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CDevice Class Referenceabstract

#include <Device.h>

Inheritance diagram for CDevice:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 CDevice (const CDevice &rclDevice)
 copy constructor More...
 CDevice (void)
 default constructor More...
int doInternal (int iModuleId, void *pBytes)
virtual int exit ()=0
int getA0 (int iModuleId, short *piValue)
int getBaudRate (void)
 gets the baud rate of the device More...
int getC0 (int iModuleId, short *piValue)
virtual int getCanOpenRawAbsEnc (int iModuleId, short *piValue)=0
int getConfig (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiValue)
int getCur (int iModuleId, float *pfCur)
int getCurInc (int iModuleId, short *piValue)
int getCurrentLimit (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getDamp (int iModuleId, short *piValue)
virtual int getDataDLR_FTS (std::vector< float > &rafData, long *piState)=0
virtual int getDataMP55_IO (int iModuleId, float *pfData)=0
virtual int getDataMP55_IO_fast (int iModuleId, float *pfData)=0
virtual int getDataSCHUNK_FTC (int iModuleId, int iChannelTypeId, std::vector< float > &rafData, short *piState)=0
int getDefA0 (int iModuleId, short *piValue)
int getDefBaudRate (int iModuleId, unsigned char *pucValue)
int getDefBrakeTimeOut (int iModuleId, unsigned short *puiValue)
int getDefBurnCount (int iModuleId, unsigned char *pucValue)
int getDefC0 (int iModuleId, short *piValue)
int getDefCANBaudRate (int iModuleId, unsigned char *pucValue)
int getDefConfig (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiValue)
int getDefCurOffset (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getDefCurRatio (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getDefDamp (int iModuleId, short *piValue)
int getDefDioData (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiValue)
int getDefGearRatio (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getDefHomeOffset (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getDefHomeVel (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getDefIncPerTurn (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiValue)
int getDefLinearRatio (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getDefMaxAcc (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getDefMaxCur (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getDefMaxDeltaPos (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getDefMaxPos (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getDefMaxVel (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getDefMinPos (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getDefRSBaudRate (int iModuleId, unsigned char *pucValue)
int getDefSetup (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiValue)
int getDeltaPos (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getDeltaPosInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getDioData (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiValue)
int getHMaxCurOvershootTime (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getHomeOffset (int iModuleId, float *pValue)
int getHomeOffsetInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getHomeVel (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getHomeVelInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getIncRatio (int iModuleId, float *pValue)
bool getInitFlag ()
 gets the init flag More...
const char * getInitString ()
 gets the init string of the device More...
int getIPolVel (int iModuleId, float *pValue)
int getKpPWMLimit (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getLoadDeltaTime (int iModuleId, unsigned short *piValue)
int getLoadLimit (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getLogicOvershootTime (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getLogicSupply (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getLogicUndershootTime (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getMaxAcc (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getMaxAccInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getMaxCur (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getMaxDeltaPos (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getMaxDeltaPosInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getMaximumMotorCurrent (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getMaxLoadGradient (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getMaxLogicVoltage (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getMaxMotorVoltage (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getMaxPos (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getMaxPosInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getMaxPWMOutput (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getMaxVel (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getMaxVelInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getMinLogicVoltage (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getMinMotorVoltage (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getMinPos (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getMinPosInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getModuleCount (void)
 gets the number of modules of the device More...
int getModuleIdMap (std::vector< int > &raiModuleId)
 gets the module ID map of the open device More...
int getModuleSerialNo (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiValue)
int getModuleState (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiState)
int getModuleType (int iModuleId, unsigned char *pucValue)
int getModuleVersion (int iModuleId, unsigned short *puiValue)
int getMotorCurrent (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getMotorOvershootTime (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getMotorSupply (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getMotorUndershootTime (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
const char * getName ()
 gets the name string of the open device More...
int getNomCurOvershootTime (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getNominalMotorCurrent (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getPos (int iModuleId, float *pfPos)
int getPosCountInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getPosInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int getRawLogicSupply (int iModuleId, short *piValue)
int getRawMotorCurrent (int iModuleId, short *piValue)
int getRawMotorSupply (int iModuleId, short *piValue)
int getRawTemperature (int iModuleId, short *piValue)
const char * getRevision ()
 gets the revision string of the class More...
int getSavePos (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getStateDioPos (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiState, unsigned char *pucDio, float *pfPos)
int getStateInternal (int iModuleId, unsigned long *pBytes)
