Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
lexyd Namespace Reference




struct  _any
struct  _argvsep
struct  _b
struct  _bint
struct  _bits
struct  _bom
struct  _bom< lexy::utf16_encoding, lexy::encoding_endianness::big >
struct  _bom< lexy::utf16_encoding, lexy::encoding_endianness::little >
struct  _bom< lexy::utf32_encoding, lexy::encoding_endianness::big >
struct  _bom< lexy::utf32_encoding, lexy::encoding_endianness::little >
struct  _bom< lexy::utf8_char_encoding, DontCare >
struct  _bom< lexy::utf8_encoding, DontCare >
struct  _bounded_integer_parser
struct  _br
struct  _brackets
struct  _break
struct  _calt
struct  _cand
struct  _cap
struct  _capr
struct  _cb
struct  _ccomp
struct  _ccp
struct  _cfl
struct  _cfl_folding
struct  _char_class_base
struct  _chc
struct  _cminus
struct  _comb
struct  _comb_control
struct  _comb_it
struct  _cp
struct  _ctx_cadd
struct  _ctx_ccreate
struct  _ctx_ceq
struct  _ctx_ceq< H, T... >
struct  _ctx_cis
struct  _ctx_counter_dsl
struct  _ctx_cpush
struct  _ctx_cvalue
struct  _ctx_fcreate
struct  _ctx_fis
struct  _ctx_flag_dsl
struct  _ctx_fset
struct  _ctx_ftoggle
struct  _ctx_fvalue
struct  _ctx_icap
struct  _ctx_icreate
struct  _ctx_id_dsl
struct  _ctx_irem
struct  _d
struct  _d< 10 >
struct  _d< 16 >
struct  _d< 2 >
struct  _d< 8 >
struct  _debug
struct  _del
struct  _del_chars
struct  _del_limit
struct  _del_limit< void, Error >
struct  _delim_dsl
struct  _digits
struct  _digits_s
struct  _digits_st
struct  _digits_t
struct  _eff
struct  _else
struct  _else_dsl
struct  _eof
struct  _eol
struct  _err
struct  _err_production
struct  _escape
struct  _escape_base
struct  _expr
struct  _find
struct  _flag
struct  _flags
struct  _id
struct  _idcp
struct  _idp
struct  _idpp
struct  _idrp
struct  _idsp
struct  _if
struct  _int
struct  _int_dsl
struct  _integer_parser_digits
struct  _integer_parser_digits< T, _digits< Base > >
struct  _integer_parser_digits< T, _digits_s< Base, Sep > >
struct  _integer_parser_digits< T, _digits_st< Base, Sep > >
struct  _integer_parser_digits< T, _digits_t< Base > >
struct  _integer_parser_digits< T, _ndigits< N, Base > >
struct  _integer_parser_digits< T, _ndigits_s< N, Base, Sep > >
struct  _isep
struct  _keyword
struct  _keyword< _id< L, T, R... > >
struct  _kw
struct  _lcp
struct  _lit
struct  _lit_base
struct  _look
struct  _loop
struct  _lset
struct  _lset_base
struct  _lst
struct  _lstt
struct  _mem
struct  _mem_dsl
struct  _minus
struct  _must
struct  _must_dsl
struct  _n
struct  _ndigits
struct  _ndigits_s
struct  _nf
struct  _nl
struct  _noop_recovery
struct  _nr
struct  _nsep
struct  _nullopt
struct  _olstt
struct  _op
struct  _opc
struct  _operation_base
struct  _opt
struct  _optt
struct  _pas
struct  _pas_final_parser
struct  _pas_handler
struct  _pb
struct  _peek
struct  _peekn
struct  _plus
struct  _pn
struct  _pos
struct  _pos_dsl
struct  _posr
struct  _prd
struct  _rec
struct  _recb
struct  _reco
struct  _recovery_base
struct  _recovery_wrapper
struct  _rep
struct  _rep_dsl
struct  _rep_impl
struct  _rep_impl< Item, void >
struct  _repc
struct  _repd
struct  _repl
struct  _ret
struct  _scan
struct  _sep
struct  _sep_base
struct  _seq
struct  _seq_impl
struct  _seq_impl< R1 >
struct  _seq_impl< R1, R2 >
struct  _seq_impl< R1, R2, R3 >
struct  _seq_impl< R1, R2, R3, R4 >
struct  _seq_impl< R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 >
struct  _seq_impl< R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 >
struct  _seq_impl< R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7 >
struct  _seq_impl< R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, T... >
struct  _seq_impl<>
struct  _subg
struct  _sym
struct  _sym< Table, _idp< L, T >, Tag >
struct  _sym< Table, void, Tag >
struct  _sym_dsl
struct  _term
struct  _times
struct  _tn
struct  _toke
struct  _token
struct  _token_base
struct  _token_inherit
struct  _token_inherit< Impl, true >
struct  _token_inherit< Tag, false >
struct  _tokk
struct  _tryr
struct  _tryt
struct  _tsep
struct  _unbounded_integer_parser
struct  _until
struct  _until_eof
struct  _whl
struct  _wsn
struct  _wsr
struct  _zero
struct  atom
 Operation that just parses the atomic rule. More...
struct  branch_base
struct  char_class_base
struct  groups
 Operation that selects between multiple ones. More...
struct  hex_lower
struct  hex_upper
struct  infix_op_left
struct  infix_op_list
struct  infix_op_right
struct  infix_op_single
struct  postfix_op
struct  prefix_op
struct  rule_base
struct  token_base
struct  unconditional_branch_base


template<typename Rule >
using _copy_base = decltype(_copy_base_impl< Rule >())
template<typename Id >
using _ctx_counter = lexy::_detail::parse_context_var< Id, int >
template<typename Id >
using _ctx_flag = lexy::_detail::parse_context_var< Id, bool >
template<typename Id , typename Reader >
using _ctx_id = lexy::_detail::parse_context_var< Id, lexy::lexeme< Reader > >
template<typename EffRule , typename State >
using _detect_eff_fn = decltype(EffRule::_fn()(LEXY_DECLVAL(State &)))
template<typename Tag , typename Reader >
using _detect_op_tag_ctor = decltype(Tag(LEXY_DECLVAL(Reader).position()))
template<typename Tag , typename Reader , typename Context >
using _detect_op_tag_ctor_with_state = decltype(Tag(*LEXY_DECLVAL(Context).control_block->parse_state, LEXY_DECLVAL(Reader).position()))
template<typename Context , typename Scanner , typename StatePtr , typename... Args>
using _detect_scan_state = decltype(Context::production::scan(LEXY_DECLVAL(Scanner &), *StatePtr(), LEXY_DECLVAL(Args)...))
template<typename T , typename Base , bool AssumeOnlyDigits>
using _integer_parser = std::conditional_t< _is_bounded< T >, _bounded_integer_parser< T, Base, AssumeOnlyDigits >, _unbounded_integer_parser< T, Base > >
template<typename T , typename Digits >
using _integer_parser_for = typename _integer_parser_digits< T, Digits >::type
using binary = _d< 2 >
using decimal = _d< 10 >
using hex = _d< 16 >
using octal = _d< 8 >


