Collaboration diagram for HRTIM_Exported_Constants:


 Constants defining the timer indexes.
 Constants defining timer identifiers.
 Constants defining compare unit identifiers.
 Constants defining capture unit identifiers.
 Constants defining timer output identifiers.
 Constants defining ADC triggers identifiers.
 Constants defining external event channel identifiers.
 Constants defining fault channel identifiers.
 Constants defining timer high-resolution clock prescaler ratio.
 Constants defining timer counter operating mode.
 Constants defining half mode enabling status.
 Constants defining the timer behavior following the synchronization event.
 Constants defining the timer behavior following the synchronization event.
 Constants defining on which output the DAC synchronization event is sent.
 Constants defining whether a write access into a preloadable register is done into the active or the preload register.
 Constants defining how the update occurs relatively to the burst DMA transaction and the external update request on update enable inputs 1 to 3.
 Constants defining how the timer behaves during a burst mode operation.
 Constants defining whether registers are updated when the timer repetition period is completed (either due to roll-over or reset events)
 Constants defining whether or not the push-pull mode is enabled for a timer.
 Constants defining whether a faut channel is enabled for a timer.
 Constants defining whether or not fault enabling bits are write protected for a timer.
 Constants defining whether or not fault the dead time insertion feature is enabled for a timer.
 Constants defining all possible delayed protection modes for a timer. Also define the source and outputs on which the delayed protection schemes are applied.
 Constants defining whether the registers update is done synchronously with any other timer or master update.
 Constants defining the events that can be selected to trigger the reset of the timer counter.
 Constants defining whether the register are updated upon Timerx counter reset or rollover to 0 after reaching the period value in continuous mode.
 Constants defining whether the compare register is behaving in regular mode (compare match issued as soon as counter equal compare), or in auto-delayed mode.
 Constants defining the behavior of the output signal when the timer operates in basic output compare mode.
 Constants defining the polarity of a timer output.
 Constants defining the events that can be selected to configure the set crossbar of a timer output.
 Constants defining the events that can be selected to configure the set crossbar of a timer output.
 Constants defining whether or not the timer output transition to its IDLE state when burst mode is entered.
 Constants defining the IDLE state of a timer output.
 Constants defining the FAULT state of a timer output.
 Constants defining whether or not chopper mode is enabled for a timer output.
 Constants defining the idle mode entry is delayed by forcing a deadtime insertion before switching the outputs to their idle state.
 Constants defining the events that can be selected to trigger the capture of the timing unit counter.
 Constants defining the event filtering applied to external events by a timer.
 Constants defining whether or not the external event is memorized (latched) and generated as soon as the blanking period is completed or the window ends.
 Constants defining whether the deadtime is positive or negative (overlapping signal) on rising edge.
 Constants defining whether or not the deadtime (rising sign and value) is write protected.
 Constants defining whether or not the deadtime rising sign is write protected.
 Constants defining whether the deadtime is positive or negative (overlapping signal) on falling edge.
 Constants defining whether or not the deadtime (falling sign and value) is write protected.
 Constants defining whether or not the deadtime falling sign is write protected.
 Constants defining defining the synchronization input source.
 Constants defining the source and event to be sent on the synchronization outputs.
 Constants defining the routing and conditioning of the synchronization output event.
 Constants defining available sources associated to external events.
 Constants defining the polarity of an external event.
 Constants defining the sensitivity (level-sensitive or edge-sensitive) of an external event.
 Constants defining whether or not an external event is programmed in fast mode.
 Constants defining the frequency used to sample an external event 6 input and the length (N) of the digital filter applied.
 Constants defining division ratio between the timer clock frequency fHRTIM) and the external event signal sampling clock (fEEVS) used by the digital filters.
 Constants defining whether a faults is be triggered by any external or internal fault source.
 Constants defining the polarity of a fault event.
 Constants defining whether or not the fault programming bits are write protected.
 Constants defining the division ratio between the timer clock frequency (fHRTIM) and the fault signal sampling clock (fFLTS) used by the digital filters.
 Constants defining if the burst mode is entered once or if it is continuously operating.
 Constants defining the clock source for the burst mode counter.
 Constants defining the prescaling ratio of the fHRTIM clock for the burst mode controller.
 Constants defining whether or not burst mode registers preload mechanism is enabled, i.e. a write access into a preloadable register (HRTIM_BMCMPR, HRTIM_BMPER) is done into the active or the preload register.
 Constants defining the events that can be used tor trig the burst mode operation.
 constants defining the source triggering the update of the HRTIM_ADCxR register (transfer from preload to active register).
 constants defining the events triggering ADC conversion. HRTIM_ADCTRIGGEREVENT13_*: ADC Triggers 1 and 3 HRTIM_ADCTRIGGEREVENT24_*: ADC Triggers 2 and 4
 Constants defining the DLL calibration periods (in micro seconds)
 Constants defining the registers that can be written during a burst DMA operation.
 Constants used to enable or disable the burst mode controller.
 Constants used to enable or disable the Fault mode.
 Constants used to force timer registers update.
 Constants used to force timer counter reset.
 Constants defining the level of a timer output.
 Constants defining the state of a timer output.
 Constants defining the operating state of the burst mode controller.
 Constants defining on which output the signal is currently applied in push-pull mode.
 Constants defining on which output the signal was applied, in push-pull mode balanced fault mode or delayed idle mode, when the protection was triggered.

Detailed Description

Author(s): Daniel Koch , James Jackson
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 23:36:17