Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
lexy::_detail Namespace Reference


struct  _binding_power_of
struct  _detector
struct  _detector< Op, void_t< Op< Args... > >, Args... >
struct  _lazy_init_storage_non_trivial
struct  _lazy_init_storage_trivial
struct  _make_index_sequence
struct  _make_index_sequence< 0 >
struct  _make_index_sequence< 1 >
struct  _mem_invoker
struct  _mem_invoker< F ClassT::*, false >
struct  _mem_invoker< R ClassT::*, true >
class  _memory_resource_ptr
class  _memory_resource_ptr_empty
struct  _merge_case_folding
struct  _merge_case_folding< CurrentCaseFolding >
struct  _merge_case_folding< CurrentCaseFolding, H, T... >
struct  _merge_case_folding< void >
struct  _node_char_class_impl
struct  _node_char_class_impl< 0, true, H, T... >
struct  _node_char_class_impl< Idx, true, H, T... >
struct  _nth_type
struct  _nth_type< 0, H, T... >
struct  _nth_type< Idx, H, T... >
struct  _operation_list_of
struct  _proxy_pointer
struct  _string_view_holder
struct  _string_view_holder< FnPtr, index_sequence< Indices... > >
struct  _swar_base
class  _tuple
class  _tuple< index_sequence< Idx... >, T... >
struct  _tuple_get_type
struct  _tuple_get_type< T && >
struct  _tuple_holder
struct  all_values_placeholder
class  any_base
class  any_holder
struct  ascii_set
struct  ascii_set_matcher
struct  ascii_set_matcher< CompressedAsciiSet, index_sequence< RangeIdx... >, index_sequence< SingleIdx... > >
struct  automatic_ws_parser
class  basic_string_view
struct  bidirectional_iterator_base
struct  binding_power
class  buffer_builder
struct  cat_
struct  cat_< type_string< CharT, C1... >, type_string< CharT, C2... > >
struct  char_class_list
struct  compressed_ascii_set
struct  concat_seq
struct  concat_seq< index_sequence< I1... >, index_sequence< I2... > >
struct  context_finish_parser
struct  cp_result
class  default_memory_resource
struct  disable_whitespace_skipping
struct  final_parser
struct  forward_iterator_base
struct  integer_sequence
class  lazy_init
class  lazy_init< T & >
class  lazy_init< void >
struct  lit_trie
struct  lit_trie_matcher
struct  lit_trie_matcher< Trie, CurNode >
struct  macro_type_string
struct  no_bind_state
struct  null_terminated
struct  op_lit_list
struct  operation_list
struct  parse_context_control_block
struct  parse_context_var
struct  parse_context_var_base
struct  parsed_operator
struct  placeholder_base
class  pt_buffer
class  pt_node
struct  pt_node_production
struct  pt_node_token
struct  scan_final_parser
class  scanner
struct  scanner_input
struct  sentinel_base
struct  stateless_lambda
struct  swar_pack_result
class  swar_reader_base
class  trace_writer
struct  tuple
struct  tuple<>
struct  type_string
struct  void_value_callback
class  ws_handler
struct  ws_production
struct  ws_production< lexyd::_wsr< Rule > >


