Modules | Classes | Macros | Functions

ADC driver modules. More...

Collaboration diagram for ADC:




struct  ADC_CommonInitTypeDef
 ADC Common Init structure definition. More...
struct  ADC_InitTypeDef
 ADC Init structure definition. More...
struct  HRTIM_ADCTriggerCfgTypeDef
 ADC trigger configuration definition. More...
struct  HRTIM_BaseInitTypeDef
 HRTIM Configuration Structure definition - Time base related parameters. More...
struct  HRTIM_BasicCaptureChannelCfgTypeDef
 Basic capture mode configuration definition. More...
struct  HRTIM_BasicOCChannelCfgTypeDef
 Basic output compare mode configuration definition. More...
struct  HRTIM_BasicOnePulseChannelCfgTypeDef
 Basic One Pulse mode configuration definition. More...
struct  HRTIM_BasicPWMChannelCfgTypeDef
 Basic PWM output mode configuration definition. More...
struct  HRTIM_BurstModeCfgTypeDef
 Burst mode configuration definition. More...
struct  HRTIM_CaptureCfgTypeDef
 Capture unit configuration definition. More...
struct  HRTIM_ChopperModeCfgTypeDef
 Chopper mode configuration definition. More...
struct  HRTIM_CompareCfgTypeDef
 Compare unit configuration definition. More...
struct  HRTIM_DeadTimeCfgTypeDef
 Dead time feature configuration definition. More...
struct  HRTIM_EventCfgTypeDef
 External event channel configuration definition. More...
struct  HRTIM_FaultCfgTypeDef
 Fault channel configuration definition. More...
struct  HRTIM_OutputCfgTypeDef
 Output configuration definition. More...
struct  HRTIM_SynchroCfgTypeDef
 Master synchronization configuration definition. More...
struct  HRTIM_TimerCfgTypeDef
 Timer configuration definition. More...
struct  HRTIM_TimerEventFilteringCfgTypeDef
 External event filtering in timing units configuration definition. More...
struct  HRTIM_TimerInitTypeDef
 Waveform mode initialization parameters definition. More...


 Enables or disables the timer counter(s) More...
#define CCR_CLEAR_MASK   ((uint32_t)0xFFFC10E0)
#define CDR_ADDRESS   ((uint32_t)0x40012308)
#define CFGR_CLEAR_Mask   ((uint32_t)0xFDFFC007)
#define CR1_AWDCH_RESET   ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFE0)
#define CR1_AWDMode_RESET   ((uint32_t)0xFF3FFDFF)
#define CR1_CLEAR_MASK   ((uint32_t)0xFCFFFEFF)
#define CR1_DISCNUM_RESET   ((uint32_t)0xFFFF1FFF)
#define CR2_CLEAR_MASK   ((uint32_t)0xC0FFF7FD)
#define CR2_EXTEN_RESET   ((uint32_t)0xCFFFFFFF)
#define CR2_JEXTEN_RESET   ((uint32_t)0xFFCFFFFF)
#define CR2_JEXTSEL_RESET   ((uint32_t)0xFFF0FFFF)
#define CR_CLEAR_MASK   ((uint32_t)0xFFFC30E0)
#define JDR_Offset   ((uint8_t)0x80)
#define JDR_OFFSET   ((uint8_t)0x28)
#define JSQR_CLEAR_Mask   ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
#define JSQR_JL_RESET   ((uint32_t)0xFFCFFFFF)
#define JSQR_JL_SET   ((uint32_t)0x00300000)
#define JSQR_JSQ_SET   ((uint32_t)0x0000001F)
#define SMPR1_SMP_SET   ((uint32_t)0x00000007)
#define SMPR2_SMP_SET   ((uint32_t)0x00000007)
#define SQR1_L_RESET   ((uint32_t)0xFF0FFFFF)
#define SQR1_SQ_SET   ((uint32_t)0x0000001F)
#define SQR2_SQ_SET   ((uint32_t)0x0000001F)
#define SQR3_SQ_SET   ((uint32_t)0x0000001F)