template<typename Encoding , typename... Needle, typename... End>
LEXY_CONSTEVAL auto _build_look_trie (_lset< Needle... >, _lset< End... >)
template<typename Rule >
auto _copy_base_impl ()
template<typename ProductionParser , typename Context , typename Reader >
constexpr bool _finish_production (ProductionParser &parser, Context &context, Reader &reader)
template<typename C , typename = std::enable_if_t<lexy::is_char_class_rule<C>>>
constexpr auto _make_char_class (C c)
template<template< typename > typename CaseFolding, typename CharT , CharT... C>
constexpr auto _make_lit_rule (lexy::_detail::type_string< CharT, C... >)
template<typename Handler >
constexpr auto _make_pas_handler (_pas_handler< Handler > &handler)
template<typename Handler >
constexpr auto _make_pas_handler (Handler &handler)
template<typename Base , typename Reader >
constexpr bool _match_digits (Reader &reader)
template<typename Base , typename Sep , typename Reader >
constexpr bool _match_digits_sep (Reader &reader)
template<typename Condition , typename Then >
constexpr auto _maybe_branch (Condition condition, Then then)
template<typename T , std::size_t N, int Radix>
constexpr bool _ndigits_can_overflow ()
template<typename Production , typename Context , typename Reader >
constexpr bool _parse_production (Context &context, Reader &reader)
template<typename Condition , typename Reader >
constexpr void _until_swar ([[maybe_unused]] Reader &reader)
template<typename... Bits>
constexpr auto bits (Bits...)
 Matches the specific bit pattern. More...
template<typename Open , typename Close >
constexpr auto brackets (Open, Close)
 Defines open and close brackets. More...
template<typename Production >
constexpr auto capture (_prd< Production >)
 Captures whatever the token production matches as lexeme; does not include trailing whitespace. More...
template<typename Token >
constexpr auto capture (Token)
 Captures whatever the token matches as a lexeme; does not include trailing whitespace. More...
template<typename... R>
constexpr auto combination (R...)
template<typename Id , typename Leading , typename Trailing , typename... Reserved>
constexpr auto context_identifier (_id< Leading, Trailing, Reserved... >)
 Declares a context variable that stores one instance of the given identifier. More...
template<typename Delim >
constexpr auto delimited (Delim)
 Parses everything between a paired delimiter. More...
template<typename Open , typename Close >
constexpr auto delimited (Open, Close)
 Parses everything between the two delimiters and captures it. More...
template<typename Then , typename Condition >
constexpr auto do_while (Then then, Condition condition)
 Matches then once, then while_(condition >> then). More...
template<typename... Ids>
constexpr auto equal_counts (_ctx_counter_dsl< Ids >...)
 Takes a branch only if all counters are equal. More...
template<typename EscapeToken >
constexpr auto escape (EscapeToken)
template<typename... Literals>
constexpr auto find (Literals... literals)
 Recovers once it finds one of the given literal tokens (without consuming them). More...
template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto flag (Rule rule)
template<auto If, auto Else = LEXY_DECAY_DECLTYPE(If){}, typename Rule >
constexpr auto flag (Rule)
template<auto Default, const auto & Table, typename Token , typename Tag >
constexpr auto flags (_sym< Table, Token, Tag > flag_rule)
template<const auto & Table, typename Token , typename Tag >
constexpr auto flags (_sym< Table, Token, Tag > flag_rule)
template<typename Literal , typename CharClass >
constexpr auto followed_by (Literal lit, CharClass cc)
 Match a literal but only if followed by the given char class. More...
template<typename CharClass >
constexpr auto identifier (CharClass)
 Creates an identifier that consists of one or more of the given characters. More...
template<typename LeadingClass , typename TrailingClass >
constexpr auto identifier (LeadingClass, TrailingClass)
template<typename Branch >
constexpr auto if_ (Branch)
 If the branch condition matches, matches the branch then. More...
template<typename Branch >
constexpr auto ignore_trailing_sep (Branch)
 Defines a separator for a list that ignores the existence of trailing separators. More...
template<auto C, typename L , typename T , typename... R>
constexpr auto keyword (_id< L, T, R... >)
 LEXY_PUNCT (ampersand, "&")
 LEXY_PUNCT (apostrophe, "'")
 LEXY_PUNCT (asterisk, "*")
 LEXY_PUNCT (at_sign, "@")
 LEXY_PUNCT (backslash, "\\")
 LEXY_PUNCT (caret, "^")
 LEXY_PUNCT (colon, ":")
 LEXY_PUNCT (comma, ",")
 LEXY_PUNCT (dollar_sign, "$")
 LEXY_PUNCT (double_colon, "::")
 LEXY_PUNCT (equal_sign, "=")
 LEXY_PUNCT (exclamation_mark, "!")
 LEXY_PUNCT (hash_sign, "#")
 LEXY_PUNCT (hyphen, "-")
 LEXY_PUNCT (percent_sign, "%")
 LEXY_PUNCT (period, ".")
 LEXY_PUNCT (question_mark, "?")
 LEXY_PUNCT (semicolon, ";")
 LEXY_PUNCT (slash, "/")
 LEXY_PUNCT (tilde, "~")
 LEXY_PUNCT (vbar, "|")
template<typename Item >
constexpr auto list (Item)
 Parses a list of items without a separator. More...
template<typename Item , typename Sep >
constexpr auto list (Item, _isep< Sep >)
template<typename Item , typename Sep , typename Tag >
constexpr auto list (Item, _sep< Sep, Tag >)
 Parses a list of items with the specified separator. More...
template<typename Item , typename Sep >
constexpr auto list (Item, _tsep< Sep >)
 Parses a list of items with the specified separator that can be trailing. More...
template<typename T , template< typename > typename CaseFolding, typename... Strings>
constexpr auto literal_set (const lexy::_symbol_table< T, CaseFolding, Strings... >)
 Matches one of the symbols in the symbol table. More...
template<typename... Literals>
constexpr auto literal_set (Literals...)
 Matches one of the specified literals. More...
template<typename Needle , typename End >
constexpr auto lookahead (Needle _needle, End _end)
template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto loop (Rule)
 Repeatedly matches the rule until a break rule matches. More...
template<typename Branch >
constexpr auto must (Branch)
template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto no_whitespace (Rule)
 Disables automatic skipping of whitespace for all tokens of the given rule. More...
template<typename Literal , typename CharClass >
constexpr auto not_followed_by (Literal, CharClass cc)
 Match a literal but only if not followed by the given char class. More...
template<typename Literal , typename... R>
constexpr auto op (_br< Literal, R... >)
template<typename Tag , typename Literal , typename... R>
constexpr auto op (_br< Literal, R... >)
template<typename Literal >
constexpr auto op (Literal)
template<typename Tag , typename Literal >
constexpr auto op (Literal)
template<typename... Cs, typename... Ds>
constexpr auto operator& (_cand< Cs... >, _cand< Ds... >) -> _cand< Cs..., Ds... >
template<typename... Cs, typename C >
constexpr auto operator& (_cand< Cs... >, C c) -> _cand< Cs..., decltype(_make_char_class(c))>
template<typename C , typename... Cs>
constexpr auto operator& (C c, _cand< Cs... >) -> _cand< decltype(_make_char_class(c)), Cs... >
template<typename C1 , typename C2 >
constexpr auto operator& (C1 c1, C2 c2) -> _cand< decltype(_make_char_class(c1)), decltype(_make_char_class(c2))>
template<typename C1 , typename... R, typename C2 , typename... S>
constexpr auto operator+ (_br< C1, R... >, _br< C2, S... >)
template<typename Condition , typename... R, typename... S>
constexpr auto operator+ (_br< Condition, R... >, _seq< S... >)
template<typename Condition , typename... R, typename Rule >
constexpr auto operator+ (_br< Condition, R... >, Rule)
template<typename... R, typename Condition , typename... S>
constexpr auto operator+ (_seq< R... >, _br< Condition, S... >)
template<typename... R, typename... S>
constexpr auto operator+ (_seq< R... >, _seq< S... >)
template<typename... R, typename S >
constexpr auto operator+ (_seq< R... >, S)
template<typename R , typename... S>
constexpr auto operator+ (R, _seq< S... >)
template<typename R , typename S , typename = std::enable_if_t<lexy::is_rule<R> && lexy::is_rule<S>>>
constexpr auto operator+ (R, S)
template<typename Rule , typename Condition , typename... R>
constexpr auto operator+ (Rule rule, _br< Condition, R... >)
template<typename C >
constexpr auto operator- (_ccomp< C >) -> C
template<typename Set , typename Minus , typename OtherMinus >
constexpr auto operator- (_cminus< Set, Minus >, OtherMinus other)
template<typename C >
constexpr auto operator- (C c) -> _ccomp< decltype(_make_char_class(c))>
template<typename Set , typename Minus >
constexpr auto operator- (Set, Minus minus)
template<typename... Cs, typename... Ds>
constexpr auto operator/ (_calt< Cs... >, _calt< Ds... >) -> _calt< Cs..., Ds... >
template<typename... Cs, typename C >
constexpr auto operator/ (_calt< Cs... >, C c) -> _calt< Cs..., decltype(_make_char_class(c))>
template<typename T1 , typename L1 , typename... R1, typename T2 , typename L2 , typename... R2>
constexpr auto operator/ (_op< T1, L1, R1... > lhs, _op< T2, L2, R2... > rhs)
template<typename T1 , typename L1 , typename... R1, typename... Ops>
constexpr auto operator/ (_op< T1, L1, R1... > lhs, _opc< Ops... >)
template<typename... O1, typename... O2>
constexpr auto operator/ (_opc< O1... >, _opc< O2... >)
template<typename... Ops, typename T2 , typename L2 , typename... R2>
constexpr auto operator/ (_opc< Ops... >, _op< T2, L2, R2... > rhs)
template<typename C , typename... Cs>
constexpr auto operator/ (C c, _calt< Cs... >) -> _calt< decltype(_make_char_class(c)), Cs... >
template<typename R1 , typename R2 >
constexpr auto operator/ (R1 r1, R2 r2) -> _calt< decltype(_make_char_class(r1)), decltype(_make_char_class(r2))>
template<typename C , typename... R, typename... S>
constexpr auto operator>> (_br< C, R... >, _seq< S... >)
template<typename C , typename... R, typename Then >
constexpr auto operator>> (_br< C, R... >, Then)
template<typename C1 , typename... R, typename C2 , typename... S>
constexpr auto operator>> (_br< C1, R... >, _br< C2, S... >)
template<typename Condition , typename C , typename... R>
constexpr auto operator>> (Condition, _br< C, R... >)
template<typename Condition , typename... R>
constexpr auto operator>> (Condition, _seq< R... >)
template<typename Condition , typename Then >
constexpr auto operator>> (Condition, Then)
 Parses Then only after Condition has matched. More...
template<typename... R, typename... S>
constexpr auto operator| (_chc< R... >, _chc< S... >)
template<typename... R, typename S >
constexpr auto operator| (_chc< R... >, S)
template<typename R , typename... S>
constexpr auto operator| (R, _chc< S... >)
template<typename R , typename S >
constexpr auto operator| (R, S)
template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto opt (Rule)
template<typename T , typename Rule >
constexpr auto parse_as (Rule)
template<typename... R>
constexpr auto partial_combination (R...)
template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto peek (Rule)
template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto peek_not (Rule)
 Checks if at this reader position, the rule would not match. More...
template<typename... Branches>
constexpr auto recover (Branches...)
 Discards input until one of the branches matches to recover from an error. More...
template<typename Count >
constexpr auto repeat (Count)
 Parses a rule n times, where n is the value produced by Count. More...
template<typename Branch >
constexpr auto sep (Branch)
 Defines a separator for a list. More...
template<typename Branch >
constexpr auto terminator (Branch)
 Creates a terminator using the given branch. More...
template<std::size_t N, typename Rule >
constexpr auto times (Rule)
 Repeats the rule N times in sequence. More...
template<std::size_t N, typename Rule , typename Sep >
constexpr auto times (Rule, Sep)
 Repeates the rule N times in sequence separated by a separator. More...
template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto token (Rule)
 Turns the arbitrary rule into a token by matching it without producing any values. More...
template<typename Branch >
constexpr auto trailing_sep (Branch)
 Defines a separator for a list that can be trailing. More...
template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto try_ (Rule)
 Parses Rule, if that fails, continues immediately. More...
template<typename Rule , typename Recover >
constexpr auto try_ (Rule, Recover)
 Parses Rule, if that fails, parses recovery rule. More...
template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto twice (Rule rule)
template<typename Rule , typename Sep >
constexpr auto twice (Rule rule, Sep sep)
template<typename Condition >
constexpr auto until (Condition)
template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto while_ (Rule)
 Matches the branch rule as often as possible. More...
template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto while_one (Rule rule)
 Matches the rule at least once, then as often as possible. More...
template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto whitespace (Rule)


