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octomap::ViewerWidget Class Reference

#include <ViewerWidget.h>

Inheritance diagram for octomap::ViewerWidget:
Inheritance graph

Public Slots

void addCurrentToCameraPath (int id, int frame)
void appendCurrentToCameraPath (int id)
void appendToCameraPath (int id, const octomath::Pose6D &pose)
void deleteCameraPath (int id)
void enableHeightColorMode (bool enabled=true)
void enablePrintoutMode (bool enabled=true)
void enableSelectionBox (bool enabled=true)
void enableSemanticColoring (bool enabled=true)
void jumpToCamFrame (int id, int frame)
void playCameraPath (int id, int start_frame)
void removeFromCameraPath (int id, int frame)
void resetView ()
const SelectionBoxselectionBox () const
void setCamPose (const octomath::Pose6D &pose)
void setCamPosition (double x, double y, double z, double lookX, double lookY, double lookZ)
virtual void setSceneBoundingBox (const qglviewer::Vec &min, const qglviewer::Vec &max)
void stopCameraPath (int id)
void updateCameraPath (int id, int frame)
- Public Slots inherited from QGLViewer
void setAxisIsDrawn (bool draw=true)
void setGridIsDrawn (bool draw=true)
void setFPSIsDisplayed (bool display=true)
void setTextIsEnabled (bool enable=true)
void setCameraIsEdited (bool edit=true)
void toggleAxisIsDrawn ()
void toggleGridIsDrawn ()
void toggleFPSIsDisplayed ()
void toggleTextIsEnabled ()
void toggleCameraIsEdited ()
void setBackgroundColor (const QColor &color)
void setForegroundColor (const QColor &color)
virtual void setSceneRadius (qreal radius)
virtual void setSceneCenter (const qglviewer::Vec &center)
void setSceneBoundingBox (const qglviewer::Vec &min, const qglviewer::Vec &max)
void showEntireScene ()
void setCamera (qglviewer::Camera *const camera)
void setManipulatedFrame (qglviewer::ManipulatedFrame *frame)
void setMouseGrabber (qglviewer::MouseGrabber *mouseGrabber)
void setFullScreen (bool fullScreen=true)
void setStereoDisplay (bool stereo=true)
void toggleFullScreen ()
void toggleStereoDisplay ()
void toggleCameraMode ()
void saveSnapshot (bool automatic=true, bool overwrite=false)
void saveSnapshot (const QString &fileName, bool overwrite=false)
void setSnapshotFileName (const QString &name)
void setSnapshotFormat (const QString &format)
void setSnapshotCounter (int counter)
void setSnapshotQuality (int quality)
bool openSnapshotFormatDialog ()
void snapshotToClipboard ()
void copyBufferToTexture (GLint internalFormat, GLenum format=GL_NONE)
void setAnimationPeriod (int period)
virtual void startAnimation ()
virtual void stopAnimation ()
virtual void animate ()
void toggleAnimation ()
virtual void help ()
virtual void aboutQGLViewer ()
virtual void select (const QMouseEvent *event)
virtual void select (const QPoint &point)
void setSelectBufferSize (int size)
void setSelectRegionWidth (int width)
void setSelectRegionHeight (int height)
void setSelectedName (int id)
void setShortcut (KeyboardAction action, unsigned int key)
void setKeyboardAccelerator (KeyboardAction action, unsigned int key)
void setKeyDescription (unsigned int key, QString description)
void clearShortcuts ()
virtual void setKeyFrameKey (unsigned int index, int key)
virtual void setPlayKeyFramePathStateKey (unsigned int buttonState)
virtual void setPlayPathStateKey (unsigned int buttonState)
virtual void setAddKeyFrameStateKey (unsigned int buttonState)
virtual void setPathKey (int key, unsigned int index=0)
virtual void setPlayPathKeyboardModifiers (Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
virtual void setAddKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers (Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
void setMouseBinding (unsigned int state, MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint=true)
void setMouseBinding (unsigned int state, ClickAction action, bool doubleClick=false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore=Qt::NoButton)
void setMouseBindingDescription (unsigned int state, QString description, bool doubleClick=false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore=Qt::NoButton)
void setMouseBinding (Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton buttons, MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint=true)
void setMouseBinding (Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button, ClickAction action, bool doubleClick=false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore=Qt::NoButton)
void setWheelBinding (Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint=true)
void setMouseBindingDescription (Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button, QString description, bool doubleClick=false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore=Qt::NoButton)
void setMouseBinding (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton buttons, MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint=true)
void setMouseBinding (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button, ClickAction action, bool doubleClick=false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore=Qt::NoButton)
void setWheelBinding (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint=true)
void setMouseBindingDescription (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button, QString description, bool doubleClick=false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore=Qt::NoButton)
void clearMouseBindings ()
MouseAction wheelAction (Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) const
int wheelHandler (Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) const
void setHandlerKeyboardModifiers (MouseHandler handler, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
void setHandlerStateKey (MouseHandler handler, unsigned int buttonState)
void setMouseStateKey (MouseHandler handler, unsigned int buttonState)
virtual void initFromDOMElement (const QDomElement &element)
virtual void saveStateToFile ()
virtual bool restoreStateFromFile ()
void setStateFileName (const QString &name)
void saveToFile (const QString &fileName=QString::null)
bool restoreFromFile (const QString &fileName=QString::null)
virtual void resetVisualHints ()