int getSyncTime (int iModuleId, short *piValue)
int getTemperature (int iModuleId, float *pfValue)
int getVel (int iModuleId, float *pfVel)
int getVelInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue)
int haltAll (void)
int haltModule (int iModuleId)
int homeAll (void)
int homeModule (int iModuleId)
virtual int init ()=0
virtual int init (const char *acInitString)=0
virtual int initDLR_FTS ()=0
int moveCur (int iModuleId, float fCur)
int moveCurExtended (int iModuleId, float fCur, unsigned long *puiState, unsigned char *pucDio, float *pfPos)
int moveCurInc (int iModuleId, long iCur)
int movePos (int iModuleId, float fPos)
int movePosExtended (int iModuleId, float fPos, unsigned long *puiState, unsigned char *pucDio, float *pfPos)
int movePosInc (int iModuleId, long iPos)
int moveRamp (int iModuleId, float fPos, float fVel, float fAcc)
int moveRampExtended (int iModuleId, float fPos, float fVel, float fAcc, unsigned long *puiState, unsigned char *pucDio, float *pfPos)
int moveRampInc (int iModuleId, long iPos, long iVel, long iAcc)
int moveStep (int iModuleId, float fPos, unsigned short uiTime)
int moveStepExtended (int iModuleId, float fPos, unsigned short uiTime, unsigned long *puiState, unsigned char *pucDio, float *pfPos)
int moveStepInc (int iModuleId, long iPos, unsigned short uiTime)
int moveVel (int iModuleId, float fVel)
int moveVelExtended (int iModuleId, float fCur, unsigned long *puiState, unsigned char *pucDio, float *pfPos)
int moveVelInc (int iModuleId, long iVel)
CDeviceoperator= (const CDevice &rclDevice)
int recalcPIDParams (int iModuleId)
int resetAll (void)
int resetModule (int iModuleId)
int saveParameters (int iModuleId)
int savePosAll (void)
int serveWatchdogAll (void)
int setA0 (int iModuleId, short iValue)
int setBaudRateAll (unsigned char ucBaudRateId)
int setC0 (int iModuleId, short iValue)
int setConfig (int iModuleId, unsigned long puiValue)
int setCurrentLimit (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setDamp (int iModuleId, short iValue)
int setDefAddress (int iModuleId, unsigned char uiValue)
int setDefBrakeTimeOut (int iModuleId, unsigned short uiValue)
int setDefCANBaudRate (int iModuleId, unsigned char uiValue)
int setDefCurRatio (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setDefGearRatio (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setDefHomeAcc (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setDefIncPerTurn (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiValue)
int setDefLinRatio (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setDefRSBaudRate (int iModuleId, unsigned char uiValue)
int setDefSetup (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiValue)
int setDioData (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiValue)
int setHMaxCurOvershootTime (int iModuleId, long iValue)
int setHomeOffset (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setHomeOffsetInc (int iModuleId, long iValue)
int setHomeVel (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setHomeVelInc (int iModuleId, long iValue)
virtual int setInitMP55_IO_fast (int iModuleId)=0
void setInitString (const char *acInitString)
int setKpPWMLimit (int iModuleId, long iValue)
int setLoadDeltaTime (int iModuleId, unsigned short iValue)
int setLoadLimit (int iModuleId, long iValue)
int setLogicOvershootTime (int iModuleId, long iValue)
int setLogicUndershootTime (int iModuleId, long iValue)
int setMaxAcc (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setMaxAccInc (int iModuleId, long iValue)
int setMaxCur (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setMaxDeltaPos (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setMaxDeltaPosInc (int iModuleId, long iValue)
int setMaximumMotorCurrent (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setMaxLoadGradient (int iModuleId, long iValue)
int setMaxLogicVoltage (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setMaxMotorVoltage (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setMaxPos (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setMaxPosInc (int iModuleId, long iValue)
int setMaxVel (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setMaxVelInc (int iModuleId, long iValue)
int setMinLogicVoltage (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setMinMotorVoltage (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setMinPos (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setMinPosInc (int iModuleId, long iValue)
int setModuleSerialNo (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiValue)
int setMotorOvershootTime (int iModuleId, long iValue)
int setMotorUndershootTime (int iModuleId, long iValue)
void setName (const char *acNameString)
 sets the baud rate of the device More...
int setNomCurOvershootTime (int iModuleId, long iValue)
int setNominalMotorCurrent (int iModuleId, float fValue)
virtual int setNullSCHUNK_FTC (int iModuleId, short *piState)=0
int setRampAcc (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setRampAccInc (int iModuleId, long iValue)
int setRampVel (int iModuleId, float fValue)
int setRampVelInc (int iModuleId, long iValue)
int setSyncTime (int iModuleId, short iValue)
virtual int setTaraMP55_IO (int iModuleId, float fTara)=0
int startMotionAll (void)
int updateModuleIdMap ()
int waitForHomeEnd (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiTimeOut=60000)
int waitForHomeEndAll (unsigned long uiTimeOut=60000)
int waitForMotionEnd (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiTimeOut=60000)
int waitForMotionEndAll (unsigned long uiTimeOut=60000)
int waitForRampDec (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiTimeOut=60000)
int waitForRampEnd (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiTimeOut=60000)
int waitForRampEndAll (unsigned long uiTimeOut=60000)
int waitForRampSteady (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiTimeOut=60000)
virtual int waitForStartMotionAll ()
int xack8Bytes (int iModuleId, void *pBytes)
int xmit8Bytes (int iModuleId, void *pBytes)
virtual ~CDevice ()
 destructor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CMessage
 CMessage (const char *pcClassName, int iDebugLevel=0, bool bDebug=true, bool bDebugFile=false)
 CMessage (const CMessage &clMessage)
 CMessage (void)
void debug (const int iDebugLevel, const char *pcDebugMessage,...) const
void error (const char *pcErrorMessage,...) const
void error (const int iErrorCode, const char *pcErrorMessage,...) const
int getDebugLevel () const
int initMessage (const char *pcClassName, int iDebuglevel=0, bool bDebug=true, bool bDebugFile=false)
void logging (const char *pcLoggingMessage,...)
CMessageoperator= (const CMessage &clMessage)
void setDebug (bool bFlag)
void setDebugFile (bool bFlag)
void setDebugLevel (int iLevel)
void setInitTime (void)
void warning (const char *pcWarningMessage,...) const
virtual ~CMessage (void)