template<typename CharSet >
constexpr auto _cas = lexy::_detail::compress_ascii_set<CharSet>()
template<typename T >
constexpr bool _is_bounded = lexy::integer_traits<T>::is_bounded
template<typename Encoding , typename Needle , typename End >
static constexpr auto _look_trie = _build_look_trie<Encoding>(typename Needle::as_lset{}, typename End::as_lset{})
constexpr auto angle_bracketed = brackets(lit_c<'<'>, lit_c<'>'>)
constexpr auto any = _any{}
 Matches anything and consumes all remaining characters. More...
constexpr auto argv_separator = _argvsep{}
 Matches the separator between arguments of an argv_input. More...
constexpr auto backslash_escape = escape(lit_c<'\\'>)
constexpr auto backticked = delimited(LEXY_LIT("`"))
constexpr auto big_bint16 = _bint<2, lexy::_detail::bint_big>{}
constexpr auto big_bint32 = _bint<4, lexy::_detail::bint_big>{}
constexpr auto big_bint64 = _bint<8, lexy::_detail::bint_big>{}
constexpr auto bint16 = _bint<2, lexy::_detail::bint_native>{}
 Matches two bytes and converts it into an 16-bit integer. More...
constexpr auto bint32 = _bint<4, lexy::_detail::bint_native>{}
 Matches four bytes and converts it into an 32-bit integer. More...
constexpr auto bint64 = _bint<8, lexy::_detail::bint_native>{}
 Matches eight bytes and converts it into an 64-bit integer. More...
constexpr auto bint8 = _bint<1, lexy::_detail::bint_native>{}
 Matches one byte and converts it into an 8-bit integer. More...
template<typename Encoding , lexy::encoding_endianness Endianness>
constexpr auto bom = _bom<Encoding, Endianness>{}
 The BOM for that particular encoding. More...
constexpr auto break_ = _break{}
 Exits a loop(). More...
constexpr auto byte = _b<1, void>{}
 Matches an arbitrary byte. More...
template<std::size_t N>
constexpr auto bytes = _b<N, void>{}
 Matches N arbitrary bytes. More...
constexpr auto code_point = _cp<void>{}
 Matches a single unicode code point in the current unicode encoding. More...
template<std::size_t N, typename Base = hex>
constexpr auto code_point_id
 Matches the integer value of a code point. More...
template<typename Encoding , std::size_t N, typename Base = hex>
constexpr auto code_unit_id
 Matches the integer value of a code unit. More...
template<typename Id >
constexpr auto context_counter = _ctx_counter_dsl<Id>{}
 Declares an integer counter that is added to the parsing context. More...
template<typename Id >
constexpr auto context_flag = _ctx_flag_dsl<Id>{}
 Declares a flag. More...
constexpr auto curly_bracketed = brackets(lit_c<'{'>, lit_c<'}'>)
template<typename Base = decimal, int = Base::digit_radix>
constexpr auto digit = Base{}
 Matches a single digit. More...
constexpr auto digit_sep_tick = LEXY_LIT("'")
constexpr auto digit_sep_underscore = LEXY_LIT("_")
template<typename Base = decimal>
constexpr auto digits = _digits<Base>{}
 Matches a non-empty list of digits. More...
constexpr auto dollar_escape = escape(lit_c<'$'>)
constexpr auto double_backticked = delimited(LEXY_LIT("``"))
template<LEXY_NTTP_PARAM Fn>
constexpr auto effect = _eff<Fn>{}
 Invokes Fn and produces its value as result. More...
constexpr auto else_ = _else_dsl{}
 Takes the branch unconditionally. More...
constexpr auto eof = _eof{}
 Matches EOF. More...
constexpr auto eol = _eol{}
 Matches the end of line (EOF or newline). More...
template<typename Tag >
constexpr auto error = _err<Tag, void>{}
 Matches nothing, produces an error with the given tag. More...
template<typename Production >
constexpr auto inline_ = lexy::production_rule<Production>{}
 Parses the rule of the production as if it were part of the current production. More...
template<typename T , typename Base = void>
constexpr auto integer = _int_dsl<T, Base>{}
 Parses the digits matched by the rule into an integer type. More...
template<unsigned char... C>
constexpr auto lit_b = _lit<unsigned char, C...>{}
template<auto C>
constexpr auto lit_c = _lit<LEXY_DECAY_DECLTYPE(C), C>{}
template<char32_t... CodePoint>
constexpr auto lit_cp = _lcp<CodePoint...>{}
constexpr auto little_bint16 = _bint<2, lexy::_detail::bint_little>{}
constexpr auto little_bint32 = _bint<4, lexy::_detail::bint_little>{}
constexpr auto little_bint64 = _bint<8, lexy::_detail::bint_little>{}
lexyd::_rep Loop
template<auto MemPtr>
constexpr auto member = _mem_dsl<lexy::_mem_ptr_fn<MemPtr>>{}
constexpr auto minus_sign = if_(_minus{})
 Matches a minus sign or nothing, producing +1 or -1. More...
template<std::size_t N, typename Base = decimal>
constexpr auto n_digits = _ndigits<N, Base>{}
 Matches exactly N digits. More...
constexpr auto newline = _nl{}
 Matches a newline character. More...
constexpr auto nullopt = _nullopt{}
template<typename Production >
constexpr auto p = _prd<Production>{}
 Parses the production. More...
template<std::size_t N, unsigned char Padding = 0>
constexpr auto padding_bytes = _pb<N, Padding>{}
constexpr auto parenthesized = round_bracketed
constexpr auto plus_sign = if_(_plus{})
 Matches a plus sign or nothing, producing +1. More...
template<typename Production >
constexpr auto pnode = _pn<Production>{}
constexpr auto position = _pos_dsl{}
 Produces an iterator to the current reader position without parsing anything. More...
constexpr auto quoted = delimited(LEXY_LIT("\""))
template<typename Production >
constexpr auto recurse = _rec<Production>{}
template<typename Production >
constexpr auto recurse_branch = _recb<Production>{}
constexpr auto return_ = _ret{}
 Finishes parsing a production without considering subsequent rules. More...
constexpr auto round_bracketed = brackets(lit_c<'('>, lit_c<')'>)
constexpr auto scan = _scan{}
constexpr auto sign = if_(_plus{} | _minus{})
 Matches a plus or minus sign or nothing, producing +1 or -1. More...
constexpr auto single_quoted = delimited(LEXY_LIT("'"))
constexpr auto square_bracketed = brackets(lit_c<'['>, lit_c<']'>)
template<typename Production , typename T >
constexpr auto subgrammar = _subg<Production, T>{}
template<const auto & Table>
constexpr auto symbol = _sym_dsl<Table>{}
 Parses optional rule, then matches the resulting lexeme against the symbol table. More...
template<auto Kind>
constexpr auto tnode = _tn<Kind>{}
constexpr auto triple_backticked = delimited(LEXY_LIT("```"))
constexpr auto triple_quoted = delimited(LEXY_LIT("\"\"\""))
constexpr auto zero = _zero{}
 Matches the zero digit. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ _copy_base