void ADC_AnalogWatchdogSingleChannelConfig (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t ADC_Channel)
 Configures the analog watchdog guarded single channel. More...
void ADC_AnalogWatchdogThresholdsConfig (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint16_t HighThreshold, uint16_t LowThreshold)
 Configures the high and low thresholds of the analog watchdog. More...
void ADC_ClearFlag (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t ADC_FLAG)
 Clears the ADCx's pending flags. More...
void ADC_ClearITPendingBit (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint16_t ADC_IT)
 Clears the ADCx's interrupt pending bits. More...
void ADC_CommonInit (ADC_CommonInitTypeDef *ADC_CommonInitStruct)
 Initializes the ADCs peripherals according to the specified parameters in the ADC_CommonInitStruct. More...
void ADC_ContinuousModeCmd (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the ADC continuous conversion mode. More...
void ADC_DeInit (void)
 Deinitializes all ADCs peripherals registers to their default reset values. More...
void ADC_DMARequestAfterLastTransferCmd (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the ADC DMA request after last transfer (Single-ADC mode) More...
void ADC_EOCOnEachRegularChannelCmd (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the EOC on each regular channel conversion. More...
void ADC_ExternalTrigInjectedConvConfig (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv)
 Configures the ADCx external trigger for injected channels conversion. More...
void ADC_ExternalTrigInjectedConvEdgeConfig (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge)
 Configures the ADCx external trigger edge for injected channels conversion. More...
FlagStatus ADC_GetFlagStatus (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t ADC_FLAG)
 Checks whether the specified ADC flag is set or not. More...
ITStatus ADC_GetITStatus (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint16_t ADC_IT)
 Checks whether the specified ADC interrupt has occurred or not. More...
uint32_t ADC_GetMultiModeConversionValue (void)
 Returns the last ADC1, ADC2 and ADC3 regular conversions results data in the selected multi mode. More...
FlagStatus ADC_GetSoftwareStartConvStatus (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx)
 Gets the selected ADC Software start regular conversion Status. More...
FlagStatus ADC_GetSoftwareStartInjectedConvCmdStatus (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx)
 Gets the selected ADC Software start injected conversion Status. More...
void ADC_InjectedChannelConfig (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t ADC_Channel, uint8_t Rank, uint8_t ADC_SampleTime)
 Configures for the selected ADC injected channel its corresponding rank in the sequencer and its sample time. More...
void ADC_InjectedSequencerLengthConfig (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t Length)
 Configures the sequencer length for injected channels. More...
void ADC_ITConfig (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint16_t ADC_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the specified ADC interrupts. More...
void ADC_MultiModeDMARequestAfterLastTransferCmd (FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the ADC DMA request after last transfer in multi ADC mode. More...
void ADC_SetInjectedOffset (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t ADC_InjectedChannel, uint16_t Offset)
 Set the injected channels conversion value offset. More...
void ADC_SoftwareStartConv (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx)
 Enables the selected ADC software start conversion of the regular channels. More...
void ADC_SoftwareStartInjectedConv (ADC_TypeDef *ADCx)
 Enables the selected ADC software start conversion of the injected channels. More...
void ADC_TempSensorVrefintCmd (FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the temperature sensor and Vrefint channels. More...
void ADC_VBATCmd (FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the VBAT (Voltage Battery) channel. More...
void HRTIM_ADCTriggerConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t ADCTrigger, HRTIM_ADCTriggerCfgTypeDef *pADCTriggerCfg)
 Configures both the ADC trigger register update source and the ADC trigger source. More...
void HRTIM_BurstDMAConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t RegistersToUpdate)
 Configures the burst DMA controller for a timer. More...
void HRTIM_BurstModeConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, HRTIM_BurstModeCfgTypeDef *pBurstModeCfg)
 Configures the burst mode feature of the HRTIMx. More...
void HRTIM_BurstModeCtl (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Enable)
 Enables or disables the HRTIMx burst mode controller. More...
void HRTIM_ChopperModeConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, HRTIM_ChopperModeCfgTypeDef *pChopperModeCfg)
 Configures the chopper mode feature for a timer. More...
void HRTIM_ClearCommonFlag (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t HRTIM_CommonFLAG)
 Clears the common interrupt flags. More...
void HRTIM_ClearCommonITPendingBit (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t HRTIM_CommonIT)
 Clears the common interrupt pending bits. More...
void HRTIM_ClearFlag (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t HRTIM_FLAG)
 Clears the Master and slaves interrupt flags. More...
void HRTIM_ClearITPendingBit (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t HRTIM_IT)
 Clears the Master and slaves interrupt request pending bits. More...
void HRTIM_DeadTimeConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, HRTIM_DeadTimeCfgTypeDef *pDeadTimeCfg)
 Configures the dead time insertion feature for a timer. More...
void HRTIM_DeInit (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
 De-initializes a timer operating in all mode. More...
void HRTIM_DLLCalibrationStart (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t CalibrationRate)
 Starts the DLL calibration. More...
void HRTIM_DMACmd (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t HRTIM_DMA, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the HRTIMx's DMA Requests. More...
void HRTIM_EventConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Event, HRTIM_EventCfgTypeDef *pEventCfg)
 Configures the conditioning of an external event. More...
void HRTIM_EventPrescalerConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Prescaler)
 Configures the external event conditioning block prescaler. More...
void HRTIM_FaultConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *hrtim, HRTIM_FaultCfgTypeDef *pFaultCfg, uint32_t Fault)
 Configures the conditioning of fault input. More...
void HRTIM_FaultModeCtl (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault, uint32_t Enable)
 Enables or disables the HRTIMx Fault mode. More...
void HRTIM_FaultPrescalerConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Prescaler)
 Configures the fault conditioning block prescaler. More...
uint32_t HRTIM_GetBurstStatus (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
 Returns the actual status (active or inactive) of the burst mode controller. More...
uint32_t HRTIM_GetCapturedValue (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureUnit)
 Returns actual value of the capture register of the designated capture unit. More...
FlagStatus HRTIM_GetCommonFlagStatus (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t HRTIM_CommonFLAG)
 Checks whether the specified HRTIM common flag is set or not. More...
ITStatus HRTIM_GetCommonITStatus (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t HRTIM_CommonIT)
 Checks whether the specified HRTIM common interrupt has occurred or not. More...
uint32_t HRTIM_GetCurrentPushPullStatus (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx)
 Indicates on which output the signal is currently active (when the push pull mode is enabled) More...
uint32_t HRTIM_GetDelayedProtectionStatus (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t Output)
 Returns the level (active or inactive) of the designated output when the delayed protection was triggered. More...
FlagStatus HRTIM_GetFlagStatus (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t HRTIM_FLAG)
 Checks whether the specified HRTIM flag is set or not. More...
uint32_t HRTIM_GetIdlePushPullStatus (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx)
 Indicates on which output the signal was applied, in push-pull mode balanced fault mode or delayed idle mode, when the protection was triggered. More...
ITStatus HRTIM_GetITStatus (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t HRTIM_IT)
 Checks whether the specified HRTIM interrupt has occurred or not. More...
void HRTIM_ITCommonConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t HRTIM_CommonIT, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the common interrupt request. More...
void HRTIM_ITConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t HRTIM_TIM_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the Master and slaves interrupt request. More...
void HRTIM_MasterSetCompare (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t CompareUnit, uint32_t Compare)
 Sets the HRTIMx Master Comparex Register value. More...
void HRTIM_SimpleBase_Init (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, HRTIM_BaseInitTypeDef *HRTIM_BaseInitStruct)
 Initializes the HRTIMx timer in basic time base mode. More...
void HRTIM_SimpleBaseStart (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx)
 Starts the counter of a timer operating in basic time base mode. More...
void HRTIM_SimpleBaseStop (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx)
 Stops the counter of a timer operating in basic time base mode. More...
void HRTIM_SimpleCapture_Init (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, HRTIM_BaseInitTypeDef *HRTIM_BaseInitStruct)
 Initializes a timer operating in basic capture mode. More...
void HRTIM_SimpleCaptureChannelConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureChannel, HRTIM_BasicCaptureChannelCfgTypeDef *pBasicCaptureChannelCfg)
 Configures a basic capture. More...
void HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStart (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureChannel)
 Enables a basic capture on the designed capture unit. More...
void HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStop (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureChannel)
 Disables a basic capture on the designed capture unit. More...
void HRTIM_SimpleOC_Init (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, HRTIM_BaseInitTypeDef *HRTIM_BaseInitStruct)
 Initializes the HRTIMx timer in basic output compare mode. More...
void HRTIM_SimpleOCChannelConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OCChannel, HRTIM_BasicOCChannelCfgTypeDef *pBasicOCChannelCfg)
 Configures an output in basic output compare mode. More...
void HRTIM_SimpleOCStart (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OCChannel)
 Starts the output compare signal generation on the designed timer output. More...
void HRTIM_SimpleOCStop (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OCChannel)
 Stops the output compare signal generation on the designed timer output. More...
void HRTIM_SimpleOnePulse_Init (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, HRTIM_BaseInitTypeDef *HRTIM_BaseInitStruct)
 Initializes the HRTIMx timer in basic one pulse mode. More...
void HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseChannelConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OnePulseChannel, HRTIM_BasicOnePulseChannelCfgTypeDef *pBasicOnePulseChannelCfg)
 Configures an output basic one pulse mode. More...
void HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseStart (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OnePulseChannel)
 Enables the basic one pulse signal generation on the designed output. More...
void HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseStop (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIM_, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OnePulseChannel)
 Disables the basic one pulse signal generation on the designed output. More...
void HRTIM_SimplePWM_Init (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, HRTIM_BaseInitTypeDef *HRTIM_BaseInitStruct)
 Initializes the HRTIMx timer in basic PWM mode. More...
void HRTIM_SimplePWMChannelConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t PWMChannel, HRTIM_BasicPWMChannelCfgTypeDef *pBasicPWMChannelCfg)
 Configures an output in basic PWM mode. More...
void HRTIM_SimplePWMStart (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t PWMChannel)
 Starts the PWM output signal generation on the designed timer output. More...
void HRTIM_SimplePWMStop (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t PWMChannel)
 Stops the PWM output signal generation on the designed timer output. More...
void HRTIM_SlaveSetCompare (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CompareUnit, uint32_t Compare)
 Sets the HRTIMx Slave Comparex Register value. More...
void HRTIM_SoftwareCapture (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureUnit)
 Triggers a software capture on the designed capture unit. More...
void HRTIM_SoftwareReset (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimersToReset)
 Triggers the reset of one or several timers. More...
void HRTIM_SoftwareUpdate (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimersToUpdate)
 Triggers the update of the registers of one or several timers. More...
void HRTIM_SynchronizationConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, HRTIM_SynchroCfgTypeDef *pSynchroCfg)
 Configures the external input/output synchronization of the HRTIMx. More...
void HRTIM_TimerEventFilteringConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t Event, HRTIM_TimerEventFilteringCfgTypeDef *pTimerEventFilteringCfg)
 Configures the event filtering capabilities of a timer (blanking, windowing) More...
void HRTIM_Waveform_Init (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, HRTIM_BaseInitTypeDef *HRTIM_BaseInitStruct, HRTIM_TimerInitTypeDef *HRTIM_TimerInitStruct)
 Initializes a timer operating in waveform mode. More...
void HRTIM_WaveformCaptureConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureUnit, HRTIM_CaptureCfgTypeDef *pCaptureCfg)
 Configures the capture unit of a timer operating in waveform mode. More...
void HRTIM_WaveformCompareConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CompareUnit, HRTIM_CompareCfgTypeDef *pCompareCfg)
 Configures the compare unit of a timer operating in waveform mode. More...
void HRTIM_WaveformCounterStart (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimersToStart)
 Starts the counter of the designated timer(s) operating in waveform mode Timers can be combined (ORed) to allow for simultaneous counter start. More...
void HRTIM_WaveformCounterStop (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimersToStop)
 Stops the counter of the designated timer(s) operating in waveform mode Timers can be combined (ORed) to allow for simultaneous counter stop. More...
uint32_t HRTIM_WaveformGetOutputLevel (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t Output)
 Returns actual level (active or inactive) of the designated output. More...
uint32_t HRTIM_WaveformGetOutputState (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t Output)
 Returns actual state (RUN, IDLE, FAULT) of the designated output. More...
void HRTIM_WaveformOuputConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t Output, HRTIM_OutputCfgTypeDef *pOutputCfg)
void HRTIM_WaveformOutputConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t Output, HRTIM_OutputCfgTypeDef *pOutputCfg)
 Configures the output of a timer operating in waveform mode. More...
void HRTIM_WaveformOutputStart (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t OuputsToStart)
 Enables the generation of the waveform signal on the designated output(s) Outputs can be combined (ORed) to allow for simultaneous output enabling. More...
void HRTIM_WaveformOutputStop (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIM_, uint32_t OuputsToStop)
 Disables the generation of the waveform signal on the designated output(s) Outputs can be combined (ORed) to allow for simultaneous output disabling. More...
void HRTIM_WaveformSetOutputLevel (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t Output, uint32_t OutputLevel)
 Forces the timer output to its active or inactive state. More...
void HRTIM_WaveformTimerConfig (HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t TimerIdx, HRTIM_TimerCfgTypeDef *HRTIM_TimerCfgStruct)
 Configures the general behavior of a timer operating in waveform mode. More...

Detailed Description

ADC driver modules.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define __HRTIM_DISABLE (   __HANDLE__,

Definition at line 2470 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.h.