Protected Member Functions

void charStateToLongState (unsigned char uiShort, unsigned long *puiState)
virtual int getUnsignedLong (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiData)=0
virtual int readChar (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, char *pcData)=0
virtual int readFloat (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, float *pfData)=0
virtual int readFloatUnsignedChars (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, float *pfData, unsigned char *pucData1, unsigned char *pucData2)=0
virtual int readLong (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, long *piData)=0
virtual int readLongUnsignedChars (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, long *piData, unsigned char *pucData1, unsigned char *pucData2)=0
virtual int readShort (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, short *piData)=0
virtual int readUnsignedChar (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, unsigned char *pucData)=0
virtual int readUnsignedLong (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, unsigned long *puiData)=0
virtual int readUnsignedShort (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, unsigned short *puiData)=0
virtual int reinit (unsigned char ucBaudRateId)=0
virtual int write8Bytes (int iModuleId, bool ack, void *pBytes)=0
virtual int writeAll (int iCommandId, int iParameterId)=0
virtual int writeChar (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, char cData)=0
virtual int writeCommand (int iModuleId, int iCommandId)=0
virtual int writeFloat (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, float fData)=0
virtual int writeFloatReadFloatUnsignedChars (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, float fData, float *pfData, unsigned char *pucData1, unsigned char *pucData2)=0
virtual int writeFloatShort (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, float fData, short iTime)=0
virtual int writeFloatShortReadFloatUnsignedChars (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, float fData, short iData, float *pfData, unsigned char *pucData1, unsigned char *pucData2)=0
virtual int writeLong (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, long iData)=0
virtual int writeLongReadLongUnsignedChars (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, long iData, long *piData, unsigned char *pucData1, unsigned char *pucData2)=0
virtual int writeLongShort (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, long iData, short iTime)=0
virtual int writeLongShortReadLongUnsignedChars (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, long iData1, short iData2, long *piData, unsigned char *pucData1, unsigned char *pucData2)=0
virtual int writeShort (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, short iData)=0
virtual int writeShortReadLongUnsignedChars (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, short iData, long *piData, unsigned char *pucData1, unsigned char *pucData2)=0
virtual int writeUnsignedChar (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, unsigned char ucData)=0
virtual int writeUnsignedLong (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, unsigned long uiData)=0
virtual int writeUnsignedShort (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, unsigned short uiData)=0

Protected Attributes

char m_acInitString [128]
char m_acName [128]
char m_acRevision [20]
std::vector< int > m_aiModuleId
std::vector< unsigned short > m_auiModuleVersion
bool m_bInitFlag
CStopWatch m_clTimer
int m_iBaudRate
int m_iErrorState
int m_iModuleCount
int m_iModuleCountMax
- Protected Attributes inherited from CMessage
char m_acClassName [50]
bool m_bDebug
bool m_bDebugFile
int m_iDebugLevel

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CMessage
static void setCriticalSection (CRITICAL_SECTION *cs)
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from CMessage
static double m_fInitTime

Detailed Description

Definition at line 28 of file Device.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CDevice() [1/2]

CDevice::CDevice ( void  )

default constructor

Definition at line 72 of file Device.cpp.

◆ CDevice() [2/2]

CDevice::CDevice ( const CDevice rclDevice)

copy constructor

Definition at line 84 of file Device.cpp.

◆ ~CDevice()

CDevice::~CDevice ( )


Definition at line 89 of file Device.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ charStateToLongState()

void CDevice::charStateToLongState ( unsigned char  uiShort,
unsigned long *  puiState 

Definition at line 45 of file Device.cpp.

◆ doInternal()

int CDevice::doInternal ( int  iModuleId,
void *  pBytes 

Definition at line 4734 of file Device.cpp.

◆ exit()

virtual int CDevice::exit ( )
pure virtual

◆ getA0()

int CDevice::getA0 ( int  iModuleId,
short *  piValue 

Definition at line 845 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getBaudRate()

int CDevice::getBaudRate ( void  )

gets the baud rate of the device

Definition at line 131 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getC0()

int CDevice::getC0 ( int  iModuleId,
short *  piValue 

Definition at line 865 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getCanOpenRawAbsEnc()

virtual int CDevice::getCanOpenRawAbsEnc ( int  iModuleId,
short *  piValue 
pure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ getConfig()

int CDevice::getConfig ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long *  puiValue 

