GKlib Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for GKlib:


directory  conf
directory  test


file  b64.c [code]
 This file contains some simple 8bit-to-6bit encoding/deconding routines.
file  blas.c [code]
 This file contains GKlib's implementation of BLAS-like routines.
file  csr.c [code]
 Various routines with dealing with CSR matrices.
file  error.c [code]
 Various error-handling functions.
file  evaluate.c [code]
 Various routines to evaluate classification performance.
file  fkvkselect.c [code]
file  fs.c [code]
 Various file-system functions.
file  getopt.c [code]
 Command line parsing.
file  gk_arch.h [code]
 This file contains various architecture-specific declerations.
file  gk_defs.h [code]
 This file contains various constants definitions.
file  gk_externs.h [code]
 This file contains definitions of external variables created by GKlib.
file  gk_getopt.h [code]
 This file contains GNU's externs/structs/prototypes.
file  gk_macros.h [code]
 This file contains various macros.
file  gk_mkblas.h [code]
 Templates for BLAS-like routines.
file  gk_mkmemory.h [code]
 Templates for memory allocation routines.
file  gk_mkpqueue.h [code]
 Templates for priority queues.
file  gk_mkpqueue2.h [code]
 Templates for priority queues that do not utilize locators and as such they can use different types of values.
file  gk_mkrandom.h [code]
 Templates for portable random number generation.
file  gk_mksort.h [code]
 Templates for the qsort routine.
file  gk_mkutils.h [code]
 Templates for various utility routines.
file  gk_proto.h [code]
 This file contains function prototypes.
file  gk_struct.h [code]
 This file contains various datastructures used/provided by GKlib.
file  gk_types.h [code]
 This file contains basic scalar datatype used in GKlib.
file  GKlib.h [code]
file  gkregex.c [code]
file  gkregex.h [code]
file  GKlib/graph.c [code]
 Various routines with dealing with sparse graphs.
file  htable.c [code]
file  GKlib/io.c [code]
 Various file I/O functions.
file  itemsets.c [code]
 Frequent/Closed itemset discovery routines.
file  mcore.c [code]
 Functions dealing with creating and allocating mcores.
file  memory.c [code]
 This file contains various allocation routines.
file  ms_inttypes.h [code]
file  ms_stat.h [code]
file  ms_stdint.h [code]
file  omp.c [code]
file  pdb.c [code]
 Functions for parsing pdb files.
file  pqueue.c [code]
 This file implements various max-priority queues.
file  random.c [code]
 Various routines for providing portable 32 and 64 bit random number generators.
file  rw.c [code]
 Various routines that perform random-walk based operations on graphs stored as gk_csr_t matrices.
file  seq.c [code]
file  sort.c [code]
 This file contains GKlib's various sorting routines.
file  string.c [code]
 Functions for manipulating strings.
file  timers.c [code]
 Various timing functions.
file  tokenizer.c [code]
 String tokenization routines.
file  GKlib/util.c [code]
 Various utility routines.

autogenerated on Wed Mar 19 2025 03:16:06