
Interrupts and flags management functions. More...

Collaboration diagram for Interrupts and flags management functions:


void ADC_ClearCommonFlag (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t ADC_FLAG)
 Clears the ADCx's pending flags. More...
void ADC_ClearFlag (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t ADC_FLAG)
 Clears the ADCx's pending flags. More...
void ADC_ClearFlag (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t ADC_FLAG)
 Clears the ADCx's pending flags. More...
void ADC_ClearITPendingBit (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint16_t ADC_IT)
 Clears the ADCx's interrupt pending bits. More...
void ADC_ClearITPendingBit (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t ADC_IT)
 Clears the ADCx's interrupt pending bits. More...
FlagStatus ADC_GetCommonFlagStatus (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t ADC_FLAG)
 Checks whether the specified ADC flag is set or not. More...
FlagStatus ADC_GetFlagStatus (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t ADC_FLAG)
 Checks whether the specified ADC flag is set or not. More...
FlagStatus ADC_GetFlagStatus (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t ADC_FLAG)
 Checks whether the specified ADC flag is set or not. More...
ITStatus ADC_GetITStatus (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint16_t ADC_IT)
 Checks whether the specified ADC interrupt has occurred or not. More...
ITStatus ADC_GetITStatus (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t ADC_IT)
 Checks whether the specified ADC interrupt has occurred or not. More...
void ADC_ITConfig (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint16_t ADC_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the specified ADC interrupts. More...
void ADC_ITConfig (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t ADC_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the specified ADC interrupts. More...

Detailed Description

Interrupts and flags management functions.

            ##### Interrupts and flags management functions #####

    [..] This section provides functions allowing to configure the ADC Interrupts 
         and to get the status and clear flags and Interrupts pending bits.
    [..] Each ADC provides 4 Interrupts sources and 6 Flags which can be divided
        into 3 groups:
  *** Flags and Interrupts for ADC regular channels ***
      (+) Flags :
        (##) ADC_FLAG_OVR : Overrun detection when regular converted data are lost

        (##) ADC_FLAG_EOC : Regular channel end of conversion ==> to indicate 
             (depending on EOCS bit, managed by ADC_EOCOnEachRegularChannelCmd() )
             the end of:
             (+++) a regular CHANNEL conversion 
             (+++) sequence of regular GROUP conversions .

        (##) ADC_FLAG_STRT: Regular channel start ==> to indicate when regular 
             CHANNEL conversion starts.
      (+) Interrupts :
        (##) ADC_IT_OVR : specifies the interrupt source for Overrun detection 
        (##) ADC_IT_EOC : specifies the interrupt source for Regular channel end
             of conversion event.
  *** Flags and Interrupts for ADC Injected channels ***
      (+) Flags :
        (##) ADC_FLAG_JEOC : Injected channel end of conversion ==> to indicate 
             at the end of injected GROUP conversion  
        (##) ADC_FLAG_JSTRT: Injected channel start ==> to indicate hardware when 
             injected GROUP conversion starts.
      (+) Interrupts :
        (##) ADC_IT_JEOC : specifies the interrupt source for Injected channel 
             end of conversion event.     

  *** General Flags and Interrupts for the ADC ***
      (+)Flags :
        (##) ADC_FLAG_AWD: Analog watchdog ==> to indicate if the converted voltage 
             crosses the programmed thresholds values.
      (+) Interrupts :
        (##) ADC_IT_AWD : specifies the interrupt source for Analog watchdog event. 

    [..] The user should identify which mode will be used in his application to 
         manage the ADC controller events: Polling mode or Interrupt mode.
    [..] In the Polling Mode it is advised to use the following functions:
      (+) ADC_GetFlagStatus() : to check if flags events occur. 
      (+) ADC_ClearFlag()     : to clear the flags events.
    [..] In the Interrupt Mode it is advised to use the following functions:
      (+) ADC_ITConfig()          : to enable or disable the interrupt source.
      (+) ADC_GetITStatus()       : to check if Interrupt occurs.
      (+) ADC_ClearITPendingBit() : to clear the Interrupt pending Bit 
                                   (corresponding Flag). 
                   ##### Interrupts and flags management functions #####

