Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CcCANSerial_ESD_InternalInternal hardware specific implementation details of the lowlevel ESD CAN interface
 CcCANSerial_PEAK_InternalInternal hardware specific implementation details of the lowlevel PEAK CAN interface
 CcCRCCyclic Redundancy Code checker class, used for protecting communication against transmission errors
 CcCRC_DSACON32mA derived CRC class that uses a CRC table and initial value suitable for the Weiss Robotics DSACON32m controller
 CcCRC_SDHA derived CRC class that uses a CRC table and initial value suitable for protecing the binary communication with SDH via RS232
 CcDBGA class to print colored debug messages
 CcDSASDH::cDSA is the end user interface class to access the DSACON32m, the tactile sensor controller of the SDH
 CcDSAUpdaterClass to create an updater thread for continuously updating tactile sensor data
 CcHexByteStringDummy class for (debug) stream output of bytes as list of hex values
 CcIsGraspedBaseAbstract base class for calculation of IsGrasped condition using tactile sensor information
 CcIsGraspedByAreaClass for calculation of IsGrasped condition using an expected area of contact measured by the tactile sensors
 CcMsgClass for short, fixed maximum length text messages
 CcSDHBaseThe base class to control the SCHUNK Dexterous Hand
 CcSDH#SDH::cSDH is the end user interface class to control a SDH (SCHUNK Dexterous Hand)
 CcSDHSerialThe class to communicate with a SDH via RS232
 CcSDHOptionsClass for command line option parsing holding option parsing results
 CcSerialBaseLow-level communication class to access a serial port
 CcCANSerial_ESDLow-level communication class to access a CAN port from company ESD (
 CcCANSerial_PEAKLow-level communication class to access a CAN port from company PEAK (
 CcRS232Low-level communication class to access a serial port on Cygwin and Linux
 CcTCPSerialLow-level communication class to access a CAN port
 CcSerialBase::cSetTimeoutTemporarilyHelper class to set timeout of _serial_base on construction and reset to previous value on destruction. (RAII-idiom)
 CcSetValueTemporarily< T >Helper class to set value on construction and reset to previous value on destruction. (RAII-idiom)
 CcSimpleStringListA simple string list. (Fixed maximum number of strings of fixed maximum length)
 CcSimpleTimeVery simple class to measure elapsed time
 CcSimpleVectorA simple vector implementation
 CcUnitConverterUnit conversion class to convert values between physical unit systems
 CcSDHLibraryExceptionBase class for exceptions in the SDHLibrary-CPP
 CcDSAExceptionDerived exception class for low-level DSA related exceptions
 CcSDHErrorCommunicationDerived exception class for exceptions related to communication between the SDHLibrary and the SDH
 CcSerialBaseExceptionDerived exception class for low-level serial communication related exceptions
 CcCANSerial_ESDExceptionDerived exception class for low-level CAN ESD related exceptions
 CcCANSerial_PEAKExceptionDerived exception class for low-level CAN PEAK related exceptions
 CcRS232ExceptionDerived exception class for low-level RS232 related exceptions
 CcTCPSerialExceptionDerived exception class for low-level CAN ESD related exceptions
 CcSDHErrorInvalidParameterDerived exception class for exceptions related to invalid parameters
 CcSimpleVectorExceptionDerived exception class for low-level simple vector related exceptions
 CcDSA::sContactInfoStructure to hold info about the contact of one sensor patch
 CcDSA::sControllerInfoA data structure describing the controller info about the remote DSACON32m controller
 CcDSA::sMatrixInfoA data structure describing a single sensor matrix connected to the remote DSACON32m controller
 CsRecordedDataStructure to hold current hand state while recording with demo-benchmark
 CcDSA::sResponseData structure for storing responses from the remote DSACON32m controller
 CsSDHBinaryRequestData structure with binary data for request from PC to SDH
 CsSDHBinaryResponseData structure with binary data for response from SDH to PC
 CcDSA::sSensitivityInfoStructure to hold info about the sensitivity settings of one sensor patch
 CcDSA::sSensorInfoA data structure describing the sensor info about the remote DSACON32m controller
 CcDSA::sTactileSensorFrameA data structure describing a full tactile sensor frame read from the remote DSACON32m controller

Author(s): Dirk Osswald
autogenerated on Wed Mar 2 2022 01:00:59