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QGLViewer Class Reference

A versatile 3D OpenGL viewer based on QGLWidget. More...

#include <QGLViewer/qglviewer.h>

Inheritance diagram for QGLViewer:
Inheritance graph


struct  ClickBindingPrivate
struct  MouseActionPrivate
struct  MouseBindingPrivate
class  TileRegion
struct  WheelBindingPrivate


void animateNeeded ()
void axisIsDrawnChanged (bool drawn)
void cameraIsEditedChanged (bool edited)
void drawFinished (bool automatic)
void drawNeeded ()
void FPSIsDisplayedChanged (bool displayed)
void gridIsDrawnChanged (bool drawn)
void helpRequired ()
void mouseGrabberChanged (qglviewer::MouseGrabber *mouseGrabber)
void pointSelected (const QMouseEvent *e)
void stereoChanged (bool on)
void textIsEnabledChanged (bool enabled)
void viewerInitialized ()

Public Member Functions

 QGLViewer (QWidget *parent=0, const QGLWidget *shareWidget=0, Qt::WindowFlags flags=0)
 QGLViewer (QGLContext *context, QWidget *parent=0, const QGLWidget *shareWidget=0, Qt::WindowFlags flags=0)
 QGLViewer (const QGLFormat &format, QWidget *parent=0, const QGLWidget *shareWidget=0, Qt::WindowFlags flags=0)
virtual ~QGLViewer ()

Private Slots

void delayedFullScreen ()
void hideMessage ()

Private Member Functions

QString cameraPathKeysString () const
void connectAllCameraKFIInterpolatedSignals (bool connection=true)
void defaultConstructor ()
QImage frameBufferSnapshot ()
void handleKeyboardAction (KeyboardAction id)
void initializeSnapshotFormats ()
QGLVieweroperator= (const QGLViewer &v)
void performClickAction (ClickAction ca, const QMouseEvent *const e)
 QGLViewer (const QGLViewer &v)
void setDefaultMouseBindings ()
void setDefaultShortcuts ()

Static Private Member Functions

static QString formatClickActionPrivate (ClickBindingPrivate cbp)
static bool isValidShortcutKey (int key)

Private Attributes

Qt::KeyboardModifiers addKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers_
int animationPeriod_
bool animationStarted_
int animationTimerId_
bool axisIsDrawn_
QColor backgroundColor_
int bufferTextureHeight_
GLuint bufferTextureId_
qreal bufferTextureMaxU_
qreal bufferTextureMaxV_
int bufferTextureWidth_
bool cameraIsEdited_
QMap< ClickBindingPrivate, ClickActionclickBinding_
Qt::Key currentlyPressedKey_
QMap< size_t, bool > disabledMouseGrabbers_
bool displayMessage_
qreal f_p_s_
QColor foregroundColor_
unsigned int fpsCounter_
bool FPSIsDisplayed_
QString fpsString_
QTime fpsTime_
bool fullScreen_
bool gridIsDrawn_
QTabWidget * helpWidget_
QMap< KeyboardAction, QString > keyboardActionDescription_
QMap< KeyboardAction, unsigned int > keyboardBinding_
QMap< unsigned int, QString > keyDescription_
bool manipulatedFrameIsACamera_
QString message_
QTimer messageTimer_
QMap< MouseBindingPrivate, MouseActionPrivatemouseBinding_
QMap< ClickBindingPrivate, QString > mouseDescription_
bool mouseGrabberIsAManipulatedCameraFrame_
bool mouseGrabberIsAManipulatedFrame_
QMap< Qt::Key, unsigned int > pathIndex_
Qt::KeyboardModifiers playPathKeyboardModifiers_
unsigned int previousBufferTextureFormat_
int previousBufferTextureInternalFormat_
qreal previousCameraZClippingCoefficient_
unsigned int previousPathId_
QPoint prevPos_
GLuint * selectBuffer_
int selectBufferSize_
int selectedObjectId_
int selectRegionHeight_
int selectRegionWidth_
int snapshotCounter_
QString snapshotFileName_
QString snapshotFormat_
int snapshotQuality_
QString stateFileName_
bool stereo_
bool textIsEnabled_
int visualHint_
QMap< WheelBindingPrivate, MouseActionPrivatewheelBinding_

Static Private Attributes

static QList< QGLViewer * > QGLViewerPool_

Display of visual hints

bool axisIsDrawn () const
bool gridIsDrawn () const
bool FPSIsDisplayed () const
bool textIsEnabled () const
bool cameraIsEdited () const
void setAxisIsDrawn (bool draw=true)
void setGridIsDrawn (bool draw=true)
void setFPSIsDisplayed (bool display=true)
void setTextIsEnabled (bool enable=true)
void setCameraIsEdited (bool edit=true)
void toggleAxisIsDrawn ()
void toggleGridIsDrawn ()
void toggleFPSIsDisplayed ()
void toggleTextIsEnabled ()
void toggleCameraIsEdited ()

Viewer's colors

QColor backgroundColor () const
QColor foregroundColor () const
void setBackgroundColor (const QColor &color)
void setForegroundColor (const QColor &color)

Scene dimensions

qreal sceneRadius () const
qglviewer::Vec sceneCenter () const
virtual void setSceneRadius (qreal radius)
virtual void setSceneCenter (const qglviewer::Vec &center)
void setSceneBoundingBox (const qglviewer::Vec &min, const qglviewer::Vec &max)
void showEntireScene ()

Associated objects

qglviewer::Cameracamera () const
qglviewer::ManipulatedFramemanipulatedFrame () const
void setCamera (qglviewer::Camera *const camera)
void setManipulatedFrame (qglviewer::ManipulatedFrame *frame)

Mouse grabbers

qglviewer::MouseGrabbermouseGrabber () const
void setMouseGrabberIsEnabled (const qglviewer::MouseGrabber *const mouseGrabber, bool enabled=true)
bool mouseGrabberIsEnabled (const qglviewer::MouseGrabber *const mouseGrabber)
void setMouseGrabber (qglviewer::MouseGrabber *mouseGrabber)

State of the viewer

qreal aspectRatio () const
qreal currentFPS ()
bool isFullScreen () const
bool displaysInStereo () const
virtual QSize sizeHint () const
void setFullScreen (bool fullScreen=true)
void setStereoDisplay (bool stereo=true)
void toggleFullScreen ()
void toggleStereoDisplay ()
void toggleCameraMode ()
bool cameraIsInRotateMode () const

Display methods

virtual void startScreenCoordinatesSystem (bool upward=false) const
virtual void stopScreenCoordinatesSystem () const
void drawText (int x, int y, const QString &text, const QFont &fnt=QFont())
void displayMessage (const QString &message, int delay=2000)
void displayFPS ()
void drawVectorial ()
static void drawArrow (qreal length=1.0, qreal radius=-1.0, int nbSubdivisions=12)
static void drawArrow (const qglviewer::Vec &from, const qglviewer::Vec &to, qreal radius=-1.0, int nbSubdivisions=12)
static void drawAxis (qreal length=1.0)
static void drawGrid (qreal size=1.0, int nbSubdivisions=10)
virtual void drawLight (GLenum light, qreal scale=1.0) const
void drawVectorial (void *param)


const QString & snapshotFileName () const
const QString & snapshotFilename () const
const QString & snapshotFormat () const
int snapshotCounter () const
int snapshotQuality ()
QFont scaledFont (const QFont &font) const
void saveSnapshot (bool automatic=true, bool overwrite=false)
void saveSnapshot (const QString &fileName, bool overwrite=false)
void setSnapshotFileName (const QString &name)
void setSnapshotFormat (const QString &format)
void setSnapshotCounter (int counter)
void setSnapshotQuality (int quality)
bool openSnapshotFormatDialog ()
void snapshotToClipboard ()
bool saveImageSnapshot (const QString &fileName)

Buffer to texture

GLuint bufferTextureId () const
qreal bufferTextureMaxU () const
qreal bufferTextureMaxV () const
void copyBufferToTexture (GLint internalFormat, GLenum format=GL_NONE)


bool animationIsStarted () const
int animationPeriod () const
void setAnimationPeriod (int period)
virtual void startAnimation ()
virtual void stopAnimation ()
virtual void animate ()
void toggleAnimation ()

Help window

virtual QString helpString () const
virtual QString mouseString () const
virtual QString keyboardString () const
virtual QString mouseBindingsString () const
virtual QString shortcutBindingsString () const
virtual void help ()
virtual void aboutQGLViewer ()
QTabWidget * helpWidget ()

Drawing methods

virtual void resizeGL (int width, int height)
virtual void initializeGL ()
virtual void init ()
virtual void paintGL ()
virtual void preDraw ()
virtual void preDrawStereo (bool leftBuffer=true)
virtual void draw ()
virtual void fastDraw ()
virtual void postDraw ()

Mouse, keyboard and event handlers

virtual void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *)
virtual void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *)
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *)
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *)
virtual void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *)
virtual void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *)
virtual void keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *)
virtual void timerEvent (QTimerEvent *)
virtual void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *)

Object selection

int selectedName () const
int selectBufferSize () const
int selectRegionWidth () const
int selectRegionHeight () const
GLuint * selectBuffer ()
virtual void select (const QMouseEvent *event)
virtual void select (const QPoint &point)
void setSelectBufferSize (int size)
void setSelectRegionWidth (int width)
void setSelectRegionHeight (int height)
void setSelectedName (int id)
virtual void beginSelection (const QPoint &point)
virtual void drawWithNames ()
virtual void endSelection (const QPoint &point)
virtual void postSelection (const QPoint &point)

Keyboard customization

enum  KeyboardAction {
unsigned int shortcut (KeyboardAction action) const
unsigned int keyboardAccelerator (KeyboardAction action) const
Qt::Key keyFrameKey (unsigned int index) const
Qt::KeyboardModifiers playKeyFramePathStateKey () const
Qt::KeyboardModifiers addKeyFrameStateKey () const
Qt::KeyboardModifiers playPathStateKey () const
Qt::Key pathKey (unsigned int index) const
Qt::KeyboardModifiers addKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers () const
Qt::KeyboardModifiers playPathKeyboardModifiers () const
void setShortcut (KeyboardAction action, unsigned int key)
void setKeyboardAccelerator (KeyboardAction action, unsigned int key)
void setKeyDescription (unsigned int key, QString description)
void clearShortcuts ()
virtual void setKeyFrameKey (unsigned int index, int key)
virtual void setPlayKeyFramePathStateKey (unsigned int buttonState)
virtual void setPlayPathStateKey (unsigned int buttonState)
virtual void setAddKeyFrameStateKey (unsigned int buttonState)
virtual void setPathKey (int key, unsigned int index=0)
virtual void setPlayPathKeyboardModifiers (Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
virtual void setAddKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers (Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)

Mouse customization

enum  MouseHandler { CAMERA, FRAME }
enum  ClickAction {
enum  MouseAction {
MouseAction mouseAction (unsigned int state) const
int mouseHandler (unsigned int state) const
int mouseButtonState (MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint=true) const
ClickAction clickAction (unsigned int state, bool doubleClick, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore) const
void getClickButtonState (ClickAction action, unsigned int &state, bool &doubleClick, Qt::MouseButtons &buttonsBefore) const
unsigned int wheelButtonState (MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint=true) const
MouseAction mouseAction (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button) const
int mouseHandler (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button) const
void getMouseActionBinding (MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint, Qt::Key &key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers &modifiers, Qt::MouseButton &button) const
ClickAction clickAction (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button, bool doubleClick=false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore=Qt::NoButton) const
void getClickActionBinding (ClickAction action, Qt::Key &key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers &modifiers, Qt::MouseButton &button, bool &doubleClick, Qt::MouseButtons &buttonsBefore) const
MouseAction wheelAction (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) const
int wheelHandler (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) const
void getWheelActionBinding (MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint, Qt::Key &key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers &modifiers) const
void setMouseBinding (unsigned int state, MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint=true)
void setMouseBinding (unsigned int state, ClickAction action, bool doubleClick=false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore=Qt::NoButton)
void setMouseBindingDescription (unsigned int state, QString description, bool doubleClick=false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore=Qt::NoButton)
void setMouseBinding (Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton buttons, MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint=true)
void setMouseBinding (Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button, ClickAction action, bool doubleClick=false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore=Qt::NoButton)
void setWheelBinding (Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint=true)
void setMouseBindingDescription (Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button, QString description, bool doubleClick=false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore=Qt::NoButton)
void setMouseBinding (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton buttons, MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint=true)
void setMouseBinding (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button, ClickAction action, bool doubleClick=false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore=Qt::NoButton)
void setWheelBinding (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint=true)
void setMouseBindingDescription (Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button, QString description, bool doubleClick=false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore=Qt::NoButton)
void clearMouseBindings ()
MouseAction wheelAction (Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) const
int wheelHandler (Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) const
void setHandlerKeyboardModifiers (MouseHandler handler, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
void setHandlerStateKey (MouseHandler handler, unsigned int buttonState)
void setMouseStateKey (MouseHandler handler, unsigned int buttonState)
static QString mouseActionString (QGLViewer::MouseAction ma)
static QString clickActionString (QGLViewer::ClickAction ca)

State persistence

QString stateFileName () const
virtual QDomElement domElement (const QString &name, QDomDocument &document) const
virtual void initFromDOMElement (const QDomElement &element)
virtual void saveStateToFile ()
virtual bool restoreStateFromFile ()
void setStateFileName (const QString &name)
void saveToFile (const QString &fileName=QString::null)
bool restoreFromFile (const QString &fileName=QString::null)
static void saveStateToFileForAllViewers ()

QGLViewer pool

static const QList< QGLViewer * > & QGLViewerPool ()
static int QGLViewerIndex (const QGLViewer *const viewer)

Visual hints

virtual void setVisualHintsMask (int mask, int delay=2000)
virtual void drawVisualHints ()
virtual void resetVisualHints ()

Detailed Description

A versatile 3D OpenGL viewer based on QGLWidget.

It features many classical viewer functionalities, such as a camera trackball, manipulated objects, snapshot saving and much more. Its main goal is to ease the development of new 3D applications.