  [..] This section provides functions allowing to configure the ADC Interrupts, get 
        the status and clear flags and Interrupts pending bits.
  [..] The ADC provide 11 Interrupts sources and 11 Flags which can be divided into 3 groups:
  (#) Flags and Interrupts for ADC regular channels
      (+) ADC_FLAG_RDY: ADC Ready flag
      (+) ADC_FLAG_EOSMP: ADC End of Sampling flag
      (+) ADC_FLAG_EOC: ADC End of Regular Conversion flag.
      (+) ADC_FLAG_EOS: ADC End of Regular sequence of Conversions flag
      (+) ADC_FLAG_OVR: ADC overrun flag
  (##) Interrupts
      (+) ADC_IT_RDY: ADC Ready interrupt source 
      (+) ADC_IT_EOSMP: ADC End of Sampling interrupt source
      (+) ADC_IT_EOC: ADC End of Regular Conversion interrupt source
      (+) ADC_IT_EOS: ADC End of Regular sequence of Conversions interrupt
      (+) ADC_IT_OVR: ADC overrun interrupt source
  (#) Flags and Interrupts for ADC regular channels
      (+) ADC_FLAG_JEOC: ADC Ready flag
      (+) ADC_FLAG_JEOS: ADC End of Sampling flag
      (+) ADC_FLAG_JQOVF: ADC End of Regular Conversion flag.
  (##) Interrupts
      (+) ADC_IT_JEOC: ADC End of Injected Conversion interrupt source 
      (+) ADC_IT_JEOS: ADC End of Injected sequence of Conversions interrupt source
      (+) ADC_IT_JQOVF: ADC Injected Context Queue Overflow interrupt source   

  (#) General Flags and Interrupts for the ADC
     (+)  ADC_FLAG_AWD1: ADC Analog watchdog 1 flag
     (+) ADC_FLAG_AWD2: ADC Analog watchdog 2 flag
     (+) ADC_FLAG_AWD3: ADC Analog watchdog 3 flag
     (+)  ADC_IT_AWD1: ADC Analog watchdog 1 interrupt source
     (+) ADC_IT_AWD2: ADC Analog watchdog 2 interrupt source
     (+) ADC_IT_AWD3: ADC Analog watchdog 3 interrupt source
  (#) Flags  for ADC dual mode
  (##)Flags for Master
     (+) ADC_FLAG_MSTRDY: ADC master Ready (ADRDY) flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_MSTEOSMP: ADC master End of Sampling flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_MSTEOC: ADC master End of Regular Conversion flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_MSTEOS: ADC master End of Regular sequence of Conversions flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_MSTOVR: ADC master overrun flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_MSTJEOC: ADC master End of Injected Conversion flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_MSTJEOS: ADC master End of Injected sequence of Conversions flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_MSTAWD1: ADC master Analog watchdog 1 flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_MSTAWD2: ADC master Analog watchdog 2 flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_MSTAWD3: ADC master Analog watchdog 3 flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_MSTJQOVF: ADC master Injected Context Queue Overflow flag       
  (##) Flags for Slave
     (+) ADC_FLAG_SLVRDY: ADC slave Ready (ADRDY) flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_SLVEOSMP: ADC slave End of Sampling flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_SLVEOC: ADC slave End of Regular Conversion flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_SLVEOS: ADC slave End of Regular sequence of Conversions flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_SLVOVR: ADC slave overrun flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_SLVJEOC: ADC slave End of Injected Conversion flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_SLVJEOS: ADC slave End of Injected sequence of Conversions flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_SLVAWD1: ADC slave Analog watchdog 1 flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_SLVAWD2: ADC slave Analog watchdog 2 flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_SLVAWD3: ADC slave Analog watchdog 3 flag 
     (+) ADC_FLAG_SLVJQOVF: ADC slave Injected Context Queue Overflow flag 
  The user should identify which mode will be used in his application to manage   
  the ADC controller events: Polling mode or Interrupt mode.
  In the Polling Mode it is advised to use the following functions:
      - ADC_GetFlagStatus() : to check if flags events occur. 
      - ADC_ClearFlag()     : to clear the flags events.
  In the Interrupt Mode it is advised to use the following functions:
     - ADC_ITConfig()       : to enable or disable the interrupt source.
     - ADC_GetITStatus()    : to check if Interrupt occurs.
     - ADC_ClearITPendingBit() : to clear the Interrupt pending Bit 
                                (corresponding Flag). 

Function Documentation

◆ ADC_ClearCommonFlag()

void ADC_ClearCommonFlag ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint32_t  ADC_FLAG 

Clears the ADCx's pending flags.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3 or 4 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_FLAGspecifies the master or slave flag to clear. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTRDY: ADC master Ready (ADRDY) flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTEOSMP: ADC master End of Sampling flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTEOC: ADC master End of Regular Conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTEOS: ADC master End of Regular sequence of Conversions flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTOVR: ADC master overrun flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTJEOC: ADC master End of Injected Conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTJEOS: ADC master End of Injected sequence of Conversions flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTAWD1: ADC master Analog watchdog 1 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTAWD2: ADC master Analog watchdog 2 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTAWD3: ADC master Analog watchdog 3 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTJQOVF: ADC master Injected Context Queue Overflow flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVRDY: ADC slave Ready (ADRDY) flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVEOSMP: ADC slave End of Sampling flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVEOC: ADC slave End of Regular Conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVEOS: ADC slave End of Regular sequence of Conversions flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVOVR: ADC slave overrun flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVJEOC: ADC slave End of Injected Conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVJEOS: ADC slave End of Injected sequence of Conversions flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVAWD1: ADC slave Analog watchdog 1 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVAWD2: ADC slave Analog watchdog 2 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVAWD3: ADC slave Analog watchdog 3 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVJQOVF: ADC slave Injected Context Queue Overflow flag
Return values

Definition at line 2313 of file stm32f30x_adc.c.

