7 namespace errorminimizers
12 py::class_<PointToPlaneErrorMinimizer, std::shared_ptr<PointToPlaneErrorMinimizer>,
13 .def(py::init<const Parameters&>(), py::arg(
"params") =
14 .def(py::init<const ParametersDoc, const Parameters&>(), py::arg(
"paramsDoc"), py::arg(
"params") =
::PointToPlaneErrorMinimizer< T > PointToPlaneErrorMinimizer
static const std::string description()
TransformationParameters compute_in_place(ErrorElements &mPts)
An error minimizer will compute a transformation matrix such as to minimize the error between the rea...
virtual T getOverlap() const
If not redefined by child class, return the ratio of how many points were used (with weight) for erro...
virtual TransformationParameters compute(const ErrorElements &mPts)
Find the transformation that minimizes the error given matched pair of points. This function most be ...
PM::Parameters Parameters
void pybindPointToPlane(py::module &p_module)
virtual const std::string name()
virtual T getResidualError(const DataPoints &filteredReading, const DataPoints &filteredReference, const OutlierWeights &outlierWeights, const Matches &matches) const
If not redefined by child class, return max value for T.
static const ParametersDoc availableParameters()
static T computeResidualError(ErrorElements mPts, const bool &force2D)