New users should read the introduction page to get familiar with important notions such as sceneRadius(), sceneCenter() and the world coordinate system. Try the numerous simple examples to discover the possibilities and understand how it works.


To use a QGLViewer, derive you viewer class from the QGLViewer and overload its draw() virtual method. See the simpleViewer example for an illustration.

An other option is to connect your drawing methods to the signals emitted by the QGLViewer (Qt's callback mechanism). See the callback example for a complete implementation.

Definition at line 62 of file qglviewer.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ClickAction

Defines the possible actions that can be binded to a mouse click using setMouseBinding(Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::MouseButtons, ClickAction, bool, int).

See the mouse page for details.


Definition at line 960 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ KeyboardAction

Defines the different actions that can be associated with a keyboard shortcut using setShortcut().

See the keyboard page for details.


Definition at line 905 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ MouseAction

Defines the possible actions that can be binded to a mouse action (a click, followed by a mouse displacement).

These actions may be binded to the camera() or to the manipulatedFrame() (see QGLViewer::MouseHandler) using setMouseBinding().


Definition at line 969 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ MouseHandler

Defines the different mouse handlers: camera() or manipulatedFrame().

Used by setMouseBinding(), setMouseBinding(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButtons, ClickAction, bool, int) and setWheelBinding() to define which handler receives the mouse events.


Definition at line 954 of file qglviewer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QGLViewer() [1/4]

QGLViewer::QGLViewer ( QWidget *  parent = 0,
const QGLWidget *  shareWidget = 0,
Qt::WindowFlags  flags = 0 

Constructor. See QGLWidget documentation for details.

All viewer parameters (display flags, scene parameters, associated objects...) are set to their default values. See the associated documentation.

If the shareWidget parameter points to a valid QGLWidget, the QGLViewer will share the OpenGL context with shareWidget (see isSharing()).

Definition at line 160 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ QGLViewer() [2/4]

QGLViewer::QGLViewer ( QGLContext *  context,
QWidget *  parent = 0,
const QGLWidget *  shareWidget = 0,
Qt::WindowFlags  flags = 0 

Same as QGLViewer(), but a QGLContext can be provided so that viewers share GL contexts, even with QGLContext sub-classes (use shareWidget otherwise).

Definition at line 166 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ QGLViewer() [3/4]

QGLViewer::QGLViewer ( const QGLFormat &  format,
QWidget *  parent = 0,
const QGLWidget *  shareWidget = 0,
Qt::WindowFlags  flags = 0 

Same as QGLViewer(), but a specific QGLFormat can be provided.

This is for instance needed to ask for a stencil buffer or for stereo display (as is illustrated in the stereoViewer example).

Definition at line 174 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ ~QGLViewer()

QGLViewer::~QGLViewer ( )

Virtual destructor.

The viewer is replaced by NULL in the QGLViewerPool() (in order to preserve other viewer's indexes) and allocated memory is released. The camera() is deleted and should be copied before if it is shared by an other viewer.

Definition at line 183 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ QGLViewer() [4/4]

QGLViewer::QGLViewer ( const QGLViewer v)

Member Function Documentation

◆ aboutQGLViewer

void QGLViewer::aboutQGLViewer ( )

Displays the help window "About" tab. See help() for details.

Definition at line 1960 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ addKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers()

Qt::KeyboardModifiers QGLViewer::addKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers ( ) const

Returns the keyboard modifiers that must be pressed with a pathKey() to add the current camera position to a KeyFrame path.

It can be Qt::NoModifier, Qt::ControlModifier, Qt::ShiftModifier, Qt::AltModifier, Qt::MetaModifier or a combination of these (using the bitwise '|' operator).

Default value is Qt::AltModifier. Defined using setAddKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers().

See also playPathKeyboardModifiers().

Definition at line 2335 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ addKeyFrameStateKey()

Qt::KeyboardModifiers QGLViewer::addKeyFrameStateKey ( ) const

Definition at line 2355 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ animate

virtual void QGLViewer::animate ( )

Scene animation method.

When animationIsStarted(), this method is in charge of the scene update before each draw().
Overload it to define how your scene evolves over time. The time should either be regularly
incremented in this method (frame-rate independent animation) or computed from actual time (for
instance using QTime::elapsed()) for real-time animations.

            Note that KeyFrameInterpolator (which regularly updates a Frame) does not use this method
            to animate a Frame, but rather rely on a QTimer signal-slot mechanism.

See the <a href="../examples/animation.html">animation example</a> for an illustration.  

Definition at line 630 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ animateNeeded

void QGLViewer::animateNeeded ( )

Signal emitted by the default animate() method.

Connect this signal to your scene animation method or overload animate().

◆ animationIsStarted()

bool QGLViewer::animationIsStarted ( ) const

Return true when the animation loop is started.

During animation, an infinite loop calls animate() and draw() and then waits for animationPeriod() milliseconds before calling animate() and draw() again. And again.

Use startAnimation(), stopAnimation() or toggleAnimation() to change this value.

See the animation example for illustration.

Definition at line 597 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ animationPeriod()

int QGLViewer::animationPeriod ( ) const

The animation loop period, in milliseconds.

When animationIsStarted(), this is delay waited after draw() to call animate() and draw() again. Default value is 40 milliseconds (25 Hz).

This value will define the currentFPS() when animationIsStarted() (provided that your animate() and draw() methods are fast enough).

If you want to know the maximum possible frame rate of your machine on a given scene, setAnimationPeriod() to 0, and startAnimation() (keyboard shortcut is Enter). The display will then be updated as often as possible, and the frame rate will be meaningful.

This value is taken into account only the next time you call startAnimation(). If animationIsStarted(), you should stopAnimation() first.

Definition at line 612 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ aspectRatio()

qreal QGLViewer::aspectRatio ( ) const

Returns the aspect ratio of the viewer's widget (width() / height()).

Definition at line 311 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ axisIsDrawn()

bool QGLViewer::axisIsDrawn ( ) const

Returns true if the world axis is drawn by the viewer.

Set by setAxisIsDrawn() or toggleAxisIsDrawn(). Default value is false.

Definition at line 97 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ axisIsDrawnChanged

void QGLViewer::axisIsDrawnChanged ( bool  drawn)

This signal is emitted whenever axisIsDrawn() changes value.

◆ backgroundColor()

QColor QGLViewer::backgroundColor ( ) const

Returns the background color of the viewer.

This method is provided for convenience since the background color is an OpenGL state variable set with glClearColor(). However, this internal representation has the advantage that it is saved (resp. restored) with saveStateToFile() (resp. restoreStateFromFile()).

Use setBackgroundColor() to define and activate a background color.

Each QColor component is an integer ranging from 0 to 255. This differs from the qreal values used by glClearColor() which are in the 0.0-1.0 range. Default value is (51, 51, 51) (dark gray). You may have to change foregroundColor() accordingly.
This method does not return the current OpenGL clear color as glGet() does. Instead, it returns the QGLViewer internal variable. If you directly use glClearColor() or qglClearColor() instead of setBackgroundColor(), the two results will differ.

Definition at line 168 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ beginSelection()

void QGLViewer::beginSelection ( const QPoint &  point)

This method should prepare the selection. It is called by select() before drawWithNames().

The default implementation uses the GL_SELECT mode to perform a selection. It uses selectBuffer() and selectBufferSize() to define a glSelectBuffer(). The GL_PROJECTION is then set using gluPickMatrix(), with a window selection size defined by selectRegionWidth() and selectRegionHeight(). Finally, the GL_MODELVIEW matrix is set to the world coordinate system using qglviewer::Camera::loadModelViewMatrix(). See the gluPickMatrix() documentation for details.

You should not need to redefine this method (if you use the GL_SELECT mode to perform your selection), since this code is fairly classical and can be tuned. You are more likely to overload endSelection() if you want to use a more complex select buffer structure.

Definition at line 1012 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ bufferTextureId()

GLuint QGLViewer::bufferTextureId ( ) const

Returns the texture id of the texture created by copyBufferToTexture().

Use glBindTexture() to use this texture. Note that this is already done by copyBufferToTexture().

Returns 0 is copyBufferToTexture() was never called or if the texure was deleted using glDeleteTextures() since then.

Definition at line 3841 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ bufferTextureMaxU()

qreal QGLViewer::bufferTextureMaxU ( ) const

Returns the texture coordinate corresponding to the u extremum of the bufferTexture.

The bufferTexture is created by copyBufferToTexture(). The texture size has powers of two dimensions and the buffer image hence only fills a part of it. This value corresponds to the u coordinate of the extremum right side of the buffer image.

Use (0,0) to (bufferTextureMaxU(), bufferTextureMaxV()) texture coordinates to map the entire texture on a quad.

Definition at line 579 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ bufferTextureMaxV()

qreal QGLViewer::bufferTextureMaxV ( ) const

Same as bufferTextureMaxU(), but for the v texture coordinate.

Definition at line 581 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ camera()

qglviewer::Camera* QGLViewer::camera ( ) const

Returns the associated qglviewer::Camera, never NULL.

Definition at line 250 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ cameraIsEdited()

bool QGLViewer::cameraIsEdited ( ) const

Returns true if the camera() is being edited in the viewer.

Set by setCameraIsEdited() or toggleCameraIsEdited(). Default value is false.

The current implementation is limited: the defined camera() paths (see qglviewer::Camera::keyFrameInterpolator()) are simply displayed using qglviewer::Camera::drawAllPaths(). Actual camera and path edition will be implemented in the future.

Definition at line 123 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ cameraIsEditedChanged

void QGLViewer::cameraIsEditedChanged ( bool  edited)

This signal is emitted whenever cameraIsEdited() changes value..

◆ cameraIsInRotateMode()

bool QGLViewer::cameraIsInRotateMode ( ) const

This function should be used in conjunction with toggleCameraMode(). It returns true when at least one mouse button is binded to the ROTATE mouseAction. This is crude way of determining which "mode" the camera is in.

Definition at line 2973 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ cameraPathKeysString()

QString QGLViewer::cameraPathKeysString ( ) const

Definition at line 1831 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ clearMouseBindings

void QGLViewer::clearMouseBindings ( )

Clears all the default mouse bindings.

After this call, you will have to use setMouseBinding() and setWheelBinding() to restore the mouse bindings you are interested in.

Definition at line 2709 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ clearShortcuts

void QGLViewer::clearShortcuts ( )

Clears all the default keyboard shortcuts.

After this call, you will have to use setShortcut() to define your own keyboard shortcuts.

Definition at line 2719 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ clickAction() [1/2]

QGLViewer::ClickAction QGLViewer::clickAction ( unsigned int  state,
bool  doubleClick,
Qt::MouseButtons  buttonsBefore 
) const

This method is deprecated since version 2.5.0

Use clickAction(Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::MouseButtons, bool, Qt::MouseButtons) instead.

Definition at line 2921 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ clickAction() [2/2]

QGLViewer::ClickAction QGLViewer::clickAction ( Qt::Key  key,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers,
Qt::MouseButton  button,
bool  doubleClick = false,
Qt::MouseButtons  buttonsBefore = Qt::NoButton 
) const

Same as mouseAction(), but for the ClickAction set using setMouseBinding().

Returns NO_CLICK_ACTION if no click action is associated with this keyboard and mouse buttons combination.

Definition at line 2878 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ clickActionString()

QString QGLViewer::clickActionString ( QGLViewer::ClickAction  ca)

Definition at line 1572 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ closeEvent()

void QGLViewer::closeEvent ( QCloseEvent *  e)

Overloading of the QWidget method.

Saves the viewer state using saveStateToFile() and then calls QGLWidget::closeEvent().

Definition at line 891 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ connectAllCameraKFIInterpolatedSignals()

void QGLViewer::connectAllCameraKFIInterpolatedSignals ( bool  connection = true)

Definition at line 624 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ copyBufferToTexture

void QGLViewer::copyBufferToTexture ( GLint  internalFormat,
GLenum  format = GL_NONE 

Makes a copy of the current buffer into a texture.

Creates a texture (when needed) and uses glCopyTexSubImage2D() to directly copy the buffer in it.

Use internalFormat and format to define the texture format and hence which and how components of the buffer are copied into the texture. See the glTexImage2D() documentation for details.

When format is c GL_NONE (default), its value is set to internalFormat, which fits most cases. Typical internalFormat (and format) values are GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT and GL_RGBA. Use GL_LUMINANCE as the internalFormat and GL_RED, GL_GREEN or GL_BLUE as format to capture a single color component as a luminance (grey scaled) value. Note that GL_STENCIL is not supported as a format.

The texture has dimensions which are powers of two. It is as small as possible while always being larger or equal to the current size of the widget. The buffer image hence does not entirely fill the texture: it is stuck to the lower left corner (corresponding to the (0,0) texture coordinates). Use bufferTextureMaxU() and bufferTextureMaxV() to get the upper right corner maximum u and v texture coordinates. Use bufferTextureId() to retrieve the id of the created texture.

Here is how to display a grey-level image of the z-buffer:

glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0); glVertex2i(0, 0);
glTexCoord2f(bufferTextureMaxU(), 0.0); glVertex2i(width(), 0);
glTexCoord2f(bufferTextureMaxU(), bufferTextureMaxV()); glVertex2i(width(), height());
glTexCoord2f(0.0, bufferTextureMaxV()); glVertex2i(0, height());

Use glReadBuffer() to select which buffer is copied into the texture. See also glPixelTransfer(), glPixelZoom() and glCopyPixel() for pixel color transformations during copy.

Call makeCurrent() before this method to make the OpenGL context active if needed.

The GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT format may not be supported by all hardware. It may sometimes be emulated in software, resulting in poor performances.
The bufferTextureId() texture is binded at the end of this method.

Definition at line 3784 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ currentFPS()

qreal QGLViewer::currentFPS ( )

Returns the current averaged viewer frame rate.

This value is computed and averaged over 20 successive frames. It only changes every 20 draw() (previously computed value is otherwise returned).

This method is useful for true real-time applications that may adapt their computational load accordingly in order to maintain a given frequency.

This value is meaningful only when draw() is regularly called, either using a QTimer, when animationIsStarted() or when the camera is manipulated with the mouse.

