STM32F411E discovery LOW LEVEL Private Functions
Collaboration diagram for STM32F411E discovery LOW LEVEL Private Functions:


uint32_t BSP_GetVersion (void)
 This method returns the STM32F411 DISCO BSP Driver revision. More...
void BSP_LED_Init (Led_TypeDef Led)
 Configures LED GPIO. More...
void BSP_LED_Off (Led_TypeDef Led)
 Turns selected LED Off. More...
void BSP_LED_On (Led_TypeDef Led)
 Turns selected LED On. More...
void BSP_LED_Toggle (Led_TypeDef Led)
 Toggles the selected LED. More...
uint32_t BSP_PB_GetState (Button_TypeDef Button)
 Returns the selected Button state. More...
void BSP_PB_Init (Button_TypeDef Button, ButtonMode_TypeDef ButtonMode)
 Configures Button GPIO and EXTI Line. More...
uint8_t COMPASSACCELERO_IO_Read (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t RegisterAddr)
 Reads a block of data from the COMPASS / ACCELERO. More...
void COMPASSACCELERO_IO_Write (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t RegisterAddr, uint8_t Value)
 Writes one byte to the COMPASS / ACCELERO. More...
void GYRO_IO_Read (uint8_t *pBuffer, uint8_t ReadAddr, uint16_t NumByteToRead)
 Reads a block of data from the GYRO. More...
void GYRO_IO_Write (uint8_t *pBuffer, uint8_t WriteAddr, uint16_t NumByteToWrite)
 Writes one byte to the GYRO. More...
static void I2Cx_MspInit (I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c)
 I2Cx MSP Init. More...
static uint8_t I2Cx_ReadData (uint16_t Addr, uint8_t Reg)
 Reads a register of the device through BUS. More...
static void I2Cx_WriteData (uint16_t Addr, uint8_t Reg, uint8_t Value)
 Writes a value in a register of the device through BUS. More...
static void SPIx_MspInit (SPI_HandleTypeDef *hspi)
 SPI MSP Init. More...
static uint8_t SPIx_WriteRead (uint8_t Byte)
 Sends a Byte through the SPI interface and return the Byte received from the SPI bus. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ BSP_GetVersion()

uint32_t BSP_GetVersion ( void  )

This method returns the STM32F411 DISCO BSP Driver revision.

This method returns the STM32F4 DISCO BSP Driver revision.

Return values
version0xXYZR (8bits for each decimal, R for RC)

Definition at line 157 of file stm32f411e_discovery.c.

◆ BSP_LED_Init()

void BSP_LED_Init ( Led_TypeDef  Led)

Configures LED GPIO.

LedSpecifies the Led to be configured. This parameter can be one of following parameters:
  • LED4
  • LED3
  • LED5
  • LED6

Definition at line 171 of file stm32f411e_discovery.c.

◆ BSP_LED_Off()

void BSP_LED_Off ( Led_TypeDef  Led)

Turns selected LED Off.

LedSpecifies the Led to be set off. This parameter can be one of following parameters:
  • LED4
  • LED3
  • LED5
  • LED6

Definition at line 212 of file stm32f411e_discovery.c.

◆ BSP_LED_On()

void BSP_LED_On ( Led_TypeDef  Led)

Turns selected LED On.

LedSpecifies the Led to be set on. This parameter can be one of following parameters:
  • LED4
  • LED3
  • LED5
  • LED6

Definition at line 198 of file stm32f411e_discovery.c.

◆ BSP_LED_Toggle()

void BSP_LED_Toggle ( Led_TypeDef  Led)

Toggles the selected LED.

LedSpecifies the Led to be toggled. This parameter can be one of following parameters:
  • LED4
  • LED3
  • LED5
  • LED6

Definition at line 226 of file stm32f411e_discovery.c.

◆ BSP_PB_GetState()

uint32_t BSP_PB_GetState ( Button_TypeDef  Button)

Returns the selected Button state.