void cameraPathFrameChanged (int id, int current_camera_frame)
void cameraPathStopped (int id)
- Signals inherited from QGLViewer
void animateNeeded ()
void axisIsDrawnChanged (bool drawn)
void cameraIsEditedChanged (bool edited)
void drawFinished (bool automatic)
void drawNeeded ()
void FPSIsDisplayedChanged (bool displayed)
void gridIsDrawnChanged (bool drawn)
void helpRequired ()
void mouseGrabberChanged (qglviewer::MouseGrabber *mouseGrabber)
void pointSelected (const QMouseEvent *e)
void stereoChanged (bool on)
void textIsEnabledChanged (bool enabled)
void viewerInitialized ()

Public Member Functions

void addSceneObject (SceneObject *obj)
void clearAll ()
void removeSceneObject (SceneObject *obj)
 ViewerWidget (QWidget *parent=NULL)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QGLViewer
 QGLViewer (QWidget *parent=0, const QGLWidget *shareWidget=0, Qt::WindowFlags flags=0)
 QGLViewer (QGLContext *context, QWidget *parent=0, const QGLWidget *shareWidget=0, Qt::WindowFlags flags=0)
 QGLViewer (const QGLFormat &format, QWidget *parent=0, const QGLWidget *shareWidget=0, Qt::WindowFlags flags=0)
virtual ~QGLViewer ()
bool axisIsDrawn () const
bool gridIsDrawn () const
bool FPSIsDisplayed () const
bool textIsEnabled () const
bool cameraIsEdited () const
QColor backgroundColor () const
QColor foregroundColor () const
qreal sceneRadius () const
qglviewer::Vec sceneCenter () const
qglviewer::Cameracamera () const
qglviewer::ManipulatedFramemanipulatedFrame () const
qglviewer::MouseGrabbermouseGrabber () const
void setMouseGrabberIsEnabled (const qglviewer::MouseGrabber *const mouseGrabber, bool enabled=true)
bool mouseGrabberIsEnabled (const qglviewer::MouseGrabber *const mouseGrabber)
qreal aspectRatio () const
qreal currentFPS ()
bool isFullScreen () const
bool displaysInStereo () const
virtual QSize sizeHint () const
virtual void startScreenCoordinatesSystem (bool upward=false) const
virtual void stopScreenCoordinatesSystem () const
void drawText (int x, int y, const QString &text, const QFont &fnt=QFont())
void displayMessage (const QString &message, int delay=2000)
const QString & snapshotFileName () const
const QString & snapshotFilename () const
const QString & snapshotFormat () const
int snapshotCounter () const
int snapshotQuality ()
QFont scaledFont (const QFont &font) const
GLuint bufferTextureId () const
qreal bufferTextureMaxU () const
qreal bufferTextureMaxV () const
bool animationIsStarted () const
int animationPeriod () const
virtual QString mouseString () const
virtual QString keyboardString () const
virtual QString mouseBindingsString () const
virtual QString shortcutBindingsString () const
int selectedName () const
int selectBufferSize () const
int selectRegionWidth () const
int selectRegionHeight () const
GLuint * selectBuffer ()
unsigned int shortcut (KeyboardAction action) const
unsigned int keyboardAccelerator (KeyboardAction action) const
Qt::Key keyFrameKey (unsigned int index) const
Qt::KeyboardModifiers playKeyFramePathStateKey () const
Qt::KeyboardModifiers addKeyFrameStateKey () const
Qt::KeyboardModifiers playPathStateKey () const
Qt::Key pathKey (unsigned int index) const
Qt::KeyboardModifiers addKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers () const
Qt::KeyboardModifiers playPathKeyboardModifiers () const
MouseAction mouseAction (unsigned int state) const
int mouseHandler (unsigned int state) const
int mouseButtonState (MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint=true) const
ClickAction clickAction (unsigned int state, bool doubleClick, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore) const
void getClickButtonState (ClickAction action, unsigned int &state, bool &doubleClick, Qt::MouseButtons &buttonsBefore) const
unsigned int wheelButtonState (MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint=true) const
MouseAction mouseAction (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button) const
int mouseHandler (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button) const
void getMouseActionBinding (MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint, Qt::Key &key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers &modifiers, Qt::MouseButton &button) const
ClickAction clickAction (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button, bool doubleClick=false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore=Qt::NoButton) const
void getClickActionBinding (ClickAction action, Qt::Key &key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers &modifiers, Qt::MouseButton &button, bool &doubleClick, Qt::MouseButtons &buttonsBefore) const
MouseAction wheelAction (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) const
int wheelHandler (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) const
void getWheelActionBinding (MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint, Qt::Key &key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers &modifiers) const
QString stateFileName () const
virtual QDomElement domElement (const QString &name, QDomDocument &document) const
virtual void setVisualHintsMask (int mask, int delay=2000)
virtual void drawVisualHints ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void draw ()
virtual void drawWithNames ()
virtual QString helpString () const
virtual void init ()
qglviewer::Quaternion poseToQGLQuaternion (const octomath::Pose6D &pose)
virtual void postDraw ()
virtual void postSelection (const QPoint &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QGLViewer
virtual void drawLight (GLenum light, qreal scale=1.0) const
QTabWidget * helpWidget ()
virtual void resizeGL (int width, int height)
virtual void initializeGL ()
virtual void paintGL ()
virtual void preDraw ()
virtual void preDrawStereo (bool leftBuffer=true)
virtual void fastDraw ()
virtual void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *)
virtual void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *)
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *)
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *)
virtual void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *)
virtual void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *)
virtual void keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *)
virtual void timerEvent (QTimerEvent *)
virtual void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *)
virtual void beginSelection (const QPoint &point)
virtual void endSelection (const QPoint &point)