Definition at line 322 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ defaultConstructor()

void QGLViewer::defaultConstructor ( )

Definition at line 68 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ delayedFullScreen

void QGLViewer::delayedFullScreen ( )

Definition at line 1112 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ displayFPS()

void QGLViewer::displayFPS ( )

Displays the averaged currentFPS() frame rate in the upper left corner of the widget.

update() should be called in a loop in order to have a meaningful value (this is the case when you continuously move the camera using the mouse or when animationIsStarted()). setAnimationPeriod(0) to make this loop as fast as possible in order to reach and measure the maximum available frame rate.

When FPSIsDisplayed() is true (default is false), this method is called by postDraw() to display the currentFPS(). Use QApplication::setFont() to define the font (see drawText()).

Definition at line 791 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ displayMessage()

void QGLViewer::displayMessage ( const QString &  message,
int  delay = 2000 

Briefly displays a message in the lower left corner of the widget. Convenient to provide feedback to the user.

message is displayed during delay milliseconds (default is 2 seconds) using drawText().

This method should not be called in draw(). If you want to display a text in each draw(), use drawText() instead.

If this method is called when a message is already displayed, the new message replaces the old one. Use setTextIsEnabled() (default shortcut is '?') to enable or disable text (and hence messages) display.

Definition at line 764 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ displaysInStereo()

bool QGLViewer::displaysInStereo ( ) const

Returns true if the viewer displays in stereo.

The QGLViewer object must be created with a stereo format to handle stereovision:

QGLFormat format;
format.setStereoDisplay( TRUE );
QGLViewer viewer(format);

The hardware needs to support stereo display. Try the stereoViewer example to check.

Set by setStereoDisplay() or toggleStereoDisplay(). Default value is false.

Stereo is performed using the Parallel axis asymmetric frustum perspective projection method. See Camera::loadProjectionMatrixStereo() and Camera::loadModelViewMatrixStereo().

The stereo parameters are defined by the camera(). See qglviewer::Camera::setIODistance(), qglviewer::Camera::setPhysicalScreenWidth() and qglviewer::Camera::setFocusDistance().

Definition at line 349 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ domElement()

QDomElement QGLViewer::domElement ( const QString &  name,
QDomDocument &  document 
) const

Returns an XML QDomElement that represents the QGLViewer.

Used by saveStateToFile(). restoreStateFromFile() uses initFromDOMElement() to restore the QGLViewer state from the resulting QDomElement.

name is the name of the QDomElement tag. doc is the QDomDocument factory used to create QDomElement.

The created QDomElement contains state values (axisIsDrawn(), FPSIsDisplayed(), isFullScreen()...), viewer geometry, as well as camera() (see qglviewer::Camera::domElement()) and manipulatedFrame() (if defined, see qglviewer::ManipulatedFrame::domElement()) states.

Overload this method to add your own attributes to the state file:

QDomElement Viewer::domElement(const QString& name, QDomDocument& document) const
// Creates a custom node for a light
QDomElement de = document.createElement("Light");
de.setAttribute("state", (lightIsOn()?"on":"off"));
// Note the include of the ManipulatedFrame domElement method.
de.appendChild(lightManipulatedFrame()->domElement("LightFrame", document));
// Get default state domElement and append custom node
QDomElement res = QGLViewer::domElement(name, document);
return res;

See initFromDOMElement() for the associated restoration code.

For the manipulatedFrame(), qglviewer::Frame::constraint() and qglviewer::Frame::referenceFrame() are not saved. See qglviewer::Frame::domElement().

Definition at line 3530 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ draw()

virtual void QGLViewer::draw ( )

The core method of the viewer, that draws the scene.

If you build a class that inherits from QGLViewer, this is the method you want to overload. See the simpleViewer example for an illustration.

The camera modelView matrix set in preDraw() converts from the world to the camera coordinate systems. Vertices given in draw() can then be considered as being given in the world coordinate system. The camera is moved in this world using the mouse. This representation is much more intuitive than the default camera-centric OpenGL standard.

The GL_PROJECTION matrix should not be modified by this method, to correctly display visual hints (axis, grid, FPS...) in postDraw(). Use push/pop or call camera()->loadProjectionMatrix() at the end of draw() if you need to change the projection matrix (unlikely). On the other hand, the GL_MODELVIEW matrix can be modified and left in a arbitrary state.

Reimplemented in octomap::ViewerWidget.

Definition at line 783 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ drawArrow() [1/2]

void QGLViewer::drawArrow ( qreal  length = 1.0,
qreal  radius = -1.0,
int  nbSubdivisions = 12 

Draws a 3D arrow along the positive Z axis.

length, radius and nbSubdivisions define its geometry. If radius is negative (default), it is set to 0.05 * length.

Use drawArrow(const Vec& from, const Vec& to, qreal radius, int nbSubdivisions) or change the ModelView matrix to place the arrow in 3D.

Uses current color and does not modify the OpenGL state.

Definition at line 3207 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ drawArrow() [2/2]

void QGLViewer::drawArrow ( const qglviewer::Vec from,
const qglviewer::Vec to,
qreal  radius = -1.0,
int  nbSubdivisions = 12 

Draws a 3D arrow between the 3D point from and the 3D point to, both defined in the current ModelView coordinates system.

See drawArrow(qreal length, qreal radius, int nbSubdivisions) for details.

Definition at line 3227 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ drawAxis()

void QGLViewer::drawAxis ( qreal  length = 1.0)

Draws an XYZ axis, with a given size (default is 1.0).

The axis position and orientation matches the current modelView matrix state: three arrows (red, green and blue) of length length are drawn along the positive X, Y and Z directions.

Use the following code to display the current position and orientation of a qglviewer::Frame:

QGLViewer::drawAxis(sceneRadius() / 5.0); // Or any scale

The current color and line width are used to draw the X, Y and Z characters at the extremities of the three arrows. The OpenGL state is not modified by this method.

axisIsDrawn() uses this method to draw a representation of the world coordinate system. See also QGLViewer::drawArrow() and QGLViewer::drawGrid().

Definition at line 3255 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ drawFinished

void QGLViewer::drawFinished ( bool  automatic)

Signal emitted at the end of the QGLViewer::paintGL() method, when frame is drawn.

Can be used to notify an image grabbing process that the image is ready. A typical example is to connect this signal to the saveSnapshot() method, so that a (numbered) snapshot is generated after each new display, in order to create a movie:

connect(viewer, SIGNAL(drawFinished(bool)), SLOT(saveSnapshot(bool)));

The automatic bool variable is always true and has been added so that the signal can be connected to saveSnapshot() with an automatic value set to true.

◆ drawGrid()

void QGLViewer::drawGrid ( qreal  size = 1.0,
int  nbSubdivisions = 10 

Draws a grid in the XY plane, centered on (0,0,0) (defined in the current coordinate system).

size (OpenGL units) and nbSubdivisions define its geometry. Set the GL_MODELVIEW matrix to place and orientate the grid in 3D space (see the drawAxis() documentation).

The OpenGL state is not modified by this method.

Definition at line 3323 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ drawLight()

void QGLViewer::drawLight ( GLenum  light,
qreal  scale = 1.0 
) const

Draws a representation of light.

Called in draw(), this method is useful to debug or display your light setup. Light drawing depends on the type of light (point, spot, directional).

The method retrieves the light setup using glGetLightfv. Position and define your lights before calling this method.

Light is drawn using its diffuse color. Disabled lights are not displayed.

Drawing size is proportional to sceneRadius(). Use scale to rescale it.

See the drawLight example for an illustration.

You need to enable GL_COLOR_MATERIAL before calling this method. glColor is set to the light diffuse color.

Definition at line 656 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ drawNeeded

void QGLViewer::drawNeeded ( )

Signal emitted by the default draw() method.

Connect this signal to your main drawing method or overload draw(). See the callback example for an illustration.

◆ drawText()

void QGLViewer::drawText ( int  x,
int  y,
const QString &  text,
const QFont &  fnt = QFont() 

Draws text at position x, y (expressed in screen coordinates pixels, origin in the upper left corner of the widget).

The default QApplication::font() is used to render the text when no fnt is specified. Use QApplication::setFont() to define this default font.

You should disable GL_LIGHTING and GL_DEPTH_TEST before this method so that colors are properly rendered.

This method can be used in conjunction with the qglviewer::Camera::projectedCoordinatesOf() method to display a text attached to an object. In your draw() method use:

qglviewer::Vec screenPos = camera()->projectedCoordinatesOf(myFrame.position());
drawText((int)screenPos[0], (int)screenPos[1], "My Object");

See the screenCoordSystem example for an illustration.

Text is displayed only when textIsEnabled() (default). This mechanism allows the user to conveniently remove all the displayed text with a single keyboard shortcut.

See also displayMessage() to drawText() for only a short amount of time.

Use QGLWidget::renderText(x,y,z, text) instead if you want to draw a text located at a specific 3D position instead of 2D screen coordinates (fixed size text, facing the camera).

The GL_MODELVIEW and GL_PROJECTION matrices are not modified by this method.

This method uses display lists to render the characters, with an index that starts at 2000 by default (see the QGLWidget::renderText() documentation). If you use more than 2000 Display Lists, they may overlap with these. Directly use QGLWidget::renderText() in that case, with a higher listBase parameter (or overload fontDisplayListBase).

Definition at line 741 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ drawVectorial()

void QGLViewer::drawVectorial ( )

Vectorial rendering callback method.

Definition at line 388 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ drawVisualHints()

void QGLViewer::drawVisualHints ( )

Draws viewer related visual hints.

Displays the new qglviewer::Camera::pivotPoint() when it is changed. See the mouse page for details. Also draws a line between qglviewer::Camera::pivotPoint() and mouse cursor when the camera is rotated around the camera Z axis.

See also setVisualHintsMask() and resetVisualHints(). The hint color is foregroundColor().

These methods may become more interesting one day. The current design is too limited and should be improved when other visual hints must be drawn.

Limitation : One needs to have access to visualHint_ to overload this method.

Removed from the documentation for this reason.

Definition at line 3105 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ drawWithNames()

virtual void QGLViewer::drawWithNames ( )

This method is called by select() and should draw selectable entities.

Default implementation is empty. Overload and draw the different elements of your scene you want to be able to select. The default select() implementation relies on the GL_SELECT, and requires that each selectable element is drawn within a glPushName() - glPopName() block. A typical usage would be (see the select example):

void Viewer::drawWithNames() {
for (int i=0; i<nbObjects; ++i) {
    The resulting selected name is computed by endSelection(), which setSelectedName() to the integer
    id pushed by this method (a value of -1 means no selection). Use selectedName() to update your
    selection, probably in the postSelection() method.

    \attention If your selected objects are points, do not use \c glBegin(GL_POINTS); and \c glVertex3fv()
    in the above \c draw() method (not compatible with raster mode): use \c glRasterPos3fv() instead.  

Reimplemented in octomap::ViewerWidget.

Definition at line 885 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ endSelection()

void QGLViewer::endSelection ( const QPoint &  point)

This method is called by select() after scene elements were drawn by drawWithNames(). It should analyze the selection result to determine which object is actually selected.

The default implementation relies on GL_SELECT mode (see beginSelection()). It assumes that names were pushed and popped in drawWithNames(), and analyzes the selectBuffer() to find the name that corresponds to the closer (z min) object. It then setSelectedName() to this value, or to -1 if the selectBuffer() is empty (no object drawn in selection region). Use selectedName() (probably in the postSelection() method) to retrieve this value and update your data structure accordingly.

This default implementation, although sufficient for many cases is however limited and you may have to overload this method. This will be the case if drawWithNames() uses several push levels in the name heap. A more precise depth selection, for instance privileging points over edges and triangles to avoid z precision problems, will also require an overloading. A typical implementation will look like:

// Get the number of objects that were seen through the pick matrix frustum.
// Resets GL_RENDER mode.
GLint nbHits = glRenderMode(GL_RENDER);
if (nbHits <= 0)
// Interpret results: each object created values in the selectBuffer().
// See the glSelectBuffer() man page for details on the buffer structure.
// The following code depends on your selectBuffer() structure.
for (int i=0; i<nbHits; ++i)
if ((selectBuffer())[i*4+1] < zMin)

See the multiSelect example for a multi-object selection implementation of this method.

Definition at line 1072 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ fastDraw()

void QGLViewer::fastDraw ( )

Draws a simplified version of the scene to guarantee interactive camera displacements.

This method is called instead of draw() when the qglviewer::Camera::frame() is qglviewer::ManipulatedCameraFrame::isManipulated(). Default implementation simply calls draw().

Overload this method if your scene is too complex to allow for interactive camera manipulation. See the fastDraw example for an illustration.

Definition at line 437 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ foregroundColor()

QColor QGLViewer::foregroundColor ( ) const

Returns the foreground color used by the viewer.

This color is used when FPSIsDisplayed(), gridIsDrawn(), to display the camera paths when the cameraIsEdited().

Each QColor component is an integer in the range 0-255. This differs from the qreal values used by glColor3f() which are in the range 0-1. Default value is (180, 180, 180) (light gray).

Use qglColor(foregroundColor()) to set the current OpenGL color to the foregroundColor().

See also backgroundColor().

Definition at line 182 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ formatClickActionPrivate()

QString QGLViewer::formatClickActionPrivate ( ClickBindingPrivate  cbp)

Definition at line 1600 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ FPSIsDisplayed()

bool QGLViewer::FPSIsDisplayed ( ) const

Returns true if the viewer displays the current frame rate (Frames Per Second).

Use QApplication::setFont() to define the display font (see drawText()).

Set by setFPSIsDisplayed() or toggleFPSIsDisplayed(). Use currentFPS() to get the current FPS. Default value is false.

Definition at line 108 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ FPSIsDisplayedChanged

void QGLViewer::FPSIsDisplayedChanged ( bool  displayed)

This signal is emitted whenever FPSIsDisplayed() changes value.

◆ frameBufferSnapshot()

QImage QGLViewer::frameBufferSnapshot ( )

Definition at line 595 of file saveSnapshot.cpp.