#define __HRTIM_ENABLE (   __HANDLE__,
)    ((__HANDLE__)->HRTIM_MASTER.MCR |= (__TIMERS__))

Enables or disables the timer counter(s)

<strong>HANDLE</strong>specifies the HRTIM Handle.
<strong>TIMERS</strong>timersto enable/disable This parameter can be any combinations of the following values:
  • HRTIM_TIMERID_MASTER: Master timer identifier
  • HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_A: Timer A identifier
  • HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_B: Timer B identifier
  • HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_C: Timer C identifier
  • HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_D: Timer D identifier
  • HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_E: Timer E identifier
Return values

Definition at line 2461 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.h.


#define CCR_CLEAR_MASK   ((uint32_t)0xFFFC10E0)

Definition at line 98 of file stm32f30x_adc.c.


#define CDR_ADDRESS   ((uint32_t)0x40012308)

Definition at line 168 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define CFGR_CLEAR_Mask   ((uint32_t)0xFDFFC007)

Definition at line 92 of file stm32f30x_adc.c.


#define CR1_AWDCH_RESET   ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFE0)

Definition at line 125 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define CR1_AWDMode_RESET   ((uint32_t)0xFF3FFDFF)

Definition at line 128 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define CR1_CLEAR_MASK   ((uint32_t)0xFCFFFEFF)

Definition at line 131 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define CR1_DISCNUM_RESET   ((uint32_t)0xFFFF1FFF)

Definition at line 122 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define CR2_CLEAR_MASK   ((uint32_t)0xC0FFF7FD)

Definition at line 143 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define CR2_EXTEN_RESET   ((uint32_t)0xCFFFFFFF)

Definition at line 134 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define CR2_JEXTEN_RESET   ((uint32_t)0xFFCFFFFF)

Definition at line 137 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define CR2_JEXTSEL_RESET   ((uint32_t)0xFFF0FFFF)

Definition at line 140 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define CR_CLEAR_MASK   ((uint32_t)0xFFFC30E0)

Definition at line 171 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.



Definition at line 2465 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.h.



Definition at line 2466 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.h.



Definition at line 2467 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.h.



Definition at line 2468 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.h.



Definition at line 2469 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.h.

◆ JDR_Offset

#define JDR_Offset   ((uint8_t)0x80)

Definition at line 101 of file stm32f30x_adc.c.


#define JDR_OFFSET   ((uint8_t)0x28)

Definition at line 165 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define JSQR_CLEAR_Mask   ((uint32_t)0x00000000)

Definition at line 95 of file stm32f30x_adc.c.


#define JSQR_JL_RESET   ((uint32_t)0xFFCFFFFF)

Definition at line 158 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define JSQR_JL_SET   ((uint32_t)0x00300000)

Definition at line 157 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define JSQR_JSQ_SET   ((uint32_t)0x0000001F)

Definition at line 154 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define SMPR1_SMP_SET   ((uint32_t)0x00000007)

Definition at line 161 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define SMPR2_SMP_SET   ((uint32_t)0x00000007)

Definition at line 162 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define SQR1_L_RESET   ((uint32_t)0xFF0FFFFF)

Definition at line 151 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define SQR1_SQ_SET   ((uint32_t)0x0000001F)

Definition at line 148 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define SQR2_SQ_SET   ((uint32_t)0x0000001F)

Definition at line 147 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


#define SQR3_SQ_SET   ((uint32_t)0x0000001F)

Definition at line 146 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

Function Documentation

◆ ADC_AnalogWatchdogSingleChannelConfig()

void ADC_AnalogWatchdogSingleChannelConfig ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint8_t  ADC_Channel 

Configures the analog watchdog guarded single channel.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_Channelthe ADC channel to configure for the analog watchdog. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_Channel_0: ADC Channel0 selected
  • ADC_Channel_1: ADC Channel1 selected
  • ADC_Channel_2: ADC Channel2 selected
  • ADC_Channel_3: ADC Channel3 selected
  • ADC_Channel_4: ADC Channel4 selected
  • ADC_Channel_5: ADC Channel5 selected
  • ADC_Channel_6: ADC Channel6 selected
  • ADC_Channel_7: ADC Channel7 selected
  • ADC_Channel_8: ADC Channel8 selected
  • ADC_Channel_9: ADC Channel9 selected
  • ADC_Channel_10: ADC Channel10 selected
  • ADC_Channel_11: ADC Channel11 selected
  • ADC_Channel_12: ADC Channel12 selected
  • ADC_Channel_13: ADC Channel13 selected
  • ADC_Channel_14: ADC Channel14 selected
  • ADC_Channel_15: ADC Channel15 selected
  • ADC_Channel_16: ADC Channel16 selected
  • ADC_Channel_17: ADC Channel17 selected
  • ADC_Channel_18: ADC Channel18 selected
Return values
ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_Channelthe ADC channel to configure for the analog watchdog. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_Channel_0: ADC Channel0 selected
  • ADC_Channel_1: ADC Channel1 selected
  • ADC_Channel_2: ADC Channel2 selected
  • ADC_Channel_3: ADC Channel3 selected
  • ADC_Channel_4: ADC Channel4 selected
  • ADC_Channel_5: ADC Channel5 selected
  • ADC_Channel_6: ADC Channel6 selected
  • ADC_Channel_7: ADC Channel7 selected
  • ADC_Channel_8: ADC Channel8 selected
  • ADC_Channel_9: ADC Channel9 selected
  • ADC_Channel_10: ADC Channel10 selected
  • ADC_Channel_11: ADC Channel11 selected
  • ADC_Channel_12: ADC Channel12 selected
  • ADC_Channel_13: ADC Channel13 selected
  • ADC_Channel_14: ADC Channel14 selected
  • ADC_Channel_15: ADC Channel15 selected
  • ADC_Channel_16: ADC Channel16 selected
  • ADC_Channel_17: ADC Channel17 selected
Return values

Definition at line 525 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_AnalogWatchdogThresholdsConfig()

void ADC_AnalogWatchdogThresholdsConfig ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint16_t  HighThreshold,
uint16_t  LowThreshold 

Configures the high and low thresholds of the analog watchdog.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
HighThresholdthe ADC analog watchdog High threshold value. This parameter must be a 12-bit value.
LowThresholdthe ADC analog watchdog Low threshold value. This parameter must be a 12-bit value.
Return values
ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
HighThresholdthe ADC analog watchdog High threshold value. This parameter must be a 12bit value.
LowThresholdthe ADC analog watchdog Low threshold value. This parameter must be a 12bit value.
Return values

Definition at line 484 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_ClearFlag()

void ADC_ClearFlag ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint8_t  ADC_FLAG 

Clears the ADCx's pending flags.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_FLAGspecifies the flag to clear. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • ADC_FLAG_AWD: Analog watchdog flag
  • ADC_FLAG_EOC: End of conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JEOC: End of injected group conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JSTRT: Start of injected group conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_STRT: Start of regular group conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_OVR: Overrun flag
Return values
ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_FLAGspecifies the flag to clear. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • ADC_FLAG_AWD: Analog watchdog flag
  • ADC_FLAG_EOC: End of conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JEOC: End of injected group conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JSTRT: Start of injected group conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_STRT: Start of regular group conversion flag
Return values

Definition at line 1652 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_ClearITPendingBit()

void ADC_ClearITPendingBit ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint16_t  ADC_IT 

Clears the ADCx's interrupt pending bits.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_ITspecifies the ADC interrupt pending bit to clear. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_IT_EOC: End of conversion interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_AWD: Analog watchdog interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_JEOC: End of injected conversion interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_OVR: Overrun interrupt mask
Return values
ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_ITspecifies the ADC interrupt pending bit to clear. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • ADC_IT_EOC: End of conversion interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_AWD: Analog watchdog interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_JEOC: End of injected conversion interrupt mask
Return values

Definition at line 1714 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_CommonInit()

void ADC_CommonInit ( ADC_CommonInitTypeDef ADC_CommonInitStruct)

Initializes the ADCs peripherals according to the specified parameters in the ADC_CommonInitStruct.

ADC_CommonInitStructpointer to an ADC_CommonInitTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for All ADCs peripherals.
Return values

Definition at line 341 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_ContinuousModeCmd()

void ADC_ContinuousModeCmd ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the ADC continuous conversion mode.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
NewStatenew state of the selected ADC continuous conversion mode This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values

Definition at line 900 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_DeInit()

void ADC_DeInit ( void  )

Deinitializes all ADCs peripherals registers to their default reset values.

