File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 example_common.hLibrary containing common functions that are used in the various examples
 message_flags.hContains various enums and structs used to facilitate communication between Toposens sensors and other devices
 sensor_lib.cThis file contains the highlevel interface function code and the links to the low-level Protocol
 sensor_lib.hThis file contains the highlevel interface prototypes to the low-level Protocol
 sensor_lib_config.hThis file contains all library configurations
 socketinterface.cThis file contains the linux-socket-can interface functions
 socketinterface.hThis file contains the linux-can-socket interface prototypes
 uart_wrapper.hHeader for UART wrapper
 uartinterface.cThis file contains the linux-uart interface functions
 uartinterface.hThis file contains the linux-uart interface prototypes

Author(s): Tobias Roth , Dennis Maier , Baris Yazici
autogenerated on Wed Mar 2 2022 01:12:32