Protected Attributes

int m_current_camera_frame
int m_current_camera_path
bool m_drawAxis
bool m_drawGrid
bool m_drawSelectionBox
bool m_heightColorMode
bool m_printoutMode
std::vector< SceneObject * > m_sceneObjects
SelectionBox m_selectionBox
bool m_semantic_coloring
double m_zMax
double m_zMin

Private Slots

void cameraPathFinished ()
void cameraPathInterpolated ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QGLViewer
enum  KeyboardAction {
enum  MouseHandler { CAMERA, FRAME }
enum  ClickAction {
enum  MouseAction {
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QGLViewer
static void drawArrow (qreal length=1.0, qreal radius=-1.0, int nbSubdivisions=12)
static void drawArrow (const qglviewer::Vec &from, const qglviewer::Vec &to, qreal radius=-1.0, int nbSubdivisions=12)
static void drawAxis (qreal length=1.0)
static void drawGrid (qreal size=1.0, int nbSubdivisions=10)
static const QList< QGLViewer * > & QGLViewerPool ()
static int QGLViewerIndex (const QGLViewer *const viewer)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 35 of file ViewerWidget.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ViewerWidget()

octomap::ViewerWidget::ViewerWidget ( QWidget *  parent = NULL)

Definition at line 36 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addCurrentToCameraPath

void octomap::ViewerWidget::addCurrentToCameraPath ( int  id,
int  frame 

Definition at line 222 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ addSceneObject()

void octomap::ViewerWidget::addSceneObject ( SceneObject obj)

Adds an object to the scene that can be drawn

objSceneObject to be added

Definition at line 292 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ appendCurrentToCameraPath

void octomap::ViewerWidget::appendCurrentToCameraPath ( int  id)

Definition at line 216 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ appendToCameraPath

void octomap::ViewerWidget::appendToCameraPath ( int  id,
const octomath::Pose6D pose 