template<typename T , typename... Args>
using _detect_brace_construct = decltype(T{LEXY_DECLVAL(Args)...})
template<typename T >
using _detect_name_f = std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible_v< decltype(T::name()), string_view > >
template<typename T >
using _detect_name_v = decltype(T::name)
template<typename Iterator >
using _detect_random_access = decltype(LEXY_DECLVAL(Iterator) - LEXY_DECLVAL(Iterator))
template<typename T >
using _lazy_init_storage = std::conditional_t< _lazy_init_trivial< T >, _lazy_init_storage_trivial< T >, _lazy_init_storage_non_trivial< T > >
template<std::size_t CharClassIdx, typename... CharClasses>
using _node_char_class = _node_char_class_impl< CharClassIdx,(CharClassIdx< sizeof...(CharClasses)), CharClasses... >
using any_cref = const any_base *
using any_ref = any_base *
template<std::size_t N>
using bint = decltype(_bint< N >())
template<typename A , typename B >
using cat = typename cat_< A, B >::type
template<typename Fallback , template< typename... > typename Op, typename... Args>
using detected_or = typename _detector< Op, void, Args... >::template type_or< Fallback >
using file_callback = void(*)(void *user_data, const char *memory, std::size_t size)
template<std::size_t... Indices>
using index_sequence = integer_sequence< std::size_t, Indices... >
template<typename... T>
using index_sequence_for = make_index_sequence< sizeof...(T)>
template<typename Reader >
using lit_no_case_fold = Reader
template<typename Encoding , typename... Literals>
using lit_trie_for = decltype(make_empty_trie< Encoding, Literals... >())
template<std::size_t Size>
using make_index_sequence = typename _make_index_sequence< Size >::type
template<typename MemoryResource >
using memory_resource_ptr = std::conditional_t< std::is_void_v< MemoryResource >, _memory_resource_ptr_empty< default_memory_resource >, std::conditional_t< std::is_empty_v< MemoryResource >, _memory_resource_ptr_empty< MemoryResource >, _memory_resource_ptr< MemoryResource > >>
template<typename Operation >
using op_of = LEXY_DECAY_DECLTYPE(Operation::op)
template<typename Expr , unsigned MinBindingPower>
using post_operation_list_of = decltype(_operation_list_of< false, MinBindingPower >::template get< 1 >(typename Expr::operation{}))
template<typename Expr , unsigned MinBindingPower>
using pre_operation_list_of = decltype(_operation_list_of< true, MinBindingPower >::template get< 1 >(typename Expr::operation{}))
template<typename Encoding , typename CharT >
using require_secondary_char_type = std::enable_if_t< Encoding::template is_secondary_char_type< CharT >()>
using string_view = basic_string_view< char >
using swar_int = std::uintmax_t
template<typename T , typename Fallback >
using type_or = std::conditional_t< std::is_void_v< T >, Fallback, T >
template<typename CharT >
using uchar_t = decltype(make_uchar(CharT()))
template<typename... Args>
using void_t = void
template<typename >
using ws_result = bool


enum  bint_endianness { bint_little, bint_big, bint_native = bint_big }
enum  color {
  color::reset = 0, color::bold = 1, color::faint = 2, color::italic = 3,
  color::black = 30, color::red = 31, color::green = 32, color::yellow = 33,
  color::blue = 34, color::magenta = 35, color::cyan = 36, color::white = 37
enum  cp_error {
  cp_error::success, cp_error::eof, cp_error::leads_with_trailing, cp_error::missing_trailing,
  cp_error::surrogate, cp_error::overlong_sequence, cp_error::out_of_range