Definition at line 745 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getCur()

int CDevice::getCur ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfCur 

Definition at line 945 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getCurInc()

int CDevice::getCurInc ( int  iModuleId,
short *  piValue 

Definition at line 1218 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getCurrentLimit()

int CDevice::getCurrentLimit ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 2256 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDamp()

int CDevice::getDamp ( int  iModuleId,
short *  piValue 

Definition at line 885 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDataDLR_FTS()

virtual int CDevice::getDataDLR_FTS ( std::vector< float > &  rafData,
long *  piState 
pure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ getDataMP55_IO()

virtual int CDevice::getDataMP55_IO ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfData 
pure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ getDataMP55_IO_fast()

virtual int CDevice::getDataMP55_IO_fast ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfData 
pure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ getDataSCHUNK_FTC()

virtual int CDevice::getDataSCHUNK_FTC ( int  iModuleId,
int  iChannelTypeId,
std::vector< float > &  rafData,
short *  piState 
pure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ getDefA0()

int CDevice::getDefA0 ( int  iModuleId,
short *  piValue 

Definition at line 525 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefBaudRate()

int CDevice::getDefBaudRate ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned char *  pucValue 

Definition at line 304 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefBrakeTimeOut()

int CDevice::getDefBrakeTimeOut ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned short *  puiValue 

Definition at line 464 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefBurnCount()

int CDevice::getDefBurnCount ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned char *  pucValue 

Definition at line 364 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefC0()

int CDevice::getDefC0 ( int  iModuleId,
short *  piValue 

Definition at line 545 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefCANBaudRate()

int CDevice::getDefCANBaudRate ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned char *  pucValue 

Definition at line 324 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefConfig()

int CDevice::getDefConfig ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long *  puiValue 

Definition at line 252 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefCurOffset()

int CDevice::getDefCurOffset ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 424 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefCurRatio()

int CDevice::getDefCurRatio ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 444 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefDamp()

int CDevice::getDefDamp ( int  iModuleId,
short *  piValue 

Definition at line 565 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefDioData()

int CDevice::getDefDioData ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long *  puiValue 

Definition at line 504 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefGearRatio()

int CDevice::getDefGearRatio ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 384 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefHomeOffset()

int CDevice::getDefHomeOffset ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 585 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefHomeVel()

int CDevice::getDefHomeVel ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 605 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefIncPerTurn()

int CDevice::getDefIncPerTurn ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long *  puiValue 

Definition at line 484 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefLinearRatio()

int CDevice::getDefLinearRatio ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 404 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefMaxAcc()

int CDevice::getDefMaxAcc ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 685 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefMaxCur()

int CDevice::getDefMaxCur ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 705 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefMaxDeltaPos()

int CDevice::getDefMaxDeltaPos ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 725 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefMaxPos()

int CDevice::getDefMaxPos ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 645 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefMaxVel()

int CDevice::getDefMaxVel ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 665 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefMinPos()

int CDevice::getDefMinPos ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 625 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefRSBaudRate()

int CDevice::getDefRSBaudRate ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned char *  pucValue 

Definition at line 344 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDefSetup()

int CDevice::getDefSetup ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long *  puiValue 

Definition at line 272 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDeltaPos()

int CDevice::getDeltaPos ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 1066 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDeltaPosInc()

int CDevice::getDeltaPosInc ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 1318 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getDioData()

int CDevice::getDioData ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long *  puiValue 

Definition at line 825 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getHMaxCurOvershootTime()

int CDevice::getHMaxCurOvershootTime ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 2192 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getHomeOffset()

int CDevice::getHomeOffset ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pValue 

Definition at line 765 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getHomeOffsetInc()

int CDevice::getHomeOffsetInc ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 785 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getHomeVel()

int CDevice::getHomeVel ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 1392 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getHomeVelInc()

int CDevice::getHomeVelInc ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 1424 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getIncRatio()

int CDevice::getIncRatio ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pValue 

Definition at line 805 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getInitFlag()

bool CDevice::getInitFlag ( )

gets the init flag

Definition at line 111 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getInitString()

const char * CDevice::getInitString ( )

gets the init string of the device

Definition at line 126 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getIPolVel()

int CDevice::getIPolVel ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pValue 

Definition at line 1138 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getKpPWMLimit()

int CDevice::getKpPWMLimit ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 2224 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getLoadDeltaTime()

int CDevice::getLoadDeltaTime ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned short *  piValue 

Definition at line 1680 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getLoadLimit()

int CDevice::getLoadLimit ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 1616 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getLogicOvershootTime()

int CDevice::getLogicOvershootTime ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 2064 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getLogicSupply()

int CDevice::getLogicSupply ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 1808 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getLogicUndershootTime()

int CDevice::getLogicUndershootTime ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 2032 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMaxAcc()

int CDevice::getMaxAcc ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 1026 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMaxAccInc()

int CDevice::getMaxAccInc ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 1298 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMaxCur()

int CDevice::getMaxCur ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 1046 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMaxDeltaPos()

int CDevice::getMaxDeltaPos ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 1086 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMaxDeltaPosInc()

int CDevice::getMaxDeltaPosInc ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 1338 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMaximumMotorCurrent()

int CDevice::getMaximumMotorCurrent ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 2000 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMaxLoadGradient()

int CDevice::getMaxLoadGradient ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 1648 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMaxLogicVoltage()

int CDevice::getMaxLogicVoltage ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 1872 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMaxMotorVoltage()