◆ ADC_ClearFlag() [1/2]

void ADC_ClearFlag ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint8_t  ADC_FLAG 

Clears the ADCx's pending flags.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_FLAGspecifies the flag to clear. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • ADC_FLAG_AWD: Analog watchdog flag
  • ADC_FLAG_EOC: End of conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JEOC: End of injected group conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JSTRT: Start of injected group conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_STRT: Start of regular group conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_OVR: Overrun flag
Return values

Definition at line 1652 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_ClearFlag() [2/2]

void ADC_ClearFlag ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint32_t  ADC_FLAG 

Clears the ADCx's pending flags.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3 or 4 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_FLAGspecifies the flag to clear. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • ADC_FLAG_RDY: ADC Ready (ADRDY) flag
  • ADC_FLAG_EOSMP: ADC End of Sampling flag
  • ADC_FLAG_EOC: ADC End of Regular Conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_EOS: ADC End of Regular sequence of Conversions flag
  • ADC_FLAG_OVR: ADC overrun flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JEOC: ADC End of Injected Conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JEOS: ADC End of Injected sequence of Conversions flag
  • ADC_FLAG_AWD1: ADC Analog watchdog 1 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_AWD2: ADC Analog watchdog 2 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_AWD3: ADC Analog watchdog 3 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JQOVF: ADC Injected Context Queue Overflow flag
Return values

Definition at line 2214 of file stm32f30x_adc.c.

◆ ADC_ClearITPendingBit() [1/2]

void ADC_ClearITPendingBit ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint16_t  ADC_IT 

Clears the ADCx's interrupt pending bits.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_ITspecifies the ADC interrupt pending bit to clear. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_IT_EOC: End of conversion interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_AWD: Analog watchdog interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_JEOC: End of injected conversion interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_OVR: Overrun interrupt mask
Return values

Definition at line 1714 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_ClearITPendingBit() [2/2]

void ADC_ClearITPendingBit ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint32_t  ADC_IT 

Clears the ADCx's interrupt pending bits.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_ITspecifies the ADC interrupt pending bit to clear. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • ADC_IT_RDY: ADC Ready (ADRDY) interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_EOSMP: ADC End of Sampling interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_EOC: ADC End of Regular Conversion interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_EOS: ADC End of Regular sequence of Conversions interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_OVR: ADC overrun interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_JEOC: ADC End of Injected Conversion interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_JEOS: ADC End of Injected sequence of Conversions interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_AWD1: ADC Analog watchdog 1 interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_AWD2: ADC Analog watchdog 2 interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_AWD3: ADC Analog watchdog 3 interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_JQOVF: ADC Injected Context Queue Overflow interrupt source
Return values

Definition at line 2389 of file stm32f30x_adc.c.

◆ ADC_GetCommonFlagStatus()

FlagStatus ADC_GetCommonFlagStatus ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint32_t  ADC_FLAG 

Checks whether the specified ADC flag is set or not.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3 or 4 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_FLAGspecifies the master or slave flag to check. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTRDY: ADC master Ready (ADRDY) flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTEOSMP: ADC master End of Sampling flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTEOC: ADC master End of Regular Conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTEOS: ADC master End of Regular sequence of Conversions flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTOVR: ADC master overrun flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTJEOC: ADC master End of Injected Conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTJEOS: ADC master End of Injected sequence of Conversions flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTAWD1: ADC master Analog watchdog 1 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTAWD2: ADC master Analog watchdog 2 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTAWD3: ADC master Analog watchdog 3 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_MSTJQOVF: ADC master Injected Context Queue Overflow flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVRDY: ADC slave Ready (ADRDY) flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVEOSMP: ADC slave End of Sampling flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVEOC: ADC slave End of Regular Conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVEOS: ADC slave End of Regular sequence of Conversions flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVOVR: ADC slave overrun flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVJEOC: ADC slave End of Injected Conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVJEOS: ADC slave End of Injected sequence of Conversions flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVAWD1: ADC slave Analog watchdog 1 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVAWD2: ADC slave Analog watchdog 2 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVAWD3: ADC slave Analog watchdog 3 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_SLVJQOVF: ADC slave Injected Context Queue Overflow flag
Return values
Thenew state of ADC_FLAG (SET or RESET).