◆ getClickActionBinding()

void QGLViewer::getClickActionBinding ( ClickAction  action,
Qt::Key &  key,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers &  modifiers,
Qt::MouseButton &  button,
bool &  doubleClick,
Qt::MouseButtons &  buttonsBefore 
) const

Returns the mouse and keyboard state that triggers action.

If such a binding exists, results are stored in the key, modifiers, button, doubleClick and buttonsBefore parameters. If the ClickAction action is not bound, button is set to Qt::NoButton. If several mouse buttons trigger in the ClickAction, one of them is returned.

See also setMouseBinding(), getMouseActionBinding() and getWheelActionBinding().

Definition at line 2951 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ getClickButtonState()

void QGLViewer::getClickButtonState ( ClickAction  action,
unsigned int &  state,
bool &  doubleClick,
Qt::MouseButtons &  buttonsBefore 
) const

This method is deprecated since version 2.5.0

Use getClickActionState(ClickAction, Qt::Key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::MouseButton, bool, Qt::MouseButtons) instead.

Definition at line 2934 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ getMouseActionBinding()

void QGLViewer::getMouseActionBinding ( MouseHandler  handler,
MouseAction  action,
bool  withConstraint,
Qt::Key &  key,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers &  modifiers,
Qt::MouseButton &  button 
) const

Returns the mouse and keyboard state that triggers action on handler withConstraint.

If such a binding exists, results are stored in the key, modifiers and button parameters. If the MouseAction action is not bound, button is set to Qt::NoButton. If several mouse and keyboard states trigger the MouseAction, one of them is returned.

See also setMouseBinding(), getClickActionBinding() and getWheelActionBinding().

Definition at line 2830 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ getWheelActionBinding()

void QGLViewer::getWheelActionBinding ( MouseHandler  handler,
MouseAction  action,
bool  withConstraint,
Qt::Key &  key,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers &  modifiers 
) const

Returns the keyboard state that triggers action on handler withConstraint using the mouse wheel.

If such a binding exists, results are stored in the key and modifiers parameters. If the MouseAction action is not bound, key is set to the illegal -1 value. If several keyboard states trigger the MouseAction, one of them is returned.

See also setMouseBinding(), getClickActionBinding() and getMouseActionBinding().

Definition at line 2809 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ gridIsDrawn()

bool QGLViewer::gridIsDrawn ( ) const

Returns true if a XY grid is drawn by the viewer.

Set by setGridIsDrawn() or toggleGridIsDrawn(). Default value is false.

Definition at line 101 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ gridIsDrawnChanged

void QGLViewer::gridIsDrawnChanged ( bool  drawn)

This signal is emitted whenever gridIsDrawn() changes value.

◆ handleKeyboardAction()

void QGLViewer::handleKeyboardAction ( KeyboardAction  id)

Definition at line 2152 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ help

void QGLViewer::help ( )

Opens a modal help window that includes four tabs, respectively filled with helpString(), keyboardString(), mouseString() and about libQGLViewer.

Rich html-like text can be used (see the QStyleSheet documentation). This method is called when the user presses the QGLViewer::HELP key (default is 'H').

You can use helpWidget() to access to the help widget (to add/remove tabs, change layout...).

The helpRequired() signal is emitted.

Definition at line 1975 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ helpRequired

void QGLViewer::helpRequired ( )

Signal emitted by the default QGLViewer::help() method.

Connect this signal to your own help method or overload help().

◆ helpString()

virtual QString QGLViewer::helpString ( ) const

Returns the QString displayed in the help() window main tab.

Overload this method to define your own help string, which should shortly describe your application and explain how it works. Rich-text (HTML) tags can be used (see QStyleSheet() documentation for available tags):

QString myViewer::helpString() const
QString text("<h2>M y V i e w e r</h2>");
text += "Displays a <b>Scene</b> using OpenGL. Move the camera using the mouse.";
return text;

See also mouseString() and keyboardString().

Reimplemented in octomap::ViewerWidget.

Definition at line 713 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ helpWidget()

QTabWidget* QGLViewer::helpWidget ( )

Returns a pointer to the help widget.

Use this only if you want to directly modify the help widget. Otherwise use helpString(), setKeyDescription() and setMouseBindingDescription() to customize the text displayed in the help window tabs.

Definition at line 735 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ hideMessage

void QGLViewer::hideMessage ( )

Definition at line 774 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ init()

virtual void QGLViewer::init ( )

Initializes the viewer OpenGL context.

This method is called before the first drawing and should be overloaded to initialize some of the OpenGL flags. The default implementation is empty. See initializeGL().

Typical usage include camera() initialization (showEntireScene()), previous viewer state restoration (restoreStateFromFile()), OpenGL state modification and display list creation.

Note that initializeGL() modifies the standard OpenGL context. These values can be restored back in this method.

You should not call updateGL() (or any method that calls it) in this method, as it will result in an infinite loop. The different QGLViewer set methods (setAxisIsDrawn(), setFPSIsDisplayed()...) are protected against this problem and can safely be called.
All the OpenGL specific initializations must be done in this method: the OpenGL context is not yet available in your viewer constructor.

Reimplemented in octomap::ViewerWidget.

Definition at line 762 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ initFromDOMElement

void QGLViewer::initFromDOMElement ( const QDomElement &  element)

Restores the QGLViewer state from a QDomElement created by domElement().

Used by restoreStateFromFile() to restore the QGLViewer state from a file.

Overload this method to retrieve custom attributes from the QGLViewer state file. This code corresponds to the one given in the domElement() documentation:

void Viewer::initFromDOMElement(const QDomElement& element)
// Restore standard state
QDomElement child=element.firstChild().toElement();
while (!child.isNull())
if (child.tagName() == "Light")
if (child.hasAttribute("state"))
setLightOn(child.attribute("state").lower() == "on");
// Assumes there is only one child. Otherwise you need to parse child's children recursively.
QDomElement lf = child.firstChild().toElement();
if (!lf.isNull() && lf.tagName() == "LightFrame")
child = child.nextSibling().toElement();

See also qglviewer::Camera::initFromDOMElement(), qglviewer::ManipulatedFrame::initFromDOMElement().

The manipulatedFrame() pointer is not modified by this method. If defined, its state is simply set from the element values.

Definition at line 3616 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ initializeGL()

void QGLViewer::initializeGL ( )

Initializes the QGLViewer OpenGL context and then calls user-defined init().

This method is automatically called once, before the first call to paintGL().

Overload init() instead of this method to modify viewer specific OpenGL state or to create display lists.

To make beginners' life easier and to simplify the examples, this method slightly modifies the standard OpenGL state:


If you port an existing application to QGLViewer and your display changes, you probably want to disable these flags in init() to get back to a standard OpenGL state.

Definition at line 239 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ initializeSnapshotFormats()

void QGLViewer::initializeSnapshotFormats ( )

Definition at line 91 of file saveSnapshot.cpp.

◆ isFullScreen()

bool QGLViewer::isFullScreen ( ) const

Returns true if the viewer is in fullScreen mode.

Default value is false. Set by setFullScreen() or toggleFullScreen().

Note that if the QGLViewer is embedded in an other QWidget, it returns true when the top level widget is in full screen mode.

Definition at line 329 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ isValidShortcutKey()

bool QGLViewer::isValidShortcutKey ( int  key)

Definition at line 1624 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ keyboardAccelerator()

unsigned int QGLViewer::keyboardAccelerator ( KeyboardAction  action) const

Definition at line 2262 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ keyboardString()

QString QGLViewer::keyboardString ( ) const

Returns a QString that describes the application keyboard shortcut bindings, and that will be displayed in the help() window Keyboard tab.

Default value is a table that describes the custom shortcuts defined using setKeyDescription() as well as the standard QGLViewer::KeyboardAction shortcuts (defined using setShortcut()). See the keyboard page for details on key customization.

See also helpString() and mouseString().

Definition at line 1906 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ keyFrameKey()

Qt::Key QGLViewer::keyFrameKey ( unsigned int  index) const

Definition at line 2378 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ keyPressEvent()

void QGLViewer::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *  e)

Overloading of the QWidget method.

Default keyboard shortcuts are defined using setShortcut(). Overload this method to implement a specific keyboard binding. Call the original method if you do not catch the event to preserve the viewer default key bindings:

void Viewer::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
// Defines the Alt+R shortcut.
if ((e->key() == Qt::Key_R) && (e->modifiers() == Qt::AltModifier))
update(); // Refresh display
// With Qt 2 or 3, you would retrieve modifiers keys using :
// const Qt::ButtonState modifiers = (Qt::ButtonState)(e->state() & Qt::KeyButtonMask);

When you define a new keyboard shortcut, use setKeyDescription() to provide a short description which is displayed in the help() window Keyboard tab. See the keyboardAndMouse example for an illustration.

See also QGLWidget::keyReleaseEvent().

Definition at line 2066 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ keyReleaseEvent()

void QGLViewer::keyReleaseEvent ( QKeyEvent *  e)

Definition at line 2148 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ manipulatedFrame()

qglviewer::ManipulatedFrame* QGLViewer::manipulatedFrame ( ) const

Returns the viewer's qglviewer::ManipulatedFrame.

This qglviewer::ManipulatedFrame can be moved with the mouse when the associated mouse bindings are used (default is when pressing the Control key with any mouse button). Use setMouseBinding() to define new bindings.

See the manipulatedFrame example for a complete implementation.

Default value is NULL, meaning that no qglviewer::ManipulatedFrame is set.

Definition at line 262 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ mouseAction() [1/2]

QGLViewer::MouseAction QGLViewer::mouseAction ( unsigned int  state) const

This method is deprecated since version 2.5.0

Use mouseAction(Qt::Key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::MouseButtons) instead.

Definition at line 2728 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ mouseAction() [2/2]

QGLViewer::MouseAction QGLViewer::mouseAction ( Qt::Key  key,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers,
Qt::MouseButton  button 
) const

Returns the MouseAction the will be triggered when the mouse button is pressed, while the keyboard modifiers and key are pressed.

Returns QGLViewer::NO_MOUSE_ACTION if no action is associated with this combination. Use 0 for key to indicate that no regular key needs to be pressed.

For instance, to know which motion corresponds to Alt+LeftButton, do:

QGLViewer::MouseAction ma = mouseAction(0, Qt::AltModifier, Qt::LeftButton);

Use mouseHandler() to know which object (QGLViewer::CAMERA or QGLViewer::FRAME) will execute this action.

Definition at line 2747 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ mouseActionString()

QString QGLViewer::mouseActionString ( QGLViewer::MouseAction  ma)

Definition at line 1552 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ mouseBindingsString()

virtual QString QGLViewer::mouseBindingsString ( ) const

This method is deprecated, use mouseString() instead.

Definition at line 720 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ mouseButtonState()

int QGLViewer::mouseButtonState ( MouseHandler  handler,
MouseAction  action,
bool  withConstraint = true 
) const

This method is deprecated since version 2.5.0

Use mouseButtons() and keyboardModifiers() instead.

Definition at line 2792 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ mouseDoubleClickEvent()

void QGLViewer::mouseDoubleClickEvent ( QMouseEvent *  e)

Overloading of the QWidget method.

The behavior of the mouse double click depends on the mouse binding. See setMouseBinding() and the mouse page.

Definition at line 1458 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ mouseGrabber()

qglviewer::MouseGrabber* QGLViewer::mouseGrabber ( ) const

Returns the current qglviewer::MouseGrabber, or NULL if no qglviewer::MouseGrabber currently grabs mouse events.

When qglviewer::MouseGrabber::grabsMouse(), the different mouse events are sent to the mouseGrabber() instead of their usual targets (camera() or manipulatedFrame()).

See the qglviewer::MouseGrabber documentation for details on MouseGrabber's mode of operation.

In order to use MouseGrabbers, you need to enable mouse tracking (so that mouseMoveEvent() is called even when no mouse button is pressed). Add this line in init() or in your viewer constructor:


Note that mouse tracking is disabled by default. Use QWidget::hasMouseTracking() to retrieve current state.

Definition at line 289 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ mouseGrabberChanged

void QGLViewer::mouseGrabberChanged ( qglviewer::MouseGrabber mouseGrabber)

Signal emitted by setMouseGrabber() when the mouseGrabber() is changed.

mouseGrabber is a pointer to the new MouseGrabber. Note that this signal is emitted with a NULL parameter each time a MouseGrabber stops grabbing mouse.

◆ mouseGrabberIsEnabled()

bool QGLViewer::mouseGrabberIsEnabled ( const qglviewer::MouseGrabber *const  mouseGrabber)

Returns true if mouseGrabber is enabled.

Default value is true for all MouseGrabbers. When set to false using setMouseGrabberIsEnabled(), the specified mouseGrabber will never become the mouseGrabber() of this QGLViewer. This is useful when you use several viewers: some MouseGrabbers may only have a meaning for some specific viewers and should not be selectable in others.

You can also use qglviewer::MouseGrabber::removeFromMouseGrabberPool() to completely disable a MouseGrabber in all the QGLViewers.

Definition at line 301 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ mouseHandler() [1/2]

int QGLViewer::mouseHandler ( unsigned int  state) const

This method is deprecated since version 2.5.0

Use mouseHanler(Qt::Key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::MouseButtons) instead.

Definition at line 2760 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ mouseHandler() [2/2]

int QGLViewer::mouseHandler ( Qt::Key  key,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers,
Qt::MouseButton  button 
) const

Returns the MouseHandler which will be activated when the mouse button is pressed, while the modifiers and key are pressed.

If no action is associated with this combination, returns -1. Use 0 for key and Qt::NoModifier for modifiers to represent the lack of a key press.

For instance, to know which handler receives the Alt+LeftButton, do:

int mh = mouseHandler(0, Qt::AltModifier, Qt::LeftButton);
if (mh == QGLViewer::CAMERA) ...

Use mouseAction() to know which action (see the MouseAction enum) will be performed on this handler.

Definition at line 2777 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ mouseMoveEvent()

void QGLViewer::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent *  e)

Overloading of the QWidget method.

Mouse move event is sent to the mouseGrabber() (if any) or to the camera() or the manipulatedFrame(), depending on mouse bindings (see setMouseBinding()).

