| CCP5X11Device () |
| default constructor More...
| CCP5X11Device (const CCP5X11Device &rclCP5X11Device) |
| copy constructor More...
int | exit () |
int | init () |
int | init (const char *acInitString) |
CCP5X11Device & | operator= (const CCP5X11Device &rclCP5X11Device) |
void | setTimeOut (unsigned long uiTimeOut) |
virtual | ~CCP5X11Device () |
| destructor More...
| CProtocolDevice () |
| default constructor More...
| CProtocolDevice (const CProtocolDevice &rclProtocolDevice) |
| copy constructor More...
int | getCanOpenRawAbsEnc (int iModuleId, short *piValue) |
int | getDataDLR_FTS (std::vector< float > &rafData, long *piState) |
int | getDataMP55_IO (int iModuleId, float *pfData) |
int | getDataMP55_IO_fast (int iModuleId, float *pfData) |
int | getDataSCHUNK_FTC (int iModuleId, int iChannelTypeId, std::vector< float > &rafData, short *piState) |
int | initDLR_FTS () |
CProtocolDevice & | operator= (const CProtocolDevice &rclProtocolDevice) |
int | setInitMP55_IO_fast (int iModuleId) |
int | setNullSCHUNK_FTC (int iModuleId, short *piState) |
int | setTaraMP55_IO (int iModuleId, float fTara) |
virtual | ~CProtocolDevice () |
| destructor More...
| CDevice (const CDevice &rclDevice) |
| copy constructor More...
| CDevice (void) |
| default constructor More...
int | doInternal (int iModuleId, void *pBytes) |
int | getA0 (int iModuleId, short *piValue) |
int | getBaudRate (void) |
| gets the baud rate of the device More...
int | getC0 (int iModuleId, short *piValue) |
int | getConfig (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiValue) |
int | getCur (int iModuleId, float *pfCur) |
int | getCurInc (int iModuleId, short *piValue) |
int | getCurrentLimit (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getDamp (int iModuleId, short *piValue) |
int | getDefA0 (int iModuleId, short *piValue) |
int | getDefBaudRate (int iModuleId, unsigned char *pucValue) |
int | getDefBrakeTimeOut (int iModuleId, unsigned short *puiValue) |
int | getDefBurnCount (int iModuleId, unsigned char *pucValue) |
int | getDefC0 (int iModuleId, short *piValue) |
int | getDefCANBaudRate (int iModuleId, unsigned char *pucValue) |
int | getDefConfig (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiValue) |
int | getDefCurOffset (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getDefCurRatio (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getDefDamp (int iModuleId, short *piValue) |
int | getDefDioData (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiValue) |
int | getDefGearRatio (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getDefHomeOffset (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getDefHomeVel (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getDefIncPerTurn (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiValue) |
int | getDefLinearRatio (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getDefMaxAcc (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getDefMaxCur (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getDefMaxDeltaPos (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getDefMaxPos (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getDefMaxVel (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getDefMinPos (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getDefRSBaudRate (int iModuleId, unsigned char *pucValue) |
int | getDefSetup (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiValue) |
int | getDeltaPos (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getDeltaPosInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getDioData (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiValue) |
int | getHMaxCurOvershootTime (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getHomeOffset (int iModuleId, float *pValue) |
int | getHomeOffsetInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getHomeVel (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getHomeVelInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getIncRatio (int iModuleId, float *pValue) |
bool | getInitFlag () |
| gets the init flag More...
const char * | getInitString () |
| gets the init string of the device More...
int | getIPolVel (int iModuleId, float *pValue) |
int | getKpPWMLimit (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getLoadDeltaTime (int iModuleId, unsigned short *piValue) |
int | getLoadLimit (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getLogicOvershootTime (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getLogicSupply (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getLogicUndershootTime (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getMaxAcc (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getMaxAccInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getMaxCur (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getMaxDeltaPos (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getMaxDeltaPosInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getMaximumMotorCurrent (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getMaxLoadGradient (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getMaxLogicVoltage (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getMaxMotorVoltage (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getMaxPos (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getMaxPosInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getMaxPWMOutput (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getMaxVel (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getMaxVelInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getMinLogicVoltage (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getMinMotorVoltage (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getMinPos (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getMinPosInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getModuleCount (void) |
| gets the number of modules of the device More...
int | getModuleIdMap (std::vector< int > &raiModuleId) |
| gets the module ID map of the open device More...
int | getModuleSerialNo (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiValue) |
int | getModuleState (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiState) |
int | getModuleType (int iModuleId, unsigned char *pucValue) |
int | getModuleVersion (int iModuleId, unsigned short *puiValue) |
int | getMotorCurrent (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getMotorOvershootTime (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getMotorSupply (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getMotorUndershootTime (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
const char * | getName () |
| gets the name string of the open device More...
