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cras::NodeletManagerSharingTfBuffer Class Reference

A nodelet manager that can share its TF buffer with cras::NodeletWithSharedTfBuffer nodelets. More...

#include <nodelet_manager_sharing_tf_buffer.h>

Inheritance diagram for cras::NodeletManagerSharingTfBuffer:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

void init () override
 Initialize all class members. More...
 NodeletManagerSharingTfBuffer (::ros::NodeHandle nh={"~"})
 Create the nodelet manager. More...
void reset () override
 Do the resetting. Subclasses have to implement the logic. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from cras::NodeletManager
 NodeletManager (::ros::NodeHandle nh={"~"})
 Create the nodelet manager. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from cras::TimeJumpResettable
void checkTimeJump ()
 Check if ROS time has not jumped back. If it did, call reset(). More...
virtual void checkTimeJump (const ::ros::Time &now)
 Check if ROS time has not jumped back. If it did, call reset(). More...
void initRos (const ::ros::NodeHandle &pnh) override
 Initialize the ROS part of the interface - subscriber to /reset and ~reset topics, read time jump limits. More...
void startAutoCheckTimeJump ()
 Start a background 1 Hz timer that automatically checks for time jumps. More...
virtual void startAutoCheckTimeJump (const ::ros::WallRate &rate)
 Start a background timer that automatically checks for time jumps. More...
virtual void stopAutoCheckTimeJump ()
 Stop the timer that automatically checks for time jumps. More...
 TimeJumpResettable (const ::cras::LogHelperPtr &log)
 Create the resettable interface. To also wire up to the reset topics and time jump resets, call initRos(). More...
 ~TimeJumpResettable () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from cras::Resettable
 Resettable (const ::cras::LogHelperPtr &log)
 Create the resettable interface. To also wire up to the reset topics, call initRos(). More...
virtual ~Resettable ()

Protected Member Functions

::boost::shared_ptr<::nodelet::NodeletcreateInstance (const ::std::string &lookupName) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from cras::NodeletManager
virtual ::boost::shared_ptr<::nodelet::NodeletcreateInstance (const ::std::string &lookupName)
 Create an instance of the given type. More...

Protected Attributes

 The shared TF buffer. More...
 TF listener filling the shared buffer. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from cras::NodeletManager
::std::unique_ptr< ClassLoaderclassLoader
 Class loader used for loading nodelets. More...
 Nodelet loader that loads and runs the nodelets. More...
 ROS API for the nodelet manager. More...
::ros::NodeHandle nh
 Node handle for the ROS API services. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from cras::NodeletManager
typedef ::pluginlib::ClassLoader<::nodelet::NodeletClassLoader
 Type of the class loader used for loading nodelets. More...

Detailed Description

A nodelet manager that can share its TF buffer with cras::NodeletWithSharedTfBuffer nodelets.

Definition at line 31 of file nodelet_manager_sharing_tf_buffer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NodeletManagerSharingTfBuffer()

cras::NodeletManagerSharingTfBuffer::NodeletManagerSharingTfBuffer ( ::ros::NodeHandle  nh = {"~"})

Create the nodelet manager.

[in]nhThe nodehandle used for nodelet load/unload ROS services.

Member Function Documentation

◆ createInstance()

::boost::shared_ptr<::nodelet::Nodelet> cras::NodeletManagerSharingTfBuffer::createInstance ( const ::std::string &  lookupName)

◆ init()

void cras::NodeletManagerSharingTfBuffer::init ( )

Initialize all class members.

Reimplemented from cras::NodeletManager.

◆ reset()

void cras::NodeletManagerSharingTfBuffer::reset ( )

Do the resetting. Subclasses have to implement the logic.

Implements cras::Resettable.

Member Data Documentation

◆ buffer

::std::shared_ptr<::tf2_ros::Buffer> cras::NodeletManagerSharingTfBuffer::buffer

The shared TF buffer.

Definition at line 48 of file nodelet_manager_sharing_tf_buffer.h.

◆ listener

::std::unique_ptr<::tf2_ros::TransformListener> cras::NodeletManagerSharingTfBuffer::listener

TF listener filling the shared buffer.

Definition at line 51 of file nodelet_manager_sharing_tf_buffer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Martin Pecka
autogenerated on Sun Jan 14 2024 03:48:14