flexbe_states.flexible_calculation_state module
- class flexbe_states.flexible_calculation_state.FlexibleCalculationState(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Implements a state that can perform a calculation.
Calculation is based on multiple userdata inputs provided as a list to the calculation function.
- – calculation function The function that performs the desired calculation.
It could be a private function (self.foo) manually defined in a behavior’s source code or a Python lambda function (e.g., lambda x: x[0]**2 + x[1]**2), where x is the list argument passed to the function.
– input_keys string[] List of userdata keys used to create a list of input data for calculation.
- ># input_keys object[] Input(s) to the calculation function as a list of userdata.
The individual inputs can be accessed as list elements (see lambda expression example).
#> output_value object The result of the calculation.
<= done Indicates completion of the calculation.
- execute(userdata)
Set userdata with calculation result and return done.
- on_enter(userdata)
Do calculation on entering state.