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aruco_test_markermap.cpp File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include "aruco.h"
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class  CmdLineParser


void cvTackBarEvents (int pos, void *)
void getQuaternionAndTranslationfromMatrix44 (const cv::Mat &M_in, float &qx, float &qy, float &qz, float &qw, float &tx, float &ty, float &tz)
int main (int argc, char **argv)
float NORM (float a, float b, float c, float d)
void processKey (char k)
void savePCDFile (string fpath, const aruco::MarkerMap &ms, const std::map< int, cv::Mat > frame_pose_map) throw (std::exception)
void savePosesToFile (string filename, const std::map< int, cv::Mat > &fmp)
float SIGN (float x)


std::map< int, cv::Mat > frame_pose_map
int iThresParam1
int iThresParam2
bool The3DInfoAvailable = false
CameraParameters TheCameraParameters
Mat TheInputImage
Mat TheInputImageCopy
MarkerDetector TheMarkerDetector
MarkerMap TheMarkerMapConfig
string TheMarkerMapConfigFile
float TheMarkerSize = -1
MarkerMapPoseTracker TheMSPoseTracker
VideoCapture TheVideoCapturer
double ThresParam1
double ThresParam2
int waitTime = 10

Function Documentation

◆ cvTackBarEvents()

void cvTackBarEvents ( int  pos,
void *   

Definition at line 201 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ getQuaternionAndTranslationfromMatrix44()

void getQuaternionAndTranslationfromMatrix44 ( const cv::Mat &  M_in,
float &  qx,
float &  qy,
float &  qz,
float &  qw,
float &  tx,
float &  ty,
float &  tz 

Definition at line 238 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

DO NOT FORGET THAT!!! Otherwise, the ARUCO dictionary will be used by default!

Definition at line 85 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ NORM()

float NORM ( float  a,
float  b,
float  c,
float  d 

Definition at line 235 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ processKey()

void processKey ( char  k)

Definition at line 67 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ savePCDFile()

void savePCDFile ( string  fpath,
const aruco::MarkerMap ms,
const std::map< int, cv::Mat >  frame_pose_map 
throw (std::exception

Definition at line 335 of file pcdwriter.cpp.

◆ savePosesToFile()

void savePosesToFile ( string  filename,
const std::map< int, cv::Mat > &  fmp 

Definition at line 304 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ SIGN()

float SIGN ( float  x)

Definition at line 234 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ frame_pose_map

std::map<int,cv::Mat> frame_pose_map

Definition at line 51 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ iThresParam1

int iThresParam1

Definition at line 49 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ iThresParam2

int iThresParam2

Definition at line 49 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ The3DInfoAvailable

bool The3DInfoAvailable = false

Definition at line 39 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ TheCameraParameters

CameraParameters TheCameraParameters

Definition at line 43 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ TheInputImage

Mat TheInputImage

Definition at line 42 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ TheInputImageCopy

Mat TheInputImageCopy

Definition at line 42 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ TheMarkerDetector

MarkerDetector TheMarkerDetector

Definition at line 45 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ TheMarkerMapConfig

MarkerMap TheMarkerMapConfig

Definition at line 44 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ TheMarkerMapConfigFile

string TheMarkerMapConfigFile

Definition at line 38 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ TheMarkerSize

float TheMarkerSize = -1

Definition at line 40 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ TheMSPoseTracker

MarkerMapPoseTracker TheMSPoseTracker

Definition at line 46 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ TheVideoCapturer

VideoCapture TheVideoCapturer

Definition at line 41 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ ThresParam1

double ThresParam1

Definition at line 48 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ ThresParam2

double ThresParam2

Definition at line 48 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

◆ waitTime

int waitTime = 10

Definition at line 50 of file aruco_test_markermap.cpp.

Author(s): Lukas Pfeifhofer
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 23:58:06