template<typename Rule >
using lexyd::_copy_base = typedef decltype(_copy_base_impl<Rule>())

Definition at line 104 of file dsl/base.hpp.

◆ _ctx_counter

template<typename Id >
using lexyd::_ctx_counter = typedef lexy::_detail::parse_context_var<Id, int>

Definition at line 26 of file context_counter.hpp.

◆ _ctx_flag

template<typename Id >
using lexyd::_ctx_flag = typedef lexy::_detail::parse_context_var<Id, bool>

Definition at line 13 of file context_flag.hpp.

◆ _ctx_id

template<typename Id , typename Reader >
using lexyd::_ctx_id = typedef lexy::_detail::parse_context_var<Id, lexy::lexeme<Reader> >

Definition at line 25 of file context_identifier.hpp.

◆ _detect_eff_fn

template<typename EffRule , typename State >
using lexyd::_detect_eff_fn = typedef decltype(EffRule::_fn()(LEXY_DECLVAL(State&)))

Definition at line 13 of file effect.hpp.

◆ _detect_op_tag_ctor

template<typename Tag , typename Reader >
using lexyd::_detect_op_tag_ctor = typedef decltype(Tag(LEXY_DECLVAL(Reader).position()))

Definition at line 97 of file operator.hpp.

◆ _detect_op_tag_ctor_with_state

template<typename Tag , typename Reader , typename Context >
using lexyd::_detect_op_tag_ctor_with_state = typedef decltype(Tag(*LEXY_DECLVAL(Context).control_block->parse_state, LEXY_DECLVAL(Reader).position()))

Definition at line 102 of file operator.hpp.

◆ _detect_scan_state

template<typename Context , typename Scanner , typename StatePtr , typename... Args>
using lexyd::_detect_scan_state = typedef decltype(Context::production::scan(LEXY_DECLVAL(Scanner&), *StatePtr(), LEXY_DECLVAL(Args)...))

Definition at line 464 of file dsl/scan.hpp.

◆ _integer_parser

template<typename T , typename Base , bool AssumeOnlyDigits>
using lexyd::_integer_parser = typedef std::conditional_t<_is_bounded<T>, _bounded_integer_parser<T, Base, AssumeOnlyDigits>, _unbounded_integer_parser<T, Base> >

Definition at line 347 of file dsl/integer.hpp.

◆ _integer_parser_for

template<typename T , typename Digits >
using lexyd::_integer_parser_for = typedef typename _integer_parser_digits<T, Digits>::type

Definition at line 387 of file dsl/integer.hpp.

◆ binary

using lexyd::binary = typedef _d<2>

Definition at line 54 of file digit.hpp.

◆ decimal

using lexyd::decimal = typedef _d<10>

Definition at line 124 of file digit.hpp.

◆ hex

using lexyd::hex = typedef _d<16>

Definition at line 237 of file digit.hpp.

◆ octal

using lexyd::octal = typedef _d<8>

Definition at line 89 of file digit.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ _build_look_trie()

template<typename Encoding , typename... Needle, typename... End>
LEXY_CONSTEVAL auto lexyd::_build_look_trie ( _lset< Needle... >  ,
_lset< End... >   

Definition at line 26 of file lookahead.hpp.

◆ _copy_base_impl()

template<typename Rule >
auto lexyd::_copy_base_impl ( )

Definition at line 94 of file dsl/base.hpp.

◆ _finish_production()

template<typename ProductionParser , typename Context , typename Reader >
constexpr bool lexyd::_finish_production ( ProductionParser &  parser,
Context &  context,
Reader &  reader 

Definition at line 28 of file production.hpp.

◆ _make_char_class()

template<typename C , typename = std::enable_if_t<lexy::is_char_class_rule<C>>>
constexpr auto lexyd::_make_char_class ( c)

Definition at line 360 of file char_class.hpp.

◆ _make_lit_rule()

template<template< typename > typename CaseFolding, typename CharT , CharT... C>
constexpr auto lexyd::_make_lit_rule ( lexy::_detail::type_string< CharT, C... >  )

Definition at line 509 of file literal.hpp.

◆ _make_pas_handler() [1/2]

template<typename Handler >
constexpr auto lexyd::_make_pas_handler ( _pas_handler< Handler > &  handler)

Definition at line 58 of file parse_as.hpp.

◆ _make_pas_handler() [2/2]

template<typename Handler >
constexpr auto lexyd::_make_pas_handler ( Handler &  handler)

Definition at line 52 of file parse_as.hpp.

◆ _match_digits()

template<typename Base , typename Reader >
constexpr bool lexyd::_match_digits ( Reader &  reader)

Definition at line 294 of file digit.hpp.

◆ _match_digits_sep()

template<typename Base , typename Sep , typename Reader >
constexpr bool lexyd::_match_digits_sep ( Reader &  reader)

Definition at line 319 of file digit.hpp.

◆ _maybe_branch()

template<typename Condition , typename Then >
constexpr auto lexyd::_maybe_branch ( Condition  condition,
Then  then 

Definition at line 104 of file branch.hpp.

◆ _ndigits_can_overflow()

template<typename T , std::size_t N, int Radix>
constexpr bool lexyd::_ndigits_can_overflow ( )

Definition at line 228 of file dsl/integer.hpp.

◆ _parse_production()

template<typename Production , typename Context , typename Reader >
constexpr bool lexyd::_parse_production ( Context &  context,
Reader &  reader 

Definition at line 22 of file production.hpp.

◆ _until_swar()

template<typename Condition , typename Reader >
constexpr void lexyd::_until_swar ( [[maybe_unused] ] Reader &  reader)

Definition at line 16 of file until.hpp.

◆ bits()

template<typename... Bits>
constexpr auto lexyd::bits ( Bits...  )

Matches the specific bit pattern.

Definition at line 136 of file bits.hpp.

