Package roslaunch :: Module server :: Class ROSLaunchParentNode
[frames] | no frames]

Class ROSLaunchParentNode

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                object --+        
rosgraph.xmlrpc.XmlRpcNode --+    
                 ROSLaunchNode --+

XML-RPC server for parent roslaunch.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, rosconfig, pm)
XML RPC Node constructor :param port: port to use for starting XML-RPC API.
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add_child(self, name, p) source code
add_process_listener(self, l)
Listen to events about remote processes dying.
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run() should not be called by higher-level code. (Inherited from roslaunch.server.ROSLaunchNode)
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Startup roslaunch server XML-RPC services (Inherited from roslaunch.server.ROSLaunchNode)
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Inherited from rosgraph.xmlrpc.XmlRpcNode: set_uri, shutdown

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, rosconfig, pm)

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XML RPC Node constructor
:param port: port to use for starting XML-RPC API. Set to 0 or omit to bind to any available port, ``int``
:param rpc_handler: XML-RPC API handler for node, `XmlRpcHandler`
:param on_run_error: function to invoke if throws
  Exception. Server always terminates if run() throws, but this
  enables cleanup routines to be invoked if server goes down, as
  well as include additional debugging. ``fn(Exception)``

  • config (ROSConfig) - ROSConfig launch configuration
  • pm (ProcessMonitor) - process monitor
Overrides: object.__init__

add_child(self, name, p)

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  • name (str) - child roslaunch's name. NOTE:  name is not the same as the machine config key.
  • p (Process) - process handle of child

add_process_listener(self, l)

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Listen to events about remote processes dying. Not threadsafe. Must be called before processes started.
