERA_TRACK_RECTANGLE = 2005               # If the camera supports rectangle visual tracking (CAMERA_CAP_FLAGS_HAS_TRACKING_RECTANGLE is set), this command allows to initiate the tracking.
uint16 CAMERA_STOP_TRACKING = 2010                 # Stops ongoing tracking.

uint16 CAN_FORWARD = 32000                         # Request forwarding of CAN packets from the given CAN bus to this interface. CAN Frames are sent using CAN_FRAME and CANFD_FRAME messages

uint16 COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM = 400                  # Arms / Disarms a component

uint16 CONDITION_DELAY = 112                       # Delay mission state machine.
uint16 CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT = 113                  # Ascend/descend to target altitude at specified rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached.
uint16 CONDITION_DISTANCE = 114                    # Delay mission state machine until within desired distance of next NAV point.
uint16 CONDITION_YAW = 115                         # Reach a certain target angle.
uint16 CONDITION_LAST = 159                        # NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the CONDITION commands in the enumeration

uint16 CONTROL_HIGH_LATENCY = 2600                 # Request to start/stop transmitting over the high latency telemetry

uint16 DO_FOLLOW = 32                              # Begin following a target
uint16 DO_FOLLOW_REPOSITION = 33                   # Reposition the MAV after a follow target command has been sent
uint16 DO_SET_MODE = 176                           # Set system mode.
uint16 DO_JUMP = 177                               # Jump to the desired command in the mission list.  Repeat this action only the specified number of times
uint16 DO_CHANGE_SPEED = 178                       # Change speed and/or throttle set points
uint16 DO_SET_HOME = 179                           # Changes the home location either to the current location or a specified location.
uint16 DO_SET_PARAMETER = 180                      # Set a system parameter.  Caution!  Use of this command requires knowledge of the numeric enumeration value of the parameter.
uint16 DO_SET_RELAY = 181                          # Set a relay to a condition.
uint16 DO_REPEAT_RELAY = 182                       # Cycle a relay on and off for a desired number of cycles with a desired period.
uint16 DO_SET_SERVO = 183                          # Set a servo to a desired PWM value.
uint16 DO_REPEAT_SERVO = 184                       # Cycle a between its nominal setting and a desired PWM for a desired number of cycles with a desired period.
uint16 DO_FLIGHTTERMINATION = 185                  # Terminate flight immediately
uint16 DO_CHANGE_ALTITUDE = 186                    # Change altitude set point.
uint16 DO_LAND_START = 189                         # Mission command to perform a landing. This is used as a marker in a mission to tell the autopilot where a sequence of mission items that represents a landing starts. It may also be sent via a COMMAND_LONG to trigger a landing, in which case the nearest (geographically) landing sequence in the mission will be used. The Latitude/Longitude/Altitude is optional, and may be set to 0 if not needed. If specified then it will be used to help find the closest landing sequence.
uint16 DO_RALLY_LAND = 190                         # Mission command to perform a landing from a rally point.
uint16 DO_GO_AROUND = 191                          # Mission command to safely abort an autonomous landing.
uint16 DO_REPOSITION = 192                         # Reposition the vehicle to a specific WGS84 global position.
uint16 DO_PAUSE_CONTINUE = 193                     # If in a GPS controlled position mode, hold the current position or continue.
uint16 DO_SET_REVERSE = 194                        # Set moving direction to forward or reverse.
uint16 DO_SET_ROI_LOCATION = 195                   # Sets the region of interest (ROI) to a location. This can then be used by the vehicle's control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras.
uint16 DO_SET_ROI_WPNEXT_OFFSET = 196              # Sets the region of interest (ROI) to be toward next waypoint, with optional pitch/roll/yaw offset. This can then be used by the vehicle's control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras.
uint16 DO_SET_ROI_NONE = 197                       # Cancels any previous ROI command returning the vehicle/sensors to default flight characteristics. This can then be used by the vehicle's control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras.
uint16 DO_SET_ROI_SYSID = 198                      # Mount tracks system with specified system ID. Determination of target vehicle position may be done with GLOBAL_POSITION_INT or any other means.
uint16 DO_CONTROL_VIDEO = 200                      # Control onboard camera system.
uint16 DO_SET_ROI = 201                            # Sets the region of interest (ROI) for a sensor set or the vehicle itself. This can then be used by the vehicle's control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras.