int | getNomCurOvershootTime (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getNominalMotorCurrent (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getPos (int iModuleId, float *pfPos) |
int | getPosCountInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getPosInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | getRawLogicSupply (int iModuleId, short *piValue) |
int | getRawMotorCurrent (int iModuleId, short *piValue) |
int | getRawMotorSupply (int iModuleId, short *piValue) |
int | getRawTemperature (int iModuleId, short *piValue) |
const char * | getRevision () |
| gets the revision string of the class More...
int | getSavePos (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getStateDioPos (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiState, unsigned char *pucDio, float *pfPos) |
int | getStateInternal (int iModuleId, unsigned long *pBytes) |
int | getSyncTime (int iModuleId, short *piValue) |
int | getTemperature (int iModuleId, float *pfValue) |
int | getVel (int iModuleId, float *pfVel) |
int | getVelInc (int iModuleId, long *piValue) |
int | haltAll (void) |
int | haltModule (int iModuleId) |
int | homeAll (void) |
int | homeModule (int iModuleId) |
int | moveCur (int iModuleId, float fCur) |
int | moveCurExtended (int iModuleId, float fCur, unsigned long *puiState, unsigned char *pucDio, float *pfPos) |
int | moveCurInc (int iModuleId, long iCur) |
int | movePos (int iModuleId, float fPos) |
int | movePosExtended (int iModuleId, float fPos, unsigned long *puiState, unsigned char *pucDio, float *pfPos) |
int | movePosInc (int iModuleId, long iPos) |
int | moveRamp (int iModuleId, float fPos, float fVel, float fAcc) |
int | moveRampExtended (int iModuleId, float fPos, float fVel, float fAcc, unsigned long *puiState, unsigned char *pucDio, float *pfPos) |
int | moveRampInc (int iModuleId, long iPos, long iVel, long iAcc) |
int | moveStep (int iModuleId, float fPos, unsigned short uiTime) |
int | moveStepExtended (int iModuleId, float fPos, unsigned short uiTime, unsigned long *puiState, unsigned char *pucDio, float *pfPos) |
int | moveStepInc (int iModuleId, long iPos, unsigned short uiTime) |
int | moveVel (int iModuleId, float fVel) |
int | moveVelExtended (int iModuleId, float fCur, unsigned long *puiState, unsigned char *pucDio, float *pfPos) |
int | moveVelInc (int iModuleId, long iVel) |
CDevice & | operator= (const CDevice &rclDevice) |
int | recalcPIDParams (int iModuleId) |
int | resetAll (void) |
int | resetModule (int iModuleId) |
int | saveParameters (int iModuleId) |
int | savePosAll (void) |
int | serveWatchdogAll (void) |
int | setA0 (int iModuleId, short iValue) |
int | setBaudRateAll (unsigned char ucBaudRateId) |
int | setC0 (int iModuleId, short iValue) |
int | setConfig (int iModuleId, unsigned long puiValue) |
int | setCurrentLimit (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setDamp (int iModuleId, short iValue) |
int | setDefAddress (int iModuleId, unsigned char uiValue) |
int | setDefBrakeTimeOut (int iModuleId, unsigned short uiValue) |
int | setDefCANBaudRate (int iModuleId, unsigned char uiValue) |
int | setDefCurRatio (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setDefGearRatio (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setDefHomeAcc (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setDefIncPerTurn (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiValue) |
int | setDefLinRatio (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setDefRSBaudRate (int iModuleId, unsigned char uiValue) |
int | setDefSetup (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiValue) |
int | setDioData (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiValue) |
int | setHMaxCurOvershootTime (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
int | setHomeOffset (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setHomeOffsetInc (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
int | setHomeVel (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setHomeVelInc (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
void | setInitString (const char *acInitString) |
int | setKpPWMLimit (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
int | setLoadDeltaTime (int iModuleId, unsigned short iValue) |
int | setLoadLimit (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
int | setLogicOvershootTime (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
int | setLogicUndershootTime (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
int | setMaxAcc (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setMaxAccInc (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
int | setMaxCur (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setMaxDeltaPos (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setMaxDeltaPosInc (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
int | setMaximumMotorCurrent (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setMaxLoadGradient (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
int | setMaxLogicVoltage (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setMaxMotorVoltage (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setMaxPos (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setMaxPosInc (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
int | setMaxVel (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setMaxVelInc (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
int | setMinLogicVoltage (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setMinMotorVoltage (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setMinPos (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setMinPosInc (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
int | setModuleSerialNo (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiValue) |
int | setMotorOvershootTime (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
int | setMotorUndershootTime (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
void | setName (const char *acNameString) |
| sets the baud rate of the device More...