int CDevice::getMaxMotorVoltage ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 1936 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMaxPos()

int CDevice::getMaxPos ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 985 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMaxPosInc()

int CDevice::getMaxPosInc ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 1258 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMaxPWMOutput()

int CDevice::getMaxPWMOutput ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 2288 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMaxVel()

int CDevice::getMaxVel ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 1006 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMaxVelInc()

int CDevice::getMaxVelInc ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 1278 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMinLogicVoltage()

int CDevice::getMinLogicVoltage ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 1840 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMinMotorVoltage()

int CDevice::getMinMotorVoltage ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 1904 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMinPos()

int CDevice::getMinPos ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 965 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMinPosInc()

int CDevice::getMinPosInc ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 1238 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getModuleCount()

int CDevice::getModuleCount ( void  )

gets the number of modules of the device

Definition at line 136 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getModuleIdMap()

int CDevice::getModuleIdMap ( std::vector< int > &  raiModuleId)

gets the module ID map of the open device

Definition at line 148 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getModuleSerialNo()

int CDevice::getModuleSerialNo ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long *  puiValue 

Definition at line 231 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getModuleState()

int CDevice::getModuleState ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long *  puiState 

Definition at line 164 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getModuleType()

int CDevice::getModuleType ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned char *  pucValue 

Definition at line 184 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getModuleVersion()

int CDevice::getModuleVersion ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned short *  puiValue 

Definition at line 211 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMotorCurrent()

int CDevice::getMotorCurrent ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 1712 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMotorOvershootTime()

int CDevice::getMotorOvershootTime ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 2128 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMotorSupply()

int CDevice::getMotorSupply ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 1744 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getMotorUndershootTime()

int CDevice::getMotorUndershootTime ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 2096 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getName()

const char * CDevice::getName ( )

gets the name string of the open device

Definition at line 121 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getNomCurOvershootTime()

int CDevice::getNomCurOvershootTime ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 2160 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getNominalMotorCurrent()

int CDevice::getNominalMotorCurrent ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 1968 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getPos()

int CDevice::getPos ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfPos 

Definition at line 905 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getPosCountInc()

int CDevice::getPosCountInc ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 1158 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getPosInc()

int CDevice::getPosInc ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 1178 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getRawLogicSupply()

int CDevice::getRawLogicSupply ( int  iModuleId,
short *  piValue 

Definition at line 1584 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getRawMotorCurrent()

int CDevice::getRawMotorCurrent ( int  iModuleId,
short *  piValue 

Definition at line 1488 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getRawMotorSupply()

int CDevice::getRawMotorSupply ( int  iModuleId,
short *  piValue 

Definition at line 1520 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getRawTemperature()

int CDevice::getRawTemperature ( int  iModuleId,
short *  piValue 

Definition at line 1552 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getRevision()

const char * CDevice::getRevision ( )

gets the revision string of the class

Definition at line 116 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getSavePos()

int CDevice::getSavePos ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 1106 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getStateDioPos()

int CDevice::getStateDioPos ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long *  puiState,
unsigned char *  pucDio,
float *  pfPos 

Definition at line 1358 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getStateInternal()

int CDevice::getStateInternal ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long *  pBytes 

Definition at line 4750 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getSyncTime()

int CDevice::getSyncTime ( int  iModuleId,
short *  piValue 

Definition at line 1456 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getTemperature()

int CDevice::getTemperature ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfValue 

Definition at line 1776 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getUnsignedLong()

virtual int CDevice::getUnsignedLong ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long *  puiData 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ getVel()

int CDevice::getVel ( int  iModuleId,
float *  pfVel 

Definition at line 925 of file Device.cpp.

◆ getVelInc()

int CDevice::getVelInc ( int  iModuleId,
long *  piValue 

Definition at line 1198 of file Device.cpp.

◆ haltAll()

int CDevice::haltAll ( void  )

Definition at line 4637 of file Device.cpp.

◆ haltModule()

int CDevice::haltModule ( int  iModuleId)

Definition at line 3831 of file Device.cpp.

◆ homeAll()

int CDevice::homeAll ( void  )

Definition at line 4611 of file Device.cpp.

◆ homeModule()

int CDevice::homeModule ( int  iModuleId)

Definition at line 3811 of file Device.cpp.

◆ init() [1/2]

virtual int CDevice::init ( )
pure virtual

◆ init() [2/2]

virtual int CDevice::init ( const char *  acInitString)
pure virtual

◆ initDLR_FTS()

virtual int CDevice::initDLR_FTS ( )
pure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ moveCur()

int CDevice::moveCur ( int  iModuleId,
float  fCur 

Definition at line 3973 of file Device.cpp.

◆ moveCurExtended()

int CDevice::moveCurExtended ( int  iModuleId,
float  fCur,
unsigned long *  puiState,
unsigned char *  pucDio,
float *  pfPos 

Definition at line 4189 of file Device.cpp.

◆ moveCurInc()

int CDevice::moveCurInc ( int  iModuleId,
long  iCur 

Definition at line 4075 of file Device.cpp.

◆ movePos()

int CDevice::movePos ( int  iModuleId,
float  fPos 

Definition at line 3911 of file Device.cpp.