If you want to define your own mouse behavior, do something like this:

void Viewer::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
if ((e->button() == myButton) && (e->modifiers() == myModifiers))
myMouseBehavior = true;
void Viewer::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
if (myMouseBehavior)
// Use e->x() and e->y() as you want...
void Viewer::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
if (myMouseBehavior)
myMouseBehavior = false;

Definition at line 1296 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ mousePressEvent()

void QGLViewer::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent *  e)

Overloading of the QWidget method.

When the user clicks on the mouse:

Mouse bindings customization can be achieved using setMouseBinding() and setWheelBinding(). See the mouse page for a complete description of mouse bindings.

See the mouseMoveEvent() documentation for an example of more complex mouse behavior customization using overloading.

When the mouseGrabber() is a manipulatedFrame(), the modifier keys are not taken into account. This allows for a direct manipulation of the manipulatedFrame() when the mouse hovers, which is probably what is expected.

Definition at line 1191 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ mouseReleaseEvent()

void QGLViewer::mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent *  e)

Overloading of the QWidget method.

Calls the mouseGrabber(), camera() or manipulatedFrame mouseReleaseEvent method.

See the mouseMoveEvent() documentation for an example of mouse behavior customization.

Definition at line 1353 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ mouseString()

QString QGLViewer::mouseString ( ) const

Returns a QString that describes the application mouse bindings, displayed in the help() window Mouse tab.

Result is a table that describes custom application mouse binding descriptions defined using setMouseBindingDescription() as well as standard mouse bindings (defined using setMouseBinding() and setWheelBinding()). See the mouse page for details on mouse bindings.

See also helpString() and keyboardString().

Definition at line 1718 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ openSnapshotFormatDialog

bool QGLViewer::openSnapshotFormatDialog ( )

Opens a dialog that displays the different available snapshot formats.

Then calls setSnapshotFormat() with the selected one (unless the user cancels).

Returns false if the user presses the Cancel button and true otherwise.

Definition at line 77 of file saveSnapshot.cpp.

◆ operator=()

QGLViewer& QGLViewer::operator= ( const QGLViewer v)

◆ paintGL()

void QGLViewer::paintGL ( )

Main paint method, inherited from QGLWidget.

Calls the following methods, in that order:

Definition at line 275 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ pathKey()

Qt::Key QGLViewer::pathKey ( unsigned int  index) const

Returns the keyboard key associated to camera Key Frame path index.

Default values are F1..F12 for indexes 1..12.

addKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers() (resp. playPathKeyboardModifiers()) define the state key(s) that must be pressed with this key to add a KeyFrame to (resp. to play) the associated Key Frame path. If you quickly press twice the pathKey(), the path is reset (resp. deleted).

Use camera()->keyFrameInterpolator( index ) to retrieve the KeyFrameInterpolator that defines the path.

If several keys are binded to a given index (see setPathKey()), one of them is returned. Returns 0 if no key is associated with this index.

See also the keyboard page.

Definition at line 2286 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ performClickAction()

void QGLViewer::performClickAction ( ClickAction  ca,
const QMouseEvent *const  e 

Definition at line 1122 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ playKeyFramePathStateKey()

Qt::KeyboardModifiers QGLViewer::playKeyFramePathStateKey ( ) const

Definition at line 2384 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ playPathKeyboardModifiers()

Qt::KeyboardModifiers QGLViewer::playPathKeyboardModifiers ( ) const

Returns the keyboard modifiers that must be pressed with a pathKey() to play a camera KeyFrame path.

It can be Qt::NoModifier, Qt::ControlModifier, Qt::ShiftModifier, Qt::AltModifier, Qt::MetaModifier or a combination of these (using the bitwise '|' operator).

Default value is Qt::NoModifier. Defined using setPlayPathKeyboardModifiers().

See also addKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers().

Definition at line 2348 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ playPathStateKey()

Qt::KeyboardModifiers QGLViewer::playPathStateKey ( ) const

Definition at line 2360 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ pointSelected

void QGLViewer::pointSelected ( const QMouseEvent *  e)

Signal emitted by select().

Connect this signal to your selection method or overload select(), or more probably simply drawWithNames().

◆ postDraw()

void QGLViewer::postDraw ( )

Called after draw() to draw viewer visual hints.

Default implementation displays axis, grid, FPS... when the respective flags are sets.

See the multiSelect and thumbnail examples for an overloading illustration.

The GLContext (color, LIGHTING, BLEND...) is not modified by this method, so that in draw(), the user can rely on the OpenGL context he defined. Respect this convention (by pushing/popping the different attributes) if you overload this method.

Reimplemented in octomap::ViewerWidget.

Definition at line 339 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ postSelection()

virtual void QGLViewer::postSelection ( const QPoint &  point)

This method is called at the end of the select() procedure. It should finalize the selection process and update the data structure/interface/computation/display... according to the newly selected entity.

The default implementation is empty. Overload this method if needed, and use selectedName() to retrieve the selected entity name (returns -1 if no object was selected). See the select example for an illustration.

Reimplemented in octomap::ViewerWidget.

Definition at line 894 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ preDraw()

void QGLViewer::preDraw ( )

Sets OpenGL state before draw().

Default behavior clears screen and sets the projection and modelView matrices:


Emits the drawNeeded() signal once this is done (see the callback example).

Definition at line 317 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ preDrawStereo()

void QGLViewer::preDrawStereo ( bool  leftBuffer = true)

Called before draw() (instead of preDraw()) when viewer displaysInStereo().

Same as preDraw() except that the glDrawBuffer() is set to GL_BACK_LEFT or GL_BACK_RIGHT depending on leftBuffer, and it uses qglviewer::Camera::loadProjectionMatrixStereo() and qglviewer::Camera::loadModelViewMatrixStereo() instead.

Definition at line 410 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ QGLViewerIndex()

static int QGLViewer::QGLViewerIndex ( const QGLViewer *const  viewer)

Returns the index of the QGLViewer viewer in the QGLViewerPool(). This index in unique and can be used to identify the different created QGLViewers (see stateFileName() for an application example).

When a QGLViewer is deleted, the QGLViewers' indexes are preserved and NULL is set for that index. When a QGLViewer is created, it is placed in the first available position in that list. Returns -1 if the QGLViewer could not be found (which should not be possible).

Definition at line 1095 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ QGLViewerPool()

static const QList<QGLViewer*>& QGLViewer::QGLViewerPool ( )

Returns a QList that contains pointers to all the created QGLViewers. Note that this list may contain NULL pointers if the associated viewer has been deleted.

Can be useful to apply a method or to connect a signal to all the viewers:

foreach (QGLViewer* viewer, QGLViewer::QGLViewerPool())
connect(myObject, SIGNAL(IHaveChangedSignal()), viewer, SLOT(update()));
With Qt version 3, this method returns a QPtrList instead. Use a QPtrListIterator to iterate on the list instead.

Definition at line 1085 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ resetVisualHints

void QGLViewer::resetVisualHints ( )

Reset the mask used by drawVisualHints(). Called by setVisualHintsMask() after 2 seconds to reset the display.

Definition at line 3188 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ resizeGL()

void QGLViewer::resizeGL ( int  width,
int  height 

Callback method used when the widget size is modified.

If you overload this method, first call the inherited method. Also called when the widget is created, before its first display.

Definition at line 2199 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ restoreFromFile

bool QGLViewer::restoreFromFile ( const QString &  fileName = QString::null)

This function is deprecated since version 1.3.9-5. Use restoreStateFromFile() and setStateFileName() instead.

Definition at line 3721 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ restoreStateFromFile

bool QGLViewer::restoreStateFromFile ( )

Restores the QGLViewer state from the stateFileName() file using initFromDOMElement().

States are saved using saveStateToFile(), which is automatically called on viewer exit.

Returns true when the restoration is successful. Possible problems are an non existing or unreadable stateFileName() file, an empty stateFileName() or an XML syntax error.

A manipulatedFrame() should be defined before calling this method, so that its state can be restored. Initialization code put after this function will override saved values:

void Viewer::init()
// Default initialization goes here (including the declaration of a possible manipulatedFrame).
showEntireScene(); // Previous state cannot be restored: fit camera to scene.
// Specific initialization that overrides file savings goes here.

Definition at line 3460 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ saveImageSnapshot()

bool QGLViewer::saveImageSnapshot ( const QString &  fileName)

Definition at line 311 of file saveSnapshot.cpp.

◆ saveSnapshot [1/2]

void QGLViewer::saveSnapshot ( bool  automatic = true,
bool  overwrite = false 

Saves a snapshot of the current image displayed by the widget.

Options are set using snapshotFormat(), snapshotFileName() and snapshotQuality(). For non vectorial image formats, the image size is equal to the current viewer's dimensions (see width() and height()). See snapshotFormat() for details on supported formats.

If automatic is false (or if snapshotFileName() is empty), a file dialog is opened to ask for the file name.

When automatic is true, the file name is set to NAME-NUMBER, where NAME is snapshotFileName() and NUMBER is snapshotCounter(). The snapshotCounter() is automatically incremented after each snapshot saving. This is useful to create videos from your application:

void Viewer::init()
resize(720, 576); // PAL DV format (use 720x480 for NTSC DV)
connect(this, SIGNAL(drawFinished(bool)), SLOT(saveSnapshot(bool)));

Then call draw() in a loop (for instance using animate() and/or a camera() KeyFrameInterpolator replay) to create your image sequence.

If you want to create a Quicktime VR panoramic sequence, simply use code like this:

void Viewer::createQuicktime()
const int nbImages = 36;
for (int i=0; i<nbImages; ++i)
camera()->setOrientation(2.0*M_PI/nbImages, 0.0); // Theta-Phi orientation
update(); // calls draw(), which emits drawFinished(), which calls saveSnapshot()

If snapshotCounter() is negative, no number is appended to snapshotFileName() and the snapshotCounter() is not incremented. This is useful to force the creation of a file, overwriting the previous one.

When overwrite is set to false (default), a window asks for confirmation if the file already exists. In automatic mode, the snapshotCounter() is incremented (if positive) until a non-existing file name is found instead. Otherwise the file is overwritten without confirmation.

The VRender library was written by Cyril Soler (Cyril dot Soler at imag dot fr). If the generated PS or EPS file is not properly displayed, remove the anti-aliasing option in your postscript viewer.

In order to correctly grab the frame buffer, the QGLViewer window is raised in front of other windows by this method.

Definition at line 537 of file saveSnapshot.cpp.

◆ saveSnapshot [2/2]

void QGLViewer::saveSnapshot ( const QString &  fileName,
bool  overwrite = false 

Same as saveSnapshot(), except that it uses fileName instead of snapshotFileName().

If fileName is empty, opens a file dialog to select the name.

Snapshot settings are set from snapshotFormat() and snapshotQuality().

Asks for confirmation when fileName already exists and overwrite is false (default).

If fileName is a char* (as is "myFile.jpg"), it may be casted into a bool, and the other saveSnapshot() method may be used instead. Pass QString("myFile.jpg") as a parameter to prevent this.

Definition at line 618 of file saveSnapshot.cpp.

◆ saveStateToFile

void QGLViewer::saveStateToFile ( )

Saves in stateFileName() an XML representation of the QGLViewer state, obtained from domElement().

Use restoreStateFromFile() to restore this viewer state.

This method is automatically called when a viewer is closed (using Escape or using the window's upper right x close button). setStateFileName() to QString::null to prevent this.

Definition at line 3399 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ saveStateToFileForAllViewers()

void QGLViewer::saveStateToFileForAllViewers ( )

saveStateToFile() is called on all the QGLViewers using the QGLViewerPool().

Definition at line 3350 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ saveToFile

void QGLViewer::saveToFile ( const QString &  fileName = QString::null)

This method is deprecated since version 1.3.9-5. Use saveStateToFile() and setStateFileName() instead.

Definition at line 3710 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ scaledFont()

QFont QGLViewer::scaledFont ( const QFont &  font) const

Return a possibly scaled version of font, used for snapshot rendering.

From a user's point of view, this method simply returns font and can be used transparently.

However when internally rendering a screen snapshot using saveSnapshot(), it returns a scaled version of the font, so that the size of the rendered text on the snapshot is identical to what is displayed on screen, even if the snapshot uses image tiling to create an image of dimensions different from those of the current window. This scaled version will only be used when saveSnapshot() calls your draw() method to generate the snapshot.

All your calls to QGLWidget::renderText() function hence should use this method.

renderText(x, y, z, "My Text", scaledFont(QFont()));

will guarantee that this text will be properly displayed on arbitrary sized snapshots.

Note that this method is not needed if you use drawText() which already calls it internally.

Definition at line 552 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ sceneCenter()

qglviewer::Vec QGLViewer::sceneCenter ( ) const

Returns the scene center, defined in world coordinates.

See sceneRadius() for details.

Default value is (0,0,0). Simply a wrapper for camera()->sceneCenter(). Set using setSceneCenter().

Do not mismatch this value (that only depends on the scene) with the qglviewer::Camera::pivotPoint().

Definition at line 215 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ sceneRadius()

qreal QGLViewer::sceneRadius ( ) const

Returns the scene radius.

The entire displayed scene should be included in a sphere of radius sceneRadius(), centered on sceneCenter().

This approximate value is used by the camera() to set qglviewer::Camera::zNear() and qglviewer::Camera::zFar(). It is also used to showEntireScene() or to scale the world axis display..

Default value is 1.0. This method is equivalent to camera()->sceneRadius(). See setSceneRadius().

Definition at line 206 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ select [1/2]

void QGLViewer::select ( const QMouseEvent *  event)

Simple wrapper method: calls select(event->pos()).

Emits pointSelected(e) which is useful only if you rely on the Qt signal-slot mechanism and you did not overload QGLViewer. If you choose to derive your own viewer class, simply overload select() (or probably simply drawWithNames(), see the select example) to implement your selection mechanism.

This method is called when you use the QGLViewer::SELECT mouse binding(s) (default is Shift + left button). Use setMouseBinding() to change this.

Definition at line 936 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ select [2/2]

void QGLViewer::select ( const QPoint &  point)

This method performs a selection in the scene from pixel coordinates.

