flexbe_states.flexible_check_condition_state module
- class flexbe_states.flexible_check_condition_state.FlexibleCheckConditionState(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Implements a state that checks if the given condition is true.
Uses multiple userdata inputs provided as a list to the calculation function and returns the corresponding outcome.
This state can be used if the further control flow of the behavior depends on a simple condition.
- – predicate function The condition whose truth value will be evaluated.
It could be a private function (self.foo) manually defined in a behavior’s source code or a lambda function (e.g., lambda x: x[0]**2 < 10 and x[1] == ‘hello’), where x is the list argument passed to the function.
– input_keys string[] List of available input keys.
- ># input_keys object[] Input(s) to the calculation function as a list of userdata.
The individual inputs can be accessed as list elements (see lambda expression example).
<= true Returned if the condition evaluates to True <= false Returned if the condition evaluates to False
- execute(userdata)
Execute the state.
- on_enter(userdata)
Call on entering state.