uint16 DO_DIGICAM_CONFIGURE = 202                  # Configure digital camera. This is a fallback message for systems that have not yet implemented PARAM_EXT_XXX messages and camera definition files (see ).
uint16 DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL = 203                    # Control digital camera. This is a fallback message for systems that have not yet implemented PARAM_EXT_XXX messages and camera definition files (see ).
uint16 DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE = 204                    # Mission command to configure a camera or antenna mount
uint16 DO_MOUNT_CONTROL = 205                      # Mission command to control a camera or antenna mount
uint16 DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST = 206                 # Mission command to set camera trigger distance for this flight. The camera is triggered each time this distance is exceeded. This command can also be used to set the shutter integration time for the camera.
uint16 DO_FENCE_ENABLE = 207                       # Mission command to enable the geofence
uint16 DO_PARACHUTE = 208                          # Mission item/command to release a parachute or enable/disable auto release.
uint16 DO_MOTOR_TEST = 209                         # Mission command to perform motor test.
uint16 DO_INVERTED_FLIGHT = 210                    # Change to/from inverted flight.
uint16 DO_GRIPPER = 211                            # Mission command to operate a gripper.
uint16 DO_AUTOTUNE_ENABLE = 212                    # Enable/disable autotune.
uint16 DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_INTERVAL = 214             # Mission command to set camera trigger interval for this flight. If triggering is enabled, the camera is triggered each time this interval expires. This command can also be used to set the shutter integration time for the camera.
uint16 DO_MOUNT_CONTROL_QUAT = 220                 # Mission command to control a camera or antenna mount, using a quaternion as reference.
uint16 DO_GUIDED_MASTER = 221                      # set id of master controller
uint16 DO_GUIDED_LIMITS = 222                      # Set limits for external control
uint16 DO_ENGINE_CONTROL = 223                     # Control vehicle engine. This is interpreted by the vehicles engine controller to change the target engine state. It is intended for vehicles with internal combustion engines
uint16 DO_SET_MISSION_CURRENT = 224                # Set the mission item with sequence number seq as current item. This means that the MAV will continue to this mission item on the shortest path (not following the mission items in-between).
uint16 DO_LAST = 240                               # NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the DO commands in the enumeration
uint16 DO_JUMP_TAG = 601                           # Jump to the matching tag in the mission list. Repeat this action for the specified number of times. A mission should contain a single matching tag for each jump. If this is not the case then a jump to a missing tag should complete the mission, and a jump where there are multiple matching tags should always select the one with the lowest mission sequence number.
uint16 DO_GIMBAL_MANAGER_PITCHYAW = 1000           # Set gimbal manager pitch/yaw setpoints (low rate command). It is possible to set combinations of the values below. E.g. an angle as well as a desired angular rate can be used to get to this angle at a certain angular rate, or an angular rate only will result in continuous turning. NaN is to be used to signal unset. Note: only the gimbal manager will react to this command - it will be ignored by a gimbal device. Use GIMBAL_MANAGER_SET_PITCHYAW if you need to stream pitch/yaw setpoints at higher rate.
uint16 DO_GIMBAL_MANAGER_CONFIGURE = 1001          # Gimbal configuration to set which sysid/compid is in primary and secondary control.
uint16 DO_TRIGGER_CONTROL = 2003                   # Enable or disable on-board camera triggering system.
uint16 DO_VTOL_TRANSITION = 3000                   # Request VTOL transition
uint16 DO_ADSB_OUT_IDENT = 10001                   # Trigger the start of an ADSB-out IDENT. This should only be used when requested to do so by an Air Traffic Controller in controlled airspace. This starts the IDENT which is then typically held for 18 seconds by the hardware per the Mode A, C, and S transponder spec.
uint16 DO_WINCH = 42600                            # Command to operate winch.

uint16 FIXED_MAG_CAL_YAW = 42006                   # Magnetometer calibration based on provided known yaw. This allows for fast calibration using WMM field tables in the vehicle, given only the known yaw of the vehicle. If Latitude and longitude are both zero then use the current vehicle location.

uint16 GET_HOME_POSITION = 410                     # Request the home position from the vehicle.
uint16 GET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL = 510                  # Request the interval between messages for a particular MAVLink message ID. The receiver should ACK the command and then emit its response in a MESSAGE_INTERVAL message.