◆ movePosExtended()

int CDevice::movePosExtended ( int  iModuleId,
float  fPos,
unsigned long *  puiState,
unsigned char *  pucDio,
float *  pfPos 

Definition at line 4115 of file Device.cpp.

◆ movePosInc()

int CDevice::movePosInc ( int  iModuleId,
long  iPos 

Definition at line 4013 of file Device.cpp.

◆ moveRamp()

int CDevice::moveRamp ( int  iModuleId,
float  fPos,
float  fVel,
float  fAcc 

Definition at line 3931 of file Device.cpp.

◆ moveRampExtended()

int CDevice::moveRampExtended ( int  iModuleId,
float  fPos,
float  fVel,
float  fAcc,
unsigned long *  puiState,
unsigned char *  pucDio,
float *  pfPos 

Definition at line 4139 of file Device.cpp.

◆ moveRampInc()

int CDevice::moveRampInc ( int  iModuleId,
long  iPos,
long  iVel,
long  iAcc 

Definition at line 4033 of file Device.cpp.

◆ moveStep()

int CDevice::moveStep ( int  iModuleId,
float  fPos,
unsigned short  uiTime 

Definition at line 3993 of file Device.cpp.

◆ moveStepExtended()

int CDevice::moveStepExtended ( int  iModuleId,
float  fPos,
unsigned short  uiTime,
unsigned long *  puiState,
unsigned char *  pucDio,
float *  pfPos 

Definition at line 4213 of file Device.cpp.

◆ moveStepInc()

int CDevice::moveStepInc ( int  iModuleId,
long  iPos,
unsigned short  uiTime 

Definition at line 4095 of file Device.cpp.

◆ moveVel()

int CDevice::moveVel ( int  iModuleId,
float  fVel 

Definition at line 3953 of file Device.cpp.

◆ moveVelExtended()

int CDevice::moveVelExtended ( int  iModuleId,
float  fCur,
unsigned long *  puiState,
unsigned char *  pucDio,
float *  pfPos 

Definition at line 4165 of file Device.cpp.

◆ moveVelInc()

int CDevice::moveVelInc ( int  iModuleId,
long  iVel 

Definition at line 4055 of file Device.cpp.

◆ operator=()

CDevice & CDevice::operator= ( const CDevice rclDevice)

Definition at line 99 of file Device.cpp.

◆ readChar()

virtual int CDevice::readChar ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
char *  pcData 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ readFloat()

virtual int CDevice::readFloat ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
float *  pfData 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ readFloatUnsignedChars()

virtual int CDevice::readFloatUnsignedChars ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
float *  pfData,
unsigned char *  pucData1,
unsigned char *  pucData2 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ readLong()

virtual int CDevice::readLong ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
long *  piData 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ readLongUnsignedChars()

virtual int CDevice::readLongUnsignedChars ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
long *  piData,
unsigned char *  pucData1,
unsigned char *  pucData2 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ readShort()

virtual int CDevice::readShort ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
short *  piData 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ readUnsignedChar()

virtual int CDevice::readUnsignedChar ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
unsigned char *  pucData 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ readUnsignedLong()

virtual int CDevice::readUnsignedLong ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
unsigned long *  puiData 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ readUnsignedShort()

virtual int CDevice::readUnsignedShort ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
unsigned short *  puiData 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ recalcPIDParams()

int CDevice::recalcPIDParams ( int  iModuleId)

Definition at line 3871 of file Device.cpp.

◆ reinit()

virtual int CDevice::reinit ( unsigned char  ucBaudRateId)
protectedpure virtual

◆ resetAll()

int CDevice::resetAll ( void  )

Definition at line 4624 of file Device.cpp.

◆ resetModule()

int CDevice::resetModule ( int  iModuleId)

Definition at line 3851 of file Device.cpp.

◆ saveParameters()

int CDevice::saveParameters ( int  iModuleId)

Definition at line 3891 of file Device.cpp.

◆ savePosAll()

int CDevice::savePosAll ( void  )

Definition at line 4690 of file Device.cpp.

◆ serveWatchdogAll()

int CDevice::serveWatchdogAll ( void  )

Definition at line 4650 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setA0()

int CDevice::setA0 ( int  iModuleId,
short  iValue 

Definition at line 2416 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setBaudRateAll()

int CDevice::setBaudRateAll ( unsigned char  ucBaudRateId)

Definition at line 4663 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setC0()

int CDevice::setC0 ( int  iModuleId,
short  iValue 

Definition at line 2436 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setConfig()

int CDevice::setConfig ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long  puiValue 

Definition at line 2336 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setCurrentLimit()

int CDevice::setCurrentLimit ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 3736 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setDamp()

int CDevice::setDamp ( int  iModuleId,
short  iValue 

Definition at line 2456 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setDefAddress()

int CDevice::setDefAddress ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned char  uiValue 

Definition at line 3192 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setDefBrakeTimeOut()

int CDevice::setDefBrakeTimeOut ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned short  uiValue 

Definition at line 3160 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setDefCANBaudRate()

int CDevice::setDefCANBaudRate ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned char  uiValue 

