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CXX11Meta.h File Reference
#include <vector>
#include "EmulateArray.h"
#include "CXX11Workarounds.h"
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struct  Eigen::internal::apply_op_from_left< op, additional_param, a >
struct  Eigen::internal::apply_op_from_right< op, additional_param, a >
struct  Eigen::internal::concat< a, b >
struct  Eigen::internal::concat< numeric_list< T, as... >, numeric_list< T, bs... > >
struct  Eigen::internal::concat< type_list< as... >, type_list< bs... > >
struct  Eigen::internal::contained_in_list< test, check_against, h_list, last_check_positive >
struct  Eigen::internal::contained_in_list< test, check_against, h_list, true >
struct  Eigen::internal::contained_in_list< test, check_against, type_list< a, as... >, false >
struct  Eigen::internal::contained_in_list< test, check_against, type_list< EIGEN_TPL_PP_SPEC_HACK_USE(empty)>, false >
struct  Eigen::internal::contained_in_list_gf< test, check_against, h_list, default_flags, last_check_positive, last_check_flags >
struct  Eigen::internal::contained_in_list_gf< test, check_against, h_list, default_flags, true, last_check_flags >
struct  Eigen::internal::contained_in_list_gf< test, check_against, type_list< a, as... >, default_flags, false, last_check_flags >
struct  Eigen::internal::contained_in_list_gf< test, check_against, type_list< EIGEN_TPL_PP_SPEC_HACK_USE(empty)>, default_flags, false, last_check_flags >
struct  Eigen::internal::equal_op
struct  Eigen::internal::gen_numeric_list< T, n, start, ii >
struct  Eigen::internal::gen_numeric_list< T, 0, start, ii... >
struct  Eigen::internal::gen_numeric_list_repeated< T, n, V, nn >
struct  Eigen::internal::gen_numeric_list_repeated< T, 0, V, nn... >
struct  Eigen::internal::gen_numeric_list_reversed< T, n, start, ii >
struct  Eigen::internal::gen_numeric_list_reversed< T, 0, start, ii... >
struct  Eigen::internal::gen_numeric_list_swapped_pair< T, n, a, b, start, ii >
struct  Eigen::internal::gen_numeric_list_swapped_pair< T, 0, a, b, start, ii... >
struct  Eigen::internal::get< n, x >
struct  Eigen::internal::get< 0, numeric_list< T, a, as... > >
struct  Eigen::internal::get< 0, type_list< a, as... > >
struct  Eigen::internal::get< n, numeric_list< T, a, as... > >
struct  Eigen::internal::get< n, type_list< a, as... > >
struct  Eigen::internal::greater_equal_op
struct  Eigen::internal::greater_equal_zero_op
struct  Eigen::internal::greater_op
struct  Eigen::internal::h_apply_op< from_left, op, additional_param >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_apply_op_helper< from_left, op, additional_param, values >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_apply_op_helper< true, op, additional_param, values... >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_array_reduce< Reducer, T, N, n >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_array_reduce< Reducer, T, 0 >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_array_reduce< Reducer, T, N, 0 >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_instantiate_by_c_array< InstType, ArrType, N, Reverse, Ps >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_instantiate_by_c_array< InstType, ArrType, 0, false, Ps... >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_instantiate_by_c_array< InstType, ArrType, 0, true, Ps... >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_instantiate_by_c_array< InstType, ArrType, N, false, Ps... >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_instantiate_by_c_array< InstType, ArrType, N, true, Ps... >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_repeat< n >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_skip< n >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_skip_helper_numeric< T, n, ii >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_skip_helper_numeric< T, 0 >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_skip_helper_numeric< T, 0, i, ii... >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_skip_helper_numeric< T, n >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_skip_helper_numeric< T, n, i, ii... >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_skip_helper_type< n, tt >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_skip_helper_type< 0 >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_skip_helper_type< 0, t, tt... >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_skip_helper_type< n >
struct  Eigen::internal::h_skip_helper_type< n, t, tt... >
struct  Eigen::internal::id_numeric< T, dummy, t >
struct  Eigen::internal::id_type< dummy, t >
struct  Eigen::internal::is_same_gf< a, b >
struct  Eigen::internal::lesser_equal_op
struct  Eigen::internal::lesser_op
struct  Eigen::internal::logical_and_op
struct  Eigen::internal::logical_or_op
struct  Eigen::internal::mconcat< p >
struct  Eigen::internal::mconcat< a >
struct  Eigen::internal::mconcat< a, b >
struct  Eigen::internal::mconcat< a, b, cs... >
struct  Eigen::internal::negation_op
struct  Eigen::internal::not_equal_op
struct  Eigen::internal::not_op
struct  Eigen::internal::numeric_list< T, nn >
struct  Eigen::internal::numeric_list< T, n, nn... >
struct  Eigen::internal::product_op
struct  Eigen::internal::reduce< Reducer, Ts >
struct  Eigen::internal::reduce< Reducer >
struct  Eigen::internal::reduce< Reducer, A >
struct  Eigen::internal::reduce< Reducer, A, Ts... >
struct  Eigen::internal::skip< n, a >
struct  Eigen::internal::slice< start, count, a >
struct  Eigen::internal::sum_op
struct  Eigen::internal::take< n, x >
struct  Eigen::internal::take< 0, numeric_list< T > >
struct  Eigen::internal::take< 0, numeric_list< T, a, as... > >
struct  Eigen::internal::take< 0, type_list< a, as... > >
struct  Eigen::internal::take< 0, type_list<> >
struct  Eigen::internal::take< n, numeric_list< T > >
struct  Eigen::internal::take< n, numeric_list< T, a, as... > >
struct  Eigen::internal::take< n, type_list< a, as... > >
struct  Eigen::internal::take< n, type_list<> >
struct  Eigen::internal::type_list< tt >
struct  Eigen::internal::type_list< t, tt... >