It is called when the user clicks on the QGLViewer::SELECT QGLViewer::ClickAction binded button(s) (default is Shift + LeftButton).

This template method successively calls four other methods:

The default implementation of these methods is as follows (see the methods' documentation for more details):

  • drawWithNames() is empty and should be overloaded. It draws each selectable object of the scene, enclosed by calls to glPushName() / glPopName() to tag the object with an integer id.
  • endSelection() then restores GL_RENDER mode and analyzes the selectBuffer() to set in selectedName() the id of the object that was drawn in the region. If several object are in the region, the closest one in the depth buffer is chosen. If no object has been drawn under cursor, selectedName() is set to -1.
  • postSelection() is empty and can be overloaded for possible signal/display/interface update.

See the glSelectBuffer() man page for details on this GL_SELECT mechanism.

This default implementation is quite limited: only the closer object is selected, and only one level of names can be pushed. However, this reveals sufficient in many cases and you usually only have to overload drawWithNames() to implement a simple object selection process. See the select example for an illustration.

If you need a more complex selection process (such as a point, edge or triangle selection, which is easier with a 2 or 3 levels selectBuffer() heap, and which requires a finer depth sorting to privilege point over edge and edges over triangles), overload the endSelection() method. Use setSelectRegionWidth(), setSelectRegionHeight() and setSelectBufferSize() to tune the select buffer configuration. See the multiSelect example for an illustration.

point is the center pixel (origin in the upper left corner) of the selection region. Use qglviewer::Camera::convertClickToLine() to transform these coordinates in a 3D ray if you want to perform an analytical intersection.

GL_SELECT mode seems to report wrong results when used in conjunction with backface culling. If you encounter problems try to glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE).

Definition at line 993 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ selectBuffer()

GLuint* QGLViewer::selectBuffer ( )

Returns a pointer to an array of GLuint.

This buffer is used by the GL_SELECT mode in select() to perform object selection. The buffer size can be modified using setSelectBufferSize(). If you overload endSelection(), you will analyze the content of this buffer. See the glSelectBuffer() man page for details.

Definition at line 844 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ selectBufferSize()

int QGLViewer::selectBufferSize ( ) const

Returns the selectBuffer() size.

See the select() documentation for details. Use setSelectBufferSize() to change this value.

Default value is 4000 (i.e. 1000 objects in selection region, since each object pushes 4 values). This size should be over estimated to prevent a buffer overflow when many objects are drawn under the mouse cursor.

Definition at line 820 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ selectedName()

int QGLViewer::selectedName ( ) const

Returns the name (an integer value) of the entity that was last selected by select(). This value is set by endSelection(). See the select() documentation for details.

As a convention, this method returns -1 if the selectBuffer() was empty, meaning that no object was selected.

Return value is -1 before the first call to select(). This value is modified using setSelectedName().

Definition at line 812 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ selectRegionHeight()

int QGLViewer::selectRegionHeight ( ) const

See the selectRegionWidth() documentation. Default value is 3 pixels.

Definition at line 837 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ selectRegionWidth()

int QGLViewer::selectRegionWidth ( ) const

Returns the width (in pixels) of a selection frustum, centered on the mouse cursor, that is used to select objects.

The height of the selection frustum is defined by selectRegionHeight().

The objects that will be drawn in this region by drawWithNames() will be recorded in the selectBuffer(). endSelection() then analyzes this buffer and setSelectedName() to the name of the closest object. See the gluPickMatrix() documentation for details.

The default value is 3, which is adapted to standard applications. A smaller value results in a more precise selection but the user has to be careful for small feature selection.

See the multiSelect example for an illustration.

Definition at line 835 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setAddKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers

void QGLViewer::setAddKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers ( Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers)

Sets the addKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers() value.

Definition at line 2321 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setAddKeyFrameStateKey

void QGLViewer::setAddKeyFrameStateKey ( unsigned int  buttonState)

Definition at line 2366 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setAnimationPeriod

void QGLViewer::setAnimationPeriod ( int  period)

Sets the animationPeriod(), in milliseconds.

Definition at line 616 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setAxisIsDrawn

void QGLViewer::setAxisIsDrawn ( bool  draw = true)

Sets the state of axisIsDrawn(). Emits the axisIsDrawnChanged() signal. See also toggleAxisIsDrawn().

Definition at line 128 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setBackgroundColor

void QGLViewer::setBackgroundColor ( const QColor &  color)

Sets the backgroundColor() of the viewer and calls qglClearColor(). See also setForegroundColor().

Definition at line 186 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setCamera

void QGLViewer::setCamera ( qglviewer::Camera *const  camera)

Associates a new qglviewer::Camera to the viewer.

You should only use this method when you derive a new class from qglviewer::Camera and want to use one of its instances instead of the original class.

It you simply want to save and restore Camera positions, use qglviewer::Camera::addKeyFrameToPath() and qglviewer::Camera::playPath() instead.

This method silently ignores NULL camera pointers. The calling method is responsible for deleting the previous camera pointer in order to prevent memory leaks if needed.

The sceneRadius() and sceneCenter() of camera are set to the current QGLViewer values.

All the camera qglviewer::Camera::keyFrameInterpolator() qglviewer::KeyFrameInterpolator::interpolated() signals are connected to the viewer update() slot. The connections with the previous viewer's camera are removed.

Definition at line 600 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setCameraIsEdited

void QGLViewer::setCameraIsEdited ( bool  edit = true)

Starts (edit = true, default) or stops (edit=false) the edition of the camera().

Current implementation is limited to paths display. Get current state using cameraIsEdited().

This method sets the qglviewer::Camera::zClippingCoefficient() to 5.0 when edit is true, so that the Camera paths (see qglviewer::Camera::keyFrameInterpolator()) are not clipped. It restores the previous value when edit is false.

Definition at line 449 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setDefaultMouseBindings()

void QGLViewer::setDefaultMouseBindings ( )

Definition at line 529 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setDefaultShortcuts()

void QGLViewer::setDefaultShortcuts ( )

Definition at line 467 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setForegroundColor

void QGLViewer::setForegroundColor ( const QColor &  color)

Sets the foregroundColor() of the viewer, used to draw visual hints. See also setBackgroundColor().

Definition at line 188 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setFPSIsDisplayed

void QGLViewer::setFPSIsDisplayed ( bool  display = true)

Sets the state of FPSIsDisplayed(). Emits the FPSIsDisplayedChanged() signal. See also toggleFPSIsDisplayed().

Definition at line 132 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setFullScreen

void QGLViewer::setFullScreen ( bool  fullScreen = true)

Sets the isFullScreen() state.

If the QGLViewer is embedded in an other QWidget (see QWidget::topLevelWidget()), this widget is displayed in full screen instead.

Definition at line 1503 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setGridIsDrawn

void QGLViewer::setGridIsDrawn ( bool  draw = true)

Sets the state of gridIsDrawn(). Emits the gridIsDrawnChanged() signal. See also toggleGridIsDrawn().

Definition at line 130 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setHandlerKeyboardModifiers

void QGLViewer::setHandlerKeyboardModifiers ( MouseHandler  handler,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers 

This method has been deprecated since version 2.5.0

Associates keyboard modifiers to MouseHandler handler.

The modifiers parameter is Qt::AltModifier, Qt::ShiftModifier, Qt::ControlModifier, Qt::MetaModifier or a combination of these using the '|' bitwise operator.

All the handler's associated bindings will then need the specified modifiers key(s) to be activated.

With this code,

you will have to press the Alt key while pressing mouse buttons in order to move the camera(), while no key will be needed to move the manipulatedFrame().

This method has a very basic implementation: every action binded to handler has its keyboard modifier replaced by modifiers. If handler had some actions binded to different modifiers, these settings will be lost. You should hence consider using setMouseBinding() for finer tuning.

The default binding associates Qt::ControlModifier to all the QGLViewer::FRAME actions and Qt::NoModifier to all QGLViewer::CAMERA actions. See mouse page for details.

This method calls setMouseBinding(), which ensures that only one action is binded to a given modifiers. If you want to swap the QGLViewer::CAMERA and QGLViewer::FRAME keyboard modifiers, you have to use a temporary dummy modifier (as if you were swapping two variables) or else the first call will overwrite the previous settings:
// Associate FRAME with Alt (temporary value)
// Control is associated with CAMERA
// And finally, FRAME can be associated with NoModifier

Definition at line 2445 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setHandlerStateKey

void QGLViewer::setHandlerStateKey ( MouseHandler  handler,
unsigned int  buttonState 

Definition at line 2496 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setKeyboardAccelerator

void QGLViewer::setKeyboardAccelerator ( KeyboardAction  action,
unsigned int  key 

Definition at line 2256 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setKeyDescription

void QGLViewer::setKeyDescription ( unsigned int  key,
QString  description 

Defines a custom keyboard shortcut description, that will be displayed in the help() window Keyboard tab.

The key definition is given as an int using Qt enumerated values. Set an empty description to remove a shortcut description:

setKeyDescription(Qt::Key_W, "Toggles wireframe display");
setKeyDescription(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_L, "Loads a new scene");
// Removes a description
setKeyDescription(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_C, "");

See the keyboardAndMouse example for illustration and the keyboard page for details.

Definition at line 1823 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setKeyFrameKey

void QGLViewer::setKeyFrameKey ( unsigned int  index,
int  key 

Definition at line 2390 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setManipulatedFrame

void QGLViewer::setManipulatedFrame ( qglviewer::ManipulatedFrame frame)

Sets the viewer's manipulatedFrame().

Several objects can be manipulated simultaneously, as is done the multiSelect example.

Defining the own viewer's camera()->frame() as the manipulatedFrame() is possible and will result in a classical camera manipulation. See the luxo example for an illustration.

Note that a qglviewer::ManipulatedCameraFrame can be set as the manipulatedFrame(): it is possible to manipulate the camera of a first viewer in a second viewer.

Definition at line 3057 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setMouseBinding [1/6]

void QGLViewer::setMouseBinding ( unsigned int  state,
MouseHandler  handler,
MouseAction  action,
bool  withConstraint = true 

This method is deprecated since version 2.5.0

Use setMouseBinding(Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::MouseButtons, MouseHandler, MouseAction, bool) instead.

Definition at line 2512 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setMouseBinding [2/6]

void QGLViewer::setMouseBinding ( unsigned int  state,
ClickAction  action,
bool  doubleClick = false,
Qt::MouseButtons  buttonsBefore = Qt::NoButton 

This method is deprecated since version 2.5.0

Use setMouseBinding(Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::MouseButtons, MouseHandler, MouseAction, bool) instead.

Definition at line 2597 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setMouseBinding [3/6]

void QGLViewer::setMouseBinding ( Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers,
Qt::MouseButton  button,
MouseHandler  handler,
MouseAction  action,
bool  withConstraint = true 

Defines a MouseAction binding.

Same as calling setMouseBinding(Qt::Key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::MouseButton, MouseHandler, MouseAction, bool), with a key value of Qt::Key(0) (i.e. no regular extra key needs to be pressed to perform this action).

Definition at line 2527 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setMouseBinding [4/6]

void QGLViewer::setMouseBinding ( Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers,
Qt::MouseButton  button,
ClickAction  action,
bool  doubleClick = false,
Qt::MouseButtons  buttonsBefore = Qt::NoButton 

Defines a ClickAction binding.

Same as calling setMouseBinding(Qt::Key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::MouseButton, ClickAction, bool, Qt::MouseButtons), with a key value of Qt::Key(0) (i.e. no regular key needs to be pressed to activate this action).

Definition at line 2611 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setMouseBinding [5/6]

void QGLViewer::setMouseBinding ( Qt::Key  key,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers,
Qt::MouseButton  button,
MouseHandler  handler,
MouseAction  action,
bool  withConstraint = true 

Associates a MouseAction to any mouse button, while keyboard modifiers and key are pressed. The receiver of the mouse events is a MouseHandler (QGLViewer::CAMERA or QGLViewer::FRAME).

The parameters should read: when the mouse button is pressed, while the keyboard modifiers and key are down, activate action on handler. Use Qt::NoModifier to indicate that no modifier key is needed, and a key value of 0 if no regular key has to be pressed (or simply use setMouseBinding(Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::MouseButton, MouseHandler, MouseAction, bool)).

Use the '|' operator to combine modifiers:

// The R key combined with the Left mouse button rotates the camera in the screen plane.
setMouseBinding(Qt::Key_R, Qt::NoModifier, Qt::LeftButton, CAMERA, SCREEN_ROTATE);
// Alt + Shift and Left button rotates the manipulatedFrame().
setMouseBinding(Qt::AltModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier, Qt::LeftButton, FRAME, ROTATE);

If withConstraint is true (default), the possible qglviewer::Frame::constraint() of the associated Frame will be enforced during motion.

The list of all possible MouseAction, some binding examples and default bindings are provided in the mouse page.

See the keyboardAndMouse example for an illustration.

If no mouse button is specified, the binding is ignored. If an action was previously associated with this keyboard and button combination, it is silently overwritten (call mouseAction() before to check).

To remove a specific mouse binding, use NO_MOUSE_ACTION as the action.

See also setMouseBinding(Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::MouseButtons, ClickAction, bool, int), setWheelBinding() and clearMouseBindings().

Definition at line 2563 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setMouseBinding [6/6]

void QGLViewer::setMouseBinding ( Qt::Key  key,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers,
Qt::MouseButton  button,
ClickAction  action,
bool  doubleClick = false,
Qt::MouseButtons  buttonsBefore = Qt::NoButton 

Associates a ClickAction to a button and keyboard key and modifier(s) combination.

The parameters should read: when button is pressed, while the modifiers and key keys are down, and possibly as a doubleClick, then perform action. Use Qt::NoModifier to indicate that no modifier key is needed, and a key value of 0 if no regular key has to be pressed (or simply use setMouseBinding(Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::MouseButton, ClickAction, bool, Qt::MouseButtons)).

If buttonsBefore is specified (valid only when doubleClick is true), then this (or these) other mouse button(s) has (have) to be pressed before the double click occurs in order to execute action.