Return values

Definition at line 213 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_DMARequestAfterLastTransferCmd()

void ADC_DMARequestAfterLastTransferCmd ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the ADC DMA request after last transfer (Single-ADC mode)

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
NewStatenew state of the selected ADC DMA request after last transfer. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values

Definition at line 1072 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_EOCOnEachRegularChannelCmd()

void ADC_EOCOnEachRegularChannelCmd ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the EOC on each regular channel conversion.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
NewStatenew state of the selected ADC EOC flag rising This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values

Definition at line 875 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_ExternalTrigInjectedConvConfig()

void ADC_ExternalTrigInjectedConvConfig ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint32_t  ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv 

Configures the ADCx external trigger for injected channels conversion.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConvspecifies the ADC trigger to start injected conversion. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T1_CC4: Timer1 capture compare4 selected
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T1_TRGO: Timer1 TRGO event selected
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T2_CC1: Timer2 capture compare1 selected
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T2_TRGO: Timer2 TRGO event selected
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T3_CC2: Timer3 capture compare2 selected
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T3_CC4: Timer3 capture compare4 selected
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T4_CC1: Timer4 capture compare1 selected
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T4_CC2: Timer4 capture compare2 selected
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T4_CC3: Timer4 capture compare3 selected
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T4_TRGO: Timer4 TRGO event selected
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T5_CC4: Timer5 capture compare4 selected
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T5_TRGO: Timer5 TRGO event selected
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T8_CC2: Timer8 capture compare2 selected
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T8_CC3: Timer8 capture compare3 selected
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T8_CC4: Timer8 capture compare4 selected
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_Ext_IT15: External interrupt line 15 event selected
Return values
ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConvspecifies the ADC trigger to start injected conversion. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T1_TRGO: Timer1 TRGO event selected (for ADC1, ADC2 and ADC3)
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T1_CC4: Timer1 capture compare4 selected (for ADC1, ADC2 and ADC3)
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T2_TRGO: Timer2 TRGO event selected (for ADC1 and ADC2)
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T2_CC1: Timer2 capture compare1 selected (for ADC1 and ADC2)
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T3_CC4: Timer3 capture compare4 selected (for ADC1 and ADC2)
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T4_TRGO: Timer4 TRGO event selected (for ADC1 and ADC2)
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_Ext_IT15_TIM8_CC4: External interrupt line 15 or Timer8 capture compare4 event selected (for ADC1 and ADC2)
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T4_CC3: Timer4 capture compare3 selected (for ADC3 only)
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T8_CC2: Timer8 capture compare2 selected (for ADC3 only)
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T8_CC4: Timer8 capture compare4 selected (for ADC3 only)
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T5_TRGO: Timer5 TRGO event selected (for ADC3 only)
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T5_CC4: Timer5 capture compare4 selected (for ADC3 only)
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_None: Injected conversion started by software and not by external trigger (for ADC1, ADC2 and ADC3)
Return values

Definition at line 1322 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_ExternalTrigInjectedConvEdgeConfig()

void ADC_ExternalTrigInjectedConvEdgeConfig ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint32_t  ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge 

Configures the ADCx external trigger edge for injected channels conversion.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConvEdgespecifies the ADC external trigger edge to start injected conversion. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge_None: external trigger disabled for injected conversion
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge_Rising: detection on rising edge
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge_Falling: detection on falling edge
  • ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge_RisingFalling: detection on both rising and falling edge
Return values

Definition at line 1356 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_GetFlagStatus()

FlagStatus ADC_GetFlagStatus ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint8_t  ADC_FLAG 

Checks whether the specified ADC flag is set or not.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_FLAGspecifies the flag to check. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_FLAG_AWD: Analog watchdog flag
  • ADC_FLAG_EOC: End of conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JEOC: End of injected group conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JSTRT: Start of injected group conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_STRT: Start of regular group conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_OVR: Overrun flag
Return values
Thenew state of ADC_FLAG (SET or RESET).
ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_FLAGspecifies the flag to check. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_FLAG_AWD: Analog watchdog flag
  • ADC_FLAG_EOC: End of conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JEOC: End of injected group conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_JSTRT: Start of injected group conversion flag
  • ADC_FLAG_STRT: Start of regular group conversion flag
Return values
Thenew state of ADC_FLAG (SET or RESET).

Definition at line 1617 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_GetITStatus()

ITStatus ADC_GetITStatus ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint16_t  ADC_IT 

Checks whether the specified ADC interrupt has occurred or not.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_ITspecifies the ADC interrupt source to check. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_IT_EOC: End of conversion interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_AWD: Analog watchdog interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_JEOC: End of injected conversion interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_OVR: Overrun interrupt mask
Return values
Thenew state of ADC_IT (SET or RESET).
ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_ITspecifies the ADC interrupt source to check. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_IT_EOC: End of conversion interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_AWD: Analog watchdog interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_JEOC: End of injected conversion interrupt mask
Return values
Thenew state of ADC_IT (SET or RESET).

Definition at line 1673 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_GetMultiModeConversionValue()

uint32_t ADC_GetMultiModeConversionValue ( void  )

Returns the last ADC1, ADC2 and ADC3 regular conversions results data in the selected multi mode.

Return values
TheData conversion value.
In dual mode, the value returned by this function is as following Data[15:0] : these bits contain the regular data of ADC1. Data[31:16]: these bits contain the regular data of ADC2.
In triple mode, the value returned by this function is as following Data[15:0] : these bits contain alternatively the regular data of ADC1, ADC3 and ADC2. Data[31:16]: these bits contain alternatively the regular data of ADC2, ADC1 and ADC3.

Definition at line 1002 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_GetSoftwareStartConvStatus()

FlagStatus ADC_GetSoftwareStartConvStatus ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx)

Gets the selected ADC Software start regular conversion Status.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
Return values
Thenew state of ADC software start conversion (SET or RESET).

Gets the selected ADC Software start regular conversion Status.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
Return values
Thenew state of ADC software start conversion (SET or RESET).

Definition at line 845 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_GetSoftwareStartInjectedConvCmdStatus()

FlagStatus ADC_GetSoftwareStartInjectedConvCmdStatus ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx)

Gets the selected ADC Software start injected conversion Status.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
Return values
Thenew state of ADC software start injected conversion (SET or RESET).

Definition at line 1390 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_InjectedChannelConfig()

void ADC_InjectedChannelConfig ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint8_t  ADC_Channel,
uint8_t  Rank,
uint8_t  ADC_SampleTime 

Configures for the selected ADC injected channel its corresponding rank in the sequencer and its sample time.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_Channelthe ADC channel to configure. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_Channel_0: ADC Channel0 selected
  • ADC_Channel_1: ADC Channel1 selected
  • ADC_Channel_2: ADC Channel2 selected
  • ADC_Channel_3: ADC Channel3 selected
  • ADC_Channel_4: ADC Channel4 selected
  • ADC_Channel_5: ADC Channel5 selected
  • ADC_Channel_6: ADC Channel6 selected
  • ADC_Channel_7: ADC Channel7 selected
  • ADC_Channel_8: ADC Channel8 selected
  • ADC_Channel_9: ADC Channel9 selected
  • ADC_Channel_10: ADC Channel10 selected
  • ADC_Channel_11: ADC Channel11 selected
  • ADC_Channel_12: ADC Channel12 selected
  • ADC_Channel_13: ADC Channel13 selected
  • ADC_Channel_14: ADC Channel14 selected
  • ADC_Channel_15: ADC Channel15 selected
  • ADC_Channel_16: ADC Channel16 selected
  • ADC_Channel_17: ADC Channel17 selected
  • ADC_Channel_18: ADC Channel18 selected
RankThe rank in the injected group sequencer. This parameter must be between 1 to 4.
ADC_SampleTimeThe sample time value to be set for the selected channel. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_SampleTime_3Cycles: Sample time equal to 3 cycles
  • ADC_SampleTime_15Cycles: Sample time equal to 15 cycles
  • ADC_SampleTime_28Cycles: Sample time equal to 28 cycles
  • ADC_SampleTime_56Cycles: Sample time equal to 56 cycles
  • ADC_SampleTime_84Cycles: Sample time equal to 84 cycles
  • ADC_SampleTime_112Cycles: Sample time equal to 112 cycles
  • ADC_SampleTime_144Cycles: Sample time equal to 144 cycles
  • ADC_SampleTime_480Cycles: Sample time equal to 480 cycles
Return values
ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_Channelthe ADC channel to configure. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_Channel_0: ADC Channel0 selected
  • ADC_Channel_1: ADC Channel1 selected
  • ADC_Channel_2: ADC Channel2 selected
  • ADC_Channel_3: ADC Channel3 selected
  • ADC_Channel_4: ADC Channel4 selected
  • ADC_Channel_5: ADC Channel5 selected
  • ADC_Channel_6: ADC Channel6 selected
  • ADC_Channel_7: ADC Channel7 selected
  • ADC_Channel_8: ADC Channel8 selected
  • ADC_Channel_9: ADC Channel9 selected
  • ADC_Channel_10: ADC Channel10 selected
  • ADC_Channel_11: ADC Channel11 selected
  • ADC_Channel_12: ADC Channel12 selected
  • ADC_Channel_13: ADC Channel13 selected
  • ADC_Channel_14: ADC Channel14 selected
  • ADC_Channel_15: ADC Channel15 selected
  • ADC_Channel_16: ADC Channel16 selected
  • ADC_Channel_17: ADC Channel17 selected
RankThe rank in the injected group sequencer. This parameter must be between 1 and 4.
ADC_SampleTimeThe sample time value to be set for the selected channel. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_SampleTime_1Cycles5: Sample time equal to 1.5 cycles
  • ADC_SampleTime_7Cycles5: Sample time equal to 7.5 cycles
  • ADC_SampleTime_13Cycles5: Sample time equal to 13.5 cycles
  • ADC_SampleTime_28Cycles5: Sample time equal to 28.5 cycles
  • ADC_SampleTime_41Cycles5: Sample time equal to 41.5 cycles
  • ADC_SampleTime_55Cycles5: Sample time equal to 55.5 cycles
  • ADC_SampleTime_71Cycles5: Sample time equal to 71.5 cycles
  • ADC_SampleTime_239Cycles5: Sample time equal to 239.5 cycles
Return values

