file | CartConvert.cpp [code] |
| Command line utility for geodetic to cartesian coordinate conversions.
file | ConicProj.cpp [code] |
| Command line utility for conical projections.
file | GeoConvert.cpp [code] |
| Command line utility for geographic coordinate conversions.
file | GeodesicProj.cpp [code] |
| Command line utility for geodesic projections.
file | GeodSolve.cpp [code] |
| Command line utility for geodesic calculations.
file | GeoidEval.cpp [code] |
| Command line utility for evaluating geoid heights.
file | Gravity.cpp [code] |
| Command line utility for evaluating gravity fields.
file | MagneticField.cpp [code] |
| Command line utility for evaluating magnetic fields.
file | Planimeter.cpp [code] |
| Command line utility for measuring the area of geodesic polygons.
file | RhumbSolve.cpp [code] |
| Command line utility for rhumb line calculations.
file | TransverseMercatorProj.cpp [code] |
| Command line utility for transverse Mercator projections.