The list of all possible ClickAction, some binding examples and default bindings are listed in the mouse page. See also the setMouseBinding() documentation.

See the keyboardAndMouse example for an illustration.

The binding is ignored if Qt::NoButton is specified as buttons.

See also setMouseBinding(Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::MouseButtons, MouseHandler, MouseAction, bool), setWheelBinding() and clearMouseBindings().

Definition at line 2636 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setMouseBindingDescription [1/3]

void QGLViewer::setMouseBindingDescription ( unsigned int  state,
QString  description,
bool  doubleClick = false,
Qt::MouseButtons  buttonsBefore = Qt::NoButton 

This method is deprecated since version 2.5.0

Use setMouseBindingDescription(Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::MouseButtons, QString, bool, Qt::MouseButtons) instead.

Definition at line 1633 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setMouseBindingDescription [2/3]

void QGLViewer::setMouseBindingDescription ( Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers,
Qt::MouseButton  button,
QString  description,
bool  doubleClick = false,
Qt::MouseButtons  buttonsBefore = Qt::NoButton 

Defines a custom mouse binding description, displayed in the help() window's Mouse tab.

Same as calling setMouseBindingDescription(Qt::Key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::MouseButton, QString, bool, Qt::MouseButtons), with a key value of Qt::Key(0) (i.e. binding description when no regular key needs to be pressed).

Definition at line 1647 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setMouseBindingDescription [3/3]

void QGLViewer::setMouseBindingDescription ( Qt::Key  key,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers,
Qt::MouseButton  button,
QString  description,
bool  doubleClick = false,
Qt::MouseButtons  buttonsBefore = Qt::NoButton 

Defines a custom mouse binding description, displayed in the help() window's Mouse tab.

modifiers is a combination of Qt::KeyboardModifiers (Qt::ControlModifier, Qt::AltModifier, Qt::ShiftModifier, Qt::MetaModifier). Possibly combined using the "|" operator.

button is one of the Qt::MouseButtons (Qt::LeftButton, Qt::MidButton, Qt::RightButton...).

doubleClick indicates whether or not the user has to double click this button to perform the described action. buttonsBefore lists the buttons that need to be pressed before the double click.

Set an empty description to remove a mouse binding description.

// The R key combined with the Left mouse button rotates the camera in the screen plane.
setMouseBindingDescription(Qt::Key_R, Qt::NoModifier, Qt::LeftButton, "Rotates camera in screen plane");
// A left button double click toggles full screen
setMouseBindingDescription(Qt::NoModifier, Qt::LeftButton, "Toggles full screen mode", true);
// Removes the description of Ctrl+Right button
setMouseBindingDescription(Qt::ControlModifier, Qt::RightButton, "");

Overload mouseMoveEvent() and friends to implement your custom mouse behavior (see the mouseMoveEvent() documentation for an example). See the keyboardAndMouse example for an illustration.

Use setMouseBinding() and setWheelBinding() to change the standard mouse action bindings.

Definition at line 1681 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setMouseGrabber

void QGLViewer::setMouseGrabber ( qglviewer::MouseGrabber mouseGrabber)

Directly defines the mouseGrabber().

You should not call this method directly as it bypasses the qglviewer::MouseGrabber::checkIfGrabsMouse() test performed by mouseMoveEvent().

If the MouseGrabber is disabled (see mouseGrabberIsEnabled()), this method silently does nothing.

Definition at line 1530 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setMouseGrabberIsEnabled()

void QGLViewer::setMouseGrabberIsEnabled ( const qglviewer::MouseGrabber *const  mouseGrabber,
bool  enabled = true 

Sets the mouseGrabberIsEnabled() state.

Definition at line 1544 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setMouseStateKey

void QGLViewer::setMouseStateKey ( MouseHandler  handler,
unsigned int  buttonState 

Definition at line 2502 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setPathKey

void QGLViewer::setPathKey ( int  key,
unsigned int  index = 0 

Sets the pathKey() associated with the camera Key Frame path index.

Several keys can be binded to the same index. Use a negated key value to delete the binding (the index value is then ignored):

// Press 'space' to play/pause/add/delete camera path of index 0.
setPathKey(Qt::Key_Space, 0);
// Remove this binding

Definition at line 2305 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setPlayKeyFramePathStateKey

void QGLViewer::setPlayKeyFramePathStateKey ( unsigned int  buttonState)

Definition at line 2396 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setPlayPathKeyboardModifiers

void QGLViewer::setPlayPathKeyboardModifiers ( Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers)

Sets the playPathKeyboardModifiers() value.

Definition at line 2315 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setPlayPathStateKey

void QGLViewer::setPlayPathStateKey ( unsigned int  buttonState)

Definition at line 2372 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setSceneBoundingBox

void QGLViewer::setSceneBoundingBox ( const qglviewer::Vec min,
const qglviewer::Vec max 

Convenient way to call setSceneCenter() and setSceneRadius() from a (world axis aligned) bounding box of the scene.

This is equivalent to:
setSceneCenter((min+max) / 2.0);
setSceneRadius((max-min).norm() / 2.0);

Definition at line 237 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setSceneCenter

virtual void QGLViewer::setSceneCenter ( const qglviewer::Vec center)

Sets the sceneCenter(), defined in world coordinates.

\attention The qglviewer::Camera::pivotPoint() is set to the sceneCenter() value by this

Definition at line 228 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setSceneRadius

virtual void QGLViewer::setSceneRadius ( qreal  radius)

Sets the sceneRadius().

The camera() qglviewer::Camera::flySpeed() is set to 1% of this value by this method. Simple
wrapper around camera()->setSceneRadius().  

Definition at line 222 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setSelectBufferSize

void QGLViewer::setSelectBufferSize ( int  size)

Sets the selectBufferSize().

The previous selectBuffer() is deleted and a new one is created.

Definition at line 1104 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setSelectedName

void QGLViewer::setSelectedName ( int  id)

Set the selectedName() value.

Used in endSelection() during a selection. You should only call this method if you overload the
endSelection() method.  

Definition at line 859 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setSelectRegionHeight

void QGLViewer::setSelectRegionHeight ( int  height)

Sets the selectRegionHeight().

Definition at line 854 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setSelectRegionWidth

void QGLViewer::setSelectRegionWidth ( int  width)

Sets the selectRegionWidth().

Definition at line 852 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setShortcut

void QGLViewer::setShortcut ( KeyboardAction  action,
unsigned int  key 

Defines the shortcut() that triggers a given QGLViewer::KeyboardAction.

Here are some examples:

// Press 'Q' to exit application
// Alt+M toggles camera mode
setShortcut(CAMERA_MODE, Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_M);
// The DISPLAY_FPS action is disabled

Only one shortcut can be assigned to a given QGLViewer::KeyboardAction (new bindings replace previous ones). If several KeyboardAction are binded to the same shortcut, only one of them is active.

Definition at line 2227 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setSnapshotCounter

void QGLViewer::setSnapshotCounter ( int  counter)

Sets the snapshotCounter().

Definition at line 516 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setSnapshotFileName

void QGLViewer::setSnapshotFileName ( const QString &  name)

Sets snapshotFileName().

Definition at line 58 of file saveSnapshot.cpp.

◆ setSnapshotFormat

void QGLViewer::setSnapshotFormat ( const QString &  format)

Sets the snapshotFormat().

Definition at line 514 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setSnapshotQuality

void QGLViewer::setSnapshotQuality ( int  quality)

Sets the snapshotQuality().

Definition at line 518 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setStateFileName

void QGLViewer::setStateFileName ( const QString &  name)

Defines the stateFileName() used by saveStateToFile() and restoreStateFromFile().

The file name can have an optional prefix directory (no prefix meaning current directory). If the
directory does not exist, it will be created by saveStateToFile().
// Name depends on the displayed 3D model. Saved in current directory.
setStateFileName(3DModelName() + ".xml");
// Files are stored in a dedicated directory under user's home directory.
setStateFileName(QDir::homeDirPath + "/.config/myApp.xml");

Definition at line 1059 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setStereoDisplay

void QGLViewer::setStereoDisplay ( bool  stereo = true)

Sets the state of displaysInStereo(). See also toggleStereoDisplay().

First checks that the display is able to handle stereovision using QGLWidget::format(). Opens a warning message box in case of failure. Emits the stereoChanged() signal otherwise.

Definition at line 1475 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setTextIsEnabled

void QGLViewer::setTextIsEnabled ( bool  enable = true)

Sets the state of textIsEnabled(). Emits the textIsEnabledChanged() signal. See also toggleTextIsEnabled().

Definition at line 134 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ setVisualHintsMask()

void QGLViewer::setVisualHintsMask ( int  mask,
int  delay = 2000 

Defines the mask that will be used to drawVisualHints(). The only available mask is currently 1, corresponding to the display of the qglviewer::Camera::pivotPoint(). resetVisualHints() is automatically called after delay milliseconds (default is 2 seconds).

Definition at line 3181 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setWheelBinding [1/2]

void QGLViewer::setWheelBinding ( Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers,
MouseHandler  handler,
MouseAction  action,
bool  withConstraint = true 

Defines a mouse wheel binding.

Same as calling setWheelBinding(Qt::Key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers, MouseHandler, MouseAction, bool), with a key value of Qt::Key(0) (i.e. no regular key needs to be pressed to activate this action).

Definition at line 2666 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ setWheelBinding [2/2]

void QGLViewer::setWheelBinding ( Qt::Key  key,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers,
MouseHandler  handler,
MouseAction  action,
bool  withConstraint = true 

Associates a MouseAction and a MouseHandler to a mouse wheel event.

This method is very similar to setMouseBinding(), but specific to the wheel.

In the current implementation only QGLViewer::ZOOM can be associated with QGLViewer::FRAME, while QGLViewer::CAMERA can receive QGLViewer::ZOOM and QGLViewer::MOVE_FORWARD.

The difference between QGLViewer::ZOOM and QGLViewer::MOVE_FORWARD is that QGLViewer::ZOOM speed depends on the distance to the object, while QGLViewer::MOVE_FORWARD moves at a constant speed defined by qglviewer::Camera::flySpeed().

Definition at line 2680 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ shortcut()

unsigned int QGLViewer::shortcut ( KeyboardAction  action) const

Returns the keyboard shortcut associated to a given QGLViewer::KeyboardAction.

Result is an unsigned int defined using Qt enumerated values, as in Qt::Key_Q or Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_X. Use Qt::MODIFIER_MASK to separate the key from the state keys. Returns 0 if the KeyboardAction is disabled (not binded). Set using setShortcut().

If you want to define keyboard shortcuts for custom actions (say, open a scene file), overload keyPressEvent() and then setKeyDescription().

These shortcuts and their descriptions are automatically included in the help() window Keyboard tab.

See the keyboard page for details and default values and the keyboardAndMouse example for a practical illustration.

Definition at line 2247 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ shortcutBindingsString()

virtual QString QGLViewer::shortcutBindingsString ( ) const

This method is deprecated, use keyboardString() instead.

Definition at line 722 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ showEntireScene

void QGLViewer::showEntireScene ( )

Moves the camera so that the entire scene is visible.

Simple wrapper around qglviewer::Camera::showEntireScene().  

Definition at line 242 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ sizeHint()

virtual QSize QGLViewer::sizeHint ( ) const

Returns the recommended size for the QGLViewer. Default value is 600x400 pixels.

Definition at line 351 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ snapshotCounter()

int QGLViewer::snapshotCounter ( ) const

Returns the value of the counter used to name snapshots in saveSnapshot() when automatic is true.

Set using setSnapshotCounter(). Default value is 0, and it is incremented after each automatic snapshot. See saveSnapshot() for details.

Definition at line 493 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ snapshotFileName()

const QString& QGLViewer::snapshotFileName ( ) const

Returns the snapshot file name used by saveSnapshot().

This value is used in automatic mode (see saveSnapshot()). A dialog is otherwise popped-up to set it.

You can also directly provide a file name using saveSnapshot(const QString&, bool).

If the file name is relative, the current working directory at the moment of the method call is used. Set using setSnapshotFileName().

Definition at line 455 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ snapshotFilename()

const QString & QGLViewer::snapshotFilename ( ) const

Definition at line 64 of file saveSnapshot.cpp.

◆ snapshotFormat()

const QString& QGLViewer::snapshotFormat ( ) const

Returns the snapshot file format used by saveSnapshot().

This value is used when saveSnapshot() is passed the automatic flag. It is defined using a saveAs pop-up dialog otherwise.

The available formats are those handled by Qt. Classical values are "JPEG", "PNG", "PPM", "BMP". Use the following code to get the actual list:

QList<QByteArray> formatList = QImageReader::supportedImageFormats();
// or with Qt version 2 or 3:
QStringList formatList = QImage::outputFormatList();

If the library was compiled with the vectorial rendering option (default), three additional vectorial formats are available: "EPS", "PS" and "XFIG". "SVG" and "PDF" formats should soon be available. The VRender library was created by Cyril Soler.

Note that the VRender library has some limitations: vertex shader effects are not reproduced and PASS_THROUGH tokens are not handled so one can not change point and line size in the middle of a drawing.

Default value is the first supported among "JPEG, PNG, EPS, PS, PPM, BMP", in that order.

This value is set using setSnapshotFormat() or with openSnapshotFormatDialog().

No verification is performed on the provided format validity. The next call to saveSnapshot() may fail if the format string is not supported.

Definition at line 487 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ snapshotQuality()

int QGLViewer::snapshotQuality ( )

Defines the image quality of the snapshots produced with saveSnapshot().

Values must be in the range -1..100. Use 0 for lowest quality and 100 for highest quality (and larger files). -1 means use Qt default quality. Default value is 95.

Set using setSnapshotQuality(). See also the QImage::save() documentation.

This value has no impact on the images produced in vectorial format.

Definition at line 502 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ snapshotToClipboard

void QGLViewer::snapshotToClipboard ( )

Takes a snapshot of the current display and pastes it to the clipboard.

This action is activated by the KeyboardAction::SNAPSHOT_TO_CLIPBOARD enum, binded to Ctrl+C by default.

Definition at line 633 of file saveSnapshot.cpp.