◆ brackets()

template<typename Open , typename Close >
constexpr auto lexyd::brackets ( Open  ,

Defines open and close brackets.

Definition at line 101 of file brackets.hpp.

◆ capture() [1/2]

template<typename Production >
constexpr auto lexyd::capture ( _prd< Production >  )

Captures whatever the token production matches as lexeme; does not include trailing whitespace.

Definition at line 135 of file capture.hpp.

◆ capture() [2/2]

template<typename Token >
constexpr auto lexyd::capture ( Token  )

Captures whatever the token matches as a lexeme; does not include trailing whitespace.

Definition at line 127 of file capture.hpp.

◆ combination()

template<typename... R>
constexpr auto lexyd::combination ( R...  )

Matches each of the rules in an arbitrary order. Only matches each rule exactly once.

Definition at line 131 of file combination.hpp.

◆ context_identifier()

template<typename Id , typename Leading , typename Trailing , typename... Reserved>
constexpr auto lexyd::context_identifier ( _id< Leading, Trailing, Reserved... >  )

Declares a context variable that stores one instance of the given identifier.

Definition at line 171 of file context_identifier.hpp.

◆ delimited() [1/2]

template<typename Delim >
constexpr auto lexyd::delimited ( Delim  )

Parses everything between a paired delimiter.

Definition at line 338 of file delimited.hpp.

◆ delimited() [2/2]

template<typename Open , typename Close >
constexpr auto lexyd::delimited ( Open  ,

Parses everything between the two delimiters and captures it.

Definition at line 329 of file delimited.hpp.

◆ do_while()

template<typename Then , typename Condition >
constexpr auto lexyd::do_while ( Then  then,
Condition  condition 

Matches then once, then while_(condition >> then).

Definition at line 117 of file loop.hpp.

◆ equal_counts()

template<typename... Ids>
constexpr auto lexyd::equal_counts ( _ctx_counter_dsl< Ids >  ...)

Takes a branch only if all counters are equal.

Definition at line 260 of file context_counter.hpp.

◆ escape()

template<typename EscapeToken >
constexpr auto lexyd::escape ( EscapeToken  )

Creates an escape rule. The token is the initial rule to begin, and then you can add rules that match after it.

Definition at line 460 of file delimited.hpp.

◆ find()

template<typename... Literals>
constexpr auto lexyd::find ( Literals...  literals)

Recovers once it finds one of the given literal tokens (without consuming them).

Definition at line 131 of file recover.hpp.

◆ flag() [1/2]

template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto lexyd::flag ( Rule  rule)

Definition at line 134 of file flags.hpp.

◆ flag() [2/2]

template<auto If, auto Else = LEXY_DECAY_DECLTYPE(If){}, typename Rule >
constexpr auto lexyd::flag ( Rule  )

Definition at line 127 of file flags.hpp.

◆ flags() [1/2]

template<auto Default, const auto & Table, typename Token , typename Tag >
constexpr auto lexyd::flags ( _sym< Table, Token, Tag >  flag_rule)

Definition at line 83 of file flags.hpp.

◆ flags() [2/2]

template<const auto & Table, typename Token , typename Tag >
constexpr auto lexyd::flags ( _sym< Table, Token, Tag >  flag_rule)

Definition at line 93 of file flags.hpp.

◆ followed_by()

template<typename Literal , typename CharClass >
constexpr auto lexyd::followed_by ( Literal  lit,
CharClass  cc 

Match a literal but only if followed by the given char class.

Definition at line 109 of file follow.hpp.

◆ identifier() [1/2]

template<typename CharClass >
constexpr auto lexyd::identifier ( CharClass  )

Creates an identifier that consists of one or more of the given characters.

Definition at line 290 of file identifier.hpp.

◆ identifier() [2/2]

template<typename LeadingClass , typename TrailingClass >
constexpr auto lexyd::identifier ( LeadingClass  ,

Creates an identifier that consists of one leading token followed by zero or more trailing tokens.

Definition at line 299 of file identifier.hpp.

◆ if_()

template<typename Branch >
constexpr auto lexyd::if_ ( Branch  )

If the branch condition matches, matches the branch then.

Definition at line 37 of file if.hpp.

◆ ignore_trailing_sep()

template<typename Branch >
constexpr auto lexyd::ignore_trailing_sep ( Branch  )

Defines a separator for a list that ignores the existence of trailing separators.

Definition at line 131 of file separator.hpp.

◆ keyword()

template<auto C, typename L , typename T , typename... R>
constexpr auto lexyd::keyword ( _id< L, T, R... >  )

Definition at line 397 of file identifier.hpp.

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [1/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( ampersand  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [2/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( apostrophe  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [3/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( asterisk  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [4/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( at_sign  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [5/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( backslash  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [6/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( caret  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [7/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( colon  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [8/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( comma  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [9/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( dollar_sign  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [10/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( double_colon  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [11/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( equal_sign  )

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [12/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( exclamation_mark  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [13/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( hash_sign  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [14/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( hyphen  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [15/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( percent_sign  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [16/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( period  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [17/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( question_mark  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [18/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( semicolon  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [19/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( slash  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [20/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( tilde  ,

◆ LEXY_PUNCT() [21/21]

lexyd::LEXY_PUNCT ( vbar  ,

◆ list() [1/4]

template<typename Item >
constexpr auto lexyd::list ( Item  )

Parses a list of items without a separator.

Definition at line 133 of file list.hpp.

◆ list() [2/4]

template<typename Item , typename Sep >
constexpr auto lexyd::list ( Item  ,
_isep< Sep >   

Definition at line 155 of file list.hpp.

◆ list() [3/4]

template<typename Item , typename Sep , typename Tag >
constexpr auto lexyd::list ( Item  ,
_sep< Sep, Tag >   

Parses a list of items with the specified separator.

Definition at line 141 of file list.hpp.

◆ list() [4/4]

template<typename Item , typename Sep >
constexpr auto lexyd::list ( Item  ,
_tsep< Sep >   

Parses a list of items with the specified separator that can be trailing.

Definition at line 148 of file list.hpp.

◆ literal_set() [1/2]

template<typename T , template< typename > typename CaseFolding, typename... Strings>
constexpr auto lexyd::literal_set ( const lexy::_symbol_table< T, CaseFolding, Strings... >  )

Matches one of the symbols in the symbol table.

Definition at line 602 of file literal.hpp.

◆ literal_set() [2/2]

template<typename... Literals>
constexpr auto lexyd::literal_set ( Literals...  )

Matches one of the specified literals.

Definition at line 594 of file literal.hpp.

◆ lookahead()

template<typename Needle , typename End >
constexpr auto lexyd::lookahead ( Needle  _needle,
End  _end 

Looks for the Needle before End. Used as condition to implement arbitrary lookahead.

Definition at line 131 of file lookahead.hpp.

◆ loop()

template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto lexyd::loop ( Rule  )

Repeatedly matches the rule until a break rule matches.

Definition at line 63 of file loop.hpp.

◆ must()

template<typename Branch >
constexpr auto lexyd::must ( Branch  )

Tries to parse Branch and raises a specific error on failure. It can still be used as a branch rule; then behaves exactly like Branch.

Definition at line 119 of file dsl/error.hpp.

◆ no_whitespace()

template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto lexyd::no_whitespace ( Rule  )

Disables automatic skipping of whitespace for all tokens of the given rule.

Definition at line 309 of file whitespace.hpp.

◆ not_followed_by()

template<typename Literal , typename CharClass >
constexpr auto lexyd::not_followed_by ( Literal  ,
CharClass  cc 

Match a literal but only if not followed by the given char class.

Definition at line 101 of file follow.hpp.

◆ op() [1/4]

template<typename Literal , typename... R>
constexpr auto lexyd::op ( _br< Literal, R... >  )

Definition at line 203 of file operator.hpp.

◆ op() [2/4]

template<typename Tag , typename Literal , typename... R>
constexpr auto lexyd::op ( _br< Literal, R... >  )

Definition at line 217 of file operator.hpp.

◆ op() [3/4]

template<typename Literal >
constexpr auto lexyd::op ( Literal  )

Definition at line 197 of file operator.hpp.

◆ op() [4/4]

template<typename Tag , typename Literal >
constexpr auto lexyd::op ( Literal  )

Definition at line 211 of file operator.hpp.