template<std::size_t N>
auto _bint ()
template<typename T >
constexpr auto _full_type_name ()
template<std::size_t Idx, typename Fn , typename... BoundArgs, typename State , typename... ActualArgs, std::size_t... ActualIdx, typename... ProducedArgs>
constexpr decltype(auto) _invoke_bound (Fn &&fn, const _detail::tuple< BoundArgs... > &bound_args, State &state, const _detail::tuple< ActualArgs... > &actual_args, _detail::index_sequence< ActualIdx... >, ProducedArgs &&... produced_args)
constexpr void _swar_pack (swar_int &, int)
template<typename H , typename... T>
constexpr void _swar_pack (swar_int &result, int index, H h, T... t)
template<typename T , int NsCount>
constexpr string_view _type_name ()
template<typename Expr , typename Operation >
constexpr auto binding_power_of (Operation)
template<int... Props>
bool code_point_has_properties (char32_t cp)
template<typename T >
constexpr auto compress_ascii_set ()
template<typename T , typename... Args>
T * construct_at (T *ptr, Args &&... args)
template<typename T >
std::add_rvalue_reference_t< T > declval ()
template<typename Encoding >
constexpr std::size_t encode_code_point (char32_t cp, typename Encoding::char_type *buffer, std::size_t size)
template<typename Reader >
constexpr bool equal_lexemes (lexeme< Reader > lhs, lexeme< Reader > rhs)
template<typename BoundArg , typename State , typename... Args>
constexpr decltype(auto) expand_bound_arg (const BoundArg &bound, State &state, const _detail::tuple< Args... > &actual_args)
template<typename Encoding , typename Iterator >
constexpr Iterator find_cp_boundary (Iterator cur, Iterator end)
template<typename... Args>
constexpr auto forward_as_tuple (Args &&... args)
constexpr const char * general_category_name (lexy::code_point::general_category_t category)
template<typename Operation >
constexpr binding_power get_binding_power (unsigned cur_group, unsigned cur_level)
template<typename Counting , typename Input >
constexpr auto get_input_line (const Input &input, typename lexy::input_reader< Input >::marker line_begin)
template<typename MemoryResource , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_void_v<MemoryResource> || std::is_empty_v<MemoryResource>>>
constexpr MemoryResource * get_memory_resource ()
template<typename F , typename... Args>
constexpr auto invoke (F &&f, Args &&... args) -> decltype(LEXY_FWD(f)(LEXY_FWD(args)...))
template<typename ClassT , typename F , typename... Args>
constexpr auto invoke (F ClassT::*f, Args &&... args) -> decltype(_mem_invoker< F ClassT::* >::invoke(f, LEXY_FWD(args)...))
template<typename Fn , typename... BoundArgs, std::size_t... Idx, typename State , typename... Args>
constexpr decltype(auto) invoke_bound (Fn &&fn, const _detail::tuple< BoundArgs... > &bound_args, _detail::index_sequence< Idx... >, State &state, Args &&... args)
template<typename CharT >
constexpr bool is_ascii (CharT c)
template<typename Encoding , typename... Literals>
LEXY_CONSTEVAL auto make_empty_trie ()
template<typename Encoding >
constexpr auto make_literal_lexeme (const typename Encoding::char_type *str, std::size_t length)
template<typename... Args>
constexpr auto make_tuple (Args &&... args)
template<typename CharT >
constexpr auto make_uchar (CharT c)
template<std::size_t CurCharIndex, typename CharT , CharT... Cs, typename Reader >
constexpr auto match_literal (Reader &reader)
template<typename Iterator >
constexpr Iterator max_range_end (Iterator begin, Iterator end_a, Iterator end_b)
template<typename Iterator >
constexpr Iterator min_range_end (Iterator begin, Iterator end_a, Iterator end_b)
template<typename Iterator >
constexpr Iterator next (Iterator iter)
template<typename Iterator >
constexpr Iterator next (Iterator iter, std::size_t n)
template<typename Iterator , typename Sentinel >
constexpr Iterator next_clamped (Iterator iter, std::size_t n, Sentinel end)
template<typename Reader >
constexpr cp_result< Reader > parse_code_point (Reader reader)
template<typename OpList , typename Reader >
constexpr auto parse_operator (Reader &reader)
template<typename Iterator , typename Sentinel >
constexpr bool precedes ([[maybe_unused]] Iterator first, [[maybe_unused]] Sentinel after)
template<typename Iterator , typename Sentinel >
constexpr std::size_t range_size (Iterator begin, Sentinel end)
file_error read_file (const char *path, file_callback cb, void *user_data)
file_error read_stdin (file_callback cb, void *user_data)
template<typename Reader >
constexpr void recover_code_point (Reader &reader, cp_result< Reader > result)
constexpr std::size_t round_size_for_swar (std::size_t size_in_bytes)
template<typename WhitespaceRule , typename Handler , typename Reader >
constexpr auto skip_whitespace (ws_handler< Handler > &&handler, Reader &reader)
template<typename WhitespaceRule >
constexpr bool space_is_definitely_whitespace ()
template<typename T >
constexpr void swap (T &lhs, T &rhs)
template<typename CharT >
constexpr swar_int swar_fill (CharT _c)
template<typename CharT >
constexpr swar_int swar_fill_compl (CharT _c)
template<typename CharT >
constexpr std::size_t swar_find_difference (swar_int lhs, swar_int rhs)
template<typename CharT , CharT C>
constexpr bool swar_has_char (swar_int v)
template<typename CharT , CharT N>
constexpr bool swar_has_char_less (swar_int v)
template<typename CharT >
constexpr bool swar_has_zero (swar_int v)
template<int SkipFirstNChars = 0, typename... CharT>
constexpr auto swar_pack (CharT... cs)
template<typename TargetCharT , typename CharT >
LEXY_CONSTEVAL TargetCharT transcode_char (CharT c)
template<typename Encoding , typename CharT >
LEXY_CONSTEVAL auto transcode_int (CharT c) -> typename Encoding::int_type
template<typename T , int NsCount = 1>
constexpr const char *const * type_id ()
template<typename T , int NsCount = 1>
constexpr const char * type_name ()
template<color CodeHead, color... CodeTail, typename OutIt >
constexpr OutIt write_color (OutIt out, visualization_options opts)
template<typename OutIt >
constexpr OutIt write_ellipsis (OutIt out, visualization_options opts)
template<int N = 16, typename OutIt , typename... Args>
constexpr OutIt write_format (OutIt out, const char *fmt, const Args &... args)
template<typename OutIt , typename Fn >
constexpr OutIt write_special_char (OutIt out, visualization_options opts, Fn inner)
template<typename OutIt >
constexpr OutIt write_str (OutIt out, const char *str)
template<typename OutIt >
constexpr OutIt write_str (OutIt out, const LEXY_CHAR8_T *str)
template<typename Context >
 ws_handler (Context &context) -> ws_handler< typename Context::handler_type >