Definition at line 3224 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setDefCurRatio()

int CDevice::setDefCurRatio ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 3032 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setDefGearRatio()

int CDevice::setDefGearRatio ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 2968 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setDefHomeAcc()

int CDevice::setDefHomeAcc ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 3064 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setDefIncPerTurn()

int CDevice::setDefIncPerTurn ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long  uiValue 

Definition at line 3128 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setDefLinRatio()

int CDevice::setDefLinRatio ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 3000 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setDefRSBaudRate()

int CDevice::setDefRSBaudRate ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned char  uiValue 

Definition at line 3256 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setDefSetup()

int CDevice::setDefSetup ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long  uiValue 

Definition at line 3288 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setDioData()

int CDevice::setDioData ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long  uiValue 

Definition at line 2396 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setHMaxCurOvershootTime()

int CDevice::setHMaxCurOvershootTime ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 3672 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setHomeOffset()

int CDevice::setHomeOffset ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 2356 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setHomeOffsetInc()

int CDevice::setHomeOffsetInc ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 2376 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setHomeVel()

int CDevice::setHomeVel ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 2696 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setHomeVelInc()

int CDevice::setHomeVelInc ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 2728 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setInitMP55_IO_fast()

virtual int CDevice::setInitMP55_IO_fast ( int  iModuleId)
pure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ setInitString()

void CDevice::setInitString ( const char *  acInitString)

Definition at line 2331 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setKpPWMLimit()

int CDevice::setKpPWMLimit ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 3704 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setLoadDeltaTime()

int CDevice::setLoadDeltaTime ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned short  iValue 

Definition at line 2936 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setLoadLimit()

int CDevice::setLoadLimit ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 2872 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setLogicOvershootTime()

int CDevice::setLogicOvershootTime ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 3544 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setLogicUndershootTime()

int CDevice::setLogicUndershootTime ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 3512 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMaxAcc()

int CDevice::setMaxAcc ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 2536 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMaxAccInc()

int CDevice::setMaxAccInc ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 2656 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMaxCur()

int CDevice::setMaxCur ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 2556 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMaxDeltaPos()

int CDevice::setMaxDeltaPos ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 2576 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMaxDeltaPosInc()

int CDevice::setMaxDeltaPosInc ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 2676 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMaximumMotorCurrent()

int CDevice::setMaximumMotorCurrent ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 3480 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMaxLoadGradient()

int CDevice::setMaxLoadGradient ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 2904 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMaxLogicVoltage()

int CDevice::setMaxLogicVoltage ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 3352 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMaxMotorVoltage()

int CDevice::setMaxMotorVoltage ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 3416 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMaxPos()

int CDevice::setMaxPos ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 2496 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMaxPosInc()

int CDevice::setMaxPosInc ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 2616 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMaxVel()

int CDevice::setMaxVel ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 2516 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMaxVelInc()

int CDevice::setMaxVelInc ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 2636 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMinLogicVoltage()

int CDevice::setMinLogicVoltage ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 3320 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMinMotorVoltage()

int CDevice::setMinMotorVoltage ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 3384 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMinPos()

int CDevice::setMinPos ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 2476 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMinPosInc()

int CDevice::setMinPosInc ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 2596 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setModuleSerialNo()

int CDevice::setModuleSerialNo ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long  uiValue 

Definition at line 3096 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMotorOvershootTime()

int CDevice::setMotorOvershootTime ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 3608 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setMotorUndershootTime()

int CDevice::setMotorUndershootTime ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 3576 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setName()

void CDevice::setName ( const char *  acNameString)

sets the baud rate of the device

Definition at line 2326 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setNomCurOvershootTime()

int CDevice::setNomCurOvershootTime ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 3640 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setNominalMotorCurrent()

int CDevice::setNominalMotorCurrent ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 3448 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setNullSCHUNK_FTC()

virtual int CDevice::setNullSCHUNK_FTC ( int  iModuleId,
short *  piState 
pure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ setRampAcc()

int CDevice::setRampAcc ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 2800 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setRampAccInc()

int CDevice::setRampAccInc ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 2820 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setRampVel()

int CDevice::setRampVel ( int  iModuleId,
float  fValue 

Definition at line 2760 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setRampVelInc()

int CDevice::setRampVelInc ( int  iModuleId,
long  iValue 

Definition at line 2780 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setSyncTime()

int CDevice::setSyncTime ( int  iModuleId,
short  iValue 

Definition at line 2840 of file Device.cpp.

◆ setTaraMP55_IO()

virtual int CDevice::setTaraMP55_IO ( int  iModuleId,
float  fTara 
pure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ startMotionAll()

int CDevice::startMotionAll ( void  )

Definition at line 4677 of file Device.cpp.

◆ updateModuleIdMap()

int CDevice::updateModuleIdMap ( )

Definition at line 3779 of file Device.cpp.

◆ waitForHomeEnd()

int CDevice::waitForHomeEnd ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long  uiTimeOut = 60000 

Definition at line 4242 of file Device.cpp.

◆ waitForHomeEndAll()

int CDevice::waitForHomeEndAll ( unsigned long  uiTimeOut = 60000)

Definition at line 4462 of file Device.cpp.