Definition at line 2252 of file stm32f30x_adc.c.

◆ ADC_GetFlagStatus() [1/2]

FlagStatus ADC_GetFlagStatus ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint8_t  ADC_FLAG 

Checks whether the specified ADC flag is set or not.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_FLAGspecifies the flag to check. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_FLAG_AWD: Analog watchdog flag
  • ADC_FLAG_EOC: End of conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JEOC: End of injected group conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JSTRT: Start of injected group conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_STRT: Start of regular group conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_OVR: Overrun flag
Return values
Thenew state of ADC_FLAG (SET or RESET).

Definition at line 1617 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_GetFlagStatus() [2/2]

FlagStatus ADC_GetFlagStatus ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint32_t  ADC_FLAG 

Checks whether the specified ADC flag is set or not.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3 or 4 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_FLAGspecifies the flag to check. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_FLAG_RDY: ADC Ready (ADRDY) flag
  • ADC_FLAG_EOSMP: ADC End of Sampling flag
  • ADC_FLAG_EOC: ADC End of Regular Conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_EOS: ADC End of Regular sequence of Conversions flag
  • ADC_FLAG_OVR: ADC overrun flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JEOC: ADC End of Injected Conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JEOS: ADC End of Injected sequence of Conversions flag
  • ADC_FLAG_AWD1: ADC Analog watchdog 1 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_AWD2: ADC Analog watchdog 2 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_AWD3: ADC Analog watchdog 3 flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JQOVF: ADC Injected Context Queue Overflow flag
Return values
Thenew state of ADC_FLAG (SET or RESET).

Definition at line 2174 of file stm32f30x_adc.c.

◆ ADC_GetITStatus() [1/2]

ITStatus ADC_GetITStatus ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint16_t  ADC_IT 

Checks whether the specified ADC interrupt has occurred or not.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_ITspecifies the ADC interrupt source to check. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_IT_EOC: End of conversion interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_AWD: Analog watchdog interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_JEOC: End of injected conversion interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_OVR: Overrun interrupt mask
Return values
Thenew state of ADC_IT (SET or RESET).

Definition at line 1673 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_GetITStatus() [2/2]

ITStatus ADC_GetITStatus ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint32_t  ADC_IT 

Checks whether the specified ADC interrupt has occurred or not.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_ITspecifies the ADC interrupt source to check. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_IT_RDY: ADC Ready (ADRDY) interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_EOSMP: ADC End of Sampling interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_EOC: ADC End of Regular Conversion interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_EOS: ADC End of Regular sequence of Conversions interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_OVR: ADC overrun interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_JEOC: ADC End of Injected Conversion interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_JEOS: ADC End of Injected sequence of Conversions interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_AWD1: ADC Analog watchdog 1 interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_AWD2: ADC Analog watchdog 2 interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_AWD3: ADC Analog watchdog 3 interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_JQOVF: ADC Injected Context Queue Overflow interrupt source
Return values
Thenew state of ADC_IT (SET or RESET).

Definition at line 2349 of file stm32f30x_adc.c.

◆ ADC_ITConfig() [1/2]

void ADC_ITConfig ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint16_t  ADC_IT,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the specified ADC interrupts.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_ITspecifies the ADC interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_IT_EOC: End of conversion interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_AWD: Analog watchdog interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_JEOC: End of injected conversion interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_OVR: Overrun interrupt enable
NewStatenew state of the specified ADC interrupts. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values

Definition at line 1580 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_ITConfig() [2/2]

void ADC_ITConfig ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint32_t  ADC_IT,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the specified ADC interrupts.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_ITspecifies the ADC interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • ADC_IT_RDY: ADC Ready (ADRDY) interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_EOSMP: ADC End of Sampling interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_EOC: ADC End of Regular Conversion interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_EOS: ADC End of Regular sequence of Conversions interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_OVR: ADC overrun interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_JEOC: ADC End of Injected Conversion interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_JEOS: ADC End of Injected sequence of Conversions interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_AWD1: ADC Analog watchdog 1 interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_AWD2: ADC Analog watchdog 2 interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_AWD3: ADC Analog watchdog 3 interrupt source
  • ADC_IT_JQOVF: ADC Injected Context Queue Overflow interrupt source
NewStatenew state of the specified ADC interrupts. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values

Definition at line 2137 of file stm32f30x_adc.c.

Author(s): Daniel Koch , James Jackson
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 23:36:15