template<typename T >
constexpr auto _lazy_init_trivial
template<typename T , int NsCount>
constexpr const char * _type_id_holder = type_name<T, NsCount>()
template<typename CharT >
constexpr auto char_bit_size = sizeof(CharT) * CHAR_BIT
template<typename... T>
constexpr bool error = false
template<typename T , typename... Args>
constexpr auto is_brace_constructible = _detail::is_detected<_detect_brace_construct, T, Args...>
template<typename Encoding , typename CharT >
constexpr bool is_compatible_char_type
template<typename T , typename... Args>
constexpr auto is_constructible = std::is_constructible_v<T, Args...> || is_brace_constructible<T, Args...>
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool is_decayed_same = std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, std::decay_t<U>>
template<template< typename... > typename Op, typename... Args>
constexpr bool is_detected = _detector<Op, void, Args...>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr auto is_placeholder = std::is_base_of_v<placeholder_base, T>
template<typename Iterator >
constexpr auto is_random_access_iterator = is_detected<_detect_random_access, Iterator>
template<typename Reader >
constexpr auto is_swar_reader = std::is_base_of_v<_swar_base, Reader>
template<auto FnPtr>
constexpr const auto * make_cstr = _string_view_holder<FnPtr>::value
template<typename CharT >
constexpr auto swar_length

Typedef Documentation

◆ _detect_brace_construct

template<typename T , typename... Args>
using lexy::_detail::_detect_brace_construct = typedef decltype(T{LEXY_DECLVAL(Args)...})

Definition at line 12 of file object.hpp.

◆ _detect_name_f

template<typename T >
using lexy::_detail::_detect_name_f = typedef std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<decltype(T::name()), string_view> >

Definition at line 15 of file type_name.hpp.

◆ _detect_name_v

template<typename T >
using lexy::_detail::_detect_name_v = typedef decltype(T::name)

Definition at line 17 of file type_name.hpp.

◆ _detect_random_access

template<typename Iterator >
using lexy::_detail::_detect_random_access = typedef decltype(LEXY_DECLVAL(Iterator) - LEXY_DECLVAL(Iterator))

Definition at line 17 of file iterator.hpp.

◆ _lazy_init_storage

template<typename T >
using lexy::_detail::_lazy_init_storage = typedef std::conditional_t<_lazy_init_trivial<T>, _lazy_init_storage_trivial<T>, _lazy_init_storage_non_trivial<T> >

Definition at line 106 of file lazy_init.hpp.

◆ _node_char_class

template<std::size_t CharClassIdx, typename... CharClasses>
using lexy::_detail::_node_char_class = typedef _node_char_class_impl<CharClassIdx, (CharClassIdx < sizeof...(CharClasses)), CharClasses...>

Definition at line 237 of file literal.hpp.

◆ any_cref

using lexy::_detail::any_cref = typedef const any_base*

Definition at line 44 of file any_ref.hpp.

◆ any_ref

using lexy::_detail::any_ref = typedef any_base*

Definition at line 43 of file any_ref.hpp.

◆ bint

template<std::size_t N>
using lexy::_detail::bint = typedef decltype(_bint<N>())

Definition at line 256 of file byte.hpp.

◆ cat

template<typename A , typename B >
using lexy::_detail::cat = typedef typename cat_<A, B>::type

Definition at line 105 of file nttp_string.hpp.

◆ detected_or

template<typename Fallback , template< typename... > typename Op, typename... Args>
using lexy::_detail::detected_or = typedef typename _detector<Op, void, Args...>::template type_or<Fallback>

Definition at line 31 of file detect.hpp.

◆ file_callback

using lexy::_detail::file_callback = typedef void (*)(void* user_data, const char* memory, std::size_t size)

Definition at line 33 of file file.hpp.

◆ index_sequence

template<std::size_t... Indices>
using lexy::_detail::index_sequence = typedef integer_sequence<std::size_t, Indices...>

Definition at line 17 of file integer_sequence.hpp.

◆ index_sequence_for

template<typename... T>
using lexy::_detail::index_sequence_for = typedef make_index_sequence<sizeof...(T)>

Definition at line 60 of file integer_sequence.hpp.

◆ lit_no_case_fold

template<typename Reader >
using lexy::_detail::lit_no_case_fold = typedef Reader

Definition at line 196 of file literal.hpp.

◆ lit_trie_for

template<typename Encoding , typename... Literals>
using lexy::_detail::lit_trie_for = typedef decltype(make_empty_trie<Encoding, Literals...>())

Definition at line 212 of file literal.hpp.

◆ make_index_sequence

template<std::size_t Size>
using lexy::_detail::make_index_sequence = typedef typename _make_index_sequence<Size>::type

Definition at line 55 of file integer_sequence.hpp.