ButtonSpecifies the Button to be checked. This parameter should be: BUTTON_KEY
Return values
TheButton GPIO pin value.

Definition at line 278 of file stm32f411e_discovery.c.

◆ BSP_PB_Init()

void BSP_PB_Init ( Button_TypeDef  Button,
ButtonMode_TypeDef  ButtonMode 

Configures Button GPIO and EXTI Line.

ButtonSpecifies the Button to be configured. This parameter should be: BUTTON_KEY
ButtonModeSpecifies Button mode. This parameter can be one of following parameters:
  • BUTTON_MODE_GPIO: Button will be used as simple IO
  • BUTTON_MODE_EXTI: Button will be connected to EXTI line with interrupt generation capability

Definition at line 241 of file stm32f411e_discovery.c.


uint8_t COMPASSACCELERO_IO_Read ( uint16_t  DeviceAddr,
uint8_t  RegisterAddr 

Reads a block of data from the COMPASS / ACCELERO.

DeviceAddrthe slave address to be programmed(ACC_I2C_ADDRESS or MAG_I2C_ADDRESS).
RegisterAddrthe COMPASS / ACCELERO internal address register to read from
Return values
COMPASS/ ACCELERO register value

Definition at line 724 of file stm32f411e_discovery.c.


void COMPASSACCELERO_IO_Write ( uint16_t  DeviceAddr,
uint8_t  RegisterAddr,
uint8_t  Value 

Writes one byte to the COMPASS / ACCELERO.

DeviceAddrthe slave address to be programmed
RegisterAddrthe COMPASS / ACCELERO register to be written
ValueData to be written

Definition at line 712 of file stm32f411e_discovery.c.

◆ GYRO_IO_Read()

void GYRO_IO_Read ( uint8_t *  pBuffer,
uint8_t  ReadAddr,
uint16_t  NumByteToRead 

Reads a block of data from the GYRO.

pBufferpointer to the buffer that receives the data read from the GYRO.
ReadAddrGYRO's internal address to read from.
NumByteToReadNumber of bytes to read from the GYRO.

Definition at line 568 of file stm32f411e_discovery.c.

◆ GYRO_IO_Write()

void GYRO_IO_Write ( uint8_t *  pBuffer,
uint8_t  WriteAddr,
uint16_t  NumByteToWrite 

Writes one byte to the GYRO.

pBufferpointer to the buffer containing the data to be written to the GYRO.
WriteAddr: GYRO's internal address to write to.
NumByteToWriteNumber of bytes to write.

Definition at line 534 of file stm32f411e_discovery.c.

◆ I2Cx_MspInit()

static void I2Cx_MspInit ( I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c)

I2Cx MSP Init.

hi2cI2C handle

Definition at line 370 of file stm32f411e_discovery.c.

◆ I2Cx_ReadData()

static uint8_t I2Cx_ReadData ( uint16_t  Addr,
uint8_t  Reg 

Reads a register of the device through BUS.

AddrDevice address on BUS Bus.
RegThe target register address to write
Return values
Dataread at register address

Definition at line 338 of file stm32f411e_discovery.c.

◆ I2Cx_WriteData()

static void I2Cx_WriteData ( uint16_t  Addr,
uint8_t  Reg,
uint8_t  Value 

Writes a value in a register of the device through BUS.

AddrDevice address on BUS Bus.
RegThe target register address to write
ValueThe target register value to be written

Definition at line 318 of file stm32f411e_discovery.c.

◆ SPIx_MspInit()

static void SPIx_MspInit ( SPI_HandleTypeDef hspi)


hspiSPI handle

Definition at line 474 of file stm32f411e_discovery.c.

◆ SPIx_WriteRead()

static uint8_t SPIx_WriteRead ( uint8_t  Byte)

Sends a Byte through the SPI interface and return the Byte received from the SPI bus.

ByteByte send.
Return values
Thereceived byte value

Definition at line 444 of file stm32f411e_discovery.c.

autogenerated on Fri Apr 1 2022 02:15:07