Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
rviz::PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for rviz::PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

void createProperties (const Picked &, Property *parent_property) override
 Override to create properties of the given picked object(s). More...
void getAABBs (const Picked &, V_AABB &aabbs) override
 PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler (PoseWithCovarianceDisplay *display, DisplayContext *context)
void setMessage (const geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStampedConstPtr &message)
- Public Member Functions inherited from rviz::SelectionHandler
void addTrackedObject (Ogre::MovableObject *object)
void addTrackedObjects (Ogre::SceneNode *node)
virtual void destroyProperties (const Picked &obj, Property *parent_property)
 Destroy all properties for the given picked object(s). More...
CollObjectHandle getHandle () const
virtual InteractiveObjectWPtr getInteractiveObject ()
 Get the object to listen to mouse events and other interaction calls during use of the 'interact' tool. More...
virtual bool needsAdditionalRenderPass (uint32_t)
virtual void onDeselect (const Picked &obj)
virtual void onSelect (const Picked &obj)
virtual void postRenderPass (uint32_t pass)
virtual void preRenderPass (uint32_t pass)
void removeTrackedObject (Ogre::MovableObject *object)
 SelectionHandler (DisplayContext *context)
virtual void setInteractiveObject (InteractiveObjectWPtr object)
 Set an object to listen to mouse events and other interaction calls during use of the 'interact' tool. More...
virtual void updateProperties ()
 Override to update property values. More...
virtual void updateTrackedBoxes ()
virtual ~SelectionHandler ()

Private Attributes


Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from rviz::SelectionHandler
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ListenerListenerPtr
typedef std::map< std::pair< CollObjectHandle, uint64_t >, std::pair< Ogre::SceneNode *, Ogre::WireBoundingBox * > > M_HandleToBox
typedef std::set< Ogre::MovableObject * > S_Movable
- Protected Member Functions inherited from rviz::SelectionHandler
void createBox (const std::pair< CollObjectHandle, uint64_t > &handles, const Ogre::AxisAlignedBox &aabb, const std::string &material_name)
 Create or update a box for the given handle-int pair, with the box specified by aabb. More...
void destroyBox (const std::pair< CollObjectHandle, uint64_t > &handles)
 Destroy the box associated with the given handle-int pair, if there is one. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from rviz::SelectionHandler
M_HandleToBox boxes_
InteractiveObjectWPtr interactive_object_
ListenerPtr listener_
QList< Property * > properties_
S_Movable tracked_objects_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 57 of file pose_with_covariance_display.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler()

rviz::PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler::PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler ( PoseWithCovarianceDisplay display,
DisplayContext context 

Definition at line 60 of file pose_with_covariance_display.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ createProperties()

void rviz::PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler::createProperties ( const Picked ,

Override to create properties of the given picked object(s).

Top-level properties created here should be added to properties_ so they will be automatically deleted by deleteProperties().

This base implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented from rviz::SelectionHandler.

Definition at line 65 of file pose_with_covariance_display.cpp.

◆ getAABBs()

void rviz::PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler::getAABBs ( const Picked ,
V_AABB aabbs 

Reimplemented from rviz::SelectionHandler.

Definition at line 88 of file pose_with_covariance_display.cpp.

◆ setMessage()

void rviz::PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler::setMessage ( const geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStampedConstPtr &  message)

Definition at line 126 of file pose_with_covariance_display.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ covariance_orientation_property_

VectorProperty* rviz::PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler::covariance_orientation_property_

Definition at line 156 of file pose_with_covariance_display.cpp.

◆ covariance_position_property_

VectorProperty* rviz::PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler::covariance_position_property_

Definition at line 155 of file pose_with_covariance_display.cpp.

◆ display_

PoseWithCovarianceDisplay* rviz::PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler::display_

Definition at line 151 of file pose_with_covariance_display.cpp.

◆ frame_property_

StringProperty* rviz::PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler::frame_property_

Definition at line 152 of file pose_with_covariance_display.cpp.

◆ orientation_property_

QuaternionProperty* rviz::PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler::orientation_property_

Definition at line 154 of file pose_with_covariance_display.cpp.

◆ position_property_

VectorProperty* rviz::PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler::position_property_

Definition at line 153 of file pose_with_covariance_display.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Dave Hershberger, David Gossow, Josh Faust, William Woodall
autogenerated on Sat Jun 1 2024 02:31:54