◆ memory_resource_ptr

template<typename MemoryResource >
using lexy::_detail::memory_resource_ptr = typedef std::conditional_t<std::is_void_v<MemoryResource>, _memory_resource_ptr_empty<default_memory_resource>, std::conditional_t<std::is_empty_v<MemoryResource>, _memory_resource_ptr_empty<MemoryResource>, _memory_resource_ptr<MemoryResource> >>

Definition at line 140 of file memory_resource.hpp.

◆ op_of

template<typename Operation >
using lexy::_detail::op_of = typedef LEXY_DECAY_DECLTYPE(Operation::op)

Definition at line 169 of file expression.hpp.

◆ post_operation_list_of

template<typename Expr , unsigned MinBindingPower>
using lexy::_detail::post_operation_list_of = typedef decltype(_operation_list_of<false, MinBindingPower>::template get<1>( typename Expr::operation{}))

Definition at line 248 of file expression.hpp.

◆ pre_operation_list_of

template<typename Expr , unsigned MinBindingPower>
using lexy::_detail::pre_operation_list_of = typedef decltype(_operation_list_of<true, MinBindingPower>::template get<1>( typename Expr::operation{}))

Definition at line 243 of file expression.hpp.

◆ require_secondary_char_type

template<typename Encoding , typename CharT >
using lexy::_detail::require_secondary_char_type = typedef std::enable_if_t<Encoding::template is_secondary_char_type<CharT>()>

Definition at line 288 of file encoding.hpp.

◆ string_view

Definition at line 192 of file string_view.hpp.

◆ swar_int

using lexy::_detail::swar_int = typedef std::uintmax_t

Definition at line 20 of file swar.hpp.

◆ type_or

template<typename T , typename Fallback >
using lexy::_detail::type_or = typedef std::conditional_t<std::is_void_v<T>, Fallback, T>

Definition at line 64 of file config.hpp.

◆ uchar_t

template<typename CharT >
using lexy::_detail::uchar_t = typedef decltype(make_uchar(CharT()))

Definition at line 42 of file swar.hpp.

◆ void_t

template<typename... Args>
using lexy::_detail::void_t = typedef void

Definition at line 12 of file detect.hpp.

◆ ws_result

template<typename >
using lexy::_detail::ws_result = typedef bool

Definition at line 100 of file whitespace.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ bint_endianness


Definition at line 225 of file byte.hpp.

◆ color

enum lexy::_detail::color

Definition at line 120 of file visualize.hpp.

◆ cp_error


Definition at line 122 of file _detail/code_point.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ _bint()

template<std::size_t N>
auto lexy::_detail::_bint ( )

Definition at line 238 of file byte.hpp.

◆ _full_type_name()

template<typename T >
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::_full_type_name ( )

Definition at line 20 of file type_name.hpp.

◆ _invoke_bound()

template<std::size_t Idx, typename Fn , typename... BoundArgs, typename State , typename... ActualArgs, std::size_t... ActualIdx, typename... ProducedArgs>
constexpr decltype(auto) lexy::_detail::_invoke_bound ( Fn &&  fn,
const _detail::tuple< BoundArgs... > &  bound_args,
State &  state,
const _detail::tuple< ActualArgs... > &  actual_args,
_detail::index_sequence< ActualIdx... >  ,
ProducedArgs &&...  produced_args 

Definition at line 36 of file bind.hpp.

◆ _swar_pack() [1/2]

constexpr void lexy::_detail::_swar_pack ( swar_int ,

Definition at line 74 of file swar.hpp.

◆ _swar_pack() [2/2]

template<typename H , typename... T>
constexpr void lexy::_detail::_swar_pack ( swar_int result,
int  index,
T...  t 

Definition at line 76 of file swar.hpp.

◆ _type_name()

template<typename T , int NsCount>
constexpr string_view lexy::_detail::_type_name ( )

Definition at line 77 of file type_name.hpp.

◆ binding_power_of()

template<typename Expr , typename Operation >
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::binding_power_of ( Operation  )

Definition at line 160 of file expression.hpp.

◆ code_point_has_properties()

template<int... Props>
bool lexy::_detail::code_point_has_properties ( char32_t  cp)

◆ compress_ascii_set()

template<typename T >
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::compress_ascii_set ( )

Definition at line 91 of file char_class.hpp.

◆ construct_at()

template<typename T , typename... Args>
T* lexy::_detail::construct_at ( T *  ptr,
Args &&...  args 

Definition at line 46 of file std.hpp.

◆ declval()

template<typename T >
std::add_rvalue_reference_t<T> lexy::_detail::declval ( )

◆ encode_code_point()

template<typename Encoding >
constexpr std::size_t lexy::_detail::encode_code_point ( char32_t  cp,
typename Encoding::char_type *  buffer,
std::size_t  size 

Definition at line 13 of file _detail/code_point.hpp.