int | setNomCurOvershootTime (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
int | setNominalMotorCurrent (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setRampAcc (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setRampAccInc (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
int | setRampVel (int iModuleId, float fValue) |
int | setRampVelInc (int iModuleId, long iValue) |
int | setSyncTime (int iModuleId, short iValue) |
int | startMotionAll (void) |
int | updateModuleIdMap () |
int | waitForHomeEnd (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiTimeOut=60000) |
int | waitForHomeEndAll (unsigned long uiTimeOut=60000) |
int | waitForMotionEnd (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiTimeOut=60000) |
int | waitForMotionEndAll (unsigned long uiTimeOut=60000) |
int | waitForRampDec (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiTimeOut=60000) |
int | waitForRampEnd (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiTimeOut=60000) |
int | waitForRampEndAll (unsigned long uiTimeOut=60000) |
int | waitForRampSteady (int iModuleId, unsigned long uiTimeOut=60000) |
virtual int | waitForStartMotionAll () |
int | xack8Bytes (int iModuleId, void *pBytes) |
int | xmit8Bytes (int iModuleId, void *pBytes) |
virtual | ~CDevice () |
| destructor More...
| CMessage (const char *pcClassName, int iDebugLevel=0, bool bDebug=true, bool bDebugFile=false) |
| CMessage (const CMessage &clMessage) |
| CMessage (void) |
void | debug (const int iDebugLevel, const char *pcDebugMessage,...) const |
void | error (const char *pcErrorMessage,...) const |
void | error (const int iErrorCode, const char *pcErrorMessage,...) const |
int | getDebugLevel () const |
int | initMessage (const char *pcClassName, int iDebuglevel=0, bool bDebug=true, bool bDebugFile=false) |
void | logging (const char *pcLoggingMessage,...) |
CMessage & | operator= (const CMessage &clMessage) |
void | setDebug (bool bFlag) |
void | setDebugFile (bool bFlag) |
void | setDebugLevel (int iLevel) |
void | setInitTime (void) |
void | warning (const char *pcWarningMessage,...) const |
virtual | ~CMessage (void) |
int | clearReadQueue () |
int | getDeviceError (int iErrorState) |
int | readDevice (CProtocolMessage &rclProtocolMessage) |
int | reinit (unsigned char ucBaudRateId) |
int | setBaudRate () |
int | setMessageId (unsigned long uiMessageId) |
int | writeDevice (CProtocolMessage &rclProtocolMessage) |
int | getUnsignedLong (int iModuleId, unsigned long *puiData) |
int | printMessage (CProtocolMessage &rclProtocolMessage, bool read) |
int | readChar (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, char *pcData) |
int | readFloat (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, float *pfData) |
int | readFloatUnsignedChars (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, float *pfData, unsigned char *pucData1, unsigned char *pucData2) |
int | readLong (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, long *piData) |
int | readLongUnsignedChars (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, long *piData, unsigned char *pucData1, unsigned char *pucData2) |
int | readShort (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, short *piData) |
int | readUnsignedChar (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, unsigned char *pucData) |
int | readUnsignedLong (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, unsigned long *puiData) |
int | readUnsignedShort (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, unsigned short *puiData) |
int | write8Bytes (int iModuleId, bool bAck, void *pBytes) |
int | writeAll (int iCommandId, int iParameterId) |
int | writeChar (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, char cData) |
int | writeCommand (int iModuleId, int iCommandId) |
int | writeFloat (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, float fData) |
int | writeFloatReadFloatUnsignedChars (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, float fData, float *pfData, unsigned char *pucData1, unsigned char *pucData2) |
int | writeFloatShort (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, float fData, short iData) |
int | writeFloatShortReadFloatUnsignedChars (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, float fData, short iData, float *pfData, unsigned char *pucData1, unsigned char *pucData2) |
int | writeLong (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, long iData) |
int | writeLongReadLongUnsignedChars (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, long iData, long *piData, unsigned char *pucData1, unsigned char *pucData2) |
int | writeLongShort (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, long iData1, short iData2) |
int | writeLongShortReadLongUnsignedChars (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, long iData1, short iData2, long *piData, unsigned char *pucData1, unsigned char *pucData2) |
int | writeShort (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, short iData) |
int | writeShortReadLongUnsignedChars (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, short iData, long *piData, unsigned char *pucData1, unsigned char *pucData2) |
int | writeUnsignedChar (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, unsigned char ucData) |
int | writeUnsignedLong (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, unsigned long uiData) |
int | writeUnsignedShort (int iModuleId, int iCommandId, int iParameterId, unsigned short uiData) |
void | charStateToLongState (unsigned char uiShort, unsigned long *puiState) |