◆ operator&() [1/4]

template<typename... Cs, typename... Ds>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator& ( _cand< Cs... >  ,
_cand< Ds... >   
) -> _cand<Cs..., Ds...>

Definition at line 603 of file char_class.hpp.

◆ operator&() [2/4]

template<typename... Cs, typename C >
constexpr auto lexyd::operator& ( _cand< Cs... >  ,
) -> _cand<Cs..., decltype(_make_char_class(c))>

Definition at line 592 of file char_class.hpp.

◆ operator&() [3/4]

template<typename C , typename... Cs>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator& ( c,
_cand< Cs... >   
) -> _cand<decltype(_make_char_class(c)), Cs...>

Definition at line 597 of file char_class.hpp.

◆ operator&() [4/4]

template<typename C1 , typename C2 >
constexpr auto lexyd::operator& ( C1  c1,
C2  c2 
) -> _cand<decltype(_make_char_class(c1)), decltype(_make_char_class(c2))>

Definition at line 585 of file char_class.hpp.

◆ operator+() [1/9]

template<typename C1 , typename... R, typename C2 , typename... S>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator+ ( _br< C1, R... >  ,
_br< C2, S... >   

Definition at line 98 of file branch.hpp.

◆ operator+() [2/9]

template<typename Condition , typename... R, typename... S>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator+ ( _br< Condition, R... >  ,
_seq< S... >   

Definition at line 91 of file branch.hpp.

◆ operator+() [3/9]

template<typename Condition , typename... R, typename Rule >
constexpr auto lexyd::operator+ ( _br< Condition, R... >  ,

Definition at line 85 of file branch.hpp.

◆ operator+() [4/9]

template<typename... R, typename Condition , typename... S>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator+ ( _seq< R... >  ,
_br< Condition, S... >   

Definition at line 78 of file branch.hpp.

◆ operator+() [5/9]

template<typename... R, typename... S>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator+ ( _seq< R... >  ,
_seq< S... >   

Definition at line 118 of file sequence.hpp.

◆ operator+() [6/9]

template<typename... R, typename S >
constexpr auto lexyd::operator+ ( _seq< R... >  ,

Definition at line 108 of file sequence.hpp.

◆ operator+() [7/9]

template<typename R , typename... S>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator+ ( ,
_seq< S... >   

Definition at line 113 of file sequence.hpp.

◆ operator+() [8/9]

template<typename R , typename S , typename = std::enable_if_t<lexy::is_rule<R> && lexy::is_rule<S>>>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator+ ( ,

Definition at line 103 of file sequence.hpp.

◆ operator+() [9/9]

template<typename Rule , typename Condition , typename... R>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator+ ( Rule  rule,
_br< Condition, R... >   

Definition at line 72 of file branch.hpp.

◆ operator-() [1/4]

template<typename C >
constexpr auto lexyd::operator- ( _ccomp< C >  ) -> C

Definition at line 490 of file char_class.hpp.

◆ operator-() [2/4]

template<typename Set , typename Minus , typename OtherMinus >
constexpr auto lexyd::operator- ( _cminus< Set, Minus >  ,
OtherMinus  other 

Definition at line 541 of file char_class.hpp.

◆ operator-() [3/4]

template<typename C >
constexpr auto lexyd::operator- ( c) -> _ccomp<decltype(_make_char_class(c))>

Definition at line 485 of file char_class.hpp.

◆ operator-() [4/4]

template<typename Set , typename Minus >
constexpr auto lexyd::operator- ( Set  ,
Minus  minus 

Definition at line 535 of file char_class.hpp.

◆ operator/() [1/8]

template<typename... Cs, typename... Ds>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator/ ( _calt< Cs... >  ,
_calt< Ds... >   
) -> _calt<Cs..., Ds...>

Definition at line 442 of file char_class.hpp.

◆ operator/() [2/8]

template<typename... Cs, typename C >
constexpr auto lexyd::operator/ ( _calt< Cs... >  ,
) -> _calt<Cs..., decltype(_make_char_class(c))>

Definition at line 431 of file char_class.hpp.

◆ operator/() [3/8]

template<typename T1 , typename L1 , typename... R1, typename T2 , typename L2 , typename... R2>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator/ ( _op< T1, L1, R1... >  lhs,
_op< T2, L2, R2... >  rhs 

Definition at line 312 of file operator.hpp.

◆ operator/() [4/8]

template<typename T1 , typename L1 , typename... R1, typename... Ops>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator/ ( _op< T1, L1, R1... >  lhs,
_opc< Ops... >   

Definition at line 322 of file operator.hpp.

◆ operator/() [5/8]

template<typename... O1, typename... O2>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator/ ( _opc< O1... >  ,
_opc< O2... >   

Definition at line 327 of file operator.hpp.

◆ operator/() [6/8]

template<typename... Ops, typename T2 , typename L2 , typename... R2>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator/ ( _opc< Ops... >  ,
_op< T2, L2, R2... >  rhs 

Definition at line 317 of file operator.hpp.

◆ operator/() [7/8]

template<typename C , typename... Cs>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator/ ( c,
_calt< Cs... >   
) -> _calt<decltype(_make_char_class(c)), Cs...>

Definition at line 436 of file char_class.hpp.

◆ operator/() [8/8]

template<typename R1 , typename R2 >
constexpr auto lexyd::operator/ ( R1  r1,
R2  r2 
) -> _calt<decltype(_make_char_class(r1)), decltype(_make_char_class(r2))>

Definition at line 424 of file char_class.hpp.

◆ operator>>() [1/6]

template<typename C , typename... R, typename... S>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator>> ( _br< C, R... >  ,
_seq< S... >   

Definition at line 57 of file branch.hpp.

◆ operator>>() [2/6]

template<typename C , typename... R, typename Then >
constexpr auto lexyd::operator>> ( _br< C, R... >  ,

Definition at line 52 of file branch.hpp.

◆ operator>>() [3/6]

template<typename C1 , typename... R, typename C2 , typename... S>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator>> ( _br< C1, R... >  ,
_br< C2, S... >   

Definition at line 64 of file branch.hpp.

◆ operator>>() [4/6]

template<typename Condition , typename C , typename... R>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator>> ( Condition  ,
_br< C, R... >   

Definition at line 44 of file branch.hpp.

◆ operator>>() [5/6]

template<typename Condition , typename... R>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator>> ( Condition  ,
_seq< R... >   

Definition at line 38 of file branch.hpp.

◆ operator>>() [6/6]

template<typename Condition , typename Then >
constexpr auto lexyd::operator>> ( Condition  ,

Parses Then only after Condition has matched.

Definition at line 32 of file branch.hpp.

◆ operator|() [1/4]

template<typename... R, typename... S>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator| ( _chc< R... >  ,
_chc< S... >   

Definition at line 154 of file choice.hpp.

◆ operator|() [2/4]

template<typename... R, typename S >
constexpr auto lexyd::operator| ( _chc< R... >  ,

Definition at line 142 of file choice.hpp.

◆ operator|() [3/4]

template<typename R , typename... S>
constexpr auto lexyd::operator| ( ,
_chc< S... >   

Definition at line 148 of file choice.hpp.

◆ operator|() [4/4]

template<typename R , typename S >
constexpr auto lexyd::operator| ( ,

Definition at line 135 of file choice.hpp.

◆ opt()

template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto lexyd::opt ( Rule  )

Matches the rule or nothing. In the latter case, produces a nullopt value.

Definition at line 81 of file option.hpp.

◆ parse_as()

template<typename T , typename Rule >
constexpr auto lexyd::parse_as ( Rule  )

Definition at line 149 of file parse_as.hpp.

◆ partial_combination()

template<typename... R>
constexpr auto lexyd::partial_combination ( R...  )

Matches some of the rules in an arbitrary order. Only matches a rule at most once.

Definition at line 142 of file combination.hpp.

◆ peek()

template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto lexyd::peek ( Rule  )

Check if at this reader position, the rule would match, but don't actually consume any characters if it does.

Definition at line 166 of file peek.hpp.

◆ peek_not()

template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto lexyd::peek_not ( Rule  )

Checks if at this reader position, the rule would not match.

Definition at line 173 of file peek.hpp.