◆ equal_lexemes()

template<typename Reader >
constexpr bool lexy::_detail::equal_lexemes ( lexeme< Reader >  lhs,
lexeme< Reader >  rhs 

Definition at line 85 of file lexeme.hpp.

◆ expand_bound_arg()

template<typename BoundArg , typename State , typename... Args>
constexpr decltype(auto) lexy::_detail::expand_bound_arg ( const BoundArg &  bound,
State &  state,
const _detail::tuple< Args... > &  actual_args 

Definition at line 19 of file bind.hpp.

◆ find_cp_boundary()

template<typename Encoding , typename Iterator >
constexpr Iterator lexy::_detail::find_cp_boundary ( Iterator  cur,
Iterator  end 

Definition at line 332 of file input_location.hpp.

◆ forward_as_tuple()

template<typename... Args>
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::forward_as_tuple ( Args &&...  args)

Definition at line 112 of file tuple.hpp.

◆ general_category_name()

constexpr const char* lexy::_detail::general_category_name ( lexy::code_point::general_category_t  category)

Definition at line 181 of file code_point.hpp.

◆ get_binding_power()

template<typename Operation >
constexpr binding_power lexy::_detail::get_binding_power ( unsigned  cur_group,
unsigned  cur_level 

Definition at line 99 of file expression.hpp.

◆ get_input_line()

template<typename Counting , typename Input >
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::get_input_line ( const Input &  input,
typename lexy::input_reader< Input >::marker  line_begin 

Definition at line 307 of file input_location.hpp.

◆ get_memory_resource()

template<typename MemoryResource , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_void_v<MemoryResource> || std::is_empty_v<MemoryResource>>>
constexpr MemoryResource* lexy::_detail::get_memory_resource ( )

Definition at line 145 of file memory_resource.hpp.

◆ invoke() [1/2]

template<typename F , typename... Args>
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::invoke ( F &&  f,
Args &&...  args 
) -> decltype(LEXY_FWD(f)(LEXY_FWD(args)...))

Definition at line 63 of file invoke.hpp.

◆ invoke() [2/2]

template<typename ClassT , typename F , typename... Args>
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::invoke ( F ClassT::*  f,
Args &&...  args 
) -> decltype(_mem_invoker<F ClassT::*>::invoke(f, LEXY_FWD(args)...))

Definition at line 56 of file invoke.hpp.

◆ invoke_bound()

template<typename Fn , typename... BoundArgs, std::size_t... Idx, typename State , typename... Args>
constexpr decltype(auto) lexy::_detail::invoke_bound ( Fn &&  fn,
const _detail::tuple< BoundArgs... > &  bound_args,
_detail::index_sequence< Idx... >  ,
State &  state,
Args &&...  args 

Definition at line 73 of file bind.hpp.

◆ is_ascii()

template<typename CharT >
constexpr bool lexy::_detail::is_ascii ( CharT  c)

Definition at line 291 of file encoding.hpp.

◆ make_empty_trie()

template<typename Encoding , typename... Literals>
LEXY_CONSTEVAL auto lexy::_detail::make_empty_trie ( )

Definition at line 199 of file literal.hpp.

◆ make_literal_lexeme()

template<typename Encoding >
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::make_literal_lexeme ( const typename Encoding::char_type *  str,
std::size_t  length 

Definition at line 82 of file visualize.hpp.

◆ make_tuple()

template<typename... Args>
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::make_tuple ( Args &&...  args)

Definition at line 106 of file tuple.hpp.

◆ make_uchar()

template<typename CharT >
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::make_uchar ( CharT  c)

Definition at line 33 of file swar.hpp.

◆ match_literal()

template<std::size_t CurCharIndex, typename CharT , CharT... Cs, typename Reader >
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::match_literal ( Reader &  reader)

Definition at line 19 of file literal.hpp.

◆ max_range_end()

template<typename Iterator >
constexpr Iterator lexy::_detail::max_range_end ( Iterator  begin,
Iterator  end_a,
Iterator  end_b 

Definition at line 115 of file iterator.hpp.

◆ min_range_end()

template<typename Iterator >
constexpr Iterator lexy::_detail::min_range_end ( Iterator  begin,
Iterator  end_a,
Iterator  end_b 

Definition at line 93 of file iterator.hpp.

◆ next() [1/2]

template<typename Iterator >
constexpr Iterator lexy::_detail::next ( Iterator  iter)

Definition at line 38 of file iterator.hpp.

◆ next() [2/2]

template<typename Iterator >
constexpr Iterator lexy::_detail::next ( Iterator  iter,
std::size_t  n 

Definition at line 43 of file iterator.hpp.

