Package roslaunch :: Module nodeprocess :: Class LocalProcess
[frames] | no frames]

Class LocalProcess

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  object --+    
pmon.Process --+

Process launched on local machine

Instance Methods
__init__(self, run_id, package, name, args, env, log_output, respawn=False, respawn_delay=0.0, required=False, cwd=None, is_node=True, sigint_timeout=15.0, sigterm_timeout=2.0)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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dict { str: val }
Get all data about this process in dictionary form
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Start the process.
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Returns: True if process is still running
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Returns: human-readable description of exit state
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stop(self, errors=None)
Stop the process.
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str(x) (Inherited from roslaunch.pmon.Process)
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Returns: False if process should not respawn floating point seconds until respawn otherwise (Inherited from roslaunch.pmon.Process)
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, run_id, package, name, args, env, log_output, respawn=False, respawn_delay=0.0, required=False, cwd=None, is_node=True, sigint_timeout=15.0, sigterm_timeout=2.0)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

  • run_id (str) - unique run ID for this roslaunch. Used to generate log directory location. run_id may be None if this feature is not being used.
  • package (str) - name of package process is part of
  • name (str) - name of process
  • args ([str]) - list of arguments to process
  • env ({str : str}) - environment dictionary for process
  • log_output (bool) - if True, log output streams of process
  • respawn (bool) - respawn process if it dies (default is False)
  • respawn_delay (float) - respawn process after a delay
  • cwd (str) - working directory of process, or None
  • is_node (False) - (optional) if True, process is ROS node and accepts ROS node command-line arguments. Default: True
  • sigint_timeout (float) - The SIGINT timeout used when killing nodes (in seconds).
  • sigterm_timeout (float) - The SIGTERM timeout used when killing nodes if SIGINT does not stop the node (in seconds).
  • RLException - If sigint_timeout or sigterm_timeout are nonpositive.
Overrides: object.__init__


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Get all data about this process in dictionary form

Returns: dict { str: val }
dictionary of all relevant process properties
Overrides: pmon.Process.get_info


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Start the process.

Overrides: pmon.Process.start


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Returns: bool
True if process is still running
Overrides: pmon.Process.is_alive


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Returns: str
human-readable description of exit state
Overrides: pmon.Process.get_exit_description

stop(self, errors=None)

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Stop the process. Record any significant error messages in the errors parameter

  • errors ([str]) - error messages. stop() will record messages into this list.
Overrides: pmon.Process.stop