◆ recover()

template<typename... Branches>
constexpr auto lexyd::recover ( Branches...  )

Discards input until one of the branches matches to recover from an error.

Definition at line 207 of file recover.hpp.

◆ repeat()

template<typename Count >
constexpr auto lexyd::repeat ( Count  )

Parses a rule n times, where n is the value produced by Count.

Definition at line 176 of file repeat.hpp.

◆ sep()

template<typename Branch >
constexpr auto lexyd::sep ( Branch  )

Defines a separator for a list.

Definition at line 91 of file separator.hpp.

◆ terminator()

template<typename Branch >
constexpr auto lexyd::terminator ( Branch  )

Creates a terminator using the given branch.

Definition at line 106 of file terminator.hpp.

◆ times() [1/2]

template<std::size_t N, typename Rule >
constexpr auto lexyd::times ( Rule  )

Repeats the rule N times in sequence.

Definition at line 40 of file times.hpp.

◆ times() [2/2]

template<std::size_t N, typename Rule , typename Sep >
constexpr auto lexyd::times ( Rule  ,

Repeates the rule N times in sequence separated by a separator.

Definition at line 48 of file times.hpp.

◆ token()

template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto lexyd::token ( Rule  )

Turns the arbitrary rule into a token by matching it without producing any values.

Definition at line 215 of file dsl/token.hpp.

◆ trailing_sep()

template<typename Branch >
constexpr auto lexyd::trailing_sep ( Branch  )

Defines a separator for a list that can be trailing.

Definition at line 111 of file separator.hpp.

◆ try_() [1/2]

template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto lexyd::try_ ( Rule  )

Parses Rule, if that fails, continues immediately.

Definition at line 330 of file recover.hpp.

◆ try_() [2/2]

template<typename Rule , typename Recover >
constexpr auto lexyd::try_ ( Rule  ,

Parses Rule, if that fails, parses recovery rule.

Definition at line 337 of file recover.hpp.

◆ twice() [1/2]

template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto lexyd::twice ( Rule  rule)

Definition at line 56 of file times.hpp.

◆ twice() [2/2]

template<typename Rule , typename Sep >
constexpr auto lexyd::twice ( Rule  rule,
Sep  sep 

Definition at line 61 of file times.hpp.

◆ until()

template<typename Condition >
constexpr auto lexyd::until ( Condition  )

Matches anything until Condition matches. Then matches Condition.

Definition at line 141 of file until.hpp.

◆ while_()

template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto lexyd::while_ ( Rule  )

Matches the branch rule as often as possible.

Definition at line 95 of file loop.hpp.

◆ while_one()

template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto lexyd::while_one ( Rule  rule)

Matches the rule at least once, then as often as possible.

Definition at line 106 of file loop.hpp.

◆ whitespace()

template<typename Rule >
constexpr auto lexyd::whitespace ( Rule  )

Definition at line 228 of file whitespace.hpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ _cas

template<typename CharSet >
constexpr auto lexyd::_cas = lexy::_detail::compress_ascii_set<CharSet>()

Definition at line 167 of file char_class.hpp.

◆ _is_bounded

template<typename T >
constexpr bool lexyd::_is_bounded = lexy::integer_traits<T>::is_bounded

Definition at line 225 of file dsl/integer.hpp.

◆ _look_trie

template<typename Encoding , typename Needle , typename End >
constexpr auto lexyd::_look_trie = _build_look_trie<Encoding>(typename Needle::as_lset{}, typename End::as_lset{})

Definition at line 45 of file lookahead.hpp.

◆ angle_bracketed

constexpr auto lexyd::angle_bracketed = brackets(lit_c<'<'>, lit_c<'>'>)

Definition at line 111 of file brackets.hpp.

◆ any

constexpr auto lexyd::any = _any{}

Matches anything and consumes all remaining characters.

Definition at line 42 of file 3rdparty/lexy/include/lexy/dsl/any.hpp.

◆ argv_separator

constexpr auto lexyd::argv_separator = _argvsep{}

Matches the separator between arguments of an argv_input.

Definition at line 205 of file argv_input.hpp.

◆ backslash_escape

constexpr auto lexyd::backslash_escape = escape(lit_c<'\\'>)

Definition at line 466 of file delimited.hpp.

◆ backticked

constexpr auto lexyd::backticked = delimited(LEXY_LIT("`"))

Definition at line 349 of file delimited.hpp.

◆ big_bint16

constexpr auto lexyd::big_bint16 = _bint<2, lexy::_detail::bint_big>{}

Definition at line 386 of file byte.hpp.

◆ big_bint32

constexpr auto lexyd::big_bint32 = _bint<4, lexy::_detail::bint_big>{}

Definition at line 391 of file byte.hpp.

◆ big_bint64

constexpr auto lexyd::big_bint64 = _bint<8, lexy::_detail::bint_big>{}

Definition at line 396 of file byte.hpp.

◆ bint16

constexpr auto lexyd::bint16 = _bint<2, lexy::_detail::bint_native>{}

Matches two bytes and converts it into an 16-bit integer.

Definition at line 384 of file byte.hpp.

◆ bint32

constexpr auto lexyd::bint32 = _bint<4, lexy::_detail::bint_native>{}

Matches four bytes and converts it into an 32-bit integer.

Definition at line 389 of file byte.hpp.

◆ bint64

constexpr auto lexyd::bint64 = _bint<8, lexy::_detail::bint_native>{}

Matches eight bytes and converts it into an 64-bit integer.

Definition at line 394 of file byte.hpp.

◆ bint8

constexpr auto lexyd::bint8 = _bint<1, lexy::_detail::bint_native>{}

Matches one byte and converts it into an 8-bit integer.

Definition at line 381 of file byte.hpp.

◆ bom

template<typename Encoding , lexy::encoding_endianness Endianness>
constexpr auto lexyd::bom = _bom<Encoding, Endianness>{}

The BOM for that particular encoding.

Definition at line 43 of file bom.hpp.

◆ break_

constexpr auto lexyd::break_ = _break{}

Exits a loop().

Definition at line 30 of file loop.hpp.

◆ byte

constexpr auto lexyd::byte = _b<1, void>{}

Matches an arbitrary byte.

Definition at line 133 of file byte.hpp.

◆ bytes

template<std::size_t N>
constexpr auto lexyd::bytes = _b<N, void>{}

Matches N arbitrary bytes.

Definition at line 137 of file byte.hpp.

◆ code_point

constexpr auto lexyd::code_point = _cp<void>{}

Matches a single unicode code point in the current unicode encoding.

Definition at line 200 of file dsl/code_point.hpp.

◆ code_point_id

template<std::size_t N, typename Base = hex>
constexpr auto lexyd::code_point_id
Initial value:
= [] {
using type = std::conditional_t<_ndigits_can_overflow<lexy::code_point, N, Base::digit_radix>(),
using parser = _integer_parser<type, Base, true>;
return _int<_ndigits<N, Base>, parser, lexy::invalid_code_point>{};

Matches the integer value of a code point.

Definition at line 532 of file dsl/integer.hpp.

◆ code_unit_id

template<typename Encoding , std::size_t N, typename Base = hex>
constexpr auto lexyd::code_unit_id
Initial value:
= [] {
using char_type = typename Encoding::char_type;
using type = std::conditional_t<_ndigits_can_overflow<char_type, N, Base::digit_radix>(),
using parser = _integer_parser<type, Base, true>;
return _int<_ndigits<N, Base>, parser, lexy::invalid_code_unit>{};

Matches the integer value of a code unit.

Definition at line 556 of file dsl/integer.hpp.

◆ context_counter

template<typename Id >
constexpr auto lexyd::context_counter = _ctx_counter_dsl<Id>{}

Declares an integer counter that is added to the parsing context.

Definition at line 256 of file context_counter.hpp.

◆ context_flag

template<typename Id >
constexpr auto lexyd::context_flag = _ctx_flag_dsl<Id>{}

Declares a flag.

Definition at line 149 of file context_flag.hpp.

◆ curly_bracketed

constexpr auto lexyd::curly_bracketed = brackets(lit_c<'{'>, lit_c<'}'>)

Definition at line 110 of file brackets.hpp.

◆ digit

template<typename Base = decimal, int = Base::digit_radix>
constexpr auto lexyd::digit = Base{}

Matches a single digit.

