CcCANSerial_ESD_Internal | Internal hardware specific implementation details of the lowlevel ESD CAN interface |
CcCANSerial_PEAK_Internal | Internal hardware specific implementation details of the lowlevel PEAK CAN interface |
▼CcCRC | Cyclic Redundancy Code checker class, used for protecting communication against transmission errors |
▼CcCRC_DSACON32m | A derived CRC class that uses a CRC table and initial value suitable for the Weiss Robotics DSACON32m controller |
CcCRC_SDH | A derived CRC class that uses a CRC table and initial value suitable for protecing the binary communication with SDH via RS232 |
CcDBG | A class to print colored debug messages |
CcDSA | SDH::cDSA is the end user interface class to access the DSACON32m, the tactile sensor controller of the SDH |
CcDSAUpdater | Class to create an updater thread for continuously updating tactile sensor data |
CcHexByteString | Dummy class for (debug) stream output of bytes as list of hex values |
▼CcIsGraspedBase | Abstract base class for calculation of IsGrasped condition using tactile sensor information |
CcIsGraspedByArea | Class for calculation of IsGrasped condition using an expected area of contact measured by the tactile sensors |
CcMsg | Class for short, fixed maximum length text messages |
▼CcSDHBase | The base class to control the SCHUNK Dexterous Hand |
CcSDH | #SDH::cSDH is the end user interface class to control a SDH (SCHUNK Dexterous Hand) |
CcSDHSerial | The class to communicate with a SDH via RS232 |
CcSDHOptions | Class for command line option parsing holding option parsing results |
▼CcSerialBase | Low-level communication class to access a serial port |
CcCANSerial_ESD | Low-level communication class to access a CAN port from company ESD ( |
CcCANSerial_PEAK | Low-level communication class to access a CAN port from company PEAK ( |
CcRS232 | Low-level communication class to access a serial port on Cygwin and Linux |
CcTCPSerial | Low-level communication class to access a CAN port |
CcSerialBase::cSetTimeoutTemporarily | Helper class to set timeout of _serial_base on construction and reset to previous value on destruction. (RAII-idiom) |
CcSetValueTemporarily< T > | Helper class to set value on construction and reset to previous value on destruction. (RAII-idiom) |
CcSimpleStringList | A simple string list. (Fixed maximum number of strings of fixed maximum length) |
CcSimpleTime | Very simple class to measure elapsed time |
CcSimpleVector | A simple vector implementation |
CcUnitConverter | Unit conversion class to convert values between physical unit systems |
▼Cexception | |
▼CcSDHLibraryException | Base class for exceptions in the SDHLibrary-CPP |
CcDSAException | Derived exception class for low-level DSA related exceptions |
▼CcSDHErrorCommunication | Derived exception class for exceptions related to communication between the SDHLibrary and the SDH |
▼CcSerialBaseException | Derived exception class for low-level serial communication related exceptions |
CcCANSerial_ESDException | Derived exception class for low-level CAN ESD related exceptions |
CcCANSerial_PEAKException | Derived exception class for low-level CAN PEAK related exceptions |
CcRS232Exception | Derived exception class for low-level RS232 related exceptions |
CcTCPSerialException | Derived exception class for low-level CAN ESD related exceptions |
CcSDHErrorInvalidParameter | Derived exception class for exceptions related to invalid parameters |
CcSimpleVectorException | Derived exception class for low-level simple vector related exceptions |
Coption | |
CcDSA::sContactInfo | Structure to hold info about the contact of one sensor patch |
CcDSA::sControllerInfo | A data structure describing the controller info about the remote DSACON32m controller |
CcDSA::sMatrixInfo | A data structure describing a single sensor matrix connected to the remote DSACON32m controller |
CsRecordedData | Structure to hold current hand state while recording with demo-benchmark |
CcDSA::sResponse | Data structure for storing responses from the remote DSACON32m controller |
CsSDHBinaryRequest | Data structure with binary data for request from PC to SDH |
CsSDHBinaryResponse | Data structure with binary data for response from SDH to PC |
CcDSA::sSensitivityInfo | Structure to hold info about the sensitivity settings of one sensor patch |
CcDSA::sSensorInfo | A data structure describing the sensor info about the remote DSACON32m controller |
CcDSA::sTactileSensorFrame | A data structure describing a full tactile sensor frame read from the remote DSACON32m controller |