◆ next_clamped()

template<typename Iterator , typename Sentinel >
constexpr Iterator lexy::_detail::next_clamped ( Iterator  iter,
std::size_t  n,
Sentinel  end 

Definition at line 58 of file iterator.hpp.

◆ parse_code_point()

template<typename Reader >
constexpr cp_result<Reader> lexy::_detail::parse_code_point ( Reader  reader)

Definition at line 142 of file _detail/code_point.hpp.

◆ parse_operator()

template<typename OpList , typename Reader >
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::parse_operator ( Reader &  reader)

Definition at line 83 of file operator.hpp.

◆ precedes()

template<typename Iterator , typename Sentinel >
constexpr bool lexy::_detail::precedes ( [[maybe_unused] ] Iterator  first,
[[maybe_unused] ] Sentinel  after 

Definition at line 82 of file iterator.hpp.

◆ range_size()

template<typename Iterator , typename Sentinel >
constexpr std::size_t lexy::_detail::range_size ( Iterator  begin,
Sentinel  end 

Definition at line 22 of file iterator.hpp.

◆ read_file()

lexy::file_error lexy::_detail::read_file ( const char *  path,
file_callback  cb,
void *  user_data 

Definition at line 157 of file file.cpp.

◆ read_stdin()

lexy::file_error lexy::_detail::read_stdin ( file_callback  cb,
void *  user_data 

Definition at line 191 of file file.cpp.

◆ recover_code_point()

template<typename Reader >
constexpr void lexy::_detail::recover_code_point ( Reader &  reader,
cp_result< Reader >  result 

Definition at line 338 of file _detail/code_point.hpp.

◆ round_size_for_swar()

constexpr std::size_t lexy::_detail::round_size_for_swar ( std::size_t  size_in_bytes)

Definition at line 235 of file swar.hpp.

◆ skip_whitespace()

template<typename WhitespaceRule , typename Handler , typename Reader >
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::skip_whitespace ( ws_handler< Handler > &&  handler,
Reader &  reader 

Definition at line 112 of file whitespace.hpp.

◆ space_is_definitely_whitespace()

template<typename WhitespaceRule >
constexpr bool lexy::_detail::space_is_definitely_whitespace ( )

Definition at line 103 of file whitespace.hpp.

◆ swap()

template<typename T >
constexpr void lexy::_detail::swap ( T &  lhs,
T &  rhs 

Definition at line 53 of file config.hpp.

◆ swar_fill()

template<typename CharT >
constexpr swar_int lexy::_detail::swar_fill ( CharT  _c)

Definition at line 46 of file swar.hpp.

◆ swar_fill_compl()

template<typename CharT >
constexpr swar_int lexy::_detail::swar_fill_compl ( CharT  _c)

Definition at line 61 of file swar.hpp.

◆ swar_find_difference()

template<typename CharT >
constexpr std::size_t lexy::_detail::swar_find_difference ( swar_int  lhs,
swar_int  rhs 

Definition at line 133 of file swar.hpp.

◆ swar_has_char()

template<typename CharT , CharT C>
constexpr bool lexy::_detail::swar_has_char ( swar_int  v)

Definition at line 177 of file swar.hpp.

◆ swar_has_char_less()

template<typename CharT , CharT N>
constexpr bool lexy::_detail::swar_has_char_less ( swar_int  v)

Definition at line 155 of file swar.hpp.

◆ swar_has_zero()

template<typename CharT >
constexpr bool lexy::_detail::swar_has_zero ( swar_int  v)

Definition at line 170 of file swar.hpp.

◆ swar_pack()

template<int SkipFirstNChars = 0, typename... CharT>
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::swar_pack ( CharT...  cs)

Definition at line 104 of file swar.hpp.

◆ transcode_char()

template<typename TargetCharT , typename CharT >
LEXY_CONSTEVAL TargetCharT lexy::_detail::transcode_char ( CharT  c)

Definition at line 300 of file encoding.hpp.

◆ transcode_int()

template<typename Encoding , typename CharT >
LEXY_CONSTEVAL auto lexy::_detail::transcode_int ( CharT  c) -> typename Encoding::int_type

Definition at line 326 of file encoding.hpp.

◆ type_id()

template<typename T , int NsCount = 1>
constexpr const char* const* lexy::_detail::type_id ( )

Definition at line 112 of file type_name.hpp.

◆ type_name()

template<typename T , int NsCount = 1>
constexpr const char* lexy::_detail::type_name ( )

Definition at line 94 of file type_name.hpp.