uint16 IMAGE_START_CAPTURE = 2000                  # Start image capture sequence. CAMERA_IMAGE_CAPTURED must be emitted after each capture. Param1 (id) may be used to specify the target camera: 0: all cameras, 1 to 6: autopilot-connected cameras, 7-255: MAVLink camera component ID. It is needed in order to target specific cameras connected to the autopilot, or specific sensors in a multi-sensor camera (neither of which have a distinct MAVLink component ID). It is also needed to specify the target camera in missions. When used in a mission, an autopilot should execute the MAV_CMD for a specified local camera (param1 = 1-6), or resend it as a command if it is intended for a MAVLink camera (param1 = 7 - 255), setting the command's target_component as the param1 value (and setting param1 in the command to zero). If the param1 is 0 the autopilot should do both. When sent in a command the target MAVLink address is set using target_component. If addressed specifically to an autopilot: param1 should be used in the same way as it is for missions (though command should NACK with MAV_RESULT_DENIED if a specified local camera does not exist). If addressed to a MAVLink camera, param 1 can be used to address all cameras (0), or to separately address 1 to 7 individual sensors. Other values should be NACKed with MAV_RESULT_DENIED. If the command is broadcast (target_component is 0) then param 1 should be set to 0 (any other value should be NACKED with MAV_RESULT_DENIED). An autopilot would trigger any local cameras and forward the command to all channels.
uint16 IMAGE_STOP_CAPTURE = 2001                   # Stop image capture sequence. Param1 (id) may be used to specify the target camera: 0: all cameras, 1 to 6: autopilot-connected cameras, 7-255: MAVLink camera component ID. It is needed in order to target specific cameras connected to the autopilot, or specific sensors in a multi-sensor camera (neither of which have a distinct MAVLink component ID). It is also needed to specify the target camera in missions. When used in a mission, an autopilot should execute the MAV_CMD for a specified local camera (param1 = 1-6), or resend it as a command if it is intended for a MAVLink camera (param1 = 7 - 255), setting the command's target_component as the param1 value (and setting param1 in the command to zero). If the param1 is 0 the autopilot should do both. When sent in a command the target MAVLink address is set using target_component. If addressed specifically to an autopilot: param1 should be used in the same way as it is for missions (though command should NACK with MAV_RESULT_DENIED if a specified local camera does not exist). If addressed to a MAVLink camera, param1 can be used to address all cameras (0), or to separately address 1 to 7 individual sensors. Other values should be NACKed with MAV_RESULT_DENIED. If the command is broadcast (target_component is 0) then param 1 should be set to 0 (any other value should be NACKED with MAV_RESULT_DENIED). An autopilot would trigger any local cameras and forward the command to all channels.

uint16 JUMP_TAG = 600                              # Tagged jump target. Can be jumped to with MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP_TAG.

uint16 LOGGING_START = 2510                        # Request to start streaming logging data over MAVLink (see also LOGGING_DATA message)
uint16 LOGGING_STOP = 2511                         # Request to stop streaming log data over MAVLink