Definition at line 1186 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_InjectedSequencerLengthConfig()

void ADC_InjectedSequencerLengthConfig ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint8_t  Length 

Configures the sequencer length for injected channels.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
LengthThe sequencer length. This parameter must be a number between 1 to 4.
Return values

Definition at line 1249 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_ITConfig()

void ADC_ITConfig ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint16_t  ADC_IT,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the specified ADC interrupts.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_ITspecifies the ADC interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_IT_EOC: End of conversion interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_AWD: Analog watchdog interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_JEOC: End of injected conversion interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_OVR: Overrun interrupt enable
NewStatenew state of the specified ADC interrupts. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values
ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_ITspecifies the ADC interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • ADC_IT_EOC: End of conversion interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_AWD: Analog watchdog interrupt mask
  • ADC_IT_JEOC: End of injected conversion interrupt mask
NewStatenew state of the specified ADC interrupts. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values

Definition at line 1580 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_MultiModeDMARequestAfterLastTransferCmd()

void ADC_MultiModeDMARequestAfterLastTransferCmd ( FunctionalState  NewState)

Enables or disables the ADC DMA request after last transfer in multi ADC mode.

NewStatenew state of the selected ADC DMA request after last transfer. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
if Enabled, DMA requests are issued as long as data are converted and DMA mode for multi ADC mode (selected using ADC_CommonInit() function by ADC_CommonInitStruct.ADC_DMAAccessMode structure member) is ADC_DMAAccessMode_1, ADC_DMAAccessMode_2 or ADC_DMAAccessMode_3.
Return values

Definition at line 1099 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_SetInjectedOffset()

void ADC_SetInjectedOffset ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx,
uint8_t  ADC_InjectedChannel,
uint16_t  Offset 

Set the injected channels conversion value offset.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
ADC_InjectedChannelthe ADC injected channel to set its offset. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • ADC_InjectedChannel_1: Injected Channel1 selected
  • ADC_InjectedChannel_2: Injected Channel2 selected
  • ADC_InjectedChannel_3: Injected Channel3 selected
  • ADC_InjectedChannel_4: Injected Channel4 selected
Offsetthe offset value for the selected ADC injected channel This parameter must be a 12bit value.
Return values

Definition at line 1284 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_SoftwareStartConv()

void ADC_SoftwareStartConv ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx)

Enables the selected ADC software start conversion of the regular channels.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
Return values

Definition at line 831 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_SoftwareStartInjectedConv()

void ADC_SoftwareStartInjectedConv ( ADC_TypeDef ADCx)

Enables the selected ADC software start conversion of the injected channels.

ADCxwhere x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
Return values

Definition at line 1377 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ ADC_TempSensorVrefintCmd()

void ADC_TempSensorVrefintCmd ( FunctionalState  NewState)

Enables or disables the temperature sensor and Vrefint channels.

NewStatenew state of the temperature sensor and Vrefint channels. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values
NoneEnables or disables the temperature sensor and Vrefint channels.
NewStatenew state of the temperature sensor. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values

Definition at line 589 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.


void ADC_VBATCmd ( FunctionalState  NewState)

Enables or disables the VBAT (Voltage Battery) channel.

NewStatenew state of the VBAT channel. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values

Definition at line 611 of file stm32f4xx_adc.c.

◆ HRTIM_ADCTriggerConfig()

void HRTIM_ADCTriggerConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  ADCTrigger,
HRTIM_ADCTriggerCfgTypeDef pADCTriggerCfg 

Configures both the ADC trigger register update source and the ADC trigger source.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
ADCtrigger: ADC trigger to configure This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_1: ADC trigger 1
  • HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_2: ADC trigger 2
  • HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_3: ADC trigger 3
  • HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_4: ADC trigger 4
pADCTriggerCfgpointer to the ADC trigger configuration structure
Return values

Definition at line 2814 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_BurstDMAConfig()

void HRTIM_BurstDMAConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  RegistersToUpdate 

Configures the burst DMA controller for a timer.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x5 for master timer
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
RegistersToUpdateregisters to be written by DMA This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
Return values

Definition at line 2428 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_BurstModeConfig()

void HRTIM_BurstModeConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
HRTIM_BurstModeCfgTypeDef pBurstModeCfg 

Configures the burst mode feature of the HRTIMx.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
pBurstModeCfgpointer to the burst mode configuration structure
Return values

Definition at line 2512 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_BurstModeCtl()

void HRTIM_BurstModeCtl ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  Enable 

Enables or disables the HRTIMx burst mode controller.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
EnableBurst mode controller enabling This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_BURSTMODECTL_ENABLED: Burst mode enabled
  • HRTIM_BURSTMODECTL_DISABLED: Burst mode disabled
Return values

Definition at line 2882 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_ChopperModeConfig()

void HRTIM_ChopperModeConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
HRTIM_ChopperModeCfgTypeDef pChopperModeCfg 

Configures the chopper mode feature for a timer.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
pChopperModeCfgpointer to the chopper mode configuration structure
Return values

Definition at line 2373 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_ClearCommonFlag()

void HRTIM_ClearCommonFlag ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  HRTIM_CommonFLAG 

Clears the common interrupt flags.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
HRTIM_FLAGspecifies the HRTIM flags to be cleared. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • HRTIM_FLAG_FLT1: Fault 1 interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_FLAG_FLT2: Fault 2 interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_FLAG_FLT3: Fault 3 interrupt Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_FLAG_FLT4: Fault 4 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_FLAG_FLT5: Fault 5 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_FLAG_SYSFLT: System Fault Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_FLAG_DLLRDY: DLL ready Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_FLAG_BMPER: Burst mode period Interrupt flag
Return values

Definition at line 1035 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_ClearCommonITPendingBit()

void HRTIM_ClearCommonITPendingBit ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  HRTIM_CommonIT 

Clears the common interrupt pending bits.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
HRTIM_ITspecifies the HRTIM interrupts sources to be cleared. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • HRTIM_IT_FLT1: Fault 1 interrupt source
  • HRTIM_IT_FLT2: Fault 2 interrupt source
  • HRTIM_IT_FLT3: Fault 3 interrupt Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_IT_FLT4: Fault 4 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_IT_FLT5: Fault 5 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_IT_SYSFLT: System Fault Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_IT_DLLRDY: DLL ready Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_IT_BMPER: Burst mode period Interrupt source
Return values

Definition at line 1112 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_ClearFlag()

void HRTIM_ClearFlag ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  HRTIM_FLAG 

Clears the Master and slaves interrupt flags.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
HRTIM_FLAGspecifies the HRTIM flags sources to be cleared. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MCMP1: Master compare 1 interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MCMP2: Master compare 2 interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MCMP3: Master compare 3 interrupt Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MCMP4: Master compare 4 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MREP: Master Repetition Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_SYNC: Synchronization input Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MUPD: Master update Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CMP1: Timer compare 1 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CMP2: Timer compare 2 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CMP3: Timer compare 3 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CMP4: Timer compare 4 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_REP: Timer repetition Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_UPD: Timer update Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CPT1: Timer capture 1 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CPT2: Timer capture 2 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_SET1: Timer output 1 set Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_RST1: Timer output 1 reset Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_SET2: Timer output 2 set Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_RST2: Timer output 2 reset Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_RST: Timer reset Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_DLYPRT1: Timer delay protection Interrupt flag
Return values

Definition at line 994 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_ClearITPendingBit()

void HRTIM_ClearITPendingBit ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  HRTIM_IT 

Clears the Master and slaves interrupt request pending bits.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
HRTIM_ITspecifies the HRTIM interrupts sources to be enabled or disabled. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP1: Master compare 1 interrupt source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP2: Master compare 2 interrupt source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP3: Master compare 3 interrupt Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP4: Master compare 4 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MREP: Master Repetition Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_SYNC: Synchronization input Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MUPD: Master update Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP1: Timer compare 1 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP2: Timer compare 2 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP3: Timer compare 3 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP4: Timer compare 4 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_REP: Timer repetition Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_UPD: Timer update Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CPT1: Timer capture 1 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CPT2: Timer capture 2 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_SET1: Timer output 1 set Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_RST1: Timer output 1 reset Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_SET2: Timer output 2 set Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_RST2: Timer output 2 reset Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_RST: Timer reset Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_DLYPRT: Timer delay protection Interrupt source
Return values