Definition at line 176 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ cameraPathFinished

void octomap::ViewerWidget::cameraPathFinished ( )

Definition at line 262 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ cameraPathFrameChanged

void octomap::ViewerWidget::cameraPathFrameChanged ( int  id,
int  current_camera_frame 

◆ cameraPathInterpolated

void octomap::ViewerWidget::cameraPathInterpolated ( )

Definition at line 271 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ cameraPathStopped

void octomap::ViewerWidget::cameraPathStopped ( int  id)

◆ clearAll()

void octomap::ViewerWidget::clearAll ( )

Definition at line 310 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ deleteCameraPath

void octomap::ViewerWidget::deleteCameraPath ( int  id)

Definition at line 167 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ draw()

void octomap::ViewerWidget::draw ( )

The core method of the viewer, that draws the scene.

If you build a class that inherits from QGLViewer, this is the method you want to overload. See the simpleViewer example for an illustration.

The camera modelView matrix set in preDraw() converts from the world to the camera coordinate systems. Vertices given in draw() can then be considered as being given in the world coordinate system. The camera is moved in this world using the mouse. This representation is much more intuitive than the default camera-centric OpenGL standard.

The GL_PROJECTION matrix should not be modified by this method, to correctly display visual hints (axis, grid, FPS...) in postDraw(). Use push/pop or call camera()->loadProjectionMatrix() at the end of draw() if you need to change the projection matrix (unlikely). On the other hand, the GL_MODELVIEW matrix can be modified and left in a arbitrary state.

Reimplemented from QGLViewer.

Definition at line 317 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ drawWithNames()

void octomap::ViewerWidget::drawWithNames ( )

This method is called by select() and should draw selectable entities.

Default implementation is empty. Overload and draw the different elements of your scene you want to be able to select. The default select() implementation relies on the GL_SELECT, and requires that each selectable element is drawn within a glPushName() - glPopName() block. A typical usage would be (see the select example):

void Viewer::drawWithNames() {
for (int i=0; i<nbObjects; ++i) {
    The resulting selected name is computed by endSelection(), which setSelectedName() to the integer
    id pushed by this method (a value of -1 means no selection). Use selectedName() to update your
    selection, probably in the postSelection() method.

    \attention If your selected objects are points, do not use \c glBegin(GL_POINTS); and \c glVertex3fv()
    in the above \c draw() method (not compatible with raster mode): use \c glRasterPos3fv() instead.  

Reimplemented from QGLViewer.

Definition at line 349 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ enableHeightColorMode

void octomap::ViewerWidget::enableHeightColorMode ( bool  enabled = true)

Definition at line 96 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ enablePrintoutMode

void octomap::ViewerWidget::enablePrintoutMode ( bool  enabled = true)

Definition at line 104 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ enableSelectionBox

void octomap::ViewerWidget::enableSelectionBox ( bool  enabled = true)

Definition at line 120 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ enableSemanticColoring

void octomap::ViewerWidget::enableSemanticColoring ( bool  enabled = true)

Definition at line 112 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ helpString()

QString octomap::ViewerWidget::helpString ( ) const

Returns the QString displayed in the help() window main tab.

Overload this method to define your own help string, which should shortly describe your application and explain how it works. Rich-text (HTML) tags can be used (see QStyleSheet() documentation for available tags):

QString myViewer::helpString() const
QString text("<h2>M y V i e w e r</h2>");
text += "Displays a <b>Scene</b> using OpenGL. Move the camera using the mouse.";
return text;

See also mouseString() and keyboardString().

Reimplemented from QGLViewer.

Definition at line 80 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ init()

void octomap::ViewerWidget::init ( )

Initializes the viewer OpenGL context.

This method is called before the first drawing and should be overloaded to initialize some of the OpenGL flags. The default implementation is empty. See initializeGL().

Typical usage include camera() initialization (showEntireScene()), previous viewer state restoration (restoreStateFromFile()), OpenGL state modification and display list creation.

Note that initializeGL() modifies the standard OpenGL context. These values can be restored back in this method.

You should not call updateGL() (or any method that calls it) in this method, as it will result in an infinite loop. The different QGLViewer set methods (setAxisIsDrawn(), setFPSIsDisplayed()...) are protected against this problem and can safely be called.
All the OpenGL specific initializations must be done in this method: the OpenGL context is not yet available in your viewer constructor.