uint16 MISSION_START = 300                         # start running a mission

uint16 NAV_WAYPOINT = 16                           # Navigate to waypoint.
uint16 NAV_LOITER_UNLIM = 17                       # Loiter around this waypoint an unlimited amount of time
uint16 NAV_LOITER_TURNS = 18                       # Loiter around this waypoint for X turns
uint16 NAV_LOITER_TIME = 19                        # Loiter around this waypoint for X seconds
uint16 NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH = 20                   # Return to launch location
uint16 NAV_LAND = 21                               # Land at location.
uint16 NAV_TAKEOFF = 22                            # Takeoff from ground / hand. Vehicles that support multiple takeoff modes (e.g. VTOL quadplane) should take off using the currently configured mode.
uint16 NAV_LAND_LOCAL = 23                         # Land at local position (local frame only)
uint16 NAV_TAKEOFF_LOCAL = 24                      # Takeoff from local position (local frame only)
uint16 NAV_FOLLOW = 25                             # Vehicle following, i.e. this waypoint represents the position of a moving vehicle
uint16 NAV_CONTINUE_AND_CHANGE_ALT = 30            # Continue on the current course and climb/descend to specified altitude.  When the altitude is reached continue to the next command (i.e., don't proceed to the next command until the desired altitude is reached.
uint16 NAV_LOITER_TO_ALT = 31                      # Begin loiter at the specified Latitude and Longitude.  If Lat=Lon=0, then loiter at the current position.  Don't consider the navigation command complete (don't leave loiter) until the altitude has been reached. Additionally, if the Heading Required parameter is non-zero the aircraft will not leave the loiter until heading toward the next waypoint.
uint16 NAV_ROI = 80                                # Sets the region of interest (ROI) for a sensor set or the vehicle itself. This can then be used by the vehicle's control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras.
uint16 NAV_PATHPLANNING = 81                       # Control autonomous path planning on the MAV.
uint16 NAV_SPLINE_WAYPOINT = 82                    # Navigate to waypoint using a spline path.
uint16 NAV_VTOL_TAKEOFF = 84                       # Takeoff from ground using VTOL mode, and transition to forward flight with specified heading. The command should be ignored by vehicles that dont support both VTOL and fixed-wing flight (multicopters, boats,etc.).
uint16 NAV_VTOL_LAND = 85                          # Land using VTOL mode
uint16 NAV_GUIDED_ENABLE = 92                      # hand control over to an external controller
uint16 NAV_DELAY = 93                              # Delay the next navigation command a number of seconds or until a specified time
uint16 NAV_PAYLOAD_PLACE = 94                      # Descend and place payload. Vehicle moves to specified location, descends until it detects a hanging payload has reached the ground, and then releases the payload. If ground is not detected before the reaching the maximum descent value (param1), the command will complete without releasing the payload.
uint16 NAV_LAST = 95                               # NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the NAV/ACTION commands in the enumeration
uint16 NAV_SET_YAW_SPEED = 213                     # Sets a desired vehicle turn angle and speed change.
uint16 NAV_FENCE_RETURN_POINT = 5000               # Fence return point (there can only be one such point in a geofence definition). If rally points are supported they should be used instead.
uint16 NAV_FENCE_POLYGON_VERTEX_INCLUSION = 5001   # Fence vertex for an inclusion polygon (the polygon must not be self-intersecting). The vehicle must stay within this area. Minimum of 3 vertices required.
uint16 NAV_FENCE_POLYGON_VERTEX_EXCLUSION = 5002   # Fence vertex for an exclusion polygon (the polygon must not be self-intersecting). The vehicle must stay outside this area. Minimum of 3 vertices required.
uint16 NAV_FENCE_CIRCLE_INCLUSION = 5003           # Circular fence area. The vehicle must stay inside this area.
uint16 NAV_FENCE_CIRCLE_EXCLUSION = 5004           # Circular fence area. The vehicle must stay outside this area.
uint16 NAV_RALLY_POINT = 5100                      # Rally point. You can have multiple rally points defined.

uint16 OBLIQUE_SURVEY = 260                        # Mission command to set a Camera Auto Mount Pivoting Oblique Survey (Replaces CAM_TRIGG_DIST for this purpose). The camera is triggered each time this distance is exceeded, then the mount moves to the next position. Params 4~6 set-up the angle limits and number of positions for oblique survey, where mount-enabled vehicles automatically roll the camera between shots to emulate an oblique camera setup (providing an increased HFOV). This command can also be used to set the shutter integration time for the camera.

uint16 OVERRIDE_GOTO = 252                         # Override current mission with command to pause mission, pause mission and move to position, continue/resume mission. When param 1 indicates that the mission is paused (MAV_GOTO_DO_HOLD), param 2 defines whether it holds in place or moves to another position.

uint16 PANORAMA_CREATE = 2800                      # Create a panorama at the current position

uint16 PAYLOAD_PREPARE_DEPLOY = 30001              # Deploy payload on a Lat / Lon / Alt position. This includes the navigation to reach the required release position and velocity.
uint16 PAYLOAD_CONTROL_DEPLOY = 30002              # Control the payload deployment.

uint16 PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION = 241                 # Trigger calibration. This command will be only accepted if in pre-flight mode. Except for Temperature Calibration, only one sensor should be set in a single message and all others should be zero.
uint16 PREFLIGHT_SET_SENSOR_OFFSETS = 242          # Set sensor offsets. This command will be only accepted if in pre-flight mode.
uint16 PREFLIGHT_UAVCAN = 243                      # Trigger UAVCAN configuration (actuator ID assignment and direction mapping). Note that this maps to the legacy UAVCAN v0 function UAVCAN_ENUMERATE, which is intended to be executed just once during initial vehicle configuration (it is not a normal pre-flight command and has been poorly named).
uint16 PREFLIGHT_STORAGE = 245                     # Request storage of different parameter values and logs. This command will be only accepted if in pre-flight mode.
uint16 PREFLIGHT_REBOOT_SHUTDOWN = 246             # Request the reboot or shutdown of system components.