Definition at line 1071 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_DeadTimeConfig()

void HRTIM_DeadTimeConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
HRTIM_DeadTimeCfgTypeDef pDeadTimeCfg 

Configures the dead time insertion feature for a timer.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
pDeadTimeCfgpointer to the dead time insertion configuration structure
Return values

Definition at line 2327 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_DeInit()

void HRTIM_DeInit ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx)

De-initializes a timer operating in all mode.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
Return values

Definition at line 255 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_DLLCalibrationStart()

void HRTIM_DLLCalibrationStart ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  CalibrationRate 

Starts the DLL calibration.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
CalibrationRateDLL calibration period This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_SINGLE_CALIBRATION: One shot DLL calibration
Return values

Definition at line 424 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.


void HRTIM_DMACmd ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  HRTIM_DMA,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the HRTIMx's DMA Requests.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
HRTIM_DMAspecifies the DMA Request sources. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • HRTIM_MASTER_DMA_MCMP1: Master compare 1 DMA request source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_DMA_MCMP2: Master compare 2 DMA request source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_DMA_MCMP3: Master compare 3 DMA request source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_DMA_MCMP4: Master compare 4 DMA request source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_DMA_MREP: Master Repetition DMA request source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_DMA_SYNC: Synchronization input DMA request source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_DMA_MUPD:Master update DMA request source
  • HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CMP1: Timer compare 1 DMA request source
  • HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CMP2: Timer compare 2 DMA request source
  • HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CMP3: Timer compare 3 DMA request source
  • HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CMP4: Timer compare 4 DMA request source
  • HRTIM_TIM_DMA_REP: Timer repetition DMA request source
  • HRTIM_TIM_DMA_UPD: Timer update DMA request source
  • HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CPT1: Timer capture 1 DMA request source
  • HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CPT2: Timer capture 2 DMA request source
  • HRTIM_TIM_DMA_SET1: Timer output 1 set DMA request source
  • HRTIM_TIM_DMA_RST1: Timer output 1 reset DMA request source
  • HRTIM_TIM_DMA_SET2: Timer output 2 set DMA request source
  • HRTIM_TIM_DMA_RST2: Timer output 2 reset DMA request source
  • HRTIM_TIM_DMA_RST: Timer reset DMA request source
  • HRTIM_TIM_DMA_DLYPRT: Timer delay protection DMA request source
NewStatenew state of the DMA Request sources. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values

Definition at line 1373 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_EventConfig()

void HRTIM_EventConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  Event,
HRTIM_EventCfgTypeDef pEventCfg 

Configures the conditioning of an external event.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
Eventexternal event to configure This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_EVENT_1: External event 1
  • HRTIM_EVENT_2: External event 2
  • HRTIM_EVENT_3: External event 3
  • HRTIM_EVENT_4: External event 4
  • HRTIM_EVENT_5: External event 5
  • HRTIM_EVENT_6: External event 6
  • HRTIM_EVENT_7: External event 7
  • HRTIM_EVENT_8: External event 8
  • HRTIM_EVENT_9: External event 9
  • HRTIM_EVENT_10: External event 10
pEventCfgpointer to the event conditioning configuration structure
Return values

Definition at line 2572 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_EventPrescalerConfig()

void HRTIM_EventPrescalerConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  Prescaler 

Configures the external event conditioning block prescaler.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
PrescalerPrescaler value This parameter can be one of the following values:
Return values

Definition at line 2599 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_FaultConfig()

void HRTIM_FaultConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
HRTIM_FaultCfgTypeDef pFaultCfg,
uint32_t  Fault 

Configures the conditioning of fault input.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
Faultfault input to configure This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_FAULT_1: Fault input 1
  • HRTIM_FAULT_2: Fault input 2
  • HRTIM_FAULT_3: Fault input 3
  • HRTIM_FAULT_4: Fault input 4
  • HRTIM_FAULT_5: Fault input 5
pFaultCfgpointer to the fault conditioning configuration structure
Return values

Definition at line 2629 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_FaultModeCtl()

void HRTIM_FaultModeCtl ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  Fault,
uint32_t  Enable 

Enables or disables the HRTIMx Fault mode.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
Faultfault input to configure This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_FAULT_1: Fault input 1
  • HRTIM_FAULT_2: Fault input 2
  • HRTIM_FAULT_3: Fault input 3
  • HRTIM_FAULT_4: Fault input 4
  • HRTIM_FAULT_5: Fault input 5
EnableFault mode controller enabling This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_FAULT_ENABLED: Fault mode enabled
  • HRTIM_FAULT_DISABLED: Fault mode disabled
Return values

Definition at line 2747 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_FaultPrescalerConfig()

void HRTIM_FaultPrescalerConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  Prescaler 

Configures the fault conditioning block prescaler.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
PrescalerPrescaler value This parameter can be one of the following values:
Return values

Definition at line 2714 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_GetBurstStatus()

uint32_t HRTIM_GetBurstStatus ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx)

Returns the actual status (active or inactive) of the burst mode controller.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
Return values
Burstmode controller status

Definition at line 3401 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_GetCapturedValue()

uint32_t HRTIM_GetCapturedValue ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  CaptureUnit 

Returns actual value of the capture register of the designated capture unit.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
CaptureUnitCapture unit to trig This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1
  • HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2
Return values

Definition at line 3101 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_GetCommonFlagStatus()

FlagStatus HRTIM_GetCommonFlagStatus ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  HRTIM_CommonFLAG 

Checks whether the specified HRTIM common flag is set or not.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
HRTIM_FLAGspecifies the HRTIM flags to check. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • HRTIM_FLAG_FLT1: Fault 1 interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_FLAG_FLT2: Fault 2 interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_FLAG_FLT3: Fault 3 interrupt Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_FLAG_FLT4: Fault 4 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_FLAG_FLT5: Fault 5 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_FLAG_SYSFLT: System Fault Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_FLAG_DLLRDY: DLL ready Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_FLAG_BMPER: Burst mode period Interrupt flag
Return values
Thenew state of HRTIM_FLAG (SET or RESET).

Definition at line 1208 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_GetCommonITStatus()

ITStatus HRTIM_GetCommonITStatus ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  HRTIM_CommonIT 

Checks whether the specified HRTIM common interrupt has occurred or not.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
HRTIM_ITspecifies the HRTIM interrupt source to check. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • HRTIM_IT_FLT1: Fault 1 interrupt
  • HRTIM_IT_FLT2: Fault 2 interrupt
  • HRTIM_IT_FLT3: Fault 3 interrupt Interrupt
  • HRTIM_IT_FLT4: Fault 4 Interrupt
  • HRTIM_IT_FLT5: Fault 5 Interrupt
  • HRTIM_IT_SYSFLT: System Fault Interrupt
  • HRTIM_IT_DLLRDY: DLL ready Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_IT_BMPER: Burst mode period Interrupt
Return values
Thenew state of HRTIM_FLAG (SET or RESET).

Definition at line 1320 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_GetCurrentPushPullStatus()

uint32_t HRTIM_GetCurrentPushPullStatus ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx 

Indicates on which output the signal is currently active (when the push pull mode is enabled)

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
Return values
Burstmode controller status

Definition at line 3420 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_GetDelayedProtectionStatus()

uint32_t HRTIM_GetDelayedProtectionStatus ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  Output 

Returns the level (active or inactive) of the designated output when the delayed protection was triggered.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
OutputTimer output This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer E - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer E - Output 2
Return values
Delayedprotection status

Definition at line 3341 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_GetFlagStatus()

FlagStatus HRTIM_GetFlagStatus ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  HRTIM_FLAG 

Checks whether the specified HRTIM flag is set or not.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
HRTIM_FLAGspecifies the HRTIM flags to check. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MCMP1: Master compare 1 interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MCMP2: Master compare 2 interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MCMP3: Master compare 3 interrupt Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MCMP4: Master compare 4 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MREP: Master Repetition Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_SYNC: Synchronization input Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MUPD: Master update Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CMP1: Timer compare 1 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CMP2: Timer compare 2 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CMP3: Timer compare 3 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CMP4: Timer compare 4 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_REP: Timer repetition Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_UPD: Timer update Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CPT1: Timer capture 1 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CPT2: Timer capture 2 Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_SET1: Timer output 1 set Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_RST1: Timer output 1 reset Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_SET2: Timer output 2 set Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_RST2: Timer output 2 reset Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_RST: Timer reset Interrupt flag
  • HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_DLYPRT: Timer delay protection Interrupt flag
Return values
Thenew state of HRTIM_FLAG (SET or RESET).