◆ write_color()

template<color CodeHead, color... CodeTail, typename OutIt >
constexpr OutIt lexy::_detail::write_color ( OutIt  out,
visualization_options  opts 

Definition at line 138 of file visualize.hpp.

◆ write_ellipsis()

template<typename OutIt >
constexpr OutIt lexy::_detail::write_ellipsis ( OutIt  out,
visualization_options  opts 

Definition at line 165 of file visualize.hpp.

◆ write_format()

template<int N = 16, typename OutIt , typename... Args>
constexpr OutIt lexy::_detail::write_format ( OutIt  out,
const char *  fmt,
const Args &...  args 

Definition at line 109 of file visualize.hpp.

◆ write_special_char()

template<typename OutIt , typename Fn >
constexpr OutIt lexy::_detail::write_special_char ( OutIt  out,
visualization_options  opts,
Fn  inner 

Definition at line 174 of file visualize.hpp.

◆ write_str() [1/2]

template<typename OutIt >
constexpr OutIt lexy::_detail::write_str ( OutIt  out,
const char *  str 

Definition at line 94 of file visualize.hpp.

◆ write_str() [2/2]

template<typename OutIt >
constexpr OutIt lexy::_detail::write_str ( OutIt  out,
const LEXY_CHAR8_T str 

Definition at line 101 of file visualize.hpp.

◆ ws_handler()

template<typename Context >
lexy::_detail::ws_handler ( Context &  context) -> ws_handler< typename Context::handler_type >

Variable Documentation

◆ _lazy_init_trivial

template<typename T >
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::_lazy_init_trivial
Initial value:
= [] {
return std::is_trivially_destructible_v<T>
&& std::is_trivially_copy_constructible_v<T>
&& std::is_trivially_copy_assignable_v<T>
&& std::is_trivially_move_constructible_v<T>
&& std::is_trivially_move_assignable_v<T>;

Definition at line 96 of file lazy_init.hpp.

◆ _type_id_holder

template<typename T , int NsCount>
constexpr const char* lexy::_detail::_type_id_holder = type_name<T, NsCount>()

Definition at line 107 of file type_name.hpp.

◆ char_bit_size

template<typename CharT >
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::char_bit_size = sizeof(CharT) * CHAR_BIT

Definition at line 30 of file swar.hpp.

◆ error

template<typename... T>
constexpr bool lexy::_detail::error = false

Definition at line 47 of file config.hpp.

◆ is_brace_constructible

template<typename T , typename... Args>
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::is_brace_constructible = _detail::is_detected<_detect_brace_construct, T, Args...>

Definition at line 14 of file object.hpp.

◆ is_compatible_char_type

template<typename Encoding , typename CharT >
constexpr bool lexy::_detail::is_compatible_char_type
Initial value:
= std::is_same_v<typename Encoding::char_type, CharT>
|| Encoding::template is_secondary_char_type<CharT>()

Definition at line 283 of file encoding.hpp.

◆ is_constructible

template<typename T , typename... Args>
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::is_constructible = std::is_constructible_v<T, Args...> || is_brace_constructible<T, Args...>

Definition at line 18 of file object.hpp.

◆ is_decayed_same

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool lexy::_detail::is_decayed_same = std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, std::decay_t<U>>

Definition at line 61 of file config.hpp.

◆ is_detected

template<template< typename... > typename Op, typename... Args>
constexpr bool lexy::_detail::is_detected = _detector<Op, void, Args...>::value

Definition at line 28 of file detect.hpp.

◆ is_placeholder

template<typename T >
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::is_placeholder = std::is_base_of_v<placeholder_base, T>

Definition at line 16 of file bind.hpp.

◆ is_random_access_iterator

template<typename Iterator >
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::is_random_access_iterator = is_detected<_detect_random_access, Iterator>

Definition at line 19 of file iterator.hpp.

◆ is_swar_reader

template<typename Reader >
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::is_swar_reader = std::is_base_of_v<_swar_base, Reader>

Definition at line 196 of file swar.hpp.

◆ make_cstr

template<auto FnPtr>
constexpr const auto* lexy::_detail::make_cstr = _string_view_holder<FnPtr>::value

Definition at line 208 of file string_view.hpp.

◆ swar_length

template<typename CharT >
constexpr auto lexy::_detail::swar_length
Initial value:
= [] {
static_assert(sizeof(CharT) < sizeof(swar_int) && sizeof(swar_int) % sizeof(CharT) == 0);
return sizeof(swar_int) / sizeof(CharT);

Definition at line 24 of file swar.hpp.

std::uintmax_t swar_int
Definition: swar.hpp:20

Author(s): Davide Faconti
autogenerated on Fri Dec 13 2024 03:19:19