 Namespace containing all symbols from the Eigen library.


template<typename Op , typename A , std::size_t N>
constexpr EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE array< decltype(Op::run(A())), NEigen::internal::array_apply (array< A, N > a)
template<typename Reducer , typename Op , typename A , std::size_t N>
constexpr EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE auto Eigen::internal::array_apply_and_reduce (array< A, N > a) -> decltype(h_array_apply_and_reduce< Reducer, Op, A, N >(a, typename gen_numeric_list< int, N >::type()))
template<std::size_t n, typename T , T a, T... as>
constexpr T Eigen::internal::array_get (const numeric_list< T, a, as... > &)
template<typename T , std::size_t N>
constexpr EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE auto Eigen::internal::array_prod (const array< T, N > &arr) -> decltype(array_reduce< product_op, T, N >(arr, static_cast< T >(1)))
template<typename t >
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINEEigen::internal::array_prod (const std::vector< t > &a)
template<typename Reducer , typename T , std::size_t N>
constexpr EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE auto Eigen::internal::array_reduce (const array< T, N > &arr, T identity) -> decltype(h_array_reduce< Reducer, T, N >::run(arr, identity))
template<typename T , std::size_t N>
constexpr EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE array< T, NEigen::internal::array_reverse (array< T, N > arr)
template<typename T , std::size_t N>
constexpr EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE auto Eigen::internal::array_sum (const array< T, N > &arr) -> decltype(array_reduce< sum_op, T, N >(arr, static_cast< T >(0)))
template<typename Op , typename A , typename B , std::size_t N>
constexpr EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE array< decltype(Op::run(A(), B())), NEigen::internal::array_zip (array< A, N > a, array< B, N > b)
template<typename Reducer , typename Op , typename A , typename B , std::size_t N>
constexpr EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE auto Eigen::internal::array_zip_and_reduce (array< A, N > a, array< B, N > b) -> decltype(h_array_zip_and_reduce< Reducer, Op, A, B, N >(a, b, typename gen_numeric_list< int, N >::type()))
template<typename Op , typename A , std::size_t N, int... n>
constexpr EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE array< decltype(Op::run(A())), NEigen::internal::h_array_apply (array< A, N > a, numeric_list< int, n... >)
template<typename Reducer , typename Op , typename A , std::size_t N, int... n>
constexpr EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE auto Eigen::internal::h_array_apply_and_reduce (array< A, N > arr, numeric_list< int, n... >) -> decltype(reduce< Reducer, typename id_numeric< int, n, decltype(Op::run(A()))>::type... >::run(Op::run(array_get< n >(arr))...))
template<typename Array , int... n>
constexpr EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Array Eigen::internal::h_array_reverse (Array arr, numeric_list< int, n... >)
template<typename Op , typename A , typename B , std::size_t N, int... n>
constexpr EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE array< decltype(Op::run(A(), B())), NEigen::internal::h_array_zip (array< A, N > a, array< B, N > b, numeric_list< int, n... >)
template<typename Reducer , typename Op , typename A , typename B , std::size_t N, int... n>
constexpr EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE auto Eigen::internal::h_array_zip_and_reduce (array< A, N > a, array< B, N > b, numeric_list< int, n... >) -> decltype(reduce< Reducer, typename id_numeric< int, n, decltype(Op::run(A(), B()))>::type... >::run(Op::run(array_get< n >(a), array_get< n >(b))...))
template<class InstType , typename ArrType , std::size_t N, bool Reverse = false>
InstType Eigen::internal::instantiate_by_c_array (ArrType *arr)
template<int n, typename t >
constexpr array< t, nEigen::internal::repeat (t v)


template<typename... Ts>
constexpr EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNCdecltype(reduce< product_op, Ts... >::run((*((Ts *) 0))...)) EIGEN_STRONG_INLIN Eigen::internal::arg_prod )(Ts... ts)
template<typename... Ts>
constexpr decltype(reduce< sum_op, Ts... >::run((*((Ts *) 0))...)) EIGEN_STRONG_INLIN Eigen::internal::arg_sum )(Ts... ts)

autogenerated on Wed Mar 19 2025 03:09:06