Definition at line 1149 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_GetIdlePushPullStatus()

uint32_t HRTIM_GetIdlePushPullStatus ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx 

Indicates on which output the signal was applied, in push-pull mode balanced fault mode or delayed idle mode, when the protection was triggered.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
Return values
IdlePush Pull Status

Definition at line 3444 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_GetITStatus()

ITStatus HRTIM_GetITStatus ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  HRTIM_IT 

Checks whether the specified HRTIM interrupt has occurred or not.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
HRTIM_ITspecifies the HRTIM flags sources to be cleared. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP1: Master compare 1 interrupt
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP2: Master compare 2 interrupt
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP3: Master compare 3 interrupt Interrupt
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP4: Master compare 4 Interrupt
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MREP: Master Repetition Interrupt
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_SYNC: Synchronization input Interrupt
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MUPD: Master update Interrupt
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP1: Timer compare 1 Interrupt
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP2: Timer compare 2 Interrupt
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP3: Timer compare 3 Interrupt
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP4: Timer compare 4 Interrupt
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_REP: Timer repetition Interrupt
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_UPD: Timer update Interrupt
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CPT1: Timer capture 1 Interrupt
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CPT2: Timer capture 2 Interrupt
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_SET1: Timer output 1 set Interrupt
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_RST1: Timer output 1 reset Interrupt
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_SET2: Timer output 2 set Interrupt
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_RST2: Timer output 2 reset Interrupt
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_RST: Timer reset Interrupt
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_DLYPRT: Timer delay protection Interrupt
Return values
Thenew state of the HRTIM_IT(SET or RESET).

Definition at line 1254 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_ITCommonConfig()

void HRTIM_ITCommonConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  HRTIM_CommonIT,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the common interrupt request.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
HRTIM_ITspecifies the HRTIM interrupts sources to be enabled or disabled. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • HRTIM_IT_FLT1: Fault 1 interrupt source
  • HRTIM_IT_FLT2: Fault 2 interrupt source
  • HRTIM_IT_FLT3: Fault 3 interrupt Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_IT_FLT4: Fault 4 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_IT_FLT5: Fault 5 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_IT_SYSFLT: System Fault Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_IT_DLLRDY: DLL ready Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_IT_BMPER: Burst mode period Interrupt source
NewStatenew state of the TIM interrupts. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values

Definition at line 951 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_ITConfig()

void HRTIM_ITConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  HRTIM_IT,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the Master and slaves interrupt request.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
HRTIM_ITspecifies the HRTIM interrupts sources to be enabled or disabled. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP1: Master compare 1 interrupt source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP2: Master compare 2 interrupt source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP3: Master compare 3 interrupt Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP4: Master compare 4 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MREP: Master Repetition Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_SYNC: Synchronization input Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MUPD: Master update Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP1: Timer compare 1 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP2: Timer compare 2 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP3: Timer compare 3 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP4: Timer compare 4 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_REP: Timer repetition Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_UPD: Timer update Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CPT1: Timer capture 1 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_CPT2: Timer capture 2 Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_SET1: Timer output 1 set Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_RST1: Timer output 1 reset Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_SET2: Timer output 2 set Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_RST2: Timer output 2 reset Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_RST: Timer reset Interrupt source
  • HRTIM_TIM_IT_DLYPRT1: Timer delay protection Interrupt source
NewStatenew state of the TIM interrupts. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values

Definition at line 894 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_MasterSetCompare()

void HRTIM_MasterSetCompare ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  CompareUnit,
uint32_t  Compare 

Sets the HRTIMx Master Comparex Register value.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
CompareUnitCompare unit to configure This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_1: Compare unit 1
  • HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_2: Compare unit 2
  • HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_3: Compare unit 3
  • HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_4: Compare unit 4
Comparespecifies the Comparex register new value
Return values

Definition at line 2025 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimpleBase_Init()

void HRTIM_SimpleBase_Init ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
HRTIM_BaseInitTypeDef HRTIM_BaseInitStruct 

Initializes the HRTIMx timer in basic time base mode.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 for master timer
  • 0x1 to 0x5 for timers A to E
The time-base unit initialization parameters specify: The timer counter operating mode (continuous, one shot) The timer clock prescaler The timer period The timer repetition counter.
Return values

Definition at line 228 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimpleBaseStart()

void HRTIM_SimpleBaseStart ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx 

Starts the counter of a timer operating in basic time base mode.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIM peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x5 for master timer
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
Return values

Definition at line 460 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimpleBaseStop()

void HRTIM_SimpleBaseStop ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx 

Stops the counter of a timer operating in basic time base mode.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIM peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x5 for master timer
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
Return values

Definition at line 478 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimpleCapture_Init()

void HRTIM_SimpleCapture_Init ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
HRTIM_BaseInitTypeDef HRTIM_BaseInitStruct 

Initializes a timer operating in basic capture mode.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x1 to 0x5 for timers A to E
Return values

Definition at line 313 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimpleCaptureChannelConfig()

void HRTIM_SimpleCaptureChannelConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  CaptureChannel,
HRTIM_BasicCaptureChannelCfgTypeDef pBasicCaptureChannelCfg 

Configures a basic capture.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
CaptureChannelCapture unit This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1
  • HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2
pBasicCaptureChannelCfgpointer to the basic capture configuration structure
When the timer operates in basic capture mode the capture is triggered by the designated external event and GPIO input is implicitly used as event source. The cature can be triggered by a rising edge, a falling edge or both edges on event channel.
Return values

Definition at line 1678 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStart()

void HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStart ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  CaptureChannel 

Enables a basic capture on the designed capture unit.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIM peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
CaptureChannelTimer output This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1
  • HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2
Return values
The external event triggering the capture is available for all timing units. It can be used directly and is active as soon as the timing unit counter is enabled.

Definition at line 643 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStop()

void HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStop ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  CaptureChannel 

Disables a basic capture on the designed capture unit.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
CaptureChannelTimer output This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1
  • HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2
Return values

Definition at line 667 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimpleOC_Init()

void HRTIM_SimpleOC_Init ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
HRTIM_BaseInitTypeDef HRTIM_BaseInitStruct 

Initializes the HRTIMx timer in basic output compare mode.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x1 to 0x5 for timers A to E
Initializes the time-base unit of the timer and prepare it to operate in output compare mode
Return values

Definition at line 275 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimpleOCChannelConfig()

void HRTIM_SimpleOCChannelConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  OCChannel,
HRTIM_BasicOCChannelCfgTypeDef pBasicOCChannelCfg 

Configures an output in basic output compare mode.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
OCChannelTimer output This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2
pBasicOCChannelCfgpointer to the basic output compare output configuration structure
When the timer operates in basic output compare mode: Output 1 is implicitely controled by the compare unit 1 Output 2 is implicitely controled by the compare unit 2 Output Set/Reset crossbar is set according to the selected output compare mode: Toggle: SETxyR = RSTxyR = CMPy Active: SETxyR = CMPy, RSTxyR = 0 Inactive: SETxy =0, RSTxy = CMPy
Return values

Definition at line 1460 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimpleOCStart()

void HRTIM_SimpleOCStart ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  OCChannel 

Starts the output compare signal generation on the designed timer output.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIM peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
OCChannelTimer output This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2
Return values

Definition at line 507 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimpleOCStop()

void HRTIM_SimpleOCStop ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  OCChannel 

Stops the output compare signal generation on the designed timer output.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIM peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
OCChannelTimer output This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2
Return values

Definition at line 542 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimpleOnePulse_Init()

void HRTIM_SimpleOnePulse_Init ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
HRTIM_BaseInitTypeDef HRTIM_BaseInitStruct 

Initializes the HRTIMx timer in basic one pulse mode.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x1 to 0x5 for timers A to E
Initializes the time-base unit of the timer and prepare it to operate in one pulse mode. In this mode the counter operates in single shot mode (retriggerable or not)
Return values

Definition at line 334 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseChannelConfig()

void HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseChannelConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  OnePulseChannel,
HRTIM_BasicOnePulseChannelCfgTypeDef pBasicOnePulseChannelCfg 

Configures an output basic one pulse mode.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
OnePulseChannelTimer output This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2
pBasicOnePulseChannelCfgpointer to the basic one pulse output configuration structure
When the timer operates in basic one pulse mode: the timer counter is implicitly started by the reset event, the reset of the timer counter is triggered by the designated external event GPIO input is implicitly used as event source, Output 1 is implicitly controled by the compare unit 1, Output 2 is implicitly controled by the compare unit 2. Output Set/Reset crossbar is set as follows: Output 1: SETx1R = CMP1, RSTx1R = PER Output 2: SETx2R = CMP2, RST2R = PER The counter mode should be HRTIM_MODE_SINGLESHOT_RETRIGGERABLE
Return values

Definition at line 1742 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseStart()

void HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseStart ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  OnePulseChannel 

Enables the basic one pulse signal generation on the designed output.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
OnePulseChannelTimer output This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2
Return values

Definition at line 721 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseStop()

void HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseStop ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  OnePulseChannel 

Disables the basic one pulse signal generation on the designed output.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
OnePulseChannelTimer output This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2
Return values

Definition at line 755 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimplePWM_Init()

void HRTIM_SimplePWM_Init ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
HRTIM_BaseInitTypeDef HRTIM_BaseInitStruct 