uint16 REQUEST_MESSAGE = 512                       # Request the target system(s) emit a single instance of a specified message (i.e. a "one-shot" version of MAV_CMD_SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL).
uint16 REQUEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 519              # Request MAVLink protocol version compatibility. All receivers should ACK the command and then emit their capabilities in an PROTOCOL_VERSION message
uint16 REQUEST_AUTOPILOT_CAPABILITIES = 520        # Request autopilot capabilities. The receiver should ACK the command and then emit its capabilities in an AUTOPILOT_VERSION message
uint16 REQUEST_CAMERA_INFORMATION = 521            # Request camera information (CAMERA_INFORMATION).
uint16 REQUEST_CAMERA_SETTINGS = 522               # Request camera settings (CAMERA_SETTINGS).
uint16 REQUEST_STORAGE_INFORMATION = 525           # Request storage information (STORAGE_INFORMATION). Use the command's target_component to target a specific component's storage.
uint16 REQUEST_CAMERA_CAPTURE_STATUS = 527         # Request camera capture status (CAMERA_CAPTURE_STATUS)
uint16 REQUEST_FLIGHT_INFORMATION = 528            # Request flight information (FLIGHT_INFORMATION)
uint16 REQUEST_VIDEO_STREAM_INFORMATION = 2504     # Request video stream information (VIDEO_STREAM_INFORMATION)
uint16 REQUEST_VIDEO_STREAM_STATUS = 2505          # Request video stream status (VIDEO_STREAM_STATUS)

uint16 RESET_CAMERA_SETTINGS = 529                 # Reset all camera settings to Factory Default

uint16 RUN_PREARM_CHECKS = 401                     # Instructs system to run pre-arm checks.  This command should return MAV_RESULT_TEMPORARILY_REJECTED in the case the system is armed, otherwse MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED.  Note that the return value from executing this command does not indicate whether the vehicle is armable or not, just whether the system has successfully run/is currently running the checks.  The result of the checks is reflected in the SYS_STATUS message.

uint16 SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL = 511                  # Set the interval between messages for a particular MAVLink message ID. This interface replaces REQUEST_DATA_STREAM.
uint16 SET_CAMERA_MODE = 530                       # Set camera running mode. Use NaN for reserved values. GCS will send a MAV_CMD_REQUEST_VIDEO_STREAM_STATUS command after a mode change if the camera supports video streaming.
uint16 SET_CAMERA_ZOOM = 531                       # Set camera zoom. Camera must respond with a CAMERA_SETTINGS message (on success).
uint16 SET_CAMERA_FOCUS = 532                      # Set camera focus. Camera must respond with a CAMERA_SETTINGS message (on success).
uint16 SET_GUIDED_SUBMODE_STANDARD = 4000          # This command sets the submode to standard guided when vehicle is in guided mode. The vehicle holds position and altitude and the user can input the desired velocities along all three axes.
uint16 SET_GUIDED_SUBMODE_CIRCLE = 4001            # This command sets submode circle when vehicle is in guided mode. Vehicle flies along a circle facing the center of the circle. The user can input the velocity along the circle and change the radius. If no input is given the vehicle will hold position.

uint16 START_RX_PAIR = 500                         # Starts receiver pairing.

uint16 STORAGE_FORMAT = 526                        # Format a storage medium. Once format is complete, a STORAGE_INFORMATION message is sent. Use the command's target_component to target a specific component's storage.

uint16 UAVCAN_GET_NODE_INFO = 5200                 # Commands the vehicle to respond with a sequence of messages UAVCAN_NODE_INFO, one message per every UAVCAN node that is online. Note that some of the response messages can be lost, which the receiver can detect easily by checking whether every received UAVCAN_NODE_STATUS has a matching message UAVCAN_NODE_INFO received earlier; if not, this command should be sent again in order to request re-transmission of the node information messages.

uint16 VIDEO_START_CAPTURE = 2500                  # Starts video capture (recording).
uint16 VIDEO_STOP_CAPTURE = 2501                   # Stop the current video capture (recording).
uint16 VIDEO_START_STREAMING = 2502                # Start video streaming
uint16 VIDEO_STOP_STREAMING = 2503                 # Stop the given video stream

# [[[end]]] (checksum: 73ee94ac661c9fcb61528a6668f71d94)