wave_gazebo_plugins Directory Reference


file  Gazebo.hh [code]
 Support for methods not available in legacy versions of Gazebo.
file  Geometry.hh [code]
 This file contains methods to calculate properties of simple geometrical objects.
file  PhysicalConstants.hh [code]
 This file contains definitions of some physical constants used in the physics calculations.
file  Physics.hh [code]
 This file contains definitions for the physics models.
file  Utilities.hh [code]
 This file defines utilities for extracting parameters from SDF.
file  Wavefield.hh [code]
 This file contains definitions for classes used to manage a wave field. This includes wave parameters, wave generation, and sampling from the wave field.
file  WavefieldEntity.hh [code]
 This file contains the definition for a Gazebo physics object that allows a wave field to be added into a simulated world.
file  WavefieldModelPlugin.hh [code]
 This file defines a Gazebo ModelPlugin used to manage a wave field.
file  WavefieldVisualPlugin.hh [code]
 This file defines a Gazebo VisualPlugin used to render a wave field and keep it synchronised with the model used in the physics engine.
file  wavegauge_plugin.hh [code]

Author(s): Rhys Mainwaring
autogenerated on Tue May 5 2020 03:06:51