◆ waitForMotionEnd()

int CDevice::waitForMotionEnd ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long  uiTimeOut = 60000 

Definition at line 4286 of file Device.cpp.

◆ waitForMotionEndAll()

int CDevice::waitForMotionEndAll ( unsigned long  uiTimeOut = 60000)

Definition at line 4505 of file Device.cpp.

◆ waitForRampDec()

int CDevice::waitForRampDec ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long  uiTimeOut = 60000 

Definition at line 4374 of file Device.cpp.

◆ waitForRampEnd()

int CDevice::waitForRampEnd ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long  uiTimeOut = 60000 

Definition at line 4330 of file Device.cpp.

◆ waitForRampEndAll()

int CDevice::waitForRampEndAll ( unsigned long  uiTimeOut = 60000)

Definition at line 4548 of file Device.cpp.

◆ waitForRampSteady()

int CDevice::waitForRampSteady ( int  iModuleId,
unsigned long  uiTimeOut = 60000 

Definition at line 4418 of file Device.cpp.

◆ waitForStartMotionAll()

int CDevice::waitForStartMotionAll ( )

Reimplemented in SocketCANDevice, CESDDevice, and CPCanDevice.

Definition at line 4591 of file Device.cpp.

◆ write8Bytes()

virtual int CDevice::write8Bytes ( int  iModuleId,
bool  ack,
void *  pBytes 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ writeAll()

virtual int CDevice::writeAll ( int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ writeChar()

virtual int CDevice::writeChar ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
char  cData 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ writeCommand()

virtual int CDevice::writeCommand ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ writeFloat()

virtual int CDevice::writeFloat ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
float  fData 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ writeFloatReadFloatUnsignedChars()

virtual int CDevice::writeFloatReadFloatUnsignedChars ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
float  fData,
float *  pfData,
unsigned char *  pucData1,
unsigned char *  pucData2 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ writeFloatShort()

virtual int CDevice::writeFloatShort ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
float  fData,
short  iTime 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ writeFloatShortReadFloatUnsignedChars()

virtual int CDevice::writeFloatShortReadFloatUnsignedChars ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
float  fData,
short  iData,
float *  pfData,
unsigned char *  pucData1,
unsigned char *  pucData2 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ writeLong()

virtual int CDevice::writeLong ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
long  iData 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ writeLongReadLongUnsignedChars()

virtual int CDevice::writeLongReadLongUnsignedChars ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
long  iData,
long *  piData,
unsigned char *  pucData1,
unsigned char *  pucData2 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ writeLongShort()

virtual int CDevice::writeLongShort ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
long  iData,
short  iTime 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ writeLongShortReadLongUnsignedChars()

virtual int CDevice::writeLongShortReadLongUnsignedChars ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
long  iData1,
short  iData2,
long *  piData,
unsigned char *  pucData1,
unsigned char *  pucData2 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ writeShort()

virtual int CDevice::writeShort ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
short  iData 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ writeShortReadLongUnsignedChars()

virtual int CDevice::writeShortReadLongUnsignedChars ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
short  iData,
long *  piData,
unsigned char *  pucData1,
unsigned char *  pucData2 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ writeUnsignedChar()

virtual int CDevice::writeUnsignedChar ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
unsigned char  ucData 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ writeUnsignedLong()

virtual int CDevice::writeUnsignedLong ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
unsigned long  uiData 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ writeUnsignedShort()

virtual int CDevice::writeUnsignedShort ( int  iModuleId,
int  iCommandId,
int  iParameterId,
unsigned short  uiData 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in CProtocolDevice.

◆ xack8Bytes()

int CDevice::xack8Bytes ( int  iModuleId,
void *  pBytes 

Definition at line 4721 of file Device.cpp.

◆ xmit8Bytes()

int CDevice::xmit8Bytes ( int  iModuleId,
void *  pBytes 

Definition at line 4708 of file Device.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_acInitString

char CDevice::m_acInitString[128]

Definition at line 42 of file Device.h.

◆ m_acName

char CDevice::m_acName[128]

Definition at line 41 of file Device.h.

◆ m_acRevision

char CDevice::m_acRevision[20]

Definition at line 43 of file Device.h.

◆ m_aiModuleId

std::vector<int> CDevice::m_aiModuleId

Definition at line 47 of file Device.h.

◆ m_auiModuleVersion

std::vector<unsigned short> CDevice::m_auiModuleVersion

Definition at line 48 of file Device.h.

◆ m_bInitFlag

bool CDevice::m_bInitFlag

Definition at line 40 of file Device.h.

◆ m_clTimer

CStopWatch CDevice::m_clTimer

Definition at line 49 of file Device.h.

◆ m_iBaudRate

int CDevice::m_iBaudRate

Definition at line 44 of file Device.h.

◆ m_iErrorState

int CDevice::m_iErrorState

Definition at line 50 of file Device.h.

◆ m_iModuleCount

int CDevice::m_iModuleCount

Definition at line 45 of file Device.h.

◆ m_iModuleCountMax

int CDevice::m_iModuleCountMax

Definition at line 46 of file Device.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Florian Weisshardt
autogenerated on Sat May 7 2022 02:17:14