Macros | Functions
tests/value.cpp File Reference
#include "dynamic-graph/value.h"
#include <dynamic-graph/exception-factory.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/version.hpp>
#include <boost/test/output_test_stream.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
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#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE   value


 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (value_bool)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (value_double)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (value_exceptions)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (value_float)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (value_matrix4d)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (value_matrixXd)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (value_none)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (value_string)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (value_unsigned_int)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (value_values)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (value_vector)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE   value

Definition at line 10 of file tests/value.cpp.

Function Documentation


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( value_bool  )

Definition at line 41 of file tests/value.cpp.


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( value_double  )

Definition at line 244 of file tests/value.cpp.


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( value_exceptions  )

Definition at line 63 of file tests/value.cpp.


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( value_float  )

Definition at line 222 of file tests/value.cpp.


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( value_int  )

Definition at line 200 of file tests/value.cpp.


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( value_matrix4d  )

Definition at line 356 of file tests/value.cpp.


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( value_matrixXd  )

Definition at line 329 of file tests/value.cpp.


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( value_none  )

Definition at line 25 of file tests/value.cpp.


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( value_string  )

Definition at line 291 of file tests/value.cpp.


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( value_unsigned_int  )

Definition at line 178 of file tests/value.cpp.


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( value_values  )

Definition at line 389 of file tests/value.cpp.


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( value_vector  )

Definition at line 266 of file tests/value.cpp.

Author(s): Nicolas Mansard, Olivier Stasse
autogenerated on Fri Aug 2 2024 08:36:38