Definition at line 263 of file digit.hpp.

◆ digit_sep_tick

constexpr auto lexyd::digit_sep_tick = LEXY_LIT("'")

Definition at line 542 of file digit.hpp.

◆ digit_sep_underscore

constexpr auto lexyd::digit_sep_underscore = LEXY_LIT("_")

Definition at line 541 of file digit.hpp.

◆ digits

template<typename Base = decimal>
constexpr auto lexyd::digits = _digits<Base>{}

Matches a non-empty list of digits.

Definition at line 539 of file digit.hpp.

◆ dollar_escape

constexpr auto lexyd::dollar_escape = escape(lit_c<'$'>)

Definition at line 467 of file delimited.hpp.

◆ double_backticked

constexpr auto lexyd::double_backticked = delimited(LEXY_LIT("``"))

Definition at line 350 of file delimited.hpp.

◆ effect

template<LEXY_NTTP_PARAM Fn>
constexpr auto lexyd::effect = _eff<Fn>{}

Invokes Fn and produces its value as result.

Definition at line 65 of file effect.hpp.

◆ else_

constexpr auto lexyd::else_ = _else_dsl{}

Takes the branch unconditionally.

Definition at line 143 of file branch.hpp.

◆ eof

constexpr auto lexyd::eof = _eof{}

Matches EOF.

Definition at line 72 of file eof.hpp.

◆ eol

constexpr auto lexyd::eol = _eol{}

Matches the end of line (EOF or newline).

Definition at line 82 of file newline.hpp.

◆ error

template<typename Tag >
constexpr auto lexyd::error = _err<Tag, void>{}

Matches nothing, produces an error with the given tag.

Definition at line 65 of file dsl/error.hpp.

◆ inline_

template<typename Production >
constexpr auto lexyd::inline_ = lexy::production_rule<Production>{}

Parses the rule of the production as if it were part of the current production.

Definition at line 16 of file production.hpp.

◆ integer

template<typename T , typename Base = void>
constexpr auto lexyd::integer = _int_dsl<T, Base>{}

Parses the digits matched by the rule into an integer type.

Definition at line 513 of file dsl/integer.hpp.

◆ lit_b

template<unsigned char... C>
constexpr auto lexyd::lit_b = _lit<unsigned char, C...>{}

Definition at line 384 of file literal.hpp.

◆ lit_c

template<auto C>
constexpr auto lexyd::lit_c = _lit<LEXY_DECAY_DECLTYPE(C), C>{}

Definition at line 381 of file literal.hpp.

◆ lit_cp

template<char32_t... CodePoint>
constexpr auto lexyd::lit_cp = _lcp<CodePoint...>{}

Definition at line 479 of file literal.hpp.

◆ little_bint16

constexpr auto lexyd::little_bint16 = _bint<2, lexy::_detail::bint_little>{}

Definition at line 385 of file byte.hpp.

◆ little_bint32

constexpr auto lexyd::little_bint32 = _bint<4, lexy::_detail::bint_little>{}

Definition at line 390 of file byte.hpp.

◆ little_bint64

constexpr auto lexyd::little_bint64 = _bint<8, lexy::_detail::bint_little>{}

Definition at line 395 of file byte.hpp.

◆ Loop

lexyd::_rep lexyd::Loop

◆ member

template<auto MemPtr>
constexpr auto lexyd::member = _mem_dsl<lexy::_mem_ptr_fn<MemPtr>>{}

Specifies that the output of the associated rule should be stored in the member pointer. Used with lexy::as_aggregate.

Definition at line 92 of file member.hpp.

◆ minus_sign

constexpr auto lexyd::minus_sign = if_(_minus{})

Matches a minus sign or nothing, producing +1 or -1.

Definition at line 40 of file sign.hpp.

◆ n_digits

template<std::size_t N, typename Base = decimal>
constexpr auto lexyd::n_digits = _ndigits<N, Base>{}

Matches exactly N digits.

Definition at line 640 of file digit.hpp.

◆ newline

constexpr auto lexyd::newline = _nl{}

Matches a newline character.

Definition at line 29 of file newline.hpp.

◆ nullopt

constexpr auto lexyd::nullopt = _nullopt{}

Definition at line 50 of file option.hpp.

◆ p

template<typename Production >
constexpr auto lexyd::p = _prd<Production>{}

Parses the production.

Definition at line 127 of file production.hpp.

◆ padding_bytes

template<std::size_t N, unsigned char Padding = 0>
constexpr auto lexyd::padding_bytes = _pb<N, Padding>{}

Matches N bytes set to the padding value. It is a recoverable error if the byte doesn't have that value.

Definition at line 219 of file byte.hpp.

◆ parenthesized

constexpr auto lexyd::parenthesized = round_bracketed

Definition at line 113 of file brackets.hpp.

◆ plus_sign

constexpr auto lexyd::plus_sign = if_(_plus{})

Matches a plus sign or nothing, producing +1.

Definition at line 38 of file sign.hpp.

◆ pnode

template<typename Production >
constexpr auto lexyd::pnode = _pn<Production>{}

Definition at line 247 of file parse_tree_node.hpp.

◆ position

constexpr auto lexyd::position = _pos_dsl{}

Produces an iterator to the current reader position without parsing anything.

Definition at line 79 of file position.hpp.

◆ quoted

constexpr auto lexyd::quoted = delimited(LEXY_LIT("\""))

Definition at line 344 of file delimited.hpp.

◆ recurse

template<typename Production >
constexpr auto lexyd::recurse = _rec<Production>{}

Parses the production, recursively. dsl::p requires that the production is already defined in order to propagate a branch condition outwards.

Definition at line 242 of file production.hpp.

◆ recurse_branch

template<typename Production >
constexpr auto lexyd::recurse_branch = _recb<Production>{}

Definition at line 245 of file production.hpp.

◆ return_

constexpr auto lexyd::return_ = _ret{}

Finishes parsing a production without considering subsequent rules.

Definition at line 20 of file return.hpp.

◆ round_bracketed

constexpr auto lexyd::round_bracketed = brackets(lit_c<'('>, lit_c<')'>)

Definition at line 108 of file brackets.hpp.

◆ scan

constexpr auto lexyd::scan = _scan{}

Definition at line 503 of file dsl/scan.hpp.

◆ sign

constexpr auto lexyd::sign = if_(_plus{} | _minus{})

Matches a plus or minus sign or nothing, producing +1 or -1.

Definition at line 43 of file sign.hpp.

◆ single_quoted

constexpr auto lexyd::single_quoted = delimited(LEXY_LIT("'"))

Definition at line 347 of file delimited.hpp.

◆ square_bracketed

constexpr auto lexyd::square_bracketed = brackets(lit_c<'['>, lit_c<']'>)

Definition at line 109 of file brackets.hpp.

◆ subgrammar

template<typename Production , typename T >
constexpr auto lexyd::subgrammar = _subg<Production, T>{}

Parses the entry production of a subgrammar, which may be defined in a different file.

Definition at line 106 of file subgrammar.hpp.

◆ symbol

template<const auto & Table>
constexpr auto lexyd::symbol = _sym_dsl<Table>{}

Parses optional rule, then matches the resulting lexeme against the symbol table.

Definition at line 539 of file symbol.hpp.

◆ tnode

template<auto Kind>
constexpr auto lexyd::tnode = _tn<Kind>{}

Definition at line 199 of file parse_tree_node.hpp.

◆ triple_backticked

constexpr auto lexyd::triple_backticked = delimited(LEXY_LIT("```"))

Definition at line 351 of file delimited.hpp.

◆ triple_quoted

constexpr auto lexyd::triple_quoted = delimited(LEXY_LIT("\"\"\""))

Definition at line 345 of file delimited.hpp.

◆ zero

constexpr auto lexyd::zero = _zero{}

Matches the zero digit.

Definition at line 259 of file digit.hpp.

string_view::value_type char_type
Definition: magic_enum.hpp:145
constexpr auto code_point
Matches a single unicode code point in the current unicode encoding.
Definition: dsl/code_point.hpp:200
Definition: dsl/integer.hpp:519
Definition: dsl/integer.hpp:543
Definition: dsl/integer.hpp:171

Author(s): Davide Faconti
autogenerated on Fri Feb 28 2025 03:19:21