Initializes the HRTIMx timer in basic PWM mode.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x1 to 0x5 for timers A to E
Initializes the time-base unit of the timer and prepare it to operate in capture mode
Return values

Definition at line 295 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimplePWMChannelConfig()

void HRTIM_SimplePWMChannelConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  PWMChannel,
HRTIM_BasicPWMChannelCfgTypeDef pBasicPWMChannelCfg 

Configures an output in basic PWM mode.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
PWMChannelTimer output This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2
pBasicPWMChannelCfgpointer to the basic PWM output configuration structure
When the timer operates in basic PWM output mode: Output 1 is implicitly controled by the compare unit 1 Output 2 is implicitly controled by the compare unit 2 Output Set/Reset crossbar is set as follows: Output 1: SETx1R = CMP1, RSTx1R = PER Output 2: SETx2R = CMP2, RST2R = PER
Return values

Definition at line 1592 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimplePWMStart()

void HRTIM_SimplePWMStart ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  PWMChannel 

Starts the PWM output signal generation on the designed timer output.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIM peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
PWMChannelTimer output This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2
Return values

Definition at line 576 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SimplePWMStop()

void HRTIM_SimplePWMStop ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  PWMChannel 

Stops the PWM output signal generation on the designed timer output.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIM peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
PWMChannelTimer output This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2
Return values

Definition at line 610 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SlaveSetCompare()

void HRTIM_SlaveSetCompare ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  CompareUnit,
uint32_t  Compare 

Sets the HRTIMx Slave Comparex Register value.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
CompareUnitCompare unit to configure This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_1: Compare unit 1
  • HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_2: Compare unit 2
  • HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_3: Compare unit 3
  • HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_4: Compare unit 4
Comparespecifies the Comparex register new value
Return values

Definition at line 2076 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SoftwareCapture()

void HRTIM_SoftwareCapture ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  CaptureUnit 

Triggers a software capture on the designed capture unit.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
CaptureUnitCapture unit to trig This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1
  • HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2
Return values
The 'software capture' bit in the capure configuration register is automatically reset by hardware

Definition at line 2912 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SoftwareReset()

void HRTIM_SoftwareReset ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimersToReset 

Triggers the reset of one or several timers.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimersToUpdatetimers concerned with the software counter reset This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
Return values
The 'software reset' bits in the HRTIMx control register 2 are automatically reset by hardware

Definition at line 2979 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SoftwareUpdate()

void HRTIM_SoftwareUpdate ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimersToUpdate 

Triggers the update of the registers of one or several timers.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimersToUpdatetimers concerned with the software register update This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
Return values
The 'software update' bits in the HRTIMx control register 2 register are automatically reset by hardware

Definition at line 2953 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_SynchronizationConfig()

void HRTIM_SynchronizationConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
HRTIM_SynchroCfgTypeDef pSynchroCfg 

Configures the external input/output synchronization of the HRTIMx.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
pSynchroCfgpointer to the input/output synchronization configuration structure
Return values

Definition at line 2479 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_TimerEventFilteringConfig()

void HRTIM_TimerEventFilteringConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  Event,
HRTIM_TimerEventFilteringCfgTypeDef pTimerEventFilteringCfg 

Configures the event filtering capabilities of a timer (blanking, windowing)

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
Eventexternal event for which timer event filtering must be configured This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_EVENT_1: External event 1
  • HRTIM_EVENT_2: External event 2
  • HRTIM_EVENT_3: External event 3
  • HRTIM_EVENT_4: External event 4
  • HRTIM_EVENT_5: External event 5
  • HRTIM_EVENT_6: External event 6
  • HRTIM_EVENT_7: External event 7
  • HRTIM_EVENT_8: External event 8
  • HRTIM_EVENT_9: External event 9
  • HRTIM_EVENT_10: External event 10
pTimerEventFilteringCfgpointer to the timer event filtering configuration structure
Return values

Definition at line 2211 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_Waveform_Init()

void HRTIM_Waveform_Init ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
HRTIM_BaseInitTypeDef HRTIM_BaseInitStruct,
HRTIM_TimerInitTypeDef HRTIM_TimerInitStruct 

Initializes a timer operating in waveform mode.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 for master timer
  • 0x1 to 0x5 for timers A to E
pTimerInitpointer to the timer initialization data structure
Return values

Definition at line 354 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_WaveformCaptureConfig()

void HRTIM_WaveformCaptureConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  CaptureUnit,
HRTIM_CaptureCfgTypeDef pCaptureCfg 

Configures the capture unit of a timer operating in waveform mode.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
CaptureChannelCapture unit to configure This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1
  • HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2
pCaptureCfgpointer to the compare unit configuration structure
Return values

Definition at line 2128 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_WaveformCompareConfig()

void HRTIM_WaveformCompareConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  CompareUnit,
HRTIM_CompareCfgTypeDef pCompareCfg 

Configures the compare unit of a timer operating in waveform mode.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index 0xFF for master timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
CompareUnitCompare unit to configure This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_1: Compare unit 1
  • HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_2: Compare unit 2
  • HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_3: Compare unit 3
  • HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_4: Compare unit 4
pCompareCfgpointer to the compare unit configuration structure
When auto delayed mode is required for compare unit 2 or compare unit 4, application has to configure separately the capture unit. Capture unit to configure in that case depends on the compare unit auto delayed mode is applied to (see below): Auto delayed on output compare 2: capture unit 1 must be configured Auto delayed on output compare 4: capture unit 2 must be configured
Return values

Definition at line 1932 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_WaveformCounterStart()

void HRTIM_WaveformCounterStart ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimersToStart 

Starts the counter of the designated timer(s) operating in waveform mode Timers can be combined (ORed) to allow for simultaneous counter start.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimersToStartTimer counter(s) to start This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
Return values

Definition at line 783 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_WaveformCounterStop()

void HRTIM_WaveformCounterStop ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimersToStop 

Stops the counter of the designated timer(s) operating in waveform mode Timers can be combined (ORed) to allow for simultaneous counter stop.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimersToStopTimer counter(s) to stop This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
Return values

Definition at line 804 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_WaveformGetOutputLevel()

uint32_t HRTIM_WaveformGetOutputLevel ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  Output 

Returns actual level (active or inactive) of the designated output.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
OutputTimer output This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2
Return values
Returned output level is taken before the output stage (chopper, polarity).

Definition at line 3153 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_WaveformGetOutputState()

uint32_t HRTIM_WaveformGetOutputState ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  Output 

Returns actual state (RUN, IDLE, FAULT) of the designated output.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
OutputTimer output This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2
Return values

Definition at line 3228 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_WaveformOuputConfig()

void HRTIM_WaveformOuputConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  Output,
HRTIM_OutputCfgTypeDef pOutputCfg 

◆ HRTIM_WaveformOutputConfig()

void HRTIM_WaveformOutputConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  Output,
HRTIM_OutputCfgTypeDef pOutputCfg 

Configures the output of a timer operating in waveform mode.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
OutputTimer output This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2
pOutputCfgpointer to the timer output configuration structure
Return values

Definition at line 2172 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_WaveformOutputStart()

void HRTIM_WaveformOutputStart ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  OutputsToStart 

Enables the generation of the waveform signal on the designated output(s) Outputs can be combined (ORed) to allow for simultaneous output enabling.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
OutputsToStartTimer output(s) to enable This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2
Return values

Definition at line 829 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_WaveformOutputStop()

void HRTIM_WaveformOutputStop ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  OutputsToStop 

Disables the generation of the waveform signal on the designated output(s) Outputs can be combined (ORed) to allow for simultaneous output disabling.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
OutputsToStopTimer output(s) to disable This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2
Return values

Definition at line 854 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_WaveformSetOutputLevel()

void HRTIM_WaveformSetOutputLevel ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
uint32_t  Output,
uint32_t  OutputLevel 

Forces the timer output to its active or inactive state.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
OutputTimer output This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1
  • HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2
OutputLevelindicates whether the output is forced to its active or inactive state This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • HRTIM_OUTPUTLEVEL_ACTIVE: output is forced to its active state
  • HRTIM_OUTPUTLEVEL_INACTIVE: output is forced to its inactive state
Return values
The 'software set/reset trigger' bit in the output set/reset registers is automatically reset by hardware

Definition at line 3016 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

◆ HRTIM_WaveformTimerConfig()

void HRTIM_WaveformTimerConfig ( HRTIM_TypeDef *  HRTIMx,
uint32_t  TimerIdx,
HRTIM_TimerCfgTypeDef pTimerCfg 

Configures the general behavior of a timer operating in waveform mode.

HRTIMxpointer to HRTIMx peripheral
TimerIdxTimer index This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0 to 0x4 for timers A to E
pTimerCfgpointer to the timer configuration structure
When the timer operates in waveform mode, all the features supported by the HRTIMx are available without any limitation.
Return values

Definition at line 1846 of file stm32f30x_hrtim.c.

Author(s): Daniel Koch , James Jackson
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 23:36:15