Reimplemented from QGLViewer.

Definition at line 45 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ jumpToCamFrame

void octomap::ViewerWidget::jumpToCamFrame ( int  id,
int  frame 

Definition at line 156 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ playCameraPath

void octomap::ViewerWidget::playCameraPath ( int  id,
int  start_frame 

Definition at line 239 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ poseToQGLQuaternion()

qglviewer::Quaternion octomap::ViewerWidget::poseToQGLQuaternion ( const octomath::Pose6D pose)

Definition at line 126 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ postDraw()

void octomap::ViewerWidget::postDraw ( )

Overloaded from QGLViewer. Draws own axis and grid in scale, then calls QGLViewer::postDraw().

Reimplemented from QGLViewer.

Definition at line 355 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ postSelection()

void octomap::ViewerWidget::postSelection ( const QPoint &  point)

This method is called at the end of the select() procedure. It should finalize the selection process and update the data structure/interface/computation/display... according to the newly selected entity.

The default implementation is empty. Overload this method if needed, and use selectedName() to retrieve the selected entity name (returns -1 if no object was selected). See the select example for an illustration.

Reimplemented from QGLViewer.

Definition at line 392 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ removeFromCameraPath

void octomap::ViewerWidget::removeFromCameraPath ( int  id,
int  frame 

Definition at line 186 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ removeSceneObject()

void octomap::ViewerWidget::removeSceneObject ( SceneObject obj)

Removes a SceneObject from the list of drawable objects if it has been added previously. Does nothing otherwise.

objSceneObject to be removed

Definition at line 298 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ resetView

void octomap::ViewerWidget::resetView ( )

Resets the 3D viewpoint to the initial value

Definition at line 73 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ selectionBox

const SelectionBox& octomap::ViewerWidget::selectionBox ( ) const

Definition at line 75 of file ViewerWidget.h.

◆ setCamPose

void octomap::ViewerWidget::setCamPose ( const octomath::Pose6D pose)

Definition at line 151 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ setCamPosition

void octomap::ViewerWidget::setCamPosition ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
double  lookX,
double  lookY,
double  lookZ 

Definition at line 143 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ setSceneBoundingBox

void octomap::ViewerWidget::setSceneBoundingBox ( const qglviewer::Vec min,
const qglviewer::Vec max 

Definition at line 286 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ stopCameraPath

void octomap::ViewerWidget::stopCameraPath ( int  id)

Definition at line 253 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

◆ updateCameraPath

void octomap::ViewerWidget::updateCameraPath ( int  id,
int  frame 

Definition at line 200 of file ViewerWidget.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_current_camera_frame

int octomap::ViewerWidget::m_current_camera_frame

Definition at line 119 of file ViewerWidget.h.

◆ m_current_camera_path

int octomap::ViewerWidget::m_current_camera_path

Definition at line 118 of file ViewerWidget.h.

◆ m_drawAxis

bool octomap::ViewerWidget::m_drawAxis

Definition at line 111 of file ViewerWidget.h.

◆ m_drawGrid

bool octomap::ViewerWidget::m_drawGrid

Definition at line 112 of file ViewerWidget.h.

◆ m_drawSelectionBox

bool octomap::ViewerWidget::m_drawSelectionBox

Definition at line 113 of file ViewerWidget.h.

◆ m_heightColorMode

bool octomap::ViewerWidget::m_heightColorMode

Definition at line 108 of file ViewerWidget.h.

◆ m_printoutMode

bool octomap::ViewerWidget::m_printoutMode

Definition at line 107 of file ViewerWidget.h.

◆ m_sceneObjects

std::vector<SceneObject*> octomap::ViewerWidget::m_sceneObjects

Definition at line 104 of file ViewerWidget.h.

◆ m_selectionBox

SelectionBox octomap::ViewerWidget::m_selectionBox

Definition at line 105 of file ViewerWidget.h.

◆ m_semantic_coloring

bool octomap::ViewerWidget::m_semantic_coloring

Definition at line 109 of file ViewerWidget.h.

◆ m_zMax

double octomap::ViewerWidget::m_zMax

Definition at line 116 of file ViewerWidget.h.

◆ m_zMin

double octomap::ViewerWidget::m_zMin

Definition at line 115 of file ViewerWidget.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Kai M. Wurm , Armin Hornung
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 22:58:17