◆ startAnimation

void QGLViewer::startAnimation ( )

Starts the animation loop. See animationIsStarted().

Definition at line 874 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ startScreenCoordinatesSystem()

void QGLViewer::startScreenCoordinatesSystem ( bool  upward = false) const

Modify the projection matrix so that drawing can be done directly with 2D screen coordinates.

Once called, the x and y coordinates passed to glVertex are expressed in pixels screen coordinates. The origin (0,0) is in the upper left corner of the widget by default. This follows the Qt standards, so that you can directly use the pos() provided by for instance QMouseEvent. Set upward to true to place the origin in the lower left corner, thus following the OpenGL and mathematical standards. It is always possible to switch between the two representations using newY = height() - y.

You need to call stopScreenCoordinatesSystem() at the end of the drawing block to restore the previous camera matrix.

In practice, this method should be used in draw(). It sets an appropriate orthographic projection matrix and then sets glMatrixMode to GL_MODELVIEW.

See the screenCoordSystem, multiSelect and backgroundImage examples for an illustration.

You may want to disable GL_LIGHTING, to enable GL_LINE_SMOOTH or GL_BLEND to draw when this method is used.

If you want to link 2D drawings to 3D objects, use qglviewer::Camera::projectedCoordinatesOf() to compute the 2D projection on screen of a 3D point (see the screenCoordSystem example). See also drawText().

In this mode, you should use z values that are in the [0.0, 1.0[ range (0.0 corresponding to the near clipping plane and 1.0 being just beyond the far clipping plane). This interval matches the values that can be read from the z-buffer. Note that if you use the convenient glVertex2i() to provide coordinates, the implicit 0.0 z coordinate will make your drawings appear on top of the rest of the scene.

Definition at line 827 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ stateFileName()

QString QGLViewer::stateFileName ( ) const

Returns the state file name. Default value is .qglviewer.xml.

This is the name of the XML file where saveStateToFile() saves the viewer state (camera state, widget geometry, display flags... see domElement()) on exit. Use restoreStateFromFile() to restore this state later (usually in your init() method).

Setting this value to QString::null will disable the automatic state file saving that normally occurs on exit.

If more than one viewer are created by the application, this function will return a numbered file name (as in ".qglviewer1.xml", ".qglviewer2.xml"... using QGLViewer::QGLViewerIndex()) for extra viewers. Each viewer will then read back its own information in restoreStateFromFile(), provided that the viewers are created in the same order, which is usually the case.

Definition at line 3376 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ stereoChanged

void QGLViewer::stereoChanged ( bool  on)

This signal is emitted whenever displaysInStereo() changes value.

◆ stopAnimation

void QGLViewer::stopAnimation ( )

Stops animation. See animationIsStarted().

Definition at line 881 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ stopScreenCoordinatesSystem()

void QGLViewer::stopScreenCoordinatesSystem ( ) const

Stops the pixel coordinate drawing block started by startScreenCoordinatesSystem().

The GL_MODELVIEW and GL_PROJECTION matrices modified in startScreenCoordinatesSystem() are restored. glMatrixMode is set to GL_MODELVIEW.

Definition at line 852 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ textIsEnabled()

bool QGLViewer::textIsEnabled ( ) const

Returns true if text display (see drawText()) is enabled.

Set by setTextIsEnabled() or toggleTextIsEnabled(). This feature conveniently removes all the possibly displayed text, cleaning display. Default value is true.

Definition at line 113 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ textIsEnabledChanged

void QGLViewer::textIsEnabledChanged ( bool  enabled)

This signal is emitted whenever textIsEnabled() changes value.

◆ timerEvent()

void QGLViewer::timerEvent ( QTimerEvent *  )

Overloading of the QObject method.

If animationIsStarted(), calls animate() and draw().

Definition at line 864 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ toggleAnimation

void QGLViewer::toggleAnimation ( )

Calls startAnimation() or stopAnimation(), depending on animationIsStarted().

Definition at line 632 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ toggleAxisIsDrawn

void QGLViewer::toggleAxisIsDrawn ( )

Toggles the state of axisIsDrawn(). See also setAxisIsDrawn().

Definition at line 138 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ toggleCameraIsEdited

void QGLViewer::toggleCameraIsEdited ( )

Toggles the state of cameraIsEdited(). See also setCameraIsEdited().

Definition at line 146 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ toggleCameraMode

void QGLViewer::toggleCameraMode ( )

Swaps between two predefined camera mouse bindings.

The first mode makes the camera observe the scene while revolving around the qglviewer::Camera::pivotPoint(). The second mode is designed for walkthrough applications and simulates a flying camera.

Practically, the three mouse buttons are respectively binded to:

The current mode is determined by checking if a mouse button is binded to QGLViewer::ROTATE for the QGLViewer::CAMERA. The state key that was previously used to move the camera is preserved.

Definition at line 2995 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ toggleFPSIsDisplayed

void QGLViewer::toggleFPSIsDisplayed ( )

Toggles the state of FPSIsDisplayed(). See also setFPSIsDisplayed().

Definition at line 142 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ toggleFullScreen

void QGLViewer::toggleFullScreen ( )

Toggles the state of isFullScreen(). See also setFullScreen().

Definition at line 357 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ toggleGridIsDrawn

void QGLViewer::toggleGridIsDrawn ( )

Toggles the state of gridIsDrawn(). See also setGridIsDrawn().

Definition at line 140 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ toggleStereoDisplay

void QGLViewer::toggleStereoDisplay ( )

Toggles the state of displaysInStereo(). See setStereoDisplay().

Definition at line 359 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ toggleTextIsEnabled

void QGLViewer::toggleTextIsEnabled ( )

Toggles the state of textIsEnabled(). See also setTextIsEnabled().

Definition at line 144 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ viewerInitialized

void QGLViewer::viewerInitialized ( )

Signal emitted by the default init() method.

Connect this signal to the methods that need to be called to initialize your viewer or overload init().

◆ wheelAction() [1/2]

QGLViewer::MouseAction QGLViewer::wheelAction ( Qt::Key  key,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers 
) const

Returns the MouseAction (if any) that is performed when using the wheel, when the modifiers and key keyboard keys are pressed.

Returns NO_MOUSE_ACTION if no such binding has been defined using setWheelBinding().

Same as mouseAction(), but for the wheel action. See also wheelHandler().

Definition at line 2853 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ wheelAction [2/2]

QGLViewer::MouseAction QGLViewer::wheelAction ( Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers) const

This method is deprecated since version 2.5.0

Use wheelAction(Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) instead.  

Definition at line 2891 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ wheelButtonState()

unsigned int QGLViewer::wheelButtonState ( MouseHandler  handler,
MouseAction  action,
bool  withConstraint = true 
) const

This method is deprecated since version 2.5.0

Use wheelAction() and wheelHandler() instead.

Definition at line 2907 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ wheelEvent()

void QGLViewer::wheelEvent ( QWheelEvent *  e)

Overloading of the QWidget method.

If defined, the wheel event is sent to the mouseGrabber(). It is otherwise sent according to wheel bindings (see setWheelBinding()).

Definition at line 1392 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ wheelHandler() [1/2]

int QGLViewer::wheelHandler ( Qt::Key  key,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers 
) const

Returns the MouseHandler (if any) that receives wheel events when the modifiers and key keyboard keys are pressed.

Returns -1 if no no such binding has been defined using setWheelBinding(). See also wheelAction().

Definition at line 2866 of file qglviewer.cpp.

◆ wheelHandler [2/2]

int QGLViewer::wheelHandler ( Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers) const

This method is deprecated since version 2.5.0

Use wheelHandler(Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) instead.  

Definition at line 2899 of file qglviewer.cpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ drawVectorial

void drawVectorial ( void *  param)

Definition at line 188 of file saveSnapshot.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ addKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers_

Qt::KeyboardModifiers QGLViewer::addKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers_

Definition at line 1189 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ animationPeriod_

int QGLViewer::animationPeriod_

Definition at line 1147 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ animationStarted_

bool QGLViewer::animationStarted_

Definition at line 1146 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ animationTimerId_

int QGLViewer::animationTimerId_

Definition at line 1148 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ axisIsDrawn_

bool QGLViewer::axisIsDrawn_

Definition at line 1137 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ backgroundColor_

QColor QGLViewer::backgroundColor_

Definition at line 1134 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ bufferTextureHeight_

int QGLViewer::bufferTextureHeight_

Definition at line 1194 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ bufferTextureId_

GLuint QGLViewer::bufferTextureId_

Definition at line 1192 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ bufferTextureMaxU_

qreal QGLViewer::bufferTextureMaxU_

Definition at line 1193 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ bufferTextureMaxV_

qreal QGLViewer::bufferTextureMaxV_

Definition at line 1193 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ bufferTextureWidth_

int QGLViewer::bufferTextureWidth_

Definition at line 1194 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ camera_

qglviewer::Camera* QGLViewer::camera_

Definition at line 1127 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ cameraIsEdited_

bool QGLViewer::cameraIsEdited_

Definition at line 1128 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ clickBinding_

QMap<ClickBindingPrivate, ClickAction> QGLViewer::clickBinding_

Definition at line 1278 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ currentlyPressedKey_

Qt::Key QGLViewer::currentlyPressedKey_

Definition at line 1279 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ disabledMouseGrabbers_

QMap<size_t, bool> QGLViewer::disabledMouseGrabbers_

Definition at line 1169 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ displayMessage_

bool QGLViewer::displayMessage_

Definition at line 1158 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ f_p_s_

qreal QGLViewer::f_p_s_

Definition at line 1154 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ foregroundColor_

QColor QGLViewer::foregroundColor_

Definition at line 1134 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ fpsCounter_

unsigned int QGLViewer::fpsCounter_

Definition at line 1152 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ FPSIsDisplayed_

bool QGLViewer::FPSIsDisplayed_

Definition at line 1139 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ fpsString_

QString QGLViewer::fpsString_

Definition at line 1153 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ fpsTime_

QTime QGLViewer::fpsTime_

Definition at line 1151 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ fullScreen_

bool QGLViewer::fullScreen_

Definition at line 1142 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ gridIsDrawn_

bool QGLViewer::gridIsDrawn_

Definition at line 1138 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ helpWidget_

QTabWidget* QGLViewer::helpWidget_

Definition at line 1295 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ keyboardActionDescription_

QMap<KeyboardAction, QString> QGLViewer::keyboardActionDescription_

Definition at line 1183 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ keyboardBinding_

QMap<KeyboardAction, unsigned int> QGLViewer::keyboardBinding_

Definition at line 1184 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ keyDescription_

QMap<unsigned int, QString> QGLViewer::keyDescription_

Definition at line 1185 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ manipulatedFrame_

qglviewer::ManipulatedFrame* QGLViewer::manipulatedFrame_

Definition at line 1162 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ manipulatedFrameIsACamera_

bool QGLViewer::manipulatedFrameIsACamera_

Definition at line 1163 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ message_

QString QGLViewer::message_

Definition at line 1157 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ messageTimer_

QTimer QGLViewer::messageTimer_

Definition at line 1159 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ mouseBinding_

QMap<MouseBindingPrivate, MouseActionPrivate> QGLViewer::mouseBinding_

Definition at line 1276 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ mouseDescription_

QMap<ClickBindingPrivate, QString> QGLViewer::mouseDescription_

Definition at line 1272 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ mouseGrabber_

qglviewer::MouseGrabber* QGLViewer::mouseGrabber_

Definition at line 1166 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ mouseGrabberIsAManipulatedCameraFrame_

bool QGLViewer::mouseGrabberIsAManipulatedCameraFrame_

Definition at line 1168 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ mouseGrabberIsAManipulatedFrame_

bool QGLViewer::mouseGrabberIsAManipulatedFrame_

Definition at line 1167 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ pathIndex_

QMap<Qt::Key, unsigned int> QGLViewer::pathIndex_

Definition at line 1188 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ playPathKeyboardModifiers_

Qt::KeyboardModifiers QGLViewer::playPathKeyboardModifiers_

Definition at line 1189 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ previousBufferTextureFormat_

unsigned int QGLViewer::previousBufferTextureFormat_

Definition at line 1195 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ previousBufferTextureInternalFormat_

int QGLViewer::previousBufferTextureInternalFormat_

Definition at line 1196 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ previousCameraZClippingCoefficient_

qreal QGLViewer::previousCameraZClippingCoefficient_

Definition at line 1129 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ previousPathId_

unsigned int QGLViewer::previousPathId_

Definition at line 1130 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ prevPos_

QPoint QGLViewer::prevPos_

Definition at line 1143 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ QGLViewerPool_

QList< QGLViewer * > QGLViewer::QGLViewerPool_

Definition at line 1289 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ selectBuffer_

GLuint* QGLViewer::selectBuffer_

Definition at line 1174 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ selectBufferSize_

int QGLViewer::selectBufferSize_

Definition at line 1173 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ selectedObjectId_

int QGLViewer::selectedObjectId_

Definition at line 1175 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ selectRegionHeight_

int QGLViewer::selectRegionHeight_

Definition at line 1172 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ selectRegionWidth_

int QGLViewer::selectRegionWidth_

Definition at line 1172 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ snapshotCounter_

int QGLViewer::snapshotCounter_

Definition at line 1285 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ snapshotFileName_

QString QGLViewer::snapshotFileName_

Definition at line 1284 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ snapshotFormat_

QString QGLViewer::snapshotFormat_

Definition at line 1284 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ snapshotQuality_

int QGLViewer::snapshotQuality_

Definition at line 1285 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ stateFileName_

QString QGLViewer::stateFileName_

Definition at line 1292 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ stereo_

bool QGLViewer::stereo_

Definition at line 1141 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ textIsEnabled_

bool QGLViewer::textIsEnabled_

Definition at line 1140 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ tileRegion_

TileRegion* QGLViewer::tileRegion_

Definition at line 1286 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ visualHint_

int QGLViewer::visualHint_

Definition at line 1178 of file qglviewer.h.

◆ wheelBinding_

QMap<WheelBindingPrivate, MouseActionPrivate> QGLViewer::wheelBinding_

Definition at line 1277 of file qglviewer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Kai M. Wurm , Armin Hornung
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 22:58:17