1 #ifndef ROSTATE_MACHINE_H_INCLUDED 2 #define ROSTATE_MACHINE_H_INCLUDED 17 #include <rostate_machine/State.h> 18 #include <rostate_machine/Event.h> 26 #include <std_msgs/String.h> 29 #include <boost/thread.hpp> 30 #include <boost/bind.hpp> 31 #include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp> 59 #endif //ROSTATE_MACHINE_H_INCLUDED void run()
Run State Machine (Enable Transitions)
void publishCurrentState()
Publish Current State Topic.
boost::circular_buffer< std::string > state_buf_
void eventCallback(const ros::MessageEvent< rostate_machine::Event const > &event)
Callback Function for Trigger Event Topic.
Destroy the Rostate Machine:: Rostate Machine object.
std::shared_ptr< StateMachine > state_machine_ptr_
ros::Publisher dot_string_pub_
ros::Subscriber trigger_event_sub_
std::string state_machine_name_
ros::Publisher current_state_pub_
ROS wrapper of the State Machine Class.
std::string dot_filepath_
RostateMachine(ros::NodeHandle nh, ros::NodeHandle pnh)
Construct a new Rostate Machine:: Rostate Machine object